HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-01-23, Page 5xliURSDAY, JAMIAR,X'23',,.1ed:3OT THE C.INTON-NEW$ " RECORD Honour: with Profit 2`-',°ANADA'is proud of the grain ab4 livestock '4' records established by her farmers in the la�Ce of international coInpetitiori. " Success„ ,tom artij branch of 'farming conies ` with a l 'nowlec1ge of the best Methods. "l~eeding axacl better Livestock" Is a book,- let issued by this'Bank to 11e1p the Canadian :farmer increase his. profits. Ask -tor a copy. • The:likoyal Sank of Canada cliiiton .Branch - ' R. E. Manning, Manager. TM INTEREST 'TO YOU AND 1VIE .. • "IXd you hear:the King?" has ltseu the leading question since Tues- •day morning, k R 4 i The "King's English" is all right, `toe. Wish we'. miglit"hane the :oPpar-- 13017.vf, hearing more of the same. R R• R s A good many people were up, ear- lier on Tuesday morning last than •tbbsr neendTy'are, but it was worth it. - The • days are getting quite retie - rabbi longer. Still -Spring is a good way off. There's trine for such 'work "before' the call of the Great 'Outdoors. becomes irresistible. * R M The very feet that the opening of "the Naval Conference could be"heard around the world is one assurance •xrf continued peace. A better un- • dsnsianding - amongst the peoples of the world will tend to more cordial i telatione, , R R . . The 'big radio "hook-up,"the great-. 'est undertaking., of the kind ever. at- 'tempted, was an unqualified success. And. "Static," that bugbear of radio :;lane, seemed to have hidden his dim- inished head for the time being. The reeeptien was Perfect. .. b * When is the Government going to appoint that woman to the Senate? "There are several vacancies and there are several women, apparently, 'who would make good, well, at least, good average, senators, and every - ',body is curious to know just who is to be the first woman •senator. w.*w From a careful `.`listen -in" at the opening of the Naval Conference at London Tuesday morning it seemed 'to us tint the representatives of the 'two powers most entirely dependent upon navies, that -els Great Britain end Japan, seethed the most earnest 'in their desire for some reduction in 'navies. R R R x. Miss Agnes 1VfeP-sail, the only wo- man member of the Dominion Par- • Hanent, has been bereaved of her tuflter, ihtgald McPhail; -who' died 'after' an illness of .some months. 'Mem McPhail has 'been' an affection- -etc daughter and, no doubt, her faille • or was very proud of his gifted daughter. She will ;have the sym- pathy of all in, her sorrow. We are very . ineonsistentpeo- 'ple," remarks The Meaford Mirror. lige yell for good roads •'and then •tve yell about • paying for them." 'Yes, and the combined yelling is lik- -r3y to rise up to diseurb the harmony of the air for many a long year, or with every road in the country is "like a paved street. Then, no doubt, -we .shall begin to ask that they be covered for the winter, in order to •3crrep them clear of now. What endwits served by refusing u young inn who is a prisoner at Portsmouth' the privilege of visiting 'leis dying father,? Willsthe young man he any more likely `to respect "tilts maw or"the eights of others when tiine is actually terminated .be- cause he was denied the human right. to respond to his father's dying wish le see him once -mare? Is he likely to be a ;better oititen because af•that denial? Tliat is a matter for the' authorities to Ponder. t,5R,x " again ',The 'Sinicoe Reformer c ' in- .T.ietltices the Seggeseial that the autusenent tax on aniateur sporting. +eoratests,and the like should beabolish-> suT.