HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-02-06, Page 51I3C71tSIOAY, FEBRUARIY 6, 1930
The ex -kaiser 'has .m:efiisec] to go
,on, the stage in tho talkies. The
;gentleman has- his -faults .lint he
:seems to know .-when lie has said
The bear didn't see his
shallow on
Sunday, at least not' in this vicinity,
as it snowed nearly all clay, but we,
-shall probably have sial :weeks of
-winter just the same.
Tie games have been the rule at
'the Clinton rink this winter. Other
:towns may be ably to turnout as
:good hooey teams but not much
:better, as when, they come up here
tthey are held to a tie:
a: a .
General hi II Smuts .expressed the
.doubt When he reached London after
Ra visit here that Canadians realized
the . great destiny before' them,
Perhaps not, but just the "same .they'.
1'Iteepr-hanenering away, trying to
,shape it. •
Hon.. Peter C. Larkin, Canadian.
Heigh Connnissioner in England since
1.922, died rather suddenly. at : • his
,residence in London on Monday.
.Allthougih,_ he had not" been in good
health for some weeks no^ intimation.
`had been received 'in Canada of the
danger of Itis condition and the news
of his death came as -a shock. His
son -was on the ocean on'his way to
• visit 'his father When death occur-
If the use of the'lash is ever jus-
'tifiable as a punis'hnent for' crinin
sals surely it would' be in the punish-
ment of unnatural fathers who
-cruelly beat their helpless children,
+especially -When such children are
-ill or too young even 'to understand
the reason for their punishment.
'Public 'sentiment 'has 'been aroused
Mn several occasions duffing the past
'fortnight; Uy such evidences of,' we
-were going to say, brtitality--but
'brutes tare for arid_ cherish their
young, It is apparently total de-
pravity. A taste of the lash on their
-own hides might have the effect of
teaching such• human monsters that
.such coe`dut-t' will not he tolerated&
Commenting on the death -of Can-
ada's High Commissioner to Eng-
land and his success 'in business The
•Globe 'says:
"The late Peter+. C.' Larkin was,
'fust and foremost, a business man.
'Be was justly proud of his commer-
cial career. Beginning business life
.as a commercial traveller, he ended
-as the tea, ' king of America. His
.self-confessed formula for success
-was simple: To sell a good article,
.and to advertise, advertise, . adver-
tise. 'The merits of the tea which
'he trade famous were set forth, ter-
Waley and truthfully, year in and year
•out, in practically every publication
'in Canada, and increasingly else-
where. He had unbounded .faith in
newspaper publicity, and his faith
...wets both evidenced' in his works and
:justified 'by results."
'You will notice that all the big
'fellows advertise," an observant man
remarked recently: But still there
are pecele who try,,to do business
v ithont .this aid to success.
i'drs. R. Grimoldby and daughter,
'Oliver, spent the week -end with the
lady's sister, Mist John Mann of
near Clinton. '
Me and Mrs. Leo, Stephenson and
.son, Donald, spent 'the week -end in
.Blyth at the home of the: lady's par-
.e'nts, Mur. and Mrs. Wan. Logan.
Mr. Trios Staples of Seaforth
ispent a. few clays last week renewing
told acquaintances in and eronnd the
.Miss Pheobe Vieakefield is spending
a. few days with Miss Mary Coolie
of Goderich township.
The Ladies Aid. Of the United
church aro holding a Valentine Soe-
iial • in the basement of the' church on
l;6'z1iday evening, Feb. 14th. There
mill be a good program and lunch.
twill be seirved.
,';There -will be an old tyre denad
'in the F'or'rester•'s hall on Friday ev-
• sA goodly number attended tho
}Ladies Aid meeting last Thursday
:afteenoo-n in the ahureh. Two quilts
ewere quilted by the ladies.. '
•;Friends of 'Mus. • Alex. Leitch will
be pleased to know, she is improving
in health, and is now able. to sit up'
.several hours daily.
Miss Ida. Medd, teacher. of S._ S.
'No. 3, Hallett, spent the where -end
-at her home in McKillop,
'The many friends of Mars, Wilson
`Sundercoek will be sorry' to hear
'that she is .in poor -health . and. is
now confined to her lied. "' .
