HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-02-27, Page 5' THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1930
Mr. 'Botvee didn't tell us about
;:this storm; did lie?
There "nay" be an election this
,,year•, so be prepared.
Those senators •at Ottawa didn't
.r>eemhobesoove'10Yped tohave a
nice little lady playmate, did they?
Stodgy old fellows!
Wednesday '' is the beginning of
Lent.- •= Easter is late this year,
. April 20th. Old people used to say
that when Easter was late we might
look for a late spring.
No doubt Premier W. L. Mackenzie
Kang will think- •he has .carried" -out
'his promise to reform! the Senate by
;appointing a Woman to it, 'women
'having such a 'mania for houseclean-
ing, silt houseeleaning time is 'here.
A Liberal woman worker declares
that "the hens lay, better under Lib
.eral rule•'. If that can be success,.
fully proven it would seem that
-Premier King need have no fear of a
...coming election and Premier Fergus-
• en may begin to shake in his shoes:
The, Senate and the Commons are
now even, both have -one woman
member. Is it . correct for members
• of Parliament and Senators to hob-
. nob? If so, these two Ladies might
meet during their off hours and
compare notes, asto the general
- ehatacteristics of their fellow-rnem-
Clinton has suffered little , by
-floods during the past week owing to
"the sudden breaking up of winter, a
few cellars being flooded, but from
reports• some other places have not
fared so well: Our Tittle river has
high 'banks and wide flats which may
flood without doing much damage.
The Grand river rose sixteen feet a-
bove average level and much damage
is reported. No. 8 Highway was a
couple of feet under water in Guelph•
vicinity on ' Sunday and all traffic
• was stopped. There should be little
'trouble of this- sort when spring
-actuaIIy comes. • •
So warm and balmy has been the
weather for over a week • until yes-
'•terday that the grass was growing
• quite green and fall wheat was
greening also. The going of the
•snow is always welcome, for no mat-
ter crow much one may enjoy the
winter, spring is always a Joy when
it comes. But as we cannot hope to
'have spring thus early farmers
would have preferred to see their
fields beeped with a tvarnn blanket
of snow for a few weeks longer.
However, these matters are not in
our hands Hind we have to take the
'weather as it comes.
The death occurred on Saturday
of' Mae. William J. Rowden after a
short ilines's, I
Mks. Rowdene who, before her mar,
rtago• as- Jennie Richardson d
a S
h -
ter of the late James :and ,Susanna
Richardson • was born and reared in.
Goderich totwnship. After, her • mar-
_riage, to Mx. leowden, she.resided on.
the ,'13th • concession of Goclorich
township, where the end came: She,
is survived by her .husband-anti•two
sons,•oecil of Campleellville and` Bert
of thisAonvnship;"alae two:sisters"arid
one .hiether,' Mts. Ai' E. Hicks; Miss
Riel a'rdeon rend 2i . 'Robert -Rich'
ardson, all of this 'township and two
,grandchil'dren. ' '
The'' late- 11Iisa •Rowdeu • was i ••an •
•active'member 'of Si+James Anglican
church Middleton•
The; .funeral,... which. was larger
attended by friends and neighbors,
took• place .from herlate residence
on Monday afternoon to: Clinton cem-
etery. e.
emeter•y.„ The service . was• ,condu;eted
by Rev. F. Ti. Paull of Bayfield,.as-'
sisted by Rev. L:: 0.• Harrison ,of:•Clin-
ton. - .
The pallbearers weee: 11. W Gra-,
ham, Joseph Richardson, Jelin Smith,
and Beet Murphy.. ,
Famous Chinese
Statesman Here at
Canadian Festival
:Dr. Tchyi Hsieh Will Be Heard
in His Notable Lecture on
Present -Day China
The blood of Chlna'9 ancient
• aristocracy and the spirit of mod -
.ern democracy mingle in the per -
:son et Dr. Telly' Hsieh,noted'
!Chinese diplomat and staesman,
''•i1'lto will deliver his stimulating
lecture, "Inside Light of Present -
Day China". at the Coming Ca- •
nadian Chautauqua Festival here.
