HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-01-23, Page 8THE CI INION I,11J W� ; RECORD' CLINTON'S LEADING JEWELER'S!' STORE :4 i What about that Check• you got for Christmas? Why not 'buS• sortie of `the-thi gs in Johnson's that you have been promising yourself for a 1o11g rime? the Ladies,we b ve Ivor Silverware, Rugs • Wrist `Watches and Bracelets. i Poi;, the •Gentlemen rWxist;Watches, Pocicetr ..:Watches, Puff ;Links, _ Tie Pins, and- Chaljsi . Iz, !INSOty Distributor for;"•Plinton P " Graduate-pf. Toronto College .of Optometry Next Hovey's Drug''Store. Jewaller and Opt'eian l GreatNews!; ;. 13ERGERTiiILQRLNG CONES•,'AN•Y`,Hi>SAUTHORIZED !Ili s . ; TO:, OI E?r•"., • irlu eeent,. of Beigei ;.`fCIdbIios, of ,Qtealtty`' and: their wort teifdl `Values Feed no iutroduetion to thrifty men. But' here's hig' ne*sl Iiy eordee to keep their tailoring plant busy during the "in betiveten , S ons!: in the *lathingyear, ` ileltave•'b'een, authorized ),to''accept._eiders '.for "ladles of:Quality!' AN AJ2EDIJCTIQN OF 10 ,e'FROM,I EGUBAR PRICES, from Janna2•y 15th: totFebruary 15th. "CliAlias of Q}raI- ity" area splendid buy at regular prices any tithe— at: this spdcial reduction these are -values you could. not possibly afford to miss; Choose 'from' the ` entire line of 'more 'thane 300 fabrics. Have your suit or neat tailored -to -measure . by Canada's leading style artists and tailors. Act quickly however, as this offer is only pas itively for the short time indicated. Come in now and leave your order. Piumsteel Bros: i I attention 1 DEFOREST CROSi;EY RENOWN CONSOL 1 SPARTON + 8-T1.113E 'CONSbL. We wish to move these models before stocktak; ing and eve . offering thein at Reduced Prices. Come, Hear and See these Machines The Price Will Surprise You Sutter & Perdue . PLUMBING HARDWARE • ELECTRIC WIRING • Phone ,147w ' Exclusively • lladeato4lcasurc Clothhig OVERCOATS AT BIG REDUCTIONS Watch our Windows for _SUITJNGS, REGULAR $85.00 for $28.00 Cleaning n Pressing' al .and "AGENTS FOR SKILL CRAFT CLOTHES, $25.00 • pAv!...s. HE MAN LEAVE' YOUR ORDERS HERE FOR Choie DaitT Butter W:E II?kNDLE NOTIfiNG latIT TBBE VERY: BEST DEL MAIZ CORN AND GREEN GIANT PEAS Good BQaelK Tea, per 'lb. 490 CELERY; `HEAD I:ETTUCE, :•TEXAS' R14PEb"R.i11T, BANANAS, ORANGES AND, HOMEGROWN RHUBARB.' FRESH EACH WEEK WHERE QUALITY IS AS REPRESENTED The . S. Grocers TTrCKTRSMITH: The funeral: of e -,late John OIdfie]d, a life -tong leiticnt of j Trtekerseeith, •' •'was held edesd' ay. aftern on. from. ,hislat q sideneo to the .lVlaitlandbank Caine y. The service was: conducted by Jan. 'Th and Jack: , Frost' awn Have both been our recent ipvolune tasy guests,. ...Which ever is.. ith us,: cold and dull without, perhaps stormy. and Jack Frost is • painting beautiful scenes •nn.yeer window panes, or too. much. enew ;and ieti to Wallie.ebottt. What joy it is then to loll! ;in your Most comfortable chair by the- •open fire or around the family table and read the wholesome ,magazine's or; a book that'euets your literary taste's: St4r'res ofadventore,.mystery, long; rernanee, 'human • nature, • fashion, cooking, :Meuse buildingand furznisi -- ing, '`alts ' en pictures,', interior: de- eorat: on, • gardening, embroidery, handicraft, radio finance, poultry, ;xueehauieS;�• music. Entertainment galore andthe acquaintance"'of real interesting :friendly 'and iigh-hearted fiction folk,. • Our magazine stand .or book shel- ves usually•resp'ond to requests made 'of them, If :we,...have not. Khat you want,• •as sonietunes, happens, ;we will try to procure it .for you: The fat lowing are in popular detnattd; ".Freel;.les Comes Hante'1 Jean Stratton -Pottier. "AllQuiet on • the Western Front". A million and a half copies sold.• "The•Bishop Murder Case'?, A Decteetiye Story well Written. • "The Runner" • Ralph Condor. • Me W. D. Fair Ca. Often the Cheapest --Always the Best Mhs. G. D. Robertonis 'visiting relatives in Detroit this week. Mr. Harry Dawzer of Toronto visited daring the past week atthe home of his sister,, Mrs. Pielsort .Ball. 14r. J. Sioman has been visiting his • sons at Kankakee,. 211., during the past week. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Layton spent last week visiting, friends in and around Mitchell Mrs. J. C. 1VI,tMath left Tuesday for Stratlpn,y to spend some weeks with her sister, Mrs. H. Field. Miss 'Minnie Mcitiiath left for Toron- to on Monday after spending a few weeks at her home in town. 11in, Ti Jackeen of Kenora bas been 'visiting at the home of his grand- father, Mr. T. Cardwell of tont. Misses Sheppard and Clement . of Gcderich spent tha week -end as the a ests of Misses Ward and Stone of Clinton. Mrs. John Sorel, who hits been visit- ing at the home of her parents, •Mr, and Mrs. J. P. McIntosh of town, left Friday last. for her hone in Fort William. Mr. 'Wilfred Thompson of Macklin, Sask., who was down to Northern Ontario on business, came on down to spend a few days with relatives .in the vicinity of Clinton: last week. Mn. Thompson is farming in Sas- katehewan but he also deals in horses, thus varying his occupation and finding it pays fairly well, es-' peeially when a partial crop failure comes .along. Mr. Thompson says many in the west were hart) hit last year and that the Goverment has had to. 'ship in feed for stock this winter. But he says veiny of the people make no provision for a crop failurd and, eonsequently, when it comes they are in very bad shape finanically. GODERICH TOWNSHIP A lovely baby girl arrived at' the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lobb last week. Welcome, little strargerl Mrs. Charles D;•' Ctnx of Nipissing is visiting her parents: Mr. and -Mrs. Wi: H. Lobb. Mrs. Lobb has been quite iii, for some time, we are sorry to report Hide yours dogs, the assessor is on his rounds. Mr. Heave McCartney, who has been again appointed •as- sessor for 1930, has conuneneed his duties, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Baaeki of Jledburg, Sask., were visiting last week with Mr. end. Mks. J. H. 'Huller of :the. Huron Road... , Miss Grace Tebbutt is the guest of 1VPrs. Mladter of Hamilton this week. Mr; and - Mrs.. Ernie MtsCariney and son, .of Druid: Sark., are visiting the • forn s tin ren. 1e,John � Mu?: eb- o butt, and brother, Mr. Hgr've Mc.Cart- ,ney of the 16th,; ;Mr. R. " G.. Thosnpsoii • bas again been re -appointed rector's warden of St. Paul's chureh, Clinton, for,, . the present year, and Mr. F'. W. Mari- s*re-appointed peopl'e's warden. ` The annual meetingodf Go erich ;district Loyal' Orange Lodge as held in'the. hall .oi' L 0. L. No. 145, Code rieha.townsfinp ]awl:, week. District Mkister'3Vpr. Bro. 141'ilteni Woods',occu- }I': r n for Rev:: T . ,B ow , tee o£•r i,St Thotnas church The deceased,-. who ;wasyears of age, was 'a son of 1 i f eke - .'tiic , lai;e Ioliu, df cid o . Tv, >v Q, ,r ernithee He is sureived by his widow, one :'son and one daughter. pied the chair. After the weldipg; nip;of ',thee general business fox' the. past year;; ; Mr. Weeds vacated the chair and Past District Master John Teq�c°1ure: tgok the chair .fo ;tha',el• c tion of officer': for 1930, which e - stilted as follows: district master, TIHURSDA.Y, J7E UAIkir• 23, .15700- ealusSemaimesemetimessaireateite izialisiissesimaitiadea tli MM1 Mil: F r I N°"' Q.N' S B I,G C.O 316a71,5ee:'t'Jre zest ': dinner ,ori' eY L`dtteet., ICB :SPECIAL :.P'RICE ' Y SHE .SAG F lig are•" Broadcasting Big Sale of Pure Case S ga FRIDAY, SATURDAY .AND IONDAY' Our. 'Own Baking ®Wd@1 ,` (WHILE THEY' LAST) tins for FRIDAY AND SATURDAY PRICE; LIST.- Salada.per lb 69c Red • Rose Tea, per lb 69c Lipton Tea, per lb' 69c Maxwell: Coffee, per lb 63c New Cheese, per lb 29c Kraft Cheese, per lb • 39c Mince Meat, to clear, lb 10c New Sun Wheat Bisc. ' 25c Free Running Salt, 2 for 17c F R I G •I' D A' I .R' 1E Fresh Fish • Fillets, lb 25c Red Salmon,Ib 30c Fresh Herring, lb :1Oc Salmon Snacks, . -:40c Fresh Picnics, 23c Minute Steak -'38c Fresh Lamb Rolls 35c Lard, 3 lb ` 55c Lard, 20 lbs' $3.25 MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY Large Jar. `Marmalade,' 33c Raspberry Jam, 39c Granulated Sugar, 5 lbs 29c P..:& G. Soap, 10 for 39c` Black Tea, Raisins, 2lb - 23c Fry's Cocoa, 2 'lb 19g Corn Syrup, 5 lb 29c Make Leaf Salmon, lb 43c 59c- .Afternoon 9c- Morning Delivery: 9 and 11 a.m. CASH AND CARRY $1.00 ORDERS DELIVERED FREE Afternoon Delivery: 2:30 and 5 'p.ez. W. T. O'N E WEERE "SELLS FOR LESS" PRICE PREVAILS PHONE -48 Wor. Bro. Alex leleNevin; deputy district toaster, Wor. Bro. Wilbert Harrison; chaplain, WCor. Bro. John McClure; recording secretary, Wor. financial ec- Young; Bro. James sec- retary, Wor. Bra, John WI. Bell; treasurer, Wor. Bro:Thomas W. Bell; lst lecturer, Wor. Bro. Elliott Har- rison; director of. ceremonies, Wor. Ere. E. V. Cleveland. Wor: Bro. John McClure installed .the newly elected officers. A splendid lunch was provided and disposed of. A sleigh load of eight members from Gederich Iodge No. 182 were in attendance, although the roads were anything but good. Tho council met in Holmesville on Andel, .Tan, 13th, as per statute, all the members being present. A letter soliciting a donation to the Hospital for Sick Children was read• but no action taken. in reply to Mrs. Jas. Buck's 'complaint re road the clerk' was : instructed to write her that Councillor Johnston would in- vestigate and report. The clerk was also instructed to order six copies of the Municipal World for the use of the council. T1ie statement of the Boundary Line ex enditure was or- dered fyled. .Me. Len MaGeo's claim for damages to a disk harrow was laid over tilt nett 'meeting to allow of further information being gath ered re this natter. By-law No. 1, setting the. salaries:. and No. 2, ap- pointing the officials as follows, were passed: R.' G, Thompson, clerk; Ii'. L. Salkeld, Treasurer; H' Sturdy, CaIlector; H. McCartney, Assessor; Austin Sturdy and Eldrid Yeo, A.itd- iters; D. Gliddon, Weed Inspector; Dr. 3. B. Whitely; b edieal Officer of Health; T. M. Woods, 1VPeinber of Board of Health; peg. Sturdy and Brown Stewart, • sheep valuators; Fence Viewers:. Div. 1, Chris, W. Johnston, .Geo. Laithwaite, Gem Sow- etrby; Div. No. 2,,G'eo 0. Sturdy, 6'. W. Hick, Root. Rodges; Div. No. 3, T. M. Woods," John McClure, Thos. B. Stewart; Div: 4 and 6, L. Alider- son, D. Gliddon,:Clarence :Patter; Diva 5, Robt. Smith,' Howard' Williams, Root. Pearson; Pound Keeper, 1'oi 1, Rebt. Sowerby;` No. 21, Chas. ?Muse: No. 3, John McGuire; No. 4, Arnold Miller; No, 5, Harvey Me•Caatne'y; 'No. 6, R. B. Colalough. Solicitor, Win. Brydone;; engineer, T.' R. Patterson. Bye-taw'N`o. 3 -was' passed aa'thor- iiing the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow money from the Royal !Bsnk fder'the payment ;pf current expen- diture. • John M t1holland'q tender for $05.00 for hb11 refit way.:•aceepted. • The price of gravel was set at 12c per yard. R Cr. '1 hotnpsolr was left ni charge of the books of the Road Superintendent as his assistant, . Eleeeve Id3ddieton, and Councillors Heaeke and Johnston were appti cited to investigate the sheep, claim of Mr. WI. T. Marney, ;in oi;de'r to ascertain the owner cr 'owners of the dog or dogs. Tho following accounts ,Were ordered paid T: T Murphy Division Covet °ler c fees, ';615 00; W. F Clark Divisithi' iitrt •Bailiff, $15.00; R. G. Thompson, ;census; ;to Melilla school'. Inspector:•, Se 50; R; Al: Porter, sheep - claim, $20.00i C. B. Middleton, wain- ing sheep. ,$4,00: R>,G,:lPhe ib on, road statements, 310.80; Reg. Sturdy, valuing alder?, $4.00; Supt. Pay VoucherNo., 1, $297.49; Ii. L. Salk- •elct-ba'faice Oen isalarr,,i$1500; 'Pos- tag'o, :$1.1:25:.;.1.,- . T l Mintev, sheep $8,42•00,.. -left, over till ' next . meebin 1;•. - A depgtatiotiof nett; payers, of 5. No,. I0 Waited, upon` the'`council The Ladies' Guild of St. Paul's Church present A Lecture by nese 3. D. Paterson of Teterboro describing the Great Scottish War Memorial and showing official slides. Tues., Feb. 4th at 8pm This lecture has been given a num- ber of times and is booked for Mas- sey Hall on March lst. -Tickets 35c. 50-2. LIB. -CONSERVATIVE BANQUET IN HONOR OF HON. R. B. BENNETT • Complete organization has been effected for the sale of tickets for the Hon, R. B. Bennett 'banquet on Jan. 29th, and these are now in the bands of the following Captains for the different wards of town and sur rounding communities:•— St. John's Ward Mrs. 3. MKinley. St. George's 'Ward: IVPrs. J. Schoen- hale. • St. Andrew's Ward. Mrs. J. E. Cook. St. James' Ward: Mrs. G. Elliott, Mrs. H. McBrien. Goderioh township: Mrs. s. C. Stur- dy, 1VIes. H. Thompson, Mrs. Mid- dleton. , Stanley township: Mrs. A.. Stew, art, Mrs. B. Murphy, Mrs. G. Han- ley. • • Tuekersmith township: Mrs. .F. Cooly, 1VIliss Morrison, I3ullett township: Mrs. T. Mason, Mrs. B. Allan. Londesbct5o: Mss. Townsend. Tickets can also be secured from other offices in Clinton: • At J. Sehoenhal's, W. S. R. Holmes, II. Johnson s, Plobinson's Grocery, • • N. V . Trewantha's office, L. Heard's shop, Dr. T'. Thompson's.. Association regrets that •seating capacity 'is limited, 'iii view of the great 'request . for tickets. - threatening a court action if deben- tures were issued to pay fon a new school in their section.. The council listened attentively but as no proof of any Mogul proceedings of eeliool board was produced and no request for the issuance of such debentures was