HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-02-13, Page 3Sell yours gin' the highest arket Deal' with an old reliable bust., We at'e paying for Rugs fops the week ending February 0th, EXTRAS 45c doz. 'FIRSTS 42c doz. PULLET EXTRAS . 35c doz. SECOND & CRACKS 30o doz. nese • @rouse with a reputation of Mare than sixty-five years for square dealing., Best,.;prices paid, Prompt payments.' Cases; returned quickly. Cases sup plied, 60c each, complete, deliv- ered, enyered, payment in`advanee. Reference:-Vour Owe !Banker, �i'iate fox • Weekly .Qtlotatioins Tf E N : flYTE .;PACKING CO ESTABLISHED OVER 65'VEARS 15-80 Froint Street East T•iaroano 2 mtignosenoti french eveldp African 'eSer't iFraince l Digging Artesian Wells to Make the Great Sahara Bloom Algiers; --'Most people look upon the Sahara as a Iend open for worid•'tour- ets, enjoying an ideal winter. This Is partly true since the great Afrieau desert has been made possible ,for ;motoring. Nevertheless, it is not only a show place of never -to -be -forgotten attractions, but also a land of labor. Indeed, this wilderness, owing -to the energetic effot'ta of the French' auth- orities, is becoming a land of ever- greeu gardens, where the populations live peacefully in the shade of their palm trees amid.wives, children, asses and camels. The Saharan tribes believe their country -to be the most beautiful and themselves the'happiest of people and, while busy cultivating their gardens, or lazily lying in the sun along their mud -baked houses, bless Allah for pouring so many and generous gifts upon them. The .Algerian Sahara covers an area of about 2,200,000 kilometers' and is Inhabited by over 800,000 people of Berber or Arab origin, white, and black, nomad or sedentary. It has been. divided by writers into three sections: A large pasture field, where sokeval million domestic animals (sheep, oxen, asses and camels) feed; a small cereal held, where inter ala, barley and tobacco grow, and lastly, a beautiful garden. Artesian Welts Trance is carrying out a wide hy- ldraulic policy through which many 'wells have been and are being dug. These are known by the natives as "'Friendship Fountains" and have con- quered the Saharan tribes far more easily than could have soldiers and guns and turned the deserted region into' fruitful lauds the products of which are known to the world at large, The first French artesian well was Aug in 1840, and the most famous one ;in 1024 in the small oasis of Rater Ott tete way from Biskra, the famous ?winter r'esor't to Taggart and the ,great desert market tying on the main camel tracts. When opened, it gave .au output of 20,000 litres a' minute, ' The most famous oasis is found at ,.&uargla, a small town inhabited by Arabs and Negroes and lying 850 kilo- meters south of,Algiers, This oasis 'Includes nearly 1,000,000 date trees in- }piosed le beautiful gardens. Two luta- idred and eighty kilometers farther teouth is the small but very beautiful toasts of El. Golea, lying in a romantic petting at the foot of a very old Ksar • YOUR HAIR NEEDS TO GIVE IT HEALTH AND LUSTRE. ASK YONR BARBER writes Mr. rid. McArthur, TORP 1)k1P V iritottsands say coasti a- .11,11) 1,, -p - Coe, iesoa,gseas0endoverngt withitrult-a-tives:Nerveo quiet. Get "i.+ruit-a.tives" lrom druggist today, (castle) perched hp aiga on a rock," towering above the endless plain. , Cost, and Vaiue of 'Dates That date trees are valuable re- sources to their owners` " i`s clearly shown by the fact that each tree costa. from 800 to 1200 francs, according to the quality of its fruit 'and- is con- sidered by all the Saharan people as a heavenly nianua to be used as a daily food. Even camels are so fed when undertaking •a journey of several• days over the sane plains to the re- mote and meagre pasture fields. At the present time, according to recent estimates, tate volume of water. obtained ty artesian wells, both Fnench and native, Is. about 200,000 liters a minute, irrigating an area of 3(10,000 hectares covered with palm gardensyielding a yearly crop of dates worth 100,000,000 "rants, making the annual-xport- of this trait to France and foreign countries worth about 130,000 cubic quintals, or 70,- 000,000 francs, - Christian Science 1lionitor. Australian Seaside Pleases AmerIcans Sydney, N.S.W.-When. the steam- ship Malolo was recently in this port, with between 300 and 400 businese men from various parts of the United States, on a tour iuteuded to familiar- ize them with the Pacido.and its prob- lems, much interest was taken in the beaches along the ocean. front ot Syd- ney. The -opinion was expressed that the beaches are unequaled for their fine white sand and general contour and for the oceaustde sport and pastime they provide. Within a stretch of about 30 miles -from 15 miles south of Sydney to 15 miles north -there are a dozen beaches. From September to April. there are crowds ou all; the largest at- tendance being in November, Decem- ber, Sanitary and February, when tate weather is warmest, There are neuak• ly more than 100,000 persons on this stretch at tate week -end. The costum- ing recalls Deauville. The municipali- ties which have these beaches within their boundaries spend large same in bathhouses, promenades and other equipment necessary for the comfort of the visitors. Sc'xne One So one carne knocking At my wee, small door; Some one came knocking I'm sure -sure -sure, I listened, I opened, 'I looked to left .ad right, • Btu paught there was a-at{rring In the still, dark night, Only the busy beetle Tap -tapping in the wail, Only from the forest The screech-owt'a eelt. Only the cricket whistling Whsle the dewdrops fail, So I know not who came knocking, At all; at all, at all. WallerDe La Mare, in "Down- Adown-Derry." - When a man • aims at nothing he usually demonstrates hit nusrksmatl- ship by hitting his target, • Use Minard's for Neuralgia. The first step to greatness itt to be honest. I� About two hours after eating many people suffer from sour stomachs. they nail it indigestion. It means that (the stomach nerves have been over- eitimulated, There is excess acid. The !ray to Correct it is with an alkali, ;which neutralizes many times, its vol- ;jime in acid. • The right way is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia - just a tasteless dos( la heater. .1 it is pleasant, efficient and Featured in Ice Pageant They 'are Miss Louise Bertram and Miss Gwyneth Osborne who with twenty-two other girls from the. Toronto Skating Club, all dressed in pretty red and black costumes, took part in the special number, "Danes Modetao," gluon at the Frontenace Winter Sports Club Ice Pageant at Quebec, February 12.18. maireemsumniamor Wild went through only two or three rmer months ago in their motorlorry, with two breakdowns of two days each, in � � � �� the middle of the desert. • Romance of Obscurity African Oasis that Interested Cecil Rhodes is Now Busy Town Tucked away in an .almost inaccess- Ibfe part of .the Kalahari le the little- knowa settlement of Khauzi, an oasis surrounded by uninhabitable desert. Ghanziland, as the teritory is called, is unknown even to tete majority of South Africans, yet it is a tlourishiug little country to -dap and was- des- cribed when first it was discovered by Europeans as a "land dowing with milk and ItoneS':' It was in Mafeking in 1804 that a group of farmers met together to dis- cuss the mtsston of one izak Bozmau, who had carried ttdinge of the Gospel to Chief Moremi of the Batawana in. Southwest Africa. "There is .a land in the Karahari," old leak told them, "which is a land {lowing wick milk and honey:" "How so, .in the Kalahari" those skeptical farmers said. "csraes foe cattle there? Greets things growing in that waste of hot saud2 Nol" "But it is so," Beaman insisted. "Wild honey is plentiful there, and the grass is the finest for stock in the whole of Africa, Trek north and see for yoursoives if you do not believe me." Cecil Rhodes interested A fest" of thcnt thought there might, perhaps, be Something in. it. Atter weighty consnitatlona, they said that a settlement might be established there. Many ridiculed the idea: "You will not stay there longe' said tate Van Ziys, who had trekked through the .Kalahari attd found it quite untenable. But among those whose intaginatigns were fired by that pht'ase of golden promise, "a land of milk and honey," was Cecil Rhodes. He sent bis agent north to prepare the way, and now, to the valley which old Izak Boman had likened to that of Canaan, there Is a community of farms and a town alli- ed Ghanzi. The people are descended front farmers, Dutch and Engitsit, who trek- ked through from the Transvaal and the Free State. Some ot the English- men hailed from Australia, England and New Zealand as well. A11 were iu fair circumstance boforse coming; int - deed, tate country could not carry a large poimiatton as yet, nor could it offer Scope for those of slender means. Mining tnduatrios may spring up some day, but so fat' prospecting hqs not met with any great success. The chief occupation