HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1933-10-19, Page 2PGE 2 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD TiUI., OCT. 19, 1933 Clinton News -Record With.which is, Incorporated THE NEW ERA Bermsof Subscription - $1:50 per Year in advance, to Canadian ad- dresses $2:00 to the U.S. or oth- er foreign' countries. No ` paper discontinued until all arrears are paid unless at the option of the publisher. The date to which every subscription is paid is denoted on the label. Cldvertising Rates -Transient adver- tising 12e per count line for first insertion. 8c for each subsequent insertion: Heading counts 2 lines. Small advertisements, not to ex- ceed one inch, such as "Wanted", "Lost," eStrayed," etc., inserted once for 35c, each subsequent in- sertion 15e. Rates for display. a& vertising made known on applica- tion. 'Communications intended for pub- lieation'must, as a guarantee of good Idaith, .be accompanied by the name of the writer. G. V. HALL, M. R. CLARK, Proprietor. Editor, H. T. RANCE Notary Public, Conveyancer Financial, Real Estate and Fire In- surance Agent. Representing 14 Fire Insurance Companies. Division Court Office. Clinton. Frank Fingland, B.A., LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publia Suceesser to W. Brydone, K.C. Sloan Block — Clinton, Out, CHARLES B. HALE Conveyancer, Notary Public, Commissioner, etc. Office over J. R. Hovey's Drug Store CLINTON, ONT. B. R. HIGGINS Notary Public, Conveyancer General Insurance, including Fire Wind, Sickness and Accident, Ante - mobile. Huron and Erie Mortgage Corporation and Canada Trust Bends Box 127, Clinton, P.O. Telephone 57. BEATRICE R. GREENE Teacher of Piano, Singing and Theory. Studio—Commercial Inn. Phone 172. SUR. FRED G. THOMPSON Office and Residence: Ontario Street — Clinton, Ont. One door west cf Anglian Church. Phone 172 Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted DR. H. A, McINTYRE DENTIST Office over Canadian National Express, Clinton, Ont. Phone, Office, 21; House, 89. D. H. McINNES CHIROPRACTOR Electro Therapist, Massage Office: Huron Street. (Few Doors west of ROyal Bank) Hours—Wed. and Sat. and by appointment. FOOT CORRECTION by manipulation Sun -Ray Treatment Phone 207 GEORGE ELLIOTT (Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date at Tee News -Record, Clinton, or by calling phone 103. Charges Moderate , and Satisfactior Guaranteed THE MCKILLOP MUTUAL Fire Insurance Company Head Office, Seaforth, Ont. President, George McCartney, R.R. 'No. 3, Seaforth; viee-president, Jas, 'Connolly, Goderieh; Sec: treasurer, 1lxartin A. Reid, Seaforth. 'i)irectore: Thomas Moylan, R. R. 'No. 5, Seaforth; James Shouldice, Walton; Wm. Knox, Londesbore; 1.obt. Ferris, Blyth; John Pepper, Brucefield; A. Broadfoot, Seaforth; George Leinhardt, Brodhagen. Agents: W. J. Yeo, R.R. No. 3, 'Clinton.' Clinton; Jahn Murray, Seaforth; James Watt, Blyth; Rd. Pinchley, Seaforth, Any money to be paid may be paid 'to the Royal Bank, Clinton; Bank of 'Commerce, Seaforth, car at Calvin .Cutt's Grocery, Goderich. Parties desiring to effect ineur- .ance Or transact other business will 'be promptly, attended to on applica- 'tien to any of the above officers .addressed to their respective post tit - 'flees. Losses inspected by the direc- 'tor who lives nearest the scene. w.rn 1bralti '`filf]If °'' AYS TIME TABLE Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton as follows: Buffalo and Goderich Div. Going East, depart '7.08 a.m. 'Going East depart 3.00 . p.m. 'Going West, depart 11.50 a.m. 'Going West, depart 9.58 p.m. London. Huron & Bruce Going North, ar. 11,34,1ve,11.54 a.m. Going South 3.08 p.m. The advertisements are printed for 'your convenience. They inform and ,save your time, energy and money. 'SYNOPSIS • Ruth Warren, living in the East, comes into possession of three-quar- ter interest in an Arizona ranch, left to her in the will of her brother, re- ported to have died while on business in Mexico. With her ailing husband and small child she goes to Arizona to take possession, thinking the cli- mate may prove beneficial to her husband's weakened lungs. Arriving at the nearest town, she learns that the ranch, "Dead Lantern," is 85 miles across the desert. Charley Thane, old rancher and rural mail carrier, agrees to take then to "Dead Lantern" gate, which was 5 miles from the ranch house As they wearily walked past a huge over- shadowing boulder in , a gulch in coming to the ranch house, a voice whispered "Go - back, Go back!" At the ranch house they are greeted suspiciously by the gaunt rancher partner, Snavely, and Indian Ann, a herculean woman of mixednegro and Indian blood. Snavely is diffi- cult to understand but regardless. Ruth takes up the task of trying to adjust their three lives to the ranch and its development. Kenneth, Ruth's husband, caught in chilling rain con- tracts pneumonia and passes away before a doctor arrives. Ruth tries to carry on. She ie not encouraged by Snavely in plans to try and stock the ranch or improve it. She writes to her father in the East asking for a loan with which to buy cattle. She receives no reply. Will Thane conies home to visit his father . , . and Ruth meets him. NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY An hour—two hours, Ruth cower- ed by David's crib with her eyes on the docre She had been telling him stories, breathless, incoherent stor- ies. Now he was asleep and she could watch the door unhindered. She had placed the trunk against the door and she watched the streak of muddy water reach its top, puddle, and run along between the slats and drip. She had long before, with her husband, fixed the loops securely in the walls and the bar was now in place, Something struck the door heav- ily; little drops of water showered in the air. The knob rattled and Ruth raised the heavy gun. A momentary lull' let her hear the squelch of receding feet, then quick running steps, and the door crashed inward, pushing the trunk before it. The Lamp went out. Ruth steed be- fore her baby's crib, the gun held in both hands. Ann filled the door- way; the continuous lightning played upon them weirdly. Ann's hair al- most covered her face; sparkling water dripped from the straight black locks. Neither woman roved. The figure trwering in the doorway muttered -- chantlike gutttn'ai words which seemed a part of the storm. Then silence for a moment, before the giantess crouched low and came forward. Ruth pulled the trigger — with both hande she pulled frantically. and remembered when the gun was knocked from her hand that she hadn't done something''-,ddeked the hammer, she thought. Thereafter she thought no more; she became a thing of pure instinct, a furious another animal fighting a black mon- ster that had broken into her deer, They crashed against the crib and David called out; once they tripped and for a moment separated, but as soon as she could find her enemy a- gain, the mother sprang. She war. gripped in a crushing embrace which lifted her from her feet. The girl became a scratching, kicking, writh- ing deuton—every atom of her body struggling with a blind ferocity which would not be quelled. Her fingers, talon -spread, searched for the eyes of the giantess and her teeth bit into a bonelike muscle. Sud- denly she was flung bodily across the room. Her limbs tingled numbly and for a moment she could not move. It was during this moment that, by a quivering flash of light- ning, Ruth saw a Clark, jagged crack running from the upper corner of the window to the ceiling, Without sho knew what the etaclt thinking meant, and heedless of Ann, she started through the sudden darkness to the crib where David lay huddled. The mother stumbled and as, she was trying to rise to . her feet, the light- ning came again. Ruth screamed; lightning shone like a vivid snake through the jagged crack. The snake squirmed its way along the top of the wall above the crib and reached the door. Slowly the earthen wall swayed inward, broke - into great, ragged chunks and fell. The stout timbers of the crib creaked under the weight of a slab and: all was blackness, grinding earth, and pal- tering ramie A sheet of blinding light filled I went out an' found you," the sky.' Ruth saw Ann a few feet "Your baby is a gill?" asked Ruth, away, half sitting, half kneeling, a "Yes." chunk of adobe propped against herr. The girl looked from the window, The big face with Its matted hair The ancient adobe wasnow a mound was stupid, stunned. - The mother screamed at her, "David—my baby!" When next the lightning flashed, the • stupid face had 'not changed its .ex- pression, but Ann was looking at her. Again the girl screamed.' The next flash showed Ann scrambling to her feet and from the quick- thrown blanket of blackness thundered - a great, sobbing voice: "My baby!" Ruth felt Ann beside her, big hand's fund ing over ,her ' own, i great shoulder edged itself under the end of the fragment. When light came again the giantess was holding up the slab and inside the crib Da- vid lay wide-eyed and gasping., Mingled with the memory of two small arms around her neck, there stood out in Ruth's mind the pic- ture of a livid, tortured face, matted with straight black hair. , This memory seemed to have been with her for a long time --since last month or last year perhaps in last night's dream. New she was quite, comfortable --she had always liked to be rocked, especially when the chair squeaked at every teak like this one. . . . It was strange, she thought, for a little girl who liked to be rocked to have a memory of a great straining face with matted hair.... No, it wasn't proper, seine how, to be rocked to sleep with one's mother crooning that old colored peo- ple's song, and at the same time keep feeling those little arms and seeing that terrible face which odd- ly enough was a lovely, welcome face. , . . Ruth opened her eyes. Every- thing swirled about confusedly. Then slowly, taking one thcught, one thing at a time, she knew where she was. She was in the sitting room of the Dead Lantern ranch house; Da- vid. lay asleep on a pile of comforts before the grate fire; the clock on the mantel said five minutes to four. She was being rocked and at every swing forward she was being patted gently just where she herself patted David. . She turned her head and looked into the face of In- dian Ann. The face smiled sadly. "Lie a- sleep, honey, lie asleep." "Ann, I'm awake now." "Hush, little white girl, lie asleep, lie asleep" Ruth put up one arm and drew Ann's tear -stained cheek down a- gainst her own. It was half an hour before Ruth space again. "It's all past, Ann, and I'm hungry—I think," Reluctantly the giantess pincec'1 the girt beside the sleeping child and went into the kitchen. :Minutes passed and Ruth became aware that Ann was not moving about in the next room. Painfully. she stood tip. In the kitchen Ann was sitting on the woodbox, her big hands ever her face. The girt went to her. "Please don't Ann—it's all past --- please, Ann dear." "I Ought to hie kilt dead." Ruth stood in silence, her arms drawing Ann close against her. Af- ter a trine she said, "Come on let's get seine coffee. I'll make the fire" A moment later Ann was snaking the fire and Ruth stood at the sink, mensuring out coffee. "Ann," she asked, "why slid it happen?" Ann shook her head, "Did the voice tell you to drink and did it tell you to came bark to the rock at six o'clock and then when you didn't know what you were doing, did it tell you to—to kill—" Ann nodded and two great tears welled from her eyes. "Ann, why must you obey the voice?" The Indian woman spoke. her eyes fixed through the window where the eastern sky, was faintly tinted. "r Joan know—different things." fear"—she touched her breast "it pulls an' I go." "But what is the voice " "1 dean pnow—different thinbs." Ann's voiee dragged slowly, tone) lessly. "It's the o1' medicine matt who was with my mother's people— he have the power over all his peo- ple an' the blood of his people — he have power of my blood which is the blood of them people." "But that old medicine man must be dead long ago." "That is why he speak so close 'thout our seein'—his body is no more in th' way." "Ann," said the girl, rising and reaching her hand up. to the great shoulder, "when you cried out you said 'My baby'—have you a baby?" She nodded. "It seemed to sue it was my baby under there. I never knowed until I brought her in here —I grabbed her away from you -JI brought her in here an' built the fire an' put her down. Then I seen she was white—David. After while Esteemed Resident of Belgrave Celebrates 100th Birthday Adam Halliday Recipient - of Many Congratulations The Bellowing from The. Winghani Advance -Times refers to the father of Mrs John Stewart of Clinton,. of earth, "Ann, how did we ever who is known to many here as• he get out of there alive?" has often visited his daughter here: "It didn't fall all at once — the An interesting event took place side towards eh' barn jest went on Friday, October 6th in Belgrave, down. First it was only th' wall that day being the centennial of the with th' window—then jest as soon birth of Adans'' Halliday 'Belgrave's as I went back an' got you th' other , Grand Old Man.' parts fell." His birthplace was Moffatt in The girl shuddered."Aur, why Dumfriesshire, Scotland, the son of did I stay behind .after I pulled Adam and Mary Halliday. At the David out of the crib?" age of two and one-half years hr The giantess hung her head. "I came with his parents to Canada, didn't know how it was—I thought settling in Puschlineh, near Galt, lat- you was stealin' my baby whilst I et moving to Dumfries Township, a-holdin' up the wall. I hit Brant County near Ayr. you an' took th' baby; when I seen it was David, I went back an' got you. . , , "Ann," said the girl impulsively, "you couldn't help what you did, And you saved both our lives—I-- I'nm sorry I bit and scratched you—" The giantess smiled sadly and her huge arm went round the girl's waist. "You feisty little of evil' cat!' Then her face ,was filled with de- spair. "I ought to be kilt dead." "Ann, I'm so happy! I've_ always been afraid of this place and of you and of—of him. But now! With you on my side—why! I can do anything! We'll stand together and make this the biggest ranch in the world for you and me and David. I'm bound to win now, Ann!" A strange look came into the giantess' face. She shook her head and stepped away from Ruth, her eyes fear -filled. "No! No, Miss—" "Why, Ann?" The huge woman spoke hastily. "You tell Mr. Snavely that you done cone in th' house before th' 'dobe fell an' stayed with me--doan say nothin' 'bout th' voice talking nor th' fight nor nothin' — I got to—I got to—" Ann did not finish but turned and left the kitchen, crosses] the back porch , and entered her coon. Fora moment Ruth was too sur. prised to move, then she ran to Ann's door. "Ann," she called, "oh. Ann!" There was no response, but Ruth thought she heard a slight movement last beyond the door, "Ann, please answer me one thing; have I done anything, are you angry with me?" Ruth waited befnre the silent door then a muffled voice cried out, "No. Miss Ruth, nol 'Pore Gawd, I loves you!" The key turned in the lock and there carne a sound of heavy foot- steps moving away from the door, A. few lioars later the two womer were working silently among the remains of the old adobe, salvaging Ruth's belongings. The giantess said nothing unless it was absolute- ly necessary, To all intents the re- lations cf the two women were the same as on that morning when they had first cleaned out the rooms. Yet. Ruth knew that never again would she fear Ann: beneath ex- teriors she felt that she and Ann were closer than sisters. Search as she might, Ruth couli not find the big revolver which Old Charley had given her; it was hope- lessly buried. Snavely returned about noon and without any Mexicans. He gave ar the reason, that no one in the little border town wanted to conte very badly, and then, as he was spending the evening trying to persuade m- old man and his son, the storm be- gan. egan. •Snavely knew that the heavy rain would nsakd work on the pond, impossible. After they dried up a- gain he'd get the Mexicans. Ruth was heartbroken—if only the wort: had been attended to before this rain, there would be water enough fee a year. But Snavely reminded her that the rain must have com- pletely filled the deep pond in the south pasture, and that often held the best part of a year. There was no sense in getting any Mexicans at all now. Ile made little comment on the collapse of the old adobe. Ruth and David would have to live in the commissary rooms. (Continued next week.) SEVEN ECLIPSES IN .1935 In the year 1935, which is not so. far in the future, the world is to be treated to a heavenly show which no roan living can recall ever seeing be- fore. Front January to. December there will be seven eslipses, five of the sun and two of the moon. This is the greatest possible -number of eclipses that can happen in any. one year, and it is 128 years since the event has occurred. The last time this series of eclipses took place was dur- ing 1805, when Lord Nelson won Trafalgar. As far as Canada is concerned, the interesting thing - about the seven 1935 eclipses is that five for 'certain and possibly six of them will be vis- ible from varioue portions of the Dominion. On June 151b, 1864, he was mar- ried to •C'atherine Robertson, and he continued farming in Dumfries Town ship, where most of their children were born. - Came to Morris in 1880 In 1880 he moved to Morris, pur- chasing Frank Clegg's farm on the 5th concession, He retired from farming in 1904, moving into Bel - grave. Since the death of his part- ner in life in 1926, he has been liv- ing among his family with headquar- ters at his daughter's, Mrs. David Dunbar, Belgrave. . After- he was 80 years of age, be plowed with a walking plow ten ac- res cf land in one week, a feat that would tax the energy of many a - younger than. He always took a most active in, terest in the church and is probably the oldest church official in Canada or possibly the world, being a Trus- tee of Knox United Church, Bel- grave. His fancily are as follows: PTrs. D. Dunbar, Belgrave; Mrs. 'Thos. Walk- er, Brussels; Mrs. Jno. Stewart, Olin, ton; Mrs. D. Robertson and Mrs. Garner Procter of Saskatchewan; Adam of Hareicta and Dan, a doc- tor, Tubernose, Sask. He also has ten grandchildren and eight great- grandchildren. It was intended by the people of Belgrave to have a public reception in his honor, but, due to his failing health, it was deemed inadvisable. However, a committee from the congregation of Knox United church, onsisting of Joseph Miller, Inc, T. Coultes, Peter W. Scott and Rev, A. M. Grant, called on him and convey- ed the best wishes and congratula tions of the community to him and presented him with a Bible, beauti- fully inscribed, and an address. Rev, ADAM HALLIDAY A. M. - Grant spade the presentation and read the 23rd' Psalm, this being one of his favorite passages from the Bible. Peter W. •Scott read the following address. 'Dear Mr. Halliday; It is with e' great deal of pleasure that we tender to you our hearty congratulations ort this, the centennial of your birth: To a very few is it: given to enjoy one hundred years. • We continue to commend you to God in whom you have such implicit trust and Who never fails those who trust in ITim. Signed on behalf of the congrega- tion of Knox United Church, Bel - grave, and the surrounding common- ity, this 6th day of October, A.D.1 1933, A. M. Grant, Minister. Peter W. Scott, Sec'y of Session. John T. Coultes. J. H. Miller.' In addition to many letters of con- gratulation received by him, he re. ceived a telegram from Rt. Hon. W. L. McKenzie King, ex -Primer of Canada, conveying his felicitations and a personal communication from Premier R. B. Bennett. 'Ottawa, October 6, 1933 Adam Halliday, Esq., Belgrave, Ont Dear Mr. Halliday: On this, the One Hundredth Anniversary of yon natal day, I should like to be a, mong those who are extending their heartiest congratulations . and best. wishes. During a long and useful life, you have been able to watch the development of our country and render sympathetic service to those with whom you have come in daily contact. You have been privileged to see a few scattered hamlets weld- ed into a great Dominion, which in its turn has taken its place among the great nations of the British Em- pire and the World. It is my sincere and earnest wish that the days that are to come may be full of happiness, With kindest regards and beef wishes I am Yours, faithfully, (Sd.) R. B. Bennett.' 'Ottawa, Ont., October 5th, Adair Halliday, Belgrave. Permit -me • to join with the many friends who will .be extending you heartiest congratulations upon the celebration of your one hundredth' birthday anniversary and to tender you warmest greetings and my best wishes that the day may be a happy one for you and that your remaining days may be greatly blessed with peace and sweet content. Sgd. W. L. Mackenzie King.'" CHRISTMAS ,SAILINGS FOR OVERSEAS PORTS 'SHome for Christmas" is a slogan which will soon be in the air and railway and steamship companies are busy making, preparations to handle and expedite the increased traffic which naturally arises at this season of the year. The trans- Atlantic companies have already list, ed their pre -Christmas and Christ, mas eastbound sailings from Mon, treat, Quebec and Halifax, according to passenger traffic officials of the Canadian National Railways. There will be eight pre -Christmas sailings from Montreal commencing with the "Antonia," "Aseania" and "Duchess of York" November 17th and closing with the "Laurentic" November 28th. From Quebec the "Montcalm" wiil sail en November 29th and the "Duchess of Richmond" November 30th. - The season opens Pram Hali- fax Novennbor 27th with the sailing of the S. S. "Bergensfjord" and the S. S. "United States" .to Scandina- vian countries and closes on Decem- ber 16th with the "Duchess of York" for Glasgow, Belfast and Liverpoali The last connecting train for this sailing will ibe .the Maritime Express leaving Montreal 12.00 noon Decem- ber 15th. In all there will be four- teen sailings from Halifax. FORTY FARMERS MEET AFTER FORTY YEARS Among a party of 150 farmers from Ohio and New England who spent a recent holiday in Jasper Na- tional Paris, were forty members who were present at the Chicago World's Fair forty years ago. This odd co- incidence in numbers was duly celce brated by the forty holding a reunion party at the Lodge. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE NEWS -RECORD t ries Every industry, be it large or small, adds to the progress and prosperity of any community. Every such industry brings new capital to a town, and distributes this among the business men gen- erally in the way of wages and salaries, Everybody benefits. Among local industries there is none of greater importance in spay, community than that of the local home newspaper. Not only does it provide employment for a certain number of workmen, but it offers -a service to the community which could be obtained in no other way. In their own best interests, therefore, business sten should use their local paper for purposes of advertising, and also for the pro- curing of their requirements in PRINTING. All business men need printed :natter of various kinds from time to time. Remember your local printing office when in need of printed matter. , THE CLINT ` ' NEWS -.RECORD A FINE MEDIUM FOR ADVERTISING—READ ADS. IN THIS ISSUE PHONE 4