HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-02-20, Page 2Clinton
News -Record
ererms of Subscription—?;2;00 pet° year
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Cr. 15, HALL, - M, 1t. CLARE,
Proprietor. Editor.
Ewek r
A general Banking Business
transacted. Notes Discounted.
Drafts Issued. Interest Allow-
ed on Deposits. Sale Notes Pur-
Notary Public, Conveyancer'
Financial, Real Estate and fire In-
surance Agent. Representing 14 Fire
Insurance Companies.
Division Jourt Office. Clinton.
- Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc.
Conveyancer, Notary Public, Com-
missioner, etc.
,(Office over J, E. IIoney.•s Drug Store)
Office Hours: -1,30 to 3,80 p.m:, 6.30
to 8.00 pane Sundays, 12.30 to 1.30 p,m,
Other hours by appointment only.
Office and Residence — Victoria St.
perforin your own. marriage• ceremony,
Alden Drake, formerly a Bailor, 'could you? . So, if you will both, come
ewn soft and flabbythrough a life .bete the saloon with me, 'I'11' call -Mister
f idle ease, ships abard the: clipper Twining as a witness, arid -make of
Orontes as "boy," under .command of two spiendid human beings the perfect
Jake Stevens, whose-eninity'he quickly pair." e incurs because of a mutual love for "Just .a minute, . Captain Drake.,„
Mary Manning, a passenger, daughter said Jake Stevens, just abit -more
of the owner, At Cape o 'SDrake ehokily, "Are 'yeti having soine' more
rs superseded as, captain by e atm with me, or=
chasef the is have seen td the' par- "Ism having fun, certainly. I hope
chase the Orontes during her cruise.
Stevens runs the ship, aground in the you will seethe fun of it, too, Stevens,
Straits off Java and: is reduced from Come along.
firsttiiate to passenger. Drake frees They entered the. saloon, Mary's.
the ship. The accident was• due to big' blue, eyes, opened .tike sea pansies.
Jake's carelessness, and now 'Jake Ike had dressd 'Erb in a white jacket.
conies before the new captain to "face They both stood at attention beside a
the ttiuisic.” table laid out as if for a feast: to
NOW GO ON .WITH. THE' STORY royalty. Twining stood outside . his
"Mr. Steven;" Drake began," I cabin door, ,grinning as if he knew
don't want to dig up a lot of old something about it.. There was a bou-
troubles. I think the quickest way is quet of flowers beside one plate. Mary
the best. I want to say first, to you stared hard.before'she recognized that
and Maty, that I have held an inquiry bouquet as belonging to some of her
into the stranding of the Orontes, and hats, But she smiled at the joke.
have found myself guilty." Drake was grinning, with a. prayer
"You've what?" gasped Jake. Mary book in his band; and she coal(' afford
pressed his arm warningly. ' to smile.
Drake continued: "I have decided "Come, children," the skipper' grin-
that whatever ill has happened to the ned. "The feast awaits. Let us tuck
ship or her people, has been directly this long splice. I never expected to,
due to my pursuit of a fad, As I see be at your wedding, Jake. Now look
it now, it meant only sport to me, but at me!"
something very much more serious to The marriage service as performed
others." by a 'ship master is a brief passage
- Jake stood dumb. He coald feel of words. With the least possible de -
Mary's hand trembling on his arm. lay Captain Alden Talbot Drake pro -
Forward, a concertina stopped playing' pounced Jake and Mary man and wife.
