HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-02-13, Page 2Clinton
News -Record
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Communications intended; for pt p-
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G. E. HALL, 14 i. R. CLARK,
Proprietor. Editor.
f3anker ,
e✓ •_7r
BEGIN HERE TODAY , she recalled those evenings spent with
_ •
Aides' Drake fornlarly a sailor, e far
Menet' D Allan }heardghim saeheloved
her. She had called him Alden. He
had called her Mary. He had kissed
her. ',Anything might' have happened
at that time. But then he had so
utterly changed. with command. She
had speed" become convinced that he
grown:- soft and flabby through a. life
of idle ease, ships.abourd the,lipper
Orontes, as "boy," under the command
of Jake. Stevens, whose enmity ho
uickly 'nears because of 'a mutual
love ate : Mary Manning; a passenger,
daughter of the owner.' At, Cape Town
hers. He
Stevens is superseded as captain by was of another world,than
Drake; whose •lawyers have seen to was a:coinplete'sai•]oi;, wimout doubt:
the sepurchase Stevens of the Orontes ad o the ran Her father was net any finer. She
cruise: •: Stis reduced to the rauic
A general Banking ''Business
transacted. Notes Discounted
Baled. at: IlcrestA l
ed on Deposits. Sale Notes Bur
Notary Public, Cpnveyancer
Financial, Real. Estate and Fire In
eurance Agent. Representing 14 Fir
Insurance Companies.
Division Jourt ff ce. it
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc.
Office • .
most spoiled his 'reso,ution. He Was The Peace'Gower
impatient to talk to Stevens. To save
him from taking the premature step, -----
little Ike Saintly same to him with an (Tile'Houses of Parliament, Ottawa)
air of great myste'r„ , glancing pre- 0 finger of radiance, touching a star—
ea:utionsly; at Mary, They whispered Bright column of silver, upreaching
together for n,;inoment, then Ike stole
below again. Drake had 'nuked Mary
to remain on deck' until he called`Ste-
vens up. -She had agreed: without a
thought about reasons. But Ike knew
that sho was ,not supposed"to be let
into his secret justyet• Hence his
mysterious actions.
In the waist [of the ship Jake Ste-
vens smoked and waited: So farl:as
he knew, ,six o'clock was to be. his
ziro hour. Certainly Mary hinted at
something not; altogether bad. But she
said it was unbelievable. That was all.
He could believe that something good
'night happen to her. Bute there was
little to hope for in his own case. He
had committed a grievous fault. He
would have to pay. But the- thought
aroused all his grievances against
Brake. And they were many. Surely
he had a right to hate Alden Drake,
with hie money, and his gentility, and
his all -fired gall.
"He robbed ine of my ship, he's
bound to break me, but by the holy
hokum, he .carne a cropper over my
woman!"'He grinned. He punched a
huge fiet 'into an open palm. "By all
the little pink. Cherubs, he wasn't the
man for .Mary!' Another ,whimsical
thought came to him. His rugged face
heightened' -up as if the dark soul of
hint were coming into the light.
"Nag's fancy man, somebody said!
I'll tell that to Mary!
"Not if I have to go bosun of a
pig's beat!" .he gritted. r"I made a
mistake. .I can pay. He's tried to
buy a fine ship -am: all the men's souls
aboard of her. He'll pay, too. ' He'll
hate himself yet."
On the .fore hatch the crew were
overhauling ditty boxes, getting out
shorc clothes, having a Field ray gen-
erally, airing their sea chests. They
had 'worked loyally .and well. They
were given plenty of leisure now, out-
side of essential'ship work. They
were to have a sing -song at tour bells.
Six o'clock dragged around. As the
bells were struck, Drake stepped over
to where Mary eat• Jake Stevens came
up the ladder, head -erect, facing the
music. He stood before Drake in the
gathering dusk of the swift. Tropic
night, sayi et nothing. Mary felt a
momentary sense of .chill, for the sil-
ence seemed overlong. But the cool,
calm voice of the skipper soon drove
away the chill.
(To be continued.)
of mate. He runs.the eh,p aground in
the: -Straits off -Java. Mary .,lips away
freed the ship with Ike, the stewart,
and later Jake goes to join lter ashore.
