HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1933-12-28, Page 1A
-Record Est. 1878
With Which is Incorpiorated The Clinton New Era
The New Era Est. 1865'
55 -55th YEAR
Clinton, December 28th, 1933
I welcome this time of the year, because of the opportunity it
fords me to express to.my friends my feelings of friendliness and
My most valued .acquaintances are the outcome of pleasant busi-
ness associations, and it is to these friends that I offer my best wish
es for the New Year, which will bring you good health and prosperity
Very Truly Yours,
Headquarters for Watch and Jewelery Repairs
Jeweler ,and Optometrist Phone 174w and 170
mbror3tstrteretch-Dae, -Da, re-za,2.,9te,Nr.tetHtr':tetbterearerHreteretem r,�retaroammt,'
kee +etge. irteteuerttetetataieletetetetPwterteteLelzt teMeelete
Expressing f ur
of Your Patronage and Goodwill
. E tending our Sincere Wish
- for
Your Happiness and Prosperity
for 1934
arnDt201bt trSr9t 711)1,27 r rStbt;7u"t irreel,+Ibt."'tetDMMI--LtZMDIDw 3tbt a GbdatX71= IXDA
The Old Council and School Board Being Returned and
W. E Perdue Takes the Place of S. J. Andrews
on Public Utilities Commission
N. W. Trewartha, by J. P. Shep,
pard and A. J. Tyndall.
B. J. Gibbing. by Harvey McBrien
and Samuel Kemp.
George tale Elliott by F. G. Thomp-
son, C. G. Middleton.
W. S. R. Holmes by A. J. Tyndall
and J. Sheppard.
Samuel Kemp by W. T. Hawkins
and H. Meltrien,
A, S. Inkley by Theo Fremlin and
M. J. Agnew.
W. Glen Cook by A, V. Cudmore
and Albert Fremlin.
0. L. Paisley by, C. G. Middleton
and A. J. Tyndall.
Fred Livermore by A. S. Inkley
and W. J. Cook.
E. Ward by J. Watkins and R. B.
Fitzsimons. •
D. T. Churchill by 'Ar W. Groves
and W. T. Hawkins.
William Walker ,by Robert Welsh
and Guy'Ilieks.
Public Utilities Commission
onard McKnight by W. T. Hawe
s and 'M. T. Corless.
eV. J. Nediger by W. J. Cook and
Harvey Mo'Brien.
W. E. Perdue by R. 3. Draper and
J: IT. Brnnsdon.
B. J. 'Gibbings, by C. G. Middleton
and J. P. Sheppard.
Thomas Chut'ehill by F. Livermore
and ,Geo. Walker. �.
Sehool Trustee
St. Andrew's Ward.
A. F'. Cudnore, by Theo. Fremlin
and fCree Cook, •
St- James' Ward:
W. J. Cook, by A. Ie. Cudmore and
M. T. Corlese.
St. John's Weed:
iT. A. Ford, by M. T. Corless and
A. F. Cudnore.
St. George's Ward:
Geo. T. Jenkins, by W. T. Hawkins
and H. E. Rorke.
At the close of the Nominations,
Dr. J. W. Shaw was elected chairman
and after a brief address called on
the nominees to address the meeting.
The following Desponded to their
names, being called by the chairman:
13. J. Gibbings for Mayor.
N. W. Trewartha, for Mayor.
G. H. Elliott, for Reeve.
W. Walker, for Coundl.
A. S. Inkley, for Council:1
W. E. Perdue, for P. U. Commis-
The Home and School •Club meet-
ing last week was taken up with the
discussion and planning in connection
with Welfare work. Funds were
made available from Sunday evening
sacred band concerts and from other
sources which the welfare committee
used for relief and the, distributions
of Christmas cheer to some families
in town where there is likely to be,
The Business Men's Association
and B. of T. had some candies and
funds left after the Christmas Tree
treat on Friday, which were also
handed over to the committee, and
the public may rest assured all was
wisley and kindly expended.
", "s mW "lGivG wv maieice c eeie:7 a.eeelem ;i'+.'- e-exa 44, . !.F.4 reeve+ w ceteleeee c.0 z ,e, a e,e,ai6'.eu ieteo 'y
trees mb: +v pie is tat„ma c+ewee +a -e; tataimei is letteal megmeemd 'le etele cte en+m emeeezi ameew
•�'t etetbter rel b rt AILVr tet;3M+ atnrs1MDMOA'u 9rt1I3'r DiM.8r�dDaeterem 5rniebei y;T,ameteeniete etermtetea; e ereiee m'S
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Master David Johnston was the
lucky winner of the Candy •Cane
Guessing Contest, at Wendorf's Bak-
ery. He is a grandson of Mr. and
Mrs. David Steep of town.
