HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1933-11-30, Page 8PAGE $ '"► HE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURS., NOV. 30, 1933 Phinistcel Bros. S`T'OCK-REDDUCING SALES --CONTINUED UNTIL DEC. 9TH' SPECIAL REDUCTION ON SUITS AND OVERCOATS EVERY GARMENT ON SALE MEN'S SUITS at $5.00, $9.95 and $12,95 MEN'S OVERCOATS at.... .. ...:...$5.95,88.95 and $14.95 BOY'S BLOOMER ;SUITS, size 31 to 36 $1.98 and $2.98 BOYS' BLOOMER PANTS .79c bong Pants 98c MEN'S HEAVY JUMBO -KNIT SWEATERS - 2.192 up 0. V. PURE WOOL COATS, No Collar $1.49 WORK SWEATERS 98e 'and $1.19 CHILDREN'S PULLOVER SWEATEFS ....................49e up IBEX 12-4 FLANNELETTE BLANKETS, white or grey, for a limited time only $1.95 a pair PURE WOOL, large size, satin bound ends in Rose, Gold, Blue - and Green 82.98 each LARGE SIZE FANCY PLAID FLANELLETTE BLANKETS a real bargain at $2.49 a pair MEN'S AND BOYS' LEATHER COATS AND WINDBREAKER' REDUCED FOR QUICK TURNOVER ! Lowest Prices on All Iines of pominion Rubber Footwear during this Sale. Bargains in all lines of Leather Footwear SEE OUR JOB LOT OF MEN'S OXFORDS, Clearing at 98c Do your Christmas Shopping Now. All !Christmas 'Good Included in the Sale Prices.. Plumsteel ros. peciiis LASD, per Ib. ' 12e 10c 100 100 RIB ROAST OF BEEF, per lb. 12e CHUCK ROAST, per Ib. 10c HAMBURG STEAK, per Ib. 100 CHOICE CHICKENS AND DUCKS FOR WEEK -END DRESSED HOG, half or whole, per lb. SAUSAGE, Home-made, per lb. HEAD CHEESE, per lb. Kindly order day before for early morning deliveries when possible. CONNELL & TYNDALIL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 Albert Street asimioammowneMMINOMMOINIt i O n 0 11 The " GENERAL " RIDIO I: TT Y OF OUTSTANDING VALUE MORE POWER AND SERVICE FOR YOUR DOLLAR 45 -VOLT HEAVY DUTY—AT 'DHE NEW LOW PRICE OF u ONLY $2.59 EACH O This remarkable value in Radio -B 'Batteries is manufactured hi Canada by one of the largest Battery manufacturers in the world. 0 8 Second Hand Stoves JUST COME IN—SEE THEM BEFORE YOU BUY 3 Slightly -Used Cook Stoves. 1 Air Cireulator, Good Shape. 2 Quebec Type Heaters. 2 Anex Heaters, Nearly New. SUTTER PERDUE & VALKER Hardware Funeral Directors Plumbing Furniture Phone 147w Electric Wiring 0 ,=01=0===20030 O=O= SPECIAL BARGAINS CHOICE DAIRY BUTTER, 5 lbs. ONIONS, COOKING, 10 lbs. for POTATOES, per bag . OATMEAL, 6 lbs. for for $1.00 19c $1.10 21c PASTRY FLOUR, 24 lbs. for 49c SHORTENING, SNOWFLAKE, 3 lbs. for 29c LARD, DUMARK'S, 3 lbs. for 37c FILLETTS, SMOKED, 2 lbs. for 25c PE;:NUT BUTTER, 2 lbs. for 27e CATSUP, C. & B., Large Size 17e HONEY, 5 lb. pail 430 DATES, 2 lbs. for 190 FIGS, Choice, .2 lbs. for 19c PRUNES, 2 lbs. for 25e CURRANTS, New Cleaned, 2 lbs. for 25c CHERRIES, Candied, Bright Red 1-4 lb. 12e LEMON AND ORANGE PEEL, per lb. 23e CITRON PEEL, per lb. 330 MIXED CUT PEEL, per lb. 25c VALENCIA RAISINS, 2 lbs. for 23c GRAPE FRUIT, 5 for 25c ORANGES, per dozen 25e, 30e, 40c, and 490 LEMONS, per dozen 25c SPIES OR KING A'PPLES, CELERY HEARTS, ;CITRO'NIS, SQUASH, BANANAS, GRAPES. FREE Dinner. Set, 95 Pieces, I " 100 lb. Sack Red Path Sugar. 100 lb. Sack Five Roses Flour. 15 Prizes of $1.00 each in Goods to the next 15 persons. The Prizes will be won by the Family or Person spending the most ; Money in this store from Saturday, November 25th to December Slst. Every Dollar you spend in this store to count, except bn Sugar in Large Quantities, LOBBS GENERAL STORE Gorden Sinclair's New Book ITS NAME IS— CANNIBAL QUEST AND ITS . PRICE I'S 82.00 (300 Pages) It is described as a book more startling, more exotic and more ro- mantic than the same authors "Foot- loose in India." It is written by the brightest, breeziest and widest trav- elled newspaperman in Canada. He has gone 300,000 nrices in search of the odd, the unusual and the thril- ling. In Cannibal Quest you . climb with him into the misty mountains of the most mysterious island in the world, you see and hear the masters of black magic at their tribal pow-. wows. You hunt elephants and ora ange-outangs in Borneo, tigers in Malaye and snakes in Siam. Tile W. D. Fail Co Often the Cheapest—Always the Best ' 11111 �I11 F$°€R1111,1410111110r' 1;1111A1111 Mrs. Levi Wiltse has gone to stay with Mrs. M. Clark of Goderich for a while, Mrs. J. Emmerson of Kincardine has been visiting her cousin, Mrs. R. J. Cluff of town. Mr. Edwards, superintendent of the Children's Shelter, Goderich, was in town on Tuesday. Mrs. H. T. Rance was in London last week attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Bartholemew. Miss Lottie Jenkins has returned to town after visiting with her bro- ther at Londesboro for a couple of weeks, ! Misses Ruby V. Irwin and Luella and Ida Walkinshaw motored to London on Sunday to visit the for- rner's sister, Mrs. Vesey. Mrs. Alex. Cloakey of Wingham was the guest of her cousin, Miss Elizabeth Carter, over the week, end, coming down to attend the funeral of the late Edward Carter on Thursday last. Messrs. George T. Jenkins and H. C. Lawson, president and secretary of the Clinton (Intermediate Rockcy' team were in Toronto on Saturady attending the annual, meeting of the Ontario Hockey Association. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Manning left Friday for Almonte, Ont., where they expect to spend the winter. It will seem somewhat like going home to both, as it is Mrs. Man- ning's girlhood home, and Mr. Manning spent some time there al- so; they having been married there. HAYFIELD A very impressive ceremony was performed in St. Andrews United church, Bayfield, on Sunday morn- ing, Nov. 26th when Wm. Sparks and Robert Scotchmer were duly ordain, ed to the office of the eldership. They had been chosen with ballot by the unaminous vote of the congrega- tion. The minister, Rev. R. M. Gale, conducted the ceremony followed by an address to the congregation and members of Session on the duty of Church Officers. In the evening the pastor preached on "The Hidden Years of Jesus." Next Sunday at morning service the minister will address the W. M. S. at their annual Thankoffering Service. Miss Lottie M. Higgins is spend- ing some time with her sister in West Lorne. Mr. George Kay who has been in Detroit is spending some time in Bayfield. PORTER'S HILL There was a rather small gather- ing at the regular service in Grace church an Sunday last owing to the bad condition of the roads. The Sunday School and young peo- ple are arranging for a Christmas Concert to be held later. A good attendance aws present at the Y. P. S. on Friday evening. Mr. Fred Elliott gave the topic. Mr. Harry Powell and helpers are RED AND. WHITE Always in the Lead laramonsmaussanuseensucacaners will arrive here at 3 o'clock smamesurcesseiricermarruscsusuransescs He is very busy getting ready to co 01' e to Clinton, and we are as busy as bees getting ready for hit H there is sleighing he will ride right up to our 'front door, and wants to meetall the Boys and Gids iia Clinton and Surrounding Country. 1-l`e would like to meet all the fathers, mothers aunts and uncles too so everybody come. We are decorating our store for him now and will be ready to show you all the CHRISTAS GOODS WIRSEEIZENSWEZRZOSIMMEZZEMMESEI FRIGIDAIRE Swift Sausage, per lb. 19c Home-made Sausage, per ib. 15c Schneider's Sausage, per lb. 18c Bacon, in piece, per lb. 19c Cottage Rolls, per lb. 18c Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails Fresh Filletts, per lb.17c Smoked Filletts, per 1b.. 15c FRUITS Oranges, per dozen 19c, 29c, 39c Seedless Grape Fruit, 4 for . 25c Grapes, 2 lbs. for ....25c 'NEI 1 .amm CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 busy erecting a new storm fence op- posite J. S. Lockhart's farm. Mr. and .Mrs. Les. McMillen and daughter, Margaret, are visiting with friends. 'The boat on which Les. has been sailing for the last couple of months is wintering at Goderich. Miss Olive Fuller of London spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fuller. A large crowd attended the pre- sentation and dance given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Holmes on Friday evening last. VARNA Miss Muriel Elliott has returned home from a lengthy visit at Kit, chener. Miss A. J. Keyes has returned to the village after spending a few weeks with friends at Mitchell. Mrs. Frank Fowler and daughter spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Wilmer Reid. Mrs. A. Foster is very poorly at time of writing. The W. A. of St. John's Church nret at the home of Mrs. M. Reid on Thursday last. A good attendance was present. tion held at Hensall by James Mc Naughton and Earlin Whitmore fav- ored with a vocal duet. Mrs. Jesse Freeman acted as chairman during the election of offi- cers which resulted as follows: Pre- sident, Wallace Haugh; vice: Miss Alice Thompson; sec. -treasurer, Miss Erma Broadfoot; press secretary, Miss Eva Stackhouse; program com- mittee, W. Pepper, D. McNaughton and Edwin Johns. • Refreshments were served by the ladies at the conclusion of the pro- gram and the election of officers. TUCKERSMITH A. number of the young friends of Mr. and Mr's. Walter R. Pepper, who were recently married, met at their home on Friday evening last to spend a social time with thein, to1 welcome the bride to the community' and to present them with some ; tangible tokens of their good will. When the company had assembled an address was read to the young couple by Mr. Warren Whitmore, ex- pressing the good wishes of the com- munity, and asking their acceptance of the gifts offered, when Messrs. Leslie Pepper and James Landesbor- ough presented on behalf of the company a rocker, an occasional chair and some other pieces, toward the furnishing of the new home. Mr. Pepper very fittingly replied, on behalf of himself and his bride, and thanked their friends for the good wishes and the handsome gifts. The evening was then spent in dancing and other amusements, re-; freshments being served before the concourse broke up. The opening dance was a square dance, when Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pep- per, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Venner, the parents of the newly-weds, the bride and groom and Mr. James Landes - borough and Miss Irene Venner, made up one set. A very pleasant time was spent by all present. A meeting of the Tnckerslrrith Aggressive Club was held recently et the hone of Mr. and Mrs. James McIntosh with an attendance of sev- enty or eighty. Wallace Haugh, presided. The topic, "Labor Saving Devices in the Farm and Home," was taken in an interesting manner .by Miss Dorothy Wilson and Warren Whitmore. A report was given of the conven- MUMS ARE NOW AT THEIR BEST ) Plants in bud and bloom from ' 25c up AA fine Assortment in Cut Bloom ..c '," 3lordst PHONEl76 FTP!cREENHOUSELOWERSHOP PHONE31 - Member of Florist Telegraph De- livery Association Prepare ForWinter BY HAVING A New Range or Heater BUY NOW BEFORE PRICES ADVANCE SEE OUR GRANITWARE IN IVORY OR GREEN BEFORE BUYING T. Hawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 ,091_ C RIST A WILL BE HERE BEFORE YOU KNOW IT Don't leave all your shopping for the last day. Now fs• the time to come in and pick out your Gifts, and we will hold' them: for you until wanted, We have a full assortment to choose from at exceptional bargains. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT You can save money by using the Dustless Ash Sifter, elimin- ates dusty back -breaking shaking, A full line of Beach Ranges and Heaters, also the Princess Pat Stoves and Heaters. • We are agents for the New Prosperity Oil Burner, more econ- omical cleaner, and a steady even heat. Conte in and we will be glad to give you a demonstration. BALL. "Store With tie Stock" Phone 195 Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Monument Dealers N. Ball, Phone 110. J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103. SUPERIOR CHAIN STORES Who is the Most Popular °'' oy or Girl in the Community? BIG POPULARITY CONTEST OPENS AT McKNIGHT'S SUPER, IOR STORE ON SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2ND COME AND NOMINATE YOUR FAVORITE BOY OR GIRL ALL CHILDREN 12 YEARS AND UNDER ELIGIBLE FIRST PRIZE FOR GIRLS -1 Life Size Talking Doll. SECOND PRIZE FOR GIRLS -0 Hand Sleigh. FIRST PRIZE FOR BOYS -1 Toboggan. SECOND PRIZE FOR BOYS --i1 Pair Skees. RULES—IAny person can Nominate a boy or girl. POINTS ,ALLOWED 'AS FOLLOWS--. With each purchase, your candidate will be credited with the amount Purchased. That is if you buy '60e worth of merchandise at our store your candidate will receive 60 votes. If your purchase exceeds $3.00 or more at one time the points will be doubled.—Make every purchase count. CONTEST CLOSES SATURDAY NIGHT, DECEMBER 23RD and prizes will be awarded the same night at 10 o'clock sharp. List of Candidates Will Be Posted in Our Own Store SPECIALS FOR WEEK -END MAPLE LEAF SALMON, 1 lb. for 31c HILLGREST ;SHORTENING, 1 lb. for ...9c HARRY HORN DELIEX JELLY, pkg. 50 KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKE,`, per pkg. 9c INGERSOLL MALTED CHEESE, 1-2 pkg. 110 CARROTHERS SODAS, 1 lb. bag ' . ..121/ec PEARL OR P. and G. SOAP, 2 bars for 7c COCOANUT WAFERS, per lb. 13c KELVINATOR SPECIALS HEAD LETTUCE 1.Oc CELERY HEARTS ..10e FRESH PICNIC HAM, per lb. 12c WEINERS, per lb. 15c PEAMEAL BACK BACON, per lb. 23c FRESH SAUSAGE, per lb. OYSTERS, per jar • Santa Claus will visit this store Saturday, December 16th at 3 o'clock sharp. We invite all the boys and girls' in town and country.. .15c, 17c and 19c 25c J.T. McKN IG HT & SON You can be sure of getting everything fresh here. PHONE 111.