HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1933-09-07, Page 8PAGES THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD SPECLAL PRICE ITEMS FACTORY COTTON, yard wide, suitable for lining ; ...........10e 12c $1.00 90c 25c 29c FACTORY COTTON, yard wide, extra value BLEACHED COTTON SHEETS, ,Hemstitched, 9-4 BLEACHED - COTTON STHEETS, Hemstitched, 8-4 PILLOW SLIPS,. Hemstitched, 42 inch PILLOW. ST.IPS, 'Colored Borders BATH TOWELS and PURE LINEN TOWELING BY THE, YARD AT SPECIAL PRICES COTTON MESSi, Green, Rose, Gold, Peach 19c VOILES and RAYONS, (less than wholesale price) 250 PRINT. APRO'NIS, (price of material only) 190 MEN'S SHIRTS, collar attached, white and plain colors 750 BOYS' FINE SHIRTS, white and colors 49c up 'BOY'S BALBRIGGAN COtMBINATIONS 390 BOY'S AND MEN'S TIES, BOY'S GOLF HOSE 15c, 25c and up 25c, 35c, 39c up BOY'S OOTTONADE PANTS, small sizes.....................250 BOY'S NEWFALL SUITS, small sizes, 2 golfers medium sizes,. 1 golf, 1 long, larger sizes up to 34, '2 longs, the best values we have ever offered . _ $7.50 MEN'S (SUIT AND EXTRA TROUSERS $13;50 up TIME TO GET THE BOYS AND GIRL READY FOR THE OPENING OF SCHOOL Plu steel . Bros. M'; ROAST .VEAL NEW PORK LOAF, ROAST HAM SPARE RIBS, PICKLED TONGUES, LARD, 1 -Ib. Prints, -at k' ei Is WITH DRESSING, per Ib. 30c per lb. 25c WITH DRESSING, per Ib. 35e 3 lbs. for 25c per ]b. 180 for ile Kindly order day before for early morning deliveries when possible. CONN LL & TYNDA,LL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 Albert Street ,'"•:.==i 0= 01= 0=0 7== 0=0 ===07=02�,, p O q Hardware Funeral Directors Plumbing Furniture Phone 147w Electric Wiring 0=0) dation ay Specials YOU MAY BE GOING UP—BUT THESE PRICES ARE DOWN (For Instance) LARGE CLOTHES BASKET, for MARKET 'BASKET, for ELECTRIC IRON for A NICE CHIPPED-E'DGE MIRROR, 8x26 GOOD HOUSE PAINT, quart 690 GOOD HOUSE PAINTS, pints 39c ELECTRIC BULBS, . 15c each, 2 for 25c 350 .25c $1.69 $1.48 ALSO A FULL LINE OF HARDWARE SUTTER PEROUE & ALKER 0=0 0 01 50=0) O O O Cash Specials SUGAR, 10 lbs., Granulated or Yellow HONEY, 5 ib. pail f ICING SUGAR, per lb. x MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE, 1 lb. tin QUART JEMS, per dozen PINT JEMS, per dozen C. and B. CATSUP, large •size MINUTE TAPIOCA, 2 pkgs, for SALMON, large, pink SARDINES, per tin AMMONIA KLENZINE, per pkg 730 39e 10e 390 $1.09 99c 17e 25c 100 050 05e TUB AND SOAP DEAL -,--- 1 Galvanized Tub, 10 bars laundry soap, 2 pkgs. Amomnia Powder, 1 picg. Lux Flakes, 2 cakes Toilet Soap—All for 99c PLATFORM SCALES, 1 set for - $'7.00 OAT MEAL IN 'BULK, 6 lbs. for 250 33c 330 • 33e 33c 25c 21e 19c QUICK QUAKER OATS with China, per pkg. ROMAN MEAL, per pkg. SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR, per pkg. SWANS DOWN BISCUIT MIX, per pkg. CEREAL BLEND, per pkg. PEP) BRAN FLAKES, 2 pkgs. for MUPFE•TS, 2 pkgs. for CLEANING AND PRESSING DRESSES, each 59c .SUITS, each 59c PANTS, each 35c LADY'S TOP COAT, each 790 MEN'S TOP COAT, each79c SUIT COALS, each 35c HATS, each 50c PULLOVERS, each ... 300 SWEATER COATS, each 33c DREAM FLANNELS 50c SKLRTS, each 40c OVERCOIATS, each 99c Bring in Your Garments and see how nicely the Marvo Gleaners and Pressers of London can do your work. You be the Judge—Ido not let some other Cleaner TELL you what can and what can't be done for these prices. LOBB'S GENERAL, STORE School Text Books School Supplies and Specials for School It may be hard to switch the thoughts from the old swimmin' hole to vulgar" fractions or the analysis of a sentence. But it can be done, and in the doing learn more than the text 'hooks teach. We have the auth- orized and recommended books as well as the general 'supplies requir- ed. A few specials aro worthy of mention and your interested consid- eration. LEAD PENCILS - 5c per dozen. ` Your surprise will be the very fair quality at the price SCHOOL BAGS—, .... .... ...... Made of waterproof plaid canvas with leather ends and strap, Size about 9x12 in. and priced at 15e. NOTE BOOK --I Open end, medium quality and fair paper, 4 1-4x5 3-4 inches, 120 pages the price is one cent each. EVERSZIARP PENCIL— With or without clip about 4 inches long, attractive .colors, very con- venient and good value at 15c. SCRIBBLERS— A package containing ten, some ruled, some plain, very exception- al value for 25c the lot. Also a plain 200 page scribbler. Regular 10c value for 5c. DICTIONARY - 324 pages, self pronouncing, many illustrations, suitable for junior school use, 20c. Tile W. D. Fair Co ■ Often the Cheapest—Always the Best t ooIpINiI�IIpNI11uIlI imus nImIiRIII�NI Mr. and Mrs. W. Robinson spent the week -end in Toronto. Miss Isabel McKnight spent the week- end and holiday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Miller visited with London friends last week. Miss Christina Baird of Clinton agent Sunday and Labor Day in Water- loo. ' Mrs. T. Jackson of Toronto, formerly f oClinton, has been visiting friends in town. Miss Jemima Miller returned last week, having spent a week with friends in Paris. Miss Hattie Turner returned to To- ronto the beginning of the week to resume her teaching duties. Mrs. Gordon Cuninghanie, Kathleen and Jo Ann have returned from a pleasant vacation in Muskoka. Mrs. N. A. Pheonix and sons return- ed to their home at Grimsby on Monday after a visit in Clinton, Misses Ruth and Winnie McMath of Toronto were week -end and holiday visitors with their mother in town. Mr. andeMrs. Leonard McKnight at- tended the Canadian National at Toronto the beginning of the week. Mr. Bob Marshall of London has been spending a holiday with his mother, Mrs. Robt. Marshall of William street. Mr. and Mrs. W. Tasker and Miss Evelyn of Stratford visited the McKnight and Gibbings families over the week -end. Miss Elizabeth Ford, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. S. Law- rence, returned to Oshawa this week to resume her teaching duties. Miss 0. Brigham returned to Wind- sor on Monday to resume her teaching duties after spending a vacation with her sister in town. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Cameron return- ed to their home at Guelph the first of the week after a visit with relatives in Clinton and vicinity. Dr. and Mrs. Hessian and family and Miss Betty Read of Toronto spent the week -end and holiday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Jenkins and Mr. George Jenkins of London were In town Friday on their way to spend the week -end and holiday in the north. Miss Helen Manning ac- companied them on the trip north. Mr. H. S. Turner, Miss Hattie Tur- ner and Misses Linnie and Helen Nediger and Madeline VanHorne motored to Toronto and spent Labor Day at the Fair, Miss Tur, ner remained to resume her teach- ing duties. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Steep and Mr. and Mrs. F. Hedden spent the week -end in Toronto with Mrs. Clarkson, the former's daughter. They were acocmpanied by Mas- ter Bob Clarkson, who had been spending the • holidays with his grandparents. THURS., SEPT.7, 1933 • RED AND WHITE A.LW NYS, IN THE LEAD Big Week for Canning Peaches. Buy Quickly. WATCH OUR WINDOWS° FOR BARGAINS SOAPS DEPARTMENT Comfort Soap Deal • 79c London Soap, 5 bars for 25c Surprise Soap, 5.bars for 25c. P. & G. Soap, 7 bars for 25c White Naptha, 8 bars for 25c Fancy Toilet Soap,' each 50 Naptha Soap Chips, 3 for 25c Large Rinso, for 21c Washing Soda, 2 for 13c Granulated Sugar, 10 lbs. for • 73c Rolled Oat's,4lbs. for 19c Tomato Soup, Campbell's, 3 for 25c Red and White Soups, assorted, 3 for 25c { FRIGIDAIRE AN FRUITS Breakfast Bacon, per lb. 19c Peameal Backs, per lb. • 25c Cottage Rolls, per lb. 15c Picnic Hams, per lb. 15c Bologna, 2 lbs. for 25c Clinton Creamery Butter, per lb. 23c Servus Butter, per ib. 23c New"Cheese, 2 lbs. for 29c Kraft Cheese, lb. , 23c Old Cheese, per Ib. 25c Fresh Sausage, per lb. 15c Fresh Weiners, per lb. 15c We are holding BIG TEA SALE, Week of September 15th, all those holding $5.00 of Cash Coupons are entitled to a lb. of Black Tea absolutely Free, one lb. to a family. TO THE BOYS AND GIRLS ---20 Prizes as Announced will be Given Away on Friday Septe>,,ber 15th. Be sure and save your Coupons and collect them from your friends. BIG AIRPLANE RIDE SEPTEMBER 8, BE SURE AND GET A TICKET Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETER1A t' Phone 48 ANNUAL Anniversary Supper IN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Tuesday September 19 5 to 7.30 MENU: Hot Chicken Pie, Creamed Potatoes, Peas, Carrots, Salads, Tomatoes, relishes, Pies ---Lenon, Apple, Pumpkin with Whipped Cream. Rolls, 'Tea and Coffee. Adults, 40c, Children under 12, 25c 39-3. Mrs. R. B. Garter and .Miss Eva Cern ter recently returned from a trip to Leamington, where they were the guests of Rev. R. W. and Mrs. Hazelwood at the United- church parsonage. 'While there they had an interesting visit with Jack Min- er of Kingsville.' HOLMESVHLLE The W. A. held a successful quilt- ing on Thursday last in the home o9 Mrs. Wm. Mulholland, and a Pot Luck supper was much enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Brogden MaeMath and Miss Edith Herbert motored to Toronto on Thursday, where they spent a few days and attended the Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn of Chicago spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Glenn. Messrs. Les. Jervis and Alfred Jervis, Mrs. Joe Jervis, Mrs. Edgar Trewartha and Miss Cora Trewartha motored to Bracebridge and points north over the week -end. •Miss Cora Trewartha remained to assume the duties of school teacher in Falken- burg. We are pleased to welcome Miss MacDonald as teacher for another year. A number from here accompanied Mr. Melville Guidon when he motor. ed to Detroit on the holiday, to at- tend the boat race. Mr. and Mrs. Draper of Detroit,' visited the latter's mother, Mrs. Wm. Mulholland, over the week -end. GREAT MARKET— LET'S CULTIVATE IT "We in Canada," said Hon. How- ard Ferguson in Toronto the other evening, "should never forget the fact that 25 per cent. of the people of Great Britain are food producers, for whom the task of providing food for 100 per cent. of England's popu- lation is an impossible one." LONDON ROAD Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lake and Mr. Dunford, Fergus, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Moffatt. Miss Beatrice Walters, Tucker, smith, spent the week -end with the Misses Rowclilfe. Mrs. Jacob, matron of the Huron County Home, is visiting friends in Detroit and other points. ' Miss Pearl Spicer, London, came up to attend the funeral of the late Jos. Shipley and remained to visit with Mrs. Shipley and family for a couple of weeks. What might have been a serious accident happened Saturday even- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Terryber ry were driving with a horse and surrey into town when a car driven by Mr. Atkinson, Windsor, side swip- ed the surrey, smashing one of the hind wheels. Luckily they were not thrown out. The car turned over in the ditch doing considerable damage but the occupants were not hurt more than a shaking up and the car was able to proceed' under its own power. It is said a defective light on the vehicle was the cause of the accident as they could not see it till they were almost on top of the surrey FLOWERS BY WIRE ANYWHERE Use Our yTelegraph Service and `� .16161iOXt• 1,UloJZa 9rist Afek GREENHOUSE PHONE176 FLOWER SHOP PHONE3I Member of Florist Telegraph De livery Association SPECIAL SALE OF Martin Senor 4 hour Varnishes 1 QT. ....99c I PT. ....60c .1/2PT....35c GET YOUR SUPPLY AT THESE LOW PRICES ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED These prices aro only guaranteed while this shipment lasts. T HARDWARE and PLUMBING :.J Peen* 244 , : A r -- Mattresses Mattresses and ° ugs Now is the time to replace that old hard Mattress with a soft, new, clean one. We have a full stock of all sizes and ranging in price from $5.00 up. Marshall Spring -filled Mattresses selling at a reduced price for the month of August. We have a Spring selling at $6.50 with a life -time guarantee, and also guaranteed to be ab- .solutely rust proof. We still have •a few patterns in Congoleum Rugs to choose from, at a greatly reduced price. Also some Oilcloth Congoleum and Lin- oleum by the yard to clear at Bargain Prices. Everything in the furniture line. Before buying tome in and look over our stock, it will pay you to do so. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT Screen Doors and Window Screens at reduced prices. A three - burner Perfection oil stove and oven at 10 per cent. reduction. A few Hot Plates to clear at a very low price. Now is the time to look after the old leaky roof, have it fixed up for fall and winter weather. We sell the famous Brantford roof- ing. First-class Roofing Paint at a price. Have your stoves and Furnaces cleaned• and repaired before the cold weather sets in PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING—.WORK GUARANTEED BALL & ZAPFE "Store With the Stock" Phone 195 Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Monumlent Dealers N. Ball, Phone 110. J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103. SUPERIOR CHAIN STORES School Days Are Here! Thousand of young Canadians have started back to school. Pro- per foods and correct eating will play an important part in their success. Start your children with an advantage. Make sure they get only the best foods—the kind you buy at Superior Stores,. whose slogan is—"WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS." CHIPSO, large pkg. for iTc CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP, 2 tins for 16e. AYLMER PORK AND BEANS, large, 2 tins for 23c OLASSIC CLEANSER, per tin 50 ROWNTREES COCOA, 1-2 lb. for 19c RED ROSE KELA. SALMON, l's tall, 2 for 19c CHOICE 'PEAS, No. 4 Seive, 2 tins for 250 CROSSE AND BLAC'KWEILL CATSUP, large ..19c DRUMMER PASTRY FLOUR, 7 lbs. for 222c DRUMMER PASTRY FLOUR, 24's SHAKER SALT, Plain or Iodized, 2 pkgs. for 19e SCHNEIDER'S WEINERS, per lb. 15c SCHNEIDER'S COOKED HAM, per lb. .. 39c SULTANA RA'FSINS, 2 lbs. for 25c DON'T FORGET ABOUT THE FREE AIRPLANE RIDE ON FRIDAY. J.T. McKNI IHT & SON You can be sure of getting everything fresh here. PHONE 111. Saturday Candy Special SUMMER CARAMELS,',A1l Fruit Flavor, Special, per lb. 25c FRESH COUNTER .PECIALS DAILY When Wanting Marshmallows Buy "CAMPFIRE" OUR PASTRY SPECIALS WILL PLEASE YOU FRRUIT DROPS, PUMPKIN' PIE, BUTTER TARTS, ORANGE CAKE • OR JELLY ROLL RECEPTION BRICKS—Deliciously Different BREAD—Order your Favorite Loaf -.We Bake it, "Fresh DaiIy." Wendorf Bakerij and Confec1ionerg Makers of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" Bread rn 3t