HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-02-13, Page 5TR DAV' GROWTH IN: -sixty years of growth, from. a . single office in Halifax to a position of international importance, there has always been a sincere spirit of helpfulness between this Bank and its customers. That was the spirit of the pioneers who founded this institution -that spirit guides our work to -day. :• YOU WILL LIKE BANKING AT TEE ROYAL 1908% The Royal Bank G919 of Canada Clinton Branch 996 - R. E. Manning, Manager 'OF INTEREST - TO YOU • AND ME Tomorrow, Feb. 14th, is St, Veen - 'tine's Day. Have you got a• ll the licenses you -need for 1930, such as motor, dray- er'e • radio, dog, : etc.? The big fight is on in- Toronto :since the opening of the Provincial legislature. Judging frons the start made much time will be spent in use- less talking this session. 'Can any -good word be said of a submarine? It is a mean, sneaky, .abominable thing mid should be ab- solutely banned. A fair fight and no favours might not be so bad but -the sub and gag are not fair fight - home of Mes. B, Stephenson on Thursday last. Mae and _Mrs. Thos. Riley and little niece, Luey Ellwood, of. Clinton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Riley. Miss Phoebe Wakefield returned home on Saturday after spending 'a week withfriends in Goderich town- ship. A Valentine social will be held in the basement of the church on Fri- day evening under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid, .Ali are welcome. The sympathy of this community is extended to Mr. and Mss. le, Shad - dick of Londesboro in the death of their son, Lewis, which occurred in Clinton Hospital, Tuesday of last week at the early age of seventeen ers. Lord Derby apparently doesn't ;agree with some public men past and percent in Canada. He says: I "There is nothing connected -with "the press that has ever got me into. such great -trouble as the accuracy 'of the reports of what T have said." Lady Nancy A• stor has offered to 'a museum the caress she wore when, as the fest woman elected, she `took her seat in the British Com- mons. It is presumed Lady Nancy 'has another. -Stratford Beacon -Her :.ald. Wonder if Agnes - McPhail still has that blue serge in which she made her.debut in the Dominion Par- :liantent., * * *s, The plea for economy in the in - .augural address of the new County "Warden is -es -welcome as its practise has 'become rare. People have be - ,come so accustomed to having ex- •pensds mount and have become so. :hopeless of ever laving any redue- 'tion in the administration of public affairs that it is refreshing to hear :someone in authority and with some shoe of ability to accomplish som- ething, come out for economy, We -cannot, of course, expect to have our cake and eat it at the same time, but it is the conviction of many that if en resolute attempt were made ex- penses of .administration of all pub- lic affairs, :municipal and parliamen- try, might be pared considerably without injuring anything essential to Well-being or comfort. From in - teatime at the Goderich County 'Council it is hoped that Htiron may see this honestly .attempted and at least partially accomplished during the present year. So let it be. years. - STANLEY Arr. ;Sti'muel Rohner bas purchased the farm formerly owned by James Delgaty of Gilbert Plains, 1Vlatiitoba. Quite a number of Mat and Mrs. Thos. Snowden's friends gathered at their home on the 18th anniversary of their marriage, when a.very pleas- ant time was spent. Miss Heel Sparks of near London is visiting at the hone of her par- published at the end of the last fiscal year. in Ottawa that in April 1927 the grand total of employes of the enum- erated classes numbered 40,001. In 11lareh 1928 the number has, increased by 1,232, while the salany'expendit- ure increased by $448,606.57 during the same period. The permanent employers at Head- quarters increased by 149 during the year,. while