Miss Fannie Levis celebrated her
her tenth birthday last Friday by
entertaining sixteen of her little
friends to a birthday party.
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Griswold of
Melbourne wish to announce the
engagement of their daughter, Nel-
lie Mae, to Mr. Robert H. Marshall
of Port Colborne, only son of Mrs,
M. Marshall and the late Robert Mar-
shall of Clinton. The marriage will
take place early in January.
The opening double-header staged
last night was witnessed 'by a good
crowd of hockey enthusiasts -who
braved the ed t e tvint
t y blasts to see the
Maple Leafs captained by Holmes
win in a closely fought struggle a-
gainst Livermore's Maroons.
Mayor Trewartha faced off the
puck and the battle was on. Harold
Johnston counted first for the Leafs
to be followed shortly by a goal by
Bob Draper, assisted by S. Cook.
The Maroons scored two goals, one
by Carter and another by Cudmore.
Cook scored the third goal tor the
Leafs and the period ended 3-2 for
the Leafs.
In the second period Johnson, Mc-
Donald and McClinchey counted for
the Leafs and G. McDonald and
Streets assisted bty Cudmoro for the
Maroons. Period ending score 6.4 for
the Leaes.
The third stanza opened slowly, the
players tired after the first two hee-
tie periods. While Holmes was warm-
ing the bench on a penalty Streets
scored for the Maroons, making the
final score 6-6 for the Leafs. Har-
old Johnson played a fine game for
the Leafs getting two goals while G.
McDonald turned in a very good ef-
fort for the Maroons.
The line-up:
Leafs—,Goal: E-. Elliott; defence,
G. Holmes, R. IV.Donaid; centre, L.
McDonaId; wings, H. Johnston, B.
Draper; alternates, E. Fulford, A.
Neilans, S. Cook, W. McClinchey.
Maroons: Goal, -N. Livermore; de-
fence, McDonald, B. Tacker; centre,
Cudmore; wings, Streets, Carter; al-
ternates, Hoy, McIntyre, Lawson,
Lever, Twyford, C. Neilans.
Penalties: K. Streets, 2; Holmes, 1;
Cook, 1; F. McDonald, 1.
Referee: R. McEwan,
• 0 •
The second game opened between
Combe's Senators and Castle's Cana-
diens, Both teams presented a smart
appearance with their green and red
bibs on. The first period was fast
and furious with the Senators gain-
ing a one goal lead when B. Streets
scored on Pearson. The Senators
opened the second period with anoth-
er goal by Streets putting them in
tale van 2-0. The Canadiens counter-
ed their lone tally near the end of the
period when Castle scored on an as-
sist by Hanley.
Coming out for the third period the
Canad,ens turned on the heat and
time after time had the Senators bot-
tled up but Levis in goal was invin-
cible, he just -couldn't be beaten and
the game ended with the Canadiens
trying to score and the Senators
gamely holding them out.
Combe, Streets and Levis starred
for the Senators, Levis in particular
playing a.' sensational game. Pear-
son the Canadien's net minder show-
ed up well and the youthful forward
lines seemed a little lost at times,
bub all in all they turned in a good
The line-up:
Senators: GoaI, B. Levis; defence.
Combe, Much; centre, Hoy; wings,
Brown, B. Streets; alternates, Mc-
Dougall, Smith, Douglas, Mclnnes.
, Pearson; Caaien : nd s G oaIon, de
fence, C. Kennedy, S. Castle; centre,
C. Johnston; wings, Bartliff. C. L.
Kennedy; alternates, Red Judd, G,
Brydone, D. Kennedy, R. Finch, G,
Elliott, M. Hanley.
Penalties: Castle, 3; Kennedy, 1;
Combe, 1; Brown, 1.
Rereree—K. Pickett,
Wheat, 60c to 65c.
Barley, 300 to 370.
Oats, 32c..
Buckwheat, 42e.
Butter, 17c to 18e.
LiEggs,ve H)ogs,eto $6.2525.
