HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1933-08-03, Page 6"AGE 6 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD •NE VI S AN Y HAPPENJNGS OF INTEREST Timely Infonnation for the : Busy Farmer ( +'urnished by the Department of Agriculture ) d New Cold Storage Plants' Two new cold storage 'warehouses are in course ,of erection in fault - growing districts of Ontario. The Oxford Fruit, Co -Operative has be- gun work on a two-storey concrete and brick cold storage warehouse at Woodstock, which will cost $30,000. It will have a 10,000 -barrel capacity and will be ready for the fall ,pack of apples The Lambton 'Cold Storage Company is also erecting a two-stor•7 ey building, which will have a capa- city of 5,000 barrels storage with a large packing, room in addition. It is located at Forest and will prove a boon to the fruit growers of that district. The cost- is placed at $15,7 000. i ;. C=e7�0 "Rust" Disease "The 'rust' disease that attacks outdoor flowers such as Snapdragon and Hollyhock", .said J, F. Clark, horticultural fieldman, Agricultural Societies Branch, 'Scan be controlled by keeping the plants thoroughly dusted with sulphur. The spores of the fungi, which cause this disease, are killed when they come into con- tact with sulphur on the plants, thus preventing infection. Sulphur may also be used as a treatment for the control of black spot and mildew on Roses. "The tarnished plant" bug is fre- quently destructive to the buds of dahlias and zinnias together with other flowering plants. Dust mix, tures applied by means of a hand; blower are of value, especially to- bacco dust Hydrated lime when dusted on is proving beneficial." • . ' aIC• s> f y Vegetable Crops Discussing vegetable conditions in Ontario, George Rush, vegetable spa. cialist, Horticultural Branch, said that the yield of early potatoes is considerably below that of last year, and that fair prices have caused many growers to market their crop early. A. certain percentage of growers, however, are holding back in the hope of a greater yield and believing that prices will remain at their present level. Tomatoes have suffered to some extent with lateral blooms not set, 'Ling so well. Staked tomatoes have given best results in fruit sets. 'Beet and carrot crops are fair, and heavy plantings for late crops have been made. Peas, both canning and market. are finished. Cabbage erops have been good, with large supplies still available. Late plantings in cabbage and cauliflower are large. ox Potato Yields Decrease, Prices Reasonably Firm Unlike other years, says C. W. Bauer of the Ontario Growers' Mar- kets Council, first plantings of poi tatoes have already been harvested' and supplies are now coming from later districts and second early plantings, whieh materially reduces available supplies. Yields have vara led from twenty to fifty bags per acre as against, sixty to seventy-five bags a year ago. Even though the yield is light, the sample is excep. tionally good. 1 Unless growers become nervous the price should remain reasonably firm and, as to available supplies, it is doubtful if there are more than sufficient to carry the demand until the late crdp is ready for harvesting, +tom Pasture For Pigs Pasture for pigs may undoubtedly be madegooduse a on the average f g farm. This method of feeding, how- 1 - YOUTH IN CHICAGO What are you going to be when you grow up" , A, gangster." ' ' L Listy, Prague. ever has disadvantages, particularly with the active bacon hog, owing to the opportunity for excessive exer, eise froi the stand point of fast finishing and the liability . of little pigs to stunting , through sunburn and the combined' effects of sunburrj and dew. With plenty of skim milk or buttermilk, both the experimental' evidence and that of practical feed, ers would indicate that growing ba- con hogs may be fed for market more economically indoors or in well shaded pens, supplied with molts for green feed, preferably in the form of alfalfa or clover. Racks are essential to the prevention of waste Ontario Agriculture Well Represent- ed at Regina A very comprehensive picture of Ontario agriculture is being given to the visitors at -the World's Grain Exhibition and Conference through the large educational exhibit that has been