temporary employes in- creased b3'''96 during the same period. The total expenditure on monthly salaries at headquarters increased by $87,290.85 comparing April 1927 with March 1928. O1, the .employes other than at'de- partmental headquarters 1there was an increase of 222 permanent em- ployes between April 1927 and Meeich 1928. Temporary employees increased by 765 in the same period. The monthly salary expenditure for permanent employes other than at departmentalheadquarters increased by $205,115.07 comparing April 1927 with March 1928 and the increase in salaries for temporary employes- in the same period amounted to $156,- 290.65, • The ,total expenditure' en salaries for Civil Servants amounted to $82,- 311,447.07 during the fiscal Year, Of this amount $46,683,077.28 was ex- pended on salaries of perniaeent ern- ployes,915,291,909.68 on temporary employes,' while $20,336,460.11 was paid out for salaries and wages of the `non-enunerated' class. 'Comipai;ing with the preceding fiscal year there was an increase of $3,183,974.56 in salaries of permanent etitployes, an increase of $1,269,760.16 en salaries of temporary employes, whiles the sal- aries and wages of non -enumerated classes increased by 91,029,824.25. The increased expenditure on sal- aries was due partly to the increase of 1,651 employees over the preeeed- Eng year; toethe flatenldreatte of e120. per annum granted to Civil Servants from April 1st, 1927, and also to the customary annual increments of -sal- aries throughout the year:, MARRIAGES DALR'irMIPLE •-• SQUIRI8' --e at the James St. Parsonage; Exeter, on' February '5th, lie- the'Rev. D. McTavish,, Marie Squire, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Squire, q2 Ueboene; to' Gt rnet Dalrymple, son of Mr. and Mrs. :George Dalrymple, of Tuckorsmith. • BIRTHS STEEPE--dn London, on Feb. 6th, to i1VLr. and Mrs. Earl Steepe, a son: MUNN--In Scott Memorial hospi- tal, .Seaforth, on. February 4th, to 'Dr. and Mos: J. A. Munn, a son. LOCKWjOOD-In Conquest, Sask., on Jaen/try 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lockwood, a son. -Kenneth Douglas. LiEATHS LOBB-In the Clinton Public Hos pital, on Feb. 0th, Annie Luella Moore, wife of William H. Lobb, ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sparks. Bayfield road, aged 66 years. •Mr. Wm. Taylor shipped a ear load DOW'ZER-Int Clinton, on Feb. 915, of cattle to Toronto..last week. William L. Downer. Mrs. Iiarold Penhale was the ;B11IJCE+ rILD ' 'The February meeting of the Wo- •Oten's Association was held at the home of Mrs. le Tough. The first hour was spent in quilting and knit- ; ting and social talk,. the meeting +proper 'opening with devotional part taken by Mrs, Stevens, singing Scrip- ture reading and prayer. The presi- ,dent, Mrs- Alex. Broadfoot, took up .the business part and work for. the 'meet meeting was well planned for. "The members responded to roll call :and the topic was then called for, Mrs. H. Zapfe give a short but in- teresting : paper, "Redeeming the :time," The meeting closed by re-- -'peating the bfispah benediction after which the hostess supplied very gen- erous refreshments which were en- joyed by n-jeyed'-by all. The next meeting -will be held at the home of Mrs+. H. Zapfe ..on March 6th. Tufa- Clifford Broadfoot has pur- chased the garage business of Mee L. Forest. • Progressive euchre was very' much enjoyed Friday . evening by friends - and neighbors at the hone of Me. H. Dalrymple. guest 552 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wiest - lake a few days last week. Mb's. Robt. Armstrong of Willow City, Alberta, is at present the guest of her sister, Mrs. Lizzie Ward of `jrarna. Mr. Geo. Williams of Cleveland, Ohio, is spendingthe winter with Me. Fred Watson. • BLYTH Quite a number of the hmnbers of slur Orange Lodge attended the an- nual County meeting, held in Wing ham last Tuesday. All report_ a very successful meeting and - as North Huron has decided not to hold a celebration Ibis year but will go visiting they received invitations to celebrate with Bruce County in Kincardine, and with South Huron in Bayfield, 'but did not definately de- cide. The officers elected for the County Lodge are as follows: Wlor- shipful County Master, Victor Hanes, Wingham; Worshipful Deputy Mas- ter, Charles Stewart, Londesboro; Chaplain, Joseph Hamilton, Walton; Rec.