• Mfr. Jahn 'Story, Ile . Toni Riley.
'and . Mr. Robert Beattie are busy,
'these days hauling loge ` to Clinton.
from Mr. Fred Armstrong's bush,
Mr. 0. Teeny and Mr. John Mann are
.doing the cutting. '
Mn I
'. and M'ns. Will Petrick and
on, Gordon, formerly of Exeter, are
• ••spending some time ' at e of
"the lady's parents, Mr. and Alis
-Mjali Armstrong.
km Mr. Russell. Jervis, , son of Mr,
Oliver Jervis;. of, the Base line, left
•-the first of the month to take a pos-
ition on a large hatchery and poul-
try plant near Stratford.
The " young . people's society of
areholding United churchg a
Valentine ;social op February 14th,
in. the basement of the church, The
people of the community are invited.
The society intend, putting on the
la "A Poor Married Mau"
'itt a later date.
Mr. E: J. Crawford returned : to
his hone Last week after •spending a
coupleof weeks with his daughter
In Goderich.
Ilniiett has always been noted' for
.its, live stock,' cattle; horses er
sheep. nblow, ' and very reasonably,
poultry whaving become such an iii
portant part of agriculture, it es
hens, ;and Mi. - Tom Flynn comes` a-
long with a fine brood of Leghorn
chielcs hatched on. Feb, lst. At lat-
est- reports the.' chicks were' doing
well' and, . barring accident, Tom
ought to have some, early layers
next autumn ad nsome fine hioklei's
earlier than. that.
Mire. Lloyd -Keys' and family, arm.
visiting. the lady's sister, Mis, Jas.
Reid of Clinton.
Sorry to ropoet that Mrs. George
Connell is at present under the care
of a., doctor. Her many friends wish
her a speedy recovery..-
Mr. Roy Keys spent a day in
Zurich this week. . '
The Varna orchestra are busy
these tunes.
Information released by the De-
partment of Trade and Commerce
shows that, effective January 21st
last, Germany has again inereased
her duties against Canadian wheat
and flour, and the new rate is slight-
ly in excess of 60 cents per bushel .of
sixty :pounds. This is in. line with
the general German poliey •.since
1922, when wheal was 'allowed to• en-
ter free of duty. .
Some time later a duty of 32.4
cents per bushel was levied; aitd in
July 1929 the duty was increased to
48.5 cents per bushel. While the
new duty against Canadian wheat
is now a little more than 60 cents 'a
bushel, that levied 'against the United
States and; other countries enjoying
trade treaties with Germany is 42
dents per bushel.
,Ottawa, Feb. 6 (Special to The
News -Record.) The vaunted 3,000
mile border line "without a. gun"
which deparates Canada from the
United States appears to .be in im-
ninent danger of. extinction:
No one with any .authority to pre-
serve this piece d'resistance of after-
dinner oratory can be found around
Ottawa to say that anything can be
done to stop it if the United States
proposes to bristle this imaginary
line with bayonets and machine guns
in order to make John Barleycorn
keep his distance; which is north of
the forty-ninth parallel.
Canada's corcern is limited to
inaisbsnco that the gang spray their
bullets in the United States and keep
them there. That this can be accom-
plished is consideree- unlikely...Even
the sparse. army 'of prohibition of-
ficers hitherto employed - have' sue --
deeded in wounding peaceful Lanae
diens in Canada and with ane army
of 10;000 in line the eliances'of itn-
friendly :acts are mui9i multiplied. :
That phase of the situations '.has'
been pointed oat to Washingtotr
the Canadian Minister' hut rad fbrhial
protest against 'the proposed'feet:d
and reduetimi.-of ports of entry', has
been 'lodged. Nor is one considered
likely. Theoretically Canada tenet
wait until Canadian neutrality; is
outraged 'before pratestdng. ' The
whole matter will find its way.;into
the debates of . Parliament, p'roba'bly
along with the proposal that. Canada
refuse export clearances •for liquor
destined for the United States.