That Canadians may gale a
etruer view of China and her prob-
Ilems is Doctor Hsieir's mission in
seeming to, the Dominion—and
-China could not have found an
emissary better suited for • the
task. Doator Hsieh is a brilliant .
_orator, a master of the English
anguage and a keen stutlent•of
international affairs. It has been
.said ,of him that he is the -national
Interpreter of. Chinese aspirations,
-philosophy and hopes.
An editorial le the ' Toronto'-
'Globe speaks of 75oetor Hsieh as
One of the most clrltured se
well as wittiest Welters- Toronto
has had in many a . day is Dr.
"Tehyi Hsieh of Chink, ghost of the
Board of Trade. 'Meter I•Itileh, in
-addition ' to much Oriental lore,
'knows the Occidentbetter than
most of us. - He is a graduate of
•Cambridge and has had wide dip-
lomatic' experience on. both shier
'of the Atlantic. ' He is typical 'of
Young China, which now is rape
idly taking over all that rightly
belongs to China from the en-
leobled hands of the Old Regime.,
'We ali might learn a.godd deal
=from /this brilliant representative
-of China."
CLINTON, MARCH 12, 13, 14, 16
Amongst these present from a
distance. were; . Mr. and Mrs, C..
Rowden, Campbellville; Mr.Fred
Ohurchill; Bluevale; Mrs. F. 1VI. Nieh-
oils, Pontiac,'Miih.; bir. J. It., Lud-
low; Port Huron,. Mich., and. Mr, P.
J. Cantelon, Goderieh.. '
The community Club • held ' .their
February meeting at the home of
Mks. A. Wiltse on Thursday last, with
most of the'members .present. The
roll call was answered liy a,,home
made valentine and proved. quite an
interesting feature. Several, business
items were attended; to. The Tuck-
ersmlith ladies" assisted the hostess
to serve refreshment eiTlie March
meeting will take the Coi,in of a soc-
ial evening.
The many friends - of Mrs.' 13yaen
'Rowcliffe will be pleased to learn
'that she is' doing well and is expect-
edl;honte from the hospital where she
underwent a serious operation. Her
daughter, Nurse Rowcliffe, has beep_
'taking 'arc of her: mother and will
return o with t ith her. •
An inquest into the death of a
new-born babe in ,Goderieh township
was held at the.town.hall, Goderich,.
on Tuesday. This was an adjourned.
sitting of • the coroner's jury, .which
was - empaneled. a number . of, weeks
ago to deal with the case.
The jury's .verdict was is.fellowsi
`Wie,..tlre jury empaneled-to, inquire
into ,the. death of the Emmerson, in-
fant, -find from the evidence sub4.
nabbed that said .infant .came le its,.
death. on the night of January . 12:
1930, of -natural causes... . •
The jury comprised Wiilliam Ed-
wards (foreman), T. R..Rundlc, Is
had Curweni J. M. Johnston, .. R. F.
i%feFariane,'A, Rouvie, D.. J. -Burns,
C. L. Bissett.
Mr. Roy Keys spent Sunday With
14Ir. Russell Emmett., ••
Mr: • and Mrs. Lloyd Keys and child-
ren spent Sunday with,. Mr. and
Mrs! William Reid. - •
ilii.• Percy Johnston spent Sunday
'with Mr. Russell Barrett. ,•
Miss Anna Caldwell of •Niagara
Falls is visiting her parents, . Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur ,Caldwell. .
Mr's. Thos. B. Baird returnee'
home' on Monday after • visiting
friend's tri. London fdr the•'past•week..
During a storm of thunder and
lightning early'Tuesday Morning, an
inch`and fifteen parts of rain fell in
this section. " - • -
Mr. A: C. Clark, • . Carlow, store-,
keeper, has. •sold his residence .and
store to 'Mr. Frank; Mellhvain,. for-
nieriy-df Nile: "Possession to •be.•giv-
en tit .once. ' • . .•• • .
'Crows, 'blackbirds and' wild geese
have Made then appearance this
week. Is spring here for sine?
