HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-02-06, Page 3�t �{ lo 1buG it will ,eptly la }lar an7 OW l La .q
The Home arden trouble
expellee nay
It's a long time sl
Article No. 1
Of course oue does not expect to
ksl_art 'finding vegetables and flowers
:fora while yet, blit the teal gardener
does not wait until the soil is' ready'
to dig' before he starts his season's
-opet'ations. Like a good builder he
.nets out a pencil and plans on paper
everything in.- advance, There is
much to be done before' the spade is
;actually taken out of the back shed,
garage or wherever it may have been
stored for the winter, At any rate,
tiie seed cetelogues'have been distri-
:Touted and that -'is a sure sign that:
tiprhig is just around the corner.. An.
abundance of crisp, tender vegetables
and` a wonderful display of the `eery
:finest flowers are within the reach of
all, although in too many cases slid
soften too where .there is plenty, of band
Veep, such as in the small town, the garden, must be immediatel Y a
;village, orr evens' out on thefarm, gars oned when one starts laying out the
,dening is often neglected. "rust why .space which will be' devoted to flow -
;this is so the writer is"not.- prepared ars It is only in- the most elaborate
Vito say as the work is most intones t -
big and even the hardest part bf it is
iuo more arduous, than golf. A•littie
land, a few tools, some.fertilizer and
ea dollar's worth of seed will give one
,a start and should result in green,
'velvety lawns, colorful flower gar -
Ideals and a patch of vegetables which
twill supply the table for a good part
-of the season.
othermany limos over, not ',. nce we've seen a
only lit more northerly latttt , robust doctor, �--
whore there le risk of an, early frost, _
and tomatoes normally. only ripen
Now if site only ltnowe whether it's
two or tlu•ee years out of five, •but Daylight .Saving or Si aiidard'Tiixie,
also in the warmest districts of Op' ehe4'l be ai esot.e
the' staled' fruit always Wie-Rmmber, now, 'meet me at
tarlo where 1
ripens 'first and is, therefore, ninth the Biltmore foe lunch at twelve."
snore valuable and it Is always 010111- Lawy^i• — "Very well,' dear, but
er,, The vegetable garden may be please be there by, one, no I have ate
made more attractive by planting a appointment with a woman client at
few showy flowerse suck as zinnias, three and can't wait any longer than
poppies, marigolds and calliopsie two, 11 I am to meet lier at four.'
around the edges.. be` gIsere also should.
grown ,those ,lower5 fol• cutting 'Whet's the difference between play.:
purposes, like sweet peas, foliage
plmummyl oQ of Poker for mummy and playing
els and other plants, the bridge for prizes•
which is not particularly attractive.
The' bright 'flowers will reiieve ilia Some mere are 'lot content with be-
eolid Breen of the vegetables. ing the whole show but want .to be
;The Flower Garden the street parade, too,
Straight rows; which are so 050011 Make the Man
in making an attractive, vegetable Clothes scan
tial We stand amazed, the while we e
Thee race weknow as Human;
For clothes, we notleo,.make the man,
And lack of them. the woman.
Make Plans Now
A few hours with pencil and paper
out of these long evenings will prove
,a wonderful help „later on. The Plan
`.will save time, space and worry.
Where the garden is large' a full
year's supply of• vegetables eau be
005110 produced and the rove in this
case should be wide enough to pei'mit
'horse cultivation. This will mean front, the medium heights toward
that vegetables of ordinary size, such centre and taller flowers near the
as carrots, beats, lettuce and spinach back, Suet to prevent any hint of
.!should be at least thirty inches apart, formality bring a few of the taller
while the spreading sorts and taller elunipsa ire le do more
for anrdAmthan
loues, such as cucumbers, tomatoes, ,there he n v be listed alyssum,
potatoes and corn should have from emaler sorts, ma.