prepared by the Extension Department of O.A.C. for the Ontar, io Department of Agriculture. The display is 120 feet in length, and is divided into five units that show the most recent advances in poultry and hog production, and the latest developments in cereal and legume breeding that have been made in Ontario. These four panels are balanced about the central unit which provides a key to the whole scheme with the caption, "Ontario, Agriculture: A Well Balanced System With Much Live Stock, and Regular Rotation of Crops'" The idea of crop rotations as the most important factor in the success of Ontario agriculture is also very 'forcibly presented in the central pan, el by means of an eight -foot wheel, which revolves slowly, showing in a very striking manner the crops and arrangement that go to make up a good rotation for Ontario. ear Weather Conditions Setback to . Ontario Cattle Business Live stock in Western Ontario is experiencing a setback due to the drought of the past two months, says George II. Duncan, live stock investigator•, Ontario Marketing Board. Pastures are dried out to such an extent that cattle are barely holding their own, even on increased acreage of pasture land. Without more favorable weather conditions, many cattle will be unfinished by the coining autumn, or will reach the market later than usual. To obtain better returns the produc, er will have to exercise greater .care than ever before in the marketing of such cattle. Heavy supplies of un- finished cattle reaching the market will, undoubtedly, demoralize the en. tire live stock trade. Improving .Alfalfa Yields Reports from most of the 24 farm demonstration experiments conduct- ed in 22 counties by the Department of Chemistry, O.A,C. are in. The fig, ures bring out some interesting facts. 1933 growing season has been fairly favourable in many sections, but severe droughts have reduced yields to a considerable extent. Neverthe- less, results of great interest remain. An application of fertilizers of 875 lbs. per acre in early spring result- ed this year in an average Increase of 3,298 lbs. green alfalfa per acre, This was 31.2 per cent greater yield than that obtained from unfertiliz- ed alfalfa. The highest yielding fer- tilizer was again l-12-45,• which this year gave an average increase of 34.6 per cent over unfertilized. The average yield for the 221 farm eriment 1 fertilizer exp son alfalfa con- ducted over the province during the past four years shows an average increase for fertilizers of 4,033 lbs. or 29.2 per cent and in addition valu- able residual gain. Three common analysis tested in all four years have given the fol, lowing results, -0-12-6, 23.7 per cent increases; 242-6, 29.7 per cent in- creases; 0-12-15, 40.5 per cent in- creases. The cost of 375 lbs of the. of the fertilizers used ranges front $5.25 to $7.50 per acre. The, 1983 figures again confirm the findings of the previous three years; high potash fertilizers pay best on alfalfa. Alfalfa being a legume, has the power to extract nitrogen from the air and fix it in the soil by vie, tue of the structure of its roots. It is logical, therefore, to interpret the figures given to mean that, when the alfalfa crop is established, it can supply its own nitrogen, but that it benefits materially from the adds-` tion of phosphate, and especially pot- ash, i T Growers Protected Under New Fruit Act Reg- Demonstration Wood - illations Adopted Providing for Licensing lot on Blue Water and Bonding of Jobbers, Commission "Highway Houses and Truckers Particulars , of the !Ontario Fruit Act, 1933, respecting the sale, consignment and inspection of fruits and vegetables grown in the Pro- vince were announced by the De, partment of Agriculture recentlyt The provisions of the new bill and the regulations under which it is made effective are given by Mr. P. W. Hodgetts, Director, Ontario Fruit Branch, Parliament- Buildings, To- ronto, who has been made adminis, trator of the measure. 'Application forms for permits and particulars of bond regulations are available at that office. The Act, on the initiative of Cal one! Thomas' L. Kennedy, Ontartc Minister of Agriculture, passed at the last session of the Provincial Legislature. Since that time regu, lations• governing all fruit and vege- table transporters, and commission agents have been drafted and passed by Order -in -Council. A form o$ surety, bond has also been drawn up and approved by both the various fidelity and insurance associations and the fruit trade. . The new Act in the first place pro- vides for the validation in Ontario oil the Dominion Fruit Act. Owing to legal technicalities there has been some doubt in the past` as to the status of this Federal Legislation within the Province. Henceforth all closed packages of fruits and vege tables intended for sale either with- in or destined for points outside of the Province will be subject to in- spection. The Act also more clearly defines those engaged in the Fruit and Vege, table trade, commission houses and truckers. Under the bill all agencies interested in the handling of fruits and vegetables on a consignment basis and truckers handling from the Ontario Fruit Branch and be bonded as to their financial responsibility. Original producers are exempt from the provisions of the Act. Car- riers and truckers operating as bona fide transportation agents on a de- finite tariff schedule are also exempt provided they do not engage in buy ing and selling the goods transport. ed. Under the Act applications for a permit to engage in or carry on business in fresh fruits and vegetab- les have to be made to the Ontario Department of Agriculture upoh a prescribed form by the applicant. The fees payable for a permit and for each annual renewal are $2.00 for a trucker or fruit transporter and $25.00 for a brokerage house jobber or commission agent. No permit or renewal will be is- sued to any person wire has default; ed in making full payment of all moneys owing by him for fruits and vegetables purchased, sold or trans, ported by him during the preceding twelve months of the date of appli- cation. Neither will a permit be issued un- til the applicant furnishes a surety company bond. For a trucker or fruit transporter this bond must be for not less than ;$10,000. The se- curity furnished is conditioned capon the proper accounting and payment of all moneys due on the purchase or commission handling of fruits and vegetables. Everyone engaged in the business in the Province is required to take out a permit or fur, nish satisfactory proof that he is not subject to the provisions of the Act, Most of the new legislation is simply intended to clarify and re- place existing legislation and pro. vide the machinery to tarry it out. The measure is not aimed at regu- lating the industry or any section of it, but it places truckers in a defin, ite category when engaged in the fruit produce business . and brings them under the jurisdiction of laws already in force. Commission hous- es have almost unanimously asked for this legislation and reputable truckers operating in the same line of business will also welcome the protection the new regulations of ford, It is felt that the new measure will go a long way toward the better protection of both growers and . the trade. Sound and reliable jobbing and commission houses will not be subject to unfair competition from 'fly,by-might' firms operating through price -cutting, secret rebates, ,com.• missions and when in trouble declar, ing a voluntary • bankruptcy to tits- oharge their obligations. Indiscrim- inate and itinerant trucking will be brought under observation and'con- trol. Legitimate trucking when. ful- filling its proper role as a transpor- tation agency_ will be encouraged to expand and develop. Growers will be protected from `bogus check' ar- tists and assured at all times that the moneys they receive are the full • proceeds after proper accounting froth the sales of their :produce. A much healthier situation within' all the marketing• agencies of the in; dustry should result. CROP REPORT. Further deterioration in all crops in the Prairie Provinces has talien place during the past week owing to lack of moisture and hot weather, and poor crops, with consequent feed shortage, are indicated over a large part of the Southern and .Central ar, eas of. the three Provinces. Condi- tions in the Northern areas are more favourable. Damage from grasshop- pers continues over large areas. of Saskatchewan and Manitoba, while frosts have occurred in Alberta. As indicated in previous reports, the Prairie crop of all grains will be considerably below average. In Quebec weather conditions have been favourable and crops generally have advanced satisfactorily, but rain is now needed in most sections. In Ontario while there have been no general rains for some weeks, and as a result estimated yields are reduc- ed, recent heavy showers in some dis tricts have been beneficial. In the Maritime Provinces crops generally are making good progress. In Bri, tish Columbia continued warm, bright weather is rapidly ripening crops which generally are of good quality. Province of Ontario Fall wheat threshing is under way. An average yield of 20 to 30 bushels per acre of fair to average quality is indicated. Shring wheat will be a light crop. Barley and oats ripened. too quickly. The yield will be con- siderably below average. Excessive heat has burnt Burley tobacco and a light yield is indicated. Blue tobac- co is fairly satisfactory. Improve- nrent in torn is shown in districts where rain has fallen and a fair to average crop is indicated. A good hay crop has been well cured. The second growth will be small. Recent rains have been beneficial to root crops but more moisture is required. Apples are promising. Pasturage Is badly dried up in most districts. HOG SHIPMENTS Report of HogShipments for the month ending June 30, 1933: Brucefield—Total hogs, 192; select bacon, 28; baeon, 75; butchers, 44; heavies, 3; extra heavies, 1; lights and feeders, 34. Clinton -Total thogs, 721; select bacon, 800; bacon, 356; butchers, 39; heavies, 5; extra heavies, 2; light and feeders, 8. Hensall—Total bogs, 64; select ba- con, 20; bacon, 31; butchers, 3. Auburn :Total hogs, 178; select bacon, 75. bacon, 91; butchers, 7. Huron Co. Locals—Total hogs, 3083; select bacon, 888; bacon, 1947; butchers, 153; heavies, 25; lights and feeders, 21. Huron County—Total hogs, 5922; select bacon, 1875; bacon, 3481; but - Chen, 365; heavies, 43; extra heavies, 2; lights and feeders, 43. SOME'FALL FAIR DATES Ailsa Craig—,Sept. 21, 22, Atwood—Sept. 22, 23. Bayfield—Sept. 27, 28. Brussels—;Sept. 28, 29. Chesley--,Sept. 19, 20. Dungannon—Oct. 5, 6. Exeter --Sept. 19, 20. Goderich—Sept. 19, 20. Gorrie—Oct. 7. Kirkbon—Oct. 3, 4. Listowel—Sept. 20, 21. London (Wiest. Fair)—Sept. 11, 16. Lucknow-Sept. 28, 29. Mildmay—(Sept. 19, 20. Milverton—;Sept. 14, 15. Mitchell --Sept. 26, 27. New Hamburg—+Sept, 15, 16. Ottawa (Central Can.) Aug. 21, 26. Palmerston—'Sept. 22, 23. Parkhill—Sept. 29. Ripley --{Sept. 26, 27. iSeaforth—Sept. 21, 22. Stratford—,Sept. 18, 20. Toronto (C.N.E.)-Aug. 25, Sep. 9, Wingham-•=Oct. 6, 7. Zurich—Sept. 25, 26. International • Plowing Match, Derby Tp. Owen Sound, Grey County—Oet. 10, 13. Ottawa Winter Fair. --1 ov. 14, 17. Royal (Toronto) -.=,Nov. 22, 30. TOO MUCH 'Gladys -Are you asking Mollie Price to your party? Joan—..No; 'my husband doesn't like her, ,Gladys --i see, And what about Beryl Barlow? Joan—alto, dear. 'My husband. likes her. .. r .. Thomas Westlake's fine woodlot, five miles south of Bayfield, has been chosen. Mr: Westlake is co-operating with officials of the Forestry Branch in the management of his fifteen acre woodlot, Intensive forestry prac- tices will be applied, and it is hoped that it will show farmers a better and more profitable method of handling their woodland. • There are far more different me, thods of management being practis ed in farmers' woodlots than with any other crops on the farm. There are different reasons why there is so great a diversity 'of management. 1. Many still continue the prac- tices that were employed when clear- ing the land. These were correct when wood had little value and the object was to clear the land, but an entirely different management is advisable when the object is to keep an area in productive woodland. 2. The combining of the pasture with the woodland generally results in the gradual deterioration and e, ventual disappearance of the wood - lot. 3. It takes a long time to grow a tree and often the owner realizes the, largest amount possible from his woodland and does not consider the future. 4. The buzz -saw has been indirect- ly responsible for the slashing of many fine polewood stands, as the 6" —8" poles make fine buzz -wood, while the old mature trees have to be worked up by tate cross -cut saw and 5. axe. Many do not realize that trees are a crop that mature and then de- cline in value. They only utilize the fallen and defective timber and of- ten they pride themselves on pre- serving an area of woodland. They would do more for woodlot preserve, tion and have a finer woods if they cut the trees when sound, as a high- er profit would be realized and their financial success would encourage their neighbours to follow their ex, ample. 6. The principles of thinning and improving a woods by cuttings Is not generally understood in this country as our training the past hundred years has been to slash, burn the rest and then clear the land for cropping. Mr. Westlake's woodlot is hard- wood, composed of sugar maple, beech, basswood, white ash, iron, wood, white elm, slippery elm and walnut. Fifteen years ago it was a scattered tree woodlot, that is so common in Ontario to -day. The stock had the run of the bush and they browsed the seedlings, broke the sapiings, injured the roots of the large and packed the soil. The stock was fenced out and there is now a fine young stand of trees up to three inches in diameter. A woods with scattered trees ra,, sults in trees with large crowns and short trunks. These large crowned trees interfere with and often ruin fine young growth. These are known as wolf or hog trees and they are gradually being taken out. The young trees will grow much faster because they have been released frosty the shade and competition of the large trees. Trees shculd be spaced closely when small, in order that they will be forced to grow straight and tall. thus developing long, boles with little taper. These are very valuable tim- ber trees and give the highest fin, aneial returns. Nature is very pro; lific and often the trees are spaced too closely and the intense competi, tion results in stagnation. A thin- ning of the young growth results in more vigorous growth by the re• maining trees. The material that is removed usually is worth more for fuelwood than the cost of removing it. These thinnings should be con- tinued at intervals in the growing of a stand of timber as the number of trees per acre is always being re, duced as the trees increase in size. These thinnings give the owner an opportunity to favour the 'more valuable species. A thinning of the young growth is being carried on in Mr. Westlake's woodlot; most of the ironwood is being taken out as it does not reach timber size. There is considerable beech in the young growth, and when in competition with sugar maple and white ash, is cut as it is not consid- ered as valuable. The few walnuts are given preference" over the other species."The walnuts have been seed- ed in the bush by squirreI•s that .se-, cured the nuts . from a tree in a neighbor's yard. Sound, straight; vigorous trees were given. the pre, ferenee over ones with decay, broken branches, and crooked stems. It is advisable to remove the large 'tim ber'before thinning the young growth as sometimes•the email trees are da, maged when the large trees are fel- led. Thereis eonsidera'bie white ash in FAR THURS., "AUGUST 3, 1933 EAS the young growth and there were on, ly a few white ash seed trees. White ash requires more light for reproduc- tion and growth' than Sugar maple and beech, and if owners wish td se, cure more white ash in their stands they should make openings in the woods near white ash seed, trees. The material that is being taken out is being worked up into fuel wood. Last winter fifty cords of 14" wood were secured from wolf trees and the thinnings in the young growth, . which averages 1"-5" in diameter, make excellent fuelwood, Thirty-five to forty cords of 14" wood has been taken out annually for fifteen years and small amounts of timber for a house and for sale have been cut at different times. Mr. Westlake intends to plant. pines and spruces in a few Openings that have not seeded up. Very little planting is necessary in a woods. A few trees well planted in favourable locations are better than thousands poorly planted in the thick natural growth. It may be advisable later to cut back the natural young growth that is interfering with the planted trees. A sign has been placed on the read adjacent to the woods stating • that it is a demonstration woodlot. A well stocked woodlot is an asset to a farm,'and it may be developed' into a more valuable financial asset by practising intensive forestry which is economically possible with aa. farmer's woodlot,' as all .the material that is removed in improvement cut- tings has a value for. fuelwood. It provides the farmer with a convert. ient and cheap supply of fuel. The work is carried on during the winter when other' farm work is not pres- sing. Mr. Westlake may cut his fuel. wood, and tape out a small amount of timber annually without depleting his woodlot as the growth on the re- maining trees the next year will ' equal the volume of wood removed- It will become more valuable as the -weed trees will be gradually elimin, ated and be replaced by the more valuable timber trees; The woodlot will be in a healthy growing condi- tion arid the volume of wood growth will be increased as the decayed, ov, er-mature, broken -topped trees will - be removed and competition that stunts trees will be lessened by jud icious thinnings. ,SEAFORTH: •A delightful trous- seau tea at which about 60 guests were present was held at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. George W. Wheatley, of Hallett near Seaforth, Friday after, noon, in honor of their daughter, Blanche, whose marriage to Rev, Charles W. Leslie, M.A., son of Mr. and Mrs. George h Leslie Ingersoll, will take place in Emmanuel College, Toronto, early• in August. Mrs. Wheatley, mother of the bride -elect and Mrs. T. ,Lindsay received the guests. Miss Minnie Wheatley, Mrs. Carson Allen and Mrs. Bert Ander, son presided over the display of the trousseau presents and linen, Miss Elizabeth Mills had charge of the register in which 60 names were in- scribed; Mrs. W. Carnochan and Mrs. W. Britton were hostesses at the tea table, assisted by Mrs. J. Ferguson, Miss Cora Strong, Mrs. W. Scott, Mrs. B. Snell, Mrs. C. Riley, Mrs. J. Hugill, Mrs, Farquhar and Miss Annie Ashley. BRUSSELS: Mrs. Edward Pollard received word of the death of her brother, D. P. Cantelon, at Nortli Vancouver He was in the Iumber business for a number of years, but in poor health for the past two. Ire was in his 67th year and leaves his widow. GODERICIt: At high noon on Thursday, Ella Correja, elder daugh- ter of Rev. George T. and Mrs. Watts Goderich, was married to Lester L. IIaws, B.A., son of Mr. and Mrs. Hor- ace Haws, of Duluth, Minn. The ceremony was performed by the bride's father at her home, North Street United Church parsonage, Given in marriage by her uncle, S. T. Duffin, of Toronto, the bride was charmingly attired in blue lace and carried a bouquet of roses and sweet peas. Her bridesmaid was Miss Alice Johnston, of London, who wore a pretty dress of pink net and carried a bouquet of Johanna roses and sweet peas. Little Hazel Watts, sister of the bride, made a winsome flower girl in a dainty frook of yellow or- gandie. The groom was attended by Clayton Watts, brother of the bride, and Raymond Player played the wed, ding march During the signing of the register Miss Mary Purdy, of London, sang "0 Perfect Love." The honeymoon will be spent at eastern points and after September 1 Mr.. and Mrs. Haws will reside at Flan- ders, Long Island, N.Y,, where Mr. Haws has been appointed pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Guests were present from Duluth, Minneapolis, Toronto, Hamilton and London. , ems[ Hh,NSALL: The annual Pepper re-nuion, held at Queen's Park, Stratford, was enjoyed by a large number of connections and friends. The day was ideal and before noon a large number had gathered from Toronto, Sarnia, Guelph, London, Mitchell, Seaforth, Clinton, Bruce - field, Goderich, Hensall, Kippen, Dublin and Trent River. A program of sports was carried out during- the uringthe afternoon under the leadership of Mrs. Yeo of Toronto and Mrs. C. It: Pepper, of Toronto. The officers appointed for next year were: Char= Ies Pepper, Toronto, chairman; Mrs. Win. Pepper, Hensall, sec,,treas.; executive, George Pepper, Dublin; Fred Pepper, Clinton, Wm. Pepper, Hensel]. Wm. Pepper, Toronto, Rol- and Pepper, Trent River, Mr. and Mrs. Ermine Pepper, Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. G. W, Pepper, