The Clinton News Record, 1930-03-20, Page 5THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1930
The members of the -Young Peo-
pies' Societyof Knox United church
spent a pleasant evening en Friday
last as guests of 1V1r. and Mss. John
Harvey at their comfortable and hos-
pitable home.
•'Rev. Dr. Mortimer of the United
church, Auburn, gave an address be-
fore the members and friends of the
Y.P.S. of Burns 'United church on
Monday evening. The address, which
was on Wiest China, where the speak-
er spent twenty-eight years, was
illustrated by lantern views, and was
much appreciated by .all who heard
it. ; i
On Thursday, March 0th, at her
home, Pilot Mound, Manitoba, the
death occurred of Mrs. W; H. SmalI-
acombe, after a brief illness, pneu-
monia and heart trouble being the
direct cause. She was in her 50th
year. Mars. Smallacombe, whose
maiden name was Lydia Shobbrook,
was born at Londesboro, on April
15, 1880, and was married in 1902
to Mr. WI. H. Smallacombe and went
west to reside on the farm in PUT
yes district. After many years of
successful farming, the couple last
fall moved into 'pilot Meowed, where
they have since resided. Some few
weeks ago Mrs. Smallacombe was
stricken with a severe cold from
which pneumonia developed which
with heart weakness caused her sud-
den death. Much sympathy is felt
for the stricken husband in his loss.
Besides her husband, deceased is
snrvived by her father, Mr. James
Shnbbrook, her mother having pre-
deceased her, also two sisters, Mrs.
rhas. Crawford and Mrs. Chas.
Manning. Two brothers, John and
Hewerd Shabhrook of the 13th can
cession of ITullett township and three
sisters, Mrs. Herman Saundercock
and P'rahel Shohb rmk of Lendesbnrn
and ler'. John Bedford of Sanit S+e•
Marie. Ontario, also survive. .A. neph-
ew, Chas. E. Crawford, who resides
on their faint et Purves. Manitoba,
end a niece. Edna Irene Crawford,
living in town also mourn the loss.
Fane^al services were held on Sat-
rrdnv. Mer"h 8th, being largely et-
terded. Interment was made in
Pilot Mound cemetery.
Mass Bessie Crawford spent Sun-
day at the home' of Mr. Herman
Mr. James Elaley, who for the
past week has been visiting his
daughter, elks. Milton Hooper of
near St. Marys, has returned. • •
Mrs. Firm. Lyon entertained the
young ladies of her Sunday selmol
n1nss last Friday. They also quilted
the'r class quilt.
The box social put on by the
Friendly Class of the 'United church
will take place this Friday evening
Mr. i1. Snell and Mr. Albert Rad-
ford have tapped a goodly number of
feces and ars busy making maple
Mr. Albert Wbymputh, who for
the past two weeks has been visiting
friends in Terontn. has returned.
The young people of the United
church had a very enioyabie social
evening on Monday night.
Eleley of the 13th concession, has
retrwried',to her home near Blyth..
M. McMaster of Toronto was re-
newing old acquaintances in the
community last vreek.
Mrs. 'Weymouth; of Blyth visited
her sister, Mfrs. Johnston last • week.
Miss Stalker, teacher of S. S. No.
8, spent the week -end at the home
of hew parents, Mr. and Mi+s. Stalker
near Blyth.
Miss J. Lyon is at the home of Mr.
and Mks. A. Reid near Harlock. Wle
are sorry to say Mrs. Reid is in
very poor health.
Mr. and 1Vllrs. Envpy of Glencoe
spent last Friday at the home of
Mr. and Mks. Wm. Brigham.
room and discovers that this airship
hum was caused by no other than Bob
Oldays. Her dream comes true and
the pair are married with all the fin-
ery of a fancy' wedding. Miss Irene
Stall as Anne's 'friend, June, and
Mrs. Steele .and her daughter, taken',
by Jean Glen and Amelia McElwain,
add zest to the play. Mr. Kent acted
as the needy Parson beneath white
wedding bells.
Other talent was •provided between
aets and was as follows, Mfrs, Kent,
two solos and encores; Mr. Kent,
two solos and encores; Miss Amelia
Mklllwain, solo; Miss Eleanor Tyn-
dell, violin solo, and Mr. Melvin Tyn-
dell, solo, the above being accompan-
ied by Mrs. Kent, Miss Isabel Tyn-
dall and Rev. R. B. Cumming. Pro-
ceeds, 839.00.
The young people of Benmiller
Miss Marion Watson has been vis- have decided on a play, "No Account
iting Mfrs. Wine. Watson, 8th cones- David," to be given, it is hoped be-
sion the past week. fore Easter.
'The play "Marrying Anne," was Mr. A. C. Clark has removed his
staged in Smith's Hill church before household effects to Goderich, where
a fine audience on Friday evening. he will reside for the time being.
There were several other attractions ` Miss Christine Robertson is not
elsewhere the sante evening, drawing feeling well and is with her uncle,
their way, making this smaller than Dr. Weir, of Auburn.
it otherwise would have been. 'Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis McBride en -
A. synopsis of the play might be in terteined about forty friends on Wed -
order. The setting takes place in
Grandfather Oldays dining room,
Rev. R. B. Curring taking the part
of Grandfather, who has been an -
pointed guardian of his step grand-
daughter, and of her fortune, with
thetin f a stated allowance
On Wednesday of last week, Mr.
and bi'rs. John Scott entertained a-
bout forty guests at their hone.