three to four feet. On the far or in ageratum, lobelia, tagetes and dwarf
the village garden it will not be marigolds. There are huudreds of
,necessary to worry about conserving 1. flowers which fall - in the medium
space by inter or double cropping and does, but if one wants advice along
narrow rows. When. the early crops, tads line he can choose petunias, an-
uch as .lettuce, spinach, peas, radish • nual larkspur, cailiopeis, asters, Att-
end the host of other delicacies which vias and cora flowers. At the back
are readn. from three weeks to a will be placed cosmosarge ype zin-
i y ilu ides and marigolds, hollyhocks,
ioouple of months after planting, are oil plant, dahlias, sun Rowers and
similar .plane. •
One of the very fundamental prin-
ciples of life is so much love, so muth
love in return; so much love,"s° much
growth; so muck love, 80., mach
power;shealthy, irlife—
stronggrich, exulting, and
abounding life. The world is begin-
ning to realize the fact that toxo, in-
nstead of being a mere indefinite some-
thing, is a vital and living force, the
same as electricity is a force, though
Perhaps of a different nature, The
same great fact we are learning in
regard to thought—that thoughts are
on. hts are forces,
that hat
most vital and powerful 1 in the uni-
verse, that they have, form and sub-
stance and !lower, the quality of the
Pima determined as it is by the
ettalitl' of the life in whose organism
the thoughts are enseudered; and so,
when a thought is given,bieth to, it
does not end there, but takes forst,
and as a force it goes out and etas its
effect upon other minds aud lives, the
effect being deterutined by its iuten-
sity and the quality at the prevailing
emotions, and Mao by the emotions
dominating the Person at the time the
thoughts are engendered and given
form,—Ralph Waldo Trine.
and expensive formal gardens which
were imported from Holland by the
wealthy years ago that straight linea
a'r'e approved. Tho amateur is warn-
ed against them and, is urged where-
ever possible to use curves; and. plant
in cliques. 00 course, where 511hce
is limited ,and the strafgh lines form-
ing the boundaries of a voter rigid
and very permanent 'concrete walk,
house wall, or garage, it is a very
difficult thing to have .the back line
of the dower -bed made In sweeping
curves, but this can be disgulted 11s-
uaily by wavy trout and irregular
heights of flowers planted in cluilee.
in front, To get best results, use
clumps of one variety aud color with
the smaller eons .usually along the
Dicky kept - asking his mother for
au ice cream cone. s too cold
Mather—`But. it really . is
foriice cream this morning,r
Dicky—"Oh, but I'1 put my coat on
to hate de -mummy.",
Faint heart neer won fair husband
supporter. •
The trouble with the person who
has : nothing to do but kill time is
that he is not satisfied with kiting itis
own time but liaa to Gone over and
kill other people's who _need it in
which to make alivi'ng.
The woman doesn't alevsy pay and
pay. Sometimes she charges ,and'
Bib and Tucker-
Put on good, thick underwear, -
Black lisle stockings (fifty a pair),
Lade your 'French -heeled boots just
Pull your corset string—Ugh! tight!
Firmly in your corset -cover
Stile your petticoats down over,
Tie the tapes and pin them fast,
Put your slid drop-slcirt on last.
(Oh, three petticoats ail do,
Less than that will sure show thru.
Now your skirt. Don't let it sag,
It must ripple, but not drag.
Isere! I'll hook youup the back,
Are you going in a hack?
Fluff your pompadour again,
Don't forget to chew Sen•Sen,
Here's year hatpins, three's enough;.
Wait, 1'1 get your feather rat
I adore your w ilow pllunte
And the way you sweep across the
Now your gloves and pocketbook.
Oh, my dear, how nice you look!
arrested, the best thing to do is to
rut in a crop of clover or some quick
and close growing thing which will
l eep the weeds down aud may be
,plowed under later on for fertilizer.
Wherever potable garden experts ad -
rise running the rows north and
south so that the sunshine will be
shore evenly distributed. Melons,
sttuash, cucumbers and other trailing
plants are better grown along a fence
or on sloping ground so that the
fruits will be dry and mature evenly.
Tomatoes should be staked. This
stakhig is often considered too much
RED -11 1 Rouen
f9 discs, cultivates,
harroms. A.100 does lawn
mowing, seeding,spray-
Isa, CtC.