at present is with cattle. For agriculture on a payable scale there is little chance until irri- gation facilities are bettor attainable. The soils are rich --red, chocolate - brown and black -and many small crops are grown in the gardens in ia- vorable years. There is aanininmm of rain, but the treat'and bushes and the grass Are al- ways refreshingly green, for breezes are constantly veering on the High plateau, Light gusts blow over from both Atlantic and Indian Oceans, or zephyrs from the veld in the South, The nub's heat is dieperSed ii wind before .it boats down on. the earth. Cyclones and storms do not come to Ghana!, though sometimes • black clouds with lightning playing through them from the western horizon: but they gradually retire, or split up into tingle omen, which let fall showers here and there -but gentle ones. Hard Pioneers The men of Ghanzi are hardy, They have need to be, Never since their coming has a Kafir or a Bushman been able to get the better of them, and what they do not know or the country Laziness stifles ambition, strangles thereabouts Is negligible." When not self-expression, dwarfs men, and keeps out traveling to trade with time Bata - hosts of young men of great natural wane, or on.' a quest for food, the ability ou the toboggan all the time. Ghanzi farmer is. busy with building operations, • or putting a new well down, or with any other of the multi- farioue jobs the pioneer has to be able to do '.Lions .till abound in tete llarmlesa. It has remained the stand- ard with physicians in the 50 years since its invention. It is the quick method. Results come alinost instantly." It is the approved method. You will never _use another when you know. Be sure to get the gen'iiue Philips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- cians for 50 years in correcting excees acids. Each bottle contains full dtrec tions -any drugstore. ! APPLICATIONS Are Filled As Par' As Possible In the Order to Which They Are Received. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT' OF AGRICULTURE Far.,:; help Supplied The E otonfzation and Immigration Branch of the Department of Agriculture for Ontario will have available a number of Experienced Married Men With Their Wives and families -Married Couples Without Children-. Also Single Men, Parmera requiring help Will hawell advisee to nakoearl9 application to Geo. A. Elliott Director of Colonization ' Parliament 0 OntOnt. APPLICATIONS Offering Annual Work Are, Invariably '•. Given the Preference. File Your Application at Once Alt Men •Planed Subject to Triai Period HON. JOHN 9. MARTIN, Minister of Agriculture The old hunters of mauy years ago, returning home, used to leave letters at the "Letterboom" at, Botletle River, or send their servants back to the "Schanses" with them, These trees have history, tbtilling with the romance of obecurity, on their trunks in the form of carved names half a century old. . The social conditions of Ghanzi are delightful. Society' as• understood elsewhere does not exist. Your neighbor is your equal there, The peo- ple are all of the farming class, the community le a thriving one; man- ners are pleasant -there Is a total ab- sence of boorishness The Dutch Re- formed Church sends up its teachers from time to time to give schooling 20 the children. They live a happy, outdoor life, those children. They will call you to come and take a chttch of wild bees that are swarming in an acaela, to glimpse the elands on the "bolt" They will shout to you that the Basluuan Goomat must bring in ,the goats and sheep to kraal, and Gaisio must chase the fowls out ot the garden, where they are pecking at the Young makataans and pumpkins. They are brought up with a knowledge of tite open laud in which they live. Theirs is the splendid heritage of the p{oueer.--Chrietlan Science Monitor. A SriUPLE TREATMENT E T FOlt CHILDREN'S -COLDS Cold in the Bead Is very cotnntott at this time of the year, a ^ecial{y in the very young. Neglect of a cold is prone to lend to serious consequences. To relieve alt congestion of the system is the neat step in treating a cold, wheth- er in infants or adults. For the very young, Baby's Own Ta ,lets are the ideal means of doing this Containing no narcotics or other harmful drugs they soothe the child's fretfulness, re- lieve its suiferittg and ensure convai- tecente, Baby's Own Tablets are without an equal for relieving indigestion, consti- pation and colic. Tltey check diarr- hoea; break up colds and simple fever's; promote health -giving sleep and make the dt'eaded teething period easy, The Tablets are the one tuedi- elite that a mother can give her little ones with perfect safety as they are guaranteed to be free from Injurious drugs; They are sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wiliam' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. • Ontario to Utilize Partly -Burned`- Wood Toronto, -Canadian pulpwood mama Pacturers may utilize the thousands of acres of partly burned timber in New Ontario, according to Ontario Govern- ment officials. A. successtul eale has already been made of a large quantity of such wood in the Hearst area. In recent years there has been corn- parattvely little use of burnt over tim- ber in, Ontario," stated W. C. Cain, de -I putt' minister of lands and forests. "The department has been asked to sanction the cutting of this wood for export to , tete 'United States, but we did not approve of that: But judging by this recent sale Ontario mills may find use for this sort of timber." I know of no more encouraging fact than the questionable ability of men to elevate their lives by a conscious endeavor.-Haaniy David Thoreau. Minard's-The Great White Liniment district, "and wild dogs and leopards, The world does not dictate what you but not at all times of the year do shall dor but it does demand that you they go far from their river haunts: tlo cometh{ng, Then theta le always the lure of the Kalahari, .Ithes been con aer+od but it still calls,. Ono Sutherland Mc -AIMED 11 Lbs, Ili 8 Wks ,ra, Tav{sh was engaged to go, and went, from hanzi oto o.. n k G to M p Pole and bac . o' a 14x with a wagtail end oxen and two Dolman guides, and alerted to dig walls; bile the Great War sept its tnesage to hint, alit ;,e answered it: YOU ft APPETITE r e®R.2 BRHAPS by dieting or other means, you h;1441 beaa treating the symptoms, rather than the cause. Loss of appetite, heartburn, sour stomach, are slmtititoms that. the blood le impure.' This explains the successful use of Dr. Williams* Pink`Pilis in nil such cases. Here in ''a typical atmmp1et-. «I began to. 'feel catl*'...'. sired," writes Mica Margaret White, of Parry Sound, "and Widen 11 sat down to a ureal I ffeit I did not want to eat. A doctor told me I was anaemic but I made little progress with his mediciaae. When I started taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I exon noticed that my appetite was improving, that the headaches came less - frequently and that I was not 0o easily tired. Now my weight has increased, nay cheeks are rosy and every ache gad pain Inas van. ishcd." Start today to improve your appetite. Buy Dr. Wil. Teams' Pink lags hum your druggist's or 5y .atoll, post- paid, ostpaid, at 50 cents a boor frota The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ontario Send for freo boon -"What 0o Hot and How to Bat". 3 -Id Gar Expects Iro ,: Ia n 1 a - At Miami Reg.dl:eta Speedboat Veteran Has Never Put Miss America Vlll to Test in Mile Trials A speed of 100 miles an hour on the water may be realized 'during the com- ing speedboat season in Florida, ac- cording to reprettentativee gf Gar Wood, veteran American driver, who holds tate .rresent record of 02.123 iniles au hour made at Miami Beach last winter.. in his Miss America VII. Wood, it is repented; plans to shite his new Miss America VIII, to, Miama and try for a mile -trial record there during the regatta, March 25 and 26, Miss America VIII. is credited with the-nccessfnl defense of the Harms- worth trophy -at Detroit last Septem- ber. eptember. She has •:aver been put over the mile -trial courses which' deter- mine the top speed of a motorboat, Wood believes her limit Is lust over the coveted 100 -mile mark. This, however, will probably trot be fast enough to defend the Harme- worth Trophy next summer, provided the threatened British invaders me,� terialize and manage to keep .their bottoms under them. American 'speed- boat enthnslests are beginning to worry for the first time in years about their chances of retaining the world's premier speedboat trophy. It' is ''- ported that iee Packard engineers are workingon the design of a new 1,500 -horsepower motor for Wood,and that if such engines are built he 'will put a pair of them in each of two new Miss Americas. Even the 3,000 horsepower this will give hint, however, will be less than the 4,000 that Sir Henry Segrave is expected to h..ve an his Rolls -Royce - powered Miss England II., while Miss Marlon Carstairs will have 2,400 ,e horse -power in a pair 01 Napiers and Hubert Soott-Paine, now here to look over the Detroit course, may come over with a revolutionary single -mot- ored boat, Gar 'W od, George Wood and Richard F. Hoyt, holders of the Gold Cup, are mentioned as possible drivers 01 Miss Americas VIII„ ITC. and X., if any, and James A. Talbot; Jr., may build a new boat to succeed Miss Los Angeles It No country may enter more titan three boats. The Florida racing schedule- has been announced as follows: Feb. 8, St. Petersburg; 0, Palm Beach; 16, New Smyrna; 13-14, St. Augustine; 20, Clearmount; 22, Clear- water. Marek. 