•Tho' lto'formdr triiIy,. says . than, sports interests in the smaI'ler towns ;✓ } '(rave a hard, enaitgh time to make., 'ends eneet witlhottt'7tavtnt` to• contri- ibu$e' t '.the' Provincibl" treasury'.. - o I3oltoo1S which benefit everyone, al am lo - r atettrP s errs and'the t veterans ns . silettTd be ,piemjit when they aspire tss.put oa sninethiiig in the way of an enter4•ainttlett 'or coitest; • ' „• tth tt hat 'af' • Ilondon was in j? l 14Y •t ;# thewar'ltt' on Tuesday, es all eyes were turned thitherwvards and till ( ears pricked up'• to hear the 'voice 'of His Majesty,"King George, welcome the delegates' to the 'Naval .Confer- eine- ' Few, perhaps, of • the loyal subjects of•King George who listened. to his voice on -Tuesday,' but thought of the long anxiety of the months of his' illness and -vete thankful that he' was again able 'ter take has place, and perform the duties of his office,. His voice was firm and clear and as he spoke the'listenfer was aware` of the ,deep sincerity of his words. Ib was not a frothy speech made up of meaningless platitudet, 'hut one . of brief, Sincere -desire that •the confer- eneo would r`esuit in a 'lessening of the danger of was',. • In all the speeches there 'was that ring ,of sincerity, Prime Minister 'MacDonald was athis best and he was chosen as chairman of the con- ference...That the conference may be successful in reaching sorb agree- ment which will result in the flmita- tion •or reduction of naval arms is the, wish of, the people of the five nations represented, and. the conference gob off to a good start Tuesday: A N w 5. Mk. W. S. R. Holies, and all lic- ense venal:et " have been, given a supply of blotters to be banded out to all those obtaining motor licenses duxhig 1930. Thd blotters are sup- plied by the Temperance Education Council of Toronto and on their back is printed scientific •information for the license -holder, such as the follow- ing: "When one meeits an emergency in dr}t'ing. an auto, whab bakes plate is briefly this;- an image of the ob- stacle is formed en the retina of the eye and an impression is conveyed to dile brain. It is einterpreted, and a judgment of the situation is formed. An impulse is given through the mot- or nerves to the muscle of the arm and hand. The adjustment•of brake, clutch, steering gear, etc., is then at- tempted, Scientific measurements make it clear that the mental process, with a man in normal condition, takes about one-fifth of a second. Experiments under The l4Tediesl Research' Commitee of England., re- ported by Dr. A. Vernon Stooks, es- tablish the fact that when a man has taken as much. alcohol as is contain- ed in two ounces of 'Whisky this pro- cess takes from two-fifths to three- fifths" of a second, A drink on two of liquor means a loss of two-fifths of a second in an emergency. When it is recalled that a car going at 35 miles .an hour will travel betweeln 20 and 21 feet in two- fifths of a second,"one sees how ser- lously the margin of safety is im- paired. Your own life and the lives of others are at stake." And in larger lettering the follow ing i;uotateon: • ' �`.‘After di inking, it is impossible to drive catrefelly"-•.Magistrate BY owne of Toronto. It takes a: clear brain• and steady nerves • to •manage an automobile. A drunk Or partially drunk man Can drive a' ilii+se, ,per.,haps,' es a horse never indulges in intoxicants arid may be depended upon to keep •'his wits 'about him, no matter how fool- ish his Master becomes, but with a motor car its different. Everything depends upoe the. intelligence of. the driver., STANLEY .- . ... Mr. Will Seotchmer was in. Clinton 'oil Monday last. Miss Mine Herbert, teacher of S. S. No. 4, north, spent the week -end with Tilr.. and Mrs. John Turner. Mr. Wrill Parker was the guest of friends on the Brunson line on Sun- day last. Mr. Ed, ;Talbot has sold his .farm oiz'the Beufiinu lino to Mr. Allen Steekle. Ma; Geo. Coleman shipped a fine bunch of stock •to Toronto lest week. I. V.ARNA • Mas:'A. Austin has -returned: borne from Detroit, where; SW;vas called 'on atcoiit 'cif the';u den death of iier little grandson,, Broca +Austin Sc h ll; The Royal Seariet Chapter Of Stasi- SORB • tal, and ---Iia MVOLSI Unite on'JI elair, of Turlc, McC4 and Varn ROBE 16th, steel 88 SGHIO Detr Aus ane most "This '1 Cali Came t In P SL'CJ'N ory °dep It is j Left u And 'w Bemis -Sad1 • ley • me on Tue follows . Wore .Cont: Erwin; Marsh Lewis ty; 1st John braith; • A pi at Hen 15th, a elaft), ' ter of Tucker to Wail of Mr. of Var The • in •a P. george even h bouque She w Clinche wore green line: Mr. Po gift to the bti and to links, Folio dinner bride, t corated and ee ding ea tetter trip to trait. a smar gold t coat shoes, return groom' 'Stanley The church Mrs. 5 Clymer/ cided t to gnou respells month. financi the ole, served The District ange noon, J McLeod ducted whielt Dist.. Dist. M lain, A. W. K. tam P. Reid; er, D. Rathwe G. Clar CONTE OTT to The ✓inial the land prepare park in bee, a Ottawa, Stewart, a gather Quebec Ills aim Tonal pa vines,' l remarks, the pies their. att "Cana yet pos; art, no matte '0 ficieni t parts of sass thi est, BTe Va t . 5tI1 S5 C , rvateryw, and her eallOnialninlenesennosienamemeemoomel BIRTHS hi RTON-In y cit, tan ed of arted ust y allf:Fred Cast}e; when smith reneh tte t as T sired with s al se aminal 1VItaster, Marshall, I1; AWA, t d,;to senses f �Clinton.s.New,La , d Egg A, �y t �y n ,, .!. .: • Howe = Eggs 'bought according 'to DOtttin- ion Government Egg Regulate*, Inquire for out prices` of eggs. Xou.rviil"always, find our pltces;par- allel with the city markets. Vat bens and, .well fiinished chicks always wanted -Prices good.,.. Always phone our office for prices before marketing produce. ®- �9f 4 • ) 1 did er (J � • �� e. ` C � ��for cflee • 1i o 1 , bJ r...7".......- • � � " of Clinton Public Hospital, on�G° 11th to Ma and Mas, D. A a sun=Donald Ross In Godetoch tov n imp on 'fan,, to Mi+. e:4. hI'rs. Bert' Lobb, :ghter:=Gi^tee. G(tzol • -•: iR II ----In Aleaanchie Iiospi- iederich, on Jan:' 20th, to Mr, ars.,Wilfred Ifoggarth, a son. mond Robert, . " Pi tuber bl Florist Telegraph Dahl,- erV Association CUI FLOWIERS FLORAL DESIGNS Far All OicaStonsS'ent Anywhere. Crreenitat Greenhouse is nt, near as your phone.: "- ��'�'' '' ����� Two. Phones-6(iw •and 66$ N. W Tre�arartha j Phones -Office 214j Residetiee, 214w l rsaM SALTS .6 lbs, 2",c SUItPHUR, 6 lbs.. for 25c SALT P'ETRE,• per pound2c .170 •eNiAR1 AG'ES Concert Program vczlE- IL'-�.At the d church parsonage, Hensail, in. 15th, by the Rev. A. Sin- Nettle' Mae,eldest daughter r.and Mzs Wm.Pepper of ars/pith, to •Wilmer George g Mehey,. of Stanley, son of Mr. Mrs. George Mb0lincliey of 'DEATHS Gadeznch, on Jan, Mt's:. Raberb Roberton; for- of Hullott township,; agc1' ems'• sit, n the. Beeper Hospitab, an • January' 6th; Bxixce, Schell,' youngest son 'of •Mr. firs• Floyd It. :Schen, aged 10 hs and .14 days.and and .. Dance IN AID OP BAYFILLD PUBLIC LIBRARY in TOWN HALL" HAYFIELD " • ,,on ' FrYday, ,ran'. 31st 193n from 8.30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Program eomme6oes ab 8.30'sharp followed by dancing and refresh- , xnents ENTERTAINERS TJ3 cLion, Gentlemen, ,AdtR'ssion, GentleCLINTON • ,. men, l±e > Ladies, 25c sandwiches : 60-2. - TirOUYICI Steak 2$e Sirloin Steak . 30c Po•rter House Steak -- 30c BORAX, per:pound ,... , .. .. , .... , ... , :, , . COD LIVER OIL, per gallon' ZE OLEUM, LICE POWDER,IOW ,KURE FORMALDIiXDE T MERiGINE BON AMI, .41:50 , GILLETTS LYE, LEMON, BANANA AND. 