HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1933-09-07, Page 7THLTRS., SEPT. 7, 1933
Health, Cooking,
'Care of Children
Edited By Lebam Hakeber Kralc
Ru!uatinlls of RebeYaV
A Column Prepared Especially for Women
But Not Forbidden to Men
Fay Inchfawn talks to; yeti today)
You tell me your work is never
• alone.
Pins in' the • same case, and yet I
want , yon to let me come and sit
'With you far half an hone? And while
'we - darn our stockings, perhaps we
• can talk together about the problems
and the' difficulties which beset us
I know—almost as well as you can
` 'tell me—the sort of snowed -up days
you get. It is the rush which is so
wearing; the Sight 'of Duty, treading
upon the heels of Duty. And then
' the long queue of Duties, still wait-
ing, one behind the other; each one
pushing and hustling for its turn.
And so your hands work feverish-
ly; your tired feet hussy to and fro)
and up and down stairs; while your
brain 'schemes and plans, and re-
models schemes andplans, until you
are just "fed up" With all.
"This is net life!" you say, "this
is drudgery! I have no time now
for higher things. They are crowds
ed out. It takes all the faculties I
• possess just to keep the home going.
God does not expect me to be spir-
'•itual, Life is too real, and too ear-
nest, for me to find any leisure for
" that.
"Doing the washing in snatches;
making puddings, with a teething
' baby en one arm; scrubbing the sink;
contriving ways and means; these
things have sapped all the soul -life
that ever I had. It isn't possible to
keep in touch with God, when one is
• beset behind and before, and inside
and out; so I have just let things .. .
' But, my friend --I want to say this
• very tenderly and humbly—what if
you are wrong in thinking so? What
if, after all, there is a way of know,
ing God, of seeing I3im, and serving
I3im, right in the midst of the "pot
'and pan" life?
What has happened to the real you?
What about all the longings, and the
strivings, and the aspirings, that
have managed to find a lodging in
your being, in spite of the strain and
Do you think that God does not
know that part of you? Do you im-
agine that He is unacquainted with
the great lovesome, beautiful soul of
you? The you who longs to be sweet
always, and never snappy; cheerful
always, and never irritable.
Believe me, that is the woman He
Meant you td be; the women He in- f
tends to make you, if you will only
let Him.
Yqu don't see how?
Well, will you let use tell you, very
simply, my own way out? I mean
the way by which I believe God has
led me into. a fuller understandings
of life. •
First of all, I believe that there is
enough in Christ . to meet the .needs
of any poor soul and every poor
But you are troubled, maybe, be-
cause you do not quite believe that,
You do not feel that it can interest
Him to know that your wishing won't
dry; that your kitchen fire smokes
that Jane is in an awkward mood;
and that baby is fretful.
My dear worried sister -woman, it
does interest Him. 'Believe mo, Ile
can -pilot your spirit through the
most tiresome day, and bring you out
tired, very likely but unruffled, and
conscious of victory.
So, I take it that the very first
step towards living the Victorious
Life is to hand oneself up to God. To
say to Hint something like this:
"Here I am, Lord. Do what you
wish with me to -day."
And, after that, to take every little
trifling circumstance as coming from
His hand,' Do not be angry about
the hindrances. are could have pre-
vented them; but He saw blessing in.
them for you.
Did you ever think of Si•
mon of
Cyrene coming out of the country,
and meeting that' woeful procession?
I fancy he may have wished he had
never chosen that day to visit Jer-
usalem. Anything to have missed
that hindrance! That ? impt sition!
That unreasonable demand! That he
should carry a cross for a fainting
But, afterward) Simon realized
that he had been signally honoured.
Ile had been used to help forward
the age -long plan of redemption for
the world,
And your own particular hin-
drances! A: miserable, persistent
hawker at the door; an unreasonable
neighbour; the children down with
measles; all these things turn the
household ship, more or less, out or
its course. Take them patiently, for
who ' knows what the "afterward')
may be?
You feel that these promises are
for .God's own children; for those
who have understood and accepted
His plan of salvation? And you are
not quite sure whether you can lion,
estly Claim Christ as your Saviour.
I know that this is a very real dif-
iculty. But listen, woman dear. You
' o n 1 ®. Edited by
GRANT FL]✓'MING, M.D., Associate • Secretary
es -4'
, , wwtitttirat
and Life Insurance Companies in Canada.
The ease with which medicine can
'be obtained has placed within the
• reach of everyone a suggested rem,
edy for all of the ordinary ills that
fall to the lot of man. It might be
said that the best that can be claim,
• • ed for the majority of these remed-
ies is that, in themselves, they can
• do no harm. This, however, is only
' partially true for a real danger lies
' in misinterpreting certain signs and
)'eymptoms which may be and often
are common to several disorders of
the body.
