HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-03-06, Page 5:THURSDAY, IlhAHC'11.G, 1980 } rr,�y+,d�04, mt: wtt Fi *rn44`1"'+�".,iY+ scompUshmneat The Old Mane says: ; "I began work at fifteen Now I 'aro retiring,at sixty My pay averaged $1,500 I earned altogether $67,500' And T have $30,000 ,saved -- IT COST ME $6 A WEEK." Ask for our b..k1... "Tec Measure .f Your know." ': The loyal Bank of Canada. Clinton Branch - R. E. Manning, Ma.ager 946 f...: , 'OF INTEREST TO • YOU AND,ME • .Some folk say . that stiff • collars ••: tangle genius, but we've known a 'lot of men who didn't wearstiff, collars and': we've known few 'gni uses. **** .March came in like a. nice little - woolly lamb but soon repented itself, ••and turned into a good iinitaton 'of of a lion. But spring will actually come one'of these days. Another tragedy occurred at Mini- ico last week when a young man shot his friend, a gun he was pointing at 'lritn being discharged accidently. No matter how often this sort . of "thing happens people do not seem, to give up the, habit of pointing fire- arms at others. It is such. a foolish "thin to do that no one who makes the claim of being intelligent at all should be guilty of it. * . * Another way to invite tragedy is • 'to leave little chilnren alone in the ' house, .either night or day. Three • little children were burned to death •early the other morning while their • parents were at a neighbor's house, the fire having got too great a start before it was noticed to allow of their rescue. Sometimes parents say that if they did not leave their children safely tucked in bed occas- ionally they would never be able to go out together of an evening. The 'loss in so terrible a manner of their children and the life-long reinorso .which follows such a tragedy is too •heavy a price to pay for a few hours' freedom from the card of the ehil- • dren for whose lives they are respon- sible. Children soon grow up and • grow . away from the care 'of their parents. It is then happy parents whp can feel that they did not fail in their duty to them in their helps :less childhood: Tai CLINTON-NEWS RECORD ready •'begun work., 11fr. Harold Squires is now in the employ• of MK. Tait- Clark A number have begun their study at,Smith's Hill• Sunday-sehcol of the tNew Testament under: the Day, School -Gospel, League. ,Beniniller. is also tatting up this work.' Mr..; Jacob Fisher and son Hovey. Fisher have rented, the ,;•farm lately vacated by Mr. Roy Jewel and owned by Mr. Lloyd Young. . BIRTHS KILT'Y—In the Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Feb; 28th, to M'r.; and; Mrs. Na cid Eilty, Toro-ite$ a r son. 5V&cPI•IEE In :'Alexandria Hospital, Goderich, en Feb, 3rd,' to Mr. and Mrs. Ross MiePhee of Colborne township, a daughter. -GILLIES—At Niagara Falls, Ont., On Mar. 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. D. Gillies, (formerly 'Edith Samp- son) a son. DEATHS ; mile: The. Council decided to con- sider.. this .;offer and perhaps might make some arrangements later. Councilthen adjourned to meet on Monday, April 7th, at 1.30 p.m. G. Thompson, Clerk. The', play, °'I'll Explain Every- thing," presented in Holmesville. Uni- ted •church,' on Friday evening last, proved a great success. The Eben eeser yearik' people' participating were: Messrs. Irvine and Carman Tebbutt, Mhrganl• Jones, Mervyn Lobb' and Misses Ada F. 'Riggin,' Marion Jones, Margaret Biggin and Margaret Williams, assisted by R. Leslie Pearson and Miss Emily E: Thmpson. Miss Nina E. Heard, most ably coached the young people. They are persenting this pia', in Londesboro: community hall to -mor- row, Friday, evening. A dark pidgoon with a band en its leg has been staying around the barn of Mrs. Hutchings, the 7th concession the last week. The band is marked "G.R. 432—A. J. 22.. • Mr. W, J. Colclough of Woodstock spent a few days with his father; Be. Robert . Colclough, during the Past, week.. Mr, Colclough . has not been enjoying good health lately. At' " AUBURN 'Mr. andMis. Wim• Match and 'family of Clinton visited friends 'hero on Sunday. 'Mr. Wilmer Wallis, Mr. and Mrs. 'C. J. Wallis and Mrs. R. 'Jenkins vis- ited` with friends in this 'coiinnunity •on•Thursday last week. The Y. P. S. of ' ICnox United •eburch are holding their meetings on -Tuesday evening of each week, cetn- 'mencing at 8 pan. 'GODERICH 'TOWNSHIP Mx. L. Biggin has returned home, "after spending the winter at Poems - :sari, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Diehard Murphy and, "family of Exeter, -spent' Sunday with the fornmer's mother, Mrs. Henry Murphy. ,; Mr. and'Mrs. T. A. Middleton and .son Jack, of Limn. also 0. H;. Fer- guson of London, visited at the •par-,. ,ental home, over the week -end. Council met . in ,Holmesville ; on Monday last; minutes of• last meet •ing 'read arid-ailepted • i , It 'C. 'Muir, Esq., wrote aeknow- de' of gin receipt of the schedules led p R ....expenditure on the roads during 1929 -Flyed. BT -Law No. 4, to provide, ,for e f- penditu a on Township roads during 1930, was react and passed. . School section No. -10 debentures 'again came' in for discussion; the .council decidecl to wait for another month to give both parties a chance 'to get together and til' and •effect -an amicable settlement. Tho following accounts were or- dered paid: " Austin Sturdy, auditor, salary, 38.00; E. A. Yee, auditor, • salary, $8.00; Howard Sturdy, col- -lector, postage, stationery and. ex-' •ehange, $12.15; Reid. Torrance, hal- 'once al•ante of school fair ' prize money,. '$3:00; Supt. 'pay voucher, No. 3, 4292.05 Member of ;Florist :Telegraph Deliv- ery Association CET FLOW1ERS • .FLORAL, DESIGNS For All'Oceasions,,•, Sent Anywhere. Greenhonse,.ls es near as your phone. Chas. V. Cooke Two Phones -66w and .661 TIRES! : TIRES! TIRES` CTJDMOR,E Tn Itarpurhey, int Feb. 28th,Henry Cudmose, aged 76 years and 2 months. STINS"•N —1n Stanley township, on March 3rd, Thomas Stinson, •ag-'. ed 85 yearn, 1 month and 11 days. EMME'RSON-In Goderich, on Feb- ruary 27th, ,%pry Adelaide Coe, wife of A. T. En tnerson, 1Vf.D. ROBERTSON—In Goderich, on Feb. 23rd, John A. Robertson. F'ARRAIN,T—In. Goderich,' on Feb. 25th, Miriam Irene Schwann, wife of Harry Tarrant,in her 31st year; HARRIS-1In Goderich, on" Feb. 24, Gerald Austin, infant son of Mr. and *s. Albert Harris, aged 10 'months and 24 days. HIABER-In. Harper Hospital. De- troit, Mach., on March 8th, James A. Haber, beloved husband of Al- berta Mason, son-in-law of the late Thomas Mason of Clinton. COLBORNE :On Monday at •Goderich General and Marine hospital, a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ross McPhee. MIs. 0. 0. Brown of Dungannon visited at Mrs. R. L. Bean's and Mrs, V. D. Cununingitam's from Tuesday till Friday. Mr. ' and Mgrs. Alex. Young of Nile entertained more than fifty to a euchre party on Friday night. Mr. James Elliott won gentlemen's first prize, a box of writing paper, and Dilrs. Albert Goldthorpe , won ladies' first, a lovely card tabletcover. Ev- erybody enjoyed a jolly .time. The Smith's Mill young people have set the date for their play "Marrying Anne," for March 14th. Quite a number' attended the play given on Friday evening at Holmes- ville. .They report a jolly and hum- orous' production: A robin was :heard on Monday of last week. The poor fellow will think winter has. come again. • We are glad to hear Miiss Annie Walter is feeling better after treat- ment for goitre at Goderich hos- pital, • Ms. Harryllrrington has 'secured a position on a boat, for the summer and, will 'leave ' for, Port Colborne shortly to report for duty. -Those lyric" tap for 'sap have al - r. J T ay4S, representative re est ativeof " the' Dominion „Road Maehme Co., •was present in the interests of '••his 'eotnpany but did not close a deal for a grader, which the TownslxP needs very badly,' Or at •least •he thinks so. Mr Tied' Bell , of ; Bell• Bros';'Co., made `proposition to screen 'and de- liver gravel, at a, price per yard We have just received ..our spring` shipment of Firestonetires and tubes with.,lower" prices than ever.: It will. pay you to come in and look them oyet and get our prices. Specials for Thursday; Friday and Saturday Wlheatlets, ,4 lbs. 25c 25c Icing, 3' lbs. ...... ..... Rolled Oats, 6 lbs. 29e. Corn Syrup, 5 lb• pail .. 33c Corn Syrup, •2 lb. pail 180 Heinz Catsup, • • 28e` Posts Bran Flakes, .2for ,,,.23c Prunes,'' lb. ... Special. Tea Afternoon. Tea at the= Salvation grimy House at the rear of the Sal- vation army hall, 3 'to 6" on'W ,fines day, Mardi 12, 1980. Price 10e. All welcome. 56-1. • Lost • 2 keys, post office, another yale kay;, on braided strap. Please leave with Emma Lavis, Clinton. 56-1-p. Wood . Wanted Six or seven, cordss of green hard- wood, mapleor beach, body wood of good quality, 18 Welles long, to be delivered at Summerhill school by Apirl 1st, 1930. Tenders will be re- ceived by undersigned up to March 15th. Oliver J. Jervis, sec. -treasur- er, Clinton. 56-2. .D. E. Gliddon: HOLMESVILLE `••. Clinton's New-LaidiEgg And. Poultry House Eggs bought'' according; to Domin- ion Government Egg Regulations: , Inquire for our prices of eggs. You will always' find our prices pare allel with the city markets. Fat hens and' well -finished chicks. always wanted—Prices, good. Always phone our office for prices before merited/1g produce, •.N. W. ,'Frewartha Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w c..s s• :e.e.r. ....^.'Pear Logs Wanted` We are again in the market for good maple, . basswood, elm and white oak dogs, delivered in our yard at Clin- ton. Grass Farm For Rent 100' acres, all in 'grass, plenty of running water and shade. For par- ticulars' apply to Bert Nott, Londes- born, phone 28-18, Blyth central. 54-tf: • Auction Sale Of Farin Stock and Implements and Household Effects, at lot 28, con- cession 8, Iiullett, 2 miles south west of Londesboro, on Thursday, March 20th, at one o'clock, sharp, consisting of the following: HORSES: Bay stare,' 8 years old; black mare, 10 yrs. old; black mare; driving mare. CATTLE: Durham cow, 5 years old, milking; thoroughbred Hereford cow, 7 years old, due in May; Here- ford cow, 9 years old, due March 10th; black cow, 9 years old; roan cow, -9 years', freshened 6 weeks; ag- ed cow, milking; black eow, 4 yrs. old, milking; Hereford steer, 2 years old; Hereford heifer,, 2 years old; 2 heifers, rising 2 years; yetirling steer; 2 spring calves; 3 fall'calves; 1 calf, 6 weeks old; Thorobred Here- ford bull, 10 months old. PIGS --9 pigs, 0 weeks old; 1 brood sow. gtilNS-70 -Rock pullets. IMIPLEMENTS Massey -Harris binder, 7 ft. rut; MYIassey-Barris mower, 5 ft. cut; 10 ft. steel hay rake; Massey -Harris 13 -tooth cur tivator;' Massey -Harris 15 -hos seed drill; 1 chum 'wood roller; -set of 5 - Sealed Tenders addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tender for interior fittings Public Building, Exeter, Ont.,"' will be received until 12 o'clock noon Thursday, March 1,3, 1930, for the' ;supply and installation of .;interior fittings in the Public Building, 'Exeter, Ontario. Plans and specification can be seen der obtained at the and forms of ten t offices of the Chief Architect, De part ment. of Public Works, Ottawa, the Supervising Architect, 59 'Victoria St,. Toronto, Ont., the Builders' Ex- change, 1.104- Bay Sty Toronto,' Ont., the District Engineer Custom: House, London, Ont:.; u. and t,ie. Postmaster, Exeter, Ont:`• Tenders will -not. be''consider`ed un- less made on the 10111111. supplied by the D,opartnent and in accordance with the conditions set forth therein:. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank payable to the order of the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 ].c. of the amenpt, of the tender. Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or •bonds of the Canadian 'National Railway Company '"will also be ac- ceptedbonds and a eat or e teras a c c y>r p 1 cheque if required ' to make upa n odd amount. • By order, N. DESJARDINS, Secretary:. Department of, P'blie, Works,1s Ottawi,'Febrigr.25;1930 . • • 56-1. Farm For Sale or Rent. West 1-2 of lot 27, concession 12, Hullett, 11.2 miles from •Londesboro,; consisting of 50 ,acres in good state of cultivation. Good 8 -roomed house. Barn and hen house; never failing. well. Apply to Geo. H. Barr, R. R. No. 1, Auburn. Phone 207 Blyth sentralr . 53-6. House For Sate Comfortable , room house, Victoria street, . Clinton. Garage and stable. Apply to S. G. Castle, Clin- ton. _ . 40-tf. H.. Ems'' Raiz Call phone 147-w, or see J. A. Sut- ter, Clinton. 50-tf. MEAT Dry Salt Pork, lb, 25e Smoked Pic. Hams, lb. 22c Cot. Rolls, P. Mealed, lb. 30c Cottage Rolls, smoked' 32c Fresh Pic. Dams • 22c. Loin Rst., Pork 27c Rib Rst., Pork , 25c Shoulder Rst. Pork 24c Side Pork in piece 22c Pork Chops . • 27c H. -M,' Pork Sausage 22c Rib Rst. Beef • 22c Shoulder Rst. Beef • 22c Rump Rst. Beef 22c Corner Rst. Beef • r 24c Pot Roasts, • • 22c to 24c Rib. Boils 18c Flank . Boils 18c Brisket . Point • 12e' Break. Bacon, piece 33e 'Cot. Rolls, P. Mealed 30c Cot: Rolls, smoked 32c Sauer Kraut in bulk a lbs. for y 25c Nice large Dill Pickles 6 for .. 25c Smoked Back and P.• M. Back Bacon of Best Quality Large assortment of Cook- ed Meats. Choice bulk Pick- les, sweet and sour. Try our Creamery butter, it's real good. Kindly leave your order early. Auction Sale of -Horses, Cattle and Hogs At lot 94, Goderich township, 21-2 miles west 'of Holmesville on high- way. • Mr. Di` -1.. Stirling has instructed the undersigned to sell by public auction at his farms on Monday, Mar. 10th, at 1 o'clock, sharp: HORSES=Matched team of grey Percherons, 5 years old; pair grey fillies, 3 yrs.; pair Clyde mares, 5 and 6 years old; general purpose mare, 7 years; general purpose geld- ing, 7 years; brown gelding, 4 years; brown mare, 7• years; bay pare, 8 years; driving mare, 12 years; brown gelding, 7 years. These horses are all Ontario bred and in good condi- tion. CATTLE—black cow, 4 years, due time of sale; Ayrshire eow, milking supposed to be in calf; roan cow, due to freshen in April; Holstein cow, due to freshen in May; heifer, 3 yrs.; due in April; 3' heifers, rising 2 yrs.; 2. steers, rising 4 years; 10 fall cal- ves. . PIGS -4 sows, due to farrow in April; 12 store hogs, about 100 lbs. each. Derring cultivator, 17 teeth. TERIVIS,•-,8 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint bankable paper or a discount of 4 per cent. straight will be allowed for cash. G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer, D. A. Sterling, Proprietor 56-1. • . Auction Sale Of Farm, Farm, Stock and Iinple-- ments at west half of lot 27, Mullett section,; harrows; Fleury walking township, 11-3 miles north -West of plow, No. 21; 1Vlessey-Harris 12 -disc Londesboro, on Tuesday, March 1841.1. single row turnip sower; wagon; at 1 o'clock sharp, consisting• of the gravel box; set bench sleighs; 14- following: ft. stock rack; hay rack, 15 ft.; wood 'HORSES—Aged`, general purpose rack; 'root pulper; steel -tired buggy; horse; driving beret,: 10 years old. Portland .cutter; pair bolsters; Mc- CATTLt—Red cow, 'due to fresh - Taggart' fanning trill; set tseales,1200 en in April; grey cow, supposed to lbs.; Eaton Cream Separator, 650 be in calf; red cow, supposed to bean lbs, capacity; chop box; oat box; tool calf; steer, 1 1-2 years old;'2'celves,, box; hay fork, rope and car, slings 1 year old; calf, '3 months old.' and pulleys; grind stone; power en- PIGS -2 store hogs about 125 •lbs. ery grinder and stand; 2 H. -P. gaso- each; sow with litter of 12, 4 weeks 1916 engine; ' • wheelbarrow; 50 -ft. old. in. pipe; primp 'lack; line shaft and HENS -39 white Leghorn hens; 20 belts; 'sugar kettle; 5 gallon' gaso- Plymouth Rock hong. line can; ,bag holder; bag truck; 1 •IMPLEMENTS —'' Massey Barris cidz. grail, drags; 3 doz, fertilizer` binder, -6 ft. cut;. Massey -Harris drill .sacks;:pair horse blankets; 1 motor and cultivator; Frost &'Wood mow- rag; set -team harness; set plow hat- ea: disc'. harrow; McCormick hay ness; 2'sets single harness; mail box; sake; wagon; hay rack; walking water trough; 8 wood gates, 14 ft.; ,plow; -8-section diamond harrows; 2 .wood gates: 13 It..; some 2 •inch fanning mill; 'cutter; buggy; cutting, elm plank and 1 -in. elm lumber;. 3 box; •gang, plow; set of 'bob sleighs; basswood 'sills; basswood lumber; 4 root pulper;' -.turnip drill; 2 horse - white ash tongues,; 9•, cord cedar cut; power gasoline engine; Frost & HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS--•5-piece food 'stuffier; set of double bar parlor suite; oak dining room, suite; ness; set of plow:,• harness; De Laval bedroom suite; parlor table; kitchen cream_ Separator, Ne. 10.; ehurm; cabinet; sideboard; dresser; iron bed; sugar kettle; grind stone; cross cut an • ar• 1$0 ft. roe d Japanese k c p chairs; Js, a v• ha far rocking ch sau • 2p Y toilet,set; • CONNELL & TYNDALL Clinton's Leading Meat Market Rouse; For Sale Seven -roost eettage- with glassed - in porch, Joseph street, -Clinton. Pro- perty of Mrs. Geo, Ladd. Furnace, town water, lights. ' Garden with some fruit trees. Apply to T. IC. Mair, Joseph street, Clinton. 50-tf. ersu s v( rices e' i. ee. 01 Quality LPSOM SALTS, 6 lbs. for 25c SULPHUR, 6 lbs. ,1 or 25c SALT PETREL per pound . . 12c 'BORAX; per pound . ....... . 7c, COD. LIVER OIL, per gallon t1.5o ZENOLEUM, LICE POWT?ER IOW KURE FORMALDHYDE, ENERfGINE, BON AMI„ GILLETTS LYE, LEMON, .BANANA AND SEWING, MACHINE OIL,;:; VALVE GRINDING COMPOUND, FLAKE, GRAPHITE,, 'WHITING SHEET AND, GROUND` GLUE, STEWART.CLIPPER, PLATES, COLEMAN MANTLES AND GENERATORS, ALADDIN WICKS, 1V'ANTLES"AND CHIMNEYS, SWEAT PADS,. ETC. Miller Hardware Co. TELEPHONE 53 CLINTON • C H. VENNER, Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs. Phone • RUPTURE 'SPECIALIST' • -' Rupture, Varicocele, Varicose Veins Abdominal Weakness, Spinal Deform- ity. Consultation Free. Call, or write, J. G. Smith, Specialist, 15 Downie St., Stratford, Ont. 10-1929. Baby' Chicks There is profit for you in the dif- ference. Better chicks for the same money. Chicks, hatched by, our Hu - ren Mammoth Incubator ;possess ex- tra x --' tra vigour. Aro. you interested? Well, I think' so! White or phone'for particulars of Barred Rock and White Leghorn Chicks, to J. Elgin McKinley, Zurich, Ont., phone 97 ring 4, Hensall. 53-tf. , NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Fanny Mair Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having ;claims against the estate of Fanny Mair, late of the town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, widow, deceased, who died on. or about the 16th day of February A.D., 1930, are required to deliver to Thomas K. Mair; the executor of the said estate or 'his Solicitor, on or before the 15th clay of March A.D., 1980, a full statement of their claims together •with particulars thereof, and_ the nature of the securities if hold by them all duly verified by affidavit. AND" TAKE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date the said executor 'will proceed ''to distribute the estate of the said . deceased a- mongst the persons entitled thereto haling regard only to such claims as he shall.Have received due notice•and in accordance` therewith. . DATED' at, Clinton Ontario, this 24th day of February, A.D., 1930: W. BRYDONE, Clinton, • Ontario, Solicitor for the said estate. • 55-3. matting rug, 2x8; folding baby car- set of slings;_ cook stove; kitchen nage; 2 hanging lamps Coleman table; quantity of oats and peas; lamp; 3 coal oil lamps; 3 -burner about 3 tons of haY;' • quantity of coal oil stove with oven; first class turnips; forks; chains' and numerous 1Vodcl Aome . range,' for _ coal or other articles.-.• wand; hot', blast heater; phonograph' Also the farm, which consists of and 1 dos. retards; power washing 50' acres of good clay loam, with good machine; Daisy churn; 2 tables; '' 3 8 -room fraise house; bank 'barn, 30'x kitchen •. chairs;. . butter bowl; : lade 68'; driving shed; hen house; gar - and pint; l set 'quilting frames and age; buildings are all in good state. clamps set scales:, 240 lb. capacity; of repair and farm in high state of sausage machine: 5 gal. vinegar Jug; cultivation, well=fenced, and a nev-' 5 -gal keg; 5 -gal. demijohn;, forks; . er failing spring;; oi`e acre of bush. i shovels;• chains; .ivhifflerees neck- Everything to be' sold as proprietor 'yokes and; 'numerous other articles, is giving up farming. n q also a us, tity'of ihay. 'All. will be 'TERMS: On farm.: 10 per cent.. sold.withoui-reserve as prbpxietor- is of purchase money paid down on day giving up 'farming: of sale, balance' in 80 days. Terns Hogs,' :and all- sums of on Stock and Implements:. Hens, ,hay, 'TERMS: Tic TER 5 510.00 dnoder. -cash; • over that grain :and all' ,bPts of '310 10 and under, amount 12 months'. credit, will ;be cash;' over that atnonnt'•.8 -months' given on furnishing approvedjoint' creditwill be 'given' on, furnishing ap-, bankable;papers, or a discount of 4 proved'.joint 'bankable paper,' 00 :r er. cent.''st9<tight - allowed for cash: discount of.. 4 per cent' straight al "on credt's:ttiouiits. love&"for'eagh'oir credit solo,Ullt5. o..,,.. arc•"Pronrietom, .Gee; T2. "�G. H, Elliott, .Auctioneers :, T; it Geo `•ii. B 1 5.0-L' Elliott Aud'tioneel. v Nett, I'ropzietor. Farm—Sell or Rent - Eighty acres of rich and produc- tive loam; good natural and artificial drainage; picturesque location. Farm about two. miles from Clinton on Baseline. Buildings consist of newly shingled house; large barn; driving shed alio • windmill. Considerable bush. Terns one-third purchase down; or full rent in advance. Own- er, 322 South Main Street, Romeo, Michigan. Further information; W. Brydone, Clinton. 51-14-p. Farms For Sale Lots 27 and 29, 9th concession of Goderich township, consisting of 160 acres of -good clay loam, 1%, miles west of Holmesville. Good buildings, never -failing wells. Ap- ply to Lewis Proctor, R. R. No. 8, Clinton. Phone 611x2, Clinton cen- tral. 294'f. Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed and re- paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms over Heard's Barber shop. W. J. Jago. ' 228342. For Sale or Rent 80 -acre farm, lot 22, eon. 6, Gode- rich township, good brick house with frame kitchen and shed. Good well. Barn with shed. Land, clay loam., all seeded dowvn. Never -failing spring creek. 7 acres hardwood, hush. Will rent for pasture if not sold. R. Y. Cox, Huron Street, Clinton. 55-t£. NOTICE TO,'CRBDITORS In the Estate. of,. Catherine Lovett, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against• the estate of Catherine Lovett, late ' of the town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, spinster, deceased, who died on or about the • 23rd day of January, A.D., 1930, are required, to deliver to Nelson -Ball, the executor of the said estate or his Solicitor, on or before the 8th day of March A.D., 1930, a full statement of. their •claims together • with particulars thereof, rend the nature of tlhe securities ' if any, --held by them all duly verified` by affidavit. AND TAICE NOTICE •:that after the said last : mentioned date the said executor will proceed to distribute; the estate of the, said deceased amongst „tbe , persons our titled' thereto .• having regard., only to .such claims as he Shall have receivtd a e accord nc 1 thele slid in due notice �• t Clinton,(Ontario,•oris' DATED. a eb ruga 9 t :"'Iti of 1`' S A. , . '1.7h day � W. `BRYD'ONE. Clinton, Ontario Solicitor for tkie. said e4tate Clinton's i� t • IF IT SLOWS - IF ' IT SNOWS LET THE HEAT FOLKS ARM YOUR, TOES ! "When you come home at night so cold that your fingers ache, and your feet feel like blocks of ice, That's the time you need the Heat Folks to warm you. For the remaining cold : nights of winter, and the raw, wet evenings of early spring. Make sure of having your home comfortable by ordering from us a load of D.L.&W, Coal, -the most comfort per dollar et any -coal you can buy. We Want Your Milk and' Cream We are manufacturers_ of bo cheese and butter. We want y milk or cream. We pay highest m ket price weekly. Satisfaction anteed. •Phone your order for finest elle or pasturised butter in prints or s Ms to W. H. Lobb, Clinton, Ont., R. No.; 8, Phone No. 605r32. THE HOLMESVILLE CO -OPE TLVE CHEESE AND BUTTER • COMPANY. LIMITED Call he •• 'rrGufJ`a IOr, good, clean coal starg Pk Y, .0 N' ON - Eggs and. P®ultr •Home on Tuesday and Friday for noon to take in Poultry. ' Eggs" handled at residence ev day—graded by an experienced gr er, for which we pay the highe market price. Cream purchased for Stillman's. A. E. Finch Viking Cream Separator Agent. Victoria St., Clinton Phone Baby Chicks and Hatching Eggs for Sal Our pen won first prize for t1 largest number of points also fc the highest hen at the Nova Scoti Egg -laying contest: • Our pens are mated to male bird from • Registered hens. It' .doesn' cost any more to feed a good pull:, than a poor one; it only takes on extra egg next fall to make tit difference its the cost price. Barred Rock Chicks, $18.00 pe 100; White T eghorns, $16.00 pe 100. John Eairservice Box 13 Blyth, ring '153 56-1 Logs Wanted We are again in the market for geed maple, basswood, cherry and white ash logs, delivered in our yards at Bayfield and 4th concession Gods - rich Township. Will be doing custom sawing on 3. T. Turner's farm, Clinton. McEwen Bros. BAYFIELD Phone, 624r4, Clinton. 46-tf. Keep Warm With LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE .MINEHEAD ALBERTA SOFT COAL. NUT 'COKE AND 7JOMESTIC" SIZE COKE A. D. McCartney Coal Dealer Queen Street •.Telephone 256 Implement Agent 1 handle Cockshutt implements and cream separators, Frost and Wood Implements and carry parts and repairs for same. I am also agent, for Allis-Chal- mers Tractors. . Those wishing to inquire about any of the above kindly call at my residence. JOHN V. DIEHL, Queen Street, Clinton. 81-U McCormick -Deering Agency Having taken over the above a envy for this district I will keep o hand p,; full stock of repairs and pa of all McCormick -Deering machin and will, appreciate a share of t patronage agof the ;armors suroundin P Clinton:. Cali at my. Shop, next door Jones' blacksmith shop, King street T EV1i'AR7° Clinton, Ont., Phone 281w' , 04-