Aften the party has been brought back
lo the . Orontes and a mutiny quelled,
doubted very :much if Jake Stevens
would ever rise to Drake's level, even
,as a whip master. But of one thing
she was as sure as she wad that she
breathed: Alden Drake might be the
finer gentleman; but he eauld :'not
thrill her heart
the Orontes sets en its way. again. , as could the sb>ong,
Rd Vik
THE, ,on
NOW GOON' WITH TH rough perhaps, hot blooded 1
Marydid not think it necessary to
tell Ike Saintly every bit of the and dis-
cussion cession that had -gone on re g g
Eris' Oats. 'Erh had not only killed
Tony, but. had very grievously wound-
ed Jake Stevens, too, when Jake was
first officer•of the ship. Jake had to
be consulted. It was no nee letting
'Erb run, . only to be dragged back.
because` Jake accused hint.. So Mary
had peen tord to get Jake's' views.
"Hell!" grinned Jake, to her 'clues
tion, "3.14 want to see him swing?
Not in this world, girl! If he hadn't
stuck that knife 'neo nsy gizzard, how
would I ever have known that you--"
,1 5' rf 's °r
Conveyancer, Notary Public, Coin-
nissioner, etc.
(Office over J. E. Honey's Drug Store)
Office Hours: -1.30 to 3.30 P.m., 6.30
to 8.00 p.m,,- Sundays, 12.30 to 1.30 p.m,
.Other hours by appointment only.
Office and Residence — Victoria St.
ing ,of her day dreamzs.. She brine!'
her face in the silky fieeee and crooned
to it.
Drake glanced at her often. ,`Ile
saw the glorious coke light her face.
He saw the deeps of old ocean glow
in her blue ^eyes. The gold of Java
sunlight was in her hair. Mho had
never seemed, so fair. He smiled when
she s'''ited hex face lirthe sheepskin.
He walked . a short .course ' from the
taffrail to abreast of the mizzen rig-
ging, "puffing slowly, luxuriously at
his blackened old briar pipe. He, too,
saw things in retrospect. One vivid
picture that would not fade was the
May all the -wide world hear the sound
of thy bells
And echo the gladness thy .carillon
Bells '.of Ottawa—ringing—Singing--
ttawa--ringing-SingingOver the starlit plain—
Bells of Ottawa — ringing — bring -
Joy to the world again?
0 grant us thy faith, dispelling" our
fears -
0 grant us thy lope, which has lived
through' the years— '
0: grant us "they love. Let thy bells
bravely ring,
And grant us their- peace—that we,
too, may `sing!
picture of Mary avid Stevens standing
Alden ' Drake remained aloof for side by side on the -island shore,'look-
hours'while the ship sailed sinaothlY ing hint in the face and asking no
of Ifor Jake.
through the glittering waters'favors
Office and' Residence:
Ontario Street — Clinton, Ont.
One door west of Anglican Church.
Phone 172
Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted
• Office and Residence:
•Iluron Street Clinton) Ont.
Phone 69
(Formerly occupied by the late Dr.
C. W. Thompson).
Eyes Examined and Glases Fitted.
sus.lit Straits. Java foamed gray to '+ "And I have done nothing good, for
starboard; the sea was dotted flow
with craft of all types, from gorgeous,
steamers, and .magnificent creations
like the Orontes, to little native pro-
duce' beats. This was -the gateway .to
the East. Clary sat on -the skylight,
working at her sheepskin, swinging
an impatielt:foot, "Alike had askedtfor all he knows, he,'s•tt ruined titan.
And all to gratify my infernal vanity.
All his life he had followed the bit-
terest road there is,•to achieve corn -
Belle of Ottawa—ringing—singing—
Over the starlit plain—
Bells of Ottawa — ringing — bring-
Peace to the world again!
O'er mountains, in beauty, thy swift
chimes are heard- -
They ring, silver -clear, like the song
of a bird.
By the voice of thy chimes may the
natione'he drawn.
