HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-03-20, Page 31 LAS
April Foolish — and Wiest
By Tames ledwerd Fluugertord
Sonia folies are Aiiri1 foolish,
And some' 'are April wise,
And some are just plain "mulish"- ...
And "cop" tie• donkey prize!
Some kick the hat with brick in,
. And smash their big 'toes flat,
And others cask the "trick" in
Add, walk off with the that! ,,
gri ���Noa Some get "the laugh" on othere,
And chortle at the "joke,'
And make fun of their brother, --
Who help them Mien they're broke!
Some step around' a Itiii-Boole,
• They don't think holds a yen;
One gralla'Yt with his. "pin•hook'
And finds inside—a ten!
Some think they'll "put it over"
On "soft ones" they can "Carve,"
'And 'attend their days ''la clover's
And let the ,victims starve!
But when at last they waken,
And take stock of their Wares,
They lino they were mistaken—
The "booby prize" is theirs! i,
Some folks ark knit foolish,'
Also May and June;
In other mouths, umnliah—
And imitate the loon!
Some others use their "thinkers,"
.Also their hands and eyes;.
Their brains are clear or clinkers—
And these are April Wise! " ,
It's difficult to relieve the breath of
suspicion of halitosis.
When a follow gets with a girl he
gets away with anything he tries, but
atter she's married he tries everything
he can get away with,
rook Her Food in the
"Health Ware
Doctors recommend Enameled
•Ware for cooking baby's, rood.
It is so simple to clean ... so
easy to keep sanitary anct free
from germs. it cannot stainn.
There is no metal surface ex.
Posed to the food. Nothing to
absorb, moisture, flavors "nor
odors. •
Male Rete yore get McCrary
Enameled Ware . the
Moderne Health Ware". Watch
for the familiar McCrary label.
74 Neolth ,rockier of o
• 41MLTED_
-Brancltes Across Canada
30o to
Empire Trade •
Londou Sunday Express Iud.). )3e.
tween 1913 and 1926 the percentage
of American trade with the tour Do.
minions and with India increased by
,aver 6 per cent. During the same
;period Britain's percentage declined
!by nearly 10 per cent. In these air-
lcunistanees it is hardly astonishing
df American critics express 'surprise,
tempered by apprehension, that we
ahould be so slow in organizing our
'Empire as an economic entity.
"A man's best desires are always
the index and measure of pts poseibtli•
ties; anti the most &Moult duty that
a matt is capable of doing is the duty
that above all he should do."
"Do not think that what is Itard for
thee to master is impossible for lean;
nut if a thing is possible and proper
tor loan, deem it attainable ,by thee,"
—Marcus Aurelius. ,
I'Minartl's Will Kill Corns.
Vickers -131d yo
Du carry a stove ou
your camping holiday?" Wiekers—
"Nhere do you think we cooked, ort
the mountain ranges?"
cop amino.— castor churns
The stceltucd ismede andspeo..
fatly tcinpered in the Simonds
plant andwe con and do gtian
antes every Simonds Saw.
'MC 0140500 095008
• SAW co,tTn,
b inte01 • Toronto
]o ieotNn.
•Ri! MEgD'
ffhouoandst eriteykidney and bladder
ids constipation, indigestion, gas, back-
ache end overnight with"Sruit•a•tives".
Clewes quiet. Sound sleep at once. Get
lkuit•a.uvea" from druggist talky.
• iM ;1,:,lx 'Jr:. W. ■.., ,.. A<'11l*U:_d1111,
3udge—"Prisoder, have you any-
thing to say before I pass sentence?"
Prisoner—"No, your honor, except
that it takes very little to please me."
"There's a hole iu one," said the
golfer, as he reached for hie :0ocic8.
The shepherds watched their docks
by night, which shows that neighbors
have always been about the same.
It is hard to understand a girl be-
fore site Is married, and even harder
There are still a lot ot people who
will take cheeke from. people they do
not know and than yell fol• ttte pollee.
Charleston—"And say, dearie, they
even took my finger prints."
Blade Bottom"IIey,1 Well, look
at what you took rst "
Your superiors are those you de-
light to catch itt error.
}I0—"What do you think of this
invention of the artificial laryriz?"
She—"It would be a splendid relief
if church ushers would get wise 10 11
and have all 'mutts taken out and
cleared before the perinea starts."
