HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1930-01-09, Page 3I
- Llt#es# nn Locaflfo#iveg ', {, `` ` I9C�� d ®��a Aity
� athl• Penalty Called Necessar11 ,
y 3�00sell y0ap in the
• s,a ,r � i; . " c+ t ::�' Su > i0rtia the crippled .C(tr on
Ear of Birkeead Y ,,. y �r
x :,:y • w . ,,;.: t, " ;,>. V- either side; we made tile' host oi' our n Old reliable busi-
rw pp88�q,,�� 8•ypA111p ,r��1. i.� t■� Abolition
tt • }•��rs,,., .. , Deal vnth a I e
To fila. ulilents fo Its L-�r.J clition .aer» v,�. ..�M,.. - �..�r, wily 8 �lltudt o(l yards o1 so t0 4.101Y,
? ;a•.1, ront the We have paid for eggs for Hess haus() with a reputation of.
,, tltatohocl ¢shirt sot taacic t
,. the' week 'ending'-January more than 'sixty Hve years for
1` " 1. road, Barney knocked loudl
"` divided door held p}otectmgl9 age net 4th. square• 'dealing. Beet prices .
''1�C�• n i i 9 tt F, 3,
y.,IieC11l`i0i'1 for GTaveSt Cl'ilrleS U);l 1eld as Right,of Community , ' „ +�"`"""�'" � � �'�:. the driving storm, C&UtiOtlaly.' EM.TRAS; 60c dozen: paid.: PCg lirpt ' payments. Cases - � .
I� c� i eI41S ill' 56 K, g from 55c dozen returned quickly. Gases sup,
anti"aS an L:,SSelltial'Deterreint, Ex. eT TR . FIRSTS'
uy4... :. ' u a a , .., at the tap. A shaiP inspection Co dozen plied, 60c each,, complete, del
Life Im risoni-nent as Maximuin P.unislr- .. - � ,:.. PULLETS 9oc
1viEItitt, and the bottom :came oP(sn SECONDS 30a dozen ered,cpayment in advance.
-" . ":. `dOnlDtives and four Wheels in:'the trailing truclt,
117ei19`�eTirle[i1i1cOl2C�,llsiVt3 .Tile ueW, .2800 class. to eked ;anon be(irng- ..�-•-••--- =�--•^ Ro¢ecence:•—Your Own, Banker,
Tho weight oP Che eitgiue is .351,000 Bled we filocd rDrott 'b�'aite for Weelsfy Quotations
B the 17ar1 of Birkenhead barous laws .leave been repealed, and now being placed ht setlice by the tomlils and
o¢ the tender fi93,00(l "Goll save all here t"
3 1 ppi�li�n f �q i Ifsl �p X0�88 @ �tlp° Q
opinion, held To that the lair of treason ls'tiow sant- Canadian PaeiRe �tailway carie yet pounds, while the, overall length of "God save; Ye lcincttyt" THE 101gjtl�tJr 5&���fit9�3 ^Vlog �9Gtl0�lsi
There as an 1 by
reo le that it is n0 longer Pgratively simtrle• another forward step in the history ,the two is 91 feet l 5-8 fuahes. Like The atmosphere was very close ESTABLISHED OVER 65 YEARS
sppusibie. i p ,
i' the death penalty as a Penalty Sometimes Excessive, of Illative potter. - the "fifty-niue Hundred's," which were and stifling from tine smoke or s, Peat
right to rota r 1 P Y nceive that in some of the exist- �$-,�� i®aI# I 11 I East ®TDffi#O s�
form of -criminal ' punishment. FroU- I co 1 These -locomotives; leu of which ' • Saenger, fire, anti it wa With some difficulty -
1 I.
nvince fag, cases it may well Up .First the are being built for Past Passenger built
eolof 1ite�CPR. iudtlie Roelof that we made. out our enforced Bost:
aUly it is : xmpossiblo to co itv T
death penalty is excessive, but most acltodirles, are of life 1Iiuisou tyle Ile was a strpcfng picture; tall, broad '"' '
• them that thein opinion to erroneous, under rho lwIouutafiis, they are equipped with
the may of theta are so triable aud and in. 'their,, speed> power; and eHici- the tylia ">;" suiietheator; aio •stol(oi- off shoulder, uncombed and nti'coated, ��
but there is a danger 'thatY
Treason-Felbuy acts Which were pass- represent the,result of years of and clad la,patelled corduroys, br,•o-
Uy their insistence impose. that euc3', fired, and have cylinders and (coder-
ad so.thftt the offense can, be treated frames cast in one solid piece, weigh t
' utiig• anti construe, gau$, and a very soiled Shirt open, at �lq�p
opinion upon into cormnuuity f¢ uoth- as a' felony without. capital punlsh etPorionce iu des{g,tlte Corin tttiiy's en.• tit 50 060 pounds. The nfol[el he ueolc, In. spite of Its dress, how- y(t �,
tug is, said on•the other side. tion on tete part of 1 rug about tL
It Is.'to those who. have , open menti girteers. steel boiler is designed to withstand ever, he ' Conveyed , no agreeable -Im-
. . 1
re therefore ready to con•, OP th() second offense I believe that The new engines have a wheel ar- a tvoricing Pressure . of 275 pounds, pression or euergY, solfrelianco and
.mord, and a tltere fs .no; modern instancei in Alits- B TO TORONTO
alder carefully the arguments on both was rangement not previously used in and the -engines.' tractive effort will liata al dignity. Ho hurripd'us tO'the
-Bides, that these observations are ad- country. During the war thereCanada, with four wheels is the lead- be . fti life neighborhood oY 45,300 hearth )vitt' many 'expressions at
"':aresseti, I`do not'desiro to Preach to Pound no one so base ns to Inflict that Ing trucir, six 75 inch (hiving wheels pounds• kindly Soltuitude and helped us out
'the converted or . e persuade those injury upon, the Oouutry or to give of our dripping coats. "Patrick r he LOW INSURANCE AND STORAGE RATES
who are convinced that I must be such assistance to the enemy.. If — ' called, to a SCaltwai•t seri, "get that
W wrong. tilers had been, the .offender would Survey of Nursing Education in Canada horse and car into the U,yrel" And FIREPROOF iELEVATOfi�
I thtult . i , , � Have teen aitning at the life of the e y
t uncontrovertiblo :that a community, :he would hate foifeiteii ' to us, "Let ye' luake y hat ma easy �+
country can call upon its men to die ,iiia right y, continue among us. I aa- the while we be doing ~what may bet- �iRle Or �piEOflie t'®1 Particulars
in order that the Community may Fpr two years a joint Committee though no one knows what,the actual In the twilight of a single rush- i
' live. It does not matter whether the Sort that it would not -be right that` facts are. „
such a man should'lize. Composed at tilts() representatives of candle the stole appraising glancesTORONTOELEVATORS,,,
rq d��pg LIMITED
soldiersarevolunteers or coihscriPts. the Canadian Nurses, Association and The committee has been. most for around. It Was a low room of dingy ji F O 4 11.t11M ii.,�'
s oldie s Grey, I teens whether the ' The third offence is piracy ~with via- tunate in securing the services of Dr.. whitewashed walls, clay 'floor, and
lance. we think that Piracy is all the Canadian Medical Asgotliationllas George M. Weir, Professor of Educe loll®IIIle �¢aeeSts8affii!
.principle underlying the objection tel soot-blackened rafters.. Four or Itva .
obsolete crime. There are no pirates been planning a scientific survey of tion in the University .of British Co-
the death penalty is not really, the crude, homemade three-legged stools ELgin ,
,expression of unconscious ,Pacifism, uowa(layi, and time has, conWed in nursing education in Canada, The lumbia, to direct a scientific study of . getout® , +$®
one golden haze the exploits of those stood abet On one side was a ant- t
Case of Traitor Cited mariners of England who exacted re• personnel. of the committee is as fol- nursing education, Dr. 'Weir obtain- tie that served as a bed by-,night, and 7fl�fl
Yet it may be Traitor
C such a sac•' ' lolls: Dr. G. Stewart Oatuorou, Chair- ed leave of absence train his Univer- above it a shelf cluttered with jugs . •'
tiibutiou iu the days when private. man, 'Dr. A. T. Bazin; President, efts in ardor to undertake this Mork. and bottles, In. one corner stood n __
rificais.for. the 11fe of the community, vengeance was still arguably lawful, Canadian Medical Association; Dr, He is well known in- educattonat churn, .and in another a dresser with -
The death Penalty is a Punishment and the misdeeds of the truculent Duncan Graham,. Processor of Medi- circles in. Camilla, especially in con-
for an offence' against its laws. Is ruffians' who disgraced the high Sena pots aud crockery, .The hearth was w y i� . r
Clue, University oP Toronto; Miss uection with the survey he made of deep and smoke-blackened, and over L I �• w
. there, then, no crime which is aimed before the British Navy drove them Jean I. ' Gunn, .Superintendent of the elementary and. secondary schools
against the life of,the community, . into oblivion. the hob a huge iron pot hung from a p} FFFI III
Nurses, Toronto General Hospital; of British Columbia a few years ago. lmolc by a sooty chatu. L� t� n 1
what, Chen, aro we to say of a for- But history proves that pfracy re bliss Kathleen Russell, Director, Dr, weir has"begun this nationat As we steamed before the peals we �I.. �'r � z
Sign spy Who is ;seekfug to discover wives whenever government` Is tweak, Dept. of Public Health Nursing, TJnl- survey in Ontario and is already deal- took covert note, of the liouseltold. t5
and betray our secrets to the enemy? and at the Present time Ewe are mourn- varsity of Toronto; bliss Jean E. 'Ing with such questions as the selec- Three or Pour ragged, wild-eyed child- . ) '' l I
What as to that viler person, the Ing the loss of two gallant leen who T \ ^ll
traitor who, seeks to subvert the laws Brown, National Aatioual Director, Junior tion of nurses, their preliminary edu• ren in sensational stages of dishabille � .� '+
died defending their ship from the Red' Crosa•(SecretarY-Treasurer)., cation, the curriculum of training stared at us, wonderstruek, from safe l; / I
and constitution of our, country, 1vItO pirates whom lately we dislodged It was felt to be necessary to-get schools, methods of teaching, exam- retreats, while their barefooted moth
lends his aid to the anemy which is from Bias Bay, a body of facts in regard 'to nursing inations..fees and remuneration, co- er bustled about searching but dry
attacking our lives and liberty.? It Iii the olden. times the pirate was clothing, putting potatoes to roast on. ® j �,�
It to lawful to resist the enemy and described as "Ilostis humans generis" because of the rreA on that has Pre• operation wttk the medical profession �i �/� ��+� �
queutiy been turned on the profession and cOmunitp organizntious• the past• coals Alia getting the pot � Y;/ if� cY '
kill hint in open and mauls conflict is and he alone of all. criminals could be and kettle to humming. J
it not also right to traniple out the in the last Yett }rears and the growing ob e m w who is all
in the
Uuutea down and tried by any kation, uneasiness that Pet°naps the great problem will have au opportunity of Irl dna time Barney and young Pttt-
life of the worm who is a canker in no matter what his allegiance or Ono, all of charity on perhaps the generosityofrelatives. by the
our midst? changes that have taken Place fu the helping. its sciatica. Di. fi°Sir is rieic returned with word of the safe other, an old age of independence and comfort, blessed by the
What is. the object Oe punishment? where he Preyed. -The rule applies to social and economic lite of the couu• issuing a number of questionaires, housing of their charges, and pre respect of your fellow citizens. Make the second choice yours by
this day. try have not been Sufficiently reflect- seeking facts rather than opinions, parations were set on Poot�to pass the
d take it that primarily tate object is But when people talk of the death taking advantage of the Canadian Government Annuities System.
to inflict upon the offender Punish penalty they usually Lave in mind the ed in nursing. A great many opinions and states that if his work is to b3 night as agreeably as might be until
and prejudices have been expressed, fruitful, Prompt replies are essential. 'the "morrow's morning." CANADIAN GOV"ERIC HENT MaSL tlds C_o_upon__t_oday_ POSTAGE FR£
went for his misdeeds, and also, if' it fourth offense, murder. The offender •_-•—._,� - r 11' b —
be possible, to cause him (or others It proved a very jolly time, especial- ` „ p ■ MS I n�,dgeautofLubour.
has not considered the right Of the � �� ly the after•dtnuer phase, .When we EgA�.tit 1@�p l DopmtmentoFlCOMP Ottawa.
similarly disposed) to reform. It must victim to live. Thai, victim is now Sweepstakes
.also not be forgotten that it acts as a dead and burled. Sometimes we are London Daily Chronicle (Lib.): BIr. assumed the drying-out process in. a PloutCmdmoCOMPLtT> 1r>zOBMATION
�i3,n C�'ir halt circle before tke glowing Penta Department of Labour, Ottawa l nbontCnnndionGovernmoatAnaufr�ea.
deterrent to others, and further by tempted to think, r then we read of Ciynes's statement in Periiaruent R� g1 rgA pa p�y� ®1 9 q tcttile'The woman of tate House sour- HON. PETER HEENAN, Minister 1 Name ....................-....... .......... ....................._
,Punishing an offender after a due e� hysterical In in murderers, that that nhe was of the opinion that the -� rie[f about to provide sleeping ac- 1?dntClearll•
amination into' his guilt, it prevents BACKED BY THE WHOLE DOMINION 1 Addreso......•........................................... ......._
bout the comunity and Individuals the victim is forgotten. Practice of non-interference with pri- commodations. It was then HImsolC
Experiments Held Inconclusive veto sweepstakes, honestly conducted At no time, of iife,is delay or nog- proved the cordial and entertaining
from taking the law into their own should continue," does not fo,12M ' "There is not one normal woman
hands to exact retribution. 'S';re have It is said the experience Ia other (as the word 'continue' shows) imply lectThe more serious than o childhood, hast, ready with song and story, and Europe who, It she lives long enough, dues not
.no desire to introduce lynch law into countries Lias sholvn that the aboli how• The ills Cf little Dues come quickly with a floc sacra of apologiing ear er or Empire? nal
anything new. SnUstant{ally, regret deeply the fact that she re•
Lugland, tion of the death penalty has not in- ever, it floes, for the gigantic growth and unless the mother is DromPt in. what was obviously the best hoSPl^ L. S. Autery In tk'p National Review ntaind single."—Elizabeth Marbury.
Persalt as a Deterrent creased the number of murders. It in. recent years le affairs lilts the adminlsterlug treatment a precious tallty he had'to offer, Fiddle and con- (Loudon): Joining any European
Penalty may ed the case in particular areas, little life may be Snuffed out almost certina were had down from tine wall, econontio group Would mean tying r
I stn unmoved by the argamel't Stock Exchange Sweep is a new Pact; ourselves up with au already over-la. "There
but the experiment has not been tried before the moth realizes the baby a:ul the roar of the skorm was soon T ler() t no age limit for tngirtg`
that the death penalty does not deter and a continuance of the State's dustrialized low-n ago area. Our ox•
ease that no con• for a sufficient period or over a ant acquiescence could by no means car- is ill. .The prudent mother ahvays drowugtl [u lite jolly gallop of jigs and I shall continue to sing nutti I ale;'—,
murderers. In Lite a 1 ficieutly wide area to form an accu- r keeps something in the medicine roels. pausiou twould be continually !hafted lliary Gordon. -
ishmeut has ever been an effective rate opinion for our guidance. tainly be counted, on., Why this sort chest as n safeguard against the stud- No one hung back Froin furkl'oring by the competition Of
great, emcteut, •• — --
'deterrent to a mall Who has commit- r of gambling has grown so popular, is and corder-Paid -working Poputatfons.