LAUNDRY JONEk & CO.. Distributors
114 Lister Stook, HAMILTON, O'NO'.
Alva Hair
Turn to a proven bair grower—
Minard's of course. Will cleanse
scalp of dandruff and promote a
healthy, glossy growth.
Rub into scalp four times weekly.
DateRi it. gull ati
finder y
&S 1iIL13 working ut a
V'vuarr as a driller'
writes Mr. John J. Hogan
of South March, Ont. "y
': was seized with rheulna-
tistn in the left shoulder.
I' followed treatments for
some time without relief.
1 had heard so much con-
on cerningg Dr.. 'Williams'
Pink Pills that l decided
to give them a trial. They
were certainly the medi-
cine that I needed for it
was not long before I was
as well as ever., Now I•
take them every. Spring as
a tonic."
• This is one of hundreds of
cases in which these blood.
enriching pills have proved
effective in eradicating rhea-,
saadem, 'Buy Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills now at your drug.
gist's or any dealer,in medi-
chio, or by mail, s0. man,
postpaid, f0�oat The D. Wil-
liame Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
PER 110X
IN 04 000NTRMoo
Owl L,ffs
Bat one tight I know,
But one gleam I prize,
'Tis the radiant; gleety
Shining from your eyes.
But one slower ---I'd find.
But one bloom T seek,
'011 the fah' -enshrined
Rose upon 'your cheek.
But one boon'! pray,
But one wish is mine-
Sweet, for aye°and•aye
Be my Valentine!
t'fho Started It? -
It is estimated that two million a
year isexpended on Valentines. It
might be said that here is a case of
Art for Heart's Sake.
"Sarah," called her mistress from
upstairs, "I hope you turned the gas
ou in the kitchen as 1 told you."
"Yes, ma'am," answered the new
servant, "can't .you smell it?' •
Three snaps, and pull your dross on
Give your,wind-blotvtt bob one slick;
Paint - ot
v • li 1s
and daub each cheek,u I
Darien, chic!
1t is the glistening and softly -spoke
lie . the patriotic lie of the
historian, the provident lie of the poli-
tician, the zealous lie of the partizan,
the merciful lie of the friend, and the
careleSS lie of each man to himself,
that cast
that blaolc mysteryy over lin-
m' ,.. `.., ' inanity, through which we thank any
itching End in 1 Minute man who pierces, as we would thank
1'SOad eczema for months. Slagle eppncatied of bite who dug a wel in the desert.—
lSootha-Salva' ended itch and burn nen mute. Rnskiht
1 hos ended disease for good." 7
9ootha-Salva" ends Eczemaquickestume ever l„----
icnown, itching stops instantly. All druggists. Mlnard's—The Great White Liniment-
° is now on the press End will be available shortly.
The demand for the Almanac from year to year is very
heavy; the entire edition for 1929 was exhausted some time
before the end of the year.
For those readers who desire a copy of this year's
edition, an application form is printed below.
Department of Health,
Parliament Buildings,
Please send nee a copy of theHealthAlmanac for 1930.
Yoe are definitely middle-aged if Classified Advertising
your doctor doesn't know what
wrong with you and blames it on the EO1LSne 0.°OR-sAA'+m •
vet= T'ii'S Y
gal bladder: 1� of each week we are 7ttty ng sped
He—"Cavi, I take you home?"
Slee—"Sure; do you 11ve tar?",
Eski aE:e�N
Stra e*t '� $�ArAe
"No Feet"
His Own Feet '
o r 1 ecal
s,1lo0 of horses, tuehuding well tri tolled
teams, gtovs,: 01,10100, roans and bays.
Farmers requiring horses tt .: are in '
good condition'an0 ready, to go right into
work now is the time to get them. 100
come on hand stall times, Private sales
every day. Our harness Department is
well stocked 'with new and Neeond-Stand.
"�° Tells harness .of 'all description.' 'Write us for
o catalogue. Tile Repository, 10-28 Raison -
Ss S1., Toronto. (Coulter Bros,, letups,)
V� 1
t ai•. wyygp� tl.