-Secretary, Chester Copeland,, Wingham; Fin. -Secretary, Allan Patterson, Belgeave; Treasurer, Wm. Mole, Dungannon; D. of. C., Joseph Taman, 'Blyth; Leeturees, Robert 1Vtc- Murray, Et Wheeler, Wingham. CONSTANCE - Inge Thelma Dale of •Toronto spent the week -enol' at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mee. Us.' Dale, The Women's Missionary' Society, held their monthly meeting `,at • the COLBORNE Member' of Florist Telegraph Deliv- ery Association CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For All Occasions, Sent Anywhere. Greenhouse is as near as your phone. Chas. V. Cooke YEO-In Goderich, on Feb. 12th, John Wt Yeo, formerly of Goder- ich 'township, in his 80th year. Funeral front his late residence, Lighthouse street, Goderich, on Saturday afternoon, Feb. 15th, .service to, commence at 2 o'clock. Interment in litaibiend cemetery. PERRIE-At St. Andrew's Manse, Winghanl,. on Feb. lith, Rev. Dav- id Perrie, D.D., Moderator of the . General Assembly of the Presbyter - inn church, in his 78rd year. Fun- eral service at St: Andrew's Church Whig -ham, on February 18tH,, at 1.30 p.m. Interment in Brussels eemetet'y. Two 'Phones --66w and 66j SPIECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, FEB. 13, 14, 15. .. Matches, Eddys, '':3 boxes . . ..25c 1', ixed Biscuits; 20c 119., 2 lbs. ....39e Lantern globes,' 2 for ...,. ..25e Dates, 2 Is 19c Hand-picked, beans, choice, 4 :lbs. 25c Icing, 3 lbe. • 25c Heinz prepared 1Veustard, lar 18e Clover Leaf Sockeye Salmon, large limited quantity,' to clear at 40e We are stocking a good assortment of W. A. Jenkins garden and Flower Seeds this year, retail, 6 pkgs. for 25e. D. E. Gliddon HOLMESVILLE CARD OF THANKS Mr. WI. h. Lobb and family wish to thank their nary friends and ac- es •guaintances for tin their kindness s and sympathy in their sorrow and bereave- reavement in the death of their wife and mother, Mrs. Wfillitim Lobb, Al- so for ' the beautiful floral contribu- tions. Mr. James Corran, who has been employed by Mr. E. V. Lawson, com- pleted a short course inn agriculture at Guelph and has returned to • Mr. Lawson's again. The thermometer has 'been running to uneven temperatures this week hers. On Wednesday week ours registered 9 below zero at 11,00 p.m. On Monday morning while Mr. John Farrishand sons were thresh- ing beans with a cutting box his hand was caught, and was drawnn in so mangling the aim that amputation was necessary just below the elbow. It is the left hand, which helps out a tiny bit. His friends are very sorry to heat` of this mishap. IOn Tuesday, Robert, the three- year-old son of Mr. and Mas. Ebner. Robertson of near Auburn, was 'play- ing in the woodshed when he cut off one fore finger and injured the -next badly, with an axe which was 'lying about. CII IL SERVICE WAGES ' $82, 31001 : PER YEAR Ottawa, Feb•.1.0; (Speeial to the News -Record), While' the employee' of the Civil Service in all the depart- ments are classed as permanent, tem- portiry and non-cnnnnerated, yet it is noted from the statistics of the Civil Service' of . Canada .1r, the statement CARD OF THANKS Mr. mid Mrs. R. Shaddlek and family wish to thank their friends and neighbors for all their help and sympathy in their sorrow and bereave - rent, the young people for their thoughtful remembrance of our son, also the hospital -staff and help, for their kind attention and sincere sym- pathy lot our son, Lewis, when he was so sick and helpless. We are sure God will bless and help them all in their labour