HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1933-10-12, Page 5SIMEnalettiellair "'fTHURS., ;OCT. 12, 1933 HE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD *' PAGE 9 O1 INTEREST TO YOU AND ME The Owen Sound Sun -Times issued. •.• a special souvenir number on Sat- urday last hi honour of the Inter, national Plowing Match, "The World's Greatest ` Plowing Match," which is on this week. It is a twenJ ty-six page well written and well - Illustrated numberand reflects cred- it upon the smart little city of, Ow en Sound and the managers of its live daily, W e commend to our readers the refunding loan now on, advertise- ment of which will be found on an- -ether page. The loan has Veen well "received so far and it is hoped will; g;o ever well. This money s not 'be- ing borrowed just, to spend, it will 'be used to pay off other loans, the •`;paying off of which will save the eourtry some millions of .money. If you 'do not understand it fully and wish to do so, ask your banker or lawyer about it. GODERICH TOWN'SIIIiP Mr; and Mrs. S. Jordan spent -Wednesday at Wingham, that being ....the last day of Wingham Fall Fair. Mr. Angus Cole and Mr. and Mrs. --Clifford Lobb and family of Clinton spent Thanksgiving with Mr. end ''Mrs. Robt. Pearson o$ the 16th. (Received too late for last week) Council meeting: -Council met in Bolmesville on Monday, Oct. 2nd. ' `The main discussion centred en the granting of unemployment relief, all - were agreed that where there were any really in need, the Reeve should, along with the councillor nearest, investigate and see that no person suffer. By-law No. '1, providing for nomination, which is to be in Mul- holland's hall on Friday, Nov. 24th, • at 1 p.m., the poll, if any, at: No. 1, Orange hall, con. 4, Chris. Johnston, D.R.O., R. Mcilwain, Poll clerk; No. 2, House of H. Sturdy, H. ' Sturdy, D.R.O., W. H. McCabe, clerk; ' No. 3, House on 'Lot 35, Con. 4, John Emmerson, D.R.O., T. M. Woods, clerk; No. 4, House of W. H. •' Lolnib, W. H. Lobb, D.R.O., L. Ander- •.son, clerk; No. 5, House' of H. Mc- Cartney, H, McCartney, D.R.O., W. ' R. Lobb, clerk; No. 6, House of R. Rowden, R. Richardson, D.R.O., R. Rowden, clerk. • The following aeceunts.were paid: Kenneth Trewartha, sheep claim, • $10.00; Rich. Porter, sheep claim, ' $5.30; Leslie Cox, sheep claim, $8,00; Reg. Sturdy, valuing sheep, $8.60; Temporary loan to 'telephone system, $350.00; Supt. pay voucher No. 10, '^ ' $607.80. -Council then adjourned to meet on Monday, Nov. 6th, at 1.30 p.m. -R. G. Thompson, Clerk. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cartwright anti ;family of Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. Hardy of London spent Thanksgiving • day with Mr. and Mrs. H. Alexander of Goderich township. Mr. G. Ferguson of the staff of 'Whitley Collegiate, was a holiday visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ferguson, of the 16th con- cession. Mr. and Mrs. L. Biggin and family of Stratford visited their parents ' here for the holiday. Rev, 3. P. Thompson, Londcnn, Miss Olive Thompson, O.A.C., Guelph, Miss Alda Fraser, Ottawa, now of O.A.C., Miss Laura Crawford, Lon- don, Mr. and Mrs. C. Fitzgerald and Mr. and Mrs. R. Sherritt and Mas- ter Billy, of Granton, were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thompson, 16th concession. Miss Mabel Churchill of Danfield visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Churchill of the 16th concession. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Livermore and Mrs, Eva Wheeler . and son, Douglas, spent the week -end holiday- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stephenson. • Dir.' and Mrs. Ezra Durst of Royal Oak spent a few days as guests of the latter's sister, Mrs. Fred Thomp- son. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hucks, of Clin- ton spent the holiday week-sncl with ` their daughter, Mrs. Oliver Welsh-. Mr. and Mrs. Root. Dunbar and Mr. Geo. Dunbar of Lambeth, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dunbar of ' Sarnia spent Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Welsh. Mr, Arth r Stephenson spent a few days last week: with Mr., Alex Welsh of Clinton. Children of S. S., No. 10 had ar extended holiday over the Thanks- giving week -and as their teacher Miss Marion Forbes, was ill. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rathwell spent • Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Rath - well. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Welsh motored to Dunnville on Sunday to attend the silver anniversary off• the wedding of -Mr. and Mrs. Len.' Weir. Mr. Norman Wel$h and son, Alec 'of Lambeth spent Sunday with the former's father, Mr Alex. Welsh of Clinton. Rev. Robt. McConnell of Vancou- ver, B.C., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Taylor, '• The marriage was solemnized at tine home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth "Taylor on Wednesday, Oct. 4th, of Mr. Taylor's only sister, Harriet Ise bel, and Marvin Eugene Eppersoni V.S.,B.V.Sc., Galton, Ohio', son of 'Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Epperson of Barnard, Missouri. , The ceremony wail. conduotch by -the Rev. F. H. Paull', who was assist- =ed by Rev. Robert McConnell of Van couyer, hi the presence of only im- mediate relatives. : The bride wore •a smart frock of sand crepe and carried Johanna Hill • roses. The couple were unattended Mrs. John R. Middleton Played the. -wedding nnusic, and after the Ceres mony Miss Willa Cbuseof 'Streets- •ville sang '"I Love" 'lou Trimly." ' ',The house was prettily 'decorated with autumn flowers and after thr 1 ceremony an informal bltffet tea was served. Later in the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Epperson left by motor for a wedding trip, the bride donning a costume of blue rabbit's hair,. with accessories in black. They will re- side at Galton, Ohio. • (Frain another correspondent) Mr. and Mrs, Baker and Mrs. Mc- Gregor of Toronto visited with Mrs. Mason Stirling over the holiday. Mrs. W. Weston has returned home after •spending a few days at Bruce - field. Mr. and Mrs. W . Lobb are visiting a few days in Sarnia this week. Miss. Grace Stirling of Toronto spent Thanksgiving at her home. Mr. George Clark of Detroit spent the Holiday with his parents, Mr, and Mis. Peter. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Wilson of Royal Oak, Mich., are visiting at Mr\ George Lindsay's Master Bruce Ryan of Dungannon spent the holiday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. 3. Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. 3, Cartwright and Miss Lillian attended the miniver sary services at Londesboro on Sun- day. Mrs. Percy Garside of London. spent a few days last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stirling. ' Mrs. Geo. Levis of Clinton visite(' a few days last week with her niece Mrs. Fred .Thompson. - Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Anderson and son, Bruce, and David Millan visited over the 'holiday with Mr. and Mre L. A. Anderson and other relatives on the Bayfield line. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Whitmore ant son, Harold, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whitmore ,and . daugihter, Mary, of Hamilton visited on Sunday at the home of - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whit- more. STANLEY Mrs. Harold Penhale spent a few days last week visiting her par, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hodgson of Wilton Grove. Mr. Campbell McKinley was the guest of Mr. Wm. McLinchey one day last week. Mr. William Duncalf, who spent the past year with Mr. Harold Pen - hale, has gene to St. Thomas for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Will Denison of Grand Bend spent Thanksgiving as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Talbot of the Blue Water highway. Master RandoI£ Sumit of London spent the week -end at the Monte of Mr, Alf. Westlake of Sauble line. Rev. 3. McEwen, Mrs. McEwen and son Jack of Stouffville spent Thanksgiving with the fornner's brother, Mr. W. McEwen, and other relatives in the neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. W. Speero of High- gate spent the Thanksgiving week- end with relatives hereabouts, Mr. and Mrs. 3. A. Waghorne, Miss Mae Waghorne and Mr. J. C. Rowe of Toronto spent Sunday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Mc- Ewen. Mrs. W. McEwen and E. S. Mac- Dougall and Miss Marion Dougall of Hensall spent a few clays at Kin- cardine a week ago. Mrs. Tiros, Baird, Sr., left last week to visit her sister, Mrs. Angus Gordon at Shepperton. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baird and daughter, Thelma, .of Toronto spell' the Thanksgiving holiday at the home of Mr. Geo. T. Baird. Mr. John McGregor of Los An- geles, California, visited at the home of Mrs. Neil McGregor and other friends for the past week. Miss Margaret McGregor of To- ronto visited her 'nether, Mrs. Neil McGregor for Thanksgiving. Miss Kate McGregor of Wingham spent the holiday with her mother, Mrs. Neil McGregor. Mrs. Wilbur Welsh and Miss Len• ova accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Welsh to Dunnville over' the week- end to attend the Silver Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Len. Weir. LONDESBORO The anniversary services of the United Church, which were held last Sunday, were very largely attended. The Rev. S. Mothers of Grand Bend delivered two very able sermons, preaching both morning' and even- ing: Being well known in this dis- trict, having spent most of his boy- hood days in this vicinity, and Iater taught school at No. 8, Hullett, his distourses were listened to with great interest. The choir rendered excellent Music, in the evening Dr. Thompson of Clinton sang a pleasing solo, which all enjoyed. Mr. and •Mrs.:J. W. Tamblyn of Toronto spent the week -end with the fo•nner's mother, Mrs, J. Tam- blyn, who returned with them on Monday and will remain for a few weeks. 'Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Manning were the guests • of Mrs, A. Lydiatt • of Walton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston of London spent the holiday week -end under the parental roof. Mrs. E. Bell is visiting at the home of Mr. B. Herrington, Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. H. Moggridge of Auburn Sundayed at Mr. C. Man- ning' Mr. and Airs, Geo. Beattie of In- gersoll, Mr. and Mrs. H. Brnnsdon and family of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs; R. Vodden and Mr. and Mrs. B. Brutisdcn and family were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. W. T. Brunsdon on Sunday. IMr. and Mrs. C. Josling spent :Sun- day with their daughter, Mrs. L Bail. Mr. and Mrs. 3. P. Manning • and Phyllis visited at the hone of Mr. and Mrs, J. Howatt, Auburn, on MARRIAGES BROWN-ELLIOTT-..-At the home of the bride's parents, on Oct. 11th, by the Rev. R. M. Gale, 'Bernice Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.` Thomas G. Elliott, Ashgrove Farin, Goderich township, to Ern- est Roy Brown, son of Mrs. A. Sr Inlcley of Clinton and the late Moses Brown of Londesboro. EPPERSON - TAYLOR -• At the home of the • bride's brother, on Oct. 4th, by the Rev. F. IL. Paull, assisted by the Rev. R. McConnell, Vancouver, Harriet Isabel, daugh- ter of the late C. K. and Mrs. Tay; for, Blyth, and only sister of Mr. Kenneth Tavlor•, Goderich town- ship, to Marvin Eugene Epperson. V.S.,B.V.,Sc., ;Galton, Ohio, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bpperson of. Barnard, Missouri. BIRTHS MA•RIOS-dn Toronto Private Hospi- tal, Cottage Horne, on Aug. 26th, • 'to Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Marks, a daughter, --Carolyn Jane. '• DEATHS M'cINTGS'I-I In Clinton, on Oct. 5th, Margaret Shanahan, wife of Mr. J. P. McIntosh, in her 69th year. RICE -At Toronto General Hospital on October 5th, George Rice, for- merly of Clinton, in his 73rd year. WALLACE--an Grace Hospital, Winnipeg, Man., on Oct. 7th, Jos- eph Wallace, formerly of Hullett township, aged 82 years. IN MEMORIAM CLARIC In sad -and loving memory of our dear mother, Willamina Clark, who departed this life Oc, tob',er 14th, 1932. God knew that you were suffering, He knew that you were in pain He knew that you would never get better In this world again. God saw the road was very rough, The hills were hard to climb So He closed your weary eyelids And whispered "Peace he thine." -Will, Mabel and Clifford. Sunday. The W. M. S. auxiliary of the Uni- ted church have received an invita- tion from the Burns' Auxiliary to meet with them on the 25th of Oc- tober. The regular meeting df the Wo- man's Institute was held in Com-. annuity Hall on Oct. 4th, with nine- ty in attendance. During the busi- ness, IVirs. E. Adams, the president, was appointed to attend the conven- tion at Kincardine on Oct. 23rd. There was an excellent program. Mrs. H. Sundercock and Mrs. 3. Crawford sang a duet and a five piece orchestra rendered lovely mu- sic., Mrs. D. McCallum played the mouth organ; Miss D. Little, Miss J. McCallum and Miss E. Manning, the three guitars and Miss I. McCal- lum the piano. Mrs. R. Townsend gave an illustrated lecture on her trip to the Coast. Site was assisted by Miss Dorothy Little, and Rev, C. S. Hawke of Clinton, who took charge of the slides. This was much enjoyed and the time passed all too quickly, when lunch was served, the hostesses being: Mrs. T. Little, Mrs. J. II. Shobbrook, Mrs. 1'. Wood, Mrs. W. E. Manning, Mrs. W. T, Brunsdon and Mrs. F. Little. The W. M. S. of the United Church are holding their thank -offering meeting on Sunday evening, Oct, 15th, in the basement of the church. Mrs. Cummings of Walton will ad, dress the meeting. The meeting is open to everyone and all are cor- (Bally invited to attend. SIMPLY WORKED OLD LAW To the editor of The Clinton -News Record: Dear Sir: --There seems to be in Clinton a variety of opinions about the calling out of the troops during the strike at Stratford. In Oct, 10th, 1866, the different county hat - talions were organized. They were organized to defend the country, and also to aid the civil .powers, where snob rule came, and the police were 'anal,de to cope with events. ,Some years ago, the miners of Spring Hill, Nova Scstia, struck ,and started mob rule. Thee town asked for troops to aid matters. This was during the time when the Right -Hon- orable Sir Wifrid Laurier was Prime Minister of Canada. No aspersions were cast . at Sir Wilfrid at the time, he was simply allowing an old act to be put into operation. The Iaw was made some sixty-seven years ago and it is still the law today. Some Wild statements are coining from people who never saw a mob in action, and they are blaming the Tor- ies for the whole wretched affair. Yours very truly, 5I. B. COMBE. CONSTANCE .arxs. Howard Armstrong and fam- ily and Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Clarke 'Visited Stratford last Sunda-, Mr. Mathew Armstrong, shipped a fine carload of cattle to the Old Country on Monday. Mr. R. McEwen and Mrs. McEwen and the Misses McEwen of Toronto' spent the week -end at the home of Mn. and Mrs. Wm.:Carnochan, Mr. Dave Millson and Miss Phoebe Wakefield and Mrs. Thos. Pollard spent. Sunday at the home • of ,Ma., and Mrs. R. J:,Daytnan of Kipper and attended anniversary services at St. Andrews United church, Kip - pen, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Riley and Mr. Chas. Riley of Clinoon and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McFarlane of. Stanley' township spent the holiday at the 4eYeaffi s r Member of Florist Telegraph Delivery Association Special Sale of ROCK GARDEN PLANTS $1.00 Dozen, Assorted Chas. V. Cooke FLORIS T Phones: 66w and 66j LEAVITT'S THEATRE, EXETER Thurs., Fri41Sat., Oct. 12, 13, 14 TIM 5IcCOY IN "FIGHTIN;G FOR JUSTICE" Comedy=,Carto'on-Newsreel M,on., Tues., Wed., Oct. 16, 17, 18 "MEN MUST FIGHT" Metro -Goldwyn -Meyer Picture featuring Diana Wynyard (Beautiful star of Cavalcade) Supported by Lewis Stone and Phyllis Holmes. Taxi Boys Comedy- "BRING 'EM BACK A WIFE Sportreel Thurs., Fri„ Sat., Oct. 19, 20, 21 "THE WARRIOR'S HUSBAND" with Elissa Laude, Ernest Truex, David Manners, Charlie Chase Comedy "NATURE IN THE WRONG" Cartoon Coming: "Carnival" with Matheson Lang, noted English actor. home of their mother,, Mrs. Geo. Riley. Miss Ethel Gauley, our school teacher, attended the teachers' con- vention in Goderich last Thursday and Friday and spent the week -end and holiday at her home in Ripley. Anniversary services will be held in Constance United church on Sun- day, October 22nd. Rev. John But, ton (a former Constance boy) now of Forthwith, will preach both morn- ing and evening. The annual fowl supper will be held the following Tuesday evening. Mr. Adam Glazier of Clinton is visiting ht the home of Me. David Millson for a week or so. (From another correspondent) Mr. Joe Youngblut is able to be around again. Mrs. George Carter and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Campbell, also Mr. Jack Kellar attended the funeral of MYlrst William Armstrong of Brussels. Mrs Armstrong is a sister of Mrs. Hugh Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Snell, Mr. and Nlrs. Robt. Rogerson attended the anniversary at Londesboro United church on Sunday. Mrs. Matthew Armstrong and 'Mrs, Tim Carbert, also Mr. and Airs. John Armstrrng of Londesboro, attended tate funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Wil- liam Armstrong of Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley, Mr. and Mrs. Inc Riley and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Riley of Clinton visited Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hoggarth on Sun- day. Mrs. Mathew Armstrong spent Thanksgiving in Grimsby with her sun. Mr. Fred Armstrong. Mrs. Leo Stevenson has returnee` home after spending a two week's visit at Brigden and Sarnia. The seasonal(le thing for the girls to do, as the Aieaford Mirror points out, is to go beret picking. TUCKERSMITH Misses Sarah and Florence Whit- more visited with Mrs. R. Roberton over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Giff, Crich and Mr ,and Mrs. trine Crich spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery of Clinton. Mr, Russel Coleman is confined tc his bed with arthritis. We hope he may soon be out again. The ladies of Turner's had a very successful baking sale in the town hall, Clinton, on Saturday last. Misses Sarah and Florence Whit- more visited friends in Clinton over the week -,end, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Trick and Miss Vera of London visited the home of Mr. and Dies. Fletcher Townsend over. the holiday. Mrs. Fanny Johns, who was visit, ing friends in Toronto over the holi- day, has returned hone. Was. Jahn Mitchell of Stratford vis- ited his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Ver- non Terryberry, over the holiday. Dir: and Mrs. Fletcher Townsend visited in Goderich township with the latter's sister, Mrs. Will Wise. on Monday last. Misses Viola and Edith Pepper visited their aunt, Miss Gladys Crich, in Clinton over the holiday. Turner's Church is having its .an- niversary next Sunday, Oct. 15th, at 2.30 p.m. and 7.30 p.m, Rev. J. W. Herbert of Hohnesville will be the speaker. • ST. HELENS . and Mrs. D•angherty and Gwendolyn of Guelph spent last week -end at the hone 'of Mrs. R. 3, Woods. • Mr. Graham of Pilot Mound, Man. is visiting his sister, Mrs. 1-Iarper. .Miss Lila Gaunt of Port Colborne visited her mocker, Mrs. Gaunt, lass week, Mrs. Jas. Levis had the misfortune to slip and break her leg a few days ago. • Messrs. Lorne Webb, Geo. McQuil. lien and Wilson Woods have gone to. Guelph to attend the O.A.C. Mrs, R. J. Woods moved last week to Earl Cranston's house in the vil- lage, while Mr. and Mrs. Cranstor, will take charge of Mrs. Wood's farm. • Ms. Jas. McFarlane of Bluevale visited his daughter, Mrs. Gordon THE BEST MARKET FOR Poultry, Eggs, Cream ALL ' THE ,YEAR ROUND, ICOR CASH AT THE CLINTON POULTRY HOUSE N. W. Trewartha Phones -Office, 2141 Residence, 214w Here's the' Place to Eat OUR TOASTED SANDWICHES ARE DELICIOUS t CHEESE HAM EG SALGMON ILdd3 AND EGG WESTERN HOT CHOCOLATE, TEA, 1 COFFEE BARTLIFF & CRICH Makers of Dainty Maid and Whole Wheat Bread Phone 1, Clinton. Special This Week GENASCA HOT OIL SHAMPOO AND FINGER WAVE s1.00 HENRI'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Isaac Stret, Phone 223 44-1-p. McPherson. Master Waldemur Mueller sailed on Saturday from Montreal to Ger- many, where he will make his home with his grandparents, Miss Euphemin Rintoul spent a few days with her cousin, Mrs. Chas. Cock, Luclnow: Successful aniversary services were held in the United church on Sunday. Rev. Chandler of Kippen gave two very interesting discourses .Ai large crowd were present at both services. Mr. Schlinker of Kitchener spent the week -end at the home of Mr. Robinson Woods. The following teachers were home for Thanksgiving:.Miss W. L Ruth- erford, Kirkland Lake; Misses Mabel and Irene Woods, also Miss Vera Todd, near Kitchener. Misses Doro- thy orathy Webster, London; Zilda Web- ster, Toronto; Doreen Webster, Car- low and Chas. McQuillian near Exe- ter. AUBURN Anniversary services will bo held in Knox Presbyterian church on Sun- day, Oct. 22nd, service will be con- ducted by Rev, D. J. Lane of Gode- rich. On the following Monday ev- ening a fowl supper will be served. Miss M. Weir of Strathroy is vis. iting at her brother's home here at present. • Mr. and Mrs. Kruse and family of Galt spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson. AIr. and Mrs. Jas. H. Johnston at- tended the funeral on Monday last of the late Marshall Faegan of Goderich. The late Mr. Faegan at one time lived on the 3rd concessior, of W. Wawanosh ten the farm where Mr. Wm. .Good resides at present. Administrator's Sale Of Farm, Farm Stock and Imple- ments and household Furniture, at part lot 25, Maitland Concession, Colborne township, on Monday, Oct. 1.6th, at I p.m. Luther D. Albin, Goderich, Administrator, T. Gundry and Son, Auctioneers. 44-1-p. Wesley -Willis Bazaar The annual bazaar of the W. A. o .. Wesley -Willis church will be held in "the Council Chamber on Saturday afternoon, Nov. 18th. Further par- ticulars later. Keep the date in mind. 44-1. • Tractor For Sale • 'titan 10-20 tractor, in good run- ning order, Apply to D, M. Lind- say, Huron Road. Free Photographs Read Burgess' -Studio advertise - men this week and learn how to get Free Photographs on Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 18th and 19th. 444. Household Effects For Sale Dining table, 6 chairs, buffet, dres- ser, rocking chair, baby's buggy, boy's wagon, kitchen table, chairs and •other articles. Apply to V. L. Eames, Clinton. 44-1. Bridge Teas At a meeting of the Finance Com- mittee of the. Ladies' Golf Club held at the home of Mrs. I:Iovey on Tues- day evening, it was decided to have the Golf Bridge and Tea at the 'fol. - lowing homes in the afternoon from three to six on the first Monday of each month as follows: Mrs. Hovey, Monday, November 6. Mrs, Oakes, Monday, December 4. Mr's. Rance, Monday, January 8. Mrs. M. D. McTaggart, Monday, Feb. 5. Mrs. Holloway and Mrs; Sharp, Monday, March 5• The . hostesses, hope that a great number of the ladies will come and enjoy these afternoons with thelad- ies of the Golf Club. Keep the dates in mind. WINTERS • COMING ! WHAT OF IT So ARE THE. HEAT FoLX$ est PHONE 74 If any of your are dreading cold. weather, And thinking dismally about red flannels and frozen water - pipes, Wily not handle the question in a sensible manner, And then forget all about it 1 The sensible thing to .de is to make sure of an ample sup, ply .of DL&W Coal, which is handled by the Heat Folks. And when that coal is safely in your bin, you can forget your worries and enjoy your winter in comfort. Vail the vim 'FJ C CLINTON, ONTARIO 'Ce,A01 ,n.* „1,sau on? ..4/0,1041 r,ee,e ��wm,.°r..•si,eS,n�u^;,a,,,,, 1 CAPI CAL -TIIE•ATRE Goderich. Phone 47 Now Playing- 4lluok Jones in "WHITE EAGLE" MON,. TUES., WED. Nancy Carroll and Edmund Lowe present a suave and modern crook story in entertaining style "I Love That Man" THURS., FRI., SAT. Charlie Murray & George Sidney two old favorites in another of their great character comedies "THE'CONENS AND KELLYS IN TROUBLE" Coming, A Sensation: "Krakatoa" Matinees, Wed. and Sat. at 3 p.m. REGENT THEATRE Seaforth. Now Playing', Lee Tracy in "PRIVATE JONES" MON., TUE.S., 'WED. Warner Baxter adds to his laurels with another faultless characterization you'll like "1 Loved You Wednesday" with Elissa Landi THURS., FRI., SAT. "Chuckling" Charlie Ruggles the screen's smartest comedy ar- tist takes you from shivers to giggles in "Terror Abroad" Coming: Two days only - "DAMAGED LIVES" Matinee, Sat. at 3 p.m. 34and 611 :� k t 1Sc ".„ Watt7 for $1.00 PRODUCT OF CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRICj C. H. VENNE.4'i Phone Us We Deliver Phone '5 • FREE! FREE! HIGH CLASS PHOTOGRAPH On Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 18th and 19th, we will Photograph all married couples 65 years of age or over, Free Of Charge. And pre- sent each couple with ONE Large Photograph of themselves absolutely FREE. Remember you have nothing to buy to get this Free Photograph No matter where you live come and sit for this Free Photograph. Remember the days -Oct. 18 and 19. No Sittings made after 4 p.ni. THE BURGESS STUDIOS Clinton and Mitchell Developing and Printing Cider Grinding -Pigs For Sale Bring your cider apples along and get then. ground at 2c per gallon. Grinding six days in the week. I al- so have some little pigs for sale. 3. E. Pepper, Lot 21, Con. 3, Stanley township. 41-2. Funeral Service Funeral Director and Embalmer Ccunplete Motor Equipment 24 hour Service SUTTER--PERDUE--WALKER Day or Night Phone 147w TATA RITE i Fresh Eggs and Crea 111 Highest Prices for Strictly Fresh Eggs. Crean shipped regularly. Good Prices Paid, A. E. FINCH Phone 231. Man Wanted To handle high grade line of Teas. Store Coffees, Spices, Extracts, Toilet Pre- parations direct to established users. Openings in Hurcn and Perth Coun- ties for man with car. Write T. H. Ward Company, John South, Hamil- ton. For Sale Stare property in Clinton recently occupied by The Rido Cafe. Offers may be sent through the Bank of Montreal. Estate of J. C. Stevenson. 43-2-p. Potatoes For Sale A quantity of choice potatoes for sale, apply to S. Flewitt, or phone 13 on 606, Clinton central. 43-1f. Announcement Mrs. 3, H. Veinier wishes to an- nounce that having taken a course in Hair Dressing, will be open for appointuiennts. Phone 7, 43-2-p. Furnished House For Rent Comfortable furnished house for rent during winter. Furnace and! all modern conveniences. Apply to Mrs. J. C. MacMath, Mary street, Clinton. 42-.3. 0 Pullets Por Sale A number of bred -to -pay Barred Rock Pullets, laying, also some little pigs. Apply to D, M. Lindsay, R. R. No, 3, Clinton, Phone 610 r12. 42-tf. To Rent Comfortable eight room house, fur, pace and lights, on Rattenbnry street. Apply to W. E. Perdue. 41-4-p. Route For Sale • A two-storey; 9 -roan house, town water, electric lights, soft water cis- tern, large lot with stable and drive shed, could be used for chicken house and garage. Apple trees, pear tree, grapes and currants. Good location corner Huron and Erie. Apply to Mrs. T. W. McCartney, Clinton; 41-4. House For Sale or Rent A very desirable residence on Prin- cess street, good garden and fruit trees, electric lights, and town water. House in good condition... Apply on premises to Miss Akam. 38-131 For Rent property in town in ideal lo.. Apply to F. Fingland. 07-tf, (louse ror Safe 8 -room house with modern convert. fences, Albert street, Clinton, 8 lots in garden, barn, woodshed, good eel* lar under house. Apply on premises to Hiram 1-1111, 66 -ti:, Clinton Wood' Yards Come to us when in need of anything in the Wood Line. DRY HARD WOOD & SOFT WOOD' All orders promptly delivered from our yards, Isaac Street, Clinton. VICTOR FALCONER R. R. No. 1, Brimfield, Phone 629r12, Clinton Central. 33-tf. E. C. HOWES Elnctrican and Plumber a*na A Full Line of Electric Appliance® 1 also Plumbing Fixtures r GPiring, Plumbing and Repair. Phone. 53w. 18-444 COAL, COKE & WOOI1 Genuine "Lehigh Valley Anthrax/tot Coal" of all sizes. Alberta Coal Scotch Anthracite, range size Hamilton and American Coke Also Bituminous Coal Prompt and careful delivery from nny sheds on Queen street. ' A. D. MCCARTNEY Coal Dealer, Clinton. Queen St, Phone. 25( Cleaning and Pressing of All Kinds Suits Coats and Dresse$ W. J. JAGO If not o may pen work m y be left at Heard's Barber Shop] J