This is especially true in the case,
of children. The child is entirely
: 'at the mercy 'of his well-meaning
•• parents, who take it upon themsel-
• ves to prescribe for his every ail-
ment. It is connmon; in many house -
Masts, that when a child complains
of abdominal' distress or pain, an
immediate rash is made for the cas-
•tor oil bottle; without further clues-
- Coning, a dose is administered forth,
• with. , The very high percentage of
eases of acute appendicitis, with rup-
ture of the appendix, that are admit-
' ted to hospital with a history of hay-
' 'ing t;eceived a dose of castor • oil for
abdominal pain bear witness to the
• disastrous role which the use,
"through ignorance, of a laxative
plays in this state of affairs. An
acute appendix requires prompt med-
- ical Care.
The laxative forces the contents of
•the upper bowel clown upon the"in-
flamed appendix. Thus, the first
principle of treatment, which is rest,
is violated, end the not unlooked for
result is rupture of the appendix
with the added danger of pariton-
The following case history obtain-
ed from the surgical records of a
large hospital illustrates a some,
what similar point. A middle aged
man who had always enjoyed excel-
lent health noticed a slightly rncreas
ed tendency to constipation. For a
month or two, he obtained relief by
taking, at regular intervals, small
doses of a laxative. Gradually, his
complaint became worse and, in ad-
dition to the constipation, he suff-
ered slight twinges of pain, IIis ins-)
plicit faith in the laxative, however,.
remained. unshaken, .and he used
larger doses to obtain relief, but
without success. Soon his condition,
became worse, a compete .obstuction
ef the bowel ensued, and on consult-
ing his physician, the diagnpsis of
tamer _ of the bowel was made.
The story of many 'illnesset, like
the examples we have cited, bears
witness to the tragedy''of self-diag-
nosis and persistence in the use of
some "remedy" which at best, is only
a paliative and which but delays the
chance of • effective treatment and
probable recovery.
Questions concerning Health, ad-
dressed to the Canadian Medical As-
sociation, 184 College Street, Toron-
to, will be answered personally by
Lettuce is apt to lose its fresh
crispness in the late summer and
sometimes it is liked better cooked.
Here are a few recipes which may
Spinach and Lettuce
1-4 lb. spinach, 1 :bunch leaf let-
tuce. Cook spinach and lettuce in
boiling water to just cover until ten.
der,. Drain, chop, and serve inune-
ditely. This may be served with
poached eggs.
Lettuce Loaf
2 lbs. lettuce, 2 eggs, 1 tsp. salt,
1 cup fine • bread crumbs, 1 cup but-
tered -bread crumbs, 1-4 cup grated
Cook lettuce in boiling salted wan,
er to just cover. Drain, dip in cold
water,; chop finely. Add. beaten eggs,
salt, and bread crumbs. Place in
well greased baking dish. Cover
with ,dne cup buttered crumbs, mix-
ed with 1-4 cup grated cheese. Bake
until brown on top. . Serve with
cheese or tomato sauce.
Braised Lettuce.
1 bunch leaf lettuce, 2 carrots, 2
small onions, 6 slices bacon, 1-2
cloves, salt and pepper.
Chop lettuce. Place • some finely
chopped bacon on bottom of casser-
ole, Add chopped carrots, onions and
lettuce. Season with salt and pep-
per. Cover with remainder of fine-
ly chopped bacon, Cook in moderate
oven 40 minutes to one hour.
• Custard Simplified
Tried and tested recipe for lemon
custard pudding: Make a pint of
lemon jelly and add 'to it the beaten
yolks of four eggs. When cool, but
not set, fold in the swiftly beaten
Whites of the eggs, mould, chill and
serve with cream. If smaller quan-
tity wanted halve the 'recipe, using
ingredients in sante proportion.
A Sustaining Soup
TWO lbs. of mutton, 2 qts, of wit,
er, 2 onions, 2 carrots, 2 slices of
turnip, 2 apples, parsley, thyme and
bay leaf, 1 tablespoonful of curry
powder, 2 tablespoonfuls of flour;
juice of a lemon. Fry the apples
and vegetables in melted suet, and
cook gently for 15 minutes. Sprin-
kle in the flour and curry powder,
then add the meat, cut in small piec-
es,. some salt, the herbs and water.
Skim this after it begins to boil, then
cook slowly for 3 or 4 hours. Strain
and force the meat through at sieve•
then return to the soup. Serve with
hot boiled sloe. Add the lemon juice
before serving.
need not be afraid of being quite
honest with your Heavenly Friend.
Tell I3im, plainly and simply, that
you clo not seem to have grasped all
that the great salvation means. Tell
Minn you avant to "know as much of
Him as a mortal woman can know.
Ask Hinm to take you in hand; to
make Himself clear to you. And then
try to take in Jolt: xiv. 23.
It means exactly what it says.
"Keeping His words" simply means
doing the sort sof things of which IIe
approves. Accepting annoying cit,
cumstances without kicking, Show-
ing love to unlovable folks. And
havingn personal
e resentment to=
wards any human being.
Here is a little bit of verse to il-
lustrate this:
Well, I ams done. My nerves were on
the rack.
I've laic) them clown to -day.
It was the last straw broke the cam-
el's back:
I've laid that down to -day.
No, I'll not fume, nor fret, nor fuss,
nor fight;
I'll walk by faith a bit, and not by
I think the Universe will work all
I've laid it down to -day
The dread of sorrows I may have to
I'll lay that down to -day.
The circumstance• which rubbed me
wrong' way up,
I'll lay that down to -day.
It will not matter in the age to come,
Whether I sucked. -the stone or had.
• the plum,
But it will make a difference to some,
• If I keep nice, to -day.
So, here and now, the ever -weight,
the worry,
T'll; lay it down to -day. •
The all -too -anxious heart; the tearing
I'll lay these clown to -day.
0 eager hands! 0 feet, so prone to
I think that He Wlio made the stars
and san, •
Gan mind the things you've had to
• leave undone.
How Indian Maidens
and Men -Dressed in
the 1600's
The discussion as to what consti-
tutes proprietoy in clothing lends
piquancy to the following 'extract
from Champlain's journal of his
expedition to the Huron country in the
summer of 1616, from which it would
appear that in some respects modern
dress is approximating to that of the
Indians of those dayst
"As to their clothes, they are made
in various ways and styles, of dif-
ferent skins of wild animals; not
only those that they catch, but those
that they get in exchange for their
Indian corn, meal, wampum and fish-
ing-nets Froin the Algonquins, Nip-
issings and other tribes, who are Bun-
ters and have no fixed abodes. Thes'
dress and fit the skins tolerably
well, making their breeches of a ra-
ther large deer -skin and their leg-
gings of another piece. 'They go
clear up to the belt and are in many
folds. Their shoes are of deer,'bear
and beaver -skins, of which they use
a good number. Besides, they have
a robe of the same fur in the form of
a cloaks which they wear in the Irish
or 'Gypsy style; and they have
sleeves which are attached with a
string in the back.
That is how they are dressed in
winter. When they go abroad they
gird their robe about their body; but
in the village they leave off thein
sleeves and do not gird themselves at
all. Instead o£ lace from Milan for
the adornment of .their garments,
they use the odds and ends of these
skins, of which they make bands in
various styles, according to taste,
In some places they put stripes, of
reddish brown paint among the
bands of fur trimming, which always
look whitish, not losing their shape,
no matter how dirty they may be.
There are some among these tribes
who are much more skilful than oth-
ers in dressing the skins and more
ingenious in inventing designs to put
on their clothes. Above all others
our Montagnais and Algonquins take
the most pains about it. They put
on their robes bands of porcupine
quills, which they dye a very beauti-
ful scarlet colour. They think a
great deal of these bands among
themselves and detach theta to make
them serve for other robes when they
wish to change, Besides they use
them to adorn their faces and to
appear more comely. When they
wish to appear in fine array they
paint their faces black and red, which
colours have been mixed with nil
made from the seed of the sunflower,
or with grease of the bear or other
animals. They also dye their hair.
which some wear long, others short,
and still others on one side only.
As for the women and girls, they
always wear it in the sante way. They
are dressed like the men, except
that their robes always are girt a-
round them. They come down to the
knee, They are not at all ashamed
to exposo the body; that is, from the
waist up and from the middle of the
thigh clown. TheieStis always coy,
erect. They wear a great deal el
wampum both as necklaces and
chains, which they put on their robes,
or hanging from their belts, or as
pendants from their ears. They have
their hair well combed, Coloured and
greased. Thus arrayed, they go to
dances with their hair in a bunch
behind, bound with eel -skins, which
they prepare and use as a cord. Some-
times they attach to this 'plates a
foot square covered with wampum,
which hangs down behind, and, so,
decked 'in this way and sprueely
dressed, they show themselves gladly
at dances, whither their fathers and
mothers take them, sparing nothing
to beautify and adorn then), I can
assure you that I have seen at dances
many a girl who had more than;
twelve pounds ofwampum on her, not !i
to mention the other trinkets with
which they are loaded and attired."
Some of the young ladies of to-
day are not much more backward in
displaying their bodies than were the
Indian maidens of three hundred
years age. But while there are un.
doubted attractions in the smooth
and slender female form, the porky
young cubs who display -their fat
hips and hairy chests on the streets
offend both against the aesthetic and
against decency.
—Millie Packet -Times.
A sign of,increasing prosperity to
Canada, and of tlie.expectation of
better times in the United States le
showing itself in a heavy demand
for •Christmas trees from the Mart
time Provinces. Although Christ-
mas is four months away, buyers
Do Iay them down to. -day! are already busy High prices are
not anticipated, but a large demand
—R 6BEKAH. is thought to be certain.
s I oil Lc
Here They Will Sing You Their Songs—Sometimes
Gay, Sometimes Sad- But Always Helpful
and Ins pining,
I saw God wash the world last night Ringed with blue lines; and feathery
With Ilis sweet showers on high,
And then when morning came
I saw Him hang it out to dry.
He washed each tiny blade of grass
And every trembling tree;
He flung His showers against the
And swept the billowy sea.
The white rose is a cleaner white;
The red rose is more red;
Since God washed every fragrant
And put them all to bed.
There's not a bird, there's not a bee
That wings along the way,
But is a cleaner bird and bee
Than it was yesterday.
1 saw God wash the world last night;
Ah, would Ile had washed me
As clean of all my dust and dirt
As that old white birch tree.
From the Epic of Earth.
Did you tackle the trouble that came
your way
With a resolute heart, and cheer-
Or hide your face from the light of day
With a craven soul, and fearful?
Oh, a trouble's a ton or a trouble's
an ounce,
Or a trouble is what you make it.
And it isn't the fact that you're hurt
that counts,
But only how did you take it?
You are beaten to earth? Wel], well,
what's that?
Come up with a smiling face,
It's nothing to you to fall down flat,
But to lie there—that's the dis-
The harder you're thrown, why the
higher you'll bounce
Be proud of your blackened eye.
It isn't the fact that you're licked
that counts,
But how did you fight, and why?
And though you be done to death,
what then?
If you battled the best you conte),
If you played your part in the world
of Iran,
Why the critic will call it good.
Death comes with a crawl or comes
with a pounce,
And whether he's slow or spry,
It isn't the fact that you're dead that
But only—how did you die?
I have been so great a lover; filled
Iliy days
So proudly with the splendour of
Love's praise,
Theair. the calmand h to i.
p , the astonish -
'tent, n
Desire illimitable, and still content,
And all dear names men use, 'to
cheat despair,
For the perplexed and viewless
streams that bear
Our hearts at random clown the dark
of life,
Now, ere the unthinking silence on
that strife
Steals down, I woulcl cheat drowsy
Death so far,
My night shall be remembered for a
That outshone all the suns of all
men's days.
Shall I not crown them with immor-
tal praise
Whom I have loved, who have given
me, dared with me
High secrets, and in darkness knelt
to sed
The inenarrable godhead of. delight?
Love is a flame; --we have beaconed
the world's night.
A city:—and we have built it, these
and L
An emperor:—we have taught the
world to die.
So, for their sakes I loved, ere. I go
hence, •
And the high cause of Love's magnif-
And to keep loyalties young, I'll
write those names
Golden for ever, eagles; crying
And set then) as a banner, that man
may know,
To Clare the generations, burn, and
Out on the winds of Tinie, shining
and streaming .
These 'have loved:
White plates and cups, elean-
faery dust;
Wet . roofs, beneath the lamp -light;
the strong crust
Of friendly bread; and many -tasting
Rainbows; and the blue bitter smoke
of wood;
And radiant raindrops couching in
cool flowers;
And, flowers themselves, . that sway
through sunny hours,
Dreaming of moths that drink them
under the mobs;
Then, the cool kindliness of sheets,
that soon
Smooth away trouble. and the rough
male kiss
Of blankets; grainy wood: live hair
that is
Shining and free, blue -massing
clouds; the keen
Unpassioned beauty of_a great ma-
The benison of hot water; furs to
The good smell of old clothes; and
other such --
The comfortable smell of friendly
Hair's fragrance, and the musty reek
that lingers
About dead leaves
and last year's
Dear names,
And thousand other throng to me!
Royal flames;
Sweet water's dimpling laugh from
tap or spring;
Holes in the ground; and voices that
do sing;
Voices in -laughter, toe; and body's
Soon turned to peace; and the deep.
panting train;
Firm sands; the little lalling edge of
That browns and dwindles as the
wave goes home;
And washen stones, gay for an hour:
the cold
Graveness of iron; moist black earth-
en mould;
Sleep; and high places; footprints in
the dew;
And oaks; and brown ;corse -chestnuts
glossy new;
Acid new -peeled sticks; and shining
pools on grass;—
All these have been my loves. Ane
these .shall pass.
Whatever passes not, in the great
Nor all my passion, all my prayers,
have power
To hold them with me through the
gate cf Death
They'll play deserter, turn with the
traitor breath
Break the high bond we, made, and
sell Love's trust
And sacramented covenant to the
--Oh, never a doubt but, somewhere;
I shall wake,
And gthe what's left of
love again,
and make
New friends, now strangers, .. .
But the best I've known
Stays here, and changes, breaks,
grows old, is blown
About the winds ef the world, and
fades from brains
Of living men, and dies.
Nothing remains:
0 clear my loves, 0 faithless, once
This one last gift I give: that after
Shall know, and later lovers, far -re-
Praise you, "All these were lovely";
say, "He loved."
—Rupert Brooke.
Mother -of •God! no lady thou.
Common woman of common earth,
Our Lady, ladies call thee now;
But Christ was never of gentle
A common man of the common
Fdr God's ways are not as your Ways.
The noblest lady in the land
Would have given up half her days,
Would have cut off her right hand,
To bear the child. that was God of
the land,
Never a lady did He choose,
Only a maid of low degree,
So humble she might not refuse
The carpenter. of Galilee:
A daughter of the people, she.
Out she sang the song of her heart.
Never a lady so had sung,
She knew no letters, had no art;
To all mankind, in woman's tongue,
Ina% Israelitish Marysung.
Household 11
And still for men to come she sings,
Nor shall lier singing pass away.
"Be hath filled the hungry with
good things"—
Oh, listen, lords and ladies gay!—
"And the rich He hath sent empty
away." ---.Mary E. Coleridge,
Very old are the woods;
And the buds that break
Out of the briar's boughs,
When March winds wake,
-So old with their beauty area
Oh, no man knows •
Through what wild centuries
• Roves back the rose.
Very old are the brooks;
And the rills that rise
Where' snow sleeps cold beneath
The azure skies
Sing such a history
Of come and gone,
Their every drop is as wise
As Solomon.
Very old are we men;
Our deems are tales
Told in dim Eden
By Eve's nightingales;
We wake and whisper awhile,
But, the day gone by,
Silence and sleep like fields
Of amaranth lie. •
—Walter de ]a Mare.
En route to her work at Dixonville,
in the Peace River Country, North-
ern Alberta, Dr. Margaret Strang,
who spent a brief furlough this
summer with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Strang, of Usborne
Township near Hensel, was united
in marriage to William Savage, ran -1
cher-prospector of the district In
which she works.
The marriage announcement ef
which has just been made, was sol-
emnized in the First Presbyterian
Church, Edmonton, early in August,
Rev. Andrew Osborn, D.D., minister
of the church, officiating. Mr. Sav-
age is the son of the late R. E. Sav-
age and Mrs. Mable Savage, who
formerly resided near Lymburn, Al-
ta., where they owned a ranch.
The ceremony was quiet, at the re,
quest of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Sav-
age left for a motor camping trip
for several weeks before returning to
Dixonville. Isere firs. Savage, who
is well known in the West as doctor,
preacher and friend of all, will carry
on lies missionary work. Before his
marriage, Mr. Savage resided near
the Town ef Peace River. IIis pre-
sent ranch is situated close to Dixon-
The second woman to graduate
from the Medical Scihool of the Uni-
versity of Western Ontario the `little
doctor," as she is affectionately
known, received her doctor's degree
in 1929, and, after spending a year
as interne at the Hamilton Hospital,
volunteered her services as medical
missionary for the Presbyterian
Church in the West. Her appoint-
ment to Dixonville involved more
than medical work,however, she
was soon in the thick of things helps
ing to build the little log church, in
which she later preached, and
structing her own log manse.
The only dentist within a radius
of many miles, she also serves as
veterinary surgeon, when occasion
demands. She is leader of the town
orchestra, and acts as relief officer,
distributing clothing and other sup,
* 4, * 4, a 4• * 4. * * * 4t M +h *
* 1933.
* * * * *
Old Grandfather: "Mr. James, I
believe?" My grandson is working
in your office."
Business Man: "Oh, yes. He went
to your funeral last week."—Brants.
ford Expositor.