A euchre and dance was held re-
cently at Saltford Club room to
raise money to help Mr. John Par-
rish in his misfortune. It will he
remembered, perhaps, that he had
his left arm injured badly,causing
amputation an inch below the elbow.
Since a week ago the reads are
practically all passible in this town-
ship for motor cars.
Misses Cora and Evelyn, Culbert
of Dungehnon spent Saturday and
Sunday with their cousin, Misses Isa-
bel and Eleanor Tyndall.
The Foursquare C.G.LT, • • Group
met at the township hall on Satur-
day for its regular monthly meet-
. On Friday Mrs. Service ' arrived
at her place ' of residence with her
'husband, Mr. Secs i e, .caretaker of
Colborne townthip hall' after iter
recent, illness.
We are glad to report' Mrs., V'aicee
has taken a turn for'the better. and
is now :sitting up
rl2ise. Jeany•Merr'is was Koine '£or
.last week -end.
Mr. Harold Colelough and Miss M.
Attwood of. Blenheiin are spending
a tveek with their hunt, Mrs. Rlobt.
••Mr. Andrew Snell is spending this
Week in Blenheim and B:ariiston
With relatives.
- A very enjoyable time was spent
last Thursday evening:. at the home
of Mr. and Mei. Robt.' Grimoldby, it
being the 12thi anniversary of their
wedding. The ,guests numbered a-
bout sixtyand the evening was
spent in cards'' and dancing. Many
beautiful gifts were received by Mr.
and Mfrs. Grimoldby,, Their friends
wish them many more years of wed-
ded happiness.
Wlaiid was received on Saturday by
Messrs, 13., and Andrew Snell of the
death of their sister, lVfrs.• Latimer
of Blenheim, which had occurred' iji
that the ° hospital a M
p g
mer had been in poor health for
some weeks- prior to her death. She
was well-known here, having lived,
on the.; old homestead until her mar-
riage and was formerly Elizabeth
Snell: We extend our ,deepest syn-•
]lathy to' the .bereaved ones.
CARTER --Iii Clinton; ioxr Eeb. 17th,
to Mr. , and Mrs: 3.1,G. Carter,, a,
daughter.—Fera Isabel.
li`INGLAND--At , the Wellesley Hos-
pita l, Toronto, on Feb. 20th, to
Mr. and ,Mrs. Frnk Fingland, a
daughter. -Catherine. Elizabeth -
TOMLINSON—At Weston, Ont., on
Feb. 20th, Maria Tomlinson, in her
74th year.
ROWDEN--In Goderich township,
on Feb.. 22nd, Jennie. Richardson,
wife of Mr. W, J. Bowden, aged
62 years.
GARRETT—In loving memory of
`Caroline E. Wallis, wife of John
Garrett, who died Feb. 27th, 1920.
—Husband and daughters.
Mr. W. J. Bowden and family wish
to thank, their relatives and friends
for their kind expressions of sym-
pathy and flowers sent, during their
recent sad bereavement,
Salvation Army
Be present at the Lantern Service
Friday evening at 7.30 p.m. Chil-
dren, Sc..,Adplts, 'pc. 56-1.
- Tea and Sale '
An afternoon tea and •sale -of bak-
ing will be held mit the Presbyterian
church on Thursday, March 6bh, from
3 to 6; under: the auspices of the
Ladies Auxiliary.'.
• 56-1•
For Salo or Rent '
80-acre,farin, lot 22, con. 6, Gode-
rich township, good brick house with
frame kitchen and shed. Good well.
Barn with shed.. Land, clay: loam,
all seeded ,down. Never -failing spring
creek. 7 acres hardwood bush. Will
rent .for pasture if not sold. R. Y.
Cos, I•Iuron Street, Clinton.
House For Sale
Seven -room cottage with glassed -
in porch, Joseph street, Clinton. Pro-
perty of Mrs. Geo. Ladd. Furnace,
town Water, • lights: 'Garden with
soirie fruit trees. ' Apply to' T. If.
Mail, Joseph street, 'Clinton. 50-tf.
