HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-02-20, Page 8CLINTON'S LEADING JEWELRY STORE .She T 1 aF ped her` Partner's Ace! Ilow could she explain that she trumped her partner's ace be - 'cause her eyes blurred momentarily? It was too humiliating to confess that she, wouldn't wear glasses' for fear they would spoil ;her looks! There are eyeglasses becoming to every face. We can fit you becomingly. Your mirror as well as your nerves will, endorse the ', result. HAVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED BY R. H. JOHNSON Distributor for Clinton - Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry ;Next Hovey's Drug Store. Jeweller and Optician TIP TOP CLOTHES Tailored TO YOUR MEASURE FROM FINE WOOLENS AT A PRICE YOU . CAN EASILY AFFORD .. . ONE PRICE ONLY What material doyou want your new suit from? Tweed, worsted, serge, chev- iot-you hewiot-you may choose any cloth you like - in any pattern or. shade -at Tip Top's one low price. Every Tip Top garment is tailored to the customer's indi- vidual measure,,in any 'wanted style, and sold with a positive guarantee of satisfaction or money back. Come in now and see what wonderful value Tip Top Tail- ors offer in fine Clothes. New Spring Samples ready for your inspection. Plurnsteel Bros. THE CIJNTON-NEWS RECORD THURSDAY, m 'FEBRUARY 20, 1-520 ' M1, rmIorce e ety� MMS _ Down Come Prices I CLIFTON'S. BIG CORNER GROCERY on Books It's a straight, downright sacri- fice in order to accomplish a speci- fically desired object. Some have slightly faded covers or otherwise blemished; others are surplus stock.' As an •example think of a set of Sir, ')alter Scott, pocket size, clear type, illustrated, 24 ; volumes, • original price was $14.00 for $7.00. The Wild Beasts' of the World, 400 pages, 100 colored plates, $2.50 for 1$1.50. The Soctt Annual, Over 1000 pages, 1928 edition, $2.75 for $1.50. Wonder Book Picture Annual 12 coloured plates and hundreds of pictures $2.25 for $1.25. The Pilgrim's Progress, 32 coloured pictures, $1.20 for 75c. The Girl Guides' Book, For girls of all ages $2.00 for $1.35 The Parent's took, 'Which answers children's questions over 700 pages, $1.50 for $1.00. The Women's Book, Everything .a woman ought to know' over 700 pages $1.90 for $1.00. Good Housekeepers Cook Book, Revised edition $1.00 for 05c. The Family Doctor, $1.60 for $1.10. The Story of the Bible, , "For boys and girls, illustrated, $2.00 for $1.25. Trail Makers Annual for Boys, Adventure and Outdoor Instruc- tion, $2.50 for $1.45. Water Babies, Illustrated, Kingsldy, $1.00 for65c. A quantity of Paper cover Novels, Good authors, 25e for 15c. Over 100 Cloth Bound fiction, origin- al price of many was $2.00, clear- ing tit 29c. 1 fern Electric win lnefficicnt wiring means a fire risk --- you are safe when you let us do your work. Our rates are low. Sutter & Perdue HARDWARE ELECTRIC WIRING Phone 147w = PLUMBING TIe W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest -Always the Best Let Us Take Your Measure If' you like your clothes 'tail! ored to fit you with that com- fortable faultless peafec,tien that aceentuate's every slender line gracefully without being tight. OUR TAILORING accords with the season's styles, yet pays due deferenceto individuality. You'll find excellent quality in our new materials as w in our careful workmanship.. Call here. • your well as DAVID Sc HERMAN or, nnie�i i u_I „ml m nli Mrs, G. VanHorne spent the weel - encl with friends in Exeter. Miss Mazie Murdoch is spending a. week with friends in Wioodstock, Miss Libbie Gibbings of Toronto ,spent the week -end with her broth- er, Mr. B. J. Gibbings. Mrs. W. Cook of St. Catharines is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. S. G. Castle. Mrs. Whitfield Crich of Tuokersnith has been spending the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Iddo Crich of town. Mrs. Wm. McDonald of Sunset, Wash., has been visiting at the home of her brother, Mr. Iddo Crich of town. Rev. Canon Cluff of Stratford and Rev. J. F. Parke_ of Toronto at- tended the funeral of their niece, Miss Mlasnc Cluff, on Monday af- Iteinoon. Mrs. A. E. Doan is spending this week in Toronto and while there will attend the Golden Wedding of her aunt and uncle,. Mr. and Mrs. 11. Ferguson. Masters David and Royce Steepe re- turned to their hone in London on Wednesday, after spending a cou- ple of weeks with their aunt, Mrs. J. H. Johnston. Mrs. 0. Jenks and little son Keith have returned to. their hone in Oshawa after a visit at the home of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. VI. Ward, Mr. Jack Gibbing: of Western Uni- versity, London and Miss Marion . ,Gibbings of Essex, spent the' week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Gibbings. Maple Leaf Matches MADE IN CANADA WEEK Our Own' Butter, Clinton Creamery, "lb. 4k. Our Own Bread, per loaf. 10c Purely Canadian, Products Life Buoy Soap per box. 25cI2 for 15c Vi -Tone, small tin Salmon Red Rose 34c, large tin 59c each 33c Canadian Broo .'s Kraft Canadian. each 39c Cheese, per Ib 35c Baking Powder Sun Wheat Biscuits Our Own 19c pkg. 24c Catsup C. & bottle_ Corn Syrup, made 25c in Canada, 5 lbs 33 Heinz Catsup Can- Chicken Paste, for adian Factory 25c Sandwiches, tin 15c Corn Dublin Brand Prunes, large size 2 for . 25c per lb 25c T,a, Coffee and Dried Fruits fro British Possessions Spanish Ora,rges, (not grownln Canada) dozo 29c. Lo ons, per doze'- 31c Grape Fruit, 3 for 25c Strawberry Jam, 40 oz. jar 39c Aylmer Jumbo Pees, tin 22c Jelly Powder, McLaren's, 4 for 25c Chipso, large size 19c Soda Bisc. lb. 15c: F ICI>�'j'A.IRE Maple 'Leaf Flour Ovaltine, med. 75c` Duff's Bacons 20c 3 lb Lard 55c Schoenhals Bordens, with shale Pic ,ll is Ha�'l:s 25c B. Bacon, piece 35c ervsack f$4.15,er, malted Choc. 60 1 Lorning Delivery: 9 and 11 a.m. CASH AND CARRY WHERE "SELLS FOR LESS"PRICE PREVAILS M h MNiAAO VMA $1.00 ORDERS DELIVERED FREE . T. 0' wonderful way with her of bringing out the best that was in young peo- ple, was ably represented by Mrs. John Scott. Clarence Ball acted well the part of Jerry McConnell, the young tramp who became the adopted son of Miss Miranda. Oth- er characters and those who repre- sented them were as follows: The Village Merchant, Reginald Ball, The Merchant's Son, Peter Brown; The Deacon, Neville rorbes; The Dea- con's wife, Miss Pingland; The Dea- con's daughter, Beatrice I'airservice; Martha Lindale, Mabel Harvey; Mar- tha's daughter, Isabel Nott; Lettie Waloombe, Miss Salker; Officer Lewis, Jim McCrea; The Constable, Cecil Griffiths, All were agreed that those taking part in this play aeted with enthus- iasm and real ability. Quite a num- ber who were present on Friday evening carte to see it repeated on Saturday. Rev. Mr. Johnson -was in Con- stance on Friday and also attended the social which was put on by the Ladies Aid of the United church that evening. Rev. Mr. Forster delivered a very able sermon last Sabbath after- noon to quite a large congregation. Mrs. McCrea who redeived word of the death of her niece at Bel - grave on Monday, left the same day and expects to be in Belgrave for several days. Mr, C. Stewart and Messrs, T. Adams and C. Watson were in Wing - ham last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Lyon recently Visited Be.vand Mrs. Kaine of Dun- gannon., 'Mrs. S. Carter and Mrs. Ernest Adams were in Wingham last Tues- day, choosing some new pieces of furniture for the parsonage, which the married people's class of the S. S. are purchasing. Miss Kathleen Beacom left last Monday to train as a nurse in the Stratford hospital. The Ladies' Aid held their month- ly meeting at the home .of Mrs. C. Parsons last week. One of B'ullett's most esteen'ed young nien, John Lewis (Bus.) Shad - dick, passed away recently in Clin- ton Public hospital. He had not been well for some time but his condition was not regarded as being serious until near the last. He was at quiet, loving boy, always, ready to help. oth- ers, and ever willing to help with We are -sorry to report that Mrs. the church activities. He