before the council no action ivas taken. The council then adjourned to meet on Fob. 3, at 1.30 pm. —R. G. Thompson, Clerk, REV. 3.. W. 21SBERT DEAD, LONDON, Ont., Jan. 22—Rev: 3. W . Hibbert, well-known 'minister. of Wallington, Street -united Church, thee) suddenly to -day. He had pre- viously h ek1. changes at West Lorne, Newbury Gorrie, Winghane, Essex and, Kingsville, and, was president ,of the London conference for one year: CAUGHT Probably until the end of time women. will. continue to change their minds and men Will forget to post letters entrustekl to them by " their waves. But once in a while this mono-, tony'.of the `thing' is varied a little as when a friend of mine, pounced on her husband. "Did yeti ost'••that letter'I gave y u p • yon this mornin •?". 0f course I did," declared he 'I carried It tri my hands, so I •couldn't JUST AROUND THE CORNER FROM YOU At over six hundred paints in. Ontario there stand Superior Chain Stores, each serving its community with the most efficient, courteous service and offering you the highest giiality foods at ptie- es that are only made possible by then tremendous quantity pur- chases of this great Canadian Organisation•. There is one just, around the corner from you. Investigate and you will find that WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Rideau Pasteurized Cheese, is 1-2 Ib. pegs. 19a Royal Baking Powder, 6 oz 30c, 12 oz. i 530 Crispo Fig Bar Biscuits per lb.. IJe Aylmer .Golden Sweet Cern 2 for . 35e Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour each 1$e FRIGIDAIRE SPECIALS • Fresh Pork Sausage, lb. 25e Cottage Roll, lb. 33c Cooked Ham, lb.. 55e Roast Ham; lb. 57c We: slice it just the way ran Smyra Cooking Figs, 2 lbs. 25e want it. Fry's Cocoa, 1.2 lb. tin ..19c Crown Brand Corn Syrup 5's, per tin 290 Salt, Free running or Iodized 2 cartons . ..,: , 17e McCormick's Soda Biscuits per lb. 15c Pure Raspberry Jam, large 40 oz. jar 33e Maple Leaf Salmon, l's tail per tin . 430 Lux Toilet Soap, 3 cakes 28c Bovril, 1 oz. 25c, 2 oz. 450 2 in 1 Shoe Polish all colours poi tin , 12c PHONE YOUR ORDER TO J. T.Mc KN I a SON CLINTON, ONT. PHONE 111 forget it, and dropped it in the first box. I remember because — "That's all right," interrupted the wife. "Don't say any more. 2 for- got to give. you the letter," COAL & COKE We sell DL&W and Famous Reading Anthracite Coal, Solvay Nut and Furnace• Coke, Liberty Range size Coke, Alberta Coal and Millers Creek Soft coal. Our Motto— Good clean fuel at a reasonable price. W. J. MILLER & SON Orders taken at residence, Ontario St. PHONES: 46w and 38j Full Line of STOVES at Bargain Prices Now that the "-cold snap is here in• earnest, why not fortify yourself With oqe of cur high' quality stoves that we are offering • in a special value -giving event. These staves are the very finest models of the best manufacturers guaranteed to give good serviee.. A conplete stock of .quality hard- ware at economy prices. AILD: AIt n 4 LiN . . W pl ncl PLiiMB G Phone 244 an ertii 500 SKATERS: To Attend SKATING PARTY -cinder auspices of Hockey iilrsbran Thursday,. Jars. 23r SKATING PARTY - under the atisspioea of ' the Clinton Branch of the Canadian Legion Thursday, Jan.. 30th • KEEP THIS DATE OPEN: 48-2. liny C Made Brea FRESH -DAILY and Delivered To Your Home Wen f s 'fake • .,MA.IRERS OF • Whole"Wheat _. and Snowflake . BREAD