' Auction 'Sale
O.f Horses, Cattle end Hoge:
2l!r•. D. A. Sterling Will sell by Pub-
ic Auction et his fainn, Lot 93 on
the I•Tightvay, 21-2 miles• west of
Hohnesville on Monday, March., 10th,
at 1.30 sharp, .
16 good farm horses, 3 well.mttteh-
ed teams in this lot; 25 hogs, con-
sisting, of sows and store bogs.
20 head of Cattle .consisting of
Cows and Young Cattle. Fuller par-
ticulars next week. Usual terms,
D. A. Sterling, Proprietor, G. H.
Elliott, Auctioneer. .
To Owners or Harborers of Dogs
. All dog taxes in Clinton are due
and payable March lst. Note follow-
ing 'excerpts from town Bylaws:
"Every person required to register
a flog under the provision of this by-
law shall obtain from the Chief Con-
stable a tag for such dog."
"Per every dog owned, possessed
orharbored in the .said town on or
before the first day of March in any
year a license hereunder shall be
obtained 'within fifteen days after
of March ilr such year and for every
dog subsequently acquired or pos-
sessed during the year a tag shall be
obtained wit* fifteen days after
such, dog .has been acquired."
"No person shall ow.n,• keep, pos-
sess ..or harbor in the said To}vn any
dog for which a tag for the current
year has not been. obtained in accord-
ance with this bylaw."
- —L. STING, Chief Constable.
Member of Pietist :Telegraph Deliv-
ery Association
For All °ccasiens, .Sent Apywhere.
Greenhouse is as near as your phone.
Chas. '1i. Cooke
Two Phones -66w and 66j
We have just received our ,spring
shipment of Firestone tires and tubes
with lower prices than ever.. It will
pay you, to come in, and look thein
over and get our prices:
Specials for Thursday, Friday and
Wlheatlets, 4 lbs, , :25e
Icing, 3, lbs. 28e
Rolled Oats;; 6 lbs, ;29e
Corn Syrup, 5 ib. pail 33c
Corn Syrup, 2, lb. pail 18c
Heinz Catsup,' . 28c
Posts Bran Flakes, 2 for.:23c
Prunes, ib 15c
In the Estate of Fanny Mair
NOTICE is hereby given that all•
persdns having iclaims i gainse the
estate of Fanny Mair,' late of the
town of Clinton, in the . bounty of
l2uron,.wvidew, deceased,; who died on
or about the 16th day of February
A.D., :1930, `are required . to deliver
to 'Thomas K. 141:air, the executor Of
the said estate or 'his :Solicitor on or
before the 15th day of March. A.D.,
108&, a full statement of their Claims
together with particulars thereof,.
and the nature of the securities if
held 'by them all, duly verified by
AND TAKE NOTICE that after
the. said 'last mentioned date the said
executor• will proceed to distribute
the estate of the said deceased a-
mongst the p
er or9 entitled thereto
a i � regard only to such claims ns as
he shall have received due notice and.
in, • accordance therewith.
/DATIED'' at Clinton Ontario, this
24th day. of 'Pobruary, A.D., 1930. •
Wt. "BRYDONE, Clinton, Ontario,
Solicitor :for -the said estate. '55-3.
D. E. Gliddon
The Ebenezer ',young people pre-
sent the play,
A 3 -act comedy, iii the IiolmesvilIe•
iJnited' chtirch',' under the 'aus-
pices of the Y.P.L., on the
evening of
Curtain Raised at 8 O'clock
Presented by special arrangement
with the Dramatic Co. of Chicago.
Admissions 35c and 20e. 54-2,
Grand Concert & Play
under the auspices of the' Junior
Guild 'of Trinity Church, Bayfield,
Monday, March 3rd
at 8.18 p.nr.
Variety programme consisting of
musical numbers;'retldings and drills,
followed byaside-splitting comedy
"Kidnapping Betty"
Dan Fielding, owner of the Fielding
Farm, Arthur Peek. -
Nat Meadows, 'Betty's peppery fath-
er, Leslie Elliott,
Bud Simpson, a lively youngster
working for Dan, Wm. E, Parker
Betty Meadows, the new school
teacher, Annie McLeod.
Mollie Fielding, Dan's. aunt, Susie
• Wlestlake., •
Joanna Fielding, Dan's snappy little
sister, Ella McKay. •
Sally Perkins, The neighbourhood
gossip, Lucy 'Woods.
Admission, Adults, 35c, Children, 20e
linton's,New-Laid Egg
And Poultry House
Eggs bought according, to Domin.,
ion Government Egg, Regulations.
Inqui'r'e for our prices of.eggs.
You will always find our prices par-
allel with the city markets.
Fat hens and `welhfinished chicks
always wanted --Prices good.
Always ' phone our office for o prices
before marketing produce.
N. W."Trewartha
Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w,
Clearing Auctiou Sale
Of Farm Stock and Implements at
lot ,31, Concession 2;' Tuckersrnith
township, 41-2 'miles south east of
Clinton, en Wednesday, March 5111,
at 1 o'elock, sharp, consisting of the
HORSES: Choice agricultural
horse, 5 years old; agricultural horse
8 years old; draft gelding, rising 3,
2 draft fillies, rising 2.
CATTLE -6 Durham grade cows
due to freshen hi April; Holstein
cow, due to freshen March 75th;
heifer, 2 years old.
PIGS—Brood sows to farrow in
1SHEEP-11. Oxford and Leicester
ewes; Leicester ram lamb.
POULTRY—African goose and
gander; 18 rock pullets.
IMIPLEM32NTS--M-H. birder. 6
ft. cut; McCormick 'mower; set of
disc harrows; spring tooth cultiva-
tor; 13 disc seed dsil1; hay loader;
hay rake; wagon; set bob sleighs;
riding plow; walking plow;' set of 5 -
section diamond harrows; 2 cutters, 2
democrats; hay tedder; pea puller;
2 buggies; fanning mill; jack; 31=2
horse power engine; circular saw;
incubator and brooder; cider press;
3 sets of single harness; • 2 sets of
double harness; roller; grain crush-
er; hay fork; car; ropes and pullies;
set of scales; 2,000 lb. capacity; cut-
ting box; sugar kettle; No. 15 De
Laval eream Separator; 1-5 share in
Corn .Tinder; extension ladder; wat-
er. tank; .bicycle; . training ' sulkey;
collie dog; quantity of seed' -oats and
hay; several hives of bees and empty
bee boxes; queen excluders; bee foun-
dation; honey; sap pan and- pails;
barrel of cider vinegar; mounted
birds; .kitchen range box stove and
heater; tables; chairs; carpets;
dishes;'-sq}tare piano; sideboard and
numerous other household effects,
also folks, chains, shovels, whiffle
trees, neck yokes and other_ articles
too numerous_ to mention. Positively
no reserve as proprietor, has'. sold his
Accomodation for horses on day of
sale. ' If weather unfavorable sale
will be conducted in dogs.
Terns:—All sums of .81(1 and un -
t 6
ter, cash;
that amour
months' credit will be givep on fur=.
Melling-- approved ' joint,' 'bankable
papers, or a discount of 4 per cent.
straight, allowed for cash on eredit
A. •E; Matheson Proprietor, Geo..
H. Elliott, 'Auctioneer. 54-2.
We area aininthe•maiiketfor good
w g
maple, basswood, elm andwhite oak
logs, delivered in our yard- at Clin-
R. •Ratz
Call phone 147-w; or see J. A. Sut-
tei, Clinton. 50-tf.
Fresh Pic. Hams 22e
Loin Rst., Pork 27e
Rib Rst., Pork 25c
Shoulder Rst, Pork 24c
Side Pork in piece 22c
Pork Chops 27c
H. -M. Pork Sausage 22c
Rib Rst. Beef • 22c
Shoulder Rst. Beef 22c'
Rump Rst. Beef 22c
Corner Rst. Beef 24c
Pot Roasts, 22c to 24c
Rib Boils • 18c
Flank Boils 18c
Brisket - Point 12c
Break. Bacon, piece 33c.
Cot. Rolls, P. Mealed ...,30c
Cot. Rolls, smoked ...... 32c
Sauer Kraut in bulk
3 lbs. for ' ' ' 25c
Nice large.Dill Pickles
6 for ..' 25c
Smoked Back and P. M.
Back Bacon of Best Quality.
Large assortment of Cook-
ed Meats. Choice bulk Pick-
les, sweet and sour.
Try our Creamery butter,
it's real good.
Kindly leave your order
Clinton's Leading Meat Market
100 Acre Farm For Sale -
60 acres of this is choice clay loam
soil' in fine condition, never rented,
high undulating 'surface, well tiles
drained, 40 acres timbered; 'fine wet-
er supply; good furnace -heated
house and bank barn with modern
stable fixtures and cement floors,
plenty fruit. Situated in the Town-
ship of Stanley, County of Huron, on
Bayfield and Brucefield highway, 4
miles front Railroad station at
Brucefield and London road, cbnyen
fent to several good towns and mar-
kets,'Buildings only a few rods from
the Village of Varna. Immediate
possessign, Price for quick sale,
34500.00. 31000.00 will be accepted
down cash payment. Long term for
balance if desired. For particulars
see or write the owner, J. W. Arm-
strong, Box 89, Goderich, Ont.
For Sale
A quantity of timothy and alfalfa
mixed hay. Apply to George Glaz-
ier, Huron road, east. Phone 617r83,
Clinton central. 54-2-p.
Grass Farm For Rent -
100 acres, all in grass, plenty of
running water and shade. For pare
titulars apply to Bert Nott, L ondes
boyo, phone 28-18, Blyth central.
Farm For Sale or Rent
West 1-2 of lot 27, concession 12,
Hulled, 11-2 miles from'Londesboro,
consisting of 50 acres in good state
of cultivation. Good 8 -roomed house.
Barn, and hen house; never failing
well. Apply to Geo. H. Barr, R. R.
No. 1, Auburn. Phone 207 Blyth
sentral. - 534.
In the Estate of Catherine Lovett,
Deceased. -
NOTICE is hereby given that all
persons having claims against the
estate of Catherine. Lovett, late of
the town of Clinton, in the - County
of Huron, 'spinster, dedeased, who
died on, or about the . 23rd day of
January, A.D„ 1930, aro required to
deliver to Nelson Ball; the •executor,
.of the said estate or his Solicitor, on
or before the 8th day of March A.D.,
1930, a full statement of their claims
together with particulars thereof,
send the nature of the securities if
any; held by them all duly verified
by affidavit.
AND TAKE NOTICE that after
the said last mentioned
date the said .executor will proceed
to distribute the estate of the said
deceased amongst the persons 'en-
titled'. thereto having regard only to
such claimsshall have receivtd
cc ran e they..
5'eandiaia od c e
duenot c
DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this.
17th day of February 4D., 1030.:, -
Ws, BII.YDONE, Clinton, Ontario;
Solir,'itoi for the ;:said '• estate.
lid; -3.
rsuasive Prices'
th no Saerifi�e of
EPSOM SALTS,, 0 lbs. for , , , . ..... ... , ...25c Y'
SULPHUR, s lbs. for . ..: .............. .....25c
SALT PETRE,. per' pound . ... ... .12e
` BORAX, . per -pound .• . . . 7c
COD LIVER OIL, per gallon 21:50
Miller Hardware Co.
C. H. VENNER, Electrician
Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, I: an d and other
Phone 7
Wiring and Repairs.
Rupture, Varicocele, Varicose Veins MIIk and Cream
Abdominal Weakness, Spinal Deform-
ity. Consultation Free. Call or,wrlte, We ail* manufacturers of both
J. G. Smith, Specialist, 15 Downie St., cheese and butter. ' We want yew! --
Stratford, Ont. 10-1929. milk or cream. We y t mss-
ket price weekly. - Satisfacpahighesti.ou guar.
Phone your order for finest cheese
or pasturised butter in prints or sol.
ids to W. H. Lobb, Clinton, Ont., E,
R. No. 3, Phone No. 405112.
House to Rent
5 -room house, James street, • Clin-
ton. Town water, electric lights .
Apply to W. Jago, Clinton, •31 tf.
Baby Chicks
There is- profit for you in -the .dif-
ference.. Better chicks for the same
money. Chicks hatched by our Hu-
ron Mammoth Incubator -possess 'ex-
tra vigour.' Are you interested?
Well, I -think so! White or phone for
particulars of Barred Rock and
White - Leghorn Chicks to J. Elgin
McKinley, Zurich, .Ont., phone 97
ring 4, Hensall. 53-tf.
House For Sale
Comfortable nine room house,
Victoria street, Clinton. Garage and
stable. Apply to S. G. Castle, Clin-
ton. ' ' 40-11.
Farm—Sell or Rent
Eighty acres of rich and produc-
tive loam; good natural and artificial
drainage; picturesque location. Farm
about two miles from Clinton on
Baseline. Buildings consist of newly
shingled house; large barn; driving
shed also windmill. Considerable
bush.' Terms one-third purchase
down; or full rent in advance, Own-
er, 322 South Main Street, Romeo,
Michigan. Further information, W.
Brydone, Clinton. 51-14-p.
Farms For Sale
Lots 27 , and 29, 9th concession of
Goderich township, consisting of
160 acres of good clay loam, 114
miles west of Holmesville. Good
buildings, never -failing wells. Ap-
ply to Lewis' Proctor, R. R. No. 3,
Clinton, );''hone 011r2, Clinton cen-
tral, , 29-12.
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed'
Clothes cleaned, pressed and re-
paired. Woollen goods, dry' cleaned.
Rooms over Heard's Barber shop.
W. 3. Jew). 2288-tf.
AMONS FR1i:.i.!)S• 2 -
Even the stormy days can be hap-
py ones for the children, when the,
Heat Folks are in your 'home.
Build ' up a good fire with Heat
Folks Goal.
Malce= a .plate of candy,
Hunt up a rainy day game or two,
And the children will play happily
inside the house.
No wet feet! No sore throats! No
croup! It's . worth trying.
Cali the tigerMIP
for good, clean coal
a- H ius1ardr
Eggs and. Poultry
Home on Tuesday and Friday fore*
noon to take in Poultry.
Eggs handled at 'residence every,
day—graded by an experienced grad-
raddr, for which we pay the highest
market .price.
Cream purchased for Stillman's.
A. E. Finch
Viking Cream Separator Agent.
Victoria St., Clinton Phone 2L1
Logs I,i t anted
We are again in the market for
good maple, basswood, cherry and
white ash logs„ delivered in our yards
at Bayfield and 4th concession Gode-
rich Township.
Will be doing custom sawing ori
J. T. Turner's farm, Clinton.
McEwen Bros.
Phone, 624r4, Clinton.
The Mid -Continent
Bond Corpor. Toronto
completed sale of shares in
second Standard Royalties, are now
giving clients another chance to pur-
chase Syndicate unites, with bonus
of common, in a new Royalty Com-
pany. ' .
Call on representative for particu-
P. 0. Box, 155 Phone, 52
Keep Warm With,
A: D. McCartney
Coal Dealer
Queen Street Telephone 250
Implement Agent
.I handle Cockshutt implements
and cream separators, Frost and
Wood Implements and carry parts
,and iepairs for same.
I am also agent for Allis-Chal-
niers Tractors. -
Those wishing to inquire about
any of the above kindly call at tay
- Queen Street, Clinton. ,
McCormick -Deering Agency
Having taken over the above ,ag-
ency for this district I will keep on
hand a full stock of repairs and part
of all McCormiek-Deering machines
and will appreciate a share of the
p $'
scions a of the farmers suroundin g
Clinton .
Call at my shop, next door tidy
Jones' blacksmith shop, Kin
W. J. SshEMARe,
Clinton, Ont., Phone 281w 04-t14