HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-02-20, Page 5SDAY, FEBRU;AR'Y; .20, 1930 asismansmingessymamise THE CLIN:TON.NE,WS RECORD Popular Comedy Success to Open Canadian Festival SCENE FROM "TEE PATSY" "The Patsy," Barry Conners' great comedy which will be presented at the coming Canadian Chautauqua Festiva here by the Martin Erwin Players, tells the story of Patricia Harrington, who eeems to be the "patsy," or the unfortunate one who is -blamed for'everythiug: that 'goes wrong in the Barrington family, Patricia, or •Patsy; is a charming little miss who •accepted all the iridis that came her way until she fell in love with Tony, her big sister's discarded ,suitor.. Then the worm turns, and Patsy, through three acts of deliciously: funny comedy situations, asserts, her, personality, and winks the bey she loves. • 'TIM Patsy" fs an enthralling comedy, with brilliant dialogue,' inimitable t!sumer and capti- vating romance. f� . I111TERE T TO YOU ANTI ME 'i 7{e spend a good part of the win- star instar wishing for and looking for 'cps -ng, then spend a good part of tldte summer preparing for winter aln. a The Inst few days have been about •as good an irritation of spring as 'anyone could wiser. Crews and song spataows are in evidence and rob- ilns may be expected any day. 'The first woman senator has been 'xsppointed, Mia. Wilson of 'Ottawa, daughter of a senator, wife of an ex - SEP., and a well-known Liberal par- -ty worker. The lady ntay •be an ex- cellent choice and Ontario may feel 'that it' should .have . the honour of •:seeding the•first woman to the Red 'Chamber, but it would have looked more like justice to us if one of the 'five women who sought the decision of the Privy Council on the word. "'persons" had been appointed. On 'the other hand perhaps the govern- ment feels that it owes. no ,grtatitude 'to those five women from the Wiest - ear Provinces. • .w The following is front the Brant - 'ford Expositor, 'whose 'editor is no "' doubt bald, and we reproduce it for 'the•contfort of anyone who may take .comfort from' it. Personally we do •snot agree with the -writer and ate "thankful aur nighty dome is still -„well• thatched:' "A prominent Philadelphia .elector Says that once baldness-. is present, nothing in the -world can cure it. .There le no need 'for the smoothdomed variety to -worry about that fact. The baldheaded eagle, is, the most noble of birds, the bald 'truth is the acme of veracity and •a bald mountain top designates the boss of the range. Original mann was covered with hair, but as he progressed .he lost more and more of this • a'stornment, so that the very 'highest . typo of civilization to- • .day is the baldheaded specimen.” a, 5 * * 'The :-Seafoeth Expositor had the 'following in it's editorial column :last- week: "tWe read•the other day' in fife :Happenings of fifty years ago, -which appear in each ,issue of The Globe, a notice to the effect that laborers uveae being paid at Clinton at the rate of fifty cents per day and .bearding them •selves, We hear so. much these days -abed, the .good. old times, it makes cite wonder how many of . the great army of extollers of • -those days can remember when 'they lived and 'naught up thriv- ing families on fifty cents per '•slay,. • ' Of course, we take ib that fif- 'ty seats per day was the start - aka of wages fifty years ago, -and not just Clinton's meanness, !because Clinton was never what might be called a progressive 'bowls and Could not be expected •toset- the standard' of wages for the county, nor' swing the 1 world by the tail." you ever hear anything to, !beat that for a pure, unaduiturated :unprovoked, gratuitous insult? But -who's to say that Clinton didn't set *vices fifty, years •ago? • We weren't :here but from what we've heard this 'town had as citizens a number ' of ;Scotsmen and everybody'knows 'they're grand hands at eutiing down .prices. And it takes the'. Scotch ',Globe and the' Scotch 'Expositor to 'bit on a bit of history like that. :We -hadn't noticed it at all... :LEGALITY OFI1ENSALL REEVE- SHIP TO BE ARGUED AT OSG.0ODE TORONTO, T'eb. 19—Owen Geig- er, fIax manufacturer in 13ennall, and defeated candidate for reeve at the elections of. January 6 last, applied to G. A. Drew, master at Oegoode Ha11, yesterday for en er- edea setting aside the election of "Beene Riobert Higgins on the ground that he is disqualified by reason of his receiving teentemeration; as a 'member of the Old Age Pensions • Commission for the County of liar - In the course of thesergti-nnent, J. G. Stanbury, Exeter, counsel for the applicant,. told the master ^that. the fivel men on the- Huron board and the administration of the Old Age Pensions Act in Huron` was costing more than in any other county for no reason at all. These five men (on 1, Huron board) have received $2;1.40 for their investigations between Aug. 1, 1939, and Jan. 1, 1930, he declar- ed. It is a matter for the Opposi- tion in the House to investigate, he added. There is no evidence of that, M. Evans rejoined., •. , -"I know: what I am talking about —}I don't need evidence," replied Mr. Stanbury: Mr. Evans :contended that au ad- journment, djourntnent, wap in order. "A bill was given second reading in the. Legislature, yesterday to a- mend the Old Age .Pensions ,Act, which will remove this, objection to Higgins' election as 'reeve," he, said. Mr. Drew, thereupon, adjourned the motion to await*, the decision of the Legisuature. He said he -would award •costs on the merits later., . If the !bill does not go through the master will decide the ease on a written argnntent •from• •both counsels. ICE -WELL i3 SOLVING ;CO;OLING PROBLEMS' Ido "wells," almost unknown in this part of Canada, have' been con- structed onstructed with great success in Sas- kateltewan. They. •are built to test the possibilities of this method of refrigeration and have been tried on dairy farms in western Canada with good results. .National and international inter- est centres in the building of the well, and many people visit the dairy stations which have installed the ice wells. It consist* primarily of a pit in the ground in which a large solid cake of ice is .formed by sprinkling 'or throwing a small quantity of wet- er into the hole a number of times each day during the freezing weath- er. The practice of adding, a thin layerat frequent! intervals proved to be'more satisfactory than adding larger quantities less often, The method employed was: On a well dra`lned site near the milk house and convenient to the well, a pit was dug 8 feet square and 91.2 feet deep. The sides were breaded up with cheap amber and the bot- tom eovered to a depth .of 1'1-2 feet with course gravel !to,ensure good drainage, , A .snail house .Was eroce- ed over tele pit. The floor'~vasa cf two thicknesses of 1 -inch `:flooring with three thicknesses • of building paper between Ate layers, and it was built in sectieni ;to permit easy removal during freeaing. Windows in the house provided air circulation during the winter but were Closed during the sunixner. A wooden . reek sus- pended from ai pulley overhead served. for raising, and lowering the cans .of, cream and other food pro- ducts held. in storage. 1 Freezing was started in January. A small quantity of water was' sprinkled or throwninte. the pit a ,number of times each day. Some difficulty was experienced before the first layer of ice was formed be- cause the water drained out .so rapidly -This was ove conee by frees-, ing a layer of slush in the. bottom. By the end of February there was a solid cake of. •'roe 8 feet' square by..' 61-2 feet deep.` When ' freezing weather was over the house was closed tightly and the floor replaced. • Storage of :Learn usually starts around the middle •of May and• -the ice block will .last, tinder ordinary weather conditions, until, the latter part, of September. ` .Considering the number of times that the trap door is opened during the summer to show visitors the ice block, and to lower and raise the rack bolding the cream cans and food, it is considered the ice well gives a worth -while and satisfactory service, , The cost of ata ice well will vary with conditions, but using hone lab- or and cheaper grades of lumber the total outlay should be small, Haute For Sale cottagewith Seven -room cog g lass•ed- in porch, Joseph street, Clintoe. Pre- party Of Mr's. Geo, Ladd. Furnace, town water; lights, ,Garden ` with some' fruit trees, Apply , to T. K. Mair, Joseph street, Clinton. 60-tf. BIRTHS FULFORD In Clinton, on Feb. 13th to Mr. and Idrs, Arthur Fulford, a son. William Daniel Arthur. DEATHS- OLUFF-In Clinton, .on Feb. 16th, Many Elizabeth, daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth C1uff and the late John •Cluff. MAIR=-In Clinton, on Feb. 16th; Fanny S. M!cllveen, widow of - James K. Mair, aged 71 years. .. GRAIIA11i—In Clinton, on Feb. 19th, Rlrth Higgins, widow of William !Graham. Funeral from the home of her brother, Mr. R, B. Biggins, High street, on Friday afternoon, Feb. 21st, service to commence at 2 o'clock, interment in Baird's • cemetery. ' • IN MEMORIAM W00DS—In 'loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. John Woods; who passed away February 21, 1929. Always so good, unselfish and kind, Few on this earth her equal we'll find; One of the best whom Gad could • send , • ' A loving mother right to the end. She had a nature you couldn't help Ioving, - A heart that was purer than gold, And to' those who knew her' and lov- ed her Her memory will never grow old. —Sadly missed liy her Children, Vi- ola, Nesbitt and Tallie. ' ' • Good 'Picture Coming ,"Noaits Ark," in the Stan' Theatre, Clinton, on Monday, Tees - 'day and Wednesday, April, 21-22-23, under the auspices of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church leeop the date in mind. 54.1. Paper Collection • 'The Home and School Club will make their usual collection of pap- ers, magazines and rags on Satur- day, April 26th. Please -toll in small bundles and tint securely, 5.4-1, Clearing Auction Sale Of Ferran Stock and implements at lot 31, Concession 2, Tuckersmith township, 41-2 miles south east of Clinton, on Wednesday, March 5th, at 1 o'clock, sharp, consisting of the followings HORSES: Choice agricultural horse, 6 years old; agricultural horse 8 years old; draft gelding, rising 3, 2 draft fillies, rising 2. CATTLE -6 Durham grade cows due to freshen in April; Holstein cow, flue to freshen March 15th; heifer, 2 years old. PIGS Brood sowe to farrow in March. ISIiEEP 11 Oxford and Leicester ewes; Leicester ram lamb. POULTRY --African goose and gander; 18 rock pullets. IMPLEMENTS—Mall. binder, 6 ft. out; McCormick mower; set of dise harrows; spring tooth cultiva- tor; • 18 disc seed drill; bay loader; hay 'rake; wagon; set bob sleighs; riding plow; walking plow; set of &- section diamond harrows; 2 cutters, 2 democrats; hay todder; pea puller; 2 buggies; fanning trill; jack,=31-2 horse. power engine; circular snw; inenbator and brooder; cider press; 3, sets of -single harness; 2 sets • of double bermes; roller.; grain's crush- er; hay f ork; ear; ropes and pullies; set of scales; 2,000 ib. capacity; cut- ting box; sugar kettle; . No. 15 De Laval cream Separator; 1-5 abate in Born Binder; extension ladder; wat- er tank; .bicycle; .training suikey; collie dog; quantirty of seed oats and hay; several hives of bees and empty bee boxes; queen excluders; bee foun- dation; honey; sap pan and pails; barrel of eider vinegar; mounted birds; kitchen range; box stove and, heater; tables; •�ehairs; - carpets; dishes; square pian.oe sideboard and numerous 'other heusehold efects,. also forks,. chains, shovels, whiffle trees, neck yokes and other articles too numerous to mention. Positively no reserve as proprietor has sold his farm. ' * Accomodation fox horses on day of sale. 41,! weather unfavorablg.,A,sale :wall he 'conducted in doors. Tennis:—Ail sums of $:l0 and un- der, cash; even that amount 8 nooh' d t will be given on em.- nishing approved leant ban ab le pajpets, or a discount of 4 per cent. straight, allowed for cash on credit amounts, A.• Fu. Matheson, Proprietor,. Geo, H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 54-2. litiPeres lefeneber of Florist Telegraph Deliv= ery Association CUT FLOWIERS FLORAL DESIGNS I'or All Occasion's, Sent Anywhere. Greenhouse i5 as near as your phone. Chas. V Cooke Tees Phones -66w and 66j • ptehils A fresh shipment of prints and ginghams in newest patterns. These are an' exceptionally .pretty line of goods at the lowest prices. Beaconsfield Prints, yd.'24e Fancy Peggy Prints, yd. 19c Gingham Paiute yd. 18c You can also save some money on these items:. for e THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY only Corn Starch, 8 for . 25c Peas, 2 tins . 25c Loose Black Tea, ib. 49e Seedless Rabelais, "ib• .. ,12c Pork and Beans,, 2 -for . ...,28c D. L ,Gliditon HOLMESVILLE COME AND SEE! The Ebenezer young people pre- sent the play, • "I'LL EXPLAIN EVERYTHING" A 3 -act comedy, in the Rolmesville United church, ureter the aus- pices of the Y.P.L., on the evening of FRIDAY FEBRUARY 28th Curtails -Raised, et 8 O'clock Presented by •e ioeie2 arrangement with the Dramatic 00?. of Chicago. Admission: 35c;and 20c. 54-2. Grand Concert. & Play under the auspices • of the Junior Guild of Trinity Church, Bayfield, - IN THE TOW0:HA.14, BAYFIELD Monday, March 3rd • at 8,15 Variety lir ogranimd consisting of musical numbers,, readings and drills, followed by a side-splitting comedy entitled ' "Kidnapping Betty" OAST Ole CHARACTERS Dan Fielding, owner of the Fielding Farm, Arthur Peek. Nat aileadows, Betty's peppery fath- er, Leslie Elliott, Bud Simpson, a lively youngster working for Dan, Win. E. Parker Betty Meadows, the new scltooI teacher, Annie ;McLeod. Mollie Fielding, Dane aunt, ,Susie Westlake. Joanna Fielding, Dan's snappy little sister, Ella McKay. Sally Ferkb.ts, The neighbourhood !gossip, Lucy Woods. Admission, Adults, 35c, Children, 20c 54-2. Shrove Tuesday Supper The Ladies' Guild of St. Paul's church will hold their annual hot supper On Shrove Tuesday, March 4th. Reserve the date. 53.2. 100 Acre Farm For Sale 60 act -es of this is choice clay loam soil in fine condition, never rented, high undulating surface, well tile - drained, 40 acres timbered; fine wat- er supply; good furnace -heated house and bank barn with- modern stable fixturesand cement floors, plenty fruit. Situated in the Town- ship of Stanley, County of Huron, on Bayfield and Bruoefield- highway, 4 miles fame Railroad station -at Brucefield and London road, conven- ient to Several good towns and inar- kets. Buildings only a few rods,from the Village of Varna. immediate possession. Price for quick sale, 34500.00. 81000.00 will be. accepted down cash payment. Long term for balance if desired. For particulars see or write the owner, J. WI Arn- 'strong, Box 89, Goderich, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of CatherineLovett, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of. Catherine Lovett, late of the town; oe Clinton, in the County of Baron, spinster, deceased, • who died on or about the 23rd day of January, A.D,,, 1930, are required to deliver to Nelson Bali; the executor of the said estate on -his Solicitor, on or before the Sth tray of March A.D., 1980, a full statement of their claims together with partiertlars thereof, and the nature of the securities if any, held by theme all duly verified by affidavit, AND TAKE NOTICE that after. the 'said last last mentioned date the saidexecutor will proceed to distribute the estate of the shed deceased amongst.; the . persons en- titled thet*eto e Laving regard" only to such claims as he shall have reeeivtd due'an h oei e ane there- with. e d i accozd ae t h is - with. ` DATED at. Clinton, Ontario, this• 17th day of 'February' A,.D., 1930. . W!. BR:YDONE, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said estate. 54-3. Clinton's New -Laid Egg And • Poultry House Eggs bought according .to Domin ion Government Egg Regulations. Inquire for ' our prices of eggs. You will always find our prices par- allel with the'city markets. -Fat hens and well -finished chicks always wanted --Prices good. Always phone our office for prices before marketing produce. I. W.'Trewartha Phones—Office, 214'j Residence, 214w Logs ` Wanted We are again in the market for good maple, basswood; elm and' white oak logs; delivered in our yard at Clin- ton. H. E. Raiz Call phone 147-w, or see J. A. Sut- ter, Clinton.' 60-tf. Fresh Pic. Hams 22e Loin Rst., Pork 27c Rib Rst., Pork 25c Shoulder Rst. Pork 24c Side Pork in piece 22c. Pork Chops 27e, H. -M. Pork Sausage 22c Rib-Rst. Beef 22c Shoulder Rst. Beef 22c Rump Rst. Beef 22c Corner Rst, Beef _ 24c Pot Roasts,• • 22c to 24c Rib Boils 18c Flank Boils 18c Brisket Point - -12c Break. Baeon, piece - 33c Back Bacon, P. M. Back, Smoked Picnic Hams, Cot= tage Roll and P. M. Cottage Polls always on hand. Bulk Sauer Kraut and Pickles Best assortment of Cooked Meats. See us for large cuts of Beef and -Pork We buy hides. CONNELL & TYNDALL Clinton's Leading Meat Market For Sale •A quantity of timothy and alfalfa mixed hay, Apply to 'George Glaz- ier, Huron road, east. Phone 617r33, Clinton central. 54-2-p. Grass Farm For Sale 100 acres, all in grass, plenty of running water and shade. For par- ticulars apply to Bert Nott, Londes- boro, phone 27-18, Blyth central: 54-1f. House to Rent 5 -room house, James street, Clin- ton. Town 'water, electric lights . Apply to,W. Jago, Clinton, 81-tf. Baby Chicks There is profit for you in the dif- ference. Better chicks for the same money. Chicks hatched by our Hu- ron Mannnoth incubator possess ex- tra ctra vigour. Aro you interested? Well, 1 think so! Wjhite or phone for particulars el Barred Rock and White Leghorn Chicks to J. Elgin McKinley, Zurich, Ont., phone 97 ring 4, Hensen. 53-tf, Farm For Sale or Rent West 14 of lot 27, concession 12, Hulled, 11-2 miles from Londesboto, consisting of; 50_ acres in good state of cultivation. Good 8 -roomed house.; Barn and hen house; never failing well. Apply to Geo. H. Barr, It. R. No. 1, Auburn. Phone 207 Blyth sentral, 53-6e For Sate House and lot, 1-2 acre facing North street, back faces Milton street. Fruit trees, stable 86x18; first class driving shed, suitable for garage, House, newly covered with green shingles, . all new windows, large living room, kitchen and sum- mer kitchen, 3 bedrooms, glassed -in verandah at side, town water, elec- tric light at front of house. Cement sidewalk, peed for. Also two good goose feather beds, ehiffoner, an old one of either, cherry or walnut, with three large drawers, Apply to John ' Steep, North street, Clinton. 52-8-p. • NOTICE To Owners or Harborers of Dogs Ali dog taxes. in Clinton are due and payable March •1st. Note follow; ing • excerpts from town Bylaws: "Every person required to register a dog under the provision of this by- law shall • obtain from the Chie£ Cor• stable a tag for such dog." "For every dog owned, possessed or :harbored in the said town on„or before the first day of March in any year ea :license hereunder :shall be obtained within fifteen , days after of March in such year and ler every dog subsequently' acquired, :or pos- sessed during the year a tag shall be obtained within fifteen days after such doghas acquired," been "No person shall own, keep, nos - sees or harbor ,kr the said Town any dog for which a tag for the.cur7ent year has not 'been 'obtained 'in accorda ince with this bylaw." —L. STONG, Chief Constable: Persuasive Prices with no Sacrifice of t�uality EPSOM , SALTS, . 6 lbs. for: ... ............ ., .,...,..25e SULPHUR, 6 lbs. for • 25c SALT PETRE, per pound . 12c BORAX, per pound 7c COD LIVER OIL, per gallon . .,....;.. ............ .t1.50 ZENOLEUM, LICE • POWDER, 1i3OW KURE TORM,A.LDHYDE, ENERGINE, BON AMI, GILLETTS ,YE:, LEMON, BANANA 'AND SEWIING MACHINE OIL, • VALVE GRINDING COMPOUND, FLAKE GRAPHITE, W;IIITING, SHEET AND, GROUND GLUE, STEWART.CLIPPER PLATES, .COLEM,AN,MANTLES AND GENERATORS, ALADDIN WICKS, 1YI,ANTLES AND CHIMNEYS, SWEAT •. PADS, ETC. Miller Hardwire Co. TELEPHONE 63 CLINTON C.-11. - VENNER, Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and otter Appliances Wiring and Repairs, Phone 7 RUPTURE SPECIALIST Rupture, Varieocele; Varicose Veins. Abdominal Weakness, Spinal Deform- ity.'Consultation Free. Call' or write, J. G. Smith,Specialist, 15 Downie St., Stratford, Ont. 10-1929. SINGER SEWING MACHINES A full line of Singer seeding ma- chines in stock. I can also clean and repair sewing machines and supply belts and needy for all makes of machine. Bring in head of machine le in need of repairs. Charges' Reasonable. • W, GLEN COOK Fulton St., Clinton Phone 171. 