was a John Mfillor, Sr„ who has been con - member of the United church also . fined to her bed ,since last July, is the Y.P.S. I not keeping very well et present. The funeral was held from the Mr. P. M. Grant of Lucknow spent home of his parents, Mr. and Mas. R. , the week -end With Mr. Wilson Shaddiek,' on Thursday, February Woods. ' 6th. The service was conducted by l The Women's Institute of St. Hel- Rev. J. W. Johnson, assisted by Rev. r ens' are bolding an At -Horne in the J C. Forster. Interment was made Community hall on Friday evening 12601611 'SAY'. LET'S GO TO THE HOME-MADE BAKING SALE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23rd. AT 2.30 O'CLOCK. MURCII'S GROCERY STORE under the auspices of the Girl's Club- of ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH EVERYBODY WELCOME ,SEATORTI1: Theremains, of the late Mrs. `,George, Henderson, an . es- teemed resident of Seaforth whose death occurred in Toronto -last week 'from, pneumonia, are being brought LONDESBORO The W. M. S. of the Londesboro United church niet at Mrs. H. Lyon's on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Tamblyn, the president, opened the meeting. An invitation from Knox church to meet with them for the day of prayer on March 7th, was accepted. After the business was concluded, Mfrs. F. 'Wood, captain of group No. 2, took eharge of the meet- ing, at hymn was sung and Mis. Wood read the Bible lesson which was followed by a duet, "I Know He's Mine," by Mrs. Edwin Wood and Miss Mary Wood. Mrs. Frank Tam blyn gave a reading, "An Offering of Self, The Witty of Life." A. chapter in the study book was very ably taken by Mrs. W. Lyon, a reading Was given by Miss Lillie Garrett. "The Blessedness of Giving," after which Mrs. 'W. Lyon led in . prayer and Mrs. Johnson closed with the benediction. This group then served lunch and a social half .hour was spent. There were .thirty present. A box social will be held in the Community hall this Friday, Feb. 21st in the evening, under the aus- pices if the Friendly Class of the United church. A concent will be held in commun- ity hall on Friday evening, Feb. 2Sth, commencing at 8 p.m., by Group No. 4 of the Woman's Institute._ The supper and play given by the ladies and young people o£ Knox United church an Friday last was well attended, even though the weather was exceptionally severe. Nothing need be said of the •supper. The suppers in Londesboro are al- ways the very best. The. play "Matli- St. Patrick's Day Tea The W. A. of Wesley -Willis church will hold their annual ST. PATRICK'S DAY TEA AND SALE OF HOMEMADE BAKING AND CANDY in -the Council Chamber on SAT. AFTERNOON, MARCH 15TH Commencing at 2.30. 54-4, Little .Theatre Night St. Paul's AY.P.A. present three Act Plays The Trysting Place Booth Tarkington A. Proposal under Difficulties -John Kendrick Bangs. Not quite such a Goof, Cole. Clever, Snappy, Full of Fun. IN THETOWN HALL FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28th Reserved Seats 50c, Plan at Fair's 54-1. here or interment i f t ent in the Maitland- er Mine-" proved to be very'whole- , bank cemetery. The deceased -lady some and enjoyable. There was not is survived by two daughters, Mis. a dull m,iintent in any of the three T. 3, Hodgins and Mrs. L.' T. De acts. The central character, "Miss Lacey of Toronto. 1 Miranda," the widow, who had a Furniture "'epairing Having moved into the store on Albert street, vacated by L. Murch, I am prepared to do furniture re- pairing and remodelling. For private entrance use door be- tween shop and Bartliff and Crich's restaurant. R. TASKER ;friends in Goderich. We are sorry to report that Mes- srs. Geo. and Harry Moon are laid up, both having beenseverely kicked by a mad horse. Miss Jean Bonthran of Hensonvisited over the week -end with Miss Dorothy Little. Mrs. Archie 'Mobster attended the funeral of her aunt, Mrs. J. K. Mair, of Clinton, this week. ST. HELENS Afternoon Delivery: 2:3Q and 5 p.m, 1 PHONE 48 e Support Your Local Merchants) A. dollar taken out of your town