of love. Milk Price Reduced After to -day, Feb.. 13th, milk will be 10c a quart. Your continued patronage respect- fully solicited. We aim to please all with extra quality' milk at compet- itive price and with prompt and cheerful service: FAIRHOLME FARM DAIRY CHAS. E. ELLIOTT, Proprietor. • 63-1. Shrove Tuesday Supper iThe Ladies' Guild of St. Paul's church will hold their annual hot supper on. Shreve Tuesday. Reserve the date. 53.2. Auction. Sale of Wood Clinton's New -Laid Egg And Poultry House FREE FREE MundaY�-Feb. -17th - TOWN HALL, . CLINTON it reCORMICK'b7;E3IN'G TRACTOR • SCHOOL under the auspices of Mr. W. 3. Stewart, agent, conunepeing at 1.00 p.nz. PROGRAM Series of Lectures out - Care and Operation of Tractors. Traetor Farming, Power Fainting. Construction of McDeer Tractors, Operators of 1l'I'eDeer Tractors Es- pedially Welcome. Hear and See "The Evolution of the '.tractor." all illustrated with ACTUAL MOTION PICTURES FREE FREE EDUCATIONAL, ENTERTAINING 10.20, 15.20 FARMALL GET INFORMED ON TRACTOR FARMING. Eggs bought according to Domin- ion Government .Egg Regulations. Inquire for our prices of eggs. You will always find our prices par- allel with the city markets. Fathens and well finished chucks always wanted -Prices good. Always phone our office for prices before marketing produce. N. W. Trewairthal Phones -Office, 214j Residence, 214w Ontario spends on alcoholic bev- erages more than is spent on bread, for Ontario's bakery output is in all $39,000,000. MEAT: Fresh Picnic Halals, lb. ..22c Loin Rst. of Pork, lb. 27c Rib Roast of Pork, lb, 25c Shoulder Est. Pork,.1b. 24c Side Pork in piece, lb. 22c Pork Chops, ib. 27c H..Made Pork Saus., 1b. 22c Shoulder Rst. Beef, lb. 22c Rib Rst. Beef, lb. 22c Rump Rst., lb. Corner Rst., lb.' Pot Rst., ib. Rib Boils, lb. Flank Boils, ib.. Brisket Point, lb. Hamburg Steak, lb. 20c Lard in Bulk any quantity per ib. 17c Choice line of Cooked Meats and Cured Meats of very • best quality. Bulk Pickles, Sweet and Sour, mixed .also; Olives, Dill Picldes,• and Sauer Kraut .and Minced Meat Large Cuts of Meat .at _a Reduction. in Price. Please Order .Ear-ly • "Lantern Service" "Iltmipty-Dumpty" will be presen- ted in the Salvation Artny Hall on Friday evening at 7.34. Admission, children, 3e,.adults, 5e. -53-1. Housekeeper Wanted By widower on fare with three young children. Comfortable home for woman experienced in the care of children. Address H. L. Wise, R. D. No. 3, Clinton. St. Patrick's Day Tea The W. A. of Wesley -Willis church will hold their annual St. Patrick's Day_ tea and sale of home baking in the council chamber on Saturday .af- ternoon, March 15th. 53-1:. Ser. Wilfred Thompson has in- structed the undersigned to sell by public auction at his farm being lot 33, Bayfield line, on Mondety, Feb - 17th, at 2 p. in. sharp, 15 acres of beach and maple wood. This is the block purchased recently by Mr. Raiz and there is a lot of -good wood on this property. Wood will be sold in block to suit purchas= er. .. .. Two treater thee will be allowed to remove wood .from premises or long- er time will be given by making -ar- rangenvents with ,proprietor if neces- sary, OC 15.00 and 1 nms z Terme: All s $ under cash, over that amount 6 months' credit will be given on fur- ni§ping approved joint'. nates or A discount of 4 per cent straight ,al- Iowec1 for.eesh on credit amounts. Wilfred Vi''p Thompson, Proprietor, G. •E, Elliott, Auctioneer. 5-1. For Sate • Good Rubber Tired Top Buggy. Cheap, will take wood for same. Bert Langford. 58-1. 22c 24c 22c 18c 18c 12c Baby Chicks There is profit for you in the dif- ferenes.. Better .thioles for the 'same, money. Chicke hatched by our Hu- ron l'4amanoth Incubator possess ex- tra rigour. Are you interested? Well, I think sol` White or phone tor particulars of Barred Roeir avid "White Leghorn Chicks to e. Elgin McKinley, Zurich, •Ont,, phone 97 ring 4, Hensail. 