and Bill Gadget( bawled, so that all He kissed the bride warmly, and
might hear: laughed at her blushes. ?;1e sat her
"Stand up, y' Lubbers!• Health tc at the right hand of the table •head,
the' Captin and 'is passengers!" chair, then stood aside with that sun -
There was silence, then three awk- ny, youthful, whimsical smile that na-
ward, embarrassed dines. The con- turally belonged to hini. Jake Stevens
'klie pulled' hie head doyen further, and The Frit dhesi re
issed hila on the lip's, right in full
view of Puzzled and startled hubby. Postage' Stamp
" aud," Drake laughed,- "there
will be a one-quarter share for little
Jake, and little Mary, and` maybe for An historic postage stamp, apper
little Alden," • j eptly without a rival, war recently
But Mary, had left hint. She cared sold in the 'London auction rooms for
nothing for Captain's orders. Captain £50, oi• about 8250. `las special claim:
Jake Stevens -was overwhelmed by a to distinction Lies in the .fact that it
blushing, ino'•tst-eyed bride who simply Was the first ono -penny Macri of Great
Must bleb' out .her secret though • all Britain, 1845, and therefore the first
the shipping in the Straits come' crash. adhesive stamp in the world to pass
ing' aboard. through the post -
(The Fii:d.) It aiipeais that' a British Treasury
HAPPINESS Minute of April 22, 1340, appointed
May el of that year as the' date for the
Happiness is an act and not all ac- introduction of postage stamps; • that
cadent. There 15 a knack or secret, of on April 25. all postmasters and eub-
'lidppitiees, and each, one has .to dig it postmasters were advised of the-forth-
•outfoe himself:: It used to' be said: coming issue; that almost immediate -
"Be, good and you will be happy." But .ly afterward the dispatch of supplies
it is not quite as simple as that, see- to provincial post offices Was begun,
ing that the ,good, are not alweys,hapl . A 'supply elf the epoch-making
py. Amusement and •happiness 515 stamps was received at the post,o;ffice
different: things, We' may have the one at Bath about' April 30. Apparently a
while lacking the other, The one local official cut the very Hrst stamp
comes from without; the other from from the corner of a sheet with the
within, The first law 61 happiness is aid of a pair of scissot's,and affixed it
to be at peace with oneself.- The sec- to a letter addressed to- an unknown
on itis to Ilticl uerenliial interest in the person •itesiding in Peckham, a Loudon
world in which we, live, In.the people, suburb:p
who are our neighbors, .and in the A fragment only of the letter' re-
work which we have to do, mains With 'tile stamp still sticking to
' it, but it is sufficient to show the Bath
• SECRET OF PROSPERITY postmark of ,May 2, 1840, sad a red
"Paid" cancellation mark of May 4
partly over the stamp itself, indicating
that the stamp was not cancelled until
it reached London.
Office and Residence:.
Ontario Street — Clinton, 'Ont.
One door west of Anglican Church.
Phone 172
Eyes Examined and Glasses fitted
Office and Residence:
Huron Street — Clinton, Ont.
Phone 69
(Formerly occupied by the late Dr.
C, W. Thompson).
Eyes Examined and Giases Fitted.
Office Hours: 9 to 12 a.m. and 1 to
5 pan., except Tuesdays and Wednes-
days, Office over Canadian National
Express; Clinton, Ont.
Phone 21
!-1 DR. F. A. AXON
Clinton, Ont.
Graduate of O.Q.D,S. Chicago, and
R.C.D.S., Toronto. '
Crown and Plate Work a Specialty.
Electro Therapist Masseur
.Office: Huron St. (Few doors west of
Royal Bank)
Hours—Tues„ Thurs. and Sat., all clay.
Other hours by appointment,
Hensel' Office—Mon,, Wed,• and Fri.
Seaforth Ofllce—Orlon., Wed. and Fri,
afternoons, Phone 207
certina started up again, and a song
was volleyed forth with all' the steam
of runt -tickled throats.
Drake paused while the cheers (vent
up, then went on:
"So to get' the gist of this business,
Mr, Stevens, 1 did not enter the
stranding in the Log. I am owner,
as well as master, and I shall not enter
it unless my officers insist."
"Do you mean you won't—" Jake
Drake cut in:
"Let Inc finish, please. There is aa -
other matter. A word will dismiss it.
Mary is your woman, Stevens.^She
always was. I did you a wrong there.
But if you had heard what she told
me a while ago, you would feel that I
had been properly punished."
"Oh!" said . Mary. The darkness
was kind to her,
"Now I shan't reinstate you as mate,
Mister Stvene." Jake's figure stiffen-
ed. Here, at last, was the neat. All
the east had been vapoY: words. "Be-
cause it is not permissible for a sailing
ship mate to have his wife aboard,"
"Oh!" said Mary.
"So you sill remain a passenger,"
said Drake, and the kindly darkness
cloaked his broad grin, "a little longer.
You see, if. I were to put you back in
commend of the ship, .you couldn't
Licensed Auctioneer for the County
of Huron.
Correspondence promptly . answered.
Immediate arrangements 2x11 be made
for Sales Date at The News -Record,
Clinton, or by calling Phone 20lit
Charges Moderate and Satisfaction
< Guaranteed.
Clinton, Ont.
Geuerai Fire. and Life Insurance Agent
for Hartford Windstorm, Live Stock,
Automobile and Sickness and Accident
Insurance. Huron and Erie and Cana-
da Trust Bonds. Appointments made
to' meet parties at Brucefield, Varna
and Bayfield. 'Phone 57.
.. Fire Insurance Company
jlead Office, Seaforth, Ont.'
President, Jamas Evans, Beachwood;
,vice, Jaynes Connolly, Goderich; Sec. -
Treasurer, D. F. McGregor, Seaforth.
Directors: George McCartney, Seaforth;
fames Shouldiee, Watton' Murray Gib-
son, Brueeileld vent. Ring, Seaforth;
Robert lrerrle 1tarlock' John Benneweir,
3rodhagen; Jos, Connolly, Goderiolt.
Ageutts: Ale: Leitch Clinton; .7. W.
ee, Goderich • Ed, ilinchley, Seaforth;
,h, Murray Egmondviliel R..,G. Jars.
nth, Brodhagen,
• Any money to be paid' plat be Paid
'A2oorisli Clothing Co. Clinton, or :At
alvin Cutt's Grocery, Gioderioh,
Parties desiring toeffect Insurance or
"a, isaot other business will be promptly
(tended to on application to any 'of the
ova 'officers addressed to their respec-
ins ,ectad by
offices. as. Losses 1 the
I Post c
• t
raster who FivestSeat es the
retrue,faithful and well
;8aove when n
Axed is eminently the sanctifviu ele•
extent of human life; without it, tfie
pouf cannot reach its tallest Height or
: 94.49.as,411. kiN
• The head of a groat business, 'a fine
man and an• earnest Christian, known
everywhere for his generous philan-
thropies, recently said . to , his em-
ployees in one of his shop talks:
"Doubtless you al wantto double
your riches without gambling. This is
-my advise=share them! Whether
they be material or intellectual or
sooial, share them! Their rapid., In-
crease will amaze you. If the sun bad
folded itself up in darkness; it would
have gone out long ago. When Jesus
said: "Give, and it Shall be given unto
you; .He gave the world the wisest re-
cipe, for riches it has ever known: Yet
men are liven <the lives of misers, en-
tangling themselves in labyrinths of
falsehood, andriding broomsticks of
wild theory and speculation with ,the
open. road to riches right' at their
But a man may have a good conceit
of . himself without being what the
world calls conceited. Modesty con-
sists not in taking a low estimate of
one's own worth, but in refraining
from the expectation that the world
wil tape a high one.—Ian Hay.
Wilt thou draw tits nature of the
Draw near them, then, in being 5nerci-
Sweet mercy is nobility's true badge.
stood by smiling, but as if not sure
that he was invited. Drake laid a
hand on the back of the head chair.
"Captain Stevens; won't you be
seated?" he said.
"Oh, do you mean is Jake to --
What do you mean?" stammered
Mary, her face alight with sometli}ng
which convinced Alden Drake forever
of the unfathomable happiness to be
got out of a decent deed well done.
"If Captain Stevens will tape his
seat, and let us begin on the wedding
supper, perhaps you will not embar-
rass me with so many questions. Sit
down, Twining, 1 want you to relieve
Adapts before all the color has gone
out of Mrs. Stevens' face."
And Twinil.g relieved young Adams,
Who was not in the secret,
"Mister A.iams, Captain and Mrs,
Stevens desire your company for the
balance' of the supper," said Drake
with a twinkle. Many meals had been
eaten in that seinen. Drake had seen
young Me. Adams eat a few. Bub he
never saw him east so little, or look
about him so'rudely as now. Jake
seemed to be still a little uncertaitt,
Drake want (If on do•is, keying the
bridal pair ro recover •their balance.
Jaite St,'•ens had always Leen a
good se.:ornian. Ile stayed but brietiy
at the table 'after Drake left, Iris ship
was in Sada Straits, near her port, It
was night. A ship master's place was
on deck. Drake stood at the rail,
smoking his comfortable old pipe. The
sing -song was progressing gloriously.
r,, ?�,y r^ Stevens and Mary came up slowly. In
the dim companionway Jake tenderly
wrapped a shave, around Mary's shout-
, dens. She gazed up at him shyly. The
sweet fragrance of-hei' enveloped hint.
There was no reason for restraint, 'He
v giethered her to him, and crushd her
hungrily in his arms,
Drake moved a bit farther forward.
For a moment the smoke puffed from
his pipe perkily, Somewhere in the
WR GLEY'S is gbod company darkness forward a sailor began to
on any trip. sing "Maimuna."
Stevens carne out: of the companion-
way, and placed Mary near Drake at
the rail. She held his arm. Jake gent-
ly removed' her hand.
In short ft's good "I must look after my, ship, lass,"
and good for you. ,r he said, and walked away aft. Drake
chuckled. She turned quickly, Then
-(she, too, laughed, a silvery, :happy
"A ship master's' loss is a pawn
ger's gain, Mrs. Stevens," Drake said,
drawing her nearer to him,
"Yot,'re not to call me that!" she
Very avell, Mary." Drake was still
enjoying some tren,endous piece of
humor yet to be given oat. He pressed
►y'(( }, her arm, and put his head down to
her ear, He knew the new bridegroom
TIME TABLE would lee looking. lee could not resist
JOY the
',lZorence Riddick Boys
Like Nobody's Business
In the winter time, when .everybody
gets up late and hurries away to
school or work and leaves last n'ight's
pajamas and yesterday's clothing ly-
ing on the floor or hanging in the
bathroom; or when they all come
home and deposit school books, mit-
tens, galoshes, letters and what -have -
you on every table and chair and shelf
—then the home looks "like nobody's
business," -unless Mother makes it her
business to bo the patient goat and
pick up after everybody.
But is it fair—Rask yon—to convert
Mother into everybody's valet? Is
that recognizing her as the "queen of
the houle?" Queen of hearts she may
lie, but no use treating her like the
deuce. -
\Vottldn't it be much more fair and
square for each member of the family
to pick tip after himself? Try to teao}t
each' one to put away a thing he has
used, when he is through using it.
Yea, it will be a job, and it may be as
notch work as picking up alter hint.
But it is the right principle and will
help to train the young folks to make.
somebody's good wife or husband, la
the years to come.
It's delicious flavor adds zest
and enjoyment. The sugar sup-
plies pep and energy when the
day seems long.
'AMU' NAnicii
Dress Architecture
most any other dish, whet • they trill
not offend the taste. Peanut butter,
and shredded cocoanut are easily
Handled foods and should be a fixture
on the 'cupboard shelves and frequently
resorted to. One caution: Nuts are
subject to spoilage through insect life
and Becoming rancid so do not stock
up too heavily on them at one time,
61's, ,, sh 2iN $ the gard ° 21)
not beeome soggy, but It: wit retain
enough heat to keep them delicious:
To avoid the semi-annual upheavals
of,housecleaning, sat aside a regular
time each week when you will do some
special housecleaning job 'and thus
keep the house clean all the time, or
rather In the process of continual
cleaning, Id homeopathic doses. This
method will distribute the work and
give you the satisfaction of feeliug
that the house is more livable from
day to day.
Carrots in Salad
Raw carrots, grated, are delicious in
any salad. The chief objection to eat-
ing raw carrots is that it takes so long
to chew then( but, with the new mod-
ern grater, made especially for vege-
tables, it is easy to prepare them so
that they may be eaten with less dif-
ficulty. They have a taste like orange
when added to a salad and there is
nothing so healthful and rich in vita-
mins as raw carrots, •
A salad which is almost a meal may
be made by adding chopped nuts or
grated cheese to raw carrots. Add
enough mayonnaise dressing to hold.
thein' together. Serve on a lettuce
deaf, 'with -^hipped cream, flavored
with the mayonnaise, on top• Crisp
carrots should be used for the salad.
Large ones will do le they are tender.
Scrape them and then grate thein.
Green peppers. chopped, or pickles or
olives may be added to this salad_ for
Cranberry Jelly
Cook gne ponud of cranberries In
one cup of water until tender. Put
through a sieve, add two cups sugar
and cook for five ntlautes, 'then pour
into molds.
Solne New Ones
Corn Toast
One-half cup corn, 1 tablespoon but-
ter, 1 small onion and 1 cup milk. Put
butter into frying pan and fry onion
and stir well. Then add milk and a
sprinkle of flour. Cook 5 minutes and
pour on thin slices of buttered toast.
Noodle Ring
Two cups cooked noodles, 11e cites
milk, pound American cheese, 1 cup
bread crumbs, 1 chopped pimento, 1
tablespoon chopped onion, 3 eggs, salt,
pepper. Place hale tate noodles iu but-
tered ring mold. Heat milk, add
cheese, stir till melted. Add rest of
ingredients. Pour over in ring and
cover ,with remaining noodles. Place
remainder oe noodle sauce. Bake in
moderate oven. Centre may be filled
with cooked cauliflower. Garnish with
grated cheese and parsley.