sighs, "Goodbye forever," while ne spent at hone simply says, "Till we meet again." Do not con- fuse Superior Chain Stores with the Corporation -Owned stores, This great Organization was built up by Independent Grocers own ing and operating their own stores, but buying and advertising to- gether, thereby enabling them to serve you better. The growth of your community depends, a great deal, upon the success of your local merchants, Support your local Superior Store and thereby help yotuwelf. We invite comparison of prices, WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS SPECIAL Thursday, Friday and Saturday Aylmer Veg. Soup, 2 for ..190 Royal York Tea, 1-2's ....35c Pure Strawberry Jain, 40 oz. 390 Chateau Cheese, 1-2 lb. for 19c Aylmer Jumbo Pear 22c McLaren's Jelly Powders, 4 pkgs. 25c Maple Leaf Peas, 3 seive 2's.. 150 Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour . 18e Wiestern Canada Oatmeal, 5 lbs. . r 25c SPECIAL Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Oxydol, large . 190 Jewel Shortening, l's 17c Ingersoll cream cheese 14e Royal Baking Powder, 12 OZ. - 53c 5 string brooms . . 43c Roman Meal, per plcg. 33e Prunes, large size, 2 lbs.. 33c Golden Dates, best quality 2 lbs. '23c MEATS Fresh Sausage, lb. 25e Cooked Hans, choice, ib. , .59e Fresh Bologna, lb. . 24e PHONE YOUR ORDER EARLY TO J. T.Mc KN CLINTON, ONT. GHT & SON PHONE III `,; and Gordon spent Saturday evening with Mr. and' Mrs. Lloyd Keys. in the Union cemetery, the pallbear- ers being six friends,, Clifford Shob- breook, Ivan Carter, - Donald Snell, Leonard Caldwell, Tont Ross and Bert Gray. He leaves tomourn their loss his father, mother, two brothers, Jos- eph and Allen, and two sisters, Ruth and Mamie. The floral tributes were many and beautiful ,including those from the family and friends, the Sunday school and Y.P.S. of -the, United church and others. Theynrpathy of the community goes out to the fancily in their sor- row. Mve. John Bloor of Mt. Forest spent the week -end with her sister, Mrs. W. T. Brundson. • Miss Gladys Mountain is visiting Feb. '21st. Mr. Elwood Barbour had a very successful sale on Wednesday of last week. Ma'. Frank Todd lost a very val- uable coW last week. We congratulate Mrs. Hugh Ruth- erford on the 'attainment of her eightieth birthday, which she cele- brated on Friday, Feb. 1,4th. Mrs. John Bennett and Hugh and 1VIrs. Oliver Anderson, Belgrave, spehit a few days at the home of their mother, Mrs. Hugh Rutherford. - Dance under auspices of Group No. 4 of. the Women's Institute VARNA buts. and Mis. Lloyd Keys and fam- ily and Mr. and Mfrs. Jahn Dawson spent Tuesday at the home. of , Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stephenson.. Mr. and Mis. George Johnston COAL & COKE We sell DL&W and Famous Reading Anthracite Coal, Solvay Nut and; Furnace Coke, Liberty Range size Coke, Alberta Coal and Millers Creek Soft coal. Our Motto- ° Good clean fuel at a reasonable price. W. J. MILLER St SON In Olrl Time Club Rooms Orders taken at residence, Ontario St. PHONES: 46w and 4ej Tuesday, Feb. 25th at 9 o'clock Admission 35c. COME ONE, COME .ALL 54-1. Dress up Ytur Kitchen with ':1 mt Modern Utensils • You've got to make . your kitchen smart these days --it's invaded so of- ten nowadays when you entertain - and we have everything you need to dress it up properly. Tea kettles and coffee pots in yellor * and blue-- kitchen lue-kitchen ensembles containing all the latest pots and pans in one color - every manner of practical utensil of living room appearance at kitchen prices) T. Hawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 CLINTON'S Fresh. Pure Bread We bold up .our bread, bakes) daily, as an example of perfection.. The more you will eat of it, the more you will want. Made of the finest ingredients with the utmcsl care, as is everything that' comes cru of our shop.' Values in cakes, pies and cookies made on the premise; are :featured daily. WendOlef Baker* MAKERS OF "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake' DREAD