In the latter; country it is' proposed
to unify oonrrolof the Canadian
border by placing the ininii4'ration
forces, the customs service, thear
entitle group and the pa'ohibition
forces under the Coast Guard, - all
with' the hops of malting prohibition
enforcement more affective'•
A bond selling: campaign •tenraise
$13,000'. foe' eo-operative Boys'..:1'iCprlt
in Ontario has 'been; announced, thy
Premier Mel jadeofthe Older Bloes'
Parliament the campaign' to begun on
'February 8th. The boy' pre)nicsp ap-
peals to hhe 119' membea'S'• .tteethe
boys' parliament;' and the 70_local
Ebys' Work Bands' in the erefili'ce
to work intensively during the -tett'
day campaign, lie is confident they
will havg the active support of 'the
14,000 Tuxis Boys trod Tail Riong-
ers in Ontario,
"The ,money that will bre raised,"
explains the' bay `"will eta
able the Ontario Boy's Work Board
to do more fol? district .-. summer
camps for boys, twenty-four of
which were held last summer. The
board, also, will be enabled to earry•
on two large teaining'cantps, where'
leaders are developed, and to give
supervision to' many boys' confer-
enter, and to hundreds of father and
son activities. ' While the Boys'
Parliament, itself,; is made possible
by the money thus subscribed, the
expenses cif Parliament mals, hp but
a small preportion of
The more money South Huroa in-
vests in thie bays work the-more
dividends in Christian Citizenship
will • naturally be looked far. And:
itiswell to look ahead. A OW do
lars so spent oug•ht to.prove a good
AIKENHEAD—In 'the. Clinton Pub -
lie Hospital, on Jan. 28th, to. Mrs.
- Aikenhead and the: late •C. J. Aik-
enhead, a son.,
Mc0LINOI-IEY—A•t Auburn, on. 'Jan,.
29th, to Mb'' and Mrs. Sydney•Me-
Clinchee a' daughter.
7.'ALBOT ; A:t Bayfield; on Feb. '2nd,
to Mr. ane Med Wim, Talbot, s
• daughter:
13ROWt11 In' C3lintom, . ori Janusiry
30th, Alexando
r Raymond Brown,
aged '75 Yeaeeetielde' 8 months..
11ATIIWELI -•In Clinton, on` Jan.
30th, Sarah Harper,, wife of Mr.
Thomas Rathveee;', aged 71 years
and 8 months
SIIADDICK—In Olinton, on Feb-.
4th, Join Lewis'- Shaddicic, . second
son of. Mir aria Mee. Richard
Shaddiok, Iiiiilett,', aged 17 years
and 8 menthe,.. • -
SHANNON •; ., •Early on . Sunday
morning, ,February. 2nd, at her.
home, 102 1Nlerrick street Toronto,
Margaret Scott, in her 83rd year,
-widow of • the late 'William Shan-
non, formerly of Clinton, Ont.
GOVIER-Su loving memory of Mrs.
Richard Govier, who passed away
February 6th, 1929.
"The moon and stars are shining,
On a lone and silent grave,
Beneath lies one we dearly loved,
But whom we could not save.
Friends may think we have forgotten
When at times they see us smile, -
Littlle do they know the 'heartache
That our stale hides all the while.
What would we give her hand to
Her patient face to. see. '
To hear her voice; to, see her smile,
As in the days that used to be.
