HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-02-27, Page 8CLINTON'S LEADING JEWELERY STORE , She Trurnpgd erPartner s Ace! 'How could she explain that the trumped her partner's ace be- cause her eyes blurred momentarily? It was too -' humiliating to confess that she wouldn't wearglasses for fear they would spoil her looks! There are eyeglasses becoming: to every face, We can fit you becomingly. Your mirror as well • as -your nerves will dndorse_ the result. HAVE YOUR EYES '• EXAMINED BY R. H. JOHNSON Distributor for Clinton Graduate of 'Toronto College of Optometry Next IIovey's Drug Store. Jeweller and Optician 1 TIP TOP CLOTHES Tailored TO YOUR MEASURE' FROM FINE WOOLENS AT A PRICE YOU CAN EASILY' AFFORD . - . ONE PRICE ONLY What material do you want your new suit from? Tweed, worsted, serge, chev- iot -you may choose any cloth you like - in any pattern or shade -at Tip Top's one low price. Every Tip Top garment is tailored to the customer's indi- vidual measure, in any wanted style, and sold with a positive guarantee of satisfaction el' money back. Come in now and see what wonderful value Tip Top Tail- ors offer in fine Clothes. New Spring Samples . ready for your inspection. Plurnsteel Bros. Down Come Prices on Books THE CLINTON-NEW RECORD It's a straight, downright sacri- fice in order to accomplish 0 speci- fically desired object. Some have slightly faded covers or otherwise blemisheq; others are surplus stock. As an example think of a set of Sir Walter Scott, pocket size, clear type, illustrated, 24 volumes, original price was $14.00 for $'7.90. The Wild Beasts of the Wloald, 400 pages, 100 colored plates, $2.50 for x$1.50. The Soctt Anneal, Over 1000 pages, 1928 edition, $2.75 for $1.50. Wonder Book Picture, Annual 12 coloured plates and hundred's of pictures 12.25 for $1,25. The Pilgrim's Progress, 32' coloured pictures, $1.20 for 75e. The Girl Guides' Book, For girls of all ages $2.00 for $1.35 The Parent's 'Book, Which answers children's questions over 700 pages, $1.50 for $1.00. . The Women's Book, Everything a woman ought to know over 700 pages $1.50 for $1.00. Good Housekeeper's Cook Book, Revised edition $1.00 for 65e. The Family Doctor, $1.60 for $1.10. The Story of the Bible, • For boys and girls, illustrated, $2.00 for $1.25. Trail Makers Annual -for Boys, Adventure and Outdoor Instruc- tion, $2.50 for $1.45. Water Babies, Illustrated, Kingsley, $1.00 for65c. A quantity of Paper cover Novels, Good authors, 25c for 15c. Over 100 Cloth Bound fiction, origin- al price of many was $2.00, clear- ing at 29c. dent 1 'tcctri� • 111114, Inefficient wiring means a fire risk -- you are safe when' you let us do your work. Our rates are low. s PLUMBING ,tdet; Us Take 'Your • .IVleasur1 tter & Perdue HARDWARE ELECTRIC WIRING Phone 147w �. If you like your clothes tail- ored to fit you with that com- fortable faultless perfection that accentuates every slender • line gracefully without being tight. ' • OUR. TAILORING • accords with the season's styles, yet pays due deference to your individuality. You'll find excellent qualityin our new materials as well as in our careful workmanship. Call hero. DAVIS HERMAN Tile W. D: -Fair GO. Often the Cheapest -Always the Best 1 ...m,o,r®al ttti CLINTON'S BIG CORNEId COUE TIP OUR IIIG TI3.URSDAY,.-FEBRUARY 27, 1.039,, nosemessithemainver GO.C.-EIS ONE \''EEK FEBRUARY 27th to " MARCH, 5th' Large Juicy Oranges, per basket 59c:. Buttermilk Bread 10c Clinton-.Creainery Butter 4.1x. EXTRA SPECIALS 5 Ib. pail Syrup, 10 lb. pail Syrup, -10 lb. Granulated Sugar, Rinso, 3 for Grape Nuts, pkg. SPECIALS EVERY DAT 33c 3 Ib. Lard, 65c 3 lb. Shortening, 58c Stuffed OliveF, 25c Dutch Cleanser, 2 for 15c Clark's Pork & Beans, (med.) 2 for 21c.. 50c' 50c 25c & 35c - 19c. GREAT VALUES FOR Jelly Powder, 5 pkgs.! 25c Cream Cheese, Ingersoll 2 for 25c Raisins, 2 lbs. 25c Corn, 2 tins 25c Oranges, per dozen 29c Head Lettuce, Leaf Lettuc Morning Delivery: 9 and 11 a.m.CASH AND Peas, 2 tins 25c Tomatoes, 2 tins 25c Peaches, (sliced) 25c Rolled Oats, 5 Ib. 25c Breakfast Food, 4 lb. 25c 25c C. & B. Catsup, (large) 25c Heinz Catsup, 25c Picnic Hams, per ib 25c. Big Five, 5 for 25c Grape Fruit, 3 for 25.c: Mrs. J. E. Hogg is in Toronto this 'week. Mr. Harold Lawson of Hamilton spent the week -end at his home in town. Miss Clara Bali spent the week -end (with Miss Elda Watson of Lon- desboro. Miss R. V. Irwin visited with her sister, Mrs: Vesey of Fullerton, last week. Mr. James M. Reid spent a few days during the past week visiting his sisters in Flint, Mich. Mrs. C. Beacons has been called to Toronto by the illness of her daughter, Mrs. Cooper. Miss Daisy Copp returned last week to Toronto after spending some months with her mother in town, Mrs. Blanche Williams os West Monc- ton was here last week attending the funeral of her aunt, IVIrs. J. K. Mair. Mrs. J. C. Gandier spent the week- end visiting in Buffalo, stopping off in Niagara Falls for night on her . way home. Miss J. Clement, deputy-sherrif of 1•Iur6n, Goderich, was the guest of Misses B. F. Ward and A. L': Stone over the week -end. - It Costs you Money to Stay away from our Store. Don't take our word for it -come in and prove the truth of this state- ment yourself. You will always find our prices right and our goods, of the very best. Better yet, phone your order and learn how 'fou can trust us to fill your order as carefully as if you were to come to the store'jrourself. CARRY Bitter Oranges, per dozen 60c e, Celery, •Tomatoes, Pancake Flour, for Shrove Tuesday $1.00 ORDERS DELIVERED FREE Aftern000Delivery: 2:30 and,5 p.m. i .. PHONE.,J 48 E I a :Q WHERE "SELLS FOR LESS" PRICE PREVAILS g 'moi HOLMESVILLE Miss WAhemina Trewartha of Clinton spent the week -end with Holmesville friends. Mrs. J. Cudinore was in Seaforth last week owing to the illness of an uncle. Mrs. Witmer and Miss Ruth, who have bean spending some time with the former's daughter, Mrs. W. Jer- vis, have returned to -their home Zurich. A very interesting meeting of the Young Peoples' League was held on Friday evening last, Mr. Barry Walter, vice-president, being in charge. Those taking part in the program were: Frank Yeo, Kenneth Trewartha, Doris Huller, Marion Trewartha and Miss Reta McDonald. The president, Mr. Fred Potter, took charge of the business part of the meeting and arrangements were made for a play to be givenby the young people of Ebenezer on Friday evening. The Women's Day , of Prayer, March 7th, will be observed by the W. M. S. and Mission Circle of Hol- mesville church by a special service. All roads in this section have been cleared of snow and are open to motor traffic. Traffic on ,the' Cut line was held up for a few hours', Monday forenoon while a large maple tree, which had been ordered removed by the :township council, was being felled. Mr. Mack Falconer did the work. The Gleaners Mission Circle were entertained at the parsonage yester- day'evening by the Rev. J. W. and Mrs. Herbert. That a pleasant time was spent goes without saying. Mr. and Mrs. Clif. Proctor of Clinton spent Sunday with Holmes- vilie friends. Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Glazier of Clinton were with Uolmesville re- latives on Sunday, Rev. J. F. Parke returned last week to his home in Toronto after spending a week with this sister, Mrs. John Cluff of town. Mrs. 1loy Ball of Sarnia has been the guest the past week of Mrs. Paxman. Mist Ball's Clinton friends were glad to see her again. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Giddings and babe of Detroit visited with the lady's parents, Mr. ,and Mrs, Har- vey McBrien of town, during the past week. Mi s. J. W. Gray of St. Williams spent the week -end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. B. R. Higgins, com- ing to attend the funeral of her aunt, the late Mr's, Graham. Messrs. Douglas Higgins, Terence Higgins, Brefney Higgins and Joe Higgins motored up from Toronto on Friday to attend the funeral of their aunt, the late Mrs,. Wan. Graham. Mr. and Mks: N. W. Trewartha were Toronto visitors last week and while in the city spent an af- ternoon at the Parliament build- ings, meeting many old friends and anembers of the Legislature. EXET'ER): 'Word has been receiv- ed herethat the pavement on No. 4 .highway will be extended front Kip - pen to Exeter during, the coming season. Another year should com- plete the road to Ltican. The bridge in 'town over the Sauble River will liltoly he replaeed by a wider struc- ture, as on e p n one wo cars find it difficut to pass.. There are homes 'so spiels and: span that their very atmosphere lifts you to higher levels and in- still in you a great longing' to up- set an ash tray. Miss Emma E. Scuthcomhe left; Fri- iday last for Toronto after opera- ting a week or so visiting Clinton friends. She intended spending the week -end in Toronto, returning Monday to her Thome at Niagara Falls, Ont. Mr. and Mis. T. H. Managhan mot- ored to Detroit on Friday and ,spent the week -end with their sons there and at WWelkerville. They found the motoring very fair,'on- ly ran into some floods on the way home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mos. Carty, Me. and Mrs, Risch and Mr. and Mrs. Schofield of Detroit visited friends its town Monday and Tuesday, having ac- companied the remains of their mother,; Mrs. Green, from Detroit. Mrs. Green was buried at Bayfield an Tuesday. Mr. W. :.Thompson, who came from the west several weeks ago with.a load of horses. from Northern On- tario, Ieft for his .home the begin- ning.'of the week. Ile spent sever- al weeks in thin vincinity looking after ' property;; interests and vis- iting friends. St. Patrick's Day Tea The W. A. of Wesley -Willis church will hold their annual) . ST. PATRICK'S DAY TEA AND SALE OF HOMEMADE BAKING AND CANDY in the Council Chamber on SAT. AFTERNOON, MARCH 15TH Commencing at 2.30. 54-4. GODERICII TOWNSHIP Miss Dorothy Stirling of Stratford spent the week -end with her parents, Mrs, W. A. McGuire returned home after spending . a week with her parents, Mr: and Mrs. F. Joffroy of •Goderich. Mrs. Peter McDougall has been in Goderich this past' week owing to the illness of her grandchild, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harris, who passed away Monday afternoon. Kr. M. Louden has been ploughing the past few days, quito an unusual thing at this time of year. Mr. Alf. Mudie, who has been un- Cartney and daughters, visited Mr. der the doctor's care, is naw improv- and Mrs. B. Murphy of Stanley ing, we are glad to report.- • I Township last week. Mrs. McCart- Mrs. J. Carling of Seaforth is ney and daughters have returned visiting • friends in the neighborhood. I horn but Mrs. Murphy is remaining Mr. John McGuire ,is wearing a for a few days longer. broad smile these days as a baby girl has arrived at his home. The -contract in connection with the erection of a new school` at S. S. No. 10 has been. let, Mr. E. 3. Dinnin of Seafdrth being the :successful con- tractor. He expects to commence building operations as early in the spring as possible. A .special meeting'of the .ratepay- ers having been called -to discuss the matter of a new school, it Was de- cided to build on the old site, al- though same of the ratepayers were in favor of dividing the section and building two schools, one at each end of the long section. au. Frank I.' Jones, has returned. home, after spending the, winter in Northern Ontario. ' • Mr. Thomas T. Murphy of Goderich visited his' old friend, Mr. I1. J. Thompson on. Sundry. -Mrs. K. Murphy, Mrs, H.. Mc - Little Theatre Night St. Paul's AY.P.A. present three One -Act Plays The Trysting Place Booth Tarltington A Proposal under Difficulties --John Kendrick Bangs. Not quite such a Goose, Gale. Clever, Snappy, Full of Fun. IN THE TOWN HALL FRIDAY,' FEBRUARY 28th Reserved Seats 50c, Plan at Fair's 54-1. Shrove Tuesday Supper IN ST. PAUL'S PARISH HALL Tuesday, March 4th From 5 to 7 o'clock MENU: Dressed Pork Escalloped Potatoes 'Buttered Rolls Salads, Jellies, Pickles Pie, Tarts Tea and Coffee Admission 50c. PRE -LENTEN SOCIAL EVENING MONDAY, MARCH 3RD ST. JOSEPH'S HALL Progressive Euchre and 500 from 3.15 to 0.45. Dancing the remainder of the evening. STRATFORD ORCHESTRA Ladies 25e. Gents 50c. 55-1. What Superior Chain Stores Mean to Your Locality! Wherever you see the name, "Superior Chain Stores,",you can be sure that you will find there a policy of "Quality, Service and' Fair Prices." There are now over six hundred Superior Chain Stores, all operating on this policy. You can tell them by their inviting Orange and Black fronts. Wherever you see the Orange and Black front you know it to be a store owned and operated by the man behind the counter -your nieghbor-]who is ever anxious to be deserving of your continued patronage. Money spent with hint brings good value in return and besides, it stays at home to prosper and develop your community. Look for the Orange and Black Front Store in your neighborhood. ' SPECIAL THURSDAY, FRIDAY 'iND SATURDAY Clark Pork & Beans, 2 for 21c Grape Nuts, per pkg. 15e Sliced Pineapple, 2's, 2 tins 23c Loose Macaroni, 2 lbs. 28c Purity Quick Oats, with China, pkg, 370 Lealand Sweet mixed Pickles . . . ...... ,25o Wagstaffe's Marmalade 40 oz. jar . 31e Rinso, small, 3 pkgs. 25c Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour Beehive Syrup, 2's both for . 33e Loose Seedless Raisins 2 ib25e SPECIAL MONDAY. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY ' Old Dutch "Chases Dirt" 2 tins 19e Premium Tea, lb. 69e Gillett's Lye, "Eats Dirt" per tin .. 15e Keen's Oxford Blue, 3 oz. cake, 3 for , -age Brillo, small, 2 pkgs. 25c Can white beans, 3 lbs25e Pumpkins, 2's, per tin 11e Minute Tapioca, 2 pkg. 25e Try our meats, sliced, any way you like it. Yes, we have them; Fresh Vegetables and Fruits of all kinds. J. T.Mc KN IG T & SON CLINTON, ONT. PHONE 111 HULLETT. TOWNSHIP Miss Tena Flynn spent the week- end with her cousin, Miss Margaret Flynn. Mr. Tom Flynn's broilers are doing very well. 'Valentine Scott" ssysj "I'11 ex- plain Everything." Corrie to Hol- mesville' on Friday night, and see if he does. COAL & COKE We sell DL&W and Famous Reading Anthracite Coal, Solvay Nut and Furnace. Coke, Liberty Range size Coke, Alberta Coal and Millers Greek Soft coal, Our Motto- Good clean fuel at a reasonable price. AUBURN Sympathy is extended to Dr. C. A. Howson on receiving the sad news of the death of his brother, the late Mx. Leonard Howson, of Rudyard, Mich. He was well known by many in the community and the mews of his death will be heard with sadness. The ice en the river broke up on Friday night last week' very quietly, but owing to the recent rains the river is very high. • 1Virs ..A.. M. Rice and son Gartli Were in Toronto. one day last -week, Miss Lola Church has gone back to Goderich after visiting a few menthe With Mx. and Mrs. Gordon Taylor, W. J. MILLER .& SON Orders taken at residence. Ontario St, PHONES: 46w and ;16j Dress up Your Kitchell with Our Modern T lS You've got to make your kitchen smart thetse days -it's invaded so of- ten nowadays when you entertain - and we have everything your need to dress it tip properly. Tea kettles and coffee pots in yellow and blue-- kitchen lue-kitchen ensembles coi.taining, all the latest pots and pans in one color- every mariner of. prelatical ,utensil of living room appearance at kitchen prices! HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 FIREMEN'S ANNUAL Dance & Card Party Auspices Clinton Fire Company in the TOWN HALL, CLINTON on the evening of Friday, March 7th, commencing at 8 o'clock, sharp CARDS -LUNCH -DANCE EXTRA GOOD MUSIC Admission, Gentlemen 47c plus 3e tar Ladies, 33c phis 2c tax 55.2. EVERYBODY SAYS THEY ARE DELICIOUS Our delicious layer. calve -cookies --buns-pound cake --pies of every 'kind-in'iacfe of the finest ingredients, will delight the most exacting house- wife. Also bread and rolls, fresh several times a clay. Deliveries Made anywhere. filen... dorf's - Bakery MAKERS OF "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake' BREAD