Sell better 'Merchandise for less
money and you'll get the busitteoe and
it will snake no diifereace whether
your place is called a Male store or
rope store.
It's only three years now until tate
World's Fair lit Chicago, and we be-
lieve we cau wait,
Minard's-50 Year Record of Success.
Child (to stranger in a car)—"Dad-
dy, daddy!" Mother—"Flush, dear.
That isn't daddy it's a gentleman."
is Vacation Time •
Ite Atlantic City
is An Assured Success
if You Stay at the
With the Finest Location and the
Longest Pores on the Boardwalk
Offering the ultimate ih Service with
Unexcelled Cutstne
re ,n v.ex Y
SOU, urs in e
,hest rket
Wo will Nay you the following
priced, or higher If market war•
rants. for Freolt Eggs delivered
our warehouse up to and inctud-
peg March 31, 1930
'r:esh Bltres ... , 27o doz.
Freak Firsts - 258 dor.
2 east Seconds and
Cracks ..., . ......230 boa:
Deal with an old reliable bust.
nese house with a reputation of
more than sixtytive .years for
square dealing. Best prices
paid. Prompt payments. Cases
returned quickly. Cases sup•
ptiede'60c each, oomplete, delay.
ered, payment In advance.
, References—Your Own Banker.
Write for Weekly Quotations
78.80 Front Street East
Toronto 2
Hi,.t� r,- vi 108x: lA.t4i0t840a"rti.,T tN.S:'Jlk }'.: FS „<,i,e:ih,
,due to Acid.
• Vihat moat people call indigestion is
I. that y excess gold ill. the stomach.
jie. fook.-has soured, . The instant
aomedy la an alkali wloich neutralizes
gelds, But don't use crude helps. Ilse
that yourdoctor would advise.
The best help is Phillips' Milk of
3iagnesla.. For the 50 years since lig
iltvention it has remained standard
;With physicians, You Will And noth-
' lug else so quick in its effect,so harm.
less,: so efficient,
'One tasteless spoonful is water neu-
tralizes many times he volume in
aoid; The results are immediate, with
no bad after effects. Once You learn
this feet, yeti will never deal with
excess acid in the crude ways: Go
learn now -e• why this method is
Be sure to get the genuine Phillips"
Milk of Magnesia prescribed by piysi-
cians for 50 years iu correctietg excess
acids, Bach bottle coltt'ains full direc•
tion -ally' drugstore..
Youngest ;Ocean Vravellet'
Beryl Brown, 18 mouths of age, youngest traveller ever to have made a
trans-Atlautie trip moue, travelled half way round the worid by the time
she reached het' mother in Iced Pass, 13,0. • Site came over on S,S: Minnedosa
to Sales Jolut and theuce by Canadian Paella-toher home, -She is showing
her doll to odicials and newspapermen who same to see her in cher sleeping
ear aboard the train, •
THE R P0E13E1111
Her child is a never-ending sotu'ce
OE joy and a never -failing responsi-
bility to the fond mother. It not it -
frequently happens that ntiuor all -
merits of the child distress and puzzle
her; she does not 1cnon^ jest what to
do. yet feels them not serious enough
to call doctor. As just such times
as these it is that Baby's Own Tablets
are found to be mother's greatest help
and friend,
Most childhood ailments arise from
a derangement of the stomach or
bowels, Baby's Own Tablets will im-
mediately banish them by cleansing
the bowels and sweetening the stom-
ach. Thus they relieve colic, correct
the digestion, banish constipation and
stake teething pains disappear.
Baby's'Own Tablets are guaraeteeua
to be free from injurious drags suck
as opiates and narcotics and may be
given to the newborn babe .with per.
feet safety Otto beneficial results,
They are sold by medicine dealers or
by malt at :5 mute a box from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brock-
ville, Ont.
British Girls
Make Best Wives
By IIeury Ford
Women sometimes tell me they are
afraid of the mechanical age. They
say It sounds dehumanising and de-
vastating to their interests^ Bow is
this mechanical age going to affect
Me lives aird jobs of women?
The:truth is that the mechanical age
menus the comfortable age, Women
wits be released front the drudgery
whidit they erott't put lip with any
longer. There g e e wilt be biecti•1C Power
all over the country—away out lit the
lonely farmlands just 118 nutclt as in.