58-2-p. House For. Sale Comfortable nine room house, Victoria street, Clinton. Garage and stable. Apply, -to S. G. Castle, Clin- ton. 5l0-tf. Farm—Sell or Rent "Eighty acres of rich and produc- tive loam; good natural and artificial drainage; picturesque iocation. Farm about two miles from Clinton on Baseline. Buildings consist of newly shingled house; la±gie barn; driving shed also windmill. Considerable bush. Tema one-third • purchase down; or full rent in advance. Own- er,. 322 South Main Street, Rotneo, Michigan. Further information, W. Brydone, Clinton. • 51.6-p. Farms For Sale Lots 27 and 29, 9th concession of Goderich township, consisting, of 160 acres of good clay loam, 11/, miles west of Holmesville. Good buildings, never -failing wells. Ap- ply to Lewis Proctor, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. Phone 611r2, Clinton cen- tral. 29-11, Co-operative Selling Anyone wishing to sell their stock through the Co-operative call P. H. Powell, Phone 607r4, Clinton centra, 51-3. Clothes Cleaned and Pressed CIothes cleaned, pressed and re- paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms over Heard's Barber shop. W. J. Jago. 2288-11. Clinton's irlt At Pei t)t— A VALE I,n't t 1 THO641.1: : THE Ht2M HEAT g,01.1'CCAL— W!e don't deal in theatre tickets. We don't run a cabaret. We don't sell anything that will take the family a'w'ay from home. But we do sell Coal, which will go a long way toward making the hone so pleasant and comforaable that nobody will 'want to leave it. Our. 'phone ..number is 74. T1s* us with an order. Call the vigkIrtott for aod, dean coal gag, Bs •. 11111 • COAL COMPANY PRONE 74 CLINTON We Wane Your Milk and Cream We are manufacturers of both cheese and butter. .We want you¢ milk or cream. We pay highest mars ket price weekly. Satisfaction guar. anteed. Pbone your order for finest cheese. or pasturised butter in prints or sole ids to W. H. Lobb, Clifton, Ont., R. R. No. 3, Phone No. 605r32. THE HOLMESVILLE CO -OPERA:. TIVE' CHEESE AND BUTTER COMPANY. LIMITED Eggs and Poultry Honie on Tuesday and Friday fore. noon to take in Poultry. , Eggs handled at residence every day ---graded by an experienced grad- er, rader, for which we pay the highest market price. Crean purchased for Stiiltnan's. - .A, E. Finch Viking Cream Separator Agent. Victoria St„ Clinton Phone 23' Logs Wanted We are again in the market for good maple, basswood, cherry and white ash logs, delivered in our yards at Bayfield and 4th concession Gode- rich Township. Will be doing custom sawing on 3, T. Turner's farm, Olinton. McEwen Bros. BAYFII1ILD Phone, - 024r4, Clinton. 46-tf. The Mid -Continent Bond Corpor. Toronto Raving completed sale of shares in second Standard Royalties, are now giving clients another chance to pur- chase Syndicate unites, with bonus of common, in a new Royalty Com - early. Call on representative for particu- lars. J. G.' CHOWEN CLINTON. P. 0, Box, 156 Phone, 62 04.12. Keep Warm With LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE MINEHEAD ALBERTA SOFT COAL. NUT 'COKE AND DOMESTIC SIZE COKE A. D. McCartney Coal Dealer Queen Street Telephone 250 Implement Agent 1 handle Cockshutt implements and cream separators, Frost and Wood Implements and carry parts and repairs for same. I am also agent for • Allis-Chal- mers Tractors. Those wishing to inquire, about any 62 the above kindly sail at- my residence. JOHN V. DIEHL, Queen Street; Clinton. sl -tri. McCormick -Deering Agency Having taken over the above ag eney for this district I will keep on hand a full stock of repairs and parts of all McCormick -Deering machines. and will appreciate a share of the. of the ars £ Hors patronage surounding Clinton. Call at nip shop, next door to. Jones' blacksmith shop, Sing street. W. J. S`I'EWA ,T Clinton,. Out, Phone 281w 04-04.