HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1933-12-21, Page 5DRY jLIN t a. A A r xr o a`a I` A,, a I OVER THE HOLIDAYS ' A 6, You will be meeting people, go 6/ing places during the Christmas - New Year Week, Have you been% Fworrying about suitable. apparel?� I'Forget your fears! Rememberi that we are Dry Cleaners! Many''' iof the most smart -appearing folks, you wild meet are entrusting "ap- pearances" to us. Just let us re- store and • re -smart your wearab- les, nowt Feel style -safe, "Over The Holiday!" .P "' Cleaning Repairing d' Pressing IiLghJKr S Dyeing "THURS.; DEC. 21, 1933 pMPITd t0 goo. our Dt r& istrofortt am Ittertgalyristmas qua illniwrottitNotuWttr ftiogalVadi ofC1atttttitt "OF INTEREST . TO YOU AND ME CHRISTMAS TIME "The church bells at . Christmastime Ring all about the town; `the gay folk at Christmas time Go walking up and down; "'They smile at me; they smile at you, The streets and spuare are smiling too. a i a0Vill 'in every house at Christmas -time Are pretty sights' to see; And strange things at Christmas time 'Do grow upon a 'tree; 'They grow to bless you, ..And one for me and one for you. -By Rose Fyleman. Oh, well, after today we may look :Tor the days to lengthen. a • • • Before another •week rolls round ` Christmas, the greatest festival of 'the year, will have come and gone. We wish our -readers a very MERRY • CHRISTMAS. * • • • A women's wear store' in Chicago --has a sign "Men Only," the idea be- ' ing that a lot of men will go in and ''buy things for their wives for Christ- mss if they can be surra that no wo- men, especially the wives in ques- ` tion, will be looking on. • R + • There are many ways of aiding prosperity's return and of furthering ..one's own business and a Lucan b'ak- • - er shows himself a roan of resources. Recently, being in need of a horse 'to carry on his business successfully 'and being a little shy of the usual medium of exchange,he found a man who was willing to exchange a horse for the baker's produets and he. ' 'bartered •400 loaves of the staff of life for the animal. The payment is • to be made in installments as needed 'fly the party of the other part. General interest has been mani, tested in the condition of Irvin Bail- ey, Canadian hockey player, who was, seriously injured by a fall on the ice .during the game at Boston last week .and who has since been 'hi a Boston hospital, his life hanging 'in the bal- '•ance. • His condition seems to be a ' :little better .and it is hoped he will -live, but he had to undergo two ser- -'ious operations to his head. His In- juries were the result of a collision -with -a Boston player, who was said :to have• tripped him, and he fell with euchi;violence as to fracture his skull, %The entire receipts of Tuesday's . snatch in Boston was handed over to .Bailey's wife, a suis mound $6000. When Mr. W. J. Bellamy, clerk, pre- -sided for mhnat o t • sided over herecent tto -Artemesia township, it was the 54th •'time he had done so. A township clerk at any time ss a responsible .•official, and when he accumulates a 'store •of knowledge over a period of .over half a .ceistury' his services he - came invaluable.--IIlanover -Post.' Mr. Bellamy is a member of - ale e eemed Ilkno n -and hi �h] st • old, we - $Y w family. in Flesherton. He grew up eate-d His tam. t ''thero,reared ancledu : sly 'there and has Veen identified -with its life for all of his, and we opine, • will end his days, there. As a, native •of the village the writer wafts good -wishes to hint' at Ms= festive season.' BAYFIEL» The A. Y P. A. of'St. James, St. John's and Trinity Churches, -net in' the old Bank room at Bayfield on I+'r'iday evening last when there was a good attendance.The meeting was' opened'' by the President, Miss Mar- ' ion ar-'ion Middleton. Following the read -0 •ing of the nnnutes by the Secretary, - -Miss Reta Beacom, and a business discussion, CIayton Elliott, as Cap- tion of his side, took charge. Carl Diehl read an interesting paper on early Church History. This was fol- lowed by lantern slides of Scrooge's Christmas, the story of which was read by Rev. W. G. Bugler, which was much enjoyed. Miss Lillian El- liott took charge of a contest, after which the meeting ,was closed in the usual manner. Miss Jessie Metcalf of Detroit is home to spend .the Christmas season with her parents, Dr. and Mrs..W. F. Metcalf. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Brown left on Monday to spend several months at their old home in Clinton, Iowa. Services in Trinity Church will be as follows on Sunday: Evensong at 7. pan.; Mid -night •Cnristmas service and celebration of the Holy Commun- ion at 11.30 pan. There will be spe. cial Christmas music at this service. On Christmas morning, for those' who are not to attend the mid -night service, there will be a celebration of the Holy Communion at 16 o'clock. On Monday night some. of the members of the Exeter Badminton Club came to Bayfield to play a re. turn tournament with the Bayfield Club. On account of the short court the Exeter players were at a disad- vantage and the score was in favor of Bayfield. After the games a dainty lunch was served. The fol- lowing is the fist of games: The Bay- field players are named first: C. Weston,M. Groves; G. Cochrane, E. Medd--'Bayfield. M. Grainger, I. Kirk; G. Lamport, H. Dignan --Bay- field, D. McKenzie, Mrs. McEwen; 3, Crich, E. Snell -Bayfield. 13. nig- gins, M. Douglas; L. Jackson, M. Medd--{Bayfield. R. Grainger, Mrs. Jowett; J• M. Southcott, E. Medd- Bayfield. L. Elliott, G. Gale; S. West, H. Dignan -Bayfield. Charlie Wallis, E. Sturgeon; C. Boyle, E. Snell -Bayfield.' J. Jowett, L Kirk; F. Crich, M. Medd-Bayfield. Men's Doubles C. Weston, J. Jowett; G. Cochrane, G. Lamport -(Bayfield. M. Grainger, R. Grainger; F. Creech, L. Jackson -- Bayfield. B. Higgins, D. McKenzie; J. Southeott, S. West --Exeter. L. Elliott, Dr. Burris; F. Crich, C. Boyle Exeter. C. Wallis, F Wallis; J. Creech, L. Jackson - Bayfield. P. Johns, F. Wallis; J. Southcott, S. West -Bayfield. •B. Clark, J. Stur- geon; P. Creech, Cr Boyle -Exeter. Ladies' Dounies: ' • Mrs. McEwen, Mrs. Jowett; H. Dignan, E. Medd -• Bayfield. M. Groves, M. Douglas; M. Medd, I. Snell -.Bayfield. • I. 'Kirk, E. Stuff- goon; H. Dignan, E. Medd--Bayfield. M. Groves, G. Gale; M. Medd, I. Snell -Bayfield. The Report of Christmas examina- tions at Bayfield Public School is as follows: Fifth Class: Billy Reid, 67; Carson Johns 66; Charles Parker 63, Doris Featherston 59, Debris At- wood twood 57, Emma Sturgeon 56. Senior 4th: Mae Murray 74, Vera Wild 71; Kenneth' Castle 65, Charles Brandon 63, Harry Brandon 57, Evelyn Gem- einhard 56. Jr..4th-: Mary Moore - house 81, IreneLeitch 81, Robort McLeod 67,illi t 'William Westlake 5$1 Kenneth Brandon 57. Zr. 3rd: Paul ine Maxwell 82, Juen Brandon 81 Clara CIark 79, Lorna Westlake 71 F,ord Johnston 62, Stuart Stargeoe 61, John Murray 59, James Atwood 69, John McLeod 514, Betty Brandon 55, Albert Osmond 52, William Mur- ray 46; Pearl Lindsay 44, William, Osmond 34. Jr 8rd: Vera Pease Elsie McLeod, Elsie Leitch, Jamec Dewar, Patricia Atkinson, Doi -11,4..0s - mond, Eugene Castle. 2nd Class: Neiman Brandon, Malcolm McLeod. Lloyd Westlake, Audrey Brandon, Helen Sturgeon,'Bernard Bugler, Op- al Dyer. ' lst Class: Billy Johnston, Donna Toms, John Pearson. Sr. Pr.: Lloyd Pease, Jack Castle, Phyllie Lindsay, Marilyn Maxwell, Evelyn Osmond. Jr. Pr.: Doris McEwen Marion Castle, Beryl Castle, '...Barry Brandon, Dorothy MacLeod, Audrey Sturgeon, Keith Brandon, Stewart Atkinson.Teacher Teachers -B. 1.Kilt; Krk M L Ferguson St. Andrew's United Church W.M. S. and Ladies', Aid have held their annual.' meetings: Mrs, W. Wallis. • THE CLIN.TON :NEWS -RECORD BIRTHS WEBSTEIu--In Stanley township, on Dec. 3rd, to Mr. and ,Mrs. Elmer Webster, a son.' presided over the W.M.S. sleeting, taking the devotional period which was of a Christmas nature. Mrs. M. McKenzie contributed 'a very inter- esting paper. 'Phe scripture lesson was read by Mrs. D. Dewar. A splen- did reportof the year's work was given after which the following offi- cers were re-elected: " Iron. President: Mrs, R. M. Gale; President, Mrs. W. Wallis; vice president, Mrs. M. ,McKenzie; secre- tary, Mrs. R. Seatchmer; treasurer, Mrs. D. Dewar; Pianist, Mrs. Scotch - MM. R. S. Reid then took charge of the Ladies' Aid meeting, taking for the opening message 'Matthew 10th, verses 38 to 42, also Matt. 11, verses 28, 29, 30 and the following officers were elected: President, Mrs. R. S. Reid; 1st Vice: Mrs. L. Makins; and Vice: Miss J. Sterling; Secretary: Miss G. Mc= Leed; Treasurer, r Mrs. C., Toms: Prower Committee: ;1frs. R. M. Gale and Mrs. Reid. -The treasurer gave an excellent report with all obliga- tions met and a substantial ` balance on hand. The president thanked the members for their support and co- operation during the year and the meeting was brought to a close by the singing of a hymn and a short Christmas prayer. dONSTANCE Mr. Charles Riley of Goderich township visited over the week -end et the home of his mother, Mrs. Geo. Riley,- Sr.. bIt. and Mrs. Thos. Riley of Clin- ton visited 'on. Sunday at the home of Mrs, F. Riley. Word was received by relatives last week of the death of Fletcher Gibbings of Kindersley, Sask., on Dec. 9th, following an operation. Both Mr. and Mrs. Gibbings were well known here and we extend sym- pathy to those who are bereaved. The deceased Flan was 33 years of age and leaves to mourn, his widow (Amy MoBrien) and two small sons.' Miss Jean Britton of Walton, spent a few days last week at thehome of Mt. and Mrs. Peter Lindsay and oth- er friends. The W. M. S. of Constance 'United Church held their, Christmas meeting in the school room of the church on Friday evening, Dec. 15th. The ad- dress was ably given by Mrs. (Rev.) Gardiner and the fall thankoffering was received. Lunch was served. Mrs. Wm. Clarke received a tele- grams last Tuesday morning inform- ing her of the death of her brother, Mr. Albert Coates of Shoshone, Ida- ho. Mr. Coates resided for a num- ber of years after his marriage on the Oth concession of Hallett, lot 8, just west of Constance, before mov- ing to Idaho 29 years ago.I The de- ceased man was 71 years of age and leaves to mourn his loss his wife, formerly Barbara McKay of Con- stance, and three married daughters, Olivae, Edythe and Ida, and two sons, Francis and Leonard, also two sis- ters; Mrs. William Clarke, Constance and Mrs. Barrett of Toronto, and one brother, Mr, George Coates of New York. Mr. Coates had been in usual health until he suffered a stroke a, bout a . week ago. Mr. and Mrs.' Coates celebrated their golden wed- ding anniyersary last summer. They had been planning to Come East for a visit with relatives sometime next summer. We extend sympathy to Mrs. Clarke and other relatvies. Your correspondent wishes The News -Record, its staff and readers a sFiry Merry Christmas and a Hap- py and Prosperous New Year. 1 RUCEFIELJJ The 'many. friends of Mrs. Chas. Wright will regret to hear that she had the mnisfortnne to fall and break her 'thigh last week. Her daughters, Mrs. Riley, of Brussels and Mrs. Wm. Hill, are waiting on her at present. The annual Christmas tree enter- tainment° will be held in the school xoom 01 the United .Church on Fri- day, Dec. 22nd, at 8 pm. • Miss' Dara Alair of Hensall is wait- ing• , bn Miss' McCully at present. Miss Hazel IIIough, Reg. N., of Toronto arrived home last week and now at bhe home of her uncle, Mr. -Robe. Allen, whose little daughter, Betty, underwent an operation last week and is quite ill. • STTMMERHILL M,rs and ,M Norman Ball i.ele, brate the 25th anniversary of their wedding on December 23rd. Their friends' ,,extend ,hearty congratula- tions. Mr. Glen Cornish had the misfer. tune to get his hand hurt while cut- ting wood with the circular' saw at F. Tyndall's.' The accident will lay him up. for a few days. • Mr. Ezra Ellis is at Hanover this week buying square timber. Mr. Robert Johnston is under the doctor's care, • LUCAN:. Robbers broke into the J. M Ross & Co, general store at' Luean on Friday and stole a Targe quantity of clothing. Entrance As' made through a side'.eendow. • Member of Floriet Telegraph Delivery Association CUT FLOWERS` FLOWERING PLANTS FLORAL DESIGNS Chas. V. Cooke FLORIST Phones: '66w and 663 LEAVITT'S THEATRE, EXETER Extend to our Many Patrons Season's. Greeting's Now Showing: Torn Keene, the fast moving western star in "Partners.' Monday,..(Christmas), Tues,, Wed. "MY LIPS BETRAY" A gay spicy musical romance featur- ing the gorgeous Lillian Harvey, John Boles, El. Brendeh • Pitts -.Todd- Comedy-Sportsreel News Thur., Fri., Sat.,; Dec. 28, 29, 30 "FAST LIFE". (Comedy Drama) Madge Evans,.William Haines, Cliff. Edwards, a Metro Goldwyn -Meyer Picture. Laurel -Hardy Comedy "MIDNIGHT PATROL", (New Years) • Monday„ Tues., Wed. "JIMMIE AND SALLY" Popular musical .comedy with Jimmie Dunn and Claire Trevor LONDESBORO UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL will hold their ANNUAL CHRISTMAS CONCERT on the evening of FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22ND In Community Hall, Londesboro A splendid program is being pre- pared consisting of Choruses, Drills, Dialogues, Readings, Etc. Admission, 25c, Children under 12,,10c Come and enjoy an evening with the children. chil 'en PORTER'S HILL The Men's Club will nieet on Wed./ nesday evening, Dec. 27th, when the program arranged for two weeks ago, including a debate, will be given. As this is the final meeting of the year it will be an open one and the eom- enmity is invited. Wishing the editor, staff and all its readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. On Friday evening a happy gath- ering- was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Oliver Edwards when a number of their friends from Tay- lor's Corner church; and neighbors gathered at their home to wish them well and to en•kry a social evening in their home. During the evening a presentation of a beautiful chair and smoking set was made, to which Mr. Edwards replied in a few well-chosen words, thanking them for their thoughtfulness. The party broke up in the wee small hours. ' On Friday evening, Dec. 22nd, a Christmas concert will be held at Grace church. All are welcome. The Ladies Aid held their. regular meeting on Thursday, also election of officers. A splendid report of the year was given • by Mrs. V. Elliott secretary. Those holding offices last year were all returned for the com- ing year. On Friday, Dec. 29th, the Y. P. S. will hold their annual 'meeting and election of officers. ' Wednesday evening last around 40 of the young people and a few of the older ones from Porter's Hill spent a jolly time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lockhart. Messrs: H. J. and D, D. Corbett of Dundalk spent. a few clays visiting their sister, Mrs. Jas. Lockhart. Hunters and Trappers Take Notice I am in the Fur Buying .Business and am in touch with the manufac- turers. Get my prices before selling elsewhere. Nornian East, R. R. No. 1, Clinton. 50 -d -p, SEALED, TENDERS In the matter of Albert Ernest Hun - king, in bankruptcy. SEALED TENDERS WILL BE undersigned bythe undersi ed Trustee for the purchase of the fol- lowing parcels of land, viz: • Parcel One: West 1-2 of lot 35, Con. 12, and North -rest 1-4 of Lot 36, Con. 12, Hullett township, to- gether with the buildings thereon, subject to a mortgage for $1160.00 and interest. Parcel Two: East half of Lot 35, Coneession 12, and north east quay- ter of Lot 36, Con. 12, Township of 1-Iullett, subject to a mortgage of 53600.00 and interest. Written tenders are. to be filed with the undersigned on or before December 30th, 1933. Further particulars and inspection of the property may be had on appl- cation at the Office of the under- signed Trustee. TERMS: Marked cheque payable. to C. G. Middleton for ten percent of the amount of tender, balance to be paid in cash on,'acceptance of of- fer. . DATED at Goderich; December 18th, 1933. C. G. MIDDLETON, Court. House, Goderich. 53-2. • THE BEST MARKET FOR Poultry, Eggs, Cream. ALL THE YEAR ROUND FOR CASH AT THE CLINTON POULTRY HOUSE N. W. Trewartha Phones -Office, 2143 Residence, 214w Here's the place to shop for CANDY, NUTS AND FRUITS CANDY FROM 130 to 600 PER LB. MIXED NUTS, .,.,.,.. , -19c and 23c ' ORANGES, ALL SIZES Large Assortment of Candy Canes and Novelties CHOCOLATE GIFT BOXES , . (Hunts) SMILES 'N CHUCKLES and PATTERSON'S ALSO MOIR'S SPECIAL BRIDGE BOX AND BOOK BOX which will make wonderful gifts CHRISTMAS CAKE; Light or dark. Plain or Almond Iced Plum Puddings in 1, 2 and 3 lb. sizes Almond Pastes, Short Bread, Mince Pies WISIHING EVERYONE A MERRY CHRISTMAS BARTLIFF & CRICK THE HENRI BEAUTY .,. SHOPPE Wishes It's Patrons and Friends a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A. i HAPPY NEW YEAR t6a;` 54-1, ds rsrsr rma rrxbr '•t,"rar2tniarr o^iomeg^r^,. BUS SERVICE Reduced Rates on Return Tickets Good From Deo. 22 to .Tan. 3 SPECIAL BUS Christmas and New Year's Nights Leaves Kincardine -6 p.ni. Leaves Clinton --48.10 pan. For London London -Huron -Bruce Coach Lines 54-1-p. WE WISH To Take This Opportunity Of thanking our Patrons for Their Hearty Support During the Year and also of Wishing one and all • A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR CHAS. E. ELLIOTT F$1RHOLME FARM 4 - CLINTON', ONT. Producers of Golden Gner'nsey Pasteurized Milk and Cream 54-1-p. per annum payable half-yearly- Huron alfyearly- Huron & Erie Debentures • issued for $100 and over 1 to 5 years Increase your interest return • MORTGAGE CORPORATION Chartered 1864 Applications are. accepted by HAROLD, C. LAWSON B. R, HIGGINS PAGE: e' JUST ARRIVED; "IT LASTS LONGER" ALBERTA'S HARD; SOOTLES$ COAL Coalspur Area I. AT THE LOWEST PRICE IN HISTORY, $12.50 er ton FOR FURNACE OR HEATER �a There are Four Distinct Classes of Alberta Domestic Coal Foothills Coal is the Leader in the "Class One" Field as Listed and Recommended by the Coal Standards Board Ask For It by Name and be Assured of Satisfaction BUY CANADIAN COAL Give Employment to Canadian Miners and Railwaymen Order Today - Canada's Clinlierless Coal (EXCLUSIVE AGENTS) Th1stL:d Cotil C PHONE 74 CLINTON: ONTAR1O CAPITAL AL TILE T A F,E REGENT THEATRE Goderich. Phone 47 Extending sincere wishes for a Now Playing: Soldiers of the King Mon., Tues., Wed. The year's greatest joy hit! "LADY FOR A DAY" You'll enjoy every minute of this Class A gloom chaser. Note the cast -Warren William, May Rob- son, Jean Parker, Ned Sparks, Glenda Farrell, Barry Norton and Guy Kibbee. As an added' attrac- tion on Mon., Tues., and Wed., •we again present an sensational coli ored tidbit "Three Little Pigs." WED., TIIURS. Spencer Tracy and Joan Bennett A red headed young Irishman and his beauteous lady in a series of amusing misadventures. "ME AND A'lY GAL" FRI. AND SAT. Lillian Harvey and .Tohn Boles a team of exceptional talent pro- duces a gem of entertainment "MY LIPS BETRAY" , Seaforth. Bright and Festive Christmas Now Playing: Wheeler and Wool, set' in "So This is Africa." . MON., TUES., WED. Janet Gaynor, Warner Baxter Bring you the most lovable yarn that ever came out of Erin, Cram- med with human interest and in- fectious humor "PADDY the next best THING" Thurs., Fri.,,, Sat eeilepb1e Bill ,,, George O'Brien In a 'smashing Zane Grey action tale "ROBBER'S ROOST" Completing a fast moving twig feature programe is Spencer Tracey and Joan Bennett Ce -starred In a set of amusing but romantic misadventures "ME AND MY GAL" Coining: A truly grand musical comedy :"Moonlight and Pretzels" Matinees Mon. and Sat, at 3 p.m. Wanted . Farm about one hundred acres. Price around three thousand. State; water supply, bush, orchard. Write care Drawer B., Clinton. • Terms, 1 Cash. WISHING ALL OUR PATRONS A MERRY CHRISTMAS THE BURGESS STUDIOS Clinton and Mitchell Developing and Printing I extend to . my Friends and Cus- tomers my hearty good wishes for the Holiday season and may the New Year bring an abundance of happi- ness and Prosperity. A. D. McCARTNEY Coal Dealer, Clinton. Queen St. Phone 251 enaMeMAIMMeereSeheretireeitereaer Funeral Service Funeral Director and Embalmer Ccunpleto Motor Equipment 24 Hour Service SUTTER--PERDUE--WALKER Day or Night Phone 147w r To stent House in Ontario street, with all modern eonvenienees, , and garage, Immediate possession. Apply to A. J. McMurray, Harriston, Ont. 47-tf, W ;: i TED D Fresh Eggs and Cream Highest Prices for Strictly Fresh Eggs. Cream shipped regularly. Good Prices Pais" A. E. FINCH Phone 231. Cleaning and Pressing j of All Kinds i Suits, Coats and Dresses W. J. JAGO If not open work may be left al Heard's Barber Shop Clinton Wood Yards Come to us when in need of anything in the Wood Line. DRY HARD WOOD & s OFT' W00/1 AU orders promptly delivered fros our yards, Isaae:.Street, Clinton. •- VICTOR FALCONER 1 R. R. No, 1, Brucefield. Phone 629r12, Clinton Central. 33-t@, E. C. HOWES Electrican and Plumber A Full Line of Electric Applianoot 1 also iv: s Plumbing Fixtured' 7 Wiring, . Plumbing and: Repaird Phone 53w. , 12-14