—Sadly missed. Try. 'husband and
Ottawa', Feb. 6= (Special to. The
News -Record) ''Proms .. Edmonton
comes the news that the Alberta
Federation of Labor wants a pro-
hibitive duty against the dumping of
rest Virginia coal into. Winnipeg
and other centres in their efforts to
keep Alberta Coal out of the eastern
markets. The resolution, following
on the heels of •a discussion of neem-
ployment, was sent to the Federal
government. •
The Canadian horticultural Coun-
cil has sent to the Prime Minister
another resolution, asking that: "In
order that rho producers of perish-
able products - in the Dominion may
be assured of a market for such pro-
ducts that will allow a fair return on
the cost of production, together with
is reasonable profit thereon that the
Dominion Government be urged to
enact legislation, by way of provis-
ion for special duty, to prevent the
sale in our markets of the products
of foreign countries at such prices as
will not permit of the said return to
pi'oduceles in this country." Which
simply means that they leant an
anti-dumping law against fruit and i
vegetables, and is 'meant to be a
seasonable tariff,
The Dominion Automobile Dealers'
Association also .wants duty increas-
ed on used cars•eoming into Canada,
to prevent their- dumping by Amer-
ican dealers who can purchase a
larger ntneber'of'•cabs-at-lower pricers
than are available -to his Canadian
competitor. ' '
Again references for, increased
duty to the tariff hoard for February
ncludie• inverted sugar syrups, hair
pins; shoe horns knit needles, cotton
yarns and warps and resins: •
The Canadian Bean Grower's and
Dealers' Association atm asking ler
en increase from 25 cents to 8120
per bushel in duty on dried beans
which they say cannot at present be
grown profitably on recount of cone -
petition resulting from the use of
cheap labor tri foreign. countries,
'Applications : for reduction in dut-
ies include empty/gelatin capsules,
V,iamolue markers, and cotton seed
and oil,
I ENSA.LI:,:'T•he funeral of Wolter
Ilabkirk took pliee from his home'. on
Thursday afternoon.; and was largely
attended by re,4eley'eii and friends.; The.
service way eonc�u,eted by Rev. I.
McIllroy, aasisted Uy Rev„ A. Sinclair,
and some ver'y fine •tributes were paid
to the life of rho.,dedeased-man. The
remains were enterred'"in Hensail
Union eat/tote x land the pallbearers
were Robert p.; ll,. Weelliani G. Bell,
Walter FaarbeekeetGeorgo Fairbairn,
James A Beff4eeeleA.lfreil Taylor, A-
:tong those whg'dttendedthe funeral
from a -Ai, were, Mrs. J, 1l.
Smith of leagei;sville and Miss Mare.
;Karat . Ilabkirk :'de, Bad Axe, Mieh.
'SEAFORTII 'The funeral of the
late John Govonleelt, a highly esteem-
ed iiesedent: of •Egntondville .whose
death occurred ran. Wednesday effete
-an ill:tease. ex,tendipg_-over Wo years
took place fromhis late 'reside7res in•
Egnfondville on Friday afternoon., the
place, of 'i'nteiinrant' in the M'aitlanne
bank cemeteey, the •slervice whichwas
ncctivate being conducted by his pastor,
Rev. Irving B, Keine, B.A., of first
Presbyterian (Church., Seiafatth and
Rev. Charles Malcolm, B.A.,' of the
Egrnondville United Church. The de-
ceased who was in his 83rd year was
born: in McKillop being the eldest soar
of the late Thomas Govenlock to prom-
itient pioneer r'esid'ent of the same
trnvnship Ile was married nearly
sixty years juga to Miss Lenora Gal-
laway of Bityfieiti, settling in Mc-
Kiilb wheno .thoy rivet- ,until twelve
:Veen tigo retired
to E -
niondvillie. eis' widow' aril four of
la family euri°ive, two pone. Wiilliani
Member of Florist Telegraph Deliv
• ery Association
411 Occasions, Sant Anywhere;
Greenhouse is as near as,yotr phone.
Two Phones -66W and 66j
February 64-8
that you should not overlook
Rolled Oats, 6 Iles. for .........29c
Molasses,: 2 tins . 25c
Old Dutch .Cleanser, 2 tins , . , , 25e
Choice Cohoe Salmon, small 20c
Choice Cohoe Salmon, large 35c
Extra large oranges, dozen
Lemons, ,dozen .;.39e
Turkish Towelling, . 5 yds 75e
Linen towelling, 5 yds. .. 85e
D. E. Gliddon
and Bak: in Egmondville; Mrs. W.
L. Fergueon at home and Mrs. Char-
les Butler of St. Cbtherines also two
brothers' Robert in MbCKillop; Wel-
liam, in Vancouver, BeC, and one sis-
ter Miss S. Govenlock of Seaforth.
The pallbearers were: Messrs. J.
Bays, WI Govenlock, T. Grieve, W.
L. Ferguson, R. Grieve and Bert Gov-
BENSALL: The funeral of Ml's.
Adana Reichard, who was formerly
Mary Ann Amite, was held from the
homo Thursday afternoon. Thie ser-
vice was conducted by the Rev. A.