We need also to examine the into open to discussion. The War gave a den illness of her lltl'!p ones. Thous• the Pun. Himself led oft with "Tire Failing Hair—Just try Minard's,
ted a crime, ft is a mere platitude. It of the murderers who have been re- auds of mothers' have found tlu•ouglt Exile of Erin" to tin resounding tune Eren u hold our own we should be "Man is never kutided In trying to
punishment were an effective deter- Igated to life-long imprisonment. It Rlltp to sit gambling instincts; butwe experience that there is no other of "Sat•ourneen Deelish," which he a0nt111AAlly staving t0 lOtwOlt Ol' at any
rent in all cases, there would be no
believe the main reason now iS the rate hold back, our standard of living measure what Work 1'e is capable OC
has Veen said that in some cases at medicine 'to equal Baby's Own, Tab- reuaerpd with eyes tight shut and until tttO European stauclacd Slowly doiug."—Georges Clemenceau.
cilia(). decline of saving. A generation ago
has not least the various conditions imposed lets and that is whY they always 1ropP mA,nY a flourishing dem ith vig tits rose towards our$. Most serious Ch.
A criminal is a Blau' who People hoped to get rich by anthig
h -her he be a fele- have constituted int themselves a money. Now, with the crushing de• a box of the Tablets on hand—why time being aluphastzod with vigorous jectiou of all to any such Proposal A TO N TS
been deterred, R et s P.r a. death sentence far more terrible than torrent of income-tax ,and death Eloy always feel safe ulEh the Tab- stamps of the foot and or etwas jerks
pocltet, a Uurgiar, a bigami t o one which is expressed to be a death lets. of the head. HtS ()aceto was "Tho front ,our point Of a it to that e List of "wanted Invanuons^
murderer. In Itis case the deterrent duties and the many counter•attrae• Baby's Own Tablets are a mild but Wind That Shapes the Barley." Even would inevitably ()leap fire door to the and Full Information Sent Free
sentence. And while imprisonment tions Such as motor-cars, they have tar greater prospects which are O¢• on Request.
has failed. But to argue from tiro ox• ls' metioned, cannot it be contended thorough laxative whtelr by regulat- Barney daffy obliged—with a doleful TDs a.AWSAY Go., Dept• W.
captious that: hanging is no deterrent with at least as much force that the ahandoued that hope. They tush to lug the bowels and stomach banish "lamout," Cull of "00110 as," that fared us fry the expansion oC Eatptre 873 Bank St., Ottawa, Ont.
to a nrau who may be tempted to lotteries instead. trade all tithe development at 10nlptro
state has no right to deprive a man constipation and indigestion; break ebbed and flowed mournfully on. the
commit murder is to advance a very of his lfbertY? 1 Up colds and simple fevers and pro- ancient Celtic five-tone settle and resources.... Even today, from tale -r
grave error of reasoning. :Sip shoals And, belastly,ythere is the lingering Crisis ill �t1S&13 mote 'healthy, natural sleep. Con- eventually expired Olt a blood-curd- point of view of this Country, the Lim- Insure against Stein Trorrvd es
grave to know all the eases in. fear that the Penalty of death may be cerning them, Mrs. Isaac Sonia, St, ling minor in. alt. I did my best with pire market IS by far the most fill-
(roil use of
which that temptation has arisen s and i a ease Where a mistake Paul Scheffer in the London Ob- Eugene, Ont., ,writes:—"i have been "Tho Foggy, Foggy DeW" and pleased portant element In our whole soon- by
y y
. exacted. u server (iud.): (The Article, written ����F��'�I�Gi�� dl9a�.��
has been resisted, aud in what num- has been made. If the accused is using Baby's Own Tablets ever since Granny, at least, With "HOther Ma- antic System, . If Lite Empire
bar or proportion of cases the death by the ablest of all Moscow corres• trade to already the most important Assisted b • Cuticurat Ointment
nlive, such a mistake call, though lin• baby was a mouth cid and have Pound with h , nveigl Who has "the any" factor in. our whole external trade 3
penalty has operated to aid resist- gender, by
rteblisiof in Tito net Sora aavcryavincro 2Gc. each
perfectly; be put .right, but it he is *:civet, UY courtesy of iho Berliner that they reach the spot and do more with him, inveigled iho little beauty system, It is no less important to the
.once to temptation, dead, life cannot be recalled. good than any other keep t I have Ilia shoulder
unto his lap, drew her heed to.
Believes Fear Lessens Crime The public can rust assured that 'i'ageblatt, status that tile. Yate of ilei• ever tried. I always troop the TAU• itis shoulder aud stroked Iter cheek to other units of the Empire, Over AO
I,shovism is finally staltea on a gigan- lets in the house and Would advise the loved croon, seven centuries old: Per Cent. of the exports of every con- ° 11
I am certain that intho'case of dau- tine utmost care is taken not to exe- tic hazard). Events in the Sovietu H
gerous crimes, Such as burglary and cute the prISO Ar unless has, guilt is 1 Union are steadily moving towards a all other asoldmothers to di se The I know a valley fair, their a portion of rho Empire ore
housebreaking, the fact that detect manifest and to many case not even Tablets are, sold by medicine dealers Eileen Ar'oon: thane market In the Empire, and more l
c•Isis. Graduahy that fact has come or by mail at 25 cents a box from The I ]snow a cottage there, particularly in. the United kingdom.
tion and capture will, at worst, lead then, But the fear of a Possible mis• to the surface and Is plait' to any eye. c(�
to imprlsonmeut, but that the avoid. take Ina no bearing on. the Probtpm The decisive symptom is the iucreas- Dr. Williams'' Medicine Ca, Brock- FarInt eltaliey'w if"tdu, total oPthinteh Imp() tai tradetiaoCocus- a
once of capture, by murder will cause, whether the state ought, or .can, In viii(), Out.
natural justice, deprive a murderer hug shortage at food supplies not only __.—.o I know a gentle maid, sed on. the United kingdom. oithor 5 kik
his life to be fort t, lies operated, throughout tine Countryside, but -in Flower at tine gentle glade. converging upon it or radiating front a '+?'i
and does operate, upon the minds' of of his lite. We are all agvoed that a towns, For the last two years the Eileen Arman. it. �� � ,z`
the criminals who spend their lives ratan charged with murder should not 1 ,. 4
suffer rho Penalty, wntverer it may Soviet Government has Coucehttrated —Charles Plslt Howell, In "An Trtatt 1-_ tnrs�5 �rtSayrl
Ia. such pursuits, and that therpUy its efforts on Provision in the tow-'s 0,y 9 Itaitihle•" "I am not a getttlecnau. I am fail C p of g ^�,
householders have gained a security
be, unless he is guilty. �, }/'`.
at any cost, Particularly the larger L �1 beyond that."—George Bernard Shaw. .�)Tf��
which would not otherwise be theirs. S have considered on realty occa- t //
sinus with sympathy an dwith careful cities with their industrialized popu• �s(,�p�' ' t�. lager is the moat impotent pas• � r v �• v
There are four crimeS for Which the lation. Now, however, it has tound .� »<. Sion that accompanies , tine mind of as },��v � q� � � .
Penalty is death: treason, -arsmi, etc., attention the arguments brought for. itself compelled to Introduce ration man: it effects nothing it goes abo•tt; t� °',tea.''
iunalty Is and dockyards; Piracy ward against capital punishment, �7 r `' �" g �"r� t�
books for many of rho necessities of A•= "; and hurts tl:p u'an who is ppS esse(l X 0 _
with Violence, and iuurdtir, There Thpy Have not convfncecl mo. �!
Life. Queues OC 'women, many of � by It more than ally other against wdlo ",, �,, .,.
are, I believe, 'io others, we must tvhoni ltawo got ttP at three in. the \. }? . ' . is Possessed by it ,novo than whom it FOR THE HAO�
remember that it is not su'fficiout to WILL POWER morning, so as to get their rations be- �� is dh•ected.—Clateud011.
dispute the justice of the death pen• It is not enough to exercise the twill• for ti's shops are sold out, are to be` \
ally iu the ease of any Particular 1?ower; there mast also Do iho well- seen in every town in. Russia. Bread if �jr Minard's for the ideal Rubdown. ASIS YOUI' I3tlruCr —d$e l4 BOtYq i l& i
mime; it may Well Ue that with ro• 'woven fibres of brain, muscle, aud / —� — -- '� a
is short, ,lad so are meet, sugar and m
. Bard to that offense tine ,need for such heart to execute. Let UIin who te• tea ^ i v t "There ars tato Christian graeas,
a punishment has ceased though the calves a sudden powerful impulse up- _ luunility anon pririty, nhich are entire• 'o ° ° r F.
penalty is rota{ued, but ilial will not ward retain Some of the vantage that ly spoilt by talking about them"— o : ` ,' :', tr , e,.Y!
show that iho lsenalty should be tu• has been given him, oven 1f It is but The Buried Leaves Peau Ingo,'+I, '
I must be a step'; then lot him take another step "Do you think you could eat Some —Eutahtavninghaa(wruoe.Thou o 2 y
Rioted in otl'er`. oases. t Now the leaves Its folded sleep of the cake I made to-day?" '1 aaads gain s to is iia. in s wocice lw
that there' is no cilia() so enormous uPwar(t. Since he cannot fly, let frim In a soft white downy sleep. "In. Ellis year of grasp. 1.029, rite with slow lionized Ycast.aldacleLou p
that the offender must die. climb; if ho cannot want, he onn at Rest and eheitor now they know, "Didn't I say L'cl be witting to elle scenic beauties of the United States rise magic, Nervoe, conaupaeion4 r< .' 4 .
for yOli?" vanish overnight Got Itonized vg,
Now as to treason, We lmoty that, least ()recti upward: Peace from all the winds that )clow; resemble Venus with the rash "— Yeast tablets froom marugst (oaay
tin days gone by, treason was a Charge Stilied are all their sighings now, ---Q` — Will Irwin. _ r f
often made on inadequate facts and WINTER AND SPRING CONSCIENCE - -
Underneath the naked will h, Hearken . to the warning et con �._ That '� old __ � , t,
�under. barbaric laws. We do not al-
Winter is ort my hand, but eternal Once again that bough will sing. science it yon. would not feel Its
-ways bear in mind that those bar- Spring Is in my l'ea'f Hugo with the leaves of a new spring, So miserable and lasttug. Sitake
wounds. m,
While USneath its shade outspread, _ !t off with Minard's, Heat and
Last year's leaves lie sere and dean, NATURE 1 ��3%
G4, inhale. Also rub on throat and y ^r ' t"u E ,
V -yet, these, too, shall lift their breath Nature is just towards then. it re r � t Vt Chest. „ q{
t, From the dust and dark -of death,1.
compenses them for tlrei''suffotinga; ;fel��� $ i t `?�
From tate seeds of winter's slain, it renders them laborious, because• to t i , t� ' g t�Qu1"d ""
0 They shall all be born again, the greatest toils it attaclies the great- � �Sb
_ In lite bird and blossoming psi rewards.—biontesgttien. �` j hi "t thtatc L4 I a E. Pinkhaut s
at"weWhenPa t April of Sonia unknown spring` Nib' i Ij� ;j oe� pg [, � � '" egstabte Compauncl urtvotideriuU
/may 99ff��¢d
PIII�OIP Et —J. C. M. Duncan. Millard, Wards Off Grippe, "1lilJ ��i l ; 6@t7. II.C.hads(t ot.0lrenonthfchta-it
.t,Op MAGA/FS - I all 'j�4W� �ifiI 'a M.
�' ', ,t. ,, t r
e 1, are lirfng and my youngest is a bon•
,e (0, 11 JOY "Consider how "Inch• more often t r hid' n K Hie babl bol now eight months 0'd
hp c
r7rolan There are souls In the world who I you Suffer from your anger sad grief to liii�Clr'�I'1 'it � ° I „•l 'µ•hp wcl Ens 23 pourula, 1. have tah-ca 'i
. dire to Acid �� than Yon do fr: m those Very things E I���'jij `�"1 , - i
t m�ssrioN have the gift of flndfug joy every- for which You ase angry and g'rieved." u .a i IS l' `�� ;Cu
_ -.
,nND1 ST T10"` Comell-Q6, where, and leafing ft behind them _ "^' 1 mea erne before each a£ ktl^tn
HeAarou After tun °hmtpia of au.¢efiva—after spenditW - was born. and have Certainly to-
'=b Lwlton they go, Their ittflueuee is an .� '
eASES•.NAUSCA F Inevitable gladdening ort 'the heart. - ti�ttanUden atrial, l' Now
1,Pe8 toullt slid R t ease '
Want; a lrfrrl. Now rsad tattnl slid says :^ , - ceived great lrcneGt' from ft: I ACgO
---� - They g1Y0 light without meaning to l - "I sm iusb writing a few worda or praise In i, m friends to ranee it 0.s ! am SAGO
sh ey Their bright 1t me linv0 o ,% Edg�NOldin which the wonderful way year 7irnsolien salts QUITT a,£7.IEV obtained by thou- they
I I g n.0 have helped me. MnIeayIhave suffered with ,,ands through use of Dr. JI-LGuild's
they willrecetve.thesamehelpIdid:
o this harmlesO, taste- gr0alt WOA to do for Gdd, L'. W: fps .(ug{jn torrlao backaches night and day for tills Inst Green A intafn Astluna Compound..
what many reople call ndigestlOnA' "011e spoonful P , rest, q g to months; and have spent many dollars on Its pleasant smolce volpor soothes and —Nisi Milton McMullen; Vclnrssly
- he less. alkali in water will neutralize in- Faber. - �;, advortisedromedles,withoubresult, and decided relieves, Originated in 1869 by Dr.
YeIY often, m0aila excess acid 1n t t 1 marl times as Much acld, and _-• a.fewiveetcsu@gI to giveKrullcoling tat trial, eases ALSO
specialist in res"I'll. Dt•y ills- OrittYio:
' s sta ht y Y e ander over since .L have to ed. the , Or Rua eases Alat druggists: catarrh. Standard
stent&cit, The stomach nerves have the symptoms disalIPOar at ones, Your) CONCLUSIONS be10I taker since I liavo talion a out remedy at druggists: aG aento, Go
n`tlated and .1 scuta. crude methods when Our ConalnSiOtiS' are determined tar- "I take Brnachca on rising a out) of to oonts and Si•G0, powder or otgarette
been' over stn ti will never us() • Stove%,' and It only incoplo knew Elroy Would not spoarj Sorin. Send Por FR,HD �BtIAL pasta
which learn t110 OiflclOnaY, of this. pi by our predispositions, and Oul" the moue they do on other materlalB when aGc oP 6 -..atones. "anadinu Dio• t § • g r
The „corrective is an alkali,' wh h once you g Y P _ (Cuoranteedbecausetnad0 the ¢outdo derive such UoneOt from iCruschea tributOro, xymans, I.ta,, Rept, Enol, w r
Auc the Go, get a'small Uterine to try. Inejudices or'preJndgments in greaE hr,m our ownsteei gi♦tte, tylslAng your arta overy success. r 396 St Pant at. bleat, r4Tautreal, Can.
neutralizes acids instantly. .• `'Sn,10NDSCANAbASAWco.ATD.� —(Mre./ J. V, e u C
i 1 science Besure to Set'`Elie genuine Phillips' . measure me,nopoilze our ,faculties.
best alkali known to iviedca i ignorant taut a erI MONTREAL' Orlgkitltell.,baAl°tbtla°r'-tipal �`�, A.�^t�� o ,,�f 0 GRhENMOUNTAIN
r "It las 112f1k ofA2agnosla,piescriUed Uy tiityst• We are not so mach g. o , S p VANGowsR.STao141,103i.• &ntschea Sante Is obtainable at drug and D .e�JSpLFi.,�lt4. s,1457iIMA(OMPOUND "
is Phillips' Mttic of 11_agnq la• t ;u correcting e • ',trerted.—Gelkle, "..To A I3-p
remained: the Standard. ;with PhYsi- cions' for 50. yet.:$ C g r4 de ailment stores n ugh to la t fo a boytle. . _—'.....�—"Ill .
i s inven• cess a-rids. Pact bottle contains full' —'—'f' ' ' ' ' '"— � 1 I. A Duotba 000tMns enough to f.d-caor 4 or G --- "" I
ciluts in the o0 years- since t• I
i months—good health' for 4alF-a•sant lP day IY5'(�
That Sore Throat Needs Minare . IJ.. . 3�
Lion. I directions—any drugstore. t t
11 ,,; -
11 I
11 I.
� 1.- ,
.,,h; ., •