'SEWINNG MACHINE OIL, - VALVE GRINDING COMPOUND, FLAKE GRAPHITE; W1HITING SHEET AND GROUND GLUE, STEWIART CLIPPER. PLATES, COLEMAN MANTLES AND GENERATORS; ALADDIN WICKS, MANTLES . AND CHIMNEYS, SWEAT PADS; . ETC. ' - Hamblarg Steak 20c Choice Rib Roast : 22c Rib BO11S 1 oC Beef for sale by the quarter Pork for sale by the half TELEPHONE • 53 - CVL YY •���� Co • or 'Whole • Home-made Pork Sausage per lb. 22c . of ,all kilzds, best quality. ' • ••• Houle -nulla Head Cheese at . VENNER,Electrician H. Electric Ranges, F1xtgres, Bulbs,, 'Appliances VViriat 'and Repairs �^ irons, Fans and other Phone ' oveJy bird so young and- fair, hence .by'early doom; o show how sweet a flower arattise-•wools 3310 OM." IN MEMORXAM ) ltCGCK'-In • Lovina' rent- Nathaniel Saunderieock who this Life• Jan 9th,.1'929 •�`�C.H �� •s5 .♦ anted g ., •"' We ase again in theanaxketfon,good.•Cures.Ineats maple, basswood; 'elm and' white oak g• 'legal, delivered tn•'oixr yard at Clin- • Colt, 20c per .Ib. ` Any quantity of best Lard COOkeu Tripe, lb. 5C • - -- .RUPTURE. SPECIALIST " Rupture; Varicocele, Varicose Veins Abdominal.Weakness, Spinal';Deform- ity. Consultation Free. Call or write J. G. Smith,'•Specialiat, 15 Ddwnio.: St, _ __ ' W e ilValiit, Your milk and 'Cream We are manufacturers `,of b cheese and butter. `. We want y a year• ago' since Daddy a -lonely. here below, e miss :hYm, oh, how sadly, e we loved him so. Missed by: wife and family.' ' . �•• • � 'Raiz '• Oall phone 147-w, be see„I. ;A. Sut- ter, Clinton. . • r ., 50-tf.. • Stratford,: Ont, ". ' • ' 10-1929. milk or, cream. We pay highest ket price weekly, Satisfaction t in the Orange hall, Varna, slay, January 14th, when the- ng: officers.were elected: •' Com.: W. J. McLeod; Dep. Gee. Clarke; Ghaplain: A. E. ,Scribe; Fred W. McClymont;' 'Watson; lst lecturer:' Clarke; 2nd lecturer: J. S. pet Coni-: L. K. Epps;•:2nil Cond.: Herald: D. C. Gal= Sentinel: Tom Stinson etty was CARD OI THANKS ; •CONNELL "b�. Thomas Sampsonand; fancily 'wish to- express.their sincere apprec- elation n to Hullett, Lodge No,,568 A. A. M.:, to all those who .loaned sleighs, to the ladies who:se kindly.• provided. dinner.. ,for those who ac- companied them Tram Palmerston on Feiday lest°and to all who extended assistance and; sympathy in their recent bereavement,. & TYNDALL Clinton's LeadingMeat Market Hemstitching Experzene"ed'h'emstitching and:pic- of edging done at a reasonable rate by Mrs. W. J. Knox, Box anteed. Phone your order for finest ch or pasturised butter in prints or 321, -Sea- forth, Ont. ,-Phone 31,•: • , 39-tf. ids to W. H. Lobb, Clinton; Ont,, R. No. 3 Phone- No. 605r32.' Fish and • More Fish :. ' Forma Ior Sale Lots 27: and 29,' 9th ,concessipn of Gpderich, township, consisting of 16a acres of , good clay loam, VA miles west of Holmesyille. Good �,,,� THE•. • HOLMESVILLE C0i0PE TIVE CHEESE AND BUTCE ' COMPANt-LIIIIITF,D WA can still supply your pp y you with fish requirements, as we have anethr er targe shipment on hand at the same price as last 'week. buildings,,,. neverfailing .wells.` Ap- ply to Lewis Proctor, ;t. it: No. 3, Clinton. Phone 611r2 Clinton can- 29 # Eggs and Poultr wedding solemnized sail on -Wednesday, January' t high noon b Rev. A. Sin- g ' ytral. Nettie Mao, eldest (laugh- Mr. and Mrs. Wen. Pepper of was united in niarr}age mer George McClinchey, son and Mrs. George McClinchey na• brid° was charmingly gowned gown of venetian blue and lace, featuring the un-' online,' and carried a bridal of aphelia roses and ferns. attended by Miss Mabel Mc- t, sister of the groom, who en imported frock of foliage georgette with uneven hem- he groom was supported by' star Pepper. . The groom's • .HOG SETIPhIEN1S Report of 'Hog Shipfnents for. the month ending December; 1929: Clinton• .Total hogs, • 185; select bacon 65; budgie 106• butchers 9• lights and feeders, 1,' ' ' Londesboro�Total hogs, 246; sel- eat bacon, 103; bacon, 119; butchers, 10; 'lights and feeders, 6. Huron Co, Locals -Taal 'hogs, 503; select bacons 111; bacon,325• butchers, 37; heavies, 7; extra heav- les, 8; lights and feeders, 12. Iiuron Co. --Total 'hogs, 5134; sol - act bacon, 1659; bacon, 2776; butch- ere, 430; heavies?, 43; extra heavies, 4; lights and feeders, 116, Specials for January 23, 24; 25 Icing Sugar, lb. 7e Wheatlets, 4 lbs, 25e Coin Meal, 6 lbs.... 25e Our own coffee, lb. 66c - To Rent - • A modern dwelling of ,;eight rooms, also garage on Gibbings St., Clinton, Immediate possession. Apply to A. J. McMurray, box 193, Harriston, Ont. 26_tf, Slone on Tuesday and Friday fo noon to take. in Poultry ' Eggs handled' at residence en clay -graded by an experienced gr er, for which we pay the high mhrket price. Core Starch, 2 pegs. 19e Pastry flour, sack . 1 95e Aylmer corn, 1'ri, 2 for 8eo Lantern globes, 2 for 25c House to Rent ' 5 -room house, James 'street, Olin- ton. Town water, electric lights . Apply to W. Jago, Clinton, 31-tf. Cream purchased for Stillman's, A.E. Finch Viking Cream Separator Agent. Victoria St., Clinton Phone -`° • Postponed Meeting • D i . Glidden fiOLMJ;SVTLLE The postponed annual meeting of tite The. Society will be held in•tlie board room at the townLOgS hall on Tuesdayl, Unitary 28th, at 8 o'clock, pan. All members are re- • Wanted We are again in tate market 1 the bride was silverware, to desmoid; a necklace of pearls the groomsman, gold cuff wing the ceremony a wedding was served at the home of the C. C. I. Tea Afternoon tea en Friday, January Collegiate 24th in Calle Ate auditpriunt 4,3D to 7. Proceeds in aid of Girl Guide Uniforms, Pay a fewcents at each table, 50-1-p, House For Sale Seven -room cottage with quested to attend. H, E.Rorke, Sec- rotary. 49-2. good maple, ,deliv re cherry a white ash logs✓ delivered in our yar glassed- in porch, Joseph street, Clinton. Pro- party of Mrs. Geo. Ladd. Furnace, Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed and re - at Bayfield and 4th concession God rich Township.. • ho tables being tastefully de- with aprofusion of flowers with afoot -tiered wed- ke. • the bridal couple left fora Toronto, Hamilton and De- he bride donned for travelling Announ• cement Salvation Army Lantern service "Uncle Tom's Cabin." In the Salva tion Army hall on,Priday evening at 7 o'clock, Admission, children, 3c, adults, 5q. Pion to come. 50=1. - town water; lights. 1Garden with some fruit trees. Apply to le le. letair, Joseph street, Clinton. 50-tf. paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms over Heard's Barber shop. W. J. Jago. 228342. - McEwen Bros. Farm For Sale • 100 acres in Hallett, well tttler- drained soil, 2 good spring wells; largo barn and shed, stabling under all. Good 8 -room frame house House Por Sate Comfortable nine room house, Victoria street, Clinton. Garage and stable. Apply to S. G. Castle, Clip- ton. 40-tf. HAYFIELD Phone 624r4, Clinton, 46-t t frock of black crepe with trimmings, black broadcloth sable trimming, and" hat, gloves to match. On their 1VOTICE 1'O CREDITORS In the Estate of :rohtt Riley, Deceased with cellar. No reasonable( offer refused. Apply to Ohas. Sundercock, Londos- bore. Phone 250 r25t Seaforth ten- tial 50-5• • Now Is The Time • Now is the season to get your har- Hess oiled. 1 am prepared to oil all kinds of harness, single or double. t-^--+ "-- File Mid-Continentaland Corporation twill reside on the fine fat m, concession 8, ' M. M. S. of the Varna United met recently at the hone of :elk, the president, Mei. Mo- t, in the chair, It Was de- at the members be divided in- groupB. ps of three each to be for the program, for one Miss Bertha Diehl read the report for' the year. Ata of the! program Mrs. SteIk a delicious afternoon tea. meeting of Stanley L.O.L. was held in the Or- all, Varna, on Tuesday after- au 21st. Wlore 'Bro. J. W. Past District Diaster, con- the election and installation, :Tanked as follows: Wor,- C. E, Diehl; Deputy aster, F. Watson; Dist. Chap- ' b. Rea -Secretary, Erwin; bis S y,t' Stevenson; Dist, Fin.-Secre- McClymont; Treasurer, J. W. L. Clark; lst lectur- C. Galbraith; 2nd lecturer, B. •auditors, G.Johnston . and NOTICE is hereby given that all persons baring claims against the estate of John Riley, hate of the Township of Hulletb in the County of Huron, yeoman, deceased, who died on or about the 20th day of Decem- ber A.D„ 1029, are required to deli✓- er to Elizabeth Mann and Benjamin Riley the executors of the said es- tate or their solicitor, on or before the 10b17,day* of February .A.D. 1930, fell statement of their cleims to- gether with particulars thereof, and the nature of the securities if held by them all duly verified by affida- vit. .AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date the said executors will proceed : to distribute the estate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled there- to having regard only to stab 0101113s+^ as. they shall have received due not-, ice and in acesrrdanee therewith. DATED ab Clintons, Ontario, this 20th day of January.A.D., 1030. W!. BRYDONE, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said estate . • . , 60-3. Tenders Tenders for the erection of a new • J. A. Workman, harnessntaker, Kip- Pen. 49-2, '"Having completed sale of shares second Standard Royalties, are no school in section Na 10 Goderfch township, will be xeceived up to 6 p;id Monday, Feb. 10th, 1930. Plans acid specifications may be seen at the home of the undersigned, Lo- Loweable est or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Certified cheque for 5 per cent. of contract price must accom- patty tender. ' Sighed Oliver R. Welsh Seo.-Treas. R. R. No. 2, Bay-. field, Ont Phone 22-606, Clintons central. 50-2-p, • • 9 t 1 x f,�iy fi�0�ll.� Cllz� I S• WI giving clients another chane° to pu chase .Syndicate unites, with bout of contitnon in a new Royalty C'ou pang. Call on representative for partici lays. J. G. CHOWEN CLINTON. P. O, Box, 155 Phone, 1 Il_p0 es®MI�L�To= Wanted Experienced Hi. (ll ljUT THE FIEA �Q acs """' ° �""" e Deep Warm • Witl maid, who can cook '�� LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHhACIT• for family of three. Apply to 14irs. Ramsay, 197 Ridout Street, south c, `• " -n MORGANTOWN BITUMINOUS London. 49-3-• •NUT ' t,- - MINEHEAD ALBERTA DIAMOND O.K.OKCOKE DIS€'ERSION SALE oC'Herd e Dispersion of Ayrshires-- ices . ,„ •, • , ' ..,-•r . ` . \,,.. or LIBERTY DOMESTIC SIZE COX L' -re ton Herd of Registered yr 2G head --to be sold by auction on TUE1SDAY,. JAN. e8th, 1930'; at 2 p.m., at Earlston Farm' '(1 mile southwest of C.N.R. Station); Sea -ewe forth, :Ont. Apply lar catalogues. w, , •� r .E '! ,� , lEille.. t"G, �� J „ � 1 ' -_- • A. D. cCartne V J Coal Dealer Queen Street Telephone 2; k NOTICE TO CREDITORS •, 14iPLA7'E NEW NATIONAL PARK In the !:state .'• 2 John we• 3oltns, 1Joceased. J. A. D2eKENZIE, Prop, 49-2. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY -,'' • COUNCIL •, The Coblicil of the Corporation of the oiinty • of Huron will meet in the` Goitnt'y' Council chamber Goder- ich at; two o'clock In the afternoon of Tuesday the 38th day of January Dees•• , All ;accounts against the County, y' a applications for Old Age I'en- dons should bre in the hands of the Clerk on or before Saturday the 25th inst. ire order to ensure . action at this meeting of the County .C`•ouneil, Did you ever, stop to think that much of our containment depends On comfort?and Wherever you- find a smoothly run- nYng -household; good meals on the table, warts, cosy•roams to.live in, a cheery fireside to gather around, There you are likely to find a ha - P py, contented family. Keep up the contentment of your home'with another load of heat I`olks Coal, Intplernent Agent I handle Coekshutt iinpleme .pecan separators,, Frost a Wood Implements anti carry pat, and repairs for seine... . I am .also agent; for' Allis -Ch meta Tractors. Those wishing. to. inquire alts' any of the above kindly call at t xesidence, JOIHN V. DIEIIG, (Zueen.Street, Clinton. 81 pot,. Jan. 20 (Special News-Reeoid)=:I£ the Proms Government ' would set, aside, the Pedeeal government was establish a new national the G4"tiifean •district of Que-` few, mules to the north - of • stated' the • . Hen: Charles Mtinister of the Interior, to Mg' of Ottawa, women in the mete -of -the Chateau Lauder. was to see established a eat- rk in revery one of the pro- to said in the course of his ' "whielt dealt' chiefly with en g oup 'parks t r of15 ark and'after ructions for tourists. i a Stewart,' "`as da, sa d, M S •no supreme works of g;i at Cathedrals, me mobil-, f bistety ,' of entigiiity'' suf- . o hitt 'visitors ,from" other Die world but site does os „ P Cgs that aro of world tiller- r 'heat' attracttor iii her .. , ,,, .. h � :her .ilia mf tent lane's and ,e s ei unspoiled il ild.r est V , Ti n po ed w m wonderful. l4ational Patt.s. • ,NOTICE is Hereby given all'per- sons having claims against -the' es- state of John . Rowse Johee, : late of the. Village of 'Veber, ie. the; County: of ILaron., laborer, deceased, who died on or about the 15th day of •N'ovem- ber Al)., 1929, are required to de- r eel'and •the ad`ntittis- liver to -Ethel 1, r tratrix :of the said estate or lies 'Sol-' leiter, on.or.befor'e the 10th day of kebruaiy A.D., as* aefull;sts lenient d,f their claims together with parte-: culars thereof, and;the.rtatuve of the' t securities if held lay hem all duly'n verified by affidavit. • ; AND TAKE ,NOTICE that a ,r the said last Mentioned date the sold. s ' e ' , is- admimstratrtx will proceed ie. d tribute the estate of„the setae; deeeas- . ed amongst the • pet:sols ` .entitled t, thereto having regard only to.- such j . .,. i she shall have received due rice therer Tilt. - notice and t:n trecotda V. - ,i ` DATED at ;Clinton, Ontario, this rr ""'f anuar •' fi':D:' 1980 • soils; , tt to t Ontario J . t tat ° olteitot oi• the sa d ea b0-3.- and the Oe A. Pensions Committee. Applicants for 0. • A. Pensions that al ue tions are should see l q s roterl „ slut. plainly, answered anti P Y '' executed. Be all forms properly. Call the ' t�l� McCo nick -De ening AgCpC, g'; over• the, above fOr 80011, clean coal Having taken e a v ency for this district I. will Ise• , sure your Post Office and • the .1Vtun- ieipality you live • ill are correctly given. Itifuntct al Cl�exks ' aro asked : to icip p � le sendper mail as ' soon < s. 'possible p their Certificates of Z IoeLton of . Reeves -De uties..: . , • ' GEO. HOLMAN . ;" C n ieYt,. ., ou y f;. Goderich, Jan, 10th,,,1930. 49.2. :. ::, CONI: ;P1kQNE . 74 handa full stock of rep ars. and p of all McCormick -Deering mac. and will appreciate P , g ofthfa' share o£ Clnttott.. illglaratrona a o£ the:fainhers'suroun - .: , a myshe next do, :. Cal t , 7otxes! blacksmith shop,' Kiiig sir. • ' ._ Y ..*.W. TEVVAA .; ,J. ., , • •CLINTON--Clinton, ()nt,,:•Pkone 2$lty.