HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1933-09-14, Page 6TIIURS , SEPT. 14, 1933 OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME That was a very nice little Ram we had early Saturday 'morning.,We .could do with >team like that every few clays. I LONDESBORO The following front The Toronto Telegram refers to an oldHullett boy, son of Mrs: Tamblyn of this wiNiage "Appointment of W. J. Tamblyn former principal of the Junior Voca- tional School, Jarvis- street, as sup- erintendent of Dunloe Roard Public School, Forest Hill,- was announced yesterday. V. S. Sneath will still retain his position as principal of the lower school, with Mr• Tamblyn exercising jurisdiction •over the entire body. Appointment was made following the decision of, the Forest Hill Pub- lic School Board to enlarge the school with the idea of installing in- termediate classes, Mr. Tamblyn was selected for the position of sup- erintending the work of these classes following{ his work along those lines at the Jarvis Street Junior Voca- tional School for Boys. Several new ideas in conneetion with school work are expected to be put into force at the local school this term as a result of the appointment." • w • Surely those' five hundred children who attended the Toronto Fair as guests of the W'ligleys would- n't, have . to spend any of their poc- ket money for gum. The NRA isn't going to be very popular in Canada if its chief re, asult is a steady advance in the price of gasoline. It is up to 30c now and -40c gasoline •is predicted by Christ- mas. • ,, :k /. C His Excellency, Lard Bessborough, Governor General of Canada, . and Lady Bessborough, well spend an ,hour and a half in Goderich on Thursday, October 19th, going up at ten o'clock and leaving again at • eleven -thirty. • Doesn't look as if 'they even intended' to stay to lun- :cheon. THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD BIRTHS SEELEY—In Clinton Hospital, on Sept. 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred frad See1•ey, a daughter. TOOT.EY-At Varna, on. Sept. 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Tooley, a daugh- ter. DEATHS a • s September seemed to start in with •:the 'idea that it was a summer month -:and had to keep up the honor of the family. But 'Sunday it began to cool • •off and Monday was decidedly chilly, with frosts reported here and there. However, it is warming up again and we are hoping September will make a record for fine weather. We could • do nicely with an extra summer month. MAC1VfATH-111 Clinton, an Sept. 7th, Helen Gordon, widow of Hugh MacMath, of Toronto. FU,PLORD—In Goderich, an Sept. 9th, Alarylin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fulford, aged 10 months. FORD—In Goderich, on .Sept. 10th, Annie E. Douglas, wife of Rev. J. E. Ford of Goderich, formerly of Clinton. SCOTOIIMRR—In Goderich town- ship, on Sept. 13th, Helen Maart- man, wife of Alfred A. Scotchmer, in her 47th year. ROSS, -- In Saskatoon, Sask.,' on Sept. 6th, Anna Duncan Ross, wi- dow of Rev. John Hass of Bruce - field, in her 86th year. The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Institute was held in the Community Hall on Sept. 7th with about ninety in attendance. Meeting was opened with the presi- dent, Mrs. E. Adams, in the coheir, by singing the opening ode and the Lords prayer repeated in unison. The roll was called and the minutes were read by the secretary, which were quite lenghty, there being three different meetings to report. Sev- eral letters of thanks were read for flowers, etc., sent sick members or in time of bereavement. In the business session it was decided to donate $25.00 to the library board and'S25.001 to the hall board. At the conclusion of this period, the meeting was left in charge of the grand- mothers, Mrs. Manning and Mrs. Brunsdon, convenors. This program commenced with the singing of "Happy, Happy Grandmas", twelve grandmothers on the platform. Mrs. Hall gave a demonstration en bone- ing a fish, which was quite interest= ing, a very unusual scene was the old-fashioned spinning wheel, with Mrs. Hoggart and Mrs. Bell taking turns spinning. This no doubt was something that this generation or the last generation bad never yet seen, but it would give them an idea of how their great-grandmothers spun their yarn years and years ago. There then followed a chorus "Grandmoth, ers Clock Sang," this was followed by a pantomine, "From Babyhood to Old Age," presented in seven scenes. The old-fashioned cradle, with the wee baby rocking back and forth, to the tune of "Rock a hyo Baby on the tree top." Next the school girl, next sweet sixteen, then the bride, next the mother, next the grandmother and last the great-grandmother, each being dressed in suitable costumes and looking the part, which with the singing or reading behind the scenes Made it very real. The hard time drill, which was very amusing was staged by eight of the grandmothers and was encored so heartily they were felted to return for a second act, There -were also singing ,by Mrs. Brunadnn and Mfrs. Nott and splendid readings given by Mrs. Hesk, Mrs. Tamblyn and Mrs. Allen. which came in between acts. The closing piece was "Farewell to Thee." followed by the National Anthem. When all repaired tothe dining ronin where most delicious refreshments were served, the centre table being reserved for the grandmothers This brought a most enjoyable afternoon to a close which someone said was the best yet, Tho hostesses were: Mrs, E. Adams, Mrs. H. Sprung; Mrs. J. P. Manning, Mrs. W. Allen, Mrs. H. Sundercock, Mrs. R. Townsend, Mrs. W. Hamilton, Mrs. J. Armstrong and Mrs. B. Brunsdon. .t 111 The Clinton News Record last week moved a motion that the coun- ty highways department apply its road tar earlier in the season. It will not be difficult to find a second- • er in Goderich among the motorists oto fists who have been slithering all the road in this muck stuff of recent • days. This also goes for the town. The Goderieh Star. But the trouble was they didn't even put the tarvia on then, only a few rods. They were working at it +ono Thursday morning and we nat- urally thought they were going the full length of the "Links." The county should look after those pieces of road or say they won't and if they do Goderich streets they should do Clinton's. • 0 • • At the risk of being daubed old- fashioned and. behind the times we are going to admit that we had our first aeroplane ride last Friday, when Capt. Gillies of Stratford came up tto take passengers on pleasure s. We rather expected a peculiar sen - .Vi sation as we ascended, something like that of going up on a swing or the rising cf an elevator. But as we always liked going up in elevators, when they are net loo crowded, and always liked to swing until the rope slackened, we rather anticipated the enjoyment of this sensation. But we didn't experience it. The plane left the ground so easily that we hardly noticed it. But we did enjoy the sen- sation of climbing ever the treetops the buildings of the town, the farms. which looked like garden plots, and picking out the buildings below. The only objection we had was the short- • ness of the flight. We should like to go to Toronto or Montreal by plane -that would give ane a chance to judge whether we'd prefer that mode of travel. Oh, we enjoyed it and we hope a longer flight may come our way some day before we grow toe feeble and fearful to enjoy it. Member of Florist Telegraph Delivery Association Special Sale of ROCK GARDEN PLANTS. $1...00 Dozen, Assorted Chas. .V. • Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 663 School Girls' .Specials Far two weeks from this date, Sept. 14th, I will give a CHARMOL OIL WAVE OR A CHARMAINE WAVE, Complete, FOR $3,00 Other Waves, $5.00, $6.50, $8.00,I'i0. Marcelliug, 50c, Shadow Waving, 25c Finger Waving the home of Mrs. Wm. Mulholland. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Makins and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Silverthorne and baby of Tillsonburg visited with Mi. Thos. Potter 'over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. L. Birch and family of Detroit are visitors with the l.at, ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mul- holland. Miss Norma Potter spent Tuese day and Wednesday with Miss Joy Kemp in Mitchell. Mrs. Geo. Mair and daughter, Mise Olive, have returned from Toronto, where they spent the past two weeks. Airs. John Cudmore is home from Londesboro where she spent a few days with relatives Mrs. Connell of Ccnodale enter- tained the ladies of the W. M. S. and W. A. of Holmesville United church on Wednesday afternoon last. A happy time was spent in games and boating. A. sumptuous picnic supper was enjoyed MacMath, also AIr. andndMrs. Mr. S. MacMath have returned from Toronto, where they attended the funeral of the late* Mrs, Hugh Mac- iMtath. - Mr. and Mrs. Connell of Conodale are in London this week attending, the fair. Mr. Wnr. Potter has returned from Victoria Hospital, London, where for the past week he has been under the care of a specialist. His many friends extend congratulations upon his recovery. Esteemed Lady Passes in Person Of Mrs. Hugh MacMath It is with a sense of deep loss that we chronicle the death of Helen Gor- don, beloved wife of the late Hugh Maeliath of Toronto, cm Thursday of last week. She was born on the fourth con- cession of Goderich Township in the year 1847, attended the Union Public Scheel and Goderich Collegiate In- stitute. In the year of her marriage, 1565. she went with her husband to Gode- rich, where their first home was es- tablished. Later they moved to Kin- carciine and in the year 1877 again tools up residence it Toronto. She was predeceased by her husband in the year 1021. Since that time she has made her home with her nephew :lir. Brogden MacMath. Though she had no family, she reared four children, two of whom survive, Chas. Llewlyn Gordon, edi- tor of "The Vancouver Province," and J. Brogden Mactlath of Ilolmes- vi11e. Three brothers survive her: Wm. Gordon, Boissovain, Man.; Chas. Gordon, Memphis, Tenn.; Christopher M. Gordon, Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. MaeMath was a person of wide sympathies and took much in- terest in public affairs. She was at one time a member of the board of the Hospital for incurables and fer many years acted as superintendent of the primary department of the Sunday School of Cowan Ave, Pres- byterian church, Toronto. A brief service was held at the home of Mr. J. 13. MacMath, Hol- mevsille on Friday evening, conduct- ed by Rev. Dr. Dougan, assisted by Rev. J. W. Herbert, and the remains were taken to Toronto for Interment, Service 'was also held in Toronto oh Saturday evening, conducted by Rev. Dr. Vesey and Rev. Dr. Rochester. Interment took place in Forest Lawn Mansoleum, Toronto. iC 'U E U THE BEST MARKET FOR mailtsaggsmusentgamiwsmaallaximiesmggi Any one can make a budget. (' g , Any one can keep within the Poultry, Eggs, Cream G limits of that budget—if he ALL THE " Y,EAIt ROUND FOR doesn't have unexpected ex- penes. ATadvantage of one adva CASH; That's g trading with the Heat Folks. You can depend on it that the coal, you buy from them will come within your expectations as to price, but will go away beyond your expectations as to burning and heating qualities. Keep your budget down by buying your coal from the Heat Folks. b IF YOUD RATHER. LAUGI41 THAN FROWN -- LET US KEEP YOUR, BUDGET DOWN TICE CLINTON POULTRY HOUSE N. W. Trewartha Phones—Office, 2143 Residence, 214w Nu -To -Na Health Cake Bran and Date Muffins MRS. AGNES FORRASTER, Queen Street, Clinton. Applointrnents made. Phone 212. _--__.__ .._ 40-2-p. Young, acoempanied by Mr. 0. Powell; a couple of mouthorgan sel- ections by Mr. Montgomery; cornet solos by Mr. Geo. Elliott, Jr., and a couple of humorous readings by Mr. Geo. Elliott, Sr. The president, Mr. Fred Elliott," also made a few ap- propriate remarks and after the pro- gram ice cream and cake were serv- ed by the committee and a social hour was enjoyed. VETERAN SECRETARY OF THE U. F. ' 0. RESIGNS J, J. Morrison "Father of the tTni, ited Farmers of Ontario," in the 'kitchen of whose home the idea of the Agrarian organization was con- ceived, has resigned as secretary of •the U.F.D. because of failing health, 'it was announced yesterday. Ile is 72 years old. Accompanying his resignation to the executive was a letter front his physician urgently advising that he • give up his U.F.O. duties. While of- ficially severing his einnections, Mr. Morrison said his heart would. "al • ways be with the movement." For more than a decade IVIe. Mor- rison has been recognized as one of the outstanding farm leaders of Canada. His temporary successor' is Ii. II. Hannam, Educational Sec- retary of the U.F.O., who has been appointed acting secretary for the balance of the year. Interested in farm movements most of his life, Mr. Morrison took an active part in the last century Grange Movement and later in the Patrons. Tea Biscuits BARTLIFF & CRICH Makers of Dainty Maid and Whole Wheat Bread Phone 1, Clinton. Call the oATvvalt GODERICH FAIR NEXT WEEK Visit Goderieh Exhibition, Tuesday and Wednesday, September 19 and 20. Special program Tuesday even- ing. Wednesday afternoon program includes two harness races, two run- ning races, vaudeville program, etc. Admission, 25c. t ' w At the next regular meeting of the club Mr. Chas. A. Robertson, M.L.A., North Huron, will be the speaker. This will be an open meet- ing to which the ladies are invited. The members of the Ladies' Aid of Grace church were entertained by the L. A. of Holmesville church on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. J. Yeo, when a program was given by the Grace church lad- ies and a very pleasant time enjoy- ed. The L. A. seems to be having a nice, social time lately as yesterday they were the guests of *the E ies of Union church. They rept hos- pitable entertainment in each of the above eases. Nothing like being neighborly and friendly. EX -TREASURER OF COUNTY AGAIN RE- MANDED ON SAT- URDAY Mr. and Mrs. J. Ellis of Wiaw+anosh, Miss Coventry, Wingham; and Mrs. (Dr.) Calloway of New Orleans were callers at the home of Mrs. E. Bel) on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Barr visited at the home of their sister, Mrs. Ring at Bayfield on Sunday. Mr. James Shobbrook enjoyed a trip in an areoplane at Clinton last week. IIe had quite an experience for a man cf his age, 87. Says he feels 10 year's younger since. M. Henry Adams has returned from visiting a couple of weeks with friends at Brampton, also talking in the Toronto Exhibition. Miss Lillian Adams is holidaying With Brampton and Guelph friends. The birth of the United Farmers of Ontario was said to have taken place in the Morrlison kitchen in Peel Township, Wellington County in 1914. ' Among these at this inti- mate conference were E. C. Drury, later U.F.0. Premier of :Ontario, and • Col. J. Z. Fraesr., Mr. Morrison be- came the first secretar'y'af the or.: ganization and held it until this week In 1921 Mr. Morrison organized the Farmers' organizations of New Binns Scotia Brunswick and Nova So a and in July, 1982, .went to the Maritimes again toorganize the eastern sec- tion of the Canadian •Council of Ag- riculture, consisting of Ontario;' Que. ,;boo and : Maritime =farmers, $10.000 Shortage in • Accounts Revealed - St PHONE 74 For Sale A lady's black lamb coat. Inquire at this office. 40-2. Cow For Sale Jersey cow, four years old, due to freshen. Apply to J. E. Haward, Clinton. 40-tf. Fowl Supper Oct. 3rd The Women's Association of On- tario street United church intend serving a fowl supper on Tuesday. Ott. 3rd, following the anniversary. Keep the date in mind and look out for further particulars. 40-1. Shortage of more than $10,000 were found in the books of Huron county in the past three and a Itaif years, according to a report by spe- cial auditor F. P. Gibbs, C.A., sub- mitted to crown officials at Goder- ich on Saturday. IIOLMESVILLE The W. M. S. and W. A. met in the home of Mrs. Eldrid Yeo on Tuesdayafternoon, when they had the pleasure of entertaining the. W. A. of, Grace Church, . Porter's Hill, Mrs, II. J. Trewartha, conducted the devotional exercises, after which Mrs. F. Pickard, president of the vis- iting association, presided. The' program included an excellent topic on "Our Friends" contributed by Mrs. Reid Torrance, Interesting read- ings given by Mrs. Milton -Woods and Mrs. Louden were much appre- ciated. During the social hour sapper was Walter, Mrs. W , dies to Rift la d v A - House to Rent That beautiful home of Mr. Wal- ter Mair, Queen street, is offered for rent. Apply at residence. 40-2. Another adjournment was made for a week when Cordon Young, for- mer county treasurer, facing three serious charges, following investigee tions by Mr. Gibbs, appeared before Magistrate C. A. Reid in police court Saturday. It was expected that the case would proceed, but Frank Don- nelly, counsel for the accused, moved for another adjournment, in view of the fact that he had just received a copy of the auditor's report. Yount; was remanded to jail until next Sat- tmday, being unable to secure the re- quired S1.0,000 bail, He is charged with theft, mutilation of records and failure to account for county funds. A curious crowd gathered at the court, having expected the case would go 'ahead as tem other ad- jourmnents load been made. Mr. Gibbs handed'a copy of his report to Crown Attorney Dudley Holmes and one was given to Mr. Donnelly. The report shows that total shortages to June 1, 1933, from the beginning of of 1930 are $10,029.71. It is alleged Young had converted the funds of the county to his own use since the first of 1930. CLINTON,. ONTARIO CAMAL .THEATRE Goderich. •Phone 47 Now Playing: "Rome Express", England's Ace Picture MON., TUE,S., wED. George Brent — Alice White and a real star cast, experience some amazing avIon aRYLNER" Thurs., Fri, Sat.—!Double Bill Joan Blonde 1, Gingers Rogers and Ricardo Cortez in a fast stepping up-to-the-min- ute yarn BROADWAY FOLLY" George O'Brien & Janet Chandler co-starred in Zane Grey's adven- ture "THE GOLDEN WEST" REGENT THEATRE Scaforth. Now Playing: Slim and Zazu in: "OUT ALL NIGHHT" MON., TUES., WED. Nancy Carroll and Cary Grant a great screen team in an exciting melodrama "THE WOMAN ACCUSED" THURS., FRI., SAT. "THE GOOD ;COMPANIONS" by 3. B. Priestley a world famous story, a stranded thedtricel troupe, a world weary benefactress and a new musical comedy star played by Jessie Mathews 10 stars -50 players—Cast of 1000 Coming: "Too Busy to Work" and "Six Hours to Live." Coming: "Front Hell to Heaven" 4 Matinees NIon., Sat:, at 3 P•tn• jMatinees Wed. and Sat. at 3 p.m, I ___,_t_,T_.__. . 30 and 60i -- 15c Watt , ,' •, 7 for $1.00 PRODUCT OF CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC Phone 7 Phone Us We Deliver Farm For Sale or Rent Eighty -acre farm in Hullett town- ship near school and church, good land and buildings. Immediate pos- session. Apply to George Mann, Sr. OT Mrs. George Memo, Jr., Clinton. 40-1. PORTER'S HILL At the regular meeting of the Men's Club on Tuesday evening the financial statement of the field day committee was presented and a gen- eral discussion ensued regarding im- provements which might be made to render the annual event even more successful anis pleasant than it hal been in the past. According to the statement given a clear balance. of 340 or over is in the treasury. The committee decided not to take any percentage of tha profits of the Lad- ies' Aid, which operated a booth, noir, to make a charge for booth privil- eges. After the business of the evening program •t shor ed •c a ` os f 1's been hadb disposed P served Mrs. John Potter, Mrs. Win= Yeo and was given, consisting of the follow - 'Mrs. Eldrid Yeo acted as hostesses. .ing numbers: four selections by thn The W. A. made arrangements £or young men's orchestra; several sel- a quilting en Friday, Sept. 22nd, in ectiens on the violin by Mr. Peter C. H. VENNER, AUTUMN IS JUST :THE TIME FOR A NEW PHOTOGRAPH You feel at your best—and mod- ern photography enables us to pic- ture you at your best—to make fin- er, more natural, and pleasing p traits. See our new styles in folders and make an appointment today, THE BURGESS STUDIOS Clinton and Michell' Developing and Printing Bring your next roll to us. WE SELL THE STUFF THAT MANES TIIE DOUGH! hats Remodelled Bats designed, blocked and remod- elled. Your own materials used. C. Akam, milliner, Princess street, Clin- ton. IlouseoTo Rent Comfortable cottage, Orange street, Clinton. Town water, elec- tric lights, property in good condi- tion. Apply to Mrs. E. Roze11, phone 638x13, Clinton central. A Service to Women Correct 1"igure Control can only be maintained by means of a properly fitted Foundation Garment. Mrs, J. Silcock, Spirella Corsetiere, P in04ap Street, Phone 265. Pullets For Sale 75 Rock pullets, ready to lay. Ap- ply to Frank Tyndall, It. R. No. 4, phone 636033, Clinton Central.36-tf, At a special meeting of the War- den's committee held Friday after- noon, after lengthy discussion, set- tlement was made with the bonding company for $7,700, it was learned. Young had been bonded for $20,000., Reeve A. J. Goldthorpe, Colborne. .chairman of the Warden's coinmittee. said Saturday that the committee had decided to carry on an investiga- tion into conditions as they existed in 1928 and 1929. O'CANADA FLOUR PRAIRIE ROSE FLOUR CANADIAN BEAUTY PASTRY FLOUR WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR. Cornmeal, Oatmeal, Cracked Wheat, Wheat Flakes ;and Health Bran For Sale or Rent A comfortable six room house, with all modern conveniences, and good garage. Apply to 3. A. Sutter. Car For Sale Chevrolet touring, with in good running order. Reg. Shipley, Clinton. Funeral Service Funeral Director and Embalmer Cempleto Motor Equipment 24 Hour Service SUTTER—PERDUE—WALKER Day or Night Phone 147w wa, WANTED Fresh Eggs and Cream Highest Prices for Strictly Fresh winter top, Apply to 39-2-•p. Eggs. Cream shipped regularly. Good Priees Paid, A. E. FINCH Phone 231. For Reit Bran, Shorts, Middlings, Glutten Feed Store property in town in ideal lo, Oyster Shell, Egg Shell Marmell and Master Laying Mashes and Contentrates. CALL FOR PRICES 1 Furniture For Sale Parlor Suite 3 -piece Mahogany, tapestry upholstered; dining room suite, 8 pieces 1-4 cut oak, low mir- rored buffet; Barnet kitchen cabin- et; circulation heater; mahogany bedstead, bevel plate glass mirror, all metal spring mattress; Miss Simpli- city Eletcric Washer. Other articles. All property in first class condition and priced right for quick sale. Ar- thur Warren, Orange street, Clinton. The books of those two years, for the most part, have been destroyed and according to officials it was this disclosure which led to a chargc of mutilation of books being laid a- gainst the former treasurer, who tools office in 1927. Mrs. Edna Reynolds, Goderich, special examiner under the Municipal Aet, is carrying on an in- vestigation. to according doubt, ac g ' no , There 1's Reeve Goldthorpe that more devel- opements will become public next week. Russell L. Jervis Hatchery and Feed Store Phone 194, Clinton, Ont. cation. Apply to P. Fingland. 07-tf. House for Sale 8 -room house with modern convene iences, Albert street, Clinton, 8 lot* Rin garien, barn, woodshed, good eel., lar under house. Apply on promisee to Hiram Hili. 66-tf, Clinton Wood 'Yards Wanted Come to us when in need of anything Roomers and boarders. All mod- in the Wood Line. ern conveniences. Situated second DRY HARD WOOD & SOFT WOOD door west from Clinton. st church on All eiders promptly delivered frotrri Huron street, lintApply on our yards, Isaac Street, Clinton. premises or ring phone 133. Mrs. W. H. Cole. 3842, VICTOR FALCONER House and Lot For Sale Two Blocks flan, Post Office on Victoria Street. Now here is a bargain in Clinton you cannot afford to miss inquiring about, at least. It is 11-2 storey, modern. frame house, covered -with asphalt shingles, nine rooms, with clothes closets, 1 piece bath room, verandalt,.full basement with furnace. Also on this 1-4 ache lot is a barn 20' x 30' and a stable 18'x24' with lights and town water, also an 8'x12' Good ar- G run g with a 'k raw 1 Pe MORTGAGE SALE Of Valuable Store Property Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a certain mort- gage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public Auction, subject to a reserve bid, and subject to a mort- gage and conditions of sale, on Mon- day, the eighteenth day of Septem- ber, A.D. 1933, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, at the prem- ises hereinafter referred to, the f ol- lowing property, namely, parts of Lots Numbers 227, 253 and 254 on the East side of Albert Street in the Town of Clinton. Upon the property there is erected a first class store building. TERMS: 10 per cent of the pur- chase money to be paid down at the time of sale and the balance to be paid within thirty days. For further particulars and con- ditions of sale apply to the tinder- signed Solicitor. Dated at CLINTON • this twenty chicken House For Sale or Rent A very desirable residence on Prin- cess street, good garden and fruit trees, electric lights and town water. house in good condition. Apply on premises to Miss Akam. 38-tf, en ninth clay of August, 1933. Elliott,Auctioneer. H. den and a nice lawn. George Apply to Robert Fitzsimons, Hex F. FINGLAND, Clinton, Ontario. 23, Clinton, Ont. 39.2. Solicitor for the Mortgagee. 38-3,. R. R. No. 1, Brueefieid. Phone 6291'12, Clinton Central. 334f, F. G. HO it ES Electrican and Plumber +e+ A Fr}11 Line of Electric Appliance* also Plumbing Fixtures Wiring, Plumbing and Repair',li Phone 53w. COAL, COKE & WOOD Genuine "Lehigh Valley Anthracit4 Coal" of all sizes. Alberta Coal Scotch Anthracite, range size Hamilton and American Coke Also Bituminous Coal Prompt and careful delivery frons ' my sheds on Queen street. `A. D. McCARTNEY Coal Dealer, Clinton. Queen St. Phone 2541 Cleaning and Pressing of MI rinds Suits, Coats and Dresser W. J. JAGO left may be � Ifpwork not open w n Heard's Bather Shop o p ._..- _