53-tf. - NOTICE To Owhers or Harborers of Dogs CON•NELL & TYNDALL •Clinten's Leading Meat :Market Logs Wanted We are again in the market £or good maple, basswood, elm and white oak logs, delivered in our yard at Clin- ton. H. E. Ratz Cali phone 147-w, or see J. A, Sut- ter, Clinton. 5042. Western Oats All dog taxes in Clinton are Clue and payable March 1st, Note follow- ing excerpts front town Bylaws: "Every person required to register it dog under the provision of this by- law shall obtain from -the Chief Con - stale a. tag for such dog." "For every dog owned, possessed or harbored in the said town on or before the first day oe March in any year a license hereunder shall be obtained within .fifteen days .after of March in such year and foe every dog sabseene!ntly, acquired orpos- sessed during the year a tag shall be obtained' within fifteen days after , such dog has been acquired." "No person shall own, keep, pos•• sess nr barber in the said Town any dog for which a tag for -,tate current year lute ;not been obtainedin accord- ance with this bylaw." L. STONG, Chief: Constable. Have a car -in and will be selling off the can Friday afternoon and Saturday morning for cash. 60c PER BUSHEL Murdoch Bros. CLINTON CROPPING MILL PHONE 269. . 53-1-p. Farm For Sale or Rent West 1-2 of lot 27, concession 12, JIullett, 11-2 miles from Londesboro, consisting of 50 acres in good state of cultivation. Good 8 -roomed house. Barn and hen house; never failing well. Apply to Geo. H. Barr, R. R. No. 1, Auburn. Phone 207 Blyth sentral. 53-6. Persuasive Prices with no Saeiif1ee o Quality. EP$O;IV1 SALTS, 6 lbs. for , `. . , . 25c SULPHUR, 6 lbs. for . , . .26e SALT PETRE, per pound ..: :.12c BORAX, per, pound .... - . 7e COD LIVER OIL, per gallon . .. v.. . K .$1.50 ZENOLEUM, LICE POWDI+]11, ROW URE FOR1VI,ALDHYDE, ENERJGINIa7,- BON A1VIj,,-GILLETTS LYE, LEMON, BANANA AND SEWINNG MACHINE OIL, VALVE GRINDING COMPOUND, FLAKE GRAPHITE, W11{ITING SHEET 'AND GROUND GLUE, STEWART CLIPPER PLATES, COLEMAN MANTLES AND GENERATORS; ALADDIN • • WICKS, MANTLES AND CHIMNEYS, SWEAT PADS, ETO. Milier Hardware TELEPHONE 53 Co, CLINTON l SINGER SEWING MACHINES A full line of Singer sewing ma- chines in stock. Z can also clean and repair sewing machines and suppler belts and needles for all makes of machine. Bring in head of machine if in meed of repairs. Charges Reasonable. W. GLEN COOK Fulton St., Clinton Phone 171.. eseeeee C. H. VENNER Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other Appliances Wiring and .Repairs. Phone RUPTURE SPECIALIST Rupture, Varicocele, Varicose Veins Abdominal Weakness, Spinal •Deform- ity. Consultation Free. Call or write, J: G. Smith, Specialist, 15 Downie St., Stratford, Ont. 10-1929. Farm -Sell or Rent Eighty acres of rich and produc- tive- loam; good natural and artificial drainage; picturesque location. Farm about two miles from Clinton on Baseline. Buildings consist of newly shingled'hoese; large 'been; driving shed also windmill. Considerable bush.' Terms one-third purehaee down; or full rent int advance. Own- er, wner,- 322 South Main Street, Romeo, Michigan, Further information; W. Brydone, Clinton.: 51-6p.. Teas and Sale An afternoon tea and sale of bak- ing will be held in the Presbyterian church; school room ors Thursday, Mar. 6th, under the auspices of the Ladies" Auxiliary. • 52.2:. For Sale 30 ranch circular .sawn, 69 ft• of 5 inch canvas belting and some Collie pups, ,4pply to D. C. Galbraith, Hayfield, Ont. Telephone, 609911, Clinton central. 52+.2: Per Sate House and 10 1-2 acre facing North street, back facee Milton street. Fruit trees, ,stable • 36x18, first class driving shed, suitable for garage. House, newly covered with gween shingles, allnew ewindows, largo living room, kitchen and sum- mer kitchen, 3 bedrooms, glassed -in verandah at side, town water, elec- tric light at front of house. Cement sidewalk, paid for. Also two good goose feather laeds, chiffoner, an old one of either chet'ry or walnut, with thc:ee large drawers. Apply to John Steep, North street, Clinton. 52-2-p, Farms For Sale Lots 27 and 29, 9th concession of Goderich township, consisting of 100 acres of good clay loam,' 131, miles west of Holmesville.. Good buildings, never -failing wells. Ap- ply to Lewis Proctor, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. Phone 611r2, Clinton cen- tral, 29-tf. Rouse to Rent 5 -room house, James street, Clin- ton. Town water, electric lights . Apply to W. Jago, Clinton. 31-tf. House For Sale Seven -room cottage with glassed - in porch, Joseph street, Clinton. Pro- perty of Mrs. Geo. Ladd. Furnace, town water, lights. 'Garden with some fruit trees, Apply to T. K. elixir, Joseph street, Clinton. 50-tf. Articles Por Sate 4 -section Deering spring tooth e and la saw fYr t an ei cu r r i for x cult va r two saws, four-mehleel tractor with, tires; 4 -burner coal cit stove and neve even,' 3 black Jersey Giant roosters. Apply to. E. W. Morrison, R. R. NO.4, Clinton. :Phone 617r13, Clinton central. ; 52-2=p; Co-operative Selling Anyone wishing to sell their stock through the Co-operative call 11: R. Powell, Phone 00794, Clinton central. 51-3. Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed and re- paired'. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms over Heard's Barber shop. W, J, Jago. 2283-tf. House For See Comfortable nine room house, Victoria' street, Clinton. Garage and, etable. Apply to S. G. Castle, Clin- ton. . 404E. Clinton's VtAtlettott UA TOWN OR DOWN TOWN,, WHER3' VC --Re, `(Ou MAZY GO - HOMES THAT HIRE THE: NEAT FOi.KS NEVER. MIND THE- SNOW t` ler We Want Your Milk and Cream We are manufacturers of bo cheese and butter. We want yo milk or cream. We pay highest m ken price weekly. Satisfaction gu anteed. Phone your order for finest cin or pasturised butter in prints or s ids to. W. H. Lobb, Clinton, Ont., R, No. 3, Phone No. 605r32. THE HOLMESVILLE CO.OPER TIVE CHEESE AND BUTTER COMPANY. LIMITED Dirt you errer notice homy much pleasanter the weather seems When you go out- into it from a warns hoose?' There's no need of shivering and• shaking, when Beat Folks Coat can give you comfort inside yotua, 'home and "pep" outside. ' Phone. its for- a load of DLS&'VIW Coal, which is the beat your, money can buy.• - Call the logrralYtt for good, dean coal r r CO.COMPANY .,AL • PHONE 74 CLINTON Eggs and Poultr Home on Tuesday and Friday fa noon to take in Poultry. Eggs handled at residence ev day -graded by an experienced gr er, for which we pay -the hig marlcet price. - Cream purchased for Stillman' A. M Finch Viking Cream Separator Agent Victoria St., Clinton Phone Logs Wanted We are again in the market good maple, basswood, cherry white ash logeedelivered in our y at Bayfield and 4th concession G rich Township. Will be doing custom sawing J. T. Turner's farm, Clinton, McEwen. Bros. BAYFIELD . Phone, 024r4, Clinton. The Mid-Continen Bond Corpor. Toro Havieg'completect sale of that second Standard Royalties, are giving clients another chance to chase Syndicate unites, with of common, in a new Royalty Pane,. Call on representative for p .ears. J. G. CHOWEN CLINTON. P. 0. Box, 155 Pboi Keep Warm W LEHIGH VALLEY ANTIIRAC MINEIIRAD ALBERTA SOFT COAL. NUT' COKE A ' DOMESTIC SIZE C A. D. McCartney Coal Dealer Queen Street Telephone Implement Age I handle Cocksbutt impiem and cream separators, Frost Wood Implements and carry and repairs for same. 1 am arse agent for AIlis-C mere Tractors. Those wishing to inquire a any of the 'above kindly, call at residence, - ' JOHN V. DIEHL, Queen Street, Clinton. McCormick -Deering Agency Having taken over the above ency for this district I will keep hand a full stock of repairs and p of all McCormick -Deering machi and will appreciate a share of patronage sound r on a of the farmers u g Clinton. Call at my shop, next door Jones' blacksmith shop, King etre W. J. STEWAR Gunton, Out., Phone 281w 0