Sinelair, pastor of the Upited Church,
who spoke very feelingly and highly
of the life of the deceased as a gobd
wife, kind mother and good manager
in the Monte. The remains were en -
tarred in the Hensel- Union cemetery.
The pallbearers were E. Nannie, John
Zuefle, Owen Greiger, J. W. Ortweln,
T. W. Palmer and • John Coulter.
Those attending the funeral of the
late Mrs. Adapt Reichert from a dis-
tance were her sons, John and Albert
from Detroit and Port Harron, and
Dr. and My s. Armstrong, the latter
being the wife of Dr. Aimistrong,
who has a large hospital in Detroit.
GODERICH:. About twenty men
under the direction of Capt. IIarold
Iludson, of Midland, were engaged
last week cutting ice in the harbor
in order to, free the large freighters
with winter •cargoes still afloat, The
work is done mostly 'with crosscut
saws. A channel is cut from the
south pier to the north pier, where
the lee will be carried over the river
breakwater by means of a conveyor
atter clapped into the river. It was
necessary to free, the freighters so
they could be floated to the elevators
to be unloaded.
Mr. Thomas Rathwell and famnily
wish to extend their sincere thanks
for ail the kiiidness and sympathy
shown during their recent bereave -
anent. •
Tea and Sale
An afternoon tea and sate of bak-
ing -will be held in the Presbyteriiuo
church school xoom on Friday,
Mar. 7th, under the auspices of the
Ladies' Auxiliary. 52.1.
For Salo
30 'inch circular saw, '60 ft. of 5 -
inch canvas belting and seine Collie
pups. Apply to D. C. Galbraith,
Hayfield, Ont. Telephone, 609111,
Clutton central, • 52-2.
"The Stowaway
A lantern service at the Salvation
Army 'hall on Friday evening, Feb.
7th, at 7.30. The story of "The
Stowaray.e Come and see the beau-
tifulpietmres and hear the story.
Admission: Children, 30, adults, 5e.
52-1. .
For Sale
Ilouse, and lot, . 1-2 acre facing
North ` street, back faces Milton
;street Fruit, trees, stable 36x18,
first class tidying shed, suitable for
garage; • Horse,' newly covered with
green shingles, all new windows,
la ge' living room, kitchen and sum-
mer kitchen, 3 bedrooms, glassed -in
verandah at side, town water, elec-
tric lightat front of. -rouse. Cement
sidewalk,' paid for. Also two good
goose feather beds, chiffoner, an
old:. one of either cherry : or walnut,
With three largo drawers. Apply to
John- Steep, Nerth street, Clinton. :
Auction Sale
'.0f cattle and pigs, at lob 5, Huron
Road, one- mile east of Goderich, on
Friday,. 'ab. 14th ,commencing at 1
o'clock p.m::, as follows: '
Cattle: Jersey cow, fresh; Hol-
stein -Guernsey cow, freshe ' e Hal-
stein cows to freshen in February;
Jersey, cow to freshen in March; 2
cows to freshen in May; Durham
j cow, milking; Holstein caw milking;
5 heifers,, springing;' 9 heifers in
calf; 4 heifers; good Beef-ringees; a
number of young calves,
'Pigs': 3 sows, due time of sale;
sow due in March; 6 chunks.
Terms: All' stuns c,f 5 t10 and un-
der, that amount 8
C ek! Cash OV at
mantes' credit will 'lie oelowed on
approved bankable paper, or 4 per
cent straight.;allowed fee oas'h.
Ernest T'ow'n.shend, - Proprietor, T,
Gundry and Son, Auctioneers-. 52-1
Clinton's New Laid Egg
And Poultry House
Eggs bought according .to Amin-
amnion Government Egg Regulations.
Inquire for our prices of eggs.
You will always rind our prices par-
allel with tho city markets, ,
Fat hens and well -finished chicks
always wanted—Prices good.
Always phone our office for prices
before. marketing' produ"e,
N. W. Trewartha
Phones—Office, 214j
Fresh Hams, lb. " 25c
Fresh Pic. Hams,, Ib..., ,,,20e
Loin Rst. Pork, .lb. 25c
Rib Rst. Pork, Ib. .23c
Shoulder Rst. Pork, lb. ,.22c
Spare Ribs, .ib. 22c
'Br. Bacon, piece, lb. 32e
Home-made i S'aus., ib. 22c
Lard of best quality and
-Nice .line of Cooked Meats
See us for those large cuts
of Meat in Beef, Pork
or Mutton.