Trial of
Recalls R r+
List of "Wanted InVentlons'0
tt� Who" Eats "t?+ and Lull information Sent Free.
Never in the history of the world
have the women been able to please,
the prudes: The pudss'used to scold
women for lacing. And now they
say it is immoral tor a woman to go
about without a corset. No wonder
the women finally have decided to do
as they please.
If you walk as a friend you will find a
friend whet'ever you those to
If you go with mirth to a far strange
land you will find that mirth is
Wl.l on. Request.
.875. Bank St.. Ottawa Ont.
Edmonton, Alta.—one of the strang-
set stories ever told, unbelievable 10 11
were not contained in an official.
R.C,M,P, retort, •reaches Edmonton
from Sgt. E: G. Baster, in charge of
the Mounties post at Bathurst Inlet. t@
.The story is that of a Man W110 ate!
his own feet.
Told in the plain, uin'arnished. lan
guage of the Sergeant, the story is
dramatic enough and has behind it a
theme of. human suffering aud' forti-
tude almost unparnlleled
In the wilds of the farthest North-
lands—beyond the fringes of civiliza-
tion and -Ina section of the seemingly
endless wastes of the Arctic lives_
EskimoNo Feet.
Lack of his pedal extremities has
given Item his nem0and he takes con-
siclerable pride_ in his disfigurement.
His story ieaehed this city only
now, following receipt of mail from
Cambridge Bay.
"No Feet," says Sergeant Baker,
while out on a bunting trip early
this winter got lost in a storm, and
unable to find his way back to, his
.there; Igloo, froze both his feet.
For the strangest part of this (10001• Before he was rescued, he came
World's Whe t Less
Th n Last Year
Toronto.—The fact that the Cana-
dian Wheat Pool " was able to mafu-
tato its credit, distribute its sales in
au orderly fashion,, find new markets
for large surpluses of low grade
wheat, and maintain a fair price level
against the pressure of the whole
buying world, was a tribute to the
pool marketing system, according to
George McIver, general sales man-
ager of the Canadian 'Wheat Pool.
The world's crop for 1929-30 is estt-
nlated at 0,000,000,000 bushels, which
is 535,000,000 bushels less than the
record production of last year, and
142,000,000 bushels less than the live -
Year average. As the world's carry-
over at the beginning of the present
crop was 395,000,000 bushels as com-
pared to 420,000,000 bushels last year,
the total prOspectIVO stii1 1Y
of wheat
on. Aug. 1, 1929, was 3,935,000,000
bushels or a decrease of 300,000,000
bushels over last year.
Canada. Is °adulated to have avail-
able for export as wheat and flour
22.1,000,000 bushels compared to 407e
000,000 bushels last year. Tho United
States has a total visible supply of
$1,037,000,000 bushels made up of a
new ,prop of 792,000,000 and 245,000,-
000 bushels 0f caryover. Domestic
consumption in that country will be
about 675,000,000 and exportable sur-
plus 220,000,000 bushels.
The Canadian Poet estimates 1110
world import requirements at 770,-
70;000,)00 bushels. "It the carryover at
the end of the present crop year will
be the same as tate average in the
past few years, 336,000,000 bushels,
there are only 710,000,000 bushels
available for export," states Mr. Mc -
Ivor, "consequently if our estimate of
It of
• ro t it'etuer s
import q
world p
000,000 bushels proves to ben Y
correct, the world carryover wit have
to be reduced 00,000,000 below the
average for the past five years, Or
269,000,000 bushels below the cart'y-
over of last year's crop."
Half the world is on the wrong
scent in the- pursuit of happitless,
They think it consists in having and
getting and in being served by others.
It consist§ in giving and stirring
others.-e-IIenry Drummond,
Calautite is the occasion of virtue,
and a spur to a groat mind, The very
apprehension of a wound startles a
man whe?,n he first bears arms; but
an old soldier bleeds boldly, because
he knows that a man may •lose blood
and yet win the day.—Seneca.
Use Minard's for. Neuralgia.
"Even ifluireanity lasts a million
million years, there will be plenty of
quite .siniple problems still unsolved."
—7. B. S. Haldante:
old world is that like will join
• like,
And who walks with love for his fel-
low -man an answering love will
You ,can tell the female worm.
When it turns it lent trying to get a
better view of the ankle. '
What this country really needs,
marry folks, believe, is a "post no
bills" sign on every mail box.
One difference between a sweet-
heart and a "sweetie" is that the
sweetheart says, "You order:"
Organizing is '' e art of getting
men to re5poud like thoroughbreds.
When you clack to a thoroughbred he
gives you ail the speed, strength of
'heart and sinew in him. When you
cluck at a jackass he kicks.
The boss should remember how
hard he used t0 work when lie saw
the boss conning.
There Also Should be a Box of
Baby's Own- Tablets
To keep her little ones well • is the
constant alnl oe 00000 .mother and t0
help her ea this task she should al-
ways keep a box of Baby's. Own Tab-
lets in the home. Those Tablets have
saved many little lives when illness
came on 0uddeniy.
The majority of troubles which af-
flict little one are those which arise
from a disordered condition of the
stomach and bowels. It is in quickly
correcting these diameters that
Baby's their value.
Own Tablets show
They banish constipation and indi-
gestion; correct colic and diarrhoea;
break up colds and simple fevers and
allay teething panes. Concerning the
Tablets, Mrs. E. Roberts, Cap aus
08, Rue., writes:—"I always keep
Baby's Owlt Tablets in the house as
I Ictlow of nothing to equal them for
little ones."
The ;tablets are sold by medicine
dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box
from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co,
Brockville, Ont.
Sick stomachs, lour stomachs and
eedigestion' usually, meau excess aced.
+Phe stomach nerves are over-stimue
the m
acid n
ch ti
and intestines soil,, best
Alkali kills acid :instantly. The
form is Phillips' Milk of -Magnesia, 'be=
cease one harmless, tasteless dose
neutralizes many' times its volume in
acid. Since its invention, 50 years ago,
it has remained the standard with
physicians everyWhere. •
C 1
near .death from starvation.
As 110 reached this dreaded point,
he realized that as his feet were froz-
en and as they would be of no fur -
the!. consequence in his mobility, that
lie might as well use them as food.
Aocordingly he severed the feet
from the lower portion of the legs
and ate them, thus sustaining life me
til aid arrived.
He is active and walks around oa
his knees. Also he can run along
side a c oe sled as lon ; as lie keeps
one hand on it for guidance. IIe is
happy and is said to enjoy life.
Another misfortune has overtaken
Itim. His wife is both blind and
But No Feet may 5001i have to fore-
go his sobriquet. The Hudson's Bay
0 lneell' has ordered a pair 00 artifl-
clal feet for him and as they are ex -
lug as he clid in days of yore.
A night's sleep, what a miracle of
mercy 'le Ise and a new day and the
waking up with health to face it; aye,
even a pleasant meal with one's
household, 1s not that worth a tllantt8-
giving? Or, au interesting book, an
hour with an old friend, a Sunday's
' Household Hint
A fairly Jood quality of "jackass
bvatldy" can be made by using the
following ingredients: One wildcat,
two Catling guns, one pint muriatic quiet resting after a strained aud
acid, flour rattlesnakes, three pounds I weary week, or some -new light of in-
terest 's favorite
in o e
• �aea
>'erest of
line of study—it is such things as
these, far more .than great special
blessings, whichmake up the sum of
happy life; and it is such things, if
one would think of them more, and
not be always taking them a3 a mat-
ter of course, which would fill our
days with thauksgiving,—Brooke Her-
Check Falling Hair with Minard's.
"The one real security that a man
can have in this world comes through
some reserve of ability that he may
have." -Henry Ford.
