HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-03-06, Page 7ammusacorgagiamise Finest ng isle Ware in Fastest ICoolsi try Oats. acx ATS COOKS IN 21/2 MINUTES an rut CLINTON NEWS -RECORD r..r.av1■11•o oma �3ll0�S callous of BeVe�ah A Column'Prepared Especially -for Women— But Not Forbidden to Men THE DAY " -I've made the porridge, and wiped things clean, And got Dick off by the eight -fif- teen; And mixed the pudding and darned !Bob's shirt, And mended the hole iri Joan's very beat skirt, And ordered the meat for tomorrow's stew -(And Bobs threw brown shoe), • And Dick's come back with one, of A friend recently sunt ane a clip - his colds, ping, a protest against going to par - And the laundered tablecloth's tom ties, written The London Chronicle,. Thos HeBusrkes 1 in in the folds , e 'Arad, a jug , fell out of Elizabeth's used to, go to parties and thought he 'and, was enjoying himself lint finally con - And Land. a berth and my tea-pot rnoting outhided that he ofdpartiesdn't �and. has e it and not ot stand. And now, as I set my foot orb the gone to one since and never intends overboard .one • stairs, I remember, thie,mornin'g, I said no prayers. I'm a wicked woman, 0 Lord, I know, But my feet are so tired they'll hardly go, And I haven't a thought in the whole ,of my head— Could You take the day as a prayer instead? • —Dora 1\f. Broome, in The Observer. Health Service of the Canadian Medical Association. POOR BLOOD The blood is an important con- stituent of the body. About . one - twentieth of body-weight • is blood. The blood serves to bring to the tis-. sues oxygen from the lungs and food fromthe digestive tract. It carries 'away their waste products from the tissues to ,the organs, of elimination. The internal secretions from the ductless glands are circn- Iated in the blood. It is evident that the proper nu- trition of the body and the, removal of wastes depend upon theblood's doing its share in these two impor- tant functions. The blood is subject to 'certain diseases, but we are not considering- actual diseases of the blood,. such. as the anaemias, but rather , that condition which many people speak. of as 'bad blood" or "poor.' blood." This is heard of often in the spring when phopie say that their blood is in bad condition. When such persons are questioned it is generally found that they are feeling same"whet miserable, run- down or below par, and they blame • Every Bell T;eleahone is a Long Distance Station 11 this new y CI`y e Nitiq ors Many progressive firms today are using long distance telephone service to get sales at lower costs. They divide their territories into "Key Towns" from which dif- ferent groups of customers can be called conveniently and econ- omically. We ' assist in this by compiling Sequence Lists of calls and giv- ing each call a Code Number. The salesman then just tells the Long Distance operator; "I want on numbers 2, 6 and 9 my Se- quence List". The increased facilities for long distance service .make Key -town Selling by Code. Numbers more efficient than ever. We shall be glad to explain the details and help you organize your lists. em., mel� garcling bad blood is more Prequel t in the spring, and for the foundatio ,of the popular idea that spring tox ies are requited is because, during thait season, exercises, fresh air bathing and such matters- are ne leeted, and particularly,' if the pe son continuos to .eat es much as when he is workinghard, then the body suffers.. The condition of unfitness is not due to the blood's 'being poor or bad, but because the whole body suf fees from a lack of care. Tilis can be prevented by a proper moderate diet, by fresh air, exercise, body. cleanliness and care as to elimina- tion. Spring tonics are not requir- ed. It is not through ;medicines that we keep our bodies healthy; it pis through a, proper manner of living. The way to "purify the blood" is to attend to the body, to eat properly ,landeliminate regularly, . . Questions concerning 'Health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical As- soeiation, 184 College Street, Toronto, will be answered Personally by letter. their 'bloodfor their unfitness. If they have pimples, boils or .otherBY sores, they regard these as evidence condition is nature's way of ridding N ABLY KILLEDES HER GAS of bad blood, and consider that diiis The mode of living of most of this group is a story of neglect of all those habits of life which must re- ceive reasonable attention if health is to be maintained, physical fitness assured and freedom from the ill- effects of neglect of the needs of the 'body avoided. The reason why the complaint re - the bloodof impurities. Great Comedy "Give and Take" Here at Canadian Festival .1 • A TENSE MOMENT PROM “orvia' AND TALKI8' "A laugh in every line"—is the verdict of the critics who • reviewed . the Popular comedy -success "Give and Take," which will be presented at the coming Canadian Chautauqua Festival here. and Take" is, he truth, one of the funniest plays ever •written. It deals with the hilariously humorous situations that :f fresh from a college, n fruit avors to cannery t hwhis untin the ed ith or es HOD of an Indthe us ;I fresh from college, and trial democracy against his father's Axed principles of how a bust - nese should be run.:' Of course there is a girl, and a delightful love *tory rune throu h 0 uttho play. . "Give and Take" will be presented by the celebrated Martin n Erwin Players, organized and coached under the personal direction of Martin Erwin. 1,V 13, 14 & •I.li'1 ('rlll]$idllil„ l�t"I$°4:+Ii1 9 Gas on my stomach was so bad it neatly killed me. My druggist told me about Adlerika. The gas is gone now and I feel fine.".—Mrs. A. Ad- amek. ' Simple g'lyeerin, buckthorn, saline, etc., as mixed in Adlerika, helps GAS on stomach in 10 mintesl Most remedies act on lower bowel only, but. Adlerika acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel, removing poisonous waste yon never knew was there. Relieves • constipation in 2 hours. It will surprise you. W. S. R. Holmes, Druggist. giving a party, that he has too much respect for his friends. He has them, one or two at a time, and really gets to know something about them in this way. "Cards," said Johnston, "are a poor substitute for conversation." And Mr. Burke thinks all parlor games are, and that they are an in- sult to your friends, as they exist only for the people who cannot talk." The remark was made the other evening in a little gathering of friends that if one didn't dance and play cards nowadays one was dis- tinctly out of it. Nobody seems. to ask their friend's in just'to talk. Of course such a party might grow rather dull, it would unless there were a number of good talkers. Those who wish to entertain on a large scale 'must supply sone sort of en- tertainment. The only way to really enjoy any conversation amongst friends is to have them one or two at a time, when the -talk can become general and conversation can be en- joyed. Speaking at Toronto recently Dr. V. J. Conboy, of the Provincial De- partment of Health, made a state- ment that is widely accepted when he said: "Ignor'ance, or the lack of knowledge is the arch enemy of the human race." The scrap heap of life, he said, is crowded with the torn and bleeding bodies of those who did not know. Dr. Conboy then went on to apply his statement to 1 the negltet of -children's teeth by parents, First and foremost in con- nection with his dental advice to the public of Ontario which he serves, Dr.. Conboy urged regular periodic examination of the teeth. Every child, he said, ought to be placed un- der the care of a dentist when two years of age. Tho first, or decidu- ous teeth, should bei properly cared for when they become affected. The child's health is seriously menaced otherwise. A.ceorcling to Dr. Cort - boy, the most important' dentistry anyone receives is between two and fourteen years of age Dr. Conboy is a high authority in bis profession and if what he says is true, the great .majority of parents are neg- lecting the care of thein• children's' teeth at the critical period. let many communities the children's teeth at school age conte under the inspection of a dental clinic which is provided` by the municipal authorities, and val- aublo and efficient results are being obtained. But in the majority of municipalities this service is not pro- vided for. After all, health is the most valued possession that one carries through life. And physical disability will handicap a child all - the way through. life. If that disability. can be .avoided or removed, it is surely the duty of those who are responsible for the welfare of the upcoming gen- eration to see that it is done, REBEKAH' TIIT7RSDAY, MIAYLOII' 6, 1930 You cannot 'find any sweet that has such combined qualities of deliciousness and nourishment as these two famous Syrups. EDWARDS WIG Everybody enjoys its -won- derful flavor, it is thicker and sweeter than"Crown Brand and equally rich in nourishing qualities. Try it -all children love it! The Famous Syrup that needs no introduction. It_s Quality and 'Deli- cious ,Taste are known throughout the Country. lt The CANADA'STARCH CO., Limited VffralffiliSERIDIRESSinill .SON 1 MONTREAL rJwa mute • BOOST1NG CU , ug-AiwateMoirri.e9 ii-gn COMMUNITY BUYING DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE The Merchantseand Business men e communityed below are that values equal co-operatingto anof the larger tin an effort to owns or rove to residents of the town and surrounding cit- ies may be procured in local stores. A series of educational "Buy -at -Home" editorials will be re- produced weekly along with an individual write-up of each business. The benefit of Home Buying will be shown eaadvancement g ` mRead the IIa e ad- vantage of the teklYspals offered by progress merchants, and BOOST THETOWNYOU CALL HOME. IRWIN'S SALE OF DRESSES This' week we are clear- ing an assortment of our winter styles at HALF PRICE, iizes ranging from 32 to 44. Come in and see thein. TELEPHONE 9G DRYGOODS AND READY -TO WEAR yeseieeeeeeesseeessee W. S. R. HOLMES PARKE DAVIS COD LIVER OIL Is a stenderized preparation pleas- ant to take and the best your money cern buy. THE REXALL DRUG STORE TELEPHONE 51 DID YOU 1CNO1V%— That Good I1,ouselceepine7 Maga- zine was reduced in price? It's now 25c the copy., W. D:. FAIR CO. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Fresh }lead Lettuce 18c ' Fresh Cabbage, Ahways - J. T. McKNIGHT & SON TELEPHONE 111 Tonight! Limber Up That Stiff Joint Now you know what to do when pain tortures your joints and they are inflamed, swollen and' stiff. Here's a soothing, pain subduing emollient called Joint -Ease that is made right here in; Canada and sold by every; druggist in the Dominion. Rub it on that stiff joint to -night -the one that causes you so much agony :and loss..nf tinte:rub it in good and away it goat• thru the skin and flesli right down to the ten- dons and liganyen,ts of the feints • right wltee all the trouble starts.' Joint -Ease limbers then op -- that's that's what it's made .for -lit brings them back to normal—it penetrates and out cones the soleness the pails ' ceases — the swelling "is down= you're immensely pleased --a good job done and done swiftly.. 60.eents •. a tube at all druggists everywhere with a positive guarantee of satin-" faction or money back. a Y Here's something Moro --- put tont-Ease to work on, that Poor, lame, aching backer -all better 'by meriting! DAVIS & HERMAN TELEPHONE 224 REGULAR 25,e HOSE FOR 1.5c' A PAIR ..y..++�.. AGENT FOR HUNTS'SMILES .C'•CE,UCK.LES CANDIES PACKAGE AND 'BULK WENDORF'S 0434.0.41,.~~4+,400 lees Home -Made Head per lb.. 18c CON a LL &. TYNDALI FRESHmAND cungONE D16 MEATS. THE FOLLOWING INDUSTRIAL MANUFAC- TURERS HEARTILY ENDORSE THIS BUY -AT- HOME CAMPAIGN .. ANPORT LOCAL MERCHANTS D HELP OUR TOWN GROW DOHERTY PIANOS, LIMITED THE CLINTON KNITTING CO. HURON SPECIALTY CASTING CO. GET IN 'DIE slii1M We have all heard that homely expression "fish, cut bait or go ashore," as applied 'to the man who stands on the sidelines in the game of life ahvays•telliug others howitshould be done, bewailing the stupidity of his fellowmen, but never getting there in doing anything himself. Every office has one until the boss gets tired and chucks hhn out. Every community has its share of them, They are the men who complain about everything from the policy of the national administration to the methods of the local dog -catcher -- and who then forget to go to the polls on election day. Our point is ' se that the man who lives in a community and holds himself aloof frons its activities is not a good citizen; moreover. he is not going to be a happy man because he is dodging life as well as his respon- 1 sibilities. Get in the swims You may never bo tar; you are' in the game, meeting the life Pro, a leader. r. No mat - tar; has put you in. No man can•be happy if he is always running away from life. What can you do to enliven community activities? The answer is to start somewhere, and if you show a willingness to work you will soon be swamped with, your community activities. Work where you can work. It isn't all political or social. Every sincere effort at community betterment on your part 'makes ,you just so. much bigger. Don't boast a good eonununity and then forget about it. Don't let "George do it" It's up to you to "get in and swim." • W. T. O'NEIL BUTTERMILK AND CLINTON BREAD l.oc CLINTON CREAMERY BUTTER - 41c Clinton Phone 48 r.+..oe.+ar.. .A Want Ad in This Paper is the Key to Success. COOPER;: shipment of •"Rose Bushes, which are com- ing arrive shortly.Owing dlrect'froin. Holland will, • to the heavy demand last: year we;have doubled our order. Price, 15c per bush. Watch for date of arrival Leaders in Low Prices The, Store With the Stock MORRISH CLOTHING TELEPHONE 43 MEN'S CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS A Bargain In BOYS' KNITTED SUITS 10 Only Boys' Knitted Suits in Tans, Browns and Blues, Size 2 to 8 Clearng at $1.50 a Suit ELITE CAFE After Skating or Dancing come to ELITE CAFE FOR QUICK LUNCH SPECIAL DINNER NNER 40c LUM - SAM, Proprietor TRY DAINTY -MAID BREAD t r BUNS and CAIl;E9 Made to Quality not to Price IBARTLIFF & CRICH TELEPHONE 1 CLINTON PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION VACUUM CLEANER TO RENT 50c PER HOUR. TELEPHONE 20 SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK K 32 in. all -wool Dress Flannel, reg, price $1.00 yd. Special price 65c. 54 in. all -wool Dress Flannel., reg. price ,$1.50 yd. Special price 89c. 3 pr. only Plaid W1ool'Blankets, colors Rose,: Blue and Mauve, Reg. $12.50. Special price $9.95.. PTIUMSTEEL BROS. CLINTON CREAMERY � . WE BUY EGGS, CREAM AND POULTRY TELEPHONE 145 RECREATION CLUB Try Bowling for Health and Roue tion. Everybody likes it. N. ITI LADIES ESPECIIaLLY I V