HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1933-11-02, Page 5'THURS., NOV. 2, 1933 :OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME They evidently do not dress up "very often in London. , M•onday'a Free .Press had :the following: "N'ow that Lord Bessborough has departed, the silk hats and striped 'trousers ' will go back to the moth, 2,balls for . another few months." 7 The News -Record is in receipt of ,pan interesting little booklet, entitled "`Phen and Now—Pioneer Journalism in the County of Wellington," pre- pared by, Mr. A. W. Wright, editor: '•of the Mt. Forest •Coneederate, and. . sent us with the cbtnplin:ents of the .author. It is a very readable little, history of the several newspapers of `'the past and present'in the different., eatowns• and •vil'lages of Wellingtor' 'County. Such a history is not only' interesting but of growing value as, time goes on and the events of the, • past recede farther into'the distance,' • Such a book might be written of Iiu-, •ron journalism and we trust that -some one of the several capable news, papermen may sometime undertake ;to produce such a history: The facts regarding the death of • the eighteenenoonths'-old little Toronto girl "Bunty" Hillier, whose naked body was discovered under an old car `door in a dump, after an all-night search is not yet brought to light. "The inquest into the cause of death held n Tuesday was postponed un- ' •til Friday. A new angle was intro- . dueed when a school boy told of hav- 'lug interrupted and stopped the two • `lads who are said to have undressed 'the child, and carried' the child out of the dump in which she had fallen or been' thrown. He evidently left, 'however, without trying to restore 'the child to her home but told of a • -man corning along and also. trying to befriend her. It is a queer story, altogether, and if these children are telling anything like the truth it seems to give a strange slant to the whole affair. Tho first thought coming to mind on hearing of the finding of the little body was that it was the work of some pervert, but "if these children could act as they say they did they must be adnormal ui sub -normal, and may grow up to become a problem later on. • Another thing which simple, kind- ' Hearted people find it hard to under 'attend is the way the (tome of the stricken parents was method before • and at the funeral. That every right-minded person should sym- pathize with parents at such a time • is to be expected. But the morbid .curiosity which would impel thous - •ands of perfect strangers to invade their hone in this time of sorrow is not easy to understand. If some of these thousands of poopie could find • .the yang father a job and try to help them onto their feet financially us it is understood they have few prospects, it would be the hest thing ' they could do for these. - + s In the quiet passing of Mrs. Emily Murphy, better known as "Jany Canticle," at her Edmonton home on Fridaylast Canada loses a noted and outstanding woman, She was widely known through her writings, having written several books, but she was not merely a writer. She busied her. which she was a worthy citizen. Since 1916 she had been a judge in Ecltnon- '' ton's juvenile court, the first woman judge appointed in the British Ent- ' pire, and her decisions, though often original in conception, were gener- ally commended as`being humane and calculated to be in the interests of " both individual and the public gener- ally. Mrs. Murphy was possessed of. a, judicial mind, which was, perhaps, a family trait, as the late •Mr. Jus- tice W. N. Ferguson of the Supreme 'Court of Canada, and two leading " 'barristers, the late Harcourt leer- guson, K.C,, and T, IL Ferguson, of ' Toronto, were brothers. Mrs. Mur- phy and four other women carried to the highest court in the Empire the question of the right of women • .to sit in the •Canadian Senate, and were successful. She would have n- elorned such a position herself. GODERICH TOWNSHIP The 75 -acre farm of the late Wes- ley Allin, on the Maitland concession, was sold on Friday last to J. E. Baechler, lumberman, Goderich. On the farm is 26 acres of excellent hardwood bush and good buildings. The price is understood to be $2,500, an indication of farm priees herea- bouts, for the Allin farm is consider- ed excellent property. A week agc et the auction sale the 'Town of God, erich bid ,$2,300 for this farm, just $200 short of the reserve bid. Since then the town has purchased 67 serer for $1,200. On both properties it is .estimated that the wood alone is worth more than the purebase price) so that the cleared • land lerotight practically nothing. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Robinson and; sons, Murray and Donald, and Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Callahan and son, Had - car, of London spent Sunday witb theircousins, Mr. and Mrs Arthur ...Welsh. ;Glad to see Mr Maurice Switzer is • able to be out again after his ecci. dent. Mr, John Beacom had the 'mistor- ' • tune to have his car damaged in an accident on the way to Clinton on, '',Thursday last. Mrs, L. dunking of 'Clinton visit- ed with Mr, and Mxs. Carman Teb- butt oyer the week -end. Mrs.Kenneth Holmes and Tittle son, Kenneth. Bruce, .have been visit- ing the lady's sister, Mrs. Irvine Tebbutt. The service in Ebenezer church now continences at two o'clock Sun- day afternoon, with Sunday school at three. Mr. and Mrs. John Tebbutt visit- ed their daughter, Mrs. Geo. Addi- son of Hullett for a few days last weele. Mrs. Wilfred Biggins is in Strat. ford visiting at the home of her on, Mr. Laurie Biggins. Mr. John Tebbutt had a unique ex- perience one day recently when he caught a deer. It is not everyone Who is fleet -footed enough for this sort of thing, but Goderich township farmers have always been considered pretty smart. Anyway, as Mr. Teb- butt was driving along the sideroad near Summerhill he saw a doe and two fawns on the side of the road. The doe andone fawn jumped the fence and ran into the woods but the other animal apparently could not make it and Mr. Tebbutt left his car and ran after it until he caught it. He said he wanted,to get a bet - tea look at it and he did. When he released it it ran on to a lower part of the fence and jumping over also disappeared into the woods. PORTERS HILL On Sunday, Oct. 29th, a` Rally Day Service was held at Grace church, when a splendid rally of young, and older people was present. The jun- ior Bible Glass took charge of the special music and did themselves credit, The primary class sang very nicely "Praise Hint, Praise Him, All ye Little Children." A story, "Truly Brothers," was read by Morris Frame, a report of the summer school was well given by Wilmer Harrison and Don. Harris gave a reading, "What Can a Little Chap Do ", a reading by Argyle Lockhart "Ko -Sen Finds a Way to Serve His Country." A few remarks were made by the pastor, Rev. R. M. Gale, and the tweeting closed with 'hymn and beneelietion. Quite a number from this district attended the funeral of II. 0. Wal. tees, who has resided in this district all his life. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Walters and family. Mr. J. E. Johnston; Toronto, who was taken ill while visiting his sis- ter, Mrs, Fred Elliott, is recovering. Two nurses have been caring for him, On Monday Miss Sowerby, Reg. N., of the 4th concession left to take another case, but Miss Craw- ford, R.N., of Dungannon is remain- ing for a few days with the patient. We hope soon to see kr, Johnston around again, Mr. Les. McClure, who has ben very ill in Goderich hospital, is some better. All are sorry for Les, and hope to see his cheery face amongst us again in the near future, Mrs. G. G. Newton has been con- fined to her bed the last few days The Ladies' Aid will meet Thurs- day afternoon to quilt two quilts. The following Thursday the Ladies'. Aid from Taylor's Cgrners Church are invited to visit our society. .A pleasant afternoon is anticipated. Once more the 6th concession is listening to the merry jingle of. wedding bells, Who says this pain isn't right to the fore? Three couples have been made happy this surname' and more to follow: BRUCEFIELI) The marriage took place at the manse, Brucefield, on Wednesday morning, October twenty-iffth, of Florence Sinclair, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Souter of Bruce - field, to Orrin E. Dowson, son of William H. Dowson,and the late Mrs, Dowson of Varna, Rev. Mr. Brem- ner officiated. The bride was becomingly attired in a swagger suit of Havana brown triple crepe, brown felt hat with nose veil and accessories in matching tones. She wired a bouquet of fern, gladiolus and lily of the valley. The .bride was attended by Miss Dor- othy Broadfoot, Who wore a wine- colored dress and hat with touches of black. James Souter, brother of the bride; was groomsman. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Dowson left for Ham- ilton, Toronto, Flinton and other eastern cities. Returning they will reside on the bridegrooni's farm at Varna; HURON COUNTY CLERK'S RESIGG NATION ASKED BY WARDEN The final report of the special aud- itor appointed to straighten out the financial muddle in the County Treasurer's accounts was presented on' Tuesday. Aooeuntant Gibbs char ges in this report that the County Clerk refused to co-operate and fail- ed to offer any assistance in the work of clearing up the trouble. The Cleric has been asked to resign by. the Warden, Nov: 30th being •the date set when the resignation taken place. Auditor Gibbs sets, ijhe shortage in the treasurer's books at $11,523., "howmuch more it was impossible to' say;" he affirmed. MARRIAGES THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD DOWSON!--SOUTER-+At the Unit- ed church manse, Brucefield, on Oct 25th, by the Rev. W. A. Brem- ner Florence Sinclair, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Scout- er, Brucefield, to Orrin E. Dowson, son of Mr. Wm. Ii. Dowson and the late Mrs. Dowson of Varna, WALKER STEWART At the Presbayterian manse, Wingham, on Get. 25th, by the Rev. Kenneth Mc- Lean, Florence Elsie, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. Stew, art, to Harold Jackson Walker; youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Walker of East Wawanosh. LAWS — CHURCH At Victoria Street United church, Godeieh, on Oat. 28th, by Rev. F. W. Craik, Lola Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. Austin E. Church, to Basil Percy Laws, son of . Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Laws. BIRTHS FAIRSDRVJCE—dn Clinton Public 1 Hospital, on Oct, 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fairservice, Londes- bore, a son. WAYMOUTI7--fn Londesboro, or. Oct. 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Weymouth, a daughter. BIGGINS--iln Stratford, on Oct. 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Biggins, a son. DEATHS COOK In Clinton, as result of an accident, on Nov. 1st, Henry H. Cook, in his 81st year. STEPHENS- In Clinton, on Oct, 26, Charles William Stephens, aged 75 years, WOODS --In Bayfield, on Oct. 31st, Ninian Wildridge Woods, M.R. C. S., in his 74th year. Funeral from Trinity church, Hay- field, Thursday afternoon, service commencing at 2.30. CRAWFORD In Londesboro, on Noy. 1st., Edmund Crawford, aged 78 years. Funeral from the Uni- ted church, Londesboro, on Friday afternoon, commencing at 230. ST. HELENS Mr. and Mrs. Badcot and Eunice and Miss Mary Ford of Milton and Mrs. Thompson 0I Wingham, visited at Frank Todd's. Mr. John A. Brown of Forest also visited at Mr. Todd's Iast week. Rev. Mr. Wilkinson conducted communion service in St. Helen's United church Sunday. A large crowd was present. There were ten joined by profession of faith and four by certificate. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Miller, Gordon and Isabel and Mrs. Gordon and Mrs. Miller, Sr., spent Sunday in Goderich. Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Durnin motored to Ingersol on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Canter spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Durnin. Mr. Chas. H. new, Brucefield, vis• iced at the home of his sister, Mrs. R. J. Woods, last week. A hallowe'eu social is being here to -night by the Young People of St. Helens. A good time is expected. Mr. Alf Webb, who has been under the doctor's care, is able to be out again. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Tebbutt of Goderich visited Mr. and leas, W. J. Humphrey last week, Mr. Gordon McIntyre was called home to Chesley last Saturday owing to the death of his grandfather, Mr. Peter Smart, who was 93 years of age. Huron • County Champion- ship Contests Conducted in Clinton on Saturday The sixth annual championship public speaking contest and third annual spelling match were conduct- ed in the auditorium of the Clintor Collegiate Institute, on Saturday of tenon, October 28th. A new contest was introduced for the first time this year a story tel- ling contest, for boys and girls, eight years of age and under, the subject to be "My Pet." The three competi- tionswere under the direction of the Huron County Branch of the Otter - Department of Agrieultme and the contestants were the winners of the public speaking, story telling ant' spelling contests conducted at earl' School Fair in the County. Cash prizes: of 35.00, $3,00, $2,00 and 31.00 were awarded to the win- ners in the spelling match and the Winters •in the story telling contest -eceivecl $4.00, $3.00 and 32.00. These cash prizes were taken from the Junior Extension Fund provided by the • Huron County, Council. Boots prizes . were awarded in the public speaking contest through donations received from W. G. Medd, M.P.P. for South Huron, and C. A. Robert; son, M.P.P. for South Huron. Mr. Geo; jre Spotton M.P. for North TTu ran, donated a handsome Silver Cup to • the winner, Miss Alma Anderson of thetSt, Helens School Fair. Miss Ancclersoncompeted in the Guelph on Wednesday, November 1st. C. A. Robinson, 1VT.L.A., was pre- sent and gave a short address: Mr. Medd"sent regrets. Mr. Spotton was pi Bent to present his own cup. The following is a list of 'the eon- testants, and in each contest the Member of Florist Telegraph Delivery Association esereaaaarae BULBS Of All Kinds PLANT NOW Chas. V. Cooke J`LORIS T Phones: 66w and 66j FOWL SUPPER TOWN HALL, HAYFIELD Friday, November loth 'Supper served from 6 to g o'clock FOLLOWED BY GOOD PROGRAM Under auspices Trinity Church, Bayfield Admission 40c, Children under 12, 25c 48,1. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Owen Flynn and family wish to express their sincere appreciation of the kindness and sympathy ex- tended to them by friends and neighbors in their recent bereave, ment, and their thanks for the spir- itual offerings sent and all the kindnesses shown, AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects, also Buggy, Cutter and Harness at EGIKONDVILLE, ON Sat., Nov. 4th, at 1.30 p.m. George Armstrong, Geo. Elliott, Prop. Auctioneer. 46-1. ONLY CRESS SALVE —removes corns, calluses, ingrown toenails, warts. Hovey's Drug Store. first three are ranked in order of merit: Public Speaking Below are given the school fair at which the contestant complied and the subject: Miss Alma Anderson, St. Helens, "Canada's Future." Mr. Dick Irwin, Belgrave, "Books I have Read." Miss Phyllis Blake, Currie's Cor- ners, "Why We Should Protect our Forests." Miss Doris Hicks, Grand Bend, "Why I am proud I am a Canadian." Miss Jean McVittie, Fordwich, "The Story of Abigail Becker." Story Telling •The School Fair and the pupil's home school are indicated: Lyal Lannan, Currie's Corners, S. No. 0, Ashfield. Doris Galbraith, Fordwich, S. S. No. 4, Hawick. Shirley Mattore, Grand Bend, S. S. No, 8, Stephen. Helen Mugford, Carlow, S. S. No. 4, Colborne. .rim Coulter, Belgrave, S. S. No. 7, Mortis. Spelling Matcit Vera Lasenby, St. Helens, U.S.S. No. 13, Ashfield, Kenneth Finlayson, Currie's Cor- ners, S. S. No. 4, Ashfield. Ruth Durst, Carlow, S. S. No., 7, Colborne. Kathleen Mel{endriek, Currie's Corners, S. S. No, 4, Ashfield. Viola Young, St. Helens, S. S. No. 8, Ashfieicl. Jun Durrant, Fordwich, S. S. No. 8, ITowick. Helen Walper, Grand Bend, S. S, No. 8, Stephen. Norris Webb, Grand Bend S, S. No, 12, Stephen. S. CONSTANCE llli•. and Mrs, A. Brumley of To - mite spent the week -end at the home of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas: Dale. Mr. Will Dale of Toronto, who had spent his vacation at his parents' home, returned to Toronto with them. Mr. and Mrs. Alec. Lowrie of Sea - forth spent" Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Dale. Mr. and Mee. Robert Grimoldby and daughter, Olive and Mr. and Ben. Riley and Mrs. Geo. Riley spent Sunday' with relatives in Brio - sets. Miss Hattie Armstrong is quite seriously ill at her home with pneu• lnonia and pleurisy.' Hattie is a student at Seaforth Collegiate and this illness will make a break in her studies for nine time but her many friends wish her a very speedy re- covery. Mrs. Justid Sinclair of Brigden and Miss Kathleen Logan of Blyth spent Friday at the home of ^Ms'. and Mts. Leo Stephenson. The anneal fowl supper held on Tuesday evening, October 24th, in Constance 'United Church, was very largely attended. Everyone re. ported.a real good time and the pro= cods amounted to $185. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley and Mrs. Geo. Riley visited the latter's bro- ther-in-law, Mr. Ed. Crawford of Londesboro on Sunday evening. We are sorry to hear that Mee Crawford is critically 311 with little chance of recove Y THE BEST MARIi~ET FOR Er PAGE 5 Poultry, Eggs, Cream ALL THQE YEAR ROUND, FOR CASH AT THE CLINTON POULTRY HOUSE N. W. Trewartha Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w Saturday Special CREAM kPUFFS CREAI4I, ROLLS BUTTER HORNS PECAN ROLLS LEMON PIES I.IALLOWE EN- SPECIALS PEANUT TAFFY, STICKERS, KISSES, PUMPKIN PIES BARTL1FF & CRICH Makers of Dainty Maid and Whole Wheat Bread Phone 1, Clinton. H. W. Charlesworth Agent for Purina Feeds PIG CHOW COW CHOW CALF CHOW BULKY LASS 32% CHOWDER DOG CHOW FOX CHOW PURINA CRE -SO -FEC PURINA WORM CAPSULES ALL MASH EGG CHOWDER. No Grain Required with This Mash 47-1 WE REMEMBER Owing to the extreme solemnity of Remembrance Day and in memory of the boys who did not conte back, the Billiard Parlors and Tobacco Stores, probably for the first time in the history of the town, will remain closed all day and ask their patrons and all those who Remember to thoughtfully buy their supply of Smokes for the week -end on Friday. M. J. AGNEW. R. TAMER. COUNTER 'BROS. 46-2. To Rent House in Ontario street, with all modern conveniences,) and garage. Itnmecliate possession. Apply to A. 3. McMurray, Harriston, Ont. Golf Bridge and Tea Bridge and tea at the home of Mrs, 3. E. Hovey, Monday afternoon from 3 to 6. All ladies welcome. ]'fake up tables and notify hostess, or conte, anyway. Ladies not play- ing are invited to come in for tea. Piano For Sale Good practise piano for sale cheap. Apply to T. 3. McNeil, High street, Clinton. P.O. Box 273. 46-1-p. House to Let Small semi-detached red brick house on Huron street. Apply to R V. Irwin. 46-tf. Wanted Farm, 10 to 50 acres; with build- ings. Best land, shade trees, bush, orchard, spring creek. State loca- tion, taxes, etc. Terms, Cash.. Only rock bottom price will be considered. Address, Box 33, News -Record, Clin- ton. Chicken Farm For Sale In Clinton, good house, oak floors, 5 rooms and large sun room. Bath- room, water and lights, good barn, chicken house, accommodates 700 birds, all buildings wired, 2 acres. Price reasonable. H. Chapman, Old Joiner Property. 46-3-p. MILK BOTTLES We are leaving PASTUERIZED MILK at O''Neil's and McKnight's Stores for the convenience of those who wish an extra bottle, at any time, and would ask that you return your empty bottle to the store where you purchased the milk, as that is the only way we have of knowing that our bottles are returned to, us. And we would greatly appreciate if our customers would put out "All Empty Bottles" every day, as we are often inconvenienced for want of bottles. We endeavour to give you cheerful courteous service. Thanking you in advance. FAIRHOLME DAIRY CHAS. E. ELLIOTT 46-1-p. Potatoes For Sale A quantity of choice potatoes for. sale, apply to S. Flewitt, or phone 13 on 606, Clinton central. 4341. Cleaning and Pressing of All Kinds Suits, Coats and Dresses W. J. JAGO If not open work may be left at Heard's Barber. Shop The Heat Folks are constant, lyon guard, Looking after the comfort and welfare of this town. But when there's a riot call, and everyone wants coal at once, Someone may have to wait. The best way to be sure of Heat. Folks comfort during the winter is to order it before the bitter weather sets in. Call the hst PHONE 74 .AmtNt4 &V•&%m.4.5s.,., i,aZi,4,. CLINTON, ONTARIO n..n.,,ixrn wva, Y.;*'SC Nn'S3.'+. '9tW».A4 1NAli UM... b'.,-.3➢P2 SH#S,.4. CAPITAL THEATRE Goderich. Phone 47 Now Playing: George Arliss with Bette Davis in 'The Working Man' ,.WED: CHARMONLIE RUGGLES with Mary Boland and LiIyan Tashman, a comedy trio without an equal in the laughingest thing you've yet seen "Mama Loves Papa', THURS., FRI., SAT. BUSTER CRABBE (The Lion Man) with Fiances Dee makes his first screen appearance in a thrilling and amazing adven- ture "King of the Jungle" . Coming: Wheeler and Woolsey in "So This is Africk" Matinees, Wed. and Sat, at 3 p.m. REGENT THEATRE Seaforth. Now Playing: Zane Grey's "Un- der the Tonto Rim," with Stuart Erwin. MON., TUES., WED. Fredric March, Jack Oakie Carole Lombard and Cary Grant Swift drama, love, hate and self- sacrifice, high above the eloudsi THE EAGLE AND THE HAWK THURS., FRI., SAT. "Chuckling" Charlie Ruggles takes two sparkling comediennes and nixes you a funnybone cock- tail "MAMA LOVES PAPA" with Mary Boland & Lilyan Tashman Coming: "Gambling Ship" with Cary Grant. Matinee on Sat. at 3 p.m. Phone Us We Deliver CHRISTMAS MAY SEEM A LONG 1 WAY OFF, BUT IT ISN'T. YOU WILL SOON BE SHOPPING FOR GIFTS THAT ANYONE CAN BUY. CHOOSE THE GIFT NOW THAT ONLY YOU CAN GIVE— YOUR PHOTOGRAPH. • 30 AND 60 WATT BULBS 15c, 7 for $1.00 PRODUCT OF CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC C. H. VENNE Call at our Studio this month and have a lot of worries off your mind. THE BURGESS STUDIOS Clinton and Mitchell Developing and Printing WARNING Particularly at this season of the year, citizens of Clinton and vicinity often purchase plaques, callendars.. etc. from strangers under the im- pression that they are benefiting some returned soldier's organization. You are hereby advised that the only articles offered to the publie by the Canadian Legion are Poppies and Vet - craft Wreaths distributed by men and women of the local Branch and Auxiliary. H. S. Turner,' Secretary, Clinton Branch, Cnaadian Legion. For Sale t Durham cow, 6 years old, due to freshen middle of November. Apply to F. H. Powell, Goderich township. R. R. No. 3, Clinton. Phone 607x4, Clinton. 46.1. For Rent Six -loomed house on Rattenbury street east, living room, dining room, kitchen, 3 nice bedrooms, bath room, good basement. Rent reasonable. Apply to F. Fingland. 45-tf. Pullets For Sale A number of bred-te lay Barred Rock Pullets, laying, also some little pigs. Apply to D. 112. Lindsay, R. R. No. 3, Clinton, Phone 610 r12. 4241. House For Sale or Rent A very desirable residence on Prin- cess street, good garden and fruit trees, electric lights and town water, House in good condition. Apply on premises to Miss Altana 384!, "Clean Cut" Clean -Cut Appearance means that every article. of attire must be spick and span. Which need be no problem at all even with older, well-worn cloth esI SEND YOUR SUITS, COATS, HATS, TIES TO US FOR REAL DRY GLEANING and present that •Clean -Cut look -with a deep cut in edit- ing expense. eaning . ! Reporting PressingCl�� iJ Dyeing Phone 7 • Funeral Service Funeral Director and Embalmer Ccunplete Motor Equipment 24 Hour Service SITTER--PERDUE--WALKER Day or Night Phone 147w WANTED Fresh Eggs and Cream Highest Prices for Strictly Fresh Eggs. Cream shipped regularly. Good Prices Paid. A. E. FINCH Phone 231. FLOUR AND FEEDS Five Roses .F lour, 98 lbs. ....$2.75 Prairie Rose Flour, 03 lbs. ....32.15 Pacific Pastry Flour, 24 Ibs.....50c Canadian Beauty Pastry Flour 24 lbs. for 50c Hunts Pastry Flour, 24 lbs. 550 Monarch Pastry Flour, 24 lb's.700 New Life 19% Laying Mash per 100 lbs. $2.15 Marmill Sugar Concentrate, cwt$2.75 Marncill Sugar Egg Mash, cwt. 32.35 Bran, per cwt. 95e Shorts, per cwt. 31.00 White Hominy,: per 100 31.25 H. W. Charlesworth Phone 100 Clinton Wood Yards Come to us when in need of anything in the Wood Lin. DRY HARD WOOD & SOFT WOOD All orders promptly delivered from our yards, Issac Street, Clinton. VICTOR FALCONER R. R. No. 1, Brucefield. Phone 629r12, Clinton Central. 83-tf, E. G. HOWES Eb'ctrican and • Plumber m.d A Full Line of Electric Appliances.' also Plumbing Fixtures Wiring, Plumbing and Repairs Phone 53w, 1s-t1e COAL, COKE ,& WOOD Genuine "Lehigh Valley Anthracite Goal" of all sizes. Alberta Coal • Scotch Anthracite, range size Hamilton and American Cake Also Bituminous' Coal Prompt and careful delivery front' my sheds on Queen street. �A. D. McCARTNEYI Coal Dealer, Clinton. Queen St. Phone adal