—Satoh Lanntngkam writes. Thou-
sands gain 5 to 15 lbs. in 3 weeks
with new lxouizedYeast. Skin clears
like magic. Nerves, constipation
vanish overnight, Gat Unitized
Yeast tablets from druggist today.
s 1A
500 rN ewers
osmium- Isms
to loser see,,, u .Etat (nye
51.25 All 0,0551115 81,11,tive bider on request
A. 0, LEONARD, Inc.
ni Firth Ave., •Plow vert City
t o
eat ss
magic,” says r. A. hangny:
Thousands write kidney end bladder
ills, constipation, indigestion, gas, back-
ache end overnight witlearuit-a-fives••.
Nerves quiet. Sound sleep. at once. Get
Frusta twos" from drugc'sttodaYe
Cie,a ' 'roar Silva
E va
ur 10iaagrlrirag Blemishes
Satnpic Soap, Ointment, Talcum free, Addrens
"Curious," Box 2615, Montreal, Canada.
Ladybird Frees Firs'
Of Predatory Bug
Loudon.-Tlianlcs to the ladybird,
tilt giant Douglas fir whose growth
until recently was being 'hindered if
not completely checked in Scotland
by • the destructive insect chermes
colleyit are now allowing signs of re-
sistance and recovery. To -day there
is more greenness about these "lords
of the forest" than there has been for
two years.
These facts were brought opt at
the anunal meeting of the Aberdeen
branch of the Royal Scottish Arbori-
cultural ,Society in Aberdeen. John
Diichle said the cherales ccoleylt war
discovered in the New Forest in 1010
and had spteatl north_toInverness,
leaving the west coast of Scotland un-
Johnston.Edwards, the King's for
ester, said he found at Balmoral that
the ladybird had increased enormous-
ly duritig last autumn and Said he be-
lieved they would end the threatened
destruction of the Douglas 'fir, E. C.
Duthie said he leaped that when it,
was known that the trees could be
made pat'ticalarly immune there
would be a more optimistic outlook,
of red popper, seven railroad spikes,
we stank, foto bullfrogs, two pounds
of fish strap, and three ouu008 of
smokeless gunpowder. Stir well and
set iii shade to cool.
It's all right to prepare for the
worst, but bettor still to hustle for
the best, •
Most of the girls now have im-
promptu complexions. They make
thein up as they gen along, •
"If it took as long to spend money
as itdoes to earn it halt the stores
would go out of business. ,
He—"Tile talking movies are still
in their infancy."
Site"Perhaps that in why they 11sp."
His Worry
Hubby—"eenather new dress! Where
and f to get the money to pay for it?
Wife—"1 don't know. I'm your it?",,
sal adviser." :"
your iinat1
c not Yof
Countless remedies are advertised
for constipation. Many relieve for.
the moment but they are habit form-
ing and tnpst be continued.. Others
containcalomel and dangerous min-
eral drugs, which remain in the sys-
tem, settle in the Milts and cause
aches and pains. Some are harsh
.purgatives which cramp and gripe
and leave a depressed after effect.
Avoid lubricating oils which only
grease dm intestines and encourage
tot' and your attire's machinery become
Take a spoonful in wa Pazy.
unhappy conditibn will probably end §,yo a soul of your own. Be your A purelysnhinery toe ecomeve such
five minutes; Tben you will always true self. Think, realize,, 1'elleet, un- - as Carter's Little Liver Pills, gently
1meth what l Crude and hou. Go ed you have a measure t lisheso a touches the liver, bile starts to flow,
metttoda will 110000 appeal to you. Go ed conviction, which establishes a the bowels Move gently the intestines
•our, own salve.: It may centre of repose, and is a source of are thoroughly and constipa-
pxveethiel for y
manydisagreeable hours.. happiness anti;, contentment—a centre tion poisons pass away.. The atomand
'save a . 00eat g liver and bowels are now active
Be sure, to get the gQnuine Phillips'.. which yields to no outer tumult, but the system enjoys a real tonic effect.
Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physt- is ever receptive to the Divine Self. All di!ttggists 25c and 750 red peffe
cians for 50 years in .corercting ex- Halation W. Dress..er, •I
cess acids. llacit bottle' contains full 9---'--- -^ j ISSUE NO. 6—'30 �—
i directions --any' :drugstore. ' M!nard'r Is 'Best for Grippe.