O'grant tilem to hear the true notes
of -the dawn
Of peace •on the earth—and good will
toward men. e
0 ring it, ye chimes—again—and
'"Peace on the earth!"—more precious'
than gold--
old—"And good will to men!" — the sweet
story of old.
Bells of Ottawa — ringing — bring-
The glorious story retold—
Bells oe Ottawa—ringing—singing—
The same sweet story of old!
—Ida Gertrude Everson, in Christian
Science Monitor.
Attractive Undies
Office Hours: 9 to 12 a,n1. and 1 to
5 p.m., except Tuesdays and Nt;ednes-
days. O81ee. over Canadian National
Express, -Olinton, Ont.
Phone 21
all my good intent," Drake mused.
"Nothing but uneasiness and trouble
since I pulled off what seemed to be
n splendid eoup. All I have done is
to use my money to make men my
playthings. If Stevens hates me—
Why shouldn't he? At this moment,
she did bu
her ib stay the1O, ands ,
Jake Stevens still '.aC to remain down
n the tuaindeck belonging to neither
Clinton, Ont.
Graduate of 0.C.D.S, Chicago, and
R.C.D.S., Toronto,
'Crown and Plate Work a Specialty,
eof the ship, 3' nobody. She began 01866. And I buy him out of his first
to feel irritable. She felt that there command, and—" In spite of his
was something tremendous hang
over her head again; yet since Drake
bad hinted something to her she could
not, without utterly disbelieving him, • ordained mate without giving hum a
feel that whateter it was would harm
her, The feeling of portent WAS no -I thought, What a couple they'll make!
thing like that other feeling of per- And I dared to think that I was fit to
tending evil that had made the voyage et y g
through the Indian Ocean a horror.
As she sat there, Inn -inning little
snatches of "Mainiuna" now and then,
her thoughts ran away with her, and
she reviewed her experiences from the
moment she had felt sorry for the
stowaway hurled into the dock. The
warm red 'deepened in her checks as
.elf -reproachful thoughts he had to
The el it' '('
pgglvnwpw, ?ff
:f L,n Iaa•
Little 'Sisters
' many' good women are doing a
wonderful work . by being "Big Sis•
tors" to girls who are having a sting•
els. Who are the "Little Sisters"
and what are their problems?
They ate the girls . who coma from
broken homes, .who have no :,supel%
vision or guidance from parents; or
they are girls whose parents, are too
ignorant to give them wholesome,
guidance, or too indifferent to observe
what is happening to their daughters.
Perhaps the father or brother is
Match Your Complexion
'With blue eyes, all shades of blue
are appropriate, ranging from navy
to dight blue, and depending on the
fairness of the skin. For variety,
choose plain navy, plain vivid -blue,
and checks, figures and stripes of all
sortss in.which blue appears. Green
may usually be worn with blue eyes,
especially a blue green.
The brunette, with brown hair and
.eyes, will .ohoose browns, from the
dark seal shade to light tans. These
may run into rusts and reds and may
be -used in plain•'colors or in combina-
Medium complexions or mixed
types, ;as those with brown hair and
gray -blue-green eyes will prefer blue-
green or gray -green shades in their
clothing. They will not make a mis-
take with ,navy, green or blackand-
white•-outfits. They have a wide
range of choices from which to select.
They are wiser however, if they make
one color theirs for the season and
sttek to it, thus giving the outfit the
ensemble effect.
stop and smite softly at the girl. on
the skylight "Quite obviously I
might have robbed him of his fere-
Electro Therapist Masseur
Office: Huron St. (Few doors 'vest of
Royal. Bank)
Hours -Tues., Thurs. and Sat., all day.
Other hours by appointment.
Hensall Oface—Mon., Wed. and Fri.
• forenoons.
Seaforth Office—Mon.,. Wed. and Fri.
afternoons. . Phone 207
fatherh oun Sea Lions. Hr
ended again, and the smile grew to,a
gentle laugh. He had spoken to her
regarding those evenings in Cape
Town, not an hour ago.. He wanted
to do the right things es he saw it.
They had been very warm friends.
There had even been talk, of hearts
and flowers, a hint of little hands. He
need have been tnder no apprehension.