23-24, Palm Beach. April 3, St. Augustine, 4, Jackson - Live Crickets PILLS "A SIOUBOROSA c15.155 IN as GOutITRtsG" Sports of Britain's Royalty Modernize The Sport of Kings' seorge V and Three Sons Fol- low Popular Games of Golf, Riding and Fencing Loudou.-Members of the royal family are ardent sportsmen, but oath has his particular sport. - King George V. for many years has been known as an expert shot, A light gun has been made especially for hint and he now passes much of his time while at Sandringham shooting, His majesty's physicians have not allowed him to take part in any strenuous rid- ing since his recent illness. The Prince of Wales has given his attention to riding, hunting, piloting airplanesandplaying golf. Almost every day before hie departure for Africa he worked to perfect his game. He shoots in tate eighties. Close observers of the Prince's game say that his woods have im- proved tremendously to the last six menthe, but that his putting and ale - preach shots still lack the grace and assurance of a Hagen, Coinpson or Jones. His drives are straight, tow shote which carry well and generally keep him out of trouble, He playa a cool, well-timed gauze- in a serious spirit. The Duke of York • enjoys ,hunting, yachting and target shooting. Prince George is au ardent rider and an en- thusiastic golfer, but hasn't developed tate technique of his older brother, the Prince ot Wales, as yet. Prince Henry, who is following a lite of aur Live service in the army, has selected fencing and rifling as his favorite sports. Japan's Place in the Sun Hong Kong Press: Rightly or wrongly, Japanese emigration bas come to be regarded as synonymous with. Japanese expanston-things not necessarily interdependent, but very frequently associated. Minard's is Best for Grippe. Anda Ray Friend." writes Susan Saline. Thousands say now koaizod Yeast adds 5 told lbs. to 3 weeks. Skin dears like made. Constipation, nerves end Get pleasant Ironized roast tablets from druggist today. roweesecsecomesmoacaumausearafil Since then several have chanced it Two nen named Riley and Lewis ISSUE No. 7—.30 - Success is for'sale itt tire open mar- ket. You can buy it-auy man can buy it who is willing to pay tate plica CO YOU SUFFER All .HEADACHE?. -So easy to get quick relief and pre- vent an attack to the future. Avoid bromides and dope. They relieve quick- ly but affect the heart and are very dangerous. They are depressing and only give temporary relief, the cause of the headacho, sail remains within. The sane and harmless way. First t correct the cause, ewes en the sour and acid stomach relieve the intes- tines of the decayed and poisonous food matter, gently stimulate the liver, start the bile flowing and the bowels pass oft the waste matter which causes Lour headache: Try Carter's Little iver Pills, Druggists 25c red pkgs. —.- tandem - 1a the columns of the Lou- don Times there appeared recently the following advertisement; Live house crickets wanted Ede country house; must be healthy, strong and loud cit{rpers; state price,. Write Box Q 1348, the Times E. C. 4. The advertiser, a doctor, was soon traced, and he stated that the advor- tisemeut was inserted in au effort to supply a real want, as be had just bought a country mansion of the old Elizabethan type, which was coral/ate except for crickets on the hearth, "The hoose," he said, "has fine old, open brink grates that ars just aching for crickets, Already I have prepared the homes of my naw little friends. The holes aro neat and deep. The rugs are before the fire and I will pro- mise that all the delicacies they like shall be showered upon them. Then, and not till then, will my home be like hone." This desire for crickets is no new fad of the doctor's. He had an old house before, and when be first went there no crickets were itt occupation. One day, however, he attended a poor patient who could not pay the fee, but in her house he heard Crick- ets innumerable. "Send Me a, few," said the worthy medico, 'and I1wiU send you a receipt." The crickets arrived the heat day and after boring holes for tltent around the fireplace the doctor fed then daily until quite a firm friend- ship had sprung up. "At first they would come out only after clerk, but as time wore on they seethed to get to know the emelt of., my pips, I think, for whenever R was alone itt the room they would creep out and, sitting on the hearth at my feet, sing their little song till they could be heard all over the house." The news that some one was inter- ested in crickets came as a pleasant surprise to an expert at the Natural History Musoum. "It is a change to hoar some one asking for crickets" he eaid, "Usually it is the other way round. We have many complaints and requests for the most affective method of getting rid of them. "Now, personally I like crickets and I would have one or two of them in My house if I knew where to get them, But you see there is no place In this cobntry where you can procure bause crickets, except la refuse dumps and I do not like them as much as ail that." •" Check Failing Hair with .Minaret's. Classified Advertising li'01 itn71313an TVC RAVI; TT, da.. finest quality, Write fo, twice tilt, Havlpg 48 por ,.cent 1'he Cut Rate- Inti' ',- faSffil. lllbSA Pitestoo months Nothing helped: Tina 'Sootha-Salva ended itdhing pain in i+ minutc.Piles sooagene ');,O. Arteyy.lnstaa3 retlof, Piles vanish. Avoids imiie. All druggists,' POr'. IW13CK, HAI13M.P. SMMS WitilMjf 6133COMSi1rARON,1 33RHEAfEVERISHRcd6:•. Roo hN Room OF EARS. INSERT _- tN NnsTraias,.. _r54j 15A2 OgZ, 31,25 all eraoists Drseriauve telde, Ottmast A, O. LEONARD, Inc, 7e Fina Ave,. New York City The Rubdown is not complete unless finished with Minard'sl Gives new life and glow to the whole body, THE FIT ANTAGONIST Of all depressing scepticism, of all painful solicitude, not the agility of thought, but the alacrity of duty, is the fit antagonist.-Martiueau, • Looking longingly ai, the top of the ladder will avail you noticing, if you havo not the energy or determination 'to do the climbing. alter three years I havo heed troubled with fildnos trouble, and could acarcnly walk for pato: Lett Ctuistmes a friend of mite come to stay with us for a few days, and brought with ler a bottle of Krasehen salts, and gave me a soba dose. After about a week, taking a little overt/ enornbig,1 found the trouble leaving me, and 1. could walk well. t have taken Rruselien regu— larly until a month ego and then I thought L could manage without them, but last week tlta a, Old trouble of wane re,e} eban Salts thenlaand there, aly n& I feet Mae a new woman again. I nm so grate- iW that 1 thought 1 would write and tot Foul know what 1 think of your wonderful SalEs.' Original lelteroa We ter Iaepatsoo. --(Oita.) i'.rnschen Salts Is obtainable at drug and department stores la Canada at lea. a bottle. A bottlecoutains enough to last for 4 or a months -good health for bait -a -cent a day. OTHER OF ---- T S HELPED Restored to Health by Taking Lydia E. 1'inkham's Vege- table Compound 113itcheli, Ont. -"I .had .tittle twin babies'and foaquito a while after 1 was so weak f could not do my work because of pains all the way up my legs at the back. I also had .headaches and got very little sleep, 1 took Lydia' E. Pinkham'sVeg- etable Compound; and soon T was able to get up and do nay work. I have taken titres bottles and 1 am fico, do my work without trouble and am gaining in weight and strength. I will gladly recominend the Vegetable Compound to anyone - :Kee F. S'tearer'', Box L'.'0, Mitchell; Ont. • High School Boards and ,oards of Education P.ro authorized by Taw to establish INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL AND ART SCHOOLS With the approval of the Minister of Education DAY AND EVENING CLASSES may be conducted in accordancewith the regulations issued by o the Department of Education: THEORSWICAL'AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION fe9ivon I n various tradee. The achoo s and classes are under direction of AN ADVIGORV COMMITTEE. Application for attendance should be made to the Principal COMMERCIAL SU JEf9 01 M(55 NsUchoLol TRAINING, HOUSgHOE'D SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE are provided for in the Courses of Study in Public, Separate, continuation and High Schools, Collegiate institutes, Vocational Schools and Departments. Copies of the Regulations issued by the Minister of Education may bo obtained from the Deputy Minister, Parliament nuildinas, Toronto. 1 1 i