HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1933-10-19, Page 4•
TIBIAS., OCT. 19, 1933
This is the day of the Hospital
Bazaar in Clinton. '
Sunday school in the United
Mr, Ian MacLeod, Agricultural Re-
®ctober Specials
The W. C. T. U. will meet at three
o'clock on Friday afternoon at the
church will meet at two -thirty on
Sunda next, Oct,22nd, to allow anythe
who wish to de so to attend the Con-
stance anniversary
presentative for Huron, addressed
h Club af'
Tuelcersmit AggressiveDISTRICT
the home of Ms's. Broadfoot en Tues-
a a
I Thursday , Friday and Saturday
October 19 �O,
, -
home of Mrs F. French King street,
Agricultural Representative Inn
MacLeod was in Brucefield on Tues-
day evening addressing an organize.
tion of young farm ,people.
A mixed °quartette from Wesley-
Willis church and a male.quartette
•Ontario Stretch Church, Clinton.
fromt•O the choir f Grace church,
Porter's Hill, on Sunday at their
anniversary services.
Mrs. Howard Brunsdon will not be
at home to her friends
service Sunday
The ,News -Record made brief Mien-
tion last week of the death of g
former resident, From The Winni-
peg Free. Press Evening Eulletin we
copy the following little historical
': The first white settler to locate
in the Londesboro district, four and
a 'half miles from Pilot Mound, Man.,
Joseph Wallace, died in Grace hoe -prevenient
pital, Winnipeg, last Saturday, age
82 years, and was buried ih the
family plot in Pilot Mound, Mon-
day evening on the subject: "Parini
Management" A large number were
present and Mr. MacLeod's practical
talk was listened to with pleasure'
and profit. •
Ml. Robert D. Murdoch recently
purchased from Mr. James Torrance,
Markham; the imported stallion,
'4Scotland's Remembrance," a fine
Clydesdale type of animal; which will
no doubt be used for the im-
of stock In this locality.
Mr, and Mrs. J. Ferguson and
family and Mrs. G. McNeil of .Tor -
onto their
'GODERICH: For the second time
George Metz, ICitchener, was on
Tuesday remanded for one week for
sentence by Magistrate Reid. Two
weeks ago .he was remanded for sen
tepee after having been convicted of
cri.ninal negligence in connection
with the death of Lloyd 'Scherer,
fatally injured in an auto aeeident' en
September 2. Metz was.brought:IS
from the county jail for appearance
and returned to that institution.
prices on
repr° ern
on Wednes,
'ay, Oct 25th, but will be at home
day, in the presence of a great con-
visited cousin, Mrs. Alton
' Johnston during the past week -end.
EXETER: The first grandfather
on the 2nd Friday each be-
course of settlers and friends from
of month,
ginningNovember 10th throughoixt
the season,
the town and from Winnipeg,VARNA
, Mr. Wallace, with 15 other men
and their families, formed a settlers'
The fowl last
clock to' be offered for sale among
household effects in Exeter in many
years was that put up at the largo -
Phone 36w (Main Store); 86j (Ready-to-wear Dept, 2nd floor)
• A number of the students and
teachers of the Clinton Collegiate
attended the Huron Athletic Asso-
dations annual meet at Mitchell on
Friday last and a number of the
art organized in Londesboro
party g Ont.,
by Thomas Greenway, who later be-
came premier of Manitoba. It was
one of many parties that Mr. Green-
way was instrumental in bringing to
supper served Thurs.
day evening by the United Church,
-was very successful, supper being
served to about five hundred. A play
"A Path Across ,the Hills," put on
by the Blyth Young
attended sale a the effects of the
late Susan Atkinson, The ancient
timepiece brought the attractive spm
of $100 and was purchased by Miss
S. H. Sweet, of Exeter,niece of theea
deceased, to keep
Store With the Stock. Leaders in Lew Prices.
Clinton boys, and girls figure in the
contests. Ross of the C.C.I. is Sen-
fain in this province. A nuinber of
this party were descendants of men
People, was en-
joyed by all.
Mr, and Mrs: Dan. li%Naughton
who wishethe
heirloom in the family, In contrast
to this, a fanning in
ter ,Champion.
who had come • from Londesbore,
Kitchener' spent Sunday with Mrs.
mill good work-
ing order, sold for cess than a dollar,
Don't wait until you're
Eng., to settle in Londeeboro, Ont.i
caught with a flat tire and
A. Foster. Mrs. C. Stelek returned,
no spare. Bring in
s ,
� ���� ENGLISH
We have just received a shipment of 'Wonderful
t iv, to r 4in C�l t
The Huron Presbytery Young Re
ples' Convention will be held in
Knox United church here on Friday
o£ this week, Oct, 20th. There wilt
be three sessions, morning, after-
noon and evening. Dinner and tea
will be served in the basement by
so it was a closely knit and compact
bland of farmers. •
They first went to Nelsonville,
w • hich is now Thornhill, Man., but
later the men moved on to the Pilot
Mound country and Mrs. WallaceJohn's_
joined her husband on the homestead
and was the first white woman to
go into rite settlement.
Mr. Wallace had farmed there ev-
with them for a visit.
Miss 1Vtargaret Middleton spent
the week -end with Miss Muriel El-
Rev, Mr. Rickard of $rusaels will
conduct the service in St. An
lican church on Sunday, Oct. 22nd.g
Mrs. Boyce of Seaforth spent a
few day s with Mrs. Wilmer Reid,
HENISAI.L: Fire, caused by a
lantern being knocked over, com-
pletely destroyed the barn on the
farm of John Harriette, living four
miles west of this village, t an ear -
g , a
ly hour Tuesday morning. Some 11
hogs perished in the flames, al-
though Mr. Harriette succeeded in
saving the horses and cattle. The
tire to us NOW.
We ll make a lasting re-
pair by Goodyear factory
methods --using finest
materials. Our
charges are moderate.
C®°� Robinson
Tires, Gas, Oil, Batteries
We think they are the best value on the market. 1
the W. M. S. Everyone is invited to
attend, .
Mr. Chas. Asquith started opera-
tions at the -evaporator last week and
er Sipco. In 1879 he came to Win-
nipeg, bought a house, but only livers
in the city one year, returning to
the farm, although he retained pos.
Ash Grove Farm, Goderich town-
the home of Mr. and Mrs.
owner had gone to the barn to do the
morning chores, requiring the light
of a lantern as it was still dark. Ti
lila been his practice to hang the
Phone 173 CLINTON r
It sure is a case of where High
g Quality and Low Price Meet.
quite a number of women andship,
leen employed.
session of ,the city dwelling. Mrs.
Thos. G. Elliott, was the scene of
lantern on a nail, but this had faller
W. S. R. 1-Toludes, P
n Bj
Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Wallis and
Wihuer Wnllis of Clinton were
visitors m the villa a on limo last.
g X
Apple picking is in full swing in
pp } gtaken
this district. The fruit is of oed
size and quality this year in sprayed
Miss Sadie Carter snot a few
Wallace died March 29, this year,
and her death was a severe blow to
Mr: Wallace. Ile lived only six
months after hes death. He was
with a stroke Wednesday, Oct,
4, and died three days Tater. The
seizure was at the home of his niece,
Mils, A. A. Martin, 575 Elgin avenue.
Surviving are one son, Wilfred Wal-
autumn wedding on Wednesday, Oc-
tuber 11th, when their daughter,
Bern7ce Elizabeth, zeas united in
marriage to Ernest Roy Brown, son
01 11Irs. A. S. Insole,, Clinton, and
the tato Moses Brown, of IIullett,
Rev. R. M. Gale officiating. '
At four o'clock, to the strains of
from its customary place, so the '
farmer placed it on the stable floor.
He had thrown down a few fork•STRATFORD S RII�Ii' TO
fulls of hay when he noticed the BE INVESTIGATED BY
flames, An implement shed caught
fire and was destroyed, but Mr. Mar.
riche succeeded in extinguishing GOVERNMENT
flames which had ignited the house. OFFICERS
Some insurance was carried on the
.,,,. ,"+:r ,• :. ,; +vh..o,,. �.,,.: ..,.4
days in Goderich with her sister,
1Virs. N. Hill, earlier in the week.
The ladies Knox United church
lace, and three grandchildren, with
several nieces and nephews. The
wedding chorus from- Lohen,
grin, played by Mrs. Victor Elliott,
the bridal party tools their place be-
barn Hon. Dr. J. D. Monteith, provincial.
�.: minister of labor, announced frons
a tiy�,�J
+ 5 1,7iY1�
T�9 %Y 14 i Li Jin
A i
h` .., s 121,
w kk +>N ° t 1:
held a verysuccessful quilting on
q 4
Thursday last. They also packed a
of bales of used elothin • for
the West. The ear is expected to be
loaded cn Saturday of this week,
Anyone wishing to contribute any.
thing may leave sante at R. D. lIlun-
i n's store in the village.
sou is resident in the L°ndesborr
district (near Pilot Mound.)
Mr. Wallace was born in Kielcby
" r
Stephen, R estmoreland, Eng., Sept.walls
1357., alit} came to Canada with
his parents as a small boy. They
settled at Londesbo o, Ont, On
march 11, 1879, he married Miss El-
iza Garrett, also of Lendesbmo.
heath an arch of autumn. leaves!
banked with flowers and foliage
from which hong a wedding bell.
The Ingle, who was given in mar.
1'iage by her father, was 'becomingly
gowned in ivory rough silk crepes
with shirred irtdiee incl wearing
white kid gloves and shoes and veil
of tulle,fashioned in cap effees,
e�b en Monday afternoon the
GODERICH: When she slipped pp by his department •of
all some wet }eaves nn rite concrete L. J. Salter, former industrial com-
in front of the home of Mrs. m]ssioner for Stratford as special
investigator to inquire into all
Magnus $wAnsnl, Bruce street, withqphas.
whom she is a visitor, Mrs, Robson es of the Stratford furniture strike,
of Walkerville, fell and broke her bIr, Salton, informed of his appoint.
arm Saturday afternoon. meet, said he would begin his work
immediately. He did not intimate
�p dd 6�
r Priced f$•®1 l Q; A ®�50 t® c�9e a00
e1' eY
Mrs. R. J. Ross of Round )lake,
Sask., is visiting at the home of
Mr. W. T. Riddell.
The monthly meeting of the Wo-
mens Institute was Belo] TA Tuesday,
They are preparing to put an a In
l p g p Y
in the
The family were life Ion membersp
y g
of the Methodist church in Pilot
and laL•ar of the United
Mound, •
bit Wallace was highly esteemed
by the community, and always was
caught with orange blossoms. She
carried a bouquet of bronze chrys-
anthonums and maiden -hair fern and
wore the groom's gift, n crystal
pendant and ear -rings.
The bride was attended by her
what steps he intended to take at
4sererIIAM: Fnllewing an illness what course he proposed to pursue.
of several months, there passed A- It is feared that Stratford will
way Saturday morning, Fiances Day stiffer seriously as a result of the
r strike, as work from some factories
ten, widow of C. A. Griffin. Mrs,
was born at Birt, Ont., and s being .roved from the city, and it
near future,
in the forefront of any movement to
sister, Miss Reva Elliott, who was
l gowned in powder blue alligator
Cama to Wingham at the age of 14, is doubtful whether it will ever re-
where she had resided ever since. turn.
broad jump --•T. R. Johnsen, Code
district, where he had lived front
the earliestyears:'
crepe with blue slippers and carried
a bouquet of trimulinns and fern,
Her husband predeceased her bg
sixteen years, Surviving are three
SEAFORTI•I: Tire regular meet -
sons and two slaughters: Colonel A.
rich.; L. Nott, Seaforth; V. Wessman,
Mitchell Basketball throw --T. V.
Mr, Lorne Brown, brother of the
groom, was, best man.
E. and Major B. D. Griffin of `'nn- °£ the town council was held in
convey, Gordon and Aim of New the council chambers on
„ _ w
Wessman, Mitchell; R. Lyon, Clin-
grooni's gift to the bridesmaid
D. Sutherland
Yarlc, and Mrs. A. H. Wilford at night with Mayor Sutherland
ton; A, Campbell, Goderich. Target
throw -T. L. , NotCi. Seaforth; IF.
-was brass candle holders, to the
groomsman, a cigarette ease, and to
home, presiding. It was decided that the
auditorium be released to the Bad.
Martin, Goderich; N. Cools, Clinton.
Running Broad jump --T. L. Lyon.
Clinton; L Nott, Seaforth; V, Wass-
As a result of improvements in
locomotive design, comparable with
the best developments in the oil -el-
the pianist a brass comport.t
During the signing of the register
a telegram was received from Rev.
minton Club for the season and that
GODERICH: When they became a wreath he purchased from the
confused in their signals at the in- Canadian Legion to be placed en the
Ross, of Clinton Collegiate, Wins Senior Championship
and Shield
man, Mitchell. Softball throw—V,
Wessman, Mitchell; G. Grassiek,
Goderich; 1, Nott, Seaforth, Relay—
Mitchell, Clinton. Senior high jump
ectric engine, the Canadian National
Railways now has locomotives Cap,
able of making runs of 800 miles
without ohange, drawing heavy
Chas. D. and Mrs. Cox of Nipissing
extending congratulations and best
wishes which was read by Rev. iVlr,
Gale, ,
tersectiou of Lighthouse and Doug- cenotaph on Remembrance bay. The
lass streets Saturday afternoon, two relief for this month aatonnted to
automobile drivers, EdwardrsliWillis 568'i}0`
and William Wiles, were slightly In -
A. Murdock, Clinton; D. Roston,
steel passenger trains, although only
Immediately after this the bride
jured, and 1V}Ilis' car. an ancient
Result of Contests
The annual Huron Amateur Ath-
otic Association meet was held at
ffeterson Park, Mitchell, on Friday
afternoon, with a large crowd of
forth, Shot put, Bell, Exeter; Howe,
Mitchell; Pitblado, Goderich, Relay,
880 yds., Goderich Goderich Sea-
forth, Clinton,
Sr, Boys -100 yd. clash, Ross
Clinton; Dean, Gorlerieh,• %Ianson,
Mitchell; E, O'Brien, ,Goderich. Bas-
ketball throw—.D, Ruston, Mitchell;
J. Gossman, Mitchell; A. Ratz, Exe-
ter. Running broad jump—,D.
! j p A. Bus-
ton, Mitchell; E. O'Brien, Goderich,
75 yard dash—E. O'Brien, • Goderich;
D. Ruston, Mitchell; J. SmaIe, Mit-
a few ,years ago changes had to be
made every 100 to 150 miles
These long runs without change—
the longest being 801 miles between
Winnipeg and Edmonton—have been
made possible Jry the user of super-
heaters to increase steam pressure
.led the way to the dining -room where
the wedding dinner was served to a-
bout forty guess, by six young
friends of the bride. The decors”
tions were Carried out in yellow
and brown and the bride's table was
centred with the wedding cake, top-
model, was damaged beyond repair. COLBORNE
After sideswiping the Willis ear, do (Crowded out last week)
ing considerable damage, the other Miss Irene Stoll o£ Stratford spent
cal swerved and plunged into n tree the week -end At her home here.
1 g t
and now lies a complete wreck. Bath lir;, Robert Bean and two children
men were cut by flying glass, have returned home after visiting
her mother, Mrs. A. C. Brown, of
supporters of the rival schools in
ittendanae, with the following
wheals competing: Seaforth, Clinton,g
Exeter, Hensel", Goderich and Mit
The events were Closely contested
Ltd the following were the execusive
n charge: Hon, Pres., T. S. Ford;
'res., W. L Carroll, Mitchell; vice-
nes., A. Smith, Goderich; See.-
freas., Miss V. I3odgins, Mitchell:
Boy's Events
Junior—.100 yd. dash, Penhale;
Exeter; Dinner, Exeter; Manns,
3ensall; 220 yd. dash, Penhale, Exe-
Kidd, Exeter; Manns, }Instill;
180 yd. dash, Howey, Exeter; Kidd,
'vxeter; Fell, Goderich. Running
:road jump, Howey, Exeter; Sills,
ieafarth; Thompson, Clinton; High
ump, Howey, Exeter, Barton, Gode•
Middleton, Clinton; Hop, step
jump, Howey, Exeter; Manns,
IVlitcheli. 220 d. clash—Ross Olin
ton; Dean, Goderich; Exr7n ton
Goderich; 440 Ge clash --Ross Clin-'
ton ; Smith, Goderich; Errington
Goderich. 880 yd. clash, Smith, God-
erich; Ross, Clinton; Crawford, God -travelling
Crich. One mile—Crawford, Gode-
rich; Errington, Goderich; Young,
Mitchell. Running broad jump—
Ross, Clinton; Smith, Goderich; Mc-
,Seaforth, High jump; Mo-.
Cal] •Clinton' Wilkins, �Goderieh;
Millen, Seaforth: Hop, step and
jump, McCall, Clinton; •Smith, Gode-
rieh Hanson Mitchell. Pole Vault
, McCall, Clinton; Christie, Mitchell;
Mimes, Clinton.Shot put, Stnish,
Goderich; Russell, Mitchell; Rutledge
Seaforth. Relay 880 ,yards-iGode-
rich, Clinton, Seaforth. Junior chant-
bion, rllowey, Exeter•, 25 paints; in-
teimemate Channeon, Passmore, Ex-'gp
et, 21 points; senior champion, Ross!
shell; Target riper, --E, Nett, Sea-
forth; R. Tiernan, Exeter•; D. Ruston..
Mitchell. Standingbroad um 1 M
Forrest, Seaforth; E, O'Brien• , Go-,
derich; D. Ruston, Mitche]], Soft
bash throw E, Nott, Seaforth; L
Janes, Mitchell; H. Lawson, Clinton;
Ilop, skip and jump—+E. O'Brien
Goderich; D. Ruston, Mitchell; A.
Merdoeld, Olinten. Relay--•14Iitcheli,
Seaforth, Goderich. Junior chain.
pion --IL. Nett, Seaforth, 18 points;
senior hampion, D. Ruston, Mitchell;
points; school championship,
Mitchell, 51 points, Referee Miss
V. ,Hos 'ins, Misehell• chief clerk, F,
g '
Malcolm, Mitchell; asst. clerks, R•
Wallcom, A. Klein;timekeepers, J.
P. Hume, Godeeich; T. S. Ford and
L. Moxtson, Mitchell; starter, D. T.
Hill, Goderich; judges, senior, Miss
F. Dale, Goderich; Miss Bell, Sea-
forth; Miss Brown, Exeter.
and of auxiliary engines called
"boosters" to increase power with -
out materials addin to the dead-
y g
weight; the employment of steel al -
Toys in wearing parts, the moo}inn-
loos Tubrication of cylinders and
values, the use of grease instead of
oil in lubricating all wearing sur,
faces, and by other refinements in
Wihile the longest one engine rusts
aro performed by.the Company's
"Continental Limited," freight loco-
motives show similar iutprovements;
notably between Montreal and Sar-
pia, where heavy freight trains are
drawn 511 miles without engine
There is as much difference, offs-
vials of the C.N.R. claim, between a
there1933 locomotive and one of 1918 of
is between two motor ears ofg
those years.
ped with a miniature bride and
The same afternoon the urs 01'
P '
married Cau Ic left amid showers ofpp
confetti for a honeymoon trip
through Northern Ontario, the bride
in a dress of wine 81111
crepe with hat to match, mulberry
tvtul crepe coat with beaver trip.-
mings and black accessories, 011
their return the wi1T reside in Clin-
DTiss Shirley Beacom Inas returned
Toronto after a short visit •with
her parents, Mr. and IVTrs. John T,
Beaecm. s, Arthur Welsh and
Mr. and Mt
Miss Norma, accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs. Oliver Welsh and Miss ]lei-
en, motored to Sarnia on Saturday,
spending the weekend as guests of
Mr.and Mrs. Thomas Dunbar,
Mr, Joe Agnew and Mrs. E. Mac-
Kenzie were the guests of Mr, and
EXETER: Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Low-
cry will vacate the Central Hotel at
the end of the recent month when
their five year lease will have expir-
ed, hit•. Lowry continues ill, in fact
since the stroke he suffered shout
two years ago he has been initt bolt-
Atecl and unable to attend to i.u.i-1
floss. The traveling nubile will re-
gi'et to ]Caro of their decision, as
they kept good arenmmndat}°rt. They
retire but will continue to live in
F . ` all l do 1
F ,TA.R: A e t t rte t , b e act
was pat}Cod in an np-town bakery
on I rids , morning when a retired
contractor on his way to the U. S.
stenpech in and laid a dollar on the
counter askin the Cleric to convey
that to the proprietor, adding that
when be got ]tome he found,that the
Dungannon for a few days.
bliss 1)erene Webster spent the
week -•enol at her home at St. Helens,
lir:. Wm. Marsh spent
nt a Eery days
hast week with her sister, Mrs,
ltagrhdl;e of Auburn.
311, tied sirs. Rail McKnight and
twohm- childtru spent Sunday in Au-
\tis. Chl•iitiee Robertson of
C.nelph :pent the week end at her
home here.
Alit; lira Pettinan of Goderich
spent Thanksgiving Day at her home
BTr. C. A. Robertson and two
daughters, Dm othy and Christine,
spent Thanksgiving in Toronto,
Mrs. Harold Allin and daughter,
Thelma, spent the week -end ivith
friends in London.
Mr. Donald Glennie of Toronto
sent the week -end at the home of
Mr, duo. Treble.
Tensall; Dinney, Exeter, Pole vaultMrs.
Seaforth• Rutledge,24111-•
hell; Middleton, Clinton. Shot put.
Clinton 23 points. Referee, W. L
Carroll, Mitchell; chief clerk, W.
Thomson, Mitchell; asst. cleric G.
Stoneman, J, Sorensen B.
Cups and Awards
McMillan Cup for school winningingwas
most points, Goderich, 129
GODERICH: A delightful even -
spent by the people of Gode-
rich Mondaywhen
John Jervis of the Bayfield
Road on Sunday.
.— --
baker had given him 11 American
dollars instead of ten in exchange for
Canadian money,
Miss Gladys Treble of Toronto
was home over the weelc,encl-
lVit. and Mrs. Will Clayton and
Towey, Exeter; $iggart, Clinton;
and Wen-
Merin Ott efor
theywere. enter-
son, Jack, of Putnam spent Sunday
heoros, Seaforth 880 yds. relay,
lixeter, Seaforth, :Goderich,
yd. dash, Pass-
lore Exeter; Grieve,Seaforth;shell
:rope, Exeter, 220 yd. dash, 0,-
trier Goderich; Grieves Seaforth;
' '
rassmore, Exeter;. 440 yd. dash,
trieves, 'Seaforth; McDonald, Gode-
rel;; Levis, Clinton. 880 yd. dash,
'assmore, Exeter; Sills, Seaforth;
ger; time keepers, J. P. Hume, Gott-
Drib; T. Ford, L. Monson, Mite
shell; starter, E. A. Fines, Clinton;
judges, senior, I. IL Weedmark, Sea-
forth A. M. Robertson Godericht
Rev' W. A. Yowl. Hensall; inter-
mediate; D. I. Hill 'Goderich; G. G.
ICoeh, :Exeter; F. 1VIannus, Ilensall';
junior, E. J. Wethey, Exeter; G. A.
73allanytne, Seaforth; J. E. Cooper
p school winning second rained
utast points, Exeter, 90 points; Hit- by
shell High School, Board, cup award.
ed to' senior i
girls, D. Ruston, Mit- consorts
2 1 points. Savage •Cup, awards
eci to the school. whose girlssary
won the
greatest number of points, Mitchel] cert
girls, 51 points, Col. H. T. Rance, the
awarded for the most points in in- ed
termediate boys' events, Exeter, 36 ids.
in the Victoria Opera House
a group of talented artists
brought to this town in a series of
order the auspices of the
Goderich Lions Club in aid of the
Crippled Children's. Fund: The eon-
consisted of musical numbers b
Paul Pedcierson Company assist
l? y
by Miss Esther Dunham, the ]tor
Nightingale. J. Franklin Caven-.
Everybody Reads
Every Page
H7 NSALLt On Sunday next, Oct.
22nd, the Y.P.S. of Carmel Presbyter-
ran Church will hold their allniver-
services. Rev. Bennie Simpson
Black of 'St. Andrew's Church Sar•
nia, will die the preacher for the day.
There will be
e special music by a
young people's choir.
with the lady's parents, Mr, and
Mrs. ,Ino. Treble.
Mrs, Earl McKnight and two
children are visiting her mother, t
Mrs. Cooke of Westfield, a few days
this, week.
Rev. Bert Howard of Arcola, Sask. •
spoke in the United church lin Sun -
day and painted a vivid picture of
conditions in the drought area, Mr.
Itblado, Goderich. ,One -mile, Sills,
eaforth; harper, Mitchell; •Pitblado,
loderich, ' Running broad jump.
`assmore, Eiceter; O'Brien, Gode•'
ich; Bell, Exeter. High jump, Bell,
Worthy, Goderich; 0?Brien,
adetich, Ilop, step and jump, PM-
:ore, Exeter; Bell,, Exeter; O'Brien,
oderich. "Pole vault, Worthy, God-
rich; Page, 'Goderich; Stewart, Sea-
Girls' EventsHENSAL;L:
Junior 50 yard dash, T. R. John
son, Goderich'; G. Grassicic,'tGode-
rich; L. Nott, Seaforth. Hop, step
and jump -.-T. R. Johnson Goderich;a
V. Fretnlin, Clinton; G. Grassiek,
Goderich. Running high jump—T.
L. Nott, Seaforth; V. Wessman, Mit-
shell; N'.. Cook, Clinton. . Stanching
points SolwayMills 'Co. Ltd. ey,
Shield awarded to the senior H.A.A. display
A. bay champion, Ross, Clinton; 23 easel
pionts, The Purity Flour Co.; shield uses
awarded :to the junior H.A.A.A. girl citizens
champion, L. Nott, Seaforth, 18 sons
paints. The H.A.A,A. presents suitw satiTity
able medals to group winners. • with,
'Judges, junior, Miss Depew, Olin- with
bon; .Miss Gostin, Mitchell Mrs. waspresent
Filshie Hensall. + ,nd.
artist and comedian gave a short
of his power with e115171 and
during which he made caricas-
of two of the town's prominent
and also portrayed the sea-
of the year. With great ver-
he entertained his audience
recitations • during his work
the chalk. A ' good, audience
and four
theur concerts
a splendid success,
The �
Clan on News- eel�rd
A strong committee
•opresentative of all denominations
and fraternal societies is endeavor -
'ng to collect 'food, clothing,rain
and all kinds °f supplies to out
to the needy ones in the West. It
is hoped to et a carload shipped
y p11
from this station through offerings
or gilt's from all the neighboring
villages and districts.
W. Walter and Mrs, A. McManesA
sang a duet ;The Old Rugged .Gress"
during the service,
Miss Doris Hill, of Toronto span.
the week -end with her parents; Mr.
arid mit,Hag
'. a HughMis IIi
Mr. and Mrs. HarveyFisher and
children spent Sunday to London.
Miss Leola Snyder of London
spent ishe with Mr
Mrs. Fletcher
and Mrs. Fletcher Fzsher.