Oil Coughs & Cold
A speedy, safe, proven remedy
for children and adults.
u r)cTUR
!Aso Plash -A SINUS 5so Ppovr81r
t'pr, -;, � ��. �, .s c3•" . lsOtAl�ry''' ... ,
Ems ,,.a ed, ib Poet V, .ff s
The special steel hsedis made in the Simonds
the eawear-resisting
t uedin thnost xpeve tting
tools. Simonds Saw Bits hold their sharp
edge under the most strenuous use and give
exceptionally long service.
ST, pHs, NM, - 00150510
Children will fret,. °Rens Tor t1
apparent reason. But therets al-
ways one sure way to comfort a
restless, fretful child. Castorial
Harmless as the recipe on the
Wrapper •; mild and bland as it
tastes. But its gentle action
soothesa youngster more surely'
than some powerful medicine
that is meant for the stronger
systems of adults.
That's the'beauty of this special
children's' remedy! 11may be
given the tiniest infant—as often.
as there is any need. In cases of
colic, diarrhea, or similar disturb-
ance, it is invaluable. But it has
everyday uses al) mothers' should
Itlllj �
NPR 0,
� it,➢rozlarry N�Pa MN ' _
At4de1530eiNDscadr ta1-
slmaNlA9lnrta,do-r °t
tmQl.451or O eilloolttl
'lRiFek ltiit..1111
Yilerc6yYmma n5n .6r°'
,011 1plum,Dtorptf 'u'
NlneraL gorilAaeoT+c
er0 0101 ctm+%s+
4101 f YRama(y1N'
aser, rest 09n J1-
Lass oFSt81 "IrrieuerieursouGKY I,
Jt i
Q0TClt; BELTED obtained by Mutt -
sands through use o! Dr. 11. Uulld's
Green Mountain Asthma Cumpeund.
its pleasant smoke caper soothes and
relieves. Originated In 1869 by Dr.
Guild. specialist In respirat"ry 415 -
eases, Also relieves catarrh, Standard
remedy dr15 b 60
tents andat 5550,ugltletst nnwder ur nelliarettnte.e
form. Send for FREE TRIAL 'lack -
age of 6 cigarettes, leturtdim Dis-
tributors,t. 8101
288 St aal 1.Sk Wes1, roared, Can.
TGl a nJfSfN s
!fliguil�r .��i
flow well you look!
'' I ant Writing D1o10 again , to A 0x1,0801 nos
81181885 I
6508sincere prattled( for the v0111) d. d
havr, ,enOnmaintained t week vas motaily dos( of
sato m en. Ons gist week i man nue me tired
saw uta a fltf, months apo aeu a was crippled
teeth I looked. I Bis first ro, 1 was kora
well 5 rooked" I ,spacer ' 1Ho, i have only
feel ng 'Off
1101 to thane: Ho said he was
feeling halal NM dap and would start the 7fras-
1r0schnSiUts" day. I firs. P. woommen
Original tetter os Ile 100 Inspcaeam
rerescllen Salts is obtainable at drag and
department stores in Cm,edn at Ole, a bottle:
moutitssi� Beed health furl half n cent 4 or
understand, , . w°trd tbiigtie calfs'
for a few drops to ward off consti-
pation; so does any suggestion of bad breath. Whenever children
don't .eat well, don't rest well, 0r
have any little upset -this pure
vegetable preparation is usually
all that's tieeded to set everything
to rights. Genuine Castoria,
Chas. H. Fletcher s. sigazatoSde op
91ae wrapl�. tYoctots, psc:4sri`e
"I have to work in thy Store and
do no 00 01 housework too, and 1
got nervouaand Ine:own endives in
bed nearly allsummex, The least noise
would make me nervous. t was told
to take Lydia E. 1inkham's eVege-'
table Compound and I have taken
seven bottles. It has made me strong,
er and put more color into my face.
I am looking after my store and
housework and my four children
001'0 am. 80010w -,-- h
—Mrs, Jo Malin, E.dr l'Jo• 5, Barba,.
St. East, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada,