HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-03-06, Page 301 Sell yours i tie highest rk 1t We are :paying tho Colow.ing prices icor eggs Celkvpred olzr' ,e&rehouse for week ending. Mauch let, l93o, $'resp lEntrl0 35o doz. Vreeh Warta 33b doz. *..2resh Seconds & Cracks 30c doz. •Deal• with an, old reliable busi- ness house with a reputation of:. more than sixty-five years for 'square dealing. .Best' prices paid. Prompt payments. Cases returned quickly, Cases sup- plied, 60c each, complete; deliv- ered, payment In adtianee, Reference:—Your Own Banker, Write for Weekly Quotations PACKING CO ESTABLISHED OVER 65 YEARS 78-80 Front Sheet East Toronto 2 Inferiority lies at the root of ,envy, It is the s¢irit's unwilling acknowl- edgment of inabilityto achieve as much as another. = Every step toward Christ wills e• 'doubt,. Every thought, word, ,and deed" for Him carries, you away from discoaragemoat.-T. L. Gayler. GET OHM' RADIO 6Tiie World's Fastest Growing in- dustry, Demand for Trained Men Tear Llxcbeds Supp1q. Well laid Positions. Open to Our Graduates 73ADDID COarLEttSE OF •CANADA. Tara:MED • 3106 Bongo Street Toronto ANY SEASON Ig Vacation Time in Atlantic City ANY VACATION is An Assured Success If You Stay at the SL CHARLES with the Finest Location end the Longest Porch on the -Boardwalk. Offering the ultimate to Service with Unexcelled Cuisine r HELP BRITISH BOYS AND SINGLE MEN Weekly Parties During Early Spring. it.r?.PLZ AIfJW The Secretary, The Salvation .Army Immigration: SOB Dundee Street, Woodstock, Ont. 450 larvas street, Toronto, Ont. 11.4 Beckwith St„ Smiths Tans, Ont. 8218 University St., Montreal, Que. NEIL ON QUiCKEST TIME KNOWN "Sores on log, ulcers, for months, Doctors tailed to heal. Thea'SoothASalva' healed thominfewdays." Julea Straard. "Sootha- Salva" beats sores, ulcers, bolts, burns, carie, eczema, like magic. All druggists. Wonereneefentraseileswae,@"ulffi eft WEEKLY URA TO EUROPE Q. .'"' 41 APC IAN NM ' ° A litdipl'tI 'n alar. ;'New Cabin Class mimimum rates -10 North British Ports, $130. To the Channel Ports, $135. 4No chance ,In luxury of accommodation, or 'excellence of menu and servit:o. Special rebate of 12% on round trip Cabin 'Class bookings during ' the ten off-season months. Tourist Third Cabin rates also adjusted. Weokty sittings from Montreal (and Quebec e„ ISM April 26t)) onwards, r„ Book through The Cunard lino, Corner of Bay and Wellington Streets, Toronto, (Tel:-0I.gin 34Tij, or any steamship agent CUNARD`. CA6 A.D AN SERVICE '1 O.&M+TOURIST THIRD CABIN+TNIRD.CIASS riseastsenoassansesastwassanim Sam as C nada The Wet. Way from Bimini to Florida Tire wettest seven allies in the world Some one calls Bimini,S an Is- land in the Bahamas about, forty-five miles -from the coast of Florida, Nevertheless, ,it is reported this "bootleggere' paradise" has "suffered a great dentine in business recently. The reason for it, we are told, le that the dangers and difficulties of liquor- , running to the United States have be• conte too great. A West Indian correspondent of the London Observer blames the licensing authorities of Nassefu for BinnIni's bail name, It is not too muck to say, he alleges, that they could smash the bootlegging industry in Bimini it they so wished. _ Meanwhile, this informant goes 011 to `describe the island's shape as roughly making the 'arc of e circle,. At its southern, end is another small is- land, we learn, thus forming au ideal harbor with a narrow channel as en- trance. The,.population of the settle- ment around the harbor is given as 400 odd. On the . main 'front street,. Bay Street, it le related, there are five liquor saloons and one liceused club. We read thee:. "In the harbor there are two' liquor -barges, and .one anchored schooner, winch serves the . Bente purpose. These barges are rectangular lu shape, being about fifty by thirty teat: There are two hopes in either barge, one at each end. One serves ad the sleeping -compartments of the boot leggers, and the other as the dining - room and kitohen. The space , be- tween the lipases ie open on either side, and serves as a piattortn fntc w-htah the liquor is unloaded from the Naeeau embodiers, and from which .it, 1t loaded on to the Florida boats. Both houses and platform are coverea by a common roof, giving the Mtn -ranee of a neat little cottage, - "Underneath the houses, that is in 'the llull or the vessel, several thous- ands of cases ot liquor can be stored, so that there may be always a plenti- ful supply on hand. In short the barges