HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-02-06, Page 849rb'+b�`I'.S CLINTON'S LEADING: JEWELERY STORE She Tr pt Her miner's Ace! How could she explain that she triunpejd her, partner's ace be- cause her eyes blurred momentarily? It was too humiliating to confess that . she wouldn't wear glasses for fear -they world spoil her looks! There are eyeglasses becoming to every face. We can fit you becomingly. Your mirror as well as your nerves will endorse the result. ILAVE YOUR EYES, EXAMINED BY R. H. fION Distributor. for Clinton Graduate of- Toronte College of Optometry / Next Hovey's Drug Store, Jeweller and Optician learan e Sale OF OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF WINTER MERCJIANDISE CONSISTING OF ALL -WOOL DRESS FLANNELS, FLANNEL SHIRTING, FLAN- NEL SHIRTS, W10OL SWEATERS, MITTS AND GLOVES, ALL - WOOL, AND SILK AND WOOL HOSIERY AND BOY'S SUITS, OVERCOATS, 'MACKINAWS AND WiINDBREAKERS, HEAVY RUBBERS AND GALOSHES, WOOLEN UNDERWEAR, W,00L SOX, FELT`SHOES AND HOCKEY BOOTS, ETC. • EVERYTHING IN THE LINE 0E WINTER GOODS AT GENUINE CLEARING. PRICES. COME AND GET YOUR SHARE OF THE BARGAINS. YOU CAN SAVE FROM 20 -PERCENT. TO 30 PERCENT ON YOUR PURCHASES. BUY NOW! Plumsteel Bros. Attelltion 1 DEFOREST CROSLEY RENOWN CONSOL 1 SPARTON 8 -TUBE CONSOL. We wish to move these models before stocktak- ing and are offering then at Reduced Prices, Come, Hear and See these Machines The Price Will Surprise You Sutter & Perdue PLUMBING HARDWARE ELECTRIC WIRING Pb one 147w moinisainagnemesimenzonarsamom "Let_ Us Take Your Measure If you like your,elothes tail- ored to fit you with that com- fortable faultless perfection that a,caenituates every slender line gracefully without being tight. OUR TAILORING accords with the season's styles, ye* pays due deference .toyour. individuality. You'll find excellent quality in our new materials, as well as in our careful, workmanship. Call here. DAVIS 8c HERMAN LEAVE YOUR ORDERS HERE FOR Choice Dairy Jhitter. WE HANDLE NOTHING BUT THE VERY BEST .' DEL MAI2 CORN AND GREEN GIANT PEAS Good Bieck Tea, per lb. 49c CELERY, DEAD LETTUCE, TEXAS GRAPEFRUIT, BANANAS, - ORANGES AND HOMEGROWN RHUBARB.' FRESH EACH WEEK WHERE QUALITY IS AS REPRESENTED S.Grocers BRUSSELS: Iinsnish .McFarlane, a popular young man , of the third concession of Grey township, and son of Mr. and Mrs, James McFarlane, died in the Ritohener Hospital Wed- nesday, where he had gone for an -operation. He Was 20 years of age. Arnen St. Valentine's ay On Feb. 14 comes round the fes- tival which lovers have observed and poets have honored from: time im- memorial. Tho observance is 'much mare than ,sixteen hundred years dld; some have traced its origin to two or three lnundrled year's before the birth of Christ. Onr stock has many novelties in keeping with the -lay. Valentines, serious—sentimen- tal--coinic,from one cent to one dol- lar, exprdssing, affection in tender epigram or 'delicate verse, others all 'fer red hearts, red cheeks, and robust eentim,ent, 'some express ridicule; ethers fon children cute and amusing.. Valentines of sentimen- tality end some with maturer phas- ing for the elders, sister, sweetheart, dad, wife, mother. Por probably the oldest of all celebrations, let sordid- ness 1}e forgotten and exaltation' reign. It's a good night fpr a party and we have frivolities and decora- tions for the event as fanciful as your fancy may demand. Tho W. II. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best pI ego 1Viiss Jenkins has been visiting he' sister, Mrs. H. McIntyre. Mrs. Moon of Londesbore has been visiting Hies. T. Herman. n rs. G. D. Roberton returned Tues- day after a visit in Detroit. Mrs. J. A. Carter of London visited relatives in town last week.. Mr. and Mrs. Reid, formerly Miss Kate Ladd, have been visiting in town. Miss Agnes Combe has returned from a visit with St. Thomas re- latives. Mrs J. E. King of Atlanta, 'Ga., vis- ited last week with Miss Helen Roberton. Mr. J. Ii, Wylie left last Thursday to spend some weeks with rela- tives in Toronto. Mn Robert Hotham of Brimfield visited last week with his brother, Mr. George Wiatts of town. , Mrd; James 'Vincent of Ileiisall is visiting at the honed of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Castle. Mr. J. L. Brown of Verona, Penn, was in town over the week -end, coin- ing to :attend the -funeral of his uncle, the late A. -R. Brown. Mis. James McQueen of Brimfield spent a couple of days last week with her sisters, Mrs. G. Stan - 'bury and Miss Landesborough. Mr. James Xdose of Walton and Mr. A. W. Beacom of • Auburn were amongst those who were in Ciro ton for the Bennett banquet on Wednesday of last week. The 'remains were brought -hone Thursday. The funerat taking place on Saturday to Lucknow, where ser- vide was conducted in the United church, and interment spade in Greenhill cemetery. COLBORNE Word was received on Saturday by Mr. Ward Gledhill of .Benmiller of the death of his aunt Mrs. James Gledhill, formerly Miss Lydia Fish- er, at her late residence, 14 Belsize Drive, Toronto. She had suffered a slight stroke game time ago, death ov- ertaking her on Wednesday. Slid was 81 years of age, • Burial took place en Rl',onday, February 4th from her residence to Mount. Pleasant ceme- tery. She leaves her bereaved hus- band, three sons and two daughters Albert, Marsh, George, Addie and Myrtle, ' Mr. and Mrs: Jas. Faegan, jr., en- tertained a few of the neighbors on Friday evening. An item last week .stated. that Mr. Fred Clark left for Stratford on Monday. He did ' not leave till Thursday, after visiting his brother, A. C. Clark. A number ' of thea people'''of the township gatheredin the hall on Monday evening to honour Mr. Gor- don Young and Mrs, Young with a gift. An addreiss was prepared telling all the fine qualities the peo- ple of community had learned and appreciated from his 'personality and leadership in small gatherings and council, as elder and teacher of Bible Class at Smith's Hill churoh, etc., also, genial,personality, winning for himself many friends. Mr, and Mrs; Young were invited to come forward and the address was read 'bit Mr. Alex Young Loyal, and . at the' appointed time Mas. Marsh 'un- veiled a Westminster chime :. clock. Others' were asked to speak, a- mongst then were Mr. Alex. Young, Rev. Mr. Cumming', C. A. Robert- son, M.L.A.. Mr. Warner Walter,. Mr. T. 11. Wilson, Mr. W. -F. Young. Mrs. Henderson, Miss H. Claris, Mr. Kent and Mr. John Young. Rumors of coffee same and Mr. Young gave a short speech of thanks after 'which a social hour was speni With snacks of sandwiches, rake Ind beverage a -plenty for all. They broke up singing "Auld Lang Syne." THE CLINTON-NEWS RECORD 1 1 1 CLINTON'S BIG CORNER FRIDAY & SATURDAY PRICE : LST. Comfort Soap, 5 for 25c Prunes, 2 lb, 29c Aylmer Soup, 2 for 19c Libby's Pork & Beans each 10c Cornstarch, 2 for 19c Special Black Tea, 49c Layer Figs, 25c Dates, 2 lbs. 19c MONDAY', TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY Raisins, 2 lbs 23c Rolled Oats, 5 for 25c Breakfast Food, 4--25c Corn Meal, 5c Brooms, 39c Chicken Haddie, 21c Marmalade, 40 oz. 29c Red Salmon, small 19c Large 33c c NI. AND PICKLES AGAIN! DEMONSTRATION OF.,_.CROSSE & BLACKSWELL'S : PRODUCTS " Saturday, Feb. 8th Three Cents Rebate on Each Article Sold. YOU ARE INVITED! PIIURS'.DAN,BE'fRuNriY G; 1.930 GROCERY. NeviSun Wheat Biscuits, 25c Large Marmalace, 33c Crosse & Blackswell's Catsup, per bottle 25c Lemons, to clear, doz.. 15c 25c- 65c Pineapple; 2 tins, Coffee, per Ib. PINEAPPLE SHERBET 1 cup. unsweetened Pineapple (crushed); 1-3 eup water, 1 1-2 eup Pineapple juice, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 3-4 cup granulated sugar; 1 cup single 'cream, 2 egg whites. Cook Sugar, pineapple juice and water 15 minutes, remove from five add pineapple pulpand lemon juice, cool and freeze firm. PRIG! ,.AIME 3 1b L.ard,. (Duffs):. 55c Picnic Hams, lb.. 23c Spare Ribs,.. 25c Loin Roast, .35c Fresh Lamb R'olk. 35c.. Minute Steak,, 38c FRESH FISH: Fresh Herrins,, 10c Red Salmon, 30c Salmon Snacks; 40c Morning Delivery: 9 and 11 a.m. $1.00 ORDERS DELIVERED FREE 9 -CASH AND CARRY n° o • $ WHERE "SELLS FOR LESS" PRICE PREVAILS 4411 li*MAIVAMMINSWANAINWIMAIMIVOMVONOSA Afternoon Delivery; 2:30 and 5 p.m, PHONE 48 etteeletereeeee • Mr. and M'rs. Young and Howard and Eunice left feeling in their hearts a desire to return to this community when roads will permit from their home in Goderieh where Mr. Young has entered upon.his third year as county treasurer. Mrs. Gordon McPhee suffered a fall on Sunday morning on lee and cut her shin on a sharp stone, re- sulting in her having to remain in- doors for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ewing and 1Vir. and irks. Wm. Service moved into the caretaker's rooms of the town- ship hall on Tuesday. HURON OLD BOYS' ASSOCIA- TION OF TORONTO HOLDS 30TH ANNUAL AT -ROME The 30th annual At-home of the Huron Old Boys' Association of Toronto was held in the Teinple Building on Friday evening last, and was the "best ever" in the his- tory of the Association. It was de- cidedly ,a grand reunion of old asso- ciates% and there was a snap and en- thusiasm with the whole proceed- ings, that bodes well for the future of the Association. Dancing Was carried on in the beautiful Assembly hall, while euch- re and bridge were played in the ad- joining rooms, about' 80 tables for euchre and eight tables for bridge. Burton Till's big orchestra sup- plied the music for the dances, while McKenzie's Orchestra supplied the music for the old time dances. The proceedings ' were broadcast about 11.30, Bert 'fhitt, of Galt, a Gaderich old boy, rendered a sola. Greetings were extended to the var- ious towns by T. McMillan, M.P., to Seaforth, E. Floady to Clinton and J. -A. McLaren to Goderieh. The Proceedings closed at 1 a,n„ all' satisfied with the most enjoyable evening. Amongst those present were the following: Mr. and Mays, D. D. Wiit- son, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McLaren, Mr. and 1V7,sr. R. IL McCreath, Mr. and Mrs. E. Fleetly and Miss Floody, Mr. And gra. L. M. Pringle, Mr. and Mrs. Buehanan, Mr. and Mis. A. E. Forbes, and Miss Forbes, 1VIr. and Mgrs. C. G. Vanstone, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Ferguson and Miss Fervson, Mm. and Mrs. John Moon, Mr. and Mrs. D. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Young, Mr. and *s. Harry Mar- tin, Mr. acid Mfrs. D. Robertson, Mir.' and Mas. II. ItleHardy, Mr. and Mrs. I. 11. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. H. I, Morrish and the Misses Merrish, Mi. and 'Mrs,,It. Powell., D. Dr. and Mrs. H. J: Hodgins, Dr. and Mfrs. U. E. Jones, Dr. and Mm P. E. Clarkson, and "Mid'.. G, Beswetherick, Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Donee, Mr. and Mrs. D. Crawford; Mr, G. A Newton -and Miss Newton, Mr. W. Piper and Miss Piper, Muss Lavina Knox, IVluss Fan- nie . Paterson, Mrs. M. Irw*hi and Mists Irwin, Ma. J. A. Cameron, M?s'. R. S. Sheppard, My. 3. It. Lyon, R. Holmes, Mr. and Mss. G. R. Ander- $011, Mir. and Mrs. A. C. Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Wi J. Jones, Mr. and nos. it Rutherford, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. McDonald, Mr. and .MIs. A. Mel- ville, Ms. and Mrs. A D. Hannah, MIs. and Mfrs, S. M. Wickens, Mr. and Mas. D. Mi. Dane,; Mr, and MIs. M.: Scarlett, Ma'. and Mrs. C. S. McDonald, Mis. Chas.` Cantelon, Mis J. H. Langton, 1Vlir. P. WI. Wheatley, Mrs. E. Langton, Thos. McMillan, M..P., Dr. B. A. Can Iphell, 'Mr. and r Mme.. Jna, F. *Nicol, M . and Mrs.. Valentine Supper under auspices of Girl's Club will be held in . WESLEY-1VILLIS DINING HALL Friday, • Feb. 14111 Hot Potatoes, Cold Roast IIain, Bread, Butter Rolls Pickles, Salads, Jellies, Coffee Raisin and Lemon Pie Supper served from five to seven o'clock. Admission, 50c, 51-3. Valentine Euchre and Dance under the auspicee of Bayfield Badmington Club. in the TOWN HALL, BAYFIELD on FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 14 Cards at 8.30 sharp, followed by refreshments and daneing. Music supplied by the Lakeside Entertain- ers. Admission, Gents, 50e, Ladies, 25c. 52-2, J. Fradlater, Mir, and Mrs. A. E. Spotton, Mr. and Mfis. Wt. Debar tyne, Mati and Mire. Stan. Wright, Mai, and Mss, B .F. Wondrum, Mr. and Mrs. H. Murray, Mr. and Mis. H. L. Hanley, Ma, and Mrs. W. Clax- ton, Miss G. Stirling, Miss A. Crit- tendert, rittender, Miss B. Grainger, Miss Jean 1VIiller, Miss A, Flynn, Miss H. L. Stratton, Miss M. Cott, Miss 8VI. Isard, Miss E. Hyndman Miiss N. Sharpe, Miss Sadie Holman, Miss M. 'Ellis, Miss lVI. McGregor, Miss E. J. Smith, Miss E. Hamilton, Miss M. Proctor, Miss Sl, Correll, Miss G. L. Currelk, Miss M. Curren.` Notes: a D. D. 'Willson makes an ideal pres- ident. He is live hustler and be- lieves in results, Thos. McMillan, M,P,, arrived early on the scene and stayed until the last dog was shot. Hon. President f .A,. McLaren donated 20 lbs. trf coffee, while C. G. Vanstone and A. C. MlcViear donated a cooked ham each all sliced and prepared for the occasion. Treasurer L. AI, Pringle was the -busiest man of the evening. He sold over 200 tickets at the door, the big- gest on. record. Secretary Moody was kept busy registering the atrriyals And intro- ducing the newcomers. 