The members of the Clinton Bad-
minton Club will hold its annua'
Christrnas Party on Thursday night
at 8 p.m. in the club rooms. All
former members are cordially invit-
ed to attend the party,
The children of Wesley -Willis Uni-
ted church Sunday School held their
annual Christmas Tree entertainment
last Thursday night. Mr. W. H,
Hellyar, superintendent of the Sun-
day School, acted as chairman for
the program. The program began
with a Christmas story by Miss
Bessie Watt which was followed by
a 'reading by Mrs, N. Holland. Solos
were contributed by Marguerite Cos -
ens and Jack Cook. The children
of the school sang several choruses,
A piano solo by Miss Eileen Sutter
and a violin solo by Kenneth Miller
were iuuch appreciated. Recitations
were given by Terry MacGuire, Edna
McDougall, Betty Steep, Kathleeel
Jefferson, Anitta Cruickshanks, Al,,
vin Wise, Ruth Hearn, Wallace Mc-
Donald, Pearl Millet•, Jean McDou,
gall, JoAnn Cunningham. There
was a closing chorus just before the
arrival of Santa who was eagerly
greeted by the young folk. Santa
distributed the gifts from the 'tree
amid a great deal of hilarity.
The members of the P. U. Commis-
sion held their last meeting of 1933
en Tuesday night. After the busi-
ness of the evening had been dispos-
ed of, the members, accompanied by
the new commissioner, Mr. W. E.
Perdue, asembled by special request
at the home of Mr. S. J. Andrews,
retiring commissioner. Mr. And-
rews was feeling slightly indisposed
and was unable to brave the storm.
Mr. N. W. Trewartha, mayor, read
a -short address which spoke eloquent-
ly of the services rendered by Mr.
Andrews in his position as P. U.
Commissioner. The wording of the
address was as follows:
"December 26th, 1933
S. J. Andrews, Esq., Town.
Dear Sir: We have assembled to-
night to transact the last business
of the year 1933, and would not wish
this evening to pass without in some
way expressing to you our apprecia-
tion of the self sacrifice which was
many times required, and willingly
performed by you during the fifteen
years you have served on this Com
One of the many duties requiree
of a Commissioner is tact in handling
complaints, knowing when to give
stern answer, or in turning wrath
aside by giving a gentle answer, and
in so' doing, you have rendered an in-
valuable service to the consumers,
who always found you open to con-
viction, but when convinced, to stand
your ground against all comers.
You were a valued member of this
Commission from it's infancy up un-
til the end of. 1922, then again for
four years to the pnesent time. Dur-
ing this time many important mat-
ters have come before the Commis-
sion, requiring` untiring energy.
Twice you have been faced with a
water supply shortage, and always
you have given your whole mind to
the problem, with, we think, the most
beneficial results to the consumer.
We have learned with deep regret
of your withdrawal from our Board,
and know it is not because of lazi-
ness on your part, but Time, who re-
speets no man, has been marching
onward, and we earnestly hope that
you will be comforted and upheld in
the golden glow of .your declining
years, by thethought that you have
really made this world of outs a bet
ter and brighter place to live in.
With our best wish for the . New
Year, and that you may live to en-
joy many more ,of them, we are, . ..
Sincerely yours,
Mrs.. Gillies and Mies Marion Gil-
lies gave several delightful piano
duets and the rest of the time was
spent in jolly conversation.
Mrs. A. E. Sinclair, who is living
with her sister, Mrs. W. Pickard of
Victoria street, slipped and fell on
Christmas Day and fractured her hip.
Mrs. Sinclair was taken to the hos-
pital where the X -Ray was usedi
Mrs. Sinclair will have to remain in
the hospital for some time.
The News -Record offers hearty
congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ben,
jansin Rathwell and to Reeve
Wilmot Haacke and Mrs. Haacke of
Goderich township on the attainment
of their silver wedding anniversaries,
These weddings occurred on Dec.
29th and Dec. 30th respectively,
The children of the Ontario Street
United Church Sunday School held
their annual Christmas Concert last
Thursday eyening. The tree
ydee rate
d Ind lighted by oleo,
tr'ie fixtures. Mr. 0. W. Potter,
Superintendent of the Sunday school
presided over the program which
was given with happy 'eagerness on
the part of the children. bred and
Jack Vanhgmord of Miss Pickett's
class contributed songs. Instrumen-
tals were given by Dawn Farrill,
Lorna Plumateel and Hazel Vaneg-
mond. Miss Grant's class presented
a tableau. Charlie and Alfie Lotl
Thompson gave a duet. Miss Brick-
enden's class offered a playette, re-
citations were given by Billy Jen-
kins, Weldon Tyndall and Edward
East. Mrs. Shobbrook's class pre,
sented a playlette. The Primary
class offered choruses and readings'
Santa arrived and made the children
happy by distributing the parcels off
the Christmas tree,
Much preparation and rehearsal
was manifest in the fine program
presented by the Sunday School of
St. Paul's Anglican Church Wednes-
day evening, The parish hall wail
prettily decorated for the occasion by
the A.Y.{'.A. members. The rector)
Rev. K., McGoun, was chairman. The
opening numbers were Christmas
carols, after which a very interesting
pageant entitled, "Where The Young
Child Lay," was put on by the A.Y.
