HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-02-06, Page 1The News -Record: Est. 1878
Tho New Era Est. 1.S'855
0 2552 -51st YEAR
flee' Jouii dlr/
The receipe for so doing is, get
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Reliable time keepers and cases
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For Spring and
Also The Royal
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Suits and
We Invite You to
Call and have a look
throught these
Wheat, $1.25 to. $1.28.
Barley, 70c. •
oats, 55c.
Buckwheat ..80c to 83c.
Butter, : 35e.
Eggs, 30c to 40c.
Live Hogs, $12.50.:
The council met. .1Vldnday : evening,
all members' being' present with
Mayor Combe in the ;chair"
It was a rather brief session, al
though bylaws appointing -the . town
officials and firemen were given
-three readings. and accordingly pas-
sed, and a few other items of busi
nese transacted .
Conumnnicatians were read from
Mb `C. P atterson.
d• tI-
an Ma ,
•tslcimg for pool licenses. •
•Cpl of Stong _wrote the council 're-
ecrin'inending Mr. Tasker .far a license
and also Mr. Patterson who 'had
premised to arruh:ge 'hie building
Ori - the notion • of Councillors
Holmes and Cook the application of,
Mr. Taskete was accepted anda li-
cense will be granted.
On motion of Councillor Thompson
and 'Elliott a resolution was passed
to the effect that when Mr,. Patter -
son's premises were so arranged that
pool' tables can be used a license
would he granted, the mayor having
pointed out that while a bowling ally
might be frequented by minors, min-
ors Were not allowed to frequent
pool -rooms.
Byiatvs 3 and 4 for 1930, the for-
mer • appainting town offieers• and
the latter appointing fire chief and
staff, were read and passed. The
officers for 1930 are the same as last
year: D. L. Macpherson, clerk - and
treasurer; L. Stong, chief constable,
etc.; L. Stong, tax collector; E. Grea-
iis, night -constable; C. V. Cooke,
'cemetery superintendent; Dr. Shaw,
Guy Hicks, engineer; E.
Grealis, weighmaster stock scales.
The' fire company is comprised of
the following: A. F. Cudmore, chief;
assistant -chief, L. Cree; lieutenant,
H. Fremlin; secretary -treasurer, C.
Draper; P. Dixon, T. Morgan, Ed.
Cook, A. Steep, C. Cools„ T. H,_Coolc,
M.. J. Schoenhals, 'G Hanly,
D. Kennedy, G. Evans and G.
Lawson making up the brigade.
Reeve Trewartha reported for
the street committee. He said be
accepted the chairmanship, some-
what against his will, but rather
than have a deadlock, Hd suggested
that the four members of the com-
mittee be responsible each for one
weed, then meet as a whole to pre-
pare a monthly report. He felt that
the work could be more efficiently
done in this way. Ile would endeav-
or to havd his committee meet and
.so arrange the work.
Chairman Holmes repented for the
fire and water comanittee. He said
Clinton's fire loss last year amount-
ed to only $36.00, a fact which he
felt demonstrated the splendid ef-
ficiency of the fire brigade. He
thought the council should congratu-
late the men on this fine result. One
of the reasons of the effic-
iency . of the brigade, he
thought, was that there was com-
plete harmony in the company. .A.
Western Ontario Firemien's Associa-
tion is being organized he said and
we . might have a demonstration in
Clinton sometime. A couple of rub-
ber coats were needed. IIe suggeet-
ed that when any coats; boots, etc.,
were required the thief should write
the order for samle, submitting it to
the chairman of the fire and water
committee for his, e.k., which world
serve to' keep all expenditures in
Chairman Ceek of the charity
committee reported one case of ehar-
ity- having to be attended to since
last meeting. .
Ort motion of Couneiliors Holmes
and Ebliott it was decided to pay T.
H. Cook an old account. for atten-
dance with hie, teams ata fire.
Councillor Miller takes the chair-
manship 'of the psieperty committee
instead of Rdeve Ttewetha who be-
comes -street chairman.
Reeve Trewartha reported that
the county' had spent the sum eif
$638.80 on the •street from the town
limit tq W. Jackson's residence.
" A Square Deal for Every Man
A very pleasant social evening,
was spent . by the members of the
Girl's Club of Wesley -Willis church
at the home of .Mrs, J. G. Chewers
recently. The evening was spent
games, guessing contests and sing
songs„ also lVLre. Chowen and Mrs.
Iilearn favoured the 'company with
A duet Dainty refreshments were
served, after which the gathering
was brought to e elose by singing
"God Save the King."
NEW, C. 0.• I. BOARIQ •
„ The Collegiate Institute Board
held their organization ineeting last
evening... The .personnel of the Board
is the same as that of last yeas. with
the exception of Rev. J. E. Hogg in
placeof Chant deceased. The
officers elected were as follows:
Charinan, W, Brydone; vice 'chair -
mare' R. E. 'Manning; seeretary-
treasurer, John ' Rensford. Study or
discipline committee, WI. H. Hellyar,
De Evans, Col. Ranee. Finance
committee, R: E. Manning,: Col.
• A ineeting was convened m the t0-
O.F, hall at 7 'p,m. Friday, Jan. 31st,
for the purpose. of .instituting a Rle
bekah Lodge. The president of the
Rebekah •Assembly, Miss Willow
Fay -der of Ottawa, presided, and was
assisted • by the following officers.
Vice-president, Mrs. Louise Brandt
past president, Kitchener; assembly
secretary, Miss Violet Pearce, To-
ronto; marshal], Mas. Vera Mee, D.
D.P., Stratford, conductor, NE's. A-
bell, P.N.G., 'Goderich; warden, Mrs.
Toole, P.N.G., Goderich; Chaplain,
Mrs. Couch, .P.N.G., Stratford; inside
Guardian, Mrs. McIntosh, P.N.G.,
Stratford; outside guardian,. Mrs.
King, P.N.G., Stratford; treasurer,
Mrs. Box; P.N.G., Goderich; pianist,.
Mrs. Adams, Stratford.
The following were presented for
charter members, Mms. Harry Gould,
Mas. John Sutter Miss Shirley Baw-
den, Mrs. Alice Mason, Miss Eleanor
McKenzie, Messrs. Harry Gould, E.
L. Mittell, John Sutter, Dr. H. A.
McIntyre and John L. Heard.
Mrs. Farquhar, a member of Re-
bekah Lodge, Saskatoon, Sask., was
introduced by the Assintbly Secre-
tary, Miss Violet Pearse, mid given,
a welcome to the meeting.
The Degree staff of Rebekah
Lodge, Goderich, conferred the de-
gree upon the following candidates,
in a very capable manner,
Mrs. John Wiseman; Mrs. L. Cree,
Mrs. M. Nediger, Mrs. Will Mutch,.
Mrs. Harry Fitzsimons, illrs. J. L.
Heard, Mrs. (Dr.) H. A. McIntyre,
Mrs. George Jenkins, Mrs. Ed. Nick -
le, Mrs. E. Wended,' Mrs. John
Schoenhals, ]hits, Jas. Liveremouel
Misses Amy Andrews, Marian And-
rews, Bessie Watt, 'Bessie Smith,
Margaret Mahaffy, Morwennow
Judd, Jessie - Grainger, Myrtle Tre-
wartha, Wynne O'Neil, Messrs.
Thos. T. llfanaghan, F. G. Bawden,
Fred blotch, John Wiseman, .W!. N.
Counter and Er. F. Thompson.
The following officers were ap-
pointed for the ensuing year.
P.N.GJ Harry W. Gould.
8.1.0., Mrs. Harry W. Gould,
Vice �G., Mrs. John Sutter.
Rec.-Secretary, Miss Eleanor -Tie-
Kdnzie. -
Fin. -Sec., Mrs. Alice Mason.'
Treasurer, .Miss -Shirley Bawden.
Trustees, Miss Winnie O'Neil, -Miss
M. Andrews, Mr. W. N. 'Counter.
Warden, Mliss Amy Andrews"
Conductor, Ni,4•s. H. A. McIntyre,
Chaplain, Mts. 'M. Nediger. .
I. Guard, Miss Bessie Watt.
Guard, Mr. T. J. Managhan.
12..S.N'.G., Mr. John Sutter.
L.S.I'7.G., Mrs. I•Iarry Fitzsimons.
R.S.V.G., Mrs. George Jenkins:
L.S.V.G•, Mas. 3.- L. Heard.
Pianist, Mrs. E. Wended.
Following the -initiation and elec-
tion of officers, Miss Fayder, ad-
dresesd the audience with' words. of
appreciation and advice, and Mrs.
Brandt, Mie. Mee and 'Miss Pearce
also spoke,, after which the ladies of
Huuronic Lodge served, lunch. -
He cespla;inedthat the town paid a
rate of two mills, of which the town
may spend one' and that there is a
balance of $130.67. due. -- This 'he
thought should .be left to accumulate,
until such time as,the street is to be
Following is the financial report.
for the month: -
Street Account
Paysheet ,. $81,40
A. 'Seeley, •repair. . mower ' 2.40
Electric Light Account
P. II. Com., street lighting 159.50
Property Account
P. II, Com. lighting hall.. 14.68
A. Seeley, repair.:flag:
pole, etc. 22.15
W. D. Fair, window shades 14.50
J. B. Mnstaa'd, 400 lbs.
coal, stock scales ., 2.00
D. E. Closet Account
A Fulford, salary for Jan, 65,00
Cemetery Account
C. V. Cooke, sal. for Jan, 50.00'
A. Seeley, repairing tools 2.50;
E. Langford, rep. mower - •10.65
Salaries Account
D. L. Macpherson, three -
months salaany . .... 175.00
14. Stong, salary for Jan. 71.83
E. Gieniis, salary for Jany - 58.33
Ms. Sid Thompson, relieving
freight agent for the C.N.R., has
rented the McMurray" ]rouse in„ Gib
binge atreet andhas, moved into it.
Mir. Thompson is no strangiso •ni,Clin-
ton, having spent some ,months ,here
on • a former occasion. May these,
joure of Mr. and .M ts.:Thompeen in
Clinton be a pleasant one.
. The naw hymn boot: of The United
Church of Canada, to be known as the'
Hymnary, has been 'approved by iilte
executive eonuuittee :of • Gel:Meal
Council in semi-annual session_ and
has been placed in the hands of the-
printers, The United Church Pub-
lishing' House, :Toronto.. , It is plan-
ned to issue the •book ie time for the
biennial General Council -,. which con a
verses at London Ontario, in. Sep-
Presbyterian Church.
The minister's morning subject:
"The Parables of the Leaven." Ev-'
ening: "The: Dumb Singing."
Sunday school at the usual hour.
Baptist Church
'Service Sunday evening as usual.
Pastor's `subject: "Wihat. Sin . Has
Done." .
Sunday school and week -night ser-
vices as usual:
Wesley -Willis United Church
Minister's Sunday subjects: morn-
ing: "A Retrospect of "Our- Church's
Year." Evening: ' "A Vital Ques-
The W;NT.S. will meet at:the home
of Mrs. W; Pickard .on Thursday af-
terenoon, Feb, 13th, at 3 o'clock.
Mr.- G. A. M.cCague gave a very
interesting talk on "Marketing" at
the Men's Club on Monday evening.
The Girl's Club will hold their
regular monthly meeting on Tuesday
evening, February 11th. The first
topic of the study for the year, tak-
en from the report of the Jerusalem
Conference, will be "Christianity and
Hinduism." The club would be glad
to welcome a. larger number of the
young women to join with them in
this course of study.
Wesley -Willis congregation held
their annual business meeting yes-
terday evening, when all the de-
partments presented most encour-
aging reports, indicating very sat-
isfactory progress in every branch.
of the work of the church..
All obligations have been met in
full, including the missionary and
maintenance allotment, and every
organization reported a balance in
the treasury. A particularly pleas-
ing feature was the announcement
that the church had been rebuilt
without the necessity of placing a
mortgage on the property, as mem-
bers of the congregation had loaned
the Trustees sufficient moneys to
enable them to pay the cost of re-
building and furnishing the . church,
the whole of which, with the excep-
tion of about $5000 is covered by
subscriptions, ever half of which
have already been paid.
Resolutions of appreciation of the
services of Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Hogg,
and of the building committee were
enthusiastically endorsed by all
Stationery Account
W. D. Fai.. 44.5
Grants Account
P. U. Corn., dight, X -Ray,
Hospital . .. .. 32.9
Fire and -'Water- Account A. F. Cudmore, 6'm;onths,
chief . . , 20.0
14 firemen, 6 mths. salary 182.5
W. Elliott team at fire..„ 6.
B.. Langfee d, glyceride • . 1,7
J. E. Hovey, filling Fire .
Extinguishers ..
0: licitly, :labor'. and
watching fire .
Charity Account
J. B. Mustard, tori of coal
WN T. O'Neil, groceries-.
Incidental Account
Bell Tel.' Co., rent and ae. ' Clinton Hrdwe. Go., Lock
anct nails, Case House
D. L,.' Macpherson, state_
anent for . auditors •
B. Faits -el -vice, type-we
Market scales 521.70
Hall rent . • • 25.00
Sa1e of lot . 20.00
Work . ..... 30.00
E. Grealis, stock scales
. 8.19
.0ongxatulatigns are due Mr, and
Mrs. : A. 0. Pattison;;esteemed citi-
zens of Clinton, who celebrated the
fifty-seventh anniversary of their
Wedding' on T'uegclay. It is an aumi-
versary few couples' live to see and
fewer still enjoy with such a meas,
ure" of pbys e l . and' mental health:
The many friends of the worthy can-
_ple congratulate thein warmly,
Ontario Street Unitech. Church
Sunday morning theme: "The
Bread of Life." Evening subject:
"The Challenge to, the Church."
The Sacrament of the' Lord's Sup-
per will be held at the morning ser-
vice, also reception of new members.
mite with the
Any a^ishing to u
church, kindly inform the minister.
At the amoral meeting of the con-
gt+egation . a splendid yeal's repeat
was presented. Twenty-one new
members were added to the church
during the year and all the organ-
izations of the church. are in a flours
ishing condition. The tectal amount
raised for missions was $2,285. The
Wlomen's Missionary Society raised
its full allocation' of $615;- the Wo-
man's Association raised $685 for
local improvements; the' Sunday
school raised" 5512 and the Young
Peoples' League, $125. 'Phe total
amount raised for all purposes dun
ing the year was $9.626. The'chureli
interior, has been greatly improveil
during the year. The 'whole interio%
has been beautifully decorated, and
rewired, and new electric light fig -
tures installed. The organ was ren -
novated and a new electric blower
installed. These hmpaiovements, a-
long with carpets, etc„ which were
placed in the church, cost about
$2500, and this .indebtedness -has all
been cleared LIP .by the generous re-
sponse of the people : and a goodly'
balance' remains in -the treasury,. This
elders - elected foe three years were:
O. S. Hawke. F. H. Powell, R. J. M]1 -
ler and WI. Weikel -sand the Stewards
elected for a' like period: W. Plum -
steel, R. Tiplady, Dr.', McInnes and
W. Connell,
At the closie of the meeting re-
freshments were served and an en -
A reportof the. Christ: les exam-
inations in the Collegiate, several
other school reports, report.,, of the
doings at County council, and other
matter has had to. be Meld over on•
account of lack of space' this week.
• An °pen meeting of the' Colleg-
iate Institute Literary Society will
be held in the auditorium at 7.30 on
Wednesday, evening, 1Vite h 12th. A
debate thefirst and second
forms and a play, "The Merchant of
Venice Up..to-date," by tipper school
pupils will cal/melee the program.
E. MEverybody welcome.
Mr, R. ` Fanning' and Rev. 3.„
E Hogg were appointed by>the
County Council at the session, las
completed term of the late. H. B,s
week to the Clinton Collegiate
Board,: the >latter to -fill out the un+
A grant of $750.00 was inade "to The following front a Toronto
the Clinton, Goderich WSngham suck daily, refers to a fa -ate well-known
Seaforth, Scott Memorial, 'Hospitals resident of Clinton one who had
an Erten here:
•"Stricken with cerebral•hemorrhage•
The number attending the lecture while reading her, Bible on friday
on. the "Sottish .Wer Memorial), January 31st, at her home, Mrs.
given 'in St Paul's parish hall . -00 Margaret Ann Shannon, 83, of 102' •
Tuesday evening was not as large 4 'Me' rink St., died early Sunday morn- -
one would expect, but those who did ing, Feb. 2nd, without regaining
attend were well repaid. The • lee- consciousness. - -
turer was the Rev. J. D. Patterson She had. , been enjoying good"
of Peterbore; who was present whet
the memorial was epenedand who
lustrated his lecture with a number
of very handsome lantern slides. •
The memorial is of a national
character, was designed and built
by Scotsmen and recognizes the "sev
era] different divisions of the coun-
Bev. L. C. Harrison acted as chair+
man and Piper Match, in his High_ bine, Toronto, and one sister, Mrs.
land costume, was present and Hannah Higley, Toronto."
played a few selections on his pipes. The funeral was private and was
held on Tuesday afternoon, February
4th. Evidence of her kindly dis-
position and helpful, useful life, was
health up to the time of her death.
Born and married at 'Caledon East
she lived eighteen years in• Clinton,
Ont., before coarsing to Toronto in
1910. She teas a member of Howard
Park United church.
She is survived by four daughters
,Mrs. W. B. ,Smythe„ Oak Park, 11L;
Mrs. C. H. Joy, Zurich, Ont.; Tilts..
A. P. Torrance and Mrs: J. M. Sa-
The death occurred en Thursday
last at his residenee, Princess street, seen in the affectionate regard of
of Alexander, Brown, in his seventy- friends in the neigohood; par -
sixth year. ticulaziy of the childrehbn urof the local
Mr. Brown had been in somewhatity, giving an unusual touch of
failing health for the past t,evo pathos to her passing. •
years and had had one very severe A SUCCESSFUL PARTY -
illness during that time: But he had
recovered to a great extent and was The most successful this season
able to be about until three weeks and orale of the most successful skat-
before his death. : nig ,parties ever put on in the local
Mr. Brown was a native of Intl- • rink was staged Friday night by the
lett township,' having been barn on local branch of the Canadian Legion.
the farm just east of Clinton on the' One of the strongest drawing'
Huron road, here he continued to re- features of course, was the much -
side until September last, when he talked -of novelty - hockey match
moved into town. He itis] never `, which was put on before the skating
married but- he and a sister, Miss party started, when "Madame Queen"
Brown and Miss Maud Archer, who and her hockey team played a match
had been with them for the past with "Kingfish" and his team. Both
twenty-five years, resided together•, teams were dressed in comic attire
Another sister lives in London and a and their appearance ail the ice
brother in Washington, D.C. Sever- caused much amusement. The
al nephews and nieces also survive. "Queen's",team proved the winners,
among their Miss Mabel Brown of . the score being 4-1 in their favor.
Washington, D.C., formerly of Olin- i The "Kingfish" goalie, on stopping
ton. Mr. Brown was a man of quiet a, shot on his goal, was presented'
disposition and was held in esteem with an iron cross by Couneillor Dr.
by his neighbors and the commun. ; Phoneme, tttnid applause by, the
sty generally. He was a member of spectators.
the Brethren of whom a represseta- 1 Following is the line-up, all the
tire, Mr. C. J. Major of Toronto,men being members of the Legion:.
conducted the funeral services on I Gin's -Goal, M. Mulholland; de -
Sunday afternoon at the residence fence, D. Streets, H. Churchill;
and later at the graveside. The pall- wings, S. Schoenhals, NI. Streets;
bearers were: Messrs. John Mun- • centre, 11. Cooper; subs, M. Smith, P.
ings, R. Tiplady, S. hemp, R. Ent- Churchill.
bieton, H. Fremlin and W. S. R. Mem-Goal, L. Lucas; defence, A
Holmes. • I Steep, R. Forrester; wings, Ii. Tur-
A nephew, Mr. J. L. Brown of mer, C. Cook; centre, T. Morgan;
Verona, Penn., and Mr. Icing of sub, Go Gook.
Referee -Carl Draper.
After the game a large crowd en- ,_
DEATH OF MRS. RA.THW',ELL joyed themselves skating and eating
home-made pies and sandwiches,
After a little more than a fort- with coffee,,
night's illness Mrs. Rathwell; wife DIED IN WIEST
of Thomas Rathweli, Orange street,
Clinton, passed away at her home of From a Manitoba paper we clip
Thursday last, in her seventy -sec- the following reference to the death
and year" of a former Stanley township resi-
Mis. Rathwell, . whose maiden dent and a brother of Mir. George
name Sarah Harper, 'was born in Watts of Clinton:
Kinloss ' township, Bruce county, and te•pid City (flan.) last one of
at the age of twenty -ono was our- its oldest and most respected citizens
Ethel were amongst those who were
here for the funeral. -
ried to Mr. Ebthwell and they con-
tinued to reside in Kinloss for twen-
ty-four ,years, later going up to
Ripley. Thirty years ago they
moved to Stanley township, where
they settled ori the 2nd concession,
living there until' they retired and
carne into Clinton eighteen ' years
ago. They had a family of twelve,
eight sons and four daughters.-- Only
two of the sons survive, William of
Los Angeles, Cal., and John of
Alberta. The four daughters are:
Mrs. .Appleby and Miss Lolo Rath -
well of Toronto; Mns. Ernest Bozell
of Clinton and Mit. Pilling of Van -
server,, B.O. Three brothers and was married twice. HAW first
four sisters also live in the west,• . • wife and lathe. girl died .in Ontario
Mrs. Rathwell was a lifelong He in 1885. In 1890 lm married Mary
Methodist, up to the.date of union, Eleanor Mitchell. ' They lived in
and was a m.en'aber of Wesley -Willis Brandon fora time, moving back to
United church, being.. a member of the farm in 1895, till 1912, when
the Wesley congregatlion: She was they moped to Rapid City. The de -
actively connected with the women's eased was a memlbdn of the Metho-
organizations and was seldom absent dist church and_took .an.active part
from her place at the weekly ser- in building the church at Moline,
vices, her last illness attacking her and for years taught a class of boys
while in church. • - in the y school: Hcl was forced
The funeral was held on Saturday, a few years ago, on account of fail-
zn short service being at the nasi ing health, to cease front active par -
in the death Jan. 25th of Richard,
Hotham, and this district also loses
and of its eaa'liest pioneers. He was
born at Hatton Cranswiek, York-
shire, England, October 4, 1843. His
parents came to Canada via New -
York, the - family settling in Huron
County, where the father died. Mr.
Hotham came to Manitoba in the
spring of 1579, when, with Some
friends, he walked from Winnipeg to
Ovid City, finally homesteading in
the Moline district,_ then known as
the Huron settlement. He returned
to Ontartio and in the spring of 1880
brought his family to the homestead.
deuce, followed by .a service in Wes ticipatian in the •organized work of
joyalble hour was spent tsg'ether.ley-Willis church: - The Rev. J• E. -the church. Surviving are his widow
Rev. A E. : Doan, McA.,BLD the
minister of the church presided at
the meeting, t
meeting on Feb.' 12th which
will be In eharge of Mrs. Hawk's
group, while the nett chapter of
Study beak is to lee taken by MSss
Hattie Turner; ethos* vety interest..
ing introduction of the book will be
remembered. The meeting will open
at 2.30 in charge of *Is. Murdoch.
Hogg and the Rev, A A Holmes of- and too sons, Witham Robert,
ficiated at the services and the pall- Moline, and Herbert Earl, of Rapid
bearers were: Ernest Bozell, Ben, City; a brother, Robert, at Bruce -
John and Isaac Rathweli,
was in Baird's cemetery. 1 etiwicie field, Ont., and two half brothers,
Stewart and Ray Fear. Interment George Watts,s, of Clinton, Ont., and '
1l, Man, 'Mile
�" 0•ahn Wats. at Carroll, 1
Mr. and Mrs. Appleby and Miss
funeral service was held in the Uni-
oronto and ted church on Tuesday afternoon ant)
Rathwell were up from 'T interment made in Rapid City eeme-
NIr. I• Rathwell of Ethel also at terV Rlev. W. A. McKim Young of -
tended the' funeral.
finer members of his Sunday school
floating: The pallbearers were for -
se, .e'estieree:Sireekle.",,,Setli]