'john R McNicoll, Conservative Organizer, took hi nearly all of the dances, and enjoyed himself im- mensely. John Moon informed him that there: -was a big bunch of Liber els in 'the crowd,. , ' Jas: A. Caniertm, vice-president, and Bayfield old boy, did good ser- vice during the evening.. He is prin- cipal of Shirley St. school, and there- fore knows how to rush things a- long. Dr. H. J. I1odgins brought a big delegartien of Seaforth old boys and girls, and they were all full of pep. B. H. MjcCreath had charge of the pragrasnandhe put ovdrythinig ova- without a hitch. Mrs. lG. C. Young supervised the bridge and euchre and everything wentlike clock wor c. Harry Langton represented the. Fast Growing Popularity The steadily rising popularity of the Superior Chain Stores in- dicates the growing preference for stores that offer a complete ser - prices and prompt delivery defies competition. To• compare is to massed buying power that brings you the best quality at the lowest prices and pormpt delivery defies competition. To compare is to know. Try our service once and be convinced. WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS IIMENSSZESISSOICIr !Red Cohoe Salmon, 1-2's for 19c, 1's for 33c Highest quality Peanut butter, per lb. 23c Lily Chicken Haddie, per tin .. 21c Premium Tea, with Cup and Saucer., Free, lb. 69c Borden's Eagle Brand Milk per tin '.. 19c St. Charles Evaporated Milk small, 3 for 21c St. Charles Evaporated Milk, tall, each 14c Beehive Corn Syrup, 2's per tin . . 17c Many Flowers Toilet soap 3 cakes .. .28c Lawrason's Snowflake Am- onia, 2 pkgs. 15c Flusho for Sinks and Toilets, each , 23e Tlcovah Health Salts, 2 tins 85e Maxwell House Coffee,' lb. G3o Shredded Wheat, 2 pkgs. .,25c Sliced Pineapple, 2's 2 tins . ... 25e Canadian White Beans, 3 lbs. 25e PHONE YOUR ORDER TO J. T.Mc KNIGHT & SON CLINTON, ONT. ' 111 PHONE arriving and continued -to come un- til the broadcast commenced. Robert Holmes assisted in re- ceiving the visitors and entertaining them. St. Valentine Social - on the Evening of MONDAY, FEB. 10th in St. Joseph's 'Hall. Seaforth Orchestra Dress .:p Yo :r Kitchen with Our Modern LTtensils. You've got to make your kitchen smart thesse days—it's invaded so Of- ten nowadays when you entertain-- and ntertain— and we have everything you need to dress it up propelrly. Tea kettIee and coffee pots in yellow. and blrie— kitchen ensembles containing all the latest pots and pans in one eolor— every manner of practical utensil of living room appearance at kitchen prices! . ]'i 1 I1ILirIIIIS ,. Pythias, and the-Pos. Knightsof y aT� Office Department, and held his end • ep tij. perfection. ;HARDWARE and PLUMBING At' 10 p,an, the guests were still Phone 244 AA FA To be held by group 2 of the Wpmen's Institute in the Old Time Club Rooms, Clinton TUESDAY EVENING, FEB. IITID at 9 o'clock, sharp Admission, alio Good Music. 52-1. COAL & COKE We sell DL&W and Famous Reading Anthracite Coal, Solvay Nut and' Furnace Cake, Liberty Range size Coke, Alberta Coal and Miners Creek: Soft coal. Our Motto- Good clean fuel at a seasonable price. W. J. MILLER & SON Orders taken at residence, Ontario St. PHONES; 46w and 461 Bay CH ton Made Bye FRESH DAILY and Delivered To Your Home 1 l Wendorf's s : akery MAKERS OF "Whole N bsat" and "Snowflake" ; REA l! R.R41,1[