P.A. under the direction of Miss
Eileen Atkinson. The antiphonal
was sung by Mrs. Harry Ford and
Mrs. Jos. Silcox. The pageant open-
ed with an Angels' chorus sung by
Lucy Elwood, Margaret Taylor, Shit:.
ley Nickle, Edith Carrie, Phyllis Her
man and Harriet Quintin. Miss Dor-
othy Bartliff was the Madonna. The
shepherds were impersonated by
Bruce Bartliff, Murray Draper and
Charlie Johnson, while Fred Hovey,
Bill Barnes and Ken. Dougan rep-
resented the Wise Men. Douglas
Bartliff took the part of Bambino
and Irene Btunsdon that of a Turk-
ish Woman. Japanese girl and boy
vivre represented in costufne by Miss
M. Cudmore and Jack Hawkins. Oth-
er characters were: Immigrant man
and girl, Chas. Lovett and Nora Liv-
ermore; Canadian woman, Nora Quin -
lin; Red Cross Nurse, Ethel Cooke;
Hindu Woman, Margaret Tasker, and
Meditation, Stewart Taylor. The
various parts were well taken, both
in costume, make-up and in spoken
lines. Some very clever skits were
presented by St. Paul's boys enter,
tainers, which included the older boys
of the school in minstrels. Two play
lettes were also presented. The first,
by Miss Bentley's class, was entitled
Christmas Crazy CIass, the caste in -
eluding Helen Kennedy, Helen Her-
man, Pat McGoun, Nora Fremlin,
John Hawkins, Bill Leppington and
Stanley Kennedy. The second entit-
ntitled Dinah's Dream, was presented by
Mrs. Herman's class and included
Doris Taylor, Ellen Fremlin, Violet
Fremlin, Agnes Johnson,Erma Hale
and Pearl Tideswell, Recitations
Were given by Helen Dixon, Margar-
et Taylor and Helen Kennedy. The
primary department included a chor-
us by six girls; duet, Shirley Nickle
and Lois Draper and a -song by the
whole class, a piano duet by Helen
Herman and Lorna Plumateel com-
pleted the program, after which San-
ta Claus' appearance was joyfully
hailed by the audience and soon .the
presents on and about the tree were
pasesd out to the children and every -
hod' was happy. •
Word was received last week of
the very sudden ' and unexpected
death of Mrs. Robert Brock. Mrs.
Brock died at her home in Los An-
geles, CaI. She left Clinton as a
girl and lived in Revelstake, B.C.,
for some years. At this time she
married itir. Robert Brock and mov-
ed to Los Angeles, Cal. Mr. Brock
passed away a few years ago, Mr.
Lewis Heywood, a Drotlrer of Mrs.
Brock left Buffalo immediately fol•
Los Angeles in order to be present
at the interment of his sister. Mrs.
Brock was a niece of Mrs. H. Mc -
Brien and of Mrs. Wesley Moore of
Goderich. Death was due to two
severe heart attacks. The news of
her death came as a distinct shock
because her friends in and around
Clinton had already received Christ=
mas greetings and 'word that she
was in the best of health.
The annual Christmas entertain-
ment of the Clinton Knitting Co.