and the solreoner serve exactly the same purpose as wholesale build- ings on land, only their position in the harbor so facilitates loading and un- loading that the one warehouse oa land has practically ceased to do bust - 0055. "The harbor Is also dotted over by some thirty motor -boats, averaging about twenty-five feet in length, pos- sessing powerful engines and capable of carrying four hundred cases. "Some of these boats are very fast, and can reach the Florida coast In two hours. These belong to the boot- leggers iu Miami, who employ young •men to pilot them and shoot across with 'loads according to ordera. The course of procedure Is as fellows: "Tlie owners of the barges Ltve in Nassau, and order the liquor from England to that port. It arrives in cases, and they repack it into sacks, so that ft can be handled with light- ning speed. Back sack contains els bottle's. "The sacks aro then put aboard schooners, Whitt convey the liquor the 1.10 tail es from Nassau to Bftmui (of course, time are other centres as well as Bimini, but we are concerned just now only with the fatter). The schooners draw up alongside the barges and nnlmati. The American bootleggers now do business with the barges, each of which has ae-capable man in charge. Thus far everything is plain sailing. "The gaeatest risks oral! are taken by the men who carry the liquor from tite bargee to the coast of Florida. 'A' receives a cable front urs employer in Miami to bring, say, '400 oases over to -night' (there are two sacks in a case); • He Ioads up from a barge, and at sunset speeds out of the harbor to cross the Gum elle has a certain rendezvous, known to 7.titn and his associates at the other side -some point ofland or some creek, perhaps ten or twenty miles from Miami. Later ou, when the authorities have become suspicious of this place, he -will change it • to an- other,. 110. unloads, and is told'wlteth- er to bring a load the following night Miniirdes Kills Dandruff, of MA0lyt..-0 40- el Re 7fr�lwita due to Aektk asnmeSram ACtb STOMACH HEArt70URN HEADACHE tgAegS-NAU „, What many people call indigestion oily often mean excess acid in the 'iitotnaoh. The stomach nerves here :been over -stimulated, and food sours, - ','.she corrective is an alkali, which neutralizes acids instantly. And the ,beat alkali known .to medical octane is Phillips' Mtlk of Magnesia. It has .$omained the standard 'with physt.- hJats in the 50 years since Its inven ft�lote One spoonful of this harmless, taste.. Ions alkali in. water wilt neutralize iff, stantly tunny -times as much acid, and' the symptoms' disappear at once. You will never use crude methods When once you 'learn 'the efficiency of this, aft get a small bottle to try. Be sure to get the genuine Phllipls' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- cians for hy'si-cians;for 50 yore in correcting excess acids, Each bottle contains full dtree tions -any drugstore, oi,•the 'next; or to wait 'anotfie'r•cdb This. West Indian correspondent The Observer goes on to relate. rho .rumunner thea; makes hie e .back to Bimini; and at sunrise boat will be riding lazily at ancl as though -it had never, left the liarbor ,Probably e 18 SOW asleep 4�,oti •barge, this writer ventures, happy the fact that another `sum has b plum). to his credit,: Meanwhile toad, we are told, hits been met be 'motortruck or by cars. " If the load to go'to Miaral, it appears, a tru takes it there: ,But sometimes, seeds, a conalgamont is placed in hack of a private ear, and driven no to' some other city. Tho destirtat of every sack is already. arranged fore the boats arrive, and we read: "Perhaps half a Xenon or more' these boats wilt cross In one night, going: to separate points along: t .const, and all ,being metas n the ee of 'A.' They' feet out keowing'ti they may be' discovered by .00 guards iu their patrol boats. If t4. are' (Recovered, and do not halt'th may be shot, 81 they are optima 'means five years' imprisonment te a five -thousand. -dollar fine for a first f feanttecer'), (the 'employer always pays,., "They darn make the attempt on during .the dark period of the MU 'ia moonlight all boats lie up. Th also have t0 brave stormy sena. So tines boats go' out and are nev heard of again. Frequently they captured. The other men only !au anti wonder. When their time w come. "On the American side the autho tion often capture a toad as it is got to Miami or elsewhere. Bribery is r sorted to however, and the loads a often allowed to pass through, liquor is stored in secret, "An, innocent -looking building m be the home of some of lt, or a ba toss -looking. restaurant adapted 1 receiving and- disposing of the liqu may be able to. provide Its clients. Th consumer W1ii pay as much as ten do lars a .bottle for it. "It ought to be added that the boo legging business has diminished grea 41y in recent days. The dangers an difficulties of smuggling the liquor America are so great. "The Licensing Board is Nassau rontposed ot the Receiver -General, tb. Stipendiary Magistrate, and thee other persons, appointed annually b the Government, Upon them res the responsibility of granting Iicens to tate saloons and barges in Bimini, and it is not too much to gay that they have the power of smashing the boot - logging business` in that quarter. " Why do they not use their power? Every License is supposed to be grant- ed en its merits. The average num- ber for a settlement the size of Bimini is three, and this was the number there previous tee bootlegging days, and even they were only small saloons run by colored natives. At the pre- sent time there are nine licenses in Blmtul, even thought tate original three saloons are still euateient to supply the settlementestablish- twineone of the licensed establish - twine do 'a wholesale trade with any surrounding Battlements, because there are none for many miles. The only place that the barges :can do busi- ness with is Florida -lienee tate boot- legging. "The pp Licensing Board appears to close its eyes to the fact that an tin liutited quantity of liquor is being con- veyed to a settlement for the sole pure pose of being smuggled into America and violating tite law et a friendly winder,"" rof ',ty hat ray Itis tor, he , the, in een. 1018. a i5 ek the rth ion' be - of all he, se hat agt e ey :it nd` of - the ly t1), ey Me- er are g4., tit ri- ng'. b - re The ay rm- or or s 1- t - to -t - to is e 0 y is es NO MEDICINE LIKE BABY'S OWN TABLETS For Either .the Newborn Babe Or the Growing Child There is no other medicine to equal Baby's Own Tablets for' little ones - whether it be for the newborn babe or the growing child the Tablets always do .good. They are absolutely free front opiates oe other harmful drugs and the mother can always feel safe iu using them. Concerning the Tablets, Mrs. Jolla Armour, R.R. 1, South Monaghan, Out., says:-";Sre have three line, stealthy children, to whom when a medicine is needed, we have given only Baiiy's Own Tablets, The Tab- lets are the beet medicine you call !reap In any home where there are young children," " Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but.. thorough laxative which regulate the stoivaoit and bowels; banish. eonstt- patlon and indigestion; break up colds and simple fever and nmtce teething easy. They are sold by wadi - ciao dealers or direct by mail at 25 cents'a box front The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out.. • "I am the.:champion borrower et the United Statee and have been so for twenty year's: "-Chanes M. Solewab, There is nearly as much ability re. quistte to know how to profit by good advice as to know how to act for one's 'self. -La Roehefottcauld. Carp are about the best fitted among the finny tribes to withstand the cold. A tenperatre of 20 degrees below zero does not disturb tizem and even if frozenin ice they can still carry on, and when thawed will feel no 111 effects. Use Minarets In the Stable, No Cold Apartments Here The DeVil is a janitor— , Toe one that's hard to beat, For not a soul below doth growl Because of lack of heat. —EdiabLanningba (bo.I 3 Tfiou.' wiitth ndsewt oNzedyeabog,S ci weeks ansa like magic, Noreen, conntipatlou vanish overnight Get rronized 'feast tablets from druggist today, •ISSUE No, l 0,—''30 HAT does i"after forte mean to you? Ase you less capable than you used to be? Nervous? Easily tired? Run down? Try the effect of two or three boxes of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, the tonic that leas made hundreds of middle- aged women„ feel ten years younger,! It will nourish and invig- orate the blood, so often thinned acid devitalized by advancing years, tone it up to better service, make you feel strong again, eager for life ! Buy EIr. Williams' Pink Pills now at your drug- gist's or any dealer in medicine, or, by mall, 50 cents, postpaid, from The D . Williams IVIedicine Co., Brockville, Ont. f> ffiffi 04S Mims HMO 4 p$1INii.PUALSto ',A WOUSENOLO NAME • 151 54 cotfNTames•' ' Sir Esme Howard Washington of late years has be - conte a favorite place for British diplo- mats, and