What she told hint in a few brief,
biting sentences had shown: him quite
a lot el faults he hr.d not suspected
he po-ressed. What she told aim had'
act only decided him once for all that
licensed Auctioneer for the •County
of Huron.
Cbrr'espoudence promptly auswered.
lminediate arrangements can be made
for Sales Date at The News -Record,
Clinton, or by calling.Phone. 203,
Charges Moderate and Satisfaction
Clinton, Ont.
• ttreneral Fire and Life Insurance Agent
for Hartford Windstorm; Live Stock,
Automobile and Sickness and Accident
Insurance. Huron and .Erie and Cana-
da Trust Bonds. Appointments made
to meet parties at•Brucefield, Varna
and Bayfield. 'Phone 67.
Trains Will arive at and depart from , t e belonged ashorz, and not at sea,
Clinton as ,• `
and Goduteric ich Div. I for all that he loved it; it hail de -
Going East, depart 6.44 r n1•
Iiede.i hila that perhaps great wealth
Chie Parfsicnne Chooses Her Undies
iVith, Greatest Forethought for
2.50 P.m. might be used to better advatfage
Going West, ar. 11.50 a.m. than merely to hay privilege and
ar 6.113 dp. 6.43 p..pcwer.
,• lar. 1'1.31 p.m.
London. Huron & Bruce So strong was the memory of her
arra' nlment, that he started as if to
Going South; an 7.40 dp• �' go „o her.
Lemon Pie
To make 'a lemon meringue p;e
filling, mix a half cup of sifted flour
and one and one-fourth cup of sugar
in the top of a double boiler and add
a cup of .boiling water, stirring coo
stantly, then add a half cup of milk.
Cook this -mixture over hot water un-
til thick and smooth, stirring con-
tinually. Add gradually the yolks of
three eggs and the white of one, beat-
en together. Add a half tablespoon
of butter, the juice of two lemons and
the grated rind of • one. When the
mixture is cooked until it drope ill
thick sheets from the spoon, 00ol it
and pour it into. the baked pie shell.
To make the meringue, add four
tablespoons of sugar and a quarter
teaspoon of salt to two stiffly beaten
egg -whites. Beat this mixture and
cover the pie. . Bake in a slow oven
for twelve minetes,. or until a delicate
4o r..m. Prevent Diphtheria
.US p•nl•I b lIa had told her he would Diphtheria is a very serious dis-
GOing .forth, depart 0.42 p.m, see1Jake Stevens at six a'cloek.' tie ease, causes gre1• ineonviolence .in
.. ” ar, 11.40 cip. 11.53 a.m. wante: to wait. But the impulse a. -.I isolation, and leaves had after effects,
Fire Insurance Company
Head Ofrree, Seaforth, Ont.
rgostdent. `qt.
V1124, Jar<vti < nnnlly i
1 1i9 r see:
Ur 1st.
Directors: fler.rre McCor.noy.
James She 1 1 e \coite5 Mur•rtt son, Bit eticld R"ut. tin r5 orth
Robert Ferric. H arloeh John llcimoweir,
Brodhagen; Jas. Connolly, Goderich
Agents:. Alex Leitch, Ctlnton 3. W.
Teo Goderich 111.-HtOahiey, Seatorth;
J. 1, ;wormy, ltgniondville: R. C. Sar-
atut11, 06060 Igen,
Any money to be pale may be pairs
to Moorish Clothingr60, Clinton, or at
Calvin Cutts Grocery, Goderich,
Partice desiring:to effect insurance fir
transact . Other business will be, promptly
attended,'to on application. to any of the
above oficers addressed to their, r.spe"-
tivo post offices. Losses inspect d by thel.
Director who livesnearest the scene.
Caller—'Let lite sec, 1 know most
of your tolls, butt have neer met
Your •Uccle George W\ hick Side of.
the house does he lots! lisle The
small boy in the fanliiy-"Sae side
with ttlyf;;bay window."
in Me new
Christie's Graham Wafers in the new one pound
ackage, are famous for their crisp freshness. Delicious,
nourishing --good for everybody. Also sold in . bulk.
00 Tyg
lxe-uaclrvice 2L2a tySe ace /tr5i
such as •paralysis, heart and 11 Hey
diseases. About one school child in
sit has it, somewhere along his career.
The dread disease may be prevented
by a vaccination, which, is' harmless.
It consists of Several 'shots, under the
skin, of a substance which builds up a
resistance to the disease. If your
child has not been immunized, better
attend to it at once.
Building Hint
When b'Aiding a home, remember
to he,ve a window in the clothes
closes. This will ,provide ventila-
tion and avoid the musty odor so
likely to prevail in ii closet, and will
air Out the clothing which has been
A slender step-in
new frock of
that will
will hold up hi peaks; but not dry,
it should be. Fold the egg whites
else the cake will not: be as motet as
into the batter. If the yolks are
used,beat them until .thick and lemon
colored. 66 a Whole' egg is used, add
it to the creamed shortening and su-
gar, and beat the mixture well.
Bar ,: um Success,
While spoiling .through , a1
0 010 11e
in his office recently James Boyd
Hunter came across a sneeesa formula.
written by P. T. Barnum, It was
ei' cps dated August 19, 1.352. addressed: •
degenerate and mattes vicious de- "Busbies. Rules for Young Men, by P,:.
mends upon them. Perhaps the moth. 1 T. Barnum, Esq., and the oohs was as
er.or older sister is immoral and the
girl cannot look to them for help,
The bad'name these relatives bear
shuts -the poor girl out from good
society and she is condemned to the
company .of those who will lead her
The girl may meet constant frig
tion in her home and attempt to get
out of that 'atmosphere, so leaves
belie. She may have an overbearing
e1—Select the kind of business that
setts- your natural inclinations
'2 --Let Your pledged word ever be -
sacred. •
"3—Whatever you do, do with all
your might.
"4—Sobriety: Use no description of ,
toxlcating ligtlol'9.
"5 -Let hope predominate, but be
father or an unreasonable mother,' not too' visionary.
who =Hakes life at home unpleasant I "6—Do not scatter your powers.
for her. .
Many pat'en's fail to realize that
this is a changing world- and they try
to hold` their daughters to the kind
"7—Engage proper employees.
"S—Advertise your business. De
not hide your light under a bushei. e
"9—Avoid extravagance, and always.
66 life they lived. "I had to quit! live considerably within your income,
school at twelve years of age and go. if you can do so without absohtte
to work. `What was goon enough for starvation.
me is good enough for Mary," says "10—Do not depend upon others."
one mother. Perhaps the girl's moth-! - ----s-
er dies—these are the pitiful cases, II Forest Silence .
'for a mother is the natural protector Not here the fleet hare dives
of a girl, With- no mother, she is, into this leafless wood,
placed around, in this home and that,. Not here the gray grouse hides
and she becomes unstable and ii'res-i In velvet solitude. -.-•
ponsible. I am a forest where no doe
Her father or her mother may be Bends downward to the water's Medic
in prison, She may be the victim of My hillsides are a place of snow
an older man . She may have no na-.hly trees as, dark as ink.
tural opportunity for .recreation or; Not here the lyric bled
education or to learna.trade. Both Plays his enchanted lute,
parents may work away from home' No leaping fish are Here,
and she be permitted to run the No fall of rosy trait.
streets. To the other band, she
Once was tbls brain alive
may .be so closely supervised that with wing and song,
she has no chance to associate 'no-: ono did the laurel thrive
•turaily with girls or boys of her own Before the days grew long,
age. This may lead to her tm 0 forest close your eyed,
morality when she arrives at the r The winter creeps,
"boy -struck age." Death comes without surprise—
There are many of. these under -
And And even the woods must stoop.
—Harold Vinal in Contempory N'e'ae.
privileged and harassed "Little Sis-
ters" and the woman who finds such
a girl and gives her love and leader-
ship and an opportunity to make goad
will likely be able to save a soul.
Mixing a Cake
combination for
your moulded waist and
hipline, add to the effect of
rhe fitted brassiere has the impart -
ant scalloped outline to wear with
frocks of deep V -neckline or with the
chiffon frock with deep yoked sheer -
r -ass. It can also bemade with
straight upper edge for sports wear.
It just hugs the figure, shaped with
deep point at front to, keep the flat
hipline, It opens at right side.
The. knickers have elastic inserted
through casing at knees brining ruffl-
ed edge, and are opened at side from
Waistline to knees. They are 'stitched
to -the brassiere, fitted with -darts at
either tide of front, with soft gathers
at back.
They are easily made and at a
worth -while saving.
Style No. 222 is designed' in sizes
16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42
inches bust.
Peach crepe satin with deep shade
eeru lace is very effective.
Crepe de chine, ninon, georgette,
rayon novelty crepes, batiste, sheer
linen, voile and flat silk crepe suitable.
Write.your name and address plain-
ly, giving number and size of such
Shepherd's Pie
Prepare mashed potatoes for a meal.
Line a malting dish with a portion al
To "cream" the shortening cleans. these, then put into the center, diced
to mash and beat it with a fork until meat and leftover gravy. Season
it has the texture of thick cream. The with salt and pepper. Cover with
then added and You continue another layer of mashed potatoes and
t artsn to.
a]brown 0 s
g it p
until hake t n
creaming the mixture until it is light e
and fluffy.
A small amount of sifted flour and
baking powder should be added tot
the creamed mixture, before the m1111our kitchen; in the market, the street,
le added. This prevents separation, I the office, the school, the home, just
which would make the caste course as faithfully as if we stood in the
grained. To insure a flue grained I front rank of some great battle, and
cake, beat the mixture atter each ad- knew that victors for mankind de-
dition of ilotu' and milk. I molded on our bravery, strength and
Fresh eggs make the most delicate shill. When we do that, the humblest
cake, but an egg -will not beat sus-! of us will be serving in that great
cessftilly until it is at least three. army which aehieven the welfare of
days old. Do not beat the egg whites' the 'world.
until ready to use them or ' the airwill escape from the bubbles. The A technicality often gets an lnnoi
he an in trouble and guilty one out.
whites should be beaten until they ant m
Let us oto our duty in our shop or
worn: The light of such a Closet patterns as you want. Enclose 20e in
its courage mollis, and htaid:mt- ?tenths or coin (coin preferred; v:rap
,t will be easier to Sind what it carefully) for each number, and
, 6.1 wen:, 111 such a closet and the addre.ss your order to Wilson Pattern
eicaet may be kept in better order. Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto.
Window Shades
The too•short window shade is like-
ly to be palled off the roller from time
to time, as some energetic person giVes
it an extra poll. It is well to have
'the r,.:acle longer tisan the window,
Tlt ; a convenience, too, when the
t' i . 'sr shade becomes, worn on the
lower curl. 11 'should thed be taken and two tablospobns of flnoly ohoppe
e 'nils+, hennaed on' the upper' CUP • of whipped
en the Parsley. Add a 9
end, and reversed and placed back give cream just before serving,
i, pili' has a shade will give _ t
t of 11e Ea14Iee
_ Wi'rying over past rsiistakes paves
ISSUF No. 7---'30 the way to permanent failure, '
Tartare Salome
The housewife who serves a salad
tinily is often at a loss to vary, the
salad dressing. The family tires of
dressings, served too 'frequently, For
something extra nice, try this:
Adel to one pint of mayonnaise a
finely 011011900 shallot, a quarter cap
of oaeh of gherkins, alines and capers,
ere -
,;taw' j` cern
Sorge folks take pain for granted.
They let a cold "run its course.".
They wait for their headaches to "wear off.".
If suffering from neuralgia or from neuritis,
they rely on feeling better in the morning.
Meantime, they suffer unnecessary Pahl -
Unnecessary, because there is an antidote.
Aspirin tablets always offer immediate relisf
from various aches and pains we once had to
endure. If pain persists, consult your doctor
as to its cause.
Save yourself a lot of pain and discomfort
through the manyproven. uses of Aspirin.
Aspirin is safe. Aways the.. same. All drug-
stores with complete directions. .
'.?wR�'•1 '9$' 't i10h nlJn nil"ic'�gVbGi