We will have Lamb, Veal,
Pork, Beef and Mutton
for the week -end.
Clinton's Leading Meat Market .
Articles For Salt
4 -section Deering spring tooth
cultivator, giecular saw frame and
two saws, four-wheel tractor with
tires; 4 -burner teal oil stove acid
new oven; 3 black Jersey Giant
roosters. Apply to E. W. Morrison,
R. R. No. 4, Clinton. Phone 617r13,
Clinton central.
L gs Wanted
We are again in the market for good
maple, basswood, elm and white oak
logst delivered in our yard at Clin-
H. E. Ratz
Call phone 147-w, or see .1. A. Sut-
ter, Clinton. 504f.
Farm—Sell or Rent
Eighty acres of rich and produc-
tive loam; good natural rad artificial
drainage; pieturesquo location. Fawn
about two miles from Clinton on
Baseline. Buildings consist of newly
shingled house; large barn; driving
shed also windmill. Considerable
bush. Terms one-third purchase
down; or full rent in advance. Own
er, 322 South Main Street, Romeo,
Michigan. Further information, W.
Brydone, Clinton. 51-6-p.
In the Estate of John Riley, Deceased
NOTICE is hereby given that all
persons having claims against the'
estate of John Riley, Iate of the
Township of Hallett,, in the County
of Huron, yeoman, deceased, who died
on or about the 20th day o£ Decem-
ber A.D., 1929, are required to deliv
or to Elizabeth Mann-. and Benjamin
B. Riley the executors of the said,es-
tate or their solicitor, on or before
the 10th day of February A.D. 1930,
a full statement of their claims toe
gather with particulars thereof, and
the nature of the securities if held
by them all duly verified by affida-
AND TAKE NOTICE that .after
the said last mentioned date the said
executors will proceed to distribute
the estate of .the said deceased•
amongst the persons entitled there-
to ,having
hereto,having regard only to sneh claims
as they shall have received due not-
ice and ht accordance therewith. .
DATED at Clinton, Ontario, ' this
20th -day of January 'A.D., 1930. •
W. BRYDONE, Clinton, Ontario,
Solicitor for the said estate.
In the Estate of John Rowse. Johns,
NOTICE is hereby given all per-
sons h ar`ta g claims the es -
state of John Rowse. Johns,' late of
the Village of Varna, in the County.
of Ilunan, laborer, deceased, who died
on or about the 15th day of Novem-
ber A.D., 1920, are required • tode-
liver to .Ethel Freeland, the. adminis-
tratrix of the said .estate or her Sol-
icitor, on or before the 10th day .of
February A.D.; 1930, a full statement
of their: claims together with parti-
culars thereof, and the- nature of the
securities if held' by them all duly
verified by affidavit.
AND TAKE NOTICE that after
the said last mentioned date the .said
administratrix will proceed, . to dis-
tribute the estate of the staid deeeas-
ed amongst the persona entitled
thereto having regard only to such
claims as she shall have received
notice and in accordance therewith.
DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this
e0tlt day of January A:D., 1030
W•'BRYDONE,- Clutton, Ontario;
Sglimtot ,for.the said est ate.
Persuasive Priees
with . na :Saerjfiee of
EPSOM-- M SALTS, 6 lbs.
SULPHUR, for 6 lbs. o
SALT PE7',RE, per 'pound _
BORAX, per pound , , . , 7c
COD-LIVER OIL, per gallon , . ,e1:50
PADS,. ETG. §t
Miller Hardware Co.
C. H. VENNER, Electrician
Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fro,$ and other
Wiring and Repairs. Phone
Rupture, Varicocele, Varicose Veins
Abdominal weakness, Spinal Deform-
ity. Consultation Free. Call or write,
J. G. Smith, Specialist, 15 Downie St.,
Stratford, Ont. 10-1929.