in turn recent British dip. lom is have been great favorites in Washington, Lord Bryce'perbsaps set the high-water mark for all represen- tatives of Great Britain at the Ameri- ean Capital in the days when he was Professor Bryce, the recognized stu- dent of American politics. But its far as could have beou 3tossible, the high standard which he then set has been maintained by Itis successors, of whom Str Esme Howard, now retiring, ltas certainly not been the least distitt- gui'shed. During hl"a stay et Washington, Sir Seale has eucouatered uo serious dill- lomatio issues between the Unfted States and the country he represented. et has been emphatically an era of good feeling which rte slid much to solidify, The slight commercial an- tagonism that sprang out oe the Bri- tish effort to control tate Supply and lee price of rubber was perhaps the one interruption to the placidity of his terns, and he may now retire k11ow- tng that British -American relations were never on a more ltarmoniotts and trlondly plane. toilette privilege mid refusing to have liquor imported for the use Of the embasy stair, Sir Esme a year ,ago greatly strengthened himself with a very large section of American opini- on. Whether or not his action vas taken because of nuv personal rsonat reco s nitron of the evils to which the use of alegltoile stimulants so often leads is not material. The significance of his ant was that, as the diplomatic re- presentative of a friendly power, he saw and sympathized with the strug- gle the American Government was making against the forces of alcohol, and firmly and unequivocally placed himself ou the right side -on the side of Mw observance and law enforce. went, If the ordluary !settee which confront diplomats did' not arise is ally very serious forms during his am- bassadorial period, ,Sir Emile 8 oward may at least feel 'are that in his ac- tion bearing upon this purely domestic problem of the Vatted Status he won tate respect and the admiration of the American peoples -Christian Science Monitor, Compensations Kitchener RsOord: There isn't much to see In a small town -but what you hear makes up for it. 4 By the way, what's the propasod new thirteenth month to be called? The calendar might end with "October, November, 'Decentber, Addeuder" Mieard's-50 Year Record of Success, "I seldom get home until midnight and there le no pay for orertipne in my job."—prince or 'P0ales. DON'T WITh aNCERODS INDIGESTION Do you suffer after meals with a belching, from sour antiacid stomach? Many believe they have heart trouble and tremble with fear, expecting a.ny minute to drop dead., This condition) can be prevented, likewise relieved. Take Carter's Little Liver Pills. liter meals and neutralize tate gases. Sweeten the sotiraed acid stomach,re- lievethe gas and encourage digestion. The stomach liver and bowels will. be cleansed of poison painful and dangerous indigestion !disappears and the system enjoys a tonic effect, Don't delay. Ask your druggist for a 25e I Pim 2L Wee§ Little Liver Ville_ Leading • :Agriculturist with 5fteen years llractieal exec I- encs in agricultural -and livestock af- faire and having represented Canada on an Imperial committee to study tl e meat supply 61 the British •Empire, Leonard 'Christie 'McOuat bas recent y been appointed general agricultural agent of tite Capadian Facia° Ira 1 way. He was bort! at St Andrews East, Quebec, in 1892, and took h s degree of Bachelor of Science in Ag- riculture, at McGill tetiversity. ,After returning from military service is the war_, Mr, 114cOttat was called to Ottawa as'bacon specialist of the Dominion Livestock Branch,, Department of Agriculture, and, following a special study of the British meat market, was selected to loin the first Imperial Ec- onomia Committee to investigate and report on British Empire neat euppiY which met in London in 1025, His wide knowledge and experience are now at the service of the Canadian Pacific Railway, Oxcarts and Aeroplanes It is a far ery from tile sbou•mov- ins, primitive, high -wheeled c'trt, belli- ed by oxen along the roads of Ceylon, to a speedy aeroplane in the whiter sky over Lake Erie, -but many of the; people on Pelee Island are now drink-' Ing tea,cnrr'ieii there by alr, that jog- gled along 10 an oxcart under a tropi- cal sun in Ceylon only a few weeks ago. The Salada Tea Company, because of the freezing over of Lake Erie, be- tween Pelee and the mainland, recent- ly aitlpped sevel'al ltundt'ed pounds of tea by air, bi order to replenish the diminishing stock of a certain grocer on the island. Tbere is no doubt that the aero - place is fast taking its place as a freight carrier aud it is gratifying to see some of our larger Catiadinn In- dustries utilizing this means of trans. portatiatt In the nettle Of service. Financial returns from Wall Street don't include any money back.--Ark- enses Cazette. A waiter at a West -end restaurant was once a cowboy. From the wide• open spaces to the.wide-open fates, - Punch. The Soviet may put a better face ott Grings, after all. It blas granted a concession to a razor factetv.- Newarit Ledger, • lelinard's Will Kill Corns. a it Probably Would, 11- A man who bought stook iu a company Inquired if its value would Jump anwe He was told it could, Aud it probably would, Provided the price didn't slump any. YOVR HMR NEEDS L`I x �1. X TO GIVE IT HEALTH AND LUSTRE ASH YOUR BARBER Vglr 44f ' • 'I, ,I1 �BdKDISIb ave, eeeceERT ,p ire `''J, fro Nosrnt45 .,. :q F I£,ills4�. ,®ere 51.25 MI Druggists etterlptlte folder on request A. 0, LEONARD, Inc, le 5'11114 Ave, New Rork' City T The Lei eirj How an Old Story of the Buf Palo-; lunsters Has Come True --and May Afford a j lew Sport for Mil ionaires The old buffalo -hunters, 'when they found tlto bison were vanishing, in- vented -the legend that s0mewltere, In some remote fastness of Lite North 'American' Continent, was a "lost herd:' ,One day, they said, this lost herd would reappear. Of course, what lad'really happened was that constant slaughter had Trilled off the bison. But it now seems. that there was, In reality, at least one lost herd. Rumors of it were current among the trappers of the Far Worth. 1 ears ago, but it was a long time be. fore any authentic information cotild be gained. Then it was di covered that there were sotnetliiteg like. 5,000 bison roaming e great area ot some 10,500 square miles of ideal buffalo country between the Peace River and the Great Slave Lake, ono .the oilstone of the herd was established the Government appointed rangers to protect it and keep down w olYes, and declared the whole of the area a buffalo sanctuary. It is to -day Cauadas' largest national park. Some Years before ''this, : however the Federal Government had par= chased a herd ' of 700 buffalo, which had been preserved in the U nited States, and *tailed them in a reserve, 166 square miles in extent, at Wainwright, Alberta. This was over twenty years ago, and by 1916 the herd had increased to 2,000. In. 1928 it was 10,000. Bison on Tour This increase was at Lather too fast a rate, and finally it was decided that the Wainwright held should be kept down by sending the yearly surplus north, in the hope that they might mix .with the wild bison there. Since the first shipment went north in 1925 some 6,500 bisott have been moved in this way, part of the journey being by rail, and part in flat-bottomed boats. on the Athabasca and Slave, Rivers. ' There is talk now oe the Federal Government possibly (teetering as open season for buffalo, and aliening.. wealthy sportsmen to do a little, shooting at some of the surplus bison,' But there will be very strict regulations and safeguards if this sug- gestion is adopted; there will be no repetition of the wh01esale slaughter that swept the buffalo from the prairies some sixty years ago. These last buffalo hunts marked the end of one era end the beginning of another. Even while the hunters were still talking about the lest herd the cowmen were invading their coun- try, and cattle were grazing where only tite bison had beim before - where, indeed, the skeletons of the Met of them atilt dotted the prairie. But soon even tate skeletons disap- peared --after the Mutters came the bone -pickers, who for a time made a livius; eolleeting and ceiling buffalo bodes, "Atone wilt de the best work when he works along the line of his great- est Interest. -John D. Rockefeller, Jr, Cutlev as Soap ShampoosA~ Cleanse the scalp and hair ofdandruff and dust and assist inthelleahhygrowth ofhaic.Youanti be. delighted with thole fragrance and eficienci. Seed for trial outfit Soap and Ointment to "Cuneate,"'Sox 2620, Aioetre:d. Canada. Salidslthrough use 0obtained t1, Guild's Green Mountain Astiuna Compound. Its pleasant smoke vapor soothes and relieves. Ori mated in 1865 be Dr. Guild, special st in respiratory dis- eases, r Also el Dues catarrh. 2 Standard 1 8 remedy GG cents andl1140, owder3Lt' cents, form, Send for MUMS TWAT, peek., age al 6 cigarettes, ^nand!.. -,n Dla- to1butors, S.yraanLtd, td,, wept. COL 286 St real St. West =entreat. . den. re Guild SAS91MAiofpeUND i't Be aid! Use Minard's, A recognized hair grower for fifty yearn. Apply to scalp steadily rota' times a week. Classielted Adverrtleinag �13AD1' Oar 0880 -WTI IIATOHLtD. 280,050 last ,Year. In four verto- 5wttaer, Granto rtes ' Writq 1reo catalogue. lDt, Ont. , o - Ra mie rank stele.. -. (5s t 4.018115, NO w45 08 LAAIDi.'< Eoeanquet „TOWaelitp;feaLuihtott omty, i1;vo inttes from Forest. 00011. 101,00001 mood house and bdriear0 aorh.. andschool. welt tiled, eyt Turnor',' Fareot� On . Acte ARS,' au acme 00005 :Fort b� voreence nuc.. Write for catalogue;' entlosing stamp,•, 'Verdun Laboratories, Dox 20410 Montreal, Que... Wllatever'theinetai cutting Bob a. Simmonds eck-Sawwdoitbetter mad faster, For power 'taae, specify Sis:rtortd i4ali-hard" blades -- For hand ase, Simonds Hard - Edge blades. Refer your s awing and °noisy; problems to 0188 nearest:. breech- $1MONO5 SAMOA satyr CO, dram ra0evsEoz • TORONTO 25010508e 6 88 5101,115, 5-1) d`1E• R-, E,Sn. ALLSNOT; (ara.toartd'OggrasTinaasitneRl FEEL voovness heart gutter, dizziness, cons npatlon, iadigee tion end ove r - Fa I: p/ night, Sound steno at once, Get "Frtit-a.tivoet,.mdruggisttoday- 1 012 tCOUCIISif f, dCOWWS A.. ......i 11 tI Si vctr iSni paovE:g71' R CAI FM EAT AWING $[e dearly loved a rich til. -bit. The spirit was vriilittn, but the lleslt was weak. l'lienevcr he ale anything rirh,ltis boys rued to say, " Poor dad. he will pay the penalty to -morrow." [lead tee sequel us his Own wortia t - '•Since taking the regular dose of 1Krnechon Salta it iS quite different, and my boys etlloy titemtclvos seeing me cat what [ dare not touch before. My eldest son was the same, but since Ito has taken [iruaciten Satre he can ent and enjoy whatever is put its front of ]rim." Modem arliiiciai conditions, errors of diet, overwork, tack of exercise, and NO on, are bound to have hljurlons effects fn the tong nut providing due precaution is not taken, leresetten Salta should be your safe- guard, ureides 01eutting tite body of tnpuritice gently, surely and l::ilnleosly, they possess a vital power or giving new life and vitality to the Countless millions of cells of winch every Wily fs romposrtl. That is why physicians never hesitate to recommend iia•osel =n Salta. FREE TRIAL OFFER 21 you lino never tried Iiruohen—fry It noir at our selene. Wo baro r]Isfribnted a great many special "mmAN'r" pneltaea, which make It easy for roil to prove our darn for yonrerlr, !tett your drugglat for the new "00051"' 050. package. This toadish ate taut regular �pullioiret for ,bait ono week. Open tho trial bottle O01 put 11 to the tont, and then, If not entirely ,vtivineed that ICrusohcn does everything *e claim 10 1„ ,Io the 0050111 bottle 18 stip ao good as ow. 131:, It back, Your 111880lat is authorised to Mint your 750. Immediately and without question, You have tried I1re,8Iion free at oar espenco. What could be faker 5 tL'nafactmrod by L. OrtSitbs Seaubee, Ltd„ Manchester, ling. Metal). 17501, Impartero t tic0111tvrar Bros, Ltd, Toronto. List or "Wanted inventions" and Fuel lhfortnatlon See Free an Rectubst.- SITE nkett., Ottawa,iib. • An Miing Are yon prepared to render. first aicl and quick cotnfort the moment your youngster has an upset of any sorts' Could you do the right thing --immediately--;" though the emergency came with- out watning perhaps tonight ? Castoria is a mothers standby at such tines. There is nothing like it in emergencies, and nothing better for everyday use. For a sudden attack of colic, or the gentle relief of constipation; to allay a feverish condition; or to soothe a fretful baby that cant. sleep. This pure vegetable prepa- ration is always ready to ease an harmless as the recipe en the wrapper reads. If you _see Chas. 11. Fletcher's' signature, it is genuine Castoria. It is harmless to the smallest infant; doctors Will tell you so. You can tell:frote the recipe on the wrapper : how mint it is, and how good for little systems. But continue with 'Castorla- Until a ailing youngster, It is just as .child is grown, 5'My.daugliter Catherine is fifteen years old. She was very irregular, often sick at her stomach and had to stay in bed two or three days at a dine. One of your booklets was sent to us by mail so I got her a bottle of Vegetable Com- pound. Catherine has been taking it regularly and she is gaining.itt weight and every way, I told the neighbors anti four other girls are takingit with good results." --Mrs. Oar. ewe Jenkinson, Box 84 Thot'n- Ioe, Ontario.