Progressive euchre was played, Miss
Mame Sheddiek winning the ladles
prize, mi.. Themes Caldwell being
the winner of the gentlemen's. Mrs.
Scott served a dainty lunch. Every-
one present reports a very enjoyable
i0n Mday a
afternoon fternoon of this
week Mr. Earnest Lee had the mis-
fortune to ,ret his right band badly
cut by a circular saw while helping
to cut wood at John Scott's. Every-
one is very sorry to .learn of the
The Young Peonle's Society of
Knox church will bold their regular
meeting in the church on Friday
evening. Merril 21. This meeting is
in charge of the Christian Endeavour
Mrs. 'James Fainservice, who was
in Toronto,, attending the funeral of
her uncle, Mr. Tyerman, has return-
Mrs. R. Youngblutt is in Goderich
this weelc. She went owing to the
serious illness of her sister, Mrs.
Pine., who is in the Goderieh hospital.
Mr. Fred Johnston is in Clinton.
this week, doing some painting at
the hmne of Mr. 3. Redford.
ltrs. Fie% of roar 'Plyth, who has
been visiting her daughter, Mrs.
excep o 0
till she reaches a marriagable age.
Anne Elizabeth Burns, the title roll,
was played by Miss Winnie Marsh.
Grandfather finds his task no easy
one. She has discovered she should
in a measure please her guardian. •
belt Anne has a mind of her own and
canes not care for the man Grand-
father has chosen, a fine-looking
capable elector, who was Mr. Fordyce
Clark. Anne begins her investiga-
tions about a nieture with its face to
the wail and finds that it is grand-
father's youngest sem Bob. Mrs.
Cli mbh, the housekeeper, taken by
Jean Glen and Annt Rosie. taken by
Vesta Fisher, unfold the plot around
that nictere. The aviator, taken by
Douglas Faegan, after a forced land -
in" finds himself cruse to the home,{ I
and feeling pangs of hunger. dives into
tl,e window to pinch a pie. Anne.
vele is semerahat restless, after r
surprise party to please Grandad,
is in sole possession of the dining -
nesday evening.
Mir. Percy McBride accompanied
Hervey Errington and Mrs. A. Er-
'i"eten and Roby to visit Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne McDonald of Peterboro.
with an ..attendance •of seventeen..
Mrs. Bremner presided over the first'
part of the meeting and transacted
the businese. The treasurer reported
the February offering $12.50 and the
Day of Prayer Service' 45.20. It was
decided that the envelopes for the
Easter' Tlhankoffering, be placed on
the plate at the morning service,
Easter Sunday. 111i,'rs. " Jas. Thom-
son, convenor of group No. 1, then
took the chair and read the devotion-
al leaflet "Miracles Then and Now."
Also a leaflet and a poen, "He is
Counting on You," was read by Mrs.
Thomson and Edith Bowey. The
topic taken from, the 3rd chapter
"Jerusalem to Jerusalene." The win-
ning of Europe was ably taken by
Mrs. Jas. Thomson. which was fol-
lowed by prayer. Mts. Thos. Chap-
man and Miss Jean Murdoch read
leaflets on "The `Gospel in Eastern
Europe. Mrs. T. B. Baird and Mrs.
A. T. Scott, told of "Christian Mis-
sions in Western Europe." The Tem-
perance Secretary, Mrs. C. Haugh,
gave a reading on World Progress
and the Drink Question. Prayer was
offered by Mrs. Jas. McQueen and
the meeting closed with the efizpah
Mr. L. Forrest motored to Peter -
bore with his truck last week and
brought a load of furniture for Mr.
and Mks. Tully to the home of Mr.
Wpll Aikenhead, Mrs. Tully's fath-
er's, where they will reside in the
future. Wie welcome them to our
The members of the 'Woman's As-
sociation completed a beautiful knit-
ted Afghan last week, which was
sent to our own missionary, Miss
Gretta Mustard of Gypsunville,
The many friends of Nin. Roy 'W'al-
ker will be pleased to hear that he
is recovering from his recent ill-
Mrs. J. McDonald and Miss L.
Forrest visited friends in London
this week.
The W. M. S. held their regular
meeting, 'Wednesday, ' March 12th,
Twenty-six members were present
at the monthly meeting of the Tuck-
ersmith Ladies' Club, held at the
home of Mns. Raymond Fear recent-
ly, with the president, Mrs. Frank
Walters, in the chair. After the
opening of singing and reading of
minutes, the roll call was answered
by "My Favorite Hot Supper Dish
Recipe." The program included a
solo by Mrs. John Turner, reading
by Mrs. Frank Walters, current
events, by Margaret Fear, All were
very much enjoyed. The remainder
of the afternoon was spent in sew-
The next meeting will be held at
the home of Mrs. J. E. Ball, the roll -
call to be answered by "My Favorite
Piece of Poetry,
Mother-1"Tommy, wouldn't' you
like to have a pretty cake with five•
candles on it for your party?"
Tommy—"I think I would rather
have five cakes and one candle, moth-
pCG�$'r4 Pa's
i �• l reit
� 9 ,, r
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