Farms For Sale
Lots 27 and 29, Oth concession of
Goderich township, consisting of
160 acres of good clay loam, 131,
mileswest of Holmesville. Good.
buildings, never -failing wells. Ap-
ply to Lewis Proctor, R. R. No. 8,
Clinton. Phone 611r2, Clinton cen-
tral. 29-tf.
house to Rent
5 -room house, James street, Clin-
ton. Town water, electric lights ,
Apply to W. Jago, Clinton. 31-tf.
Nouse For Sale
Seven -room cottage with glassed -
in porch, Joseph street, Clinton. Pro-
perty of Mrs. Geo. Ladd. Furnace,
town water, lights. 'Garden with
some fruit trees. Apply to T. K.
Mair, Joseph street, Clinton. 504f.
Farm For Safe
100 acres. in Hallett, well under -
drained soil, 2 good sprirk wells;
large barn and shed, stabling ruder
all Good 8 -room frame house with.
cellar. No reasonable offer refused.
Apply to Chas. Sundereock, Londes-
boro. Phone 250 r25e Seaforth cen-
tral. 50-3.
Co-operative Selling
Anyone wishing to sell their stock
through the,;Co-operative call F' -H.
Powell, Phone 00764, Clinton central.
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed .
Clothes cleaned, pressed and re-
paired, Woollen goods dry cleaned.
Rooms over Heard's Barber shop.
W. J. Jago. 22834f.
Rouse For Sale
Comfortable nine room - house,
Victoria street, Clinton. Garage and
stable. Apply to S. G. Castle, Clin-
ton. 404f.
CJ inton9s
S u, rd!
r u uNTi'irt. Time ..._
ON 'rl JOB
Ir �
Some 'people irrupt a • warmn climate'
for the winter. •
Others buy coal frcimn us and :stay
The latter ace the healthiest; for
winter weather is an excellent tonic,
when it is taken. properly.
To go out from a warm house' into
brisk exercise in the cold, then had;
again into a warm, .house, this brim.
healthy color and boundless enemy.
Make. sure of having your house
warm by ordering now a load of our
Call the Amt, tr> g
f r>
nod dean coal
OMP.... NY .
We Want Your
Milk and Cream
We are manufacturers of both
cheese and butter. We want your
milk or cream. 'We pay highest mar-
ket price weekly. Satisfaction guar-
Phone your order for finest cheesi)
or pasturised butter in prints or sot•
ids to W. Ii. Lobb, Clinton, Ont., R,
R, No. 8, Phone No. 605r82.
Eggs and Poultry
Homme on Tuesday and Friday fore-
noon to take in Poultry.
Eggs handled at residence every
day—graded by an experienced grad-
er, for which we pay the highest
market price. ,,
Cream purchased for Stillnman's.
A. E. Finch
Viking Cream Separator Agent.
Victoria St., Clinton Phone 239
•Logs Wanted
We are again in the market for
good maple, basswood, cherry and
white ash toga, delivered in our yards
at Bayfield and 4th concession Gode-
rich Township.
Will bo doing custom sawing on
J, T. Turner's farm, Clinton.
McEwen Bros.
Phone, 624r4, Clinton,
The Mid -Continent
Bond Corpor, Toronto
,Having completed sale of shares in
second Standard Royalties, are now
giving clients another chance to pur-
chase ,Syndicate unites, with bonus
of common, in a new Royalty Com»
Call on representative for partiou-
bu s.
P. 0. Box; 155 Phone, 51
Keep Warm With.
A. D. McCartney
• Coal Dealer
Queen Street Telephone 258
Implement t
1 handle 'Cockshutt implements
and cream separators, Frost and
Wood Implements and carry parts
.and 'repairs for same.
I am also agent for Allis-Chal-
mers Tractors. -
. Those wishing to inquire abate
any Of the above kindly call at my
residence. -
Queen Street, Clinton.
McCormick -Deering Agency
Having taken over the above ag-
eney for this district I will keep on
hand a full stock of repairs and parts
of all McCormick -Deering ,machines
and will appreciate a share of the
patronage of the farmers surounding
Clinton. -
Call at my shop, nextdoor tt1
Jones' blacksmith shop, King street.,
Clinton, Ont.,Phone 281w ' 0444