HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1933-12-21, Page 6GE6' asmaggiseenossessassax * I/ TON NEWS -RECORD THURS., DEC. 21, 1933.: _ amkimu,ro_ .vunrmlaaarn, rew.u?t.agesentntP. m !EM -W.: p'SHe .Mar. Vhristrrzas an W,xdburner as By J. E. Dodds in Canadian Magazine The first Christmas journey was, • of course, that of the Wise Men from the East, who brought gifts for the infant in Bethlehem; and the motive power used on this occasion was concealed in the internals of a cam- el; Many and varied have been the modes of transportation since that time; one of the most roman- tic, perhaps, that of the reindeer drive from the frozen North, with Santa Claus' as the lone traveller, he, like the Magi, bearing gifts to the child. Passing aver the oldest known mode of travel, ";railway" transpor- tation, and all, the intervening meth- ods of getting from one place to an- other, we arrive at last at "railway" transportation and, so far as this country is concerned, this brings us to the Yuletide operation of 'Canada's first steam railroad, a short stretch of line 16 miles in length laid be- tween the villages of Laprairie and St. Johns in the province of Quebec and opened in 1836. Many have been the trials and tribulations of later railroading days in Canada, but one can imagine what the modern item - motive engineer would think of hav- ing to act as conductor and both feed and drive a railway engine which had no cab to protect him from the weather but which had a voracious ,capacity for wood fed from an open tender; in reality, a cart on wheels. But railroad men have a reputation for"doing the job "with a smile," and this first conductor -engineer -fireman demo atrated his pride in the job by a frock coat, white trousers and a "topper". He was a distin- guished ratan in whose care lay the responsibility of carrying safely the merry crowd of Christmas travellers along that ancient route. He finish- ed the task of the day as only a rail- road man could do it and set a pace in that early period of nearly a cen- tury ago which has been the estab- lished rule followed by the fraternity of railroad men in general since that time. The frick coat ultimately develop- ed into a uniform, but beards were ,, all the vogue in the middle of the last century and both the .engineer and conductor wore high top hats, Conductors' and drivers' pay was small compared with the present, but for all that, some of the conductors wore diamonds and owned business blocks and other real estate. The Nova Scotia Railway was one of the first to boast a uniform, for its con- ductors. It was of blue cloth with brass buttons, a along frock coat en- tirely buttoned up in front. The eon - (Tudor had a black Ieather waist satchel to hold his ticket punch and tickets suspended over his shoulder by a leather strap. The method of signalling was naive: The conductor wore a whistle on a chain around his neck. As the railways of Canada gradu- ally extended from the original 16 - mile stretch of line into more expan- sive systems, the problem's of rail, reading over a wider extent of ter- ritory, and the carrying of ever-in- creasing loads of both passengers and freight, presented their own dif- ficulties, particularly in the winter season. Travel in the earlier years was not always the dignified thing it is to- daytand sometimes the paying of the railway fare was only one incident in the journey. Assisting in the operating end of the business was often necessary in order to reach the desired destination, as many a tray. eller discovered, particularly at the Christmas season with its increased. traffic. One of many; such incidents comes out of the history of an old railway a few 'miles from Montreal, which, doubtless on account of., the frequent assistance required from its passengers,• was nicknamed the MO, P. (Get Off and Push). RaiIroade and trains in those days were evi- dently riot always held in high es- teem by the . early settlers, judging by the names bestowed, although in many instances this was probably due to a feeling of "camaraderie." A local between St. Thomas and Ham- ilton, Ontario, was known as "Old Granny," likely on account of the fact that it served that territory for 60 years and was one• of the. busiest trains sof the district. The Ontario, Simcoe and Huron Company in Up, per Canada was nicknamed the Oats, Straw and Hay Railway. On this line, the Superintendent instructed the conductor "te take charge of the train and sell the tickets on the plat- form, and the baggage master will collect them on the train"; a rather large order for these two members of the crew on a festive occasion, for it was then no uncommon sight to see stage coaches bringing from 40 to 50 people to the various stations en route to enjoy the novelty of a ride at the Christmas season. Many are the yarns told about the woes of railway travel in those old days, but even the worst exper- iences had their brighter side. On one ocacsion, when the Grank Trunk was passing through a wild section of Vermont to Portland, Maine, a moose challenged the Invasion of the "Puffing Billy" into his domain. Out of the forest, so the story goes, came the enormous moose at full speed up the track, with antlers lowered ready to meet the on -coming train in dead- ly combat. The locomotive was de- railed by the monarch of the woods, but without much damage, and the animal was quickly transformed in- to cuts of venison, a unique oppor- tunity for a Christmas feast. The adventures of passengers who rode in "the cars" in the early days were varied indeed. The Ontario traveller in the sixties and seventies of the last century never knew when he would be called upon to help re- plenish the wood supply hr the en- gine, Sometimes he and his fellow passengers would find themselves stalled miles away from a village owing to engine breakdown or snow drifts, and the' effort to keep up steam consumed all the cordwood •in the engine tender. If no.wood sup- ply was readily available, the passen- gers would be handed axes and each would be expected to do his bit by felling and splitting trees. I1 the patrons of the railroad showed any reluctance in this process of "wood, ing-up," the engineer and fireman would settle down for a nap until such time as thepassengers took a more favorable view of the matter, While waiting for repairs, passen- gers would often pay a social visit to some lonely pioneer close by 'and a- wait a blast from the engine whistle. Shovels and the strong backs of the male passengers and crew were the principal snow -fighting equipment. When a train was stalled in a snow- drift, out would come the shovels and the call for (volunteers. If the train was held up for any length of time, the problem of food sometimes be- came acute. It was then the duty of the brakeman, or someone else of the crew, to hie himself off in search of a farmhouse. Here he would bor- row a sleigh,. and (after waiting un- til he thought most of the snow - shovelling was finished) he would drive back to the train, where the passengers would lie gathered a- round the stoves by which the cars were heated. It was nothing 'unusual in the sev- enties for a train to disappear for two or three days after a big snows storm. The first duty was to see that the pumps were working'. The engines in those days had no injec- tors and the pumps would not work when the engine was standing still. So the wheels would be jacked up, to be kept 'moving and the pumps work- ing. An example of snow difficulties during train travel at Christmas time in earlier days is well depicted by a run over the old Toronto, Gray and Bruce Railway between Toronto and Teeswater in the late seventies. In Frenchman's Cut, near Mount Forest, the snow had piled so badly that they could make no 'progress, neither • forward or backward,' It snowed intermittently for two days, the train being almost buried, with drifts as high as the telegraph poles. In desperation, the engineer took off his fur coat' and gave, it to the fire- man, with the remark, "Better put this on and keep warm so there will be one to tell. the tale." For. tunately, there was .an old taverna few hundred yards away and the tav, ern -keeper located the stalled" train, bringing food to it until" a trail was broken, ;after which the passengers were taken away in sleighs. Then one of the crew made his way to the village on snowshoes, reporting the predicament Ito the Superintendent. More than 300 men were put to work shovelling snow, which was so deep that they were forced to work in three tiers, hoisting the snow from one level to a higher one until they had it free of the cut. The track was cleared• each succeeding hundred yards, leaving as much snow for the engine to batter her way through. At first they tore down fences for fire -wood and when they had gone so far afield that they could no long er keep up their supply because of the distance they had to carry it, they had farmers bring loads to them. Food was procured in the same way, although the proximity of the log tavern across the hill made the sojourn in the drifts less of a hardship than it might have been, The General Manager of the road walked through from Orangeville on snowshoes with (food and tobacco for the stranded trainmen, and a couple of days later got snowed in himself near Harrison. It was Iater Iearned from him that seven engines in all were snowed in, or off the track, trying to batter through the drifts and that it was proposed 'te close down the line for the•winter. From the time they were snowed in Frenchman's tut until the time the train pulled into a clear track 'was a little less than six weeks, and the most ironical fact about 'the whole adventure was that pay day came when they were in the drift, and in those days pay day oily come once ev- ery six months. That is a cash pay day. The rest of the time the men werei•paid in coupons redeemable for cash at the close of each six months' period: One of these real money days came after they had been snowed in for about 'a week. When the •old Northern Railway began operations 80 years ago, its roadbed ran through solid forest all the, way north to Barrie, Ontario, trees fairly walling in the track and relieving trains over a greater part of this territory from a snowbound condition which was prevalent In' more open country. Canadian loco- motives• in those days 'were all wood - eaters, being fed with four foot cord- wood sticks and on this fuel some of them attained speeds of 35 and 40 miles an hour. Inspectors kept a re- cord of the wood consumed on the various runs and r there was some rivalry to see who could stoke the engines most economically. Many a fireman would slip into the tender more wood than he gave an account of to the inspector, in order to get a little ahead of the game and present a more favorable record. But the fireman had no leisure for medita- tion, for the wood was consumed a1, most as rapidly as it was poked into the engine's maw and it required deft handling to produce the best results. He also had to take his tallow pot and climb out along the running board of his engine to the front end, oil the cylinder on the left side; then climb across to the opposite cylinder, and back to the'cab on the driver's side. That was a real trip "Around the Horn", especially on a cold and stormy night when the running board was covered with ice and snow, and the old mill rolling along over the rough road bed of those clays. Com- mon tallow was then the lubricant used for the cylinders; today scien- tifically -prepared cylinder oil is auto- matically fed to the cylinders. Christmas Day was always an out, standing event in the early days of generous, if sometimes misdirected, pioneer hospitality. Everyone kept open house and it was something of an established rule that each station agent along the line should provide some sort of treat for the crews op- erating trains on •that day. But in these far-off days there was no "Rule G" in effect. Train operation in that easy period was less exact as .to adherence to schedules than it is today. The crews visited, with the agent at each station where hey stopped at .Christmas time—and they passed no station by. The consequence was thattrains often arrived with crews .showing the effects of the hos- pitality. Prom our vantage point of today, it seems a long way back to the middle of last century and even lat- er, when travel was not anything like it is at present. The crude equip- ment of those bygone years, the lack of modern facilities and the employ- ment of nian's physical power to re- move the obstacles of nature on the railway right-of-way, have , given place to scientific equipment capable of supplying and maintaining most efficient service for railway travel. No longer does the railway expect volunteer assistance on the part of its patrons to keep the trains run, ning and the roadway clear but rath- er takes pride in catering to the ev- ery comfort and pleasure of the traveller. The family ties of Christmas are intimately associated with the rail- way. An important thing about this( festival is that it lures relatives and old friends to travel for the purpose of meeting again, and the greatest factor about such reunions is the railway. It brings together• not only those who dine but also that on which they dine, for the turkey or the goose, the roast of Christmas beef, the plum pudding' and all the other tasty things that decorate the table, as well as the Christmas tree with its ('burden of gifts, are made available, for the most part, by the railway. Christmas today without the' railway• would bb a, tragedy in- deed for both young and' old alike,,, not only in Canada -but in•man-y oth, er lands.' With: a• large percentage, of the population a- Canada born ov- erseas, the 'home . for • Ohristmas"' spirit entails considerabletravelling facility available and every fat rty is ailabl v by+ which passengers may be ticketed by the nearest Canadian National Rail- ways agent' to a destination in an other country. Special trains to con-• nest with the steamers are arranged' at such times as this, and the travel. ler finds his wants eared for is ev- ery way. As for Canadians, whether they be - located in Eastern Canada, on the^ great Prairies or beyond the Rockies Christmas is a season when long journeys are cheerfully undertaken for the purpose of spending the Yule, tide once more with old friends and' members of the family, and among• scenes to which- they were acustom- • ed in earlier years. With the devel.. aliment by the Canadian National' Railways of special train services, special excursion fares enabling their patrons to travel with economy- to conomyto their old homes, and other facilit, les offered by its ,many allied sera vices, it is not strange that so many, people take advantage of these. b'�srat.:•ees���te�etes.Hca:L'a.�t�4��."�c�^'��ae�+e�,z=„�:��,te�� �,:;c. `Origin of Various • tahristmad lid toms ,'tamateminereraMenariana ai+irE1;&,7fattrUanniD+;taiaarIr arltztz:0:270en � rsa`r�ratLrat9t:tztb'K Monday will be Christmas Day, when Christendom will observe the festival of the nativity of Jesus Christ. The Church adopted Christ- mas much later than Epiphany and before the fifth century there was no consensus of opinion as to when . it should come in the calendar, whether on January 6, March 25 or December 25. The legal holiday is of comparatively recent origin and ' still confined largely to Anglo-Sax- ons and Teutonic countries. As for many of the time -,honored Christmas - customs which we now observe, such as the Christmas tree, the •Christ- mas card, etc., they, too, can be trac- ed back only a century or so. The early Christian had a habit of trying to make their feast days correspond in some measure with. those of the heathen, so that as pros- elytizing progressed there should" not be too much conflict and too great a wrenching away from tra- dition. The celebration of Christ- mas combined with an old Druidical' ceremony. The use of ivy was known when men paid homage to the heathen god, Bacchus. The use of holly is traced to a German and English custom, it being supposed ' that holly with its prickles and blood - red berries represented Christ's crown of thorns, says T. G. Crippen • in "Christmas and Christmas Lore."" The use of laurel, rosemary and fir also have been found to have their• origins in ancient superstitions. Mistletoe Use of the mistletoe, and kissing • under the mistletoe, seems to be a pe- culiarly English custom, which may have had its origin in a pre -Christ- mas Scandinavian eustom. Then • warriors held the mistletoe so sacred that if they met under it they dis armed and declared a truce until the. next day. It also is said to have been - part of a primitive marriage care, mony. Christmas carols have been known • since the 13th, century, when a Fran- ciscan poet in Italy wrote a good'' many, the custom traveling to France, Germany and England later, The earliest known English carol was published in 1410 by Ritson, and with its fulaome alliteration is typi- cal of the early carols: I saw a sweet, a seemly sight, A blissful bird, a blossom bright That mourning made and mirth a. - mong; A maiden mother meek and mild In cradle kept a knave child That softly slept. ,She sat and sung - .Lullaby, lulia, below Maybairn, sleep softly now. Christmas ran afoul of Puritan' hostility, particularly in Scotland,' where to this day it not the festi- val it is in England. The Puritans • who "hanged eats on Monday for killing mice on Sunday" were death • against Christmas. On December 26,. 1583, the Glasgow; kirk session (Continued' on page 7) i