was held in the town hall. It is an
annual function given by the Com-
pany for the members of the staff
and their families and friends. A
large tree beautifully decorated and
electrically lighted occupied a cent
tral position in the hall and the com-
pany numbered about 200. The pre-
sident, Col. H. B. Combe, was chair-
man and associated with him on the
platform were E. E. Morrison, vice,
president, and sales manager and
sales manager and T. W, Lewis, To,
,onto, salesman and Dess Simonds,
who looks after the sales in Ontario
east and west. The following de-
lightful program was carried out:
Christmas chorus, chairman's ad-
dress, recitation, Helen Millet;
speech, IVT,. Morrison; Wearwell drill
prepared by Dorothy Cruickshanks
and executed by Violet Cooper, Ethel
Cooke, Myrtle Cole, Josie Fitzsimons,,
Lottie Livermore, Hazel McDougall
Mabel Miller and Florence Shipley;
guitar solo, Bobby Morgan; speech,
Mr. Paterson, manager of the Royal
,Bank; recitation, Anitta Cruik-
shanks; Highland fling, Norma Cook,
Violet Fremlin, Fay Lindsay, and
Cora Streets; guitar solo and vocal
encore, Jean Morgan; guitar and
vocal solo, J. Cruikshanics; reelita-
tion, Jean McDougall; guitar and
vocal, Miss Viola Fraser; dialogue,
"Arrival of the 2:40 Train," recita-
tion, Mildred Cooper; guitar and
mouth organ, Robert Hale; closing
acidness, followed by plum pudding,
the latter beittg a mixture of ingred-
ients placed in a large tub undeu
thedirection of Dorothy Cruikshanics
with her colored servant, which be,
ing removed from the stage for 0
brief period was again brought on
and was faunal to contain a real live
Santa Claus, who immediately pro)
ceeded with his happy work of dis-
tributing presents. A bountiful
lunch and afterwards dancing to mu-
sic by the Mutch Ornhestra.
The Week of Prayer will be held
during the week of January 7th to
Ontario Street United Church
Morning Subject: "Taking Aceount
of Stock. Evening subject: "Watch
Night Lamps." -
There will be special 13?w Year's
St. Paul's Church
The regular meeting of the Lad-
ies' Guild of St. Paul's church will be
held in the parish hall, next Tuesday
afternoon at 3 o'clock, The annual
report will bee given at this meet-
Baptist Church
The members of the Ladies' Aid
of the Clinton Baptist ehuech will
hold their next meeting at the home
of Mrs. Bob. Roberton on Friday,
December 29th at 3 p.m. There will
be an election of officers. Will the
ladies please being barrels, birthday
and talent money. Miss Dinsmore
will be the hostess for the afternoon,
'Presbyterian Church
The officers for 1984 of the W. M.
S. of the Presbyterian church were
appointed at the annual meeting. The
officers are as follows:
Hon. -Pres.: Mrs. Chas. E. Dougan.
President: Mrs. Alexander McEwen
ViceePres.: Mrs. MacDonald.
who is returned as mayor for 1934'
without opposition. Mr. Trewartha.
stated nomination night that if elect-
ed for 1984 it would be his last year, •
a statement many regretted to hear.
He makes an excellent public ser-
vant, quiet, painstaking, thorough in
all he undertakes, and keeps a wary
eye at all times of public expendi-
Secretary: Mrs. W. D. Fair.
Treasurer: ]tars. R. Roberton.
Home -Helpers Secretary: Mrs.
Glad Tidings Secretary: Mrs. Fisher.
Welcome and Welfare Secretary,;
Mrs. Mary Campbell.
Wesley -Willis United Church
"The Trodden Way and the Un-.
known Path."
Special sermon to Young Peopler
"Building a Life."
Installation of the 1934 executive
of the Young People's Society.
Watch Night Service at 11.15 p.m.
under the auspices o the Young Peor
plc's Society, to which all the people
of the congregation and community
are most cordially invited.
The W. A. will meet in the church'
hall on Wednesday, January 3rd, alt,
3 p.m.
Presbyterian Church
Sunday School Christmas Tree en-
tertainment, held Wednesday Irven-
ing last consisted of:
Opening Chorus: School: "See the
Dazzling Candles."
Infant Class, Avagram — "Wele
Pianaforbe Solo --Barbara Fores-
Song and guitar: Bobbie Morgan.
Duet: Joyce Dougan and Cora -
Dialogue: Betty and Enid McEwan.
Guitar Solo: Jean Morgan.
Christmas Pantonine: Miss For -
rest's Class.
Drill: Mrs. Sharpe's Class.
Active Song: Jean Morgan and:
Barbara Forrest.
Fireside Songs: Boys,
.Play: A Christmas play in which
a large but poor family are made
happy by the receiving of unexpect-
ed gifts. Miss Jean Neilans taking
the part of mother. Her family of
Helen McKenzie, Kenneth Colquhoun,
Isabel Colquhoun, Chester Neilans
and Jean McCallum. The rich lady'
who did not do such to help Mrs.
Van Doncen taken by Joyee Dougan,
and Mrs. Graham who brought a
large basket of gifts, was taken by°
Jean Colquhoun.
Closing Choruses.
God Save the King.
Sunday morning sermon subject
for December 31st: "Travel Stares."
who was returned Nomination Night`
without opposition. Mr, Elliott has
been in the town council seven years,
four as councillor, three as reeve•,
having only had opposition on twee