HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1933-08-17, Page 8PAGE S rst'st;Rx: lassomemesseeetameloseeememeestmeseese THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD • THURS., AUGTJST 17, 1933",, OUR STORE IS STILL TOPSY-TURVY WITH ,PAINTERS AND • DECORATORS—BUT 50 ARE OUR PRICES 1, As we shift our stock to make room for,the workmen, many lines are finding their way to the Bargain Counters. YARDS AND YARDS OF WASH GOODS clearing at 19c (that regularly sold up to 85c) MEN'S KIB'AKI PANTS, clearing at LADIES' SILKHOSE, 3 pairs for 98e 950 With prices on the advance all staple goods bought at today's prices are real bargains. st3el POS. e S COOKED HAM, per Ib, SPARE RIBS, 8 lbs. for PICKLED TONGUES, per ib. RIB ROAST BEEF, per lb. SAUSAGE, 3 lbs. for SPRING CHICKENS AND DUCKS FOR THE WEEK -END 35c 25c 130 12c 25e Kindly order day before for early morning deliveries when possible, C NN LL1 & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 Albert Street 0 0 0 0=0 0 0 0=0`--x_. =0 FOR A LIMITED TIME 1VHILE THEY LAST AN AMAZING NU.TYPE Aladdin Mantle Lamp for only $3.75 Cash WHEN YOUR PURCHASES AT THIS TORE AMOUNT TO $10.00 HURRY? MURRY! Ask Us At Once For Details FREE DEMONSTRATION NOW ON SUTTER PEROVE & VILKER Hardware Funeral Directors Plumbing Furniture Phone 147w Electric Wiring ---40=0 -=O Oi _ zO 0) 0 p 11 O Case Specials JUST ARRIVED -A Few Move Sets of WEDGEWOOD ENGLISH CHINA, These Sets will be offered this week at exceptional Value. If you need any odd liner of Chinaware, no matter how small the number may be, we will be pleased to serve you. Pickling season is here. If you need a large, medium or small Crook, we have them in stock. W10RK BOOTS, good strong, all-Ieather, black or tan, per pair $2.49 SUGAR, REDPATH, per 100 lbs. $7.10 ICING SUGAR, 3 lbs. for 25e SUGAR, 10 lbs. for 780 CORN FLAKES, any kind, 3 for 25c P. & G. SOAP, 10 bars for 330 ENIGLISH CARBOLIC SOAP, per bar 050 LONDON SOAP, per bar 050 AMMONIA KLENZINE, 5 pkgs. for 25o BORAX, per pkg. 100 CHLORIDE LIME, 2 pkgs. for 25e 8IG FIVE 'CLEANSER . .... , 05e OXYDOL, large pkg. 180 CHERRIES, 2 tins for PEARS, 2 tins for ......... j.ILUEBERRIEIS, 2 tins' for PEACH JAM, 40 oz. jar ........ :APRICOT JAM, 40 oz. jar KRAFT, 12 oz. SALAD DRESSING „........: .. ..19e 2 for .... .. 25e 26c 25c 29c 29c LOBB°S GENERAL STORE 19 Cents Will Buy a note size writing pad and a package of env- elopes, good quality paper, kid finish, attr- active cover. The pad has 70 sheets and the envelopes have 25 in package. It is a 30c value for 19c. TIE W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Mr,riic sS'dr<<>k,{vttiy, gG: xm a I � $ RED. AND, WHITE ALW A,.YS IN THE LEAD Always anxious to servo you quickly and well. Special Delivery at all times. General Delivery, 9 and 11 eau, 2.30 and 6 p.m. Pasteurized Milk and CCrearn Delivered. FRUIT MARKET AND VEGETABLES, FRESH IN OUR FRIGIDAIRE FRUIT DEPARTMENT Tomatoes, at lowest Basket Price Water.lelons, Grape Fruit, 6 for Oranges, Juicy and sweet Lemons, per doz. Head Lettuce, 49c 27c 23c -29c -39c 29c 15c Cucumbers for Pickling White Onions, for Pickling Peppers Green and Red .14 1.100 Rolled Oats, 6 lbs. Rolled Wheat, 52 lbs. Wheatall, Fancy Cookies, ib. . Granulate Sugar, 10 lbs. Fancy Rice, 2 lbs. WEEK EN 25c 25c 29c 15c 73c 13c MEAT DEPARTMENT Fresh Sausage, Sneider's, lb. Fresh Sausage, Swift's, lb. Breakfast Bacon, piece Back Bacon, Peameal, Sliced Bacon (2's) Cooked Hams, Ib. Cottage Rolls, Pickled Rolls SPECIALS Tea, Red and White (Tumblers) Baking Powder, (Fancy Glass) Oyxdol, large 2 for Pearl Soap, 7 for White Naptha, 6 for Comfort Soap, 5 for 25c. 15c 39c 18c 15c 49c 25c 33c 25c 25c 25c WINNERS IN COUPON CONTEST 1st Girls -L. Ellwood, 2nd Girls -M. Eames, lst Boys -J. Elliott, 2nd Boys -J. Hawkins Other prizes were awarded to; Jean Nediger, Eleanor Curran, Wallace McDonald, Jimmy Edwards, and 'Benson Sutter and others. Second Contest 'Opens, August 16 to September 15. Open to all Boys and Girls Big and Little in Town and surrounding country. Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails I 111 Ulnae Khans in III( III III .r,mii�i�. Miss Eileen Atkinson is visiting friends in Kincardine. bIr. and Mrs. IL A. Steven ]eft this week for Coward, Ont. Miss B. Gowan of Blyth has been visiting the Misses Walkinshaw, Mrs. Mary Harper of Winnipeg is visiting her sister, Mrs. Bert Gib. bings. Mr. and Mrs, G. T. Jenkins and Mas- ter Reggie motored to Woodstock and Hamilton. Mr. Douglas Shipley of Toronto has been visiting his mother, Mrs. W. Shipley of town. Messrs. Jack 'Wiggington and K. Ro- berton have returned from a fish- ing trip up north. Mrs. 3. C. Wiseman and two children of Windsor are visiting Mr. and Mrs, John Wiseman. Rev. Chas. and Mrs. Cox of Nipis- sing have been visiting relatives and friends in the vicinity. Miss Sue Drain of Toronto is spend- ing her vacation with the Misses Grace and Edith Gibbings. Miss Edyth Stewart of Clinton, ac- companied by her sister, Mrs, T. E. Adams, is holidaying at Bayfield. Mr. G. King MacDonald, Toronto, spent last week with Mrs. George MacDonald and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. Sours motored to To- ronto last week and on their re- turn were accompanied by their daughter, Miss Prances Fitzsimons of Sea - forth, formerly of Clinton, spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Ruddock, •Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Clucas of St. Louis, Mo., visited this week with the lady's brother, Mr. W. D. Fair, and other friends in town. Miss R. 17. Irwin of town, Miss Bes- sie Irwin of Merrittown and Miss Clara Sipes of Toronto are spending a vacation et Atherley, Muskoka. Miss Dorothy Carr has returned to Toronto after spending the last three weeks with Mrs. George MacDonald and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Lawosn. Mrs. Gordon Cuninghame and daugh- ters, Kathleen and So Anne, leave next week for Muskoka. They will be away for the remainder of the holidays. Mr. Will Argent returned last Wed- nesday from a motor trip to Vic- toria, B.C. The trip included a visit to Jasper Park and the Cen- tury of Progress Exposition, Chi- tago. Miss Mildred Stewart of Henderson, N.C., paid a flying visit to her cousin, Miss Edyth Stewart of Clinton, on '.Saturday last. Miss IStewart,'in company with a party of young people, which included Mr. Wm. Polk and his sister and broth- er, are on a motor trip through the Northern States and Canada, hav- ing visited the World's Fair and are now en route to Nova Scotia. Mr.. PoIk is remaining in Clinton ,for his vacation, having come up to join his wife, formerly Miss Marion Gunn, and little daughter, who have been here some little time with Mrs. Cross at the Gunn family, Name.. �:. .. • , 1 LONDESBORO Misses F. and E. Jamieson and Miss' L R, Watt, of Detroit spent last week at Sandy Bay, Muskoka, They were accompanied home by Miss Mary Jamieson, who will spend the remainder of her holidays at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ainslie of Leamington spent a few days with the later's sisters, Mrs. James Elsley and Mrs. J. Tamblyn. Miss E. Lyon is quite ill at pre- sent. Miss Moore, R.N., is in atten- dance. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brundson and family are visiting with Mrs. Brundson's mother at Ottawa. Mrs. T. Mason of Clinton is spend- ing a few days with Mrs. W. T. Brunsdon. • Mr. Fraser of Windsor spent the week -end at the hone of Mr. Win. Lyon. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hooper and Gladwyn of St. Marys visited at the home of Mrs. Hooper's parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. Elsley, on Sunday. Mr. Percy Manning recently sold four of his splendid thoroughbred cows to Mr, G. Parker, Sarnia, for a good figure, The beautiful rain which came on Saturday night was welcomed by all, it being the first rain of any account for the past three months. Showers have gone all around but none fell in this district, and this one was very welcome, COME TO THE BIG TIME AT CLINTON AUG. 24th Under auspices of the Clinton Kiltie Band MR. BIRD AND HIS FAMOUS C.N.R. BAND, will give a musical treat on the green in -front of the Post Office from 8 to 10 p.m., followed by a BIG STREET DANCE on one of; the best out -door floors in Ontario. Music supplied by a snappy six -piece orchestra from Stratford, Tickets for the Band Concert 10c or 3 for 25e OVER 75 PRIZES will be given away. On exhibit in Ball & Zapfe's South Window; The Clinton Kilty Band's Annual Big Time, will be held at 8'p.m. on Thursday, August 24th, on Post Of- fice Square. The band program will be furnished by the famous G.N.R. Band of Stratford, Mr. Bird conduct; ing. The program to be played will be published next week. .After the band concert, a street dance will be held on the large 30' by 60' floor. Music will be furnished by the Rhythm Sings, of Stratford, un- der the leadership of AI. Robb. This is a snappy dance band. Everybody come and enjoy this fes- tive eeeasion, • 9 CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA M<:.. Phone 48 w. '•al¢, c'd�` �`k � °.�' k ,ivt�+ ,f,T,`r`x ,.k"La,, . -`sh r•q,i�'.,„�r f . i Mrs. Robt. Townsend and MissC-- Dorothy Little have returned after spending the past five weeks on a motor trip to the Coast. Mr. Arthur Kerslake and family of near Exeter were the guests of Mi. and Mrs. Wm. Hunking oniSunday. Rev. A. W. Gardiner has returned from holidaying at Chicago and preached a very instructive sermon to a large congregation on Sunday morning. Mr. R. Shaddick and Miss Ruth arc visiting friends in Chicago. Noolmealaimmomimmino Cminghre 5taigt- GREENHOUSE PHONE 176 FIOWERSHOP PHONE3I elAversksok SPECIAL SALE OF Martin Senor 4 hour Varnishes 1 QT. ....99c 1 PT.....60c %a PT ....35c GET YOUR SUPPLY AT THESE LOW, PRICES ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED These prices are only guaranteed • while this shipment lasts. T. llawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING L , Mattresses and Rugs Now is the time to replace that old hard Mattress with a soft, new, clean one. We have a full stock of all sizes and ranging in price from $5.00 up. Marshall Spring -filled Mattresses selling at a reduced price for the month of August. We have a Spring selling at $6.50 with a life -thee guarantee, and also guaranteed to be ab- solutely rust proof, We still have a fete patterns in Congoleum Rugs to choose from, at a greatly reduced price. Also some Oilcloth Congoleum and Lin- oleum by the yard to clear at Bargain Prices. Everything in the furniture line. Before buying come in and look over our stock, it will pay you to do so. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT Screen Doors and Window Screens at reduced, prices. A three - burner Perfection oil stove and oven at 10 per cent. reduction. A few Hot Plates to clear at a very low price. Now winter look ehelTe have it up for fall and weather. Weltefamous roof, Brantford fixed roof- ing. First-class Roofing Paint at a price. Have your stoves and Furnaces cleaned and repaired before the cold weather sets in PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING.--WORIi GUARANTEED BALL 8r ZAPPE "Store With the Stock” Phone 195 Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Monunlent Dealers N. Ball, Phone 110. J. J. Zapfe, Phone 108. SUPERIOR CHAIN STORES Our Prices a e Lower SPECIAL FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY P. AND G. SOAP, 10 bars for 31c CHATEAU CHEESE, 2 pkgs. for 210 CORN MAKES, 3 pkgs. for 25c CROSSE & BLACKWELL CATSUP 15c .CHICKEN HADDIE, 2 this for 25e KIPPER SNACI{S, per tin 5c BAI30 FOR OLEA'NING PORCELAIN 14c FINEST SOAP CHIPS, 3 lbs. for 26e COCOANUT WAFER BISCUITS, 2 lbs. for 25c INFANT'S FOODS, AYLM'ER, 2 tins for 25e FRUIT JARS, CROWN, !SMALL $1.05 FRUIT JARS, CROWN MEDIUM $1.19 We Have Special Price on Tomatoes, by the Basket for the Week -end FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ARE IN PEACHES, PLUMS, CELERY, CANTELOPES, GREEN PEPPERS Kindly Phone Your Order Early for an Early Delivery J.T. McKNIG ` IT & SON You can be sure of getting everything fresh here. PHONE 111. YOU WILL ENJOY OUR CHOCOLATE CAKE Made hi Two Sizes DELICIOUS "T" BISCUITS DOUGHNUTS --BUY "CLINTON MAD]•,'"' FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS, per lb. each . .................100 FRESH FRUIT DRINKS MAPLE, BANANA, CHERRY AND VANILLA ICE CREAM Wend' f'S Bakerg and Confeadonerg Makers of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" Bread