HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1933-11-23, Page 5'THURS., NOV. 23, 1933 THE CLINTON NEWS•RECORD EDF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME The C. C. F, will have no entang- ling alliances; they have given nee -rice that they will have no -truck 'or' trade with Conservatives, Liberals -or, Communists. That ought, to re- suit in a real, 100 -percent. X., C. F. '-organization, • whatever that may prove to be. en view of some recent happenings •• and the avowed wishes of some citi- rens of our nation, -wouldn't it be •quite legitimate now for loyal citi- ezens to sing the verse of the. National .'Anthem, 'where,the prayer about ""eonfounding. thir • politics" is 'found? This verse has Veen left out of all recently published hymn' books, `but some of the "tricks" resorted to Deem "knavish" enough to be prayed ',against, , ."In Italy babies are'bonused and in Canada a` tax is levied on babies' rub- ' leer pants," remarks the Ghesley En- `terprise. "Some difference in the'en- •couragen'ient in these countries to- -wards raising children." ' }But aren't authorities now of the :opinion that rubber pants are not good for babies? A paternal govern- • meat is probably just trying to ells- -courage an injurious practice on the part of some mothers. One shouldn't -always be looking for faults in gov, eruments. Give the old boys the ben- ' • efit of the doubt' when possible.' 'Snow used to be' considered a .great convenience in this country and 'the winter which brought us little -snow was a disappointment to many. The -fa'mers counted on sleighing • to get their grain and produce out to market; to get wood out for their own use and for sale; saw mill men counted on it to get logs to their Mills; all teamsters counted on it to make easier the moving of heavy loads; merchants welcomed it be- cause it. brought more people into town and made business brisker. A - lgng period of good sleighing, when roads became well beaten and smooth • and broad, speeded up business in every Iine. It was so easy getting over tho ground on runners, the 'horses liked it, and especially when they bad a nice string of bells at- tached to the sleigh or themselves, they seemed to trot along as if they were really enjoying themselves, no less those in the vehicle behind them. But those days are gone, ancl we fear, gone forever. Snow nowadays seems to be nothing but a nuisance. 'P Wo had lovely sleighing. in Clinton the past week, but Tuesday's soft •weather softened it and cars cut the ' roads to pieces and, made them al- most impassible, so that the slush bad to be scraped off the ponds and carted away. The •operation of runners on snow tends to pack it and make it smooth, while the operation of wheels tends 'to stir it up and scatter it about. We shall never have the good sleighing • of the past until ears are banished from snow roads, and that time looks to be a long way off. But we'll Ieave it to anyone who has ever seen the sight if the spee- tacle of a fine, well -matched team of drivers, hitched to a shining cutter, witli flowing robes, jingling bells. and a well -wrapped couple behind 'them, wasn't a fine and impressive one, A car may be all right, but a horse has good red blood in his veins, he knows .when you speak to him, and he doesn't take a nose-dive into the nearest ditch, or try to climb a telephone pole if she happens to strike a bit of a snow drift. GODERICR TOWNSHIP Richard Chambers who expired suddenly while sitting in the living - room of his home on- the Huron. road last Thursday, was buried in Maitland • Cemetery on Saturday afternoon. Rev. G. T. Watts, of Goderich and Rev. J. W. Herbert of Ilohnesville, conduct- ed the service at the home' and Mait- land Cemetery, Mr. Chauthers was in his 73rd year and was a native atm lifelong resident of Goderich town- ship. He is survived ' by his wife, formerly Elizabeth ,Cook and five sons, William, Roy and Frank, of this township; Harry, of, Detroit, and 'Thomas; in Saskatchewan, also nine ,.,grandchildren. Sisters are Mrs. Stev- enson, of Ashfield " Township; Mrs. William Moore, of Goderich, and Mrs. Newton, of Buffalo. ' Miss Emily Thoanpson, nurse-inv training at Stratford General 'Hos- ; vital, was home over 'the week -enol with her parhnts, Mr, and Mrs. H. J. ' Thompson of the Shcteenth... The pupils of S. Se Nee 9 are very busy preparing for their . Christmas concert which will be given on Dec. ,21st. Nominations will be' held in Hole nnesville hall on Friday,' Nov. 24th, • and elections, if a poll be demanded, ion Monday, Dec. 4th. WHAT! SO MANY PASSENGERS Porter on chair car (to passenger) `.`Did you lose five dollars this - morning?" •Passenger- `f`Yes, I believe I did. Did you find a five dollar bill?" Porter—"No sir; I' just wanted to • findout how many passengers on this train hadt : iv ' I Ios ' £ e dollars •this. morning. You nialce the seventy- rseverith." J. W..Marquis, Prosperous Hullett Farmer, Passes. At Age of Seventy -Two' The community was shocked on Thursday morning last to learn of the death' of John Wesley Marquis, which occui;red in the Clinton Public Hospital, after a brief illness. Mr. Marquis had undergone an operation the week before, from which he was recovering satisfactor- ily, when he suffered a stroke and gradually sank, only' surviving' a few hours. As he was a vigorous, active pian, and as many had, not ev- en heard of his illness at all, the news of his death name as' a shock. Mr.. Marquis was born near Whit by, in Ontario county, seventy-two years ago, a son of 'the late John Marquis and his wife lsfary Ann Phipps. He came up to Huron conn; ty • with his . parents When he was a lad of ten and had lived in 'Goderich, in Colborne and in Hallett ever .since, for the past ten years in Hullett, where he farmed and dealt in live stock and produce. He carried on a successful business and had a comfortable and prosper- ous farm. He was a genial man and a good neighbor. In religion he war a Methodist, - later United, and was an active member of Ontario street church. In politics he was a Liberal. He is survived by his wife, who was formerly .Miss Martha Engler of :Grey township, and three daugh- ters,: Florintena of Detroit, and Es- telle and Dorothy, both registered nurses, at present at home. Three sisters also survive: Mrs. 3. A. Pic- kard, Winnipeg; and Mrs. A. E. Jer- vis and Miss Janet Marquis, Napan- ee, Ind.' A half-brother and sister also survive, ?drs. Walter Calder, Woodrow, Sask., and • George Mar- quis, Winnipeg. The funeral took place from the family residence, Base Line, on Sat- urday afternoon, the services at house and graveside being conducted by the Rev. F. G. Ferri'%, pastor of Ontario street church. Miss Marion Gibbings sang an ;appropriate solo very sweetly during the service, Miss Wiitse accompanying her on tho piano. Tho pallb'oarers were: Messrs, 0. Jervis, G. Cornish, W. J. Stevens, W, D. Connell, James VanEgrond and W. Shobbrook, all neighbors and fellow members of the same church. Those present from a distance for the funeral were: Mr. Carl Engler, Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clarke, also of. Ottawa; Mrs. Joseph Engler and Mrs. Thos. Kerr, Ethel; hfrs. Gingerieh and Messrs. Alien, WiII and Albert Phipps, Carsonvilie, Michigan. Internaent was made in Clinton cemetery. PORTER'S HILL On Tuesday, Nov. 28th, the Gode- rich Township Men's Club will meet, with Mr. Geo. Laithwaite as speaker. Ilis subject will be :"The Next War." A good program is also arranged. This meeting was postponed last week owing to everyone being so busy en- tertaining OM Man Winter, who trade a somewhat unexpected visit. Owing to a funeral service at Bay- field, of which Rev, R. M. Gale had charge, there was no service held in Grace Church Sunday. Last Thursday and Friday the storm prdvented our mail man from making his regular trips, but the roads are 0. K. again. Mrs. Bert Bowden and daughter, Muriel, are spending a few clays un- der the parental roof. Snow, Snow, beautiful ;snow, banks riStd drifts everywhere you go. (Intended for last week) The Ladies' Aid from Taylor's Cor- ner visited the Ladies' Aicl of Grace church on Thursday last and brought with them a splendid program of duets, quartettes, choruses, readings; violin selections, piano selections and pantomines. A splendid topic was given by Mrs. Austin Sturdy, which was much enjoyed. Afterwards a dainty lunch was served by the Por- ter's Hill ladies and a social hour spent. Miss Clara Harmer has returned after a months' • visit at Leamington and othor places in that district. Owing to unpleasant weather and bad roads the Goderich Township Men's Club 'was postponed' to a later date. ' ' Mrs. Thos. East is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Dave Pocock. Mr. Thos. Betties has been not so well the last few days. Dope to see him improved in health 'boon. Mr. Les. McClure is .gradually re- gaining his former health. Glenn Lockhakt has returned home after spending the fall months with Mr, Ernie: Johnston. STANLEY 141r. and Mrs. John Gilmour and son Gilbert, motored from Tuxford, Sask., and are visiting at the home of the former's brother, Mr. Hugh Gil- mour. • Mr. Arthur Chapman left last Sat- urday to attend the funeral of his nephew at Pennsylvania. Mrs. Morris Durham, little Miss Margaret and Master George, of Rockfort,' Alta., arrived last week'to "spend the winter at the home ofthe fornaer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hen- ry Dielah MARRIAGES PEPPER — VENNER-At the home of the bride's parents, on Nov.'1Sth by the Rev. i'. G. Ferriil, Idar gueritte Mae, younger daughter of Mr, and Mrs. C, H. Venner, Clin- ton, to Walter Roger Pepper of Tuckersna.ith, son of. Mr. and Mrs. Free Pepper of Tuckersmith, CANTELON—T+A1tQUHAR- At the home of the bride's parents, on Nov. 16th, by the Rev. W. A. MacKay, Jeanie Robina, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.. 3. A. Farquhar, Sehomberg, to Perris G. Cantelon, son of Mr. and Mrs. IY. A. Cantelon, Hensel'. HEFFRON—WALSif—At St. Au- gustine church, on Nov. 18, by the Rev. :B. Gaffney, Lavinia, elder daughter of Mr. John and the late. Mrs.. Walsh, Vest Wawanosh, •to John Heffron, of Blyth, , BIRTHS. WARD: In' Brueefield, on Nov. 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ward, a • son. DEATHS CARTER—In Clinton, on Nov. 21st, Edward Carter, aged 83 years and '7 months. BAYFIELD The villagers were greatly shock.. ed on Friday morning to learn that death had suddenly taken on Thurs- day night one of their number in the person of Mr's. Walter J,' John- ston. Mr's. Johnston had been in bed for a week suffering from quin- sy but was feeling much better and thought that she would be able to get up the next day. But when, her husband and little son went up- stairs about ten o'clock, they found that she bad passed away,' although she had been resting comfortably when he had been up to see her a short time before. The deceased woman, who before her marriage was Edith May Jones, daughter of the late Robert and Helen Jones of Clin- ton, was born in Seaforth in 1901. In 1925 she beeame the bride of Walter J. Johnston and came to retake her home in Bayfield where she had made many friends. She was widely known, coating in contact with the public when assisting her husband in the bakeiy, and by bor quiet but happy disposition gained the esteem of all who knew her, Prior to her marriage she was an operator on the Clinton staff of the Bell Telephone. Besides her sorrowing husband she leaves one son, William, aged seven years. She is also survived by a sister, (1-lolen), Mrs. C. Aberhart, Seaforth, and three brothers, Guy Jones of Varna, Elgin Jones of Or- illia and Carl Jones of Port Colborne. The funeral, which was private, was held from the home of Malcolm Toms on Sunday afternoon at two o'clock, the service being in charge of Rev. R. M. Gale, pastor of St. An- drew's United church. Interment was made in Bayfield Cemetery. The pallbearers were: Lloyd Makins, George Elliott, Clayton Weston, W . E. Parker, E. A. Featherston, and Chas. Toms. , Those from a distance who attended the funeral were: El- gin Janes, Criilia, Carl Jones, Port Colborne, Mrs. Chas. Aborhart, Sea - forth, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Jones, Var- na. Amongst the many and beautiful floral tributes, which spoke for themselves of the esteem in which the late Mrs. Johnston was held were those from Canadian Legion No. 140, Clinton, Clinton Telephone Staff, Bayfield Branch of Legion, Meliie Sehoenhals, Clinton, bit'. and Mrs. Percy Johnston, Goderich, Mr. and Mrs, E. R. Weston, Goderich, Mar- garet Ferguson, Bayfield. The lad- ies Auxiliary of the B. E. S. L, Clinton, The deepest sympathy of the Com- munity is extended to the husband and small son so sadly bereaved. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Knight, son, Ronald, and infant daughter, Mary, visited Mrs. Knight's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F C. Gemeinhardt, last week, returning to their home in To- ronto on ,Saturday. M'r. and Mrs. John Pollock left on Tuesday' to spend some time with their daughter, Mrs. George Hol- man, in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Jowett and Miss Grace, left Monday for Ford Lauderdale, Fia., where they will spend the winter. They went by me- ter Mr. E. Randall ."of Elmira was the guest over the week -end of Miss Grace Jowitt, GODERICH: An order was per eeived Monday from the Department of Northern Development to supply twelve single men from Goderich for work on the new Provincial High., way into Algonquin Park. The full quota was not secured but eight men left Tuesday afternoon via the C. N.R. Their destination is Dwight, near Huntsville. HENSALL: What is, termed Young People's day will be held Sunday, Nov. 26, in the United church when the Rev. Dr. Langford, of Toronto will be the speaker. Dy. Langford comes very highly spoken of as one of: the leading men• in the church. The choir will be assisted at the morning service by Miss Pearl Wood of Exe- ter and at the everting service by James 'Scott, tenor,. of Seaforth.. „glory nab FTGs� e. • Association Member of Florist Telegraph Delivery BULBS Of All Kinds PLANT NOW Chas. V. Cooke FLORIST •Phones: 66w and 66j For Sale Eleven. corner posts, 9' and 8' long, Three brace posts, 3".and 40x12 long, Ten Telephone Posts, 26' to 33'. long, W. Robertson, Varna, phone 626r2. 48-3. LET'S have a' good "understanding." Use Cress Corn Salve. Recom, mended by your druggist, J. E. Hovey. JUDGMENT RESERVED: IN 'APPEAL CASE Judgment was reserved by the appellate court at Osgoode Hall on Monday in the appeal brought by the attorney -general's department of Ontario against the sentence imposed upon Gordon Young, former Huron County treasurer, by Police 14Iagis- trate C. A. Reid. "The magistrate ought not to look at the social position of the accused," stated Joseph Sedgwick, K.C., of the attorney -general's department at Os- goode Hall during the hearing. of the appeal. The attorney -general's department claim the sentence of 12 months de- finite to six months indefinite for embezzlement and . destruction of books and records, imposed by Mag- istrate Reid, ewes insufficient. Magistrate Reid, in stating his reasons for imposing a light sen- tence on the former treasurer, point- ed out that Young was 68 years old and had previously borne a good character. His salary had been re- duced to $1300 a year and being mar- ried with seven children, he had found it impossible to replace the money. Joseph Sedgwick claimed good soi:lal position and good character might aggravate rather than palliate the offense. Ile contended a reform- atory sentence was intended for a young man who alight reform. This contention met with strong opposi- tion from the court and from C. A, Thompson, counsel for Young. "The ordinary intention of the Legislature was that an offense of titin kind should be treated more severely," Mr. Sedgwick proceeded. "There is not a word which in- dicates the magistrate was influenc- ed by social position,', stated Mr. Thompson. "If he had been a man who appropriated the money for, gambling and so on it might be differ- ent." Mr, Thompson eeforrod to "brok- erage cases" where hundreds of thousands of dollars were taken and the heaviest penalty imposed was three years. LOND7ESBORO Miss L. Young has retuned, hav- ing spent last week with her friend, Mrs. Geo. Caldwell, near Blyth. Mrs. Barker of Toronto spent the week -end with her parents, l4Yr. and Mrs. J. Fingland. Miss Alberta Snell of the 0. H. of London, visited with her brother, Donald, at her old home on Sunday and Monday. Mrs. 17. Mountain visited at the home of her son, Willis, for a couple of weeks recently. Mrs. D. Ewan visited with her niece at Toronto over tho week -.end. Remember the social evening for the Institute members and. their families this Friday night ,a good time is in view for all. The W. A. of the United Church are making arrangements for their annual bazaar to be held in Con1- munity Ball on December 8th. 14Ir: Thos. Cardwell of Wainfleet,• is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert' Caldwell. Miss Ida Lyon is spending a week with her sister, Mrs. Emmerson Hesk. ,Miss Gerrie Roberton, Toronto, spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs. M. Ross and other relatives in the vicinity. Mr. Conran Moon is with London friends. WON HIGH HONORS IN LIFE IS. FRIENDLESS IN DEATH - Toronto, ' Nov. 21. --'Without a friend or relative :present to mourn his passing, Sir James O'Donoghue, a boyhood companion of King Ed- ward 171I, was buried here today. A newspapea` reporter and three em- ployees of a funeral chapel were pall- bearers. Since helost his fortune here shortly after the war, Sir James liv- ed in near -,poverty and without friends. He was :Mayor of Galway, Ireland, in 1903, the year he was knighted by his royal friend. He died hese' Saturday, THE REST MARKET FOR Poultry, Eggs, Cream ALL TIM YEAR ROUND FOR CASH AT THE CLINTON POULTRY HOUSE N. W. Trewartha Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w Here's the Place to Eat OUR TOASTED SANDWICHES ARE DELICIOUS CHEESE HAM . • ,EGG ' SALMON RAM AND EGG WESTERN HOT CHOCOLATE, TEA, COFFEE BARTLIFF & CRICH Makers of Dainty Maid and Whole Wheat Bread Phone 1, Clinton, ANNOUNCEMENT I am opening a law office on: Isaac Street, Clinton, at which it will be nay privilege to offer my, services to the people of Clinton' and vicinity in the capacity of BARRISTER, SOLICITOR AND. NOTARY PUBLIC The office will be open on Mon- • days, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. beginning November 3rd, 1933, D. R. NAIRN Phones: Clinton, 115. Goderich, 512. 49-2-p CARD OF THANKS • The local branch of the Canadian Legion wish to thank the people of Clinton and vicinity for their splen- did co-operation in the solemn ohser- vanco of Remembrance Day and for their loyal and generous support in our annual Poppy Day Campaign and assure them that all proceeds will be used for relief purposes amongst needy and distressed wee veterans and their families, Wanted A used coal heater, medium sized, or combination heater and cooker. Inquire at The News -Record office. 50-1-p. Fur Coat For Sale Good coon coat. Will sell or ex- change for wood. Apply Dudley Bird, Isnae street, Clinton, 50-1-p. Chopping Grain Chopping will be done every Time, day and Friday at the barn of the undersigned, Goderich township. Farmers, bring along your grain and have it ground while you wait. Lloyd Picot. Phone 000r42, Clinton contral. 50-3-p. NOTICE Voters' Lists, 1033, Municipality of Clinton, County of Huron. NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with section 7 of the Yates' Lists Act, and that I have Posted up at my office at Clintotn on the 31st day of October, 1933, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the Municipality at municipal elec- tions, and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omisslons corrected according to law, the last day for ap- peaI being the 30th day of November, 1933. R. E. MANNING, Clerk of the Town of Clinton. 51-1. House to Let Small semi-detached red brick house on. Huron street. Apply to R V. Irwin. 47-tf. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY, COUNCIL The Huron County 'Council will meet in the Council Chamber, Court House, Goderich, at 2 oteloek its the afternoon on Tuesday, the 5th day of December, 1933. All accounts, notices of depute - tions, or applications and other im- portant business requiring attention at this meeting of council should be in the hands of the Clerk not later than the Monday previous' to the meeting of council. Dated at Goderich this 6th day of November, 1933. GEO. W. HO,LMAN, County Clerk. 48-3. Cleaning and Pressing of 'All Kinds Suits, Coats and Dresses • W. J. JAGO If not open 'work may be left a1 Heard's Barber Shop .311 n ,,.=NW iVIZEIMINgaMin'Y HOW DO YOU ,SPELL 'CONCENTRATED COMFORT"' LET ME SSEE.-- 1r BEGINS WITH AN "H"— F--O-L-K-S PAGE 5 Concentrated Ceneort ' This is a 'very good name for the coal we offer you. When you put the Heat Foilcs incharge oe your furnace and fireplace and kitchen range, You can laugh at any kind of outdoor weather, because' .of thedelightful comfort indoors. Solve the question :of winter heat today by ordering a sup- ply of Heat Folks coal: Le.; the rtiri4C Pe:jeeti$ WE NOW CARRY GENUINE SCOTCH ANTHRACITE ustar C PHONE 74 CLINTON, ONTARIO WAVSgf CAPITAL THEATRE Goderich. Phone 47 Now Playing: George Arliss in: "THE KING'S VACATION • MON,. TUES., WED. Clive Brook and George Raft present .a lavish and modern dramatic success "MIDNIGHT CLUB"- Thurs.. Fri., Sat.—Double Bill "BEST OF.ENEMIES" a gay and vivacious comedy drama with Buddy Rogers, Marion Nixon and Frank Morgan "LIFE IN THE RAW" A finely finished action yarn with Geo. O'Brien; Greta Nissen' Claire Trevor • Coming: 'I Loved You Wednesday' Matinees, Wed, and Sat. at 3 p.m. REGENT rREGENT THEATRE Seaforth. Now. Playing;' "Sleepless Night'," A Musical Success MON., TUES., WED. "GRAND SLAM" A tuneful romance featuring a great story and some infectious bridge Paul Lucas and Loretta Young Thurs., Fri., Sat.—Double 13111 James Dutin and Sally Eilers the screen's most papular team offers another grand picture "ME AND MY GAL" Completing a program of rare value is the exotic Oriental Attraction "SHANGHAI MADNESS" Coming: "The Devil's in Love." Matinee on Sat. at 3 p.m. Phone Us We Deliver 30 AND GO WATT BULBS 15c,'7 for $1.00 PRODUCT OF CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC C. H. VENNER, Phone 7 CFIRISTMAS MAY SEEM A LONG WAY OFF, BUT IT ISN'T. YOU WILL SOON BE SHOPPING FOR GIFTS THAT ANYONE CAN BUY. CHOOSE THE GIFT NOW THAT ONLY YOU CAN GIVE-- YOUR PHOTOGRAPH. Call at our Studio this month and have a lot of a orries off your mind. TIIE BURGESS STUDIOS Clinton and Mitchell Developing and Printing Hurter, end Trappers Take Notice I am in the Fur Buying Business end ant in touch with the manufac- tnrees. Get thy prices before selling elsewhere, Norman East, R. R. No. 1, Clinton. 00-6. Wanted Farm, 10 to 50 acres, with build- ings. Bestsprilanngd, crocshakde treesState, buslocah- , orchard, . tion, taxes, etc. Terms, Cash, Only rock bottom price will be considered. Address, Box B, News -Record, Clin- ton. 47-5-9. For Sale Four milk cows, two duo to fresh, en soon. Apply to A. Parsons, Stan- ley township. R. R. No. 1, Varna. Phone 630r6, Clinton Central, 48-3-p. To Rent House in Ontario street, with all modern conveniences,', and garage. Immediate possession. Apply to A. J. McMurray, Harriston, Ont. 47-tf. For Rent Sixeroomed house on Rattenbury street east, living room, dining room, kitchen, 3 nice bedrooms, bath room: good basement.' Rent reasonable. Apply to Ie. Finglancl. 46-tf. Pullets For Sale A number of bred-t"play Barred Rock Pullets, laying, also some little pigs. Apply to D. M. Lindsay, R. R. No. 3, Clinton, Phone 810 1.12. 42-tf. a S E IAL ° FROM NOVEMBER 23RD TO NOVEMBER 30TH We Will Dry -Clean and Press 2 SUITS Olt 2 DRESSES 1.50 1.50 NOTE:— Two articles must be brought in to obtain this Special Price. You can: make your own Com- bination, for' example "One Suit and 1 Overcoat" or "1 Suit and 1 Dress" will be tak- en. Cleaning Done by Ontario Day Cleaners and Dyers, London, Ont. Cleaning � 5 Repairing r ing Pee stng ��pRDyeing Funeral Service Funeral Director and Embalmer Complete Motor Equipment 24 Hour Service SUTTER--PERDUE--WALKER Day or Night Phone 147w WANTED Fresh Eggs and Cream ' highest Prices for Strictly Fresh Eggs. Cream shipped regularly. Good Prices Paiid, r E. FINCH Phone 231. RbVvvvv °omen evv suvnvv� ve ee°ee ,, e v m m a m e v v e e v q° m e e e e e •„ Purina Feeds . r ." PIG CHOW :a v° cow CHOW m° oe CALF CHOW 'BULKY LASS ee 32% CHOWDER e° s° DOG CHOW;• e FOX CHOW ie. 'e e. PURINA CRE -SO -FEC .° e PURINA WORM CAPSULES% ALL MASH EGG CHOWDER.:° ° ,°,.No grain required with this Mash e v° o H. W. Charlesworth °° o °n Phone 199 °a ° ro°a°e°m°n"v°ava°°vEN i°n°d!e°nss°ms°v o m situ Clinton Wood Yards Come to us when in need of anything in the Wood Line. DRY HARD WOOD & SOFT WOOL) All orders promptly delivered from our yards, Isaac Street, Clinton. VICTOR FALCONER 'R. R. No. 1, Brucefield. Phone 029x12, Clinton Central. 33-te, E. G. HOWES Elcctrican and Plumber ; 1 A Fall Line of Electric Appliances 1 also • Plumbing Fixtures Wising, Plumbing and Repairs# Phone 58w. 184114 COAL, COKE & WOOD Genuine "Lehigh Valley Anthracite Gaal" of all sizes. Alberta Coal Scotch Anthracite, range size Hamilton and American Coke Also Bituminous Coal Prompt and careful delivery fro'ml1 my sheds on, Queen street. I A. D. MCCARTNEXi Coal Dealer, Clinton, Queen St. Phone 261 F'.