Mother's Cake
Sift Hour to 311 21e sup..; add :: An interesting rayon printed crepe
in deep lawn green and lighter tones
that is simple, smart and wearable
for the growing. miss of 6, 8, 10, 12
and 14years,
It's a dress that is very inexpensive
and very easy to make.
It has a two-piece skirt that is
gathered and stitched to bodice that
is long•waisted ani slightly moulded
through the hips, with. deep scalloped
outline at front... The long rather fit-
have '.urn -down flared cuffs.
Cream 1-3 cup shortening, with 2.3 It's a spiendid dre.-s for classroom
cup sugar and add 1 beaten egg, 2 that appears so entirely smart after
tablespoons utilk and 14:t cape flour, 2 school hours to go calling or shopping
teaspoons baking powder, pinch of with mother.
salt, 1, teaspoo'a cinnamon, li tea- You'll also like Style No. 202 is
spoon each of mace, nutmeg and navy blue wool crepe with tiny red
cloves, all sifted together. Add 1-3 bone buttons at either side ,f bodice
cup of raisins and mix well. Bake 15 at front with matching shade red silk
Weans.crepe linen in a red coil's, that lends
Creamed Eggs on Toast French chic.
Cut crust from lieslices of bread, Geolinetrie print in cotton broad -
cut into 1 -prep cubes, To st while pre- cloth, wool challis print, crepe de
Tenetchine,ptextol linen, wool jersey, and
paring egg. Beat 1 egg, stir into it =
featherweight novelty woens appra-
tablespoons milk, poor into double ,mate.
boiler, add 1 tablespoon butter, little HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS
salt and pepper, stir until like thick -
boiled custard. Pour over toasted Write,your name and address plain -
cubes and serve at once, ly, giving number and size of such
Cinnamon Roils patterns as you want, Enclose 20c in
stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap
Mix up any quantity of pie crust it carefully) for each number, and
that you want. Roll very thin on the address your order to Wilson Pattern
flour board and cut tato pieces about Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto,
ase inches; spread each piece with
butter. sprinkle with sugar and then
cinnamon. Roll up and pinch the ends Gene Tunney is rapidly recovering
together so that they will not run out. from his operation. It won't be long
Lay iu ,et biscuit tin a little distance now lentil the doctors' can hand ]rim
apart, so that they will brown all over. back to the lawyers.
No woman looks her best by chance. variety,
It requires study to acquire the clothes
which will bring out one's best points Baby's Temperature
weak and put the dimmers on one's stea
oetee. Garments and accessories Most mothers t the mistake
should not be purchased hit and miss, keeping their babileses too warm. They
A systematic plan should be uiaPped think of the infant as such a delicate
out semiannually to make one's ward- little creature and they almost smoth
rode harmonious and such as will en- it wool blankets, They forget'
thatBaby has an excellent heating
hence one's good appearance, It is plant just inside of him and his heart
just as necessary to ideal dressing as pumps red blood through his veins
the blue print is to Housebuilding. • much more rapidly titan yours does
'When the vernal and autumnal through yours,
equinox rises toward the zenith, con- When a baby's skin feels cold as a
skier that the time to take au invent- frog. baby is comfortable. Like a lit-
ory of your clothes closet aud map tie fish, he likes to be cool aud it
out what you will need for the next' hardens him and makes his resist -
two seasons. Divide the contents of
ance to cold greater. Neither babies
that closet into two groups, the things nor adults should be subject to sud-
wheal will not do aud the things, which den changes of temperature nor per -
will. Send the first pile to the charity matted to lie in a damn room nor in a
organization and send the second to draft- Given au even temperature and
the dry cleaner'or the seamstress to moderately dry ail+, baby: will thrive
be Put in perfect condition. 'Then best 12 the thermometer hovers around
make a liet of what you need to com• sixty -sive degrees,
plete your outfit, The result of keeping baby too
It is a good thing to build your ward- warm is shin troubles and lung and
robe around your coat; Hat, dresses, bronchial diseases, running ears and
hose, gloves should- seem to snake a pueuwonia,
complete costbme with it. This may --
—seem rather difficult le the coat is fur
or a color to which you do not like to Care of Teakettle
limit yourself—but only in this way If you us hard water, lime is likely
can you get the smart ensemble effect to precipitate and form a thick, bray-
IIose and gloves this season incline to ish deposit on the inside of it. This
a sunburn shade, even whoa worn will sometimes chip off and appear in
with gray, black or white.' water you are pouring from the teas
With a navy coat, wear navy dress- kettle or it may make such a heavy
es, light blue; or bars, cheeks or fig- interlining that it wi11 ]tinder the heal:-
eal;tires in which blue predominates. ing of water. It is better to keep the
With the black coat, black, ,white •and inside of the kettle free from the coat -
gray are first choice, but almost any ing of lime. To do this, wash the M-
other color may worn with black. side of the kettle once a week in hot;
'With a brown coat, any shade of soapy water. To clean the kettle
brown, tan, rust,' or red is good. Green when the coating has become heavy,
goes well with brown, for variety use a :fiat chip of wood and scrape the
inside of the kettle with it, Keeping
Nuts As Food v _ a clam or oyster }shell in the kettle
Valuable nutrients .are nuts. erre will prgveiit tyle deposit on the kettle.
asque sae M
odel . .
Attrcts Juni .o r
With Its .Moulded Hipline and
Flaring Skirt
heaping teaspoons baking powder, le
teaspoon salt and site several dates.
Crearir ,ii cup shortening with 1 13
cups sugar; add.3 well -beaten eggs.
Now add, alternately, the flour, eta,
and 2.3 cup milk, 1 teaspoon extract.
Bake in moderate oven 25 minutes,
Use a large pan, as Ole makes a big
loaf. Nice for a birthday rake. My
pan is 9xtx9ei inches.
Trains w111 arive at and depart from placing one little tax upon Jake's coin-
oin sh01114,in£lutle more of them lu the
Clinton as follows!, p g diet. They contain ,the same bady.] 11 y0ttr tyciit,ui:es
posure. t ietdltt lenteu t ns meati Rad uitn • In a hotel, trice blip
Buffalo and 'Goderich Div. ,,, g —
"I have a secret for you, Mary," '"el e. i a,dish with a hole in the
Golieg East, 'depart 6.44 am. he w is eyed. "Doti'( jump like that. solve as subs , They are fatten 05 51554 wa+
°i ' " 2,58 p.m, b p 1 i sue wl,o i top, to peep them from getting cold.
Going West, ar. 11.50 a.m. It looks guilty, I really ought to have ing and ehculd be avoided "y j of strainer or sieve makes
e ar 6.08 tip. 6,48 p.m. told you both at- the table; but you is trying to reduce. Nuts should tie i Eitpi u" this cover in the
5 " • ' ar,' 10.31 .p.m, know I never do .the expected- thing. eaten as a Bart of the meal and. not a good substitiite3o.. i ,tan
London, Huron &. Bruce - I think a bride ought to have sone sec- betweelt meals. The eating of nuts home. Before you begirt ]nalnnb
Going South, ar. 7.40 dp. 7,40 a,m, •mete; dent 'you" Of • cours. you do„ Is good for the teeth, both because cartes, warm a dish to hold them and
r h sit an al also the the re airs c et t d so a t trainer. to e
g. b over them, Pu
Lis I m cin to ! e .you a little
q t '
4:08 t g g g
Going North, depart , 6.42 p,m, Wedding Present - as soon'. as we get c•tnse they are a bone building Eood. the ,exiles quickly into the. disc ,and
ar, 11.40 dp. 1.1.53 a.m. ash6le: I shall •make over to you a ono -i To incorporate nuts into the diet,; cover quickly, The perforated Dan,
— qusiter shale In .the Oronted;' and',' add tient to breads, puddings, salads, shaped cover will permit enough
ISSUE No:. --' 0 "ohl" gasped Mary. "i hi, Alden!" candies, caltes,and cookies, or to all steglt3 to escape that the ealto'e will
(C:elect lel , r .
Nowadays, people•take Aspirin for
many little aches and pains, and as
often as they encounter any pain.
Why not? It is a proven anti-
ntidote for pain. It worked
And Aspirin tablets are abs
lately harmless. You twit the
medical profeasiot4 wlst for tb.?*,w
they do =",vCQOpreSs ilia heart.
So, don't tet a cold "run its
course:: Don't wait for a head. you can always turn to an Aeplris
Oho to ,'`west' off.", :e'r regard tablet for relief. and
neuralgia, neuritis, or even rheum. Aspirin is always available,
again as something you must en- it never fails to help. FamiliariSO
dure. Only a physician eau copeyourself with its many uses, and
with the carate of such pain, but avoid a lot of needless suffering.
rnao5 twnlztt neck. 1?;