HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1933-10-12, Page 1'}The News -Record Est. 1878
NO. 5344 -55th YEAR
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The New Era Est. 1866
Watches that must be handled by someone who understands them—
who knows how they are made.
We don't claim to know all about everything, but you ¢an safely
leave us any and every sort of watch repair work with a certainty of
securing competent workmanship.
Headquarters for Watch and Jewelery Repairs
Jeweler and Optometrist Phone 174w and 1743
FEvolution in Hosiery
To Be Smartly Dressed your Hose must be a Crepe in one of
the new shades:
Reasonably Priced at $1.25 a pair
In Our Dress ' Fabric I' epartment
We are Showing
Priced at $1.00, $1.50 and
$1.75 a yard
',Imported Floral Cretons
In New High Colors --36" and 48" widths priced at
25c, 35c, 45c, and 60c a yard
I It IV I IV ' S
•+■r°.°rtiar a•it e e e orator: a a i■ s i ie + r + oro+ a + r e+ ra+ +• qe� it i°+°e i r•��
re .i ire .. ■ n ■ + ■ra + e . °
} ' til
of the Clinton Cummunity Hospital
Bazaar opens at 2.30 p,ni.
Various Booths and Committees in charge are as follows: ■�
Fancy Work, Gift and Apron -Mrs. T. Venner; Mrs. E. Wendorf and
Miss R. Pickett, Convenors.
Candy—Mrs. J. Sutter; Mrs. T. Herman, Convenor.
Produce and Fruit—Mrs. Clarence Sturdy; Mrs. L. Heard, Convenor, ■
homemade Baking—Mrs. W. Elliott; Mrs. J. E. Cook and Mrs. R. .
G. Thompson, Convenors. ■
Thursday, October 19th
Miss Florence Cuninghame, Mrs. R. Roberton, Miss Winnie O'Neil,
Mrs. O. Paisley, Mrs. VanHorne, Mrs. N. W. Trewartha,
Mrs. R. Smyth (Convenor).
The Tea Room will be en the stage and in charge of Mrs. M,
Johnson, Miss L. Grant, Mrs. H. Jenkins, Mrs. Rogerson, Mrs. W. S.
R. Holmes and Mrs. E. Wlard, Convenor.
Your interest and contributions are earnestly solicited. Please
report to Convenors of Committees any contributions you may have.
AtricIes for Rummage SaIe will be called for if necessar
y—so hunt
up your White Elephants --;nothing too large or too small to be sold.
in charge of Miss Florence Cuninghame
will be open at 3.30 pan.Only babies born in the Clinton Hospital
may be entered
!r CLASS 1—Six months and under.
■' CLASS 2—Over six months to one year.
' • CLASS 3—Over one year to eighteen months.
■ GLASS 4—Over eighteen months to two years.
e Same Classes for twins.
a THE SWEEPSTAKES BABY will receive a silver niug, donated by
4' the -President et the Hospital Board.
Attractive Prizes will be given to winners in each class.
Judges for the Baby Show will be out of town Drs. and Nurses.
■• "THE .BLUE BAG" °r,sa
A ComedyPlay under the management of the Social Committee, oe
P Mrs. C. Surdy, Mrs. M. Johnson, nd Mrs. J. Sutter,, Convenor. A' d
m play entitled, "The, Blue Bag"will be presented on °■r
s > li a"
■' The capable trainers of Local talent for this play being Mr, s. II. Law- bra
m son and Miss Brydene. Proceeds are in the interests of the Respite/. e"
r• All Seats Reserved -Plan will be at Fair's Book Store. ea
Admission—Athilts 35c, 'Children 25c. ra
e Watch for further announcements of this Bazaar, 41 & 44. e
w. m°■°a"'a''.•■°r°aVa°m°.ra°w■a° m°a°n o°NI q■a°o°■ro■r°ai'•°o°n°af°a a'■"o"u°o•■°i°e°a®m°o1°r°."w°a°e10e°:
The death occurred in Toronto on
Thursday last of a tomer Clinton
resident in the person of Mr. George
Rice, who was in his seventy-third
Mr. Rice lived here for some years
and will be remembered by a num-
ber of citizens. His wife passed a-
way a few years ago. The funeral
took place from • his late residence,
769 Markham street, Toronto, on
Saturday afternoon to Park Lawn
Miss Fannie Levis entertained a
number of little girls to a party last
The next public holiday will be
Saturday, November 11th, Remem-
brance Day.
The Public school pupils had a
nice, long holiday over the week -end,
from Wednesday afternoon until
Tuesday morning, Thursday and Fri-
day being convention days and Mon-
day Thanksgiving.
Two meanblers of the Clinton Pub-
lic school staff were elected to
office in the East Huron Teachers'
Association, Mr. G. H. Jefferson,
principal, being elected sec.-treasur-
ec: treasur-
er, Miss Myrtle Armstrong, vice-
A11 the churches in town celebra-
ted Thanksgiving by holding Thanks-
giving services on Sunday, except
St. Paul's, which bad already held
its harvest thanksgiving service. No
public service was held on Thanks-
giving Day.
Messrs. Sam Castle, Jr., and A.
Groves, "colored comedians" were at
Dungannon on Friday night last as-
sisting the Blyth Minstrels in a show
they were putting on. "Sam" and
"Art" are quite funny when they
let themselves go.
A meeting of the Ministerial As-
sociation is called for Monday morn-
ing, Oct. 16th, at 10.30 in the Ontar-
io street church Sunday School
Presbyterian Church
Minister's Sunday morning sermon
subject: "A Reasonable Request"
Turner's Church
Anniversary services at 2 p.m. and
7.30 p.ni. Special music and thank -
offering. Rev. J. W. Herbert will
conduct both services.
Baptist Church
The anniversary service will be
on Sunday evening, Oct. 29th. Sun-
day School meets at 2.30 Sunday af-
ternoon for winter months.
Ontario Street United Church
Rev. J. W. Herbert of Holmesville
will conduct the morning ser-
vice en Sunday next. In
the evening service will be taken by
Messrs. C. S. Hawke and Thos. Ruth-
The Girls' Club will meet at the
home of Mrs. Farnham on Thurs-
day, (this) evening, Oct. 12th, at
eight o'clock,
The senior 'C.G.I.T. meeting en
Tuesday night took the enjoyable
form of a pot luck supper at the
home of Mrs. Pockett. Camp songs
and yells were given around the
table followed by the regular meet-
ing. Numbers were given by Merger.
et Levy and Pearl Swan. Sadie El-
liott introduced the new mission
study book, "The Young Revolution-
ist," a story of 'China which was
found so fascinating that twochap-
ters were read.
An interesting feature of the ev-
ening was the presentation of e
wicker basket made at Kitehigami
camp, to Mrs. Chas. Hawke. Mrs.
Hawke thanked the girls warmly and
expressed her sympathy with their
work. Meeting •closed with "Taps.'
Wesley -Willis United Church
Sunday is communion day in this
church, when the Sacrament of the
Lord's Supper will be administered
at the morning service. The 'minis-
ter's morning subject will be: 'By-
standers and Standbys -at The
Cross." Evening subliect: "The
Brotherhood of Burning hearts."
.Pre -communion service will be held
on Friday evening at eight o'clock,
when the Rev. W. A. Bremner of
Brucefield will preach.
The Eveready. Mission Circleheld
its thankeffering meeting in the
Sunday school room on Thursday ev-
ening with a fair attendance. Miss
Bessie Livermore, president, occu-
pied the chair and conducted the
meeting. The new study book, "Lady
Fourth Daughter of China," was in-
troduced, Miss Rudd, leader;, giving
a short sketch of :the author. Miss
Gladys Addison then introduced the
chapter, assisted by Mrs. Reg, Ship-
ley, Misses Mary' Andrews, Edith
Paterson, Mildred Cooper and Mar-
jorie McMath, Miss Addison inper-
sottating the author, the others other
characters in the book. .A generous
offering was received. The Circle
holds a sewing meeting next Thurs-
day evening at the home of Miss
IWheat, 60e to 65e.
Barley, 30c to'37c.
Oats, $2c.
Buckwheat, 42c.
Sto , c
Eggs,14c 24 .
Butter, 17c to 18c.
Live Hogs, $5.00.
The following appeared in last'
week's issue of The St. Marys Jour-
nal -Argus. Rev. Mr. Verrill was in
St. Marys while Mr. Agnew conduct-
ed anniversary services in Ontario
street church here.
"On Sunday the members of the
United congregation had the priv-
ilege of hearing Rev. F. G. Farrill,
M.A., B.D., of Clinton, one of the
outstanding younger men of the Uni-
ted Church. Rev. Mr. Farrill preach-
ed thoughtful and challenging ser-
mons at both services. Mr. Cameron
of Toronto was in charge of the
musical 'services. The morning an-
them was "Eye Hath Not Seen,"
Mrs. Albert taking the solo part.
Miss White, a visitor with Mrs. Spry,
contributed a bieautiful solo. The
pastor, Rev. J. A. Agnew, was ab-
sent, at Clinton where he conducted
anniversary services at a former
A number of motor accidents oc-
curred over the week -end, some of
which effected Clinton people.
The most serious was one in which
John Mutch figured as he was coin
ing home from Detroit to spend
Thanksgiving with his parents, when
his coupe ran into a nihn on No. 4,
a couple of miles or so south of Exe-
ter, causing his death.
The man, Josef Sohevik, a Czecho-
slovakian, was walking with a friend.
rolling their bicycles along the right
side of the road, when young Mutcb
carie along. Just at this spot they
were meeting a car coming in the opi
posite direction and in avoiding the
car the Mutch coupe struck Schevik.
An inquest was opened at Exeter on
Monday and adjourned until October
Another, but a minor accident, oc-
curred, also near Exeter, when Mr.
W. Kennedy's car side-swiped the
WinghameKineardine bus. Mr. Ken-
nedy was driving south when, per-
haps blinded by the headlights, lie
drove too near the on -coming bus. No
one was seriously injured but Mr.
Kennedy suffered a slight injury to
his eye.
Mr. T. G. Scribibins figured in an
accident but suffered no injury when
a car swung out to pass him as he
was driving down in London town-
ship and collided with another ear.
The four occupants of the car were
all more or less injured.
After an illness of several months
the death 'occurred on Thursday ev-
ening, at her home, Huron street, of
Margaret Shanaham, wife of Mr, J.
'P. McIntosh.
Mrs. McIntosh was born in Hullett
township in 1864, her parents being
the late Daniel Shanahan and Eliza-
beth Scanlon, both of Irish descent,
She spent her childhood years in her
native township and in 1900 married
Mr. McIntosh. They farmed in Hul-
Iett until about seventeen years ago;
when they retired from the farm and
came to Clinton.
The late Mrs va McIntosh ss a de-
e-vout nteutber of St. Joseph's church,
and was active in all the women's
organizations of the church, a mem-
ber of the Altar Society and promot-
er of the League' of the Sacred.
Heart. She was of a very friendly
nature and happy disposition' and
was much loved by a large circle of
Surviving are her husband, one
daughter, Mrs. John Sorel of Fort
William, who was with her mother
during the latter part of her illness
two brothers, John Shanahan, Hul-
lett, and Daniel Shanahan, Seaforth,
and two grandchildren, Margaret
and Jack Sorel. Surviving also are
a large connection of nephews and
The funeral 'was held from St.
Joseph's Church immediately after
the arrival of the noon train, on
Monday, on the arrival of Mr. John
Sorel, the son-in-law from Fort Wil-
iian. A large nuniber of friends
and neighbors attended to pay last
respects to the departed. The sol-
emn requiem high mass was' cele-
brated by Rev. Father Sullivan,
priest of the parish, who' was assist-
ed by Rev. Fathers Lowrey, Goder-
ich and Paquette of Wingham. In-
terment was made in the Catholic
cemetery in Hullett. The pallbear-
ers were: M. Morrison, M. Carbert,
P. Reynolds, A. Flynn, J. Levy and
J. J. McCaughey. Friends were pre-
sent from Detroit, Goderieb, Sea -
forth, St. Augustine and St. Colum -
The following report of a wedding
from the Moose Jaw (Sask.) Times,
refers to the brother .of Mrs. W. J.
Miller of Clinton: •
The marriage of Miss Wilhelmina
Tippb to IVIr. Bertram C. Walters
was performed at Madison, Sask, by
Rev. Mr. Henley on Friday, Septem,
ber 22. The biride is the eldest daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Tippe, of
Madison, and the groom is the second
youngest son of Mrs. Robert Dalry-
mple of Moose Jaw, and the late Mr,
Edward Walters, of Clinton, Ont,
The young couple are spending a few
weeks at the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Robert Dalrymple, 45 Hochelage
Street West."
The Thanksgiving Hard Time Soc.
ial, put on by Ontario Street Young
Peoples' League, Mionday'S was a
pleasant event. After devotional
period, games, directed by Mr. L.
McKnight, were enjoyed. Mr. C. S.
Hawke, Rev. F. G. Farrill, and Mis-
ses Elnora McInnis, Lillian Man-
ning and Margaret Ross acted as
judges of the costumes. Eddie El-
liott was awarded the prize for best
costume among boys, Mrs. Harry
Venner among girls. Refreshments
consisted of soda biscuits, pork and
beans, washed down 'by Adam's ale,
good Clinton water, fresh from the
Miss Bessie Garrett received word
the other day of the death, which
occurred on Saturday in Grace Hos-
pital, Winnipeg, Man., of her bro-
ther-in-law, Joseph Wallace, at the
age o:f eighty-two years.
'Mr. Wallace, who was formerly a
resident of SIullett township, had
lived and farmed at Pilot Blount' for
Years, until his retirement a few
years ago, and was on a visit to a
niece in Winnipeg when be suffered
a stroke, from which he failed to
rally. He lived only three days af-
ter his seizure. His wife, who pas-
sed away six months ago, was form-
erly Eliza Garrett. He is survived
by one son, J. W. Wallace, who is on
the homestead at Pilot Mound, and I
three grandchildren.
Miss Garrett bad planned to go ;
out west to visit her relatives this '
autumn but had put off the visit.
D.D:G.M. 3. W. Bowie, of Bruce-
field Lodge No. 210, assisted by T.
B. Baird, P. Moffatt, R Scott, J.
Cornish, B. Berry and A. Johnson in -I
stalled the following officers in the
local lodge on Tuesday evening:'
I.P.G.: J• Elliott.
N.G.: M. Nediger.
V.G.: G. Jefferson.
Rec.-Sec.: H. W. Gould.
Fin. -Sec,: J. Wiseman.
Treas.: T, H. Hardy.
Warden: G. Murdoch.
Con: H. Colver.
Chaplain: C. Lobbi.
R.S.N.G.: N. Counter.
L.S.N.G.: E. L. Mitten.
R.S.V.G.: J. L. Heard.
L.S.V.G.: T. Riley.
R S.S.: N Lever.
L.S.S.: F. Glew.
LG.: : Geo. Walker.
O.G.: J. E. Cook.
The Deanery of Huron, which held
its seani-annual meeting in St. Paul's
church, Clinton, on Wednesday last,
was fortunate in having His Lord-
ship, the Bishop of Huron, present,
There was a representation of about
one hundred and fifty from the twen-
ty parishes comprising the Deanery
and the sessions were full of inter-
est. Holy Communion was celebrated
at ten awn. by the Rural Dean, Rev.
F. H. Paull, for some time of Bay-
field but now of East Windsor, as-
sisted by Rev. K. McGoun of St.
Paul's, and Rev. J. N. H. Mills of
Goderich. At eleven o'clock the Wo-
men's Auxiliary met, when an ad-
dress was given by Miss Jean Waugh
of London.
At the chapter meetin' Rev. F.
G. Rickard of Brussels was nominat-
ed to fill out the term. of Rev. P. H.
Paull as Rural Dean, his resignation
being tendered owing to his re-
moval from the deanery. As Bishor
Seager was present the appointment
was made forthwith., Other routine
business was transacted and at noon
the members of the deanery were
entertained to luncheon by the lad-
les of the congregation.
In the afternoon a devotional ser-
vice was conducted by the Rev.
Archdeacon Jones -Bateman, which
was followed by an inspiring address
by His Lordship, whd spoke on the
social service work of the Church.
Miss K. McNaughton of London al-
so spoke of her work in the Church
Boys' League. It was decided to re-
vive the Deanery Sunday School As-
sociation, which has not been func-
tioning for sotne time, and a meeting.
will be held hi St. Paul's church on
Oct. 18th for the purpose of re -or-
ganization. •
After luncheon Rev. F. H. and
Mrs. Paull were presented with a
handsome silver basket, the newly -
appointed Dean, Rev. Mr. Rickard.
making the presentation address.
while Mts. Applevard of Seater*
presented the. gift. Mr. Pauli, in
replying. expressed thanks for the
kind 'words and' the gift and said that
he and Mrs. Paull had always Pn^
jnyed their association with the
churches of. the Deanery.
The ()dace meeting of the Horne
and School Club will be held at
eight o'clock in the Collegiate midi-
' Corium on Tuesday evening next. The
speaker of the evening is to be Dr
Oakes and the musical part of the
program is being arranged by Mrs.
E. Paterson and Mrs. R. Manning.
The executive hopes that there will
be a large attendance, especially of
the parents and all who are interest-
— a
Miss Clark spent the week -end and
holiday in Toronto.
Miss Esther Trewartha of Toronto
spent the Thanksgiving week -end
at her hone in town.
Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Town of Toronto
were Thanksgiving visitors at the
home of the Matter's mother, Mrs.
George Levis.
Mr. Gordon Cuninghame leaves this
week for Toronto, where he will
join Messrs. Roy and Carl Easi
for a week's hunting trip in the
Bancroft region.
Mrs. Gray and Mrs. Emily Priclham
of Toronto and Mrs. Margaree
Johnston of Clinton spent the
week -end and Thanksgiving with
their sister, Mrs. C. Graham of
Marlette, Mich.
Miss Marion Gibbings will spend the
week_end`as the guest of Mr. and'
Mrs. John Easley and will sing at
the anniversary services in the
United Church there on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morrison and
son of Kitchener spent the.,week-.end
with the former•'s sister, Mrs. Mor-
ton Elliott, and family.
Misses Gladys and Emily Beatty
of London spent Thanksgiving at
their home here.
Misses Irene and Mary Chuter of
London spent the holiday with their
Rev. Mr, Paull preached his fare-
well sermon here on Sunday evening
to a large congregation. Everyone
wishes then every success in their
new field of labor.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reid of
Windsor have returned to their
home after a fortnight's visit with
their sister-ln-law, Mrs. Margaret
Reid of the village. Miss Margaret
Chuter returned with Mr. and Mrs.
Reid for a few days.
Mr. Robert Woods of Toronto has
bought the house of the late Mrs.
William Clark.
Harold Connell has been under
the tare of a doctor for a few days.
On Sunday Rev. E. A. Poulter of
Varna delivered a splendid sermon at
Grace church, in the absence of Rev.
R. M. Gale. On Sunday next, Oct.
15th, anniversary services will be
held. Dr. Mortimer of Auburn will
have charge of both services, at 11
a.m. and 7.30 pan. A generous
thankoffering is asked for. Two
quartettes from Clinton will render
music at both services. Mr. Rhen of
Bayfield will sing in the evening.
On Friday evening about sixty
members and adherents of Grace
church met at the hone of Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. G. Elliott in honor of
theiraug hter Bernice,bride-to-be
d g
and presented her with a beautiful
chesterfield table and scarf also el-
! ectric ]amp. The presentation was
made by Miss Jennie Burk and Mrs.
Reid Torrance. Little ,Miss Mary
Torrance and Master Billie Burk
made a cute bride and groom, at-
m tended by little Phyiis Harris as
flower girl. A nicely worded address
was read by Mrs. Torrance to which
i Bernice replied in a few well chosen
words. Refreshments were served
and a social time was enjoyed. Best
;wishes of the community go with
the bride to her new home in Clin-
The Young People are opening
their week night services this Friday
evening. Let all the young and all
who feel young come 'out and help
make them a success.
Our school was treated to a fresh
coat of paint last week while teacher
and pupils were holidaying, the tea-
chers at their convention.
Mr. and Mrs. V. Fisher spent Sun-
day with friends in Colborne,'
Mr. and Mrs. Reid Torrance at-
tended anniversary services at Kip -
pen Sunday last..
The . Ladies' Aid met en. Thursday
afternoon with a good ,attendance,.
Two' guilts were finished. A. bale of
three quilts and good warm clothing,
also 34.00 ha yarn is being sent to
the West to one of the stricken areas.
A goodly number attended the ans
niversary services at Holinesville on
Sunday' and listened to two very
fine sermons by Rev. A. Sinclair of
Miss Anne Taylor of 'Toronto spent
the week -end at her "home. in
Miss Ruth Cartwright
W21 ht
g Toronto
motored up for the week -end and
holiday. •
Mr. Duncan Cartwright, of Brussels
"spent the week -end at his home
in town.
Miss Harriet Courtice spent the
holiday week -end with friends in
1St. Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Leonard were with
• t'heir son and his wife at Milton
for Thanksgiving.
Miss Freda Jordan of Belgrave spent
Friday Iast as the guest of her
aunt, Mrs. A. Groves.
Miss Eva Carter of Kitchener Public
school staff spent Thanksgiving
with her mother here.
Mr. Walter Jackson of Brantford
visited his brother, Mr. Fred Jack-
son, over the week -end.
Messrs. Lawrence and Harry PIum-
steel of Western were home for
the Thanksgiving week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore spent
the Thanksgiving week -end with
their scn and his family at Ayl-
Dr, W. J. R. Fonder and Mrs. Fow-
ler of Guelph visited. relatives in
Clinton and vicinity for Thanks-
Mr. Reg. Cook of Hamilton Normal
spent the week -end and holiday
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
W. Cook.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Hardy of London
spent the week -end and holiday
with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cartwright
of Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Bell and family
of Forest were visitors over the
week -end with Mrs. Taylor, Prins
cess street,
Mr. W. Blotch of Hamilton was
home with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. IVIutch, over the
week -end.
Mr. Jack Gibbings of St. Catharines
spent the week -end and holiday
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B.
J. Gibbings.
Mr. Edward Rorkeiretu red to Lon-
don on Tuesday to resume his stud-
ies in connection with Huron Col-
lege, London.
11Missee Jean Plumsteel of Elora and
Margaret Plumsteel, London, spent
the week -end and holiday at their
hone in town.
Mr, and Mrs. R. Welsh were in Dunn-
ville neer the week -end attending
the silver wedding anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. Len. Weir.
Mrs. John Walker of Kitchener was
a guest over the weekend and holi-
day at the home of her son, Mtt
and Mrs. G. A. Walker.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Manning and
Masters Jack and Douglas of To-
ronto were with their parents over
the week -end and holiday.
Miss Ruth Higgins of the staff of
Whitby College was with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Higgins,
over the holiday week -end.
Miss Mary R. Stewart of Oil Springs
came up to spend Sunday and
Thanksgiving Day with her moth-
er, Mrs. J. Stewart of town.
Mr. and Mrs. John Shannon and Mr.
Alvin Shannon of Forest spent
the Thanksgiving holiday with
Mrs. E. Taylor, Princess street.
Mr Clarence Livermore of Tara vis-
ited the home of his parents, Mrs
and Mrs. F. Livermore, for the
week -end and Thanksgiving Day.
Mr. and Mee. H. W. Ambler and
.. lit.
tle son ofPontiac, IVIich., are holi-
daying at the home of the lady's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rorke,
Mrs. Fred Gillies and Miss Marion
of Kitchener were Thanksgiving
guests at the home rof the lady's
father, Magistrate S. J. Andrews.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dunn, Miss Kath-
leen and Mr. Will Dunn and Mrs.
J. A. Rogers of Toronto spent
Thanksgiving with Dr. W. A. and
Mrs. Oakes.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Livermore of
Stratford visited at the home of
the farmer's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Livermore, over the
week -end.
Misses Gwen Holmes, •Cobourg, and
(Helen and Ethel Holmes, Toronto,
spent the week -end with their par-
ents, Rev, A. A. and Mrs. Holmes,
Wesley Parsonage,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans, their
slaughter, Miss Ruth, and sans,
Frank and Allan, Toronto, motor-
ed up and spent the week -end and
holiday as the guests of Miss
Miss Latta McKellar of. Toronto vis-
ited with Mr. and Mrs. Gorden
Cuninghame for Thanksgiving Day
the party spending the week -end
at the Cuninghame summer home
at Bayfield.
Mr, Arthur Stephenson of the Hay-
field Line, Goedrich township, and
Mr. D. N. Welsh and son, of: Lam-
beth visited at the borne of Mr.
Alex. Welsh, Rattonbiiry street,
over the week -end.