HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1933-11-09, Page 5TTIIURS., NOV. ; 9, 1933 0 I - i .1 :h b st -1 ' • s o, c • t d t r T 8 n e s f rl 11 a 1i r a dj s ' 'L b -d a s1 L C THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PKGE9 vere: Ditnnvitle, 1 )F INTEREST TO YOU AND ME • Anyway, Canadian weather neveil„ scomes monotonous. Last week we ad the most, glorious, .almost sum.- ter weather, sunny, warm days, right, moonlight nights, This awningwe have about four inches1CI E snow and a cold north breeze. ooks like the middle of winter and :els not'unlike it. .Still, we are lokin forward to. some more nice g either before winterreally sets tit, r ° ° . Saturday is Remembrance D'ay, rov,.11th the fifteenthanniversarygan f that happyday, after four YearsDear, f the horrors of war,when the ens g Based fire and peace came. The world has not, perhaps, been 'together happy since, but on that a the whole civilized world was Y r even those to whom life appy, mild never be the same again via ig to the loss of those nearest and gdaughter, earest,failed not to rejoice that the mg conflict was over; that no more ones would be devastated, no more carts broken, • . Much water has run under the ridge since that day, however, and war talk" is again heard in theafter 'orld and nation frowns across bgnn- ary at nation. But, surely, as we tok back over those years, no one 1 his proper senses can find the tightest excuse for war. Some oth- r way out of the difficulties which enfront'nations must be found. War ettles, nothing, solves no problem. livilization must find some other a to settle disputes. And we be- Ye eve it will. W e honour the mem- ries of those who fell in the last rest wax but we say never again test such a calamity be allowed to ome upon the world. p - John Johnston, . Native ` of 'tanley Township Passes At On .At Ri e Age p g The' death . occurred, on Thursday„i last at the home of his son, Mr, Jrt W Johnston, near Varna, of. John Johnston, in : his ninety -fust year. Mr. Johnston was been on the farm on which he died and'on which he had lived his entire life, with the exce tion of the, eightyears between exception p g 1917 and 1925, when he retired and his wifetdied?iand beoreturnod to the 5 old Homestead Mr. Johnston was a son aF the late Thomas Johnston, an early settler in Stanley, and his wife,Sarah Steph- enson, who Caine out from Ireland to make _a new home in ,Cfinada. His father also died in. his ninety-first year, In 1872 he was united in marriage to Catherine Helen Moffatt l; of Tuckersmith. He is survived by one son, on the homestead and one Mrs. T. M. Johnston of" the Huron Road, near Idoderich, six. 'grandchildren and one great-grand, child. One brother also survives, Robert Johnston of Brandon, Man. Mr. Johnston was a.very quiet, un- assuming man, one who looked well the affairs of his own house- hold but who took no leading part in •public affairs. But he was a man of strict integrity and of lcindly dis- position and had the respect of all who knew him. He was a reenter of the Varna Methodist, now United church for almost his whole life,hilarious while in Clinton being connected with Wesley church, and was most regular in his attendance as longas health permitted, The funeral took place from the home of NIr. and Mrs. J. W. John- sten on Sunday afternoon to Bay field cemetery. The services at house and graveside were conducted by the Rev, E. A. Poulter of the Varna church, assisted by the Rev, A. A. Holmes of 'Clinton, a former pastor. The pallbearers were four Percy grandsons, and Lloyd John- sten, Mervyn Webster and Harold Dowson, and two nephews, Wilfrec; Pickett and Alfred Moffatt. 4 Friends were present Por the fun- oral from London, Exeter, Gocleriehi Seaforth, Cdititnn and Kippen. THE BEST MARKET FOR " MARRIAGES v ors . %ou1�1!" �''• r. austaneaszy RUNNELLS• -- McEWEN -- At the once of the bride's " ,i pat eats, on, c---�-6-°- --- da t. Eggs Cream y'! gg !T , 1 �'.\ ` / The Heat Fonts are renown- Nov, 4th, by the Rev. D. C. E', ter of Deegan, Eleanor dough ter of Mr, and Mrs. Alexander 112a Ewen, Stanley. township, to How- e 4 Member of Florist , .gi,, Telegraph Delivery gr ph NI ” Association• ALL THE YEAR ROUND FOR CASH AT , ' � + z �, eel in this town for malting cold H�.,'*�+ FOLKS;vanish quickly, They put win- YhQ WELL KNOWN �/' ter weather to shame and £air- FURNACE FAVORITE'S � ly take Jack's breath away. and Joseph' Runnalls, B.A,,. WaI- laceburg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos-. oph Runnalls of Mount Bridges. DAER -, BROV'HA:G] N - At the home of the bride's parents, on 'PLANT ,�.', "J* *' 4y • B�+BS Of All' Kind s NOW THE CLINTON POULTRY HOUSE Tr �� Phones—Office; 214 Residence 21.4W ' t 9 . WILL NOW SHOW 91"!R �TREt G Y 8�1 ; r a4 fi rs t i �q � F ' ; The coal man is the joy ;man . is coal. It .•,. when cosdel oers t Fresh and is i a ain- e r• ',1” ' sparkling. Each piece is jam- ' • met and crammed full of happy heat ready to do your bidding. 'Y Nov. 4th, b the Rev. S. Frederick- sen, of St, Peter's Lutheran church Logan, Martha Marie daughter of Mr. and Maki Joh 'Brno hag n, Le township, RoyI�� son of d12r. Henry Dam; and Chas. V. Cooker Phones:�� 66w fan X66` t; s 8, 1 i s`'w - i s=1 ' You are buying F rr ... 5 ng' warmth and Il ip„ , cheer when you 'I , '`!)'I �j l2.....U.. �\a i I` Casa the ' `I" Mutt the late Mrs..Daer, Auburn. FOWL SUPPERRemeinbrance ,c_ r a: "�11O0y' DEATHS . JOHNSTON—At the residence of his son J. W. Join -igen, ;Hayfield , y road - :Stanley townshi • on Nov, , Y p, 2nd, John Johnston, in his 91st a : TOWN HALL HAYFIELD ' Fritos' November 10th Friday, Supperserved from 6" to g o'clock FOLLOWED BY GOOD PROGRAM of the boys who lost their lives over- i1. fi seas, and in respect of the returned 1 men, we will be closed all da Y . ipl ; PHONE 4 r CLINTON, 74 C Irl t N r� 9'�N, ONT 1 RIO Year. ., Under auspfees Trinity Church, ,..,..,..ease.us•+ta aV,r.m,,... :awa,•2•Bitola;rs.+vnaweraror,!+...r..�n,.s tui..umxyr.,+a.+:r•tra,s-,eanr i�...:+wrasa�,cta .,.._. �... :Edwards to our community. She is Bayfield Admission gip Saturday,November 11 well and Favorably known and needs no introduction, having taught school Taylor's Corner for two 40e, Children under 12, 25c 48-1. t Kindly buy your supplies Friday. I ���•� �� THEATRE REGENT THEATRE at years. SORE J Goderich. Phone 47 Seaforth. On Thursday evening last, chick- FEET do cause other ills — Now Playing: Charlie Ruggles en thieves again visited Mr. John McMillen's chicken house, bringing Ilse Gress Corn Salve. J. E. Hov- ey, Druggist, r --i I Now Playing: "King of the Jun- gle" with Buster •Crabbe (The Lion Man,) and Mary Boland in "Mama Loves Papa." with hirn bags to carry away his ill- BARTLJF tP_ CRICH �G Bk ILII gottengains. Mr. and Mrs. McMil- len were both at Me. Jim McMilleres where threshing was going on. George, the hired than, returned home around 6.30 and was attracted the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Penhale on Sundaylast.Richard There was a large surprise party gatheringBing, at the home of Mr. 'and Mrs. Wm. 14IcLinehey ane day last Makers of Dainty Maid and Whole ti Wheat Bread phone 1, Clinton MON,. TUES•, WED. Arlen MaryGaffiblin Carlisle, Burns and Allen, Oakie and d a Jack another Class A comedy cast in a tale of youth MON., TUES., WED. 66 9! Ship" kligh life aboard a luxurious lin- er. Intrigue, mystery and a story that will hold your interest fea- taring Edmund Lowe to the chicken house by the barking week in honor of Mrs. McLinchey's of dog, whop he entered .there, birthday. All report a good tune. LEAVITT'S THEATRE, EXETER Now Showing: "COLLEGE HUMOR" THURS., FRI., SAT. G; .the to his surprise, stood a roan, or could we call him a man? with two chickens in a bag and another chic- ken in itis hand ready to put in. Be• fore George could collect his Mrs. Frank Hobson of St. Thomas motored to Seaforth one daylast week, being one of the winners in the draw of the bions Club fund and received a beautiful Avon Cedar "IIROA.DWAY TO HOLLYWOOD" a Drama with Music featuringWHEELER Madge Evans, .Timmy Durante, Alic' Brady, Franlc Morgan, May Robson Gorgeous, dazzling', Spectacles En• sembles, and Melody. THURS., FRT, SAT. AND WOOLSEY Sereendoin's ace fun -team in a riot of dusky ructions. Get the lowdown on African adventure. „ " Clive Brook, George Raft, Allison Skipworth and Helen Vinson in the dramatic success that has made the critics rave "Midnight/+1ub!! thou he was knocked ancon- Chest. � A Metro Goldwyn-MayerSO THIS IS AFRICA Picture Coming: "George Arltss in ghts, MON., TUES., WED. Carving: "Moonlight "The seious by a blow from the 'thief, who and Pretzels" STATE TROOPER U) Working Man." BAYFIELD Following a private seawice at his rte residence on Thursdayafter- eon the remains of the late Dr. Tinian Wiildridge Woods were taken o Trinity Church for the burial ser- tee. There was a very large atten- ance of former patients and friends rho Caine to pay their last respects p the physician, who for almost for- p y y years had been in their midst, a ho using the years of his practice had relight relief to the sufferings of zany, saudtet who in his position as 'ostmaater had been known and tel pected by all. The service wes conducted by the ew Rector, Rev. W. Stigler, assist- d by Rev. F. H. Paull of East Wind- or, former rector. The latter tookplc or the text of a most comforting ad- ress, `I know that my Redeemer vette," Job 19, 25, in which he paid igh tribute to the life of service rad the patience with which the de- eased bore his suffering, The pallbearers were: Messrs. D. C, McNaughton, W. J. Stinson, Jag, a Reid, Wm. J. Scotclemer, Wm. 3, llliott, H. R. McKay, while the fol- Irving members of the medical pro- anion were honorarybearers: Drs• C, Ross, Seaforth, J. C. McKinnon, tn'ieh, W. P. Gallow, Goderich, J, V. Shaw, Clinton, E. P. Lewis, To- onto, S. M. Burris, Bayfield. Interment was made in Bayfield cemetery, Amongst these from a distance to were present for the Funeral Dr. and airs. E. P. Lewis, To- onto, Robert Middleton, Port CTed- e Mr.• and Mrs. W. F. Buchan, R. T. and John Orr, Surat- ore, Mrs, R, H, F. Gairdner and Liss Betty, .Gaieties., London, Rev, rad Mrs, Fa H. Paull, East Windsor, • L. Buchan, Windsor. Miss Jean Woods is spending a ow clays with her mother. J. L. Buchan of Windsor is visit- tg his sister, Mrs, M. P, Woods, Rev. W. Bugler and family of (alters Falls%arrived on Wednesday E last week and has taken charge of Byfield Parish consisting of St, amen, Middleton, St. Johns, Varna, ltd Trinity, Bayfield. We welcome ev. and Mrs. Bugler and son, Ber- art, and Mr. Bugler Sr., tc our east. Miss MaryWidcanebe Who has Ben visiting her sister in Sandwich ;turned home: eon Wednesday of: st week. Mr. and Mrs, T. Mustard of To-, into were at their cottage over the eek -end. p Miss Elva Dewar of ter p onto spentgroom, fe week -end with her parents, Mr. id Mrs. D. Dewar. took this method' of escape, Only (Stratford One City to Ob- (Approved with "Regis Foomey" Comedy and Matinees, Wed. and S. at 3 p.m. Matinee on Sat, at 3 p.m. about two months ago 25 clucks were serve Remembrance Day Cartoon. Thurs., Fri„ Sat., Nov. 16, 17, 18 stolen from this same fanner. Ne one raises chickens or ducks for the lbronco Pleasure derived from the pastime, far from it. What they get at pre: Stratford will observe Rement- Day, SatuidAy, November 11, e the sante as other statutory holidays with places of business closed. This Marie Dressler and Wallace Beery in "TUGBOAT ANNIE" 30 AND 00 WATT Coming: "My Weakness" with Lit- lian Harvey and Lew Ayres. PRODUCT OF CANADIAN ` " " "" BULBS 15c, 7 for $1.00 GENERAL ELECTRIC sent prices is dearly earned and for some one to walk off with all, after all the hard work is almost Com. decision was arrived at at a meeting o£ the Retail Merchants' Association being two For Sale Phone Us 3 Hereford yearling steers and 4 We Deliver C. E Phone T > Plated, deserves the full punishment only contrary votes recorde- d against the that the milk cows, 2 due to freshen soon, � • of the late. It is certainly very dis-Apply cauragittg• to the farm women, who care and feed these birds all sum- mar, to see some one else enjoy the motion places of business be closed for the day, This means that stores will be open on the Friday night, previous to the to A. Parsons Stanleytown- CHRISTMAS MAY SEEM A LONGI • y ' WAY OFF, BUT IT ISN'T. YOU ship. R. R. No. 1, Varna. Phony WILL SOON BE SIIOPPING FOR 630 s.6, Clinton central, hone GIFTS THAT ANYONE CAN BUY. THE GIFT NOW THAT a a -r -- �° •• ^ Funeral Service GODERICE TOWNSHIP. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Zinn and fan- ily of Lanes, visited with Mr, and Mrs. IT, L. Wise, Goderieh township, on Sunday, Me. .and Mrs. Harry O'Neil of Windsor spent the week -end with their cousin, Mrs. Robt. G1uff of the Bayfield line, Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Cola ha g' n and son, and 111r. and Mrs, Will Robinson, Murray and Donald, visited with i1lr. and 'Mrs. Oliver Welsh on Sunday. Miss June Stephenson has return- ad •Frame after vision • with friends g in Detroit, Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Bradshaw of Detroit spent Sunday with the forme er's sister, Mrs, Laurence Stephen- son,who accompanied them en their' p return to Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunbar and family of Lambeth spent .Sunday with 141x. and Mxs. Arthur Sling Miss.Norma Walsh is spending this week as the guest of friends in LeaSTANLEYlent don and Lambeth. The following are the results for S. 'S. No. 11,of the monthly tests Y of September and October: Jt•, 4th: Jeanne Weldon, 70; Pearl McGee, 68; Lorne Tyndall, 49. :Sr. 3rd: Harold Wise, 62. Jr. 3rd: Willa Potter, 68; Donna Pickett, 66; Plank Potter 50. 2nd class: Lula Tyndall, 68; Glenn Wise, 63. lst class: Freddie Gibson, 00; Ray Potter, 76; Jackie Tyndall, 56; Har- old Corey, 10. Pr, Class: Norma Pickett, 59; Al- vin Wise, 45, Jr.. 'Pr,: Joe Potter, Georgie Mc- g Gee. Those securing seals in •Septem- ber: Jr. 4th: Jeanne Vodden; 3rd: Harold Wise; 2nd class; T,nla Tyn- deli; lst class: Freddie Gibson. Those security seals in October: g Ir. 4the Lorne Tyndall; 3rd class: Willa Potter; 2nd class:' Lula Tyn- tall; 1st class: Freddie Gibson; Pr,. Norma Pickett. Average attendance g for September, 16.8; for October, 16,42.-=I. Mary fihompson, teacher.navy money they should be enjoying. Can nothing be done to put an entl to this kind of work.. holiday. The weekly market will be held on Friday morning instead of Saturday. CHOOSE Steer Strayed ONLY YOU CAN GIVE-- From the premises of Norman Hol- YOUR PHOTOGRAPH land, Bayfield road, a black steer, u, Funeral Director and Embalmer' Cum let p n Motor Equipment Little Muriel Bowden is spending a week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lockhart. Mr. Fred Elliott has finished ap- GOBBLE: Dr, James Armstrongweighing ' Gerrie s veterinary burgeon for theg past 54 years, celebrated his 82nd around 500 pounds. In£or- Cali at our Studio this month and nation legal•din the whereabouts of have a lot of worries off your mind. same thankfully received. 48-.2. THE BURGESS STUDIOS 24 Hour Service SUTTER--PERDUE--WALKER Day or Night Phone 147w r Picking. Messrs. Milton 'Wood. birthday here on Monday. The doe- for is in gond health and goes about For Sale Clinton and Mitchell and Printing and H. C. Cox lutd the job of pack -Developing ]tis work every day, driving to his Eleven corner posts, 0' and 8' fang. •,ji'( �`4ci ing. Part of this crop was shipped bo the old country, On Tuesday evening, Nov. 14th, the Men's Club will have as speaker Mr. Gee. Laithwaite, who will taloa cases from 12 to 15 miles•some days and considers it all in A day's work, Dr. Armstrong was born in Bayfield on Nov, 6, 1851. Mr. And Mrs. Scott Three brace posts, 3" and 4"x12 long, Ten Telephone Posts, 26' to 33 long. WARNING W. Robertson Varna hone 626x2. Particularly at this season o£ the ' '• 48-3. year, citizens of Clinton and vicinity WANTED Fresh E- ggs and Cream " " ag Fla subject: 7lte Next �var. This meeting will be in keeping with Homemeratce f)ay, a program is al- end son of Blyth visited with the doctor and Mrs Armstrong on Mon- 4Con- 1 day, Mrs, Scott •being a sister. often purchase plaques, eallendars. Concert etc. from strangers under the 110- A concert will be given in the pression that they are benefiting Presbyterian church on Thursday , Highest Prices For Strictly Fresh Eggs. so arranged for. llx•,• J. E. Johnston is improving p fi q rite satisfactorily, both nurses CARD OF THANKS airs, Edmund Crawford and fan- ily •wish •to express their sincere ap- evenin Nov, 23rd, bythe church soma returned soldiers organization. g' choir and assisting artists. Adinie- You are hereby advised that the only t sign 25c. 48-1. articles offered to the public by the Canadian Legion are Poppies and Vet- Cream shipped regularly. Good Prices Paid, t i E�. E. T'INCII[ • having left. Miss Crawford went tos She t ardton'to take chargeof apat- !ppithy ient.Gray predation extended xu of the hthen byand L.0 to them the L.O, L, No, 863, friends and neighbors in Horse For Sale craft Wreaths distrmuted by men driving colt, rising three and women of the local Branch and Auxiliary H. S. Turner,Secretor Phone 231. their recent bereave- . years, for sale. Apply to Harry Free- ..y' .......................... sickness and and their thanks for floral tri- titan, Hallett township. Phone 636r Clinton Branch,On:maian Legion, v r . . a a e r r . m m . a m, rbc.°.°.°. n°. it e. m. b°u a. mina°nam, " butes sent and all the kindnesses 4, Clinton central. 48-1- , p To Rent e a° e: ° Purina Feeds At the home of Sao and llrs. Alex- shown. Cottage For Sale or Rent House in Ontario street, with ail ;e °m ander M. i4IcEtten of the second con- CARD OF THANKS cession, Stanley township, on Saturi The fancily of the late Henry Cook day, November fourth, the wedding wish to thank all their neighbors and their daughter Cottage, Rattenburystreet,East,modern conveniences, , and garage. g , next to St. Pauls church, Electric immediate possession, Apply to A. lights, town water, also soft water, J. McMurray, Irarrdston, Ont, 1, PIG CHOW r° .: COW CHOW a" ° ° ea CALF CHOW A• was solemnized of friends for their sympathy and all Eleanor Margaret, to " Mi. Howard g ' kindness shown them in their recent Joseph Runnalls, B.A., of Wallace- sad bereavement, also for floral of- burg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph ferings and for the Ioan of cars for Runnalls of Mount Bryclgea. - The food cellar, nice garden. Possession For Rent Dee. 1st, Apply to Fred Rogerson, Clinton, or phone 233 r 12, Seaforth Six•sowned house on Rattenbury central. 48-1f street east, living room, dining room, ]citchen, 3 nice bedrooms, bath room. IC BULKY LASS r; r• ° rq 32;'e CHOWDER ■: ee DOG CHOW :a r, FOX CHOW r �° ceremony was perforined by Rev. Dr, the funeral.PURINA WE Ij'L'+jVIEM$T,cR good basement, Rent reasonable. CRE -SO -FEC ■" °; .° •. PURINA WORM CAPSULES.o C. E. Dougan, of Clinton. Strayed horses' Owing to the extreme solemnity ofto F. Fin ]anti, 46-tf, r° r° Apply g r ALL MASH EGG CHOWDER„L The bride, who teas given in mar. Strayed from the premises of the siege by her father, wore a gown of undersigned, one 2 -year-old black white satin and lace made on grin- yeas lines, with a short white satin filly; one roan driver,ig' about Nov, 1st, Anyone seeing same please jacket, and veil of net held in place phone W. R; Lobb, Clinton, 604x3. by a wreath of orange blossoms. She 48-1-p. carried a bouquet of Joltamia Hilland 'Remembrance Day and in memory of the boys who did not come back,the Pullets For Sale y A. number of bred -tom 1a Bartecl Billiard Parlors and Tobacco Stores,y Rock Pullets, laying, also some little probably for the first time in the history+ pigs, Apply to D. 111. Lindsay, R. R. of the town will remain closed all day and Ask their patrons No, 3, Clinton, Phone 610 x12. 42-t1. all those who Remember to s r•No grain required with this Mash:: la °; r° r°H C iarlesworthti° R b ,p ; ,. e . . Phone 199 .w m a am ° m n mm naaaa°” �i m o m b .°..°m°„ a m m abw a o ... m a q Y roses and ,yellow orchids. For{Sale The wedding music ivas played by A few choice Government Stand; Miss Alice Runnette, sister o£ the ord,Barred Roclt cockerels and about bridegroom, and during the sandal... 75 White Leghorn tillets, 1a le .t. of the register Miss Elizabeth Cluff g p y g Also,'wanted, a quantity of good of Seaforth sang, "0 Perfect Lave" thoughtfully buy their supply of Smokes for the week -end on Friday. House For Sale or hent bI. J. AGNS A very desirable resleence on Prin- W. R. TASTIER. cess street, good garden and fruit trees electric lights and town water. COUNTER BROS. 47-2. ' House in good condition. Apply on Clintoniii �Ii Wood Yards Come to us when in need of anything to the Wood Line. feed wheat. Roy Tyndall, Goderich After the ceremony an informal t'e- •township, Phone 607x3, Clinton. ego ception was held. Mrs. McEweni House to Let premises to Miss Akam. 38-tf, Small ' semi-detached red brick DRY HARD WOOD S• SOFT WOOD All orders promptly delivered from teal. 48-2 mother of the bride, was gowned in house on Hixon street. Apply to R vMµ our yards, Isaac Street, Clinton. blue flat crepe and she wore a General Trucking Business bouquet Talisman V. Irwin. 47-tf, l" -i----- 1 VICTOR FALCONER shoulder of roses. ;Raving purchased the trucking Mrs. Runnalls, mother of the bride- business of Ile. Howard Mulholland, was dressed in black crepe I shall endeavour to give prompt, and she .wore a corsage of Premierings. courteous service at all times. George Wanted Farm, 10 to 50 acres, with build- Best land, shade trees, bush, 'State Free MADE -TO -MEASURE R. R. No. 1, Bruce£ield. Phone 629x12, Clinton Central. ' 3341, •SUITS • ' PORTER'S BILL Owingto the funeral df ms.. W. Waltels on Sunday afternoon, a rathe '•smalI: ,congregation attended Sunday School and the regular ser- vice at Glace Church.', u On. Tuesday evening last a Hal- lowe'en Social was held at Grace church 'when a program. in keeping with the event was given consisting of. reading by Betty Harris and 'Argyle Lockhart, piano solo,Gladys gYg Gale; ' violin selections, Rev. R. M. Gale. Contests were ;enjoyed by all. A dainty lunch was served, • On Friday night an oyster stepper was pelt on by the Orange Lodge at their hall, 4th concession, Goderich township, known as Riverstoe ITall. A iaige crowd was present and a good •progran of instrumental mu. . 'sic, readings and male quartette fi•otn ;Goderich was given. After the program 'a dance was enjoyed. We understand over $70 was taken in, Congratulations to Mr,' and Mrs. Oliver Edwards, who wore recently married, "We wish to welcome Mrs. Supreme roses. Elliott, Clinton, Photo 165j. 48-1, Later in the day,eti(t. end Mrs. orchard, spring creek. loci- tion, taxes, etc, Terms, Cash. Only �� �$f �± Runnalls left by motor for a .short For Ode Week trip, the bride travelling in a grey Ending Nov, 161h, Finger gave or rabbits' wool dress with a black coat Marcel, 40c, or with shampoo, 75c, rock bottom priee will be considered. Address, Box B, News -Record, Olin= ton. 47-2-p, $21.50 EXTRA PANTS FREE G. 46�pd9 ES Electrician and Plumber LONDON ROAD . lliiss Georgie MacDonald spent the. eek-end with Miss Patrick, teacher;' her home at Egmonclville. Mts. LaPorte of Drysd le has been tenditi thepast few days with Mrs., g eBeau and family, , Mr. and Mrs. Michie and Miss Bar- sra of Belgrave visited on Satins Sy evith Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Clegg,' Mr. and Mrs, Earl Stewart and son id Mr. Leo. Brigdon Of Detroit' tent Monday as guests of Mr. anti "as. ,Win. Crittenden, , 1' Mrs. 1V1. Wiltse visited friends 'in ondon one day last week, . ` Messrs. Fred and. Mac LDB•eau and' ansten-bury,Sohn Macfarlane and en. Stewart of Stanley 'left on, onday on a huinting, trip to Mus- ilia, They intended going as 'far', 1 Port G''unington, ` .: u and black accessories. Henri Beauty Shoppe, Isaac street,Chicken Mr. and Mas. Rutmalis will reside Clinton, Phone .223. 48-1. in Wallaceburg, the is Farm Far Sale In Clinton, good house, oak floors. Mr. VanDylte of Bradford's -ea e. A Full Line of Electric Appliances where .groom on the staff of the High School. Both MEE/ ING OF HURON COUNTY,also the- bride and bridegroom aregrad- COUNCIL rates of''31 class of Western Uni- The Huron County Come" will versity, London. They have the good meet in the Council Chamber, Court wishes of a large circle of friends House, Goderieh, at 2 o'clock in the 5 rooms and. large sun room. Bath- room, water. and lights, good barn, chicken house, accommodates 700: birds, all buildings wired, 2 acres. Price reasonable. H. Chapman, 01d Property. 46-3-p. Tailoring Co, will be at our store on THURSDAY, NOV. 161II @ Plumbing Fixtures Wiring, Plumbing and Repairs Phone 53w. 18 -tit for a happy and' prosperous future. afternoon on Tuesday, the 5th day of .Joiner Mrs. Frank Hobson of St. Thomas December, 1933. ; was the guest of friends in this All accounts, notices of deputa-1 neighborhood one day last week, tions, or applications and other int- Mr. and Mrs. Will Scotchmer was portant business requiring attention in Clinton on Saturdayy last, at this meeting of council should Ise Potatoes For Sale, A quantity of choice potatoes' for sale, apply to 5. 1i'lewitt, or phone 13 on 606, Clinton :central. 434f. We invite you to come in and see our, samples. We sell only the best. COAL COKE & WOOD Genuine "Lehigh Valley Anthracite Coal" of all sizes. Alberta Coal Scotch Anthracite, range size i Mx; Clifford Talbot of Goderich in the hands of the Clerk not lifter Cleaning and Pliessin Hamilton and American Coke i Bituminous Coal was the guest of his .father Mr. Ed- than tate Monday previous to the ward Talbot of the Blue Water' High- meeting of council, way one day last week. Dated at Goderich this 6th day of Mrs. Alf, Westlake is at present November, 1933, visiting friends at St, Thomas. (1E0. W. 'HOLMAN, County Clerk, Mr, and Mrs, Thos. ,Snowden were 48-3. Of All KindsAlso 'Shits, Coats and D1 esses W. J. JACO If not open work may be left al Heard's Barber Shop Cleaning pillory Pressing ' Repairing Dyeing aa. r , Prompt and careful delivery front 1 my sheds on Queen street, A. D. MCCARTNE�i 14 Coal Dealer, Clinton. ' Queen. St. Phone 2,5