Indeed, industry will concentrate in
cities no more, tI will spread ottt all
over the country, and give men and
women the chance to escape from the
cluttered life of the cities to grass and
trees and animals, and insure it more
human and happy life for every one.
The comfortable age means there
will he no lonely farmlands where wo-
men will be shut tip in their kitchens
to =note/tette, Unbending drudgery.
When you got power everywhere, thou
you have comforts—water pumped in-
to your hoose, washing machines, elec-
tric stoves, bathrooms, no back -break.
lug teal and wood and work mud dirt
—and all this contfort will be within
the mecum of'tlhe poorest. Anel there
will be leisure.
What Release From Drudgery Means
But release from dr'ttdgety does not
mean release from responsibility. Wo -
mu trust pay for their release from
drudgery, and they can pay la only
orte way—that is to study and work at
their job of being better wives and
Look at the time a wife could profit-
ably spend on food alone. rood is the
most important thing in stealth, And
11 is the most ignorantly handled by
the woman whose job it is to prepare
food for their families.
Food is the cause of nluelt illness
And of most dull et' irritable mental
No one can get anything as good as
a proper diet without a great deal of
study. The mother should study each
member of the family, for 110 two are
anise, A man needs different things
to satisfy the different fuel require-
ments of itis body, taut therefore he
must find the, right combination,
The Right Training For ChlidPen
If that were generally practised we
would at one bolted have made the
greatest advance possible. Think•
what a release of human energy, hap-
appiness, and looney that would be if
most- of' the misery arising from Ill -
health and disease were abolished,
The• job of being a good, wife in the
modern world is big enough for the
biggest woman, especially the job of
training her children.
It is probably t1'110 that we have
been too sett in olir training .of
sou, It It la possible .to give them too
emelt school stuff, and not enough of
the vigorous training that makes ahem
You cannot be just itulets you 'are
strong, Men know that, but women
Weal acknowledge it, The real werld
is made of hard stuff, and a boy must
be encouraged to handle himself man-
AReal Partnership With Man
There will always be enough wreak
11088 Without teaching 3t. You must
teach strougtlh, 80 that the 'weak cau
be protected, and teach it to girls and
boys alike. •
meaning of that word: If husbands
and wives could work more together
—I don't mean at wage-earning, but
on the entire problem of their lives=
something' more would come out of it
'than has ever come out of eaelt taking
his or her owns course. Such partner-
ship is a great stimulus.
Women have got to modernize their
household, their husbands, their food,
.and themselves if they are :going to
live successfully to -day. They have
got to rear fine children, which means
they must keep their mils right while
they are doing it.
If they complain they lack the time,
they have not the opporttmity, they
have not the -money to give them-
selves and their children all the ad.
Vantages of. modern living, it is be-
cause they want t0 shirk their job.
Women have it easy In America, but
hard in Europe, where war, poverty,
and Ieek of opportunity cramp every-
one. Look at what English women do.
Young women and old from the best
homes go out and colonise the far
places of the Empire by the side of
their men, sharing the dangers and
privations of a pioneeriug lite with a
smile on their lips,.
If the British are the only people
who can pioneer, it is because their
wives go with them. They are better
and more sober titan most women;
their idea of life is to, me helpmates;
tot only that, real partners 'of their
men, to build a life with titeni,
I know- tits from .nty own experi-
ence. because my wife was one of tea
children of a British woman who went
to America *sten she was fifteen. 'We
have been partner's for forty-one
"Madame Screeches used to sing
se ectious from grand opera,"
"Not any More. She's married and
no v her repertoire embraces only
cradle songs."
British Trade in Canada
Saskatoott Star • Phoenix (Lib.):
There 15 only one kind of action by
Canada which can stimulate British
export trade, and that is, of course, a
reduction ill the tariff on British
goods. The preference now given ap-
pears substantial, but it le not enough
to overcome -tile British exporter's
handicap ot distance front the mar-
ket By its 1010 platform the Cana.
titan Liberal party is pledged to in-
crease the proferonce to 50 per emit.,
making duties on imports from Britain.
just half of general rates. This pro-
mise should be redeemed lit Mr. Dun•
ring's first budget, There was bevel
a more appropriate time for taking
that step.
Mbtard's Kills Dandruff.
Tonuny—"Dad, does it hurt to crack
a joke?" Father—"Welt, sometimes,
if it's too old it 1ntgttt.'
Prof, 13, L. lfiult•eivy.$. Shrorid 1�4unnus
TapewOrin iienned)- ht10 expell •,1
horrid monsters in two to -dine, 8,191..:..
No starving notes ars. no vi: Lar- nn
trouble trhntever. ' -.
. 'Write foe ' full info, 51111803.
Dept..,, 211 Oaaingtea .Ave„ Toronto
So easy to get quick relief and pre-
vent an attack in the future. Avoid
bromides and dope. They relievequiclt-
ly but affect the heart' and are very
dangerous, They are depressing and
only give temporary relief, flat cause
of the headache still remains within.
The sane and harmless way Bust
correct the cause, sweeten the sour
and acid stomach, relieve the intes-
tines of the decayed and poisonous
food matter, gently stimulate the liver,
start the bile flawing and the bowels •
pass off the waste matter which causes
your headache. Try Carter's .Little
Liver Pills. Druggists 25c red pkgs.
It comes to this. Women must be.
the partners of num to the zvho 1
ie ISSUE No. 12---'30
Regaitied Health' Through' the
rise of Dr.. °Wiitiainas'
Pink Pills.
Rhatimatsqut is a disorder of the
blood--•va.used by too- ranch uri0 acid
fa the blood, It attacks he victims
when 'vitality is low, thus setliri4 up
inilammatiou in the • muscles and
joints. Wet "and coii4weather may
start the tortures of rheumatism but.
it le not the-caueo. The cause is the
Blood—bad blood, Burtch -and . purify
the blood and rheumatism will disap-
peat', if you are a sufferer from this
painful . nueledy begirt the use of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills and see how soon
the pains and' stiffness will disappear,
These pills enrich 'and 'purify .the'
blood and good blood rhesus good
Airs, John C. McPherson, St, Mary's,
Ont,, was a victim of rheumatism for
years and writes as follows of her t11-
uess and recovery. Sheesays:-"T
suffered frontrheumatism for nearly
sixteen years and for eleven years I
bras unable to walla I tried a number
of medicines' 03 Well, as massage and
chiroproctic treatment without any
permanent -benefit, 'I was theu So bad
that I was at a loss to know what to
try next. I noticed in different papers
host' strongly Dr, 'Williams' Pink Pills
were recommended for cases like
mine ao I decidedtotry them. After
taking several boxes I noticed that
my appetite was improving, The pains
became less severe and my Color im-
proved. I continued their use and
now I am able to do light housework.
I wish I could impress on alt rheu-
luatte sufferers just what these won-
derful pills have .done for me."
Dr. Williams' Pihtic Pills do one
tiring but they do it well—then en-
rich and purify the blood. This rich
red blood banishes such troubles"as
rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia and
neuritis and leaves tate former suffer-
er robust and stealthy and well able
to take his or her place' in doing the
duties expected of them. The pills
are sold by medicine dealers or by
nail at 50 emits a box trout The Dr.
Wlllianls' Medicine Co., Brockville,
True Humanity
In a certain village in Ontario there
was a family consisting of ratan, wo-
man and four children. They got
along passably welt until the pian, tir-
ing of his responsibility as a parent,
suddenly departed for parts unknown.
?6o effort was made to find hint and
tate brave little mother became the vile
lege washerwoman to earn enough to
keep her children together. Working
for other people all clay she had little
time to train her children, anti pie old-
est a boy of twelve—developed pil-
fering habits that soon made hint the
talk of the neighbors. The magis-
trate (Welded to send him to the Re-
formatory anti a social worker was
deputed to convey him to the institu-
tion next day, For safe koepiug he
took the lad hone with hint and as
he was going to the church meeting
that evening he took the boy along so
he could have his eye ea him. The
good woolen gathered at the church
became interested, and the patter sug-
gested that they make hour the subject
of their prayers, A discussion follow-
ed w111011 led to practical results. The
boy was found to be a mighty fine
Youngster only needing encourage-
mont. Ills sentence was rescinded
and with contributions from the mis-
sionary fund of the church the family
was assisted to become self-sustain-
ing. All concerned were made very
happy as a result of this friendly in-
tervention,—J, J. Kelso.
Exactness in little duties it a won-
derful source of cheerfulness. ---r. 19.
"After Baby, Was Weak,
Skinny. Gained22 Lbs."
Ironized Yeast did it, says Mrs.
Benoit, Thousands say 5 to 151bs.
gained in 3 weobo. Nervousness, constipation
vanish overnight. Skin clears like magic. Get
Imbed Yeast tablets from druggist today.
0FAN 115531105
. n ;t,ss
EAR. 003.
91.25 All 041811nn Oenrrintire ions an mutt
A., 0. LEONARD, Inc.
10 Fifth Ave, Now York' City
Maj. r 1.,1E*ash Finds
, u.ndseli' Relics`
Canadian Explorer Locates
and Uses Cache of Nor-
wegian Confrere
CIassitraed Advertising
von saam
A.1I3A13Y CI11C14S--\V1' t1A1C•111o0
211400 last 100r in four varie-
tiesWrite For free catalogue, A. ie.'
Switzer, Granton, Ont,
1) tdUISTlnlsri 1TOLa:r171N -13815183
ready for aaryiee, Cheap, Peter
Arbogast, Mitchell, Ontarlo,
When Beata Amundsen, tlie.Arctio ' Arens WANTtO5) '110 17.0 P`La1N
ILA and light actions at !iota,: Whole.
or spatd's time. Good pay 'Work sent
any distance, Charges paid, Send Stanthr-
for particulars.- National Manufacturing
Company, lthotltreal..
explorer, made the loug-sought North.
West Passage in.1903.5 Ile wintered at
Gjoa hn on It•inWam c
01 Petol'aveseeu Bay nearbgy.ithbe erectIshedud. a
building within which he placed a
content foundation for the instruments'
he used la making observations with
reference 'to the magnetic Pole. When
he left to continue kis Journey west-
ward iu the spring he placed a tin
0 . the base, iu which he
had placedheneath
This picture was a portrait of Dr.
G. Von Neumayer, au eminent German
scientist, who had given Amundsen
great encouragement ,and advice be-
fore he started on dtis expedition, Prof.
Neumayer made. the request that
Amundsen bury the picture as dear
thedid poleatGj
as possible, This Amundsen
Major Leckie Burwash, Canadian
explorer, used Amundeea's cement
base for his o5va instruments when
making observations in the same terri-
tory last winter. Beneath the base he
found the little tin case, -all rusted,
and with water seeped in. He care-
fully opened it and there inside was
Prof, Neumayeh''s picture. The por-
trait weal' excellent condition though
the white mounting was,, mut4ced and
stained with rust and moisture:
The Canadian explorer photograph.
ad the picture, obverse and reverse,
and 'then carefully replaced it iu the
ease, which he sealed anew and tete-
closed in another 0080 which he placed
again in its' former resting place. The
picture of Amuudsen's friend, there -
ford, still lies near the magnette pole
on the same island whigih contains the
Graves of Sir John Franklin and tris
Inscribed On the photograph were
the following words written by
.Amundsen: "I deep gratitude and re-
spectful remembrance I deposit thin
photograph on Neuntayer Peninsula,
Gjoa Expedition, August 7, 1905.
Board Amundsen."
Keeping Air Cool on
Trains in Summer
The Santa Fe Railway has been ex-
perimenting for several years witic
the problem of keeping the air cool In
club, dining and sleeping cars, during
the summer seasou.
W. J. Black, passenger traffic man-
ager, states that at last the problem
Is solved. As a starter, a •contract has
been closed for early installation of
eeoonciitiotted air, cooled byea patent-
ed process, on dining care of The
Chief, the Santa Fe's extra fast and
extra fare flyer.
There i$ absolutely no draft, tate
cool air being brought iu overhead,
with a resultant uniform temperature
of 65 to 70 degrees Fahr.
13e always displeased at what thou
art, if thou desire to attain. to what
thou art not; for where thou hast
pleased thyself, there thou abldest,--
Tit mind is the atmosphere of the
Doris -- "Let's call. on Patricia."
Sally—"No; site's get .a new dress,
Use Minardee in the Stable,
Mrs. Watt—"Willlant, will you never
got that string untangled for me?"
Wiiilaeu — "Well, I'm doing thirty
knots an hour now!"
Weekly Parties During Early
APPLY NOW—Tho Secretary, The
Salvation Army immigratiottt
801 Dundee Street. Woodatoek, Ont,
110 Jartls Street, Toronto, Ont.
114 Bookwlth St„ Smiths Palls, Ont,
18,88 Untvoraltl' St„ Montreal, Quo,
91101 '1lt
t9,N4 rAi
Aveteteb serf. I1eg"
imorufneseanegars4nt et
""heronnt�am TIZ.n^°+
�}7 Nsutuntlre,reipyy c•'
fI )n Slx�,,53ii
E O'1Ca,,, oatrtn
A cry in the night may be die
first warning that Baby. has colic;
No cause for alarm if Castoria is
handy! nit pure vegetabie.prep-
aration brings quick comfort, and
can never do, the slightest harm.
-Always keep a bottle in the house.
It. is the safe and sensible thing
whet, children are ailing. Whether
it's the stomach, or the little
bowels; colic or constipation; or
diarrhea. When tiny tongues are
coated, or the breath is bad,
'Whenever there's need: of gentle
regulation. Children lave the
taste of Cas oria, and its mildness
makes it suitable for the tiniest
infant, and for frequent use.
And a snore liberals dose a
Castoria is always better ft)
growing children than some need-
lessly strong medicine meant ani
for adult use. 'Genuine Castorlie
always has Chas, H. Fletcher s
signature on the wrapper, Pre-
scribed by doctorsi
GES' [INFO lAoio
2Tlhe World's 13'asteat" Growing In-
dustrY. Demand for Trained Men Par
Exceeds. Supply. Wen Paid Positrons
Open to Our Graduates,
YMINUTEDMINUTEDonge Street. Toronto
B pastae#oe
Each itch t:7.
"Sabyhodt ,rib auczomS i'Sootho-
'' Hayti ad terrible ribie te. Di84aSeotha-
• Bat."—Mrd itching in n minute. Disease soon - -
iett,"—Mrs, trema goes for good
bum, haft,
Sl 1 becomes o Clea , soog r good la tom days,
6kla become, clear, smooth, ,111 Ilrugsiste.,
Care 9'ai4" reser f k17b6fw
ILy Daily Use o8
ran, Soul)
Ilam Itasltoa ¢nd Irrntottohe.
itt91 Csitiolourh l'5siihnil lzd.
Massaging the achiug parts wlht
Minard's brings comforting relief.
Try it,
Could not Eat ar Sleep
after Husband's Beate
Her husband's death telt tier rri'y run
down in health, unable to eat or sleep
much. Now site is brighter in spirit% anti
eats and steeps well. 'Mutt coated the
difference ? .let her answer in her 0,5(18
words .1--
4'1 think grunion Satts are a splendid
tonic. After my husband's death in
December last I became very run down
Si health. Ilnd terrible tits of depree-
ai0n and was tenable to est: or sleep
much. 1 ens also troubled tvitic
tl etnnatigni, I decided to take ICruti•.
then Salts and have now taken the Iii tie
doily dose for nearly two months,
during which time my health 11083
greotly improved, The rheumatism has
completely left mc. I Am much
brighter on spirits and both eat mud
sleep well."
i'iten life begins to " get you down,"
when you begin to feel the reenlist of
modern artificial conditions—errors of
diet, worry, overwork, lack of ckerrise--
then you should turn to 1{ruseben Salts.
They possess nt wonderful power of
giVatg nein life and vitality to the
countless millions of cells of which the
Munn body is composed, The way to
keep emiiin5 is 10 take liruvrloen Salts
every ntornmg just a pinch in your
first morning cup of coffee or tea,
if you have never tried Srnaehen—try it new
ht our exuons0, the lava distributed n great.
maul' Vadat " GIANT "' packages which make
it may for you to prove our claim for ymtrself.
,Ask your Ltrugglht for the new"G1:1NT" 750
This consists of our Molar 760. bottle together
with a operate trial bottle—sunlclout for about
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You have tried T4ellaelttn free, at our expense.
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phi). 17fid). hoodoo: McGillivray Boa,
LLtd., Toronto.
t0Y, ids: Veget..lsi" Com.
pound Is a {fold t "dicing..
Anyone. .;to is in poor health
should not hesitate to try :r.
When 1 teas tnk..,;t the Ve;c-
tablr. Compound 1 `teed ithe
sample Liver Pills 1 found in
the package. T have token
them every night saran and 1
can feel myseir' i1n11 pving. T
am so thankful for the good
they • do me that 1 have told
several women about
MTs. 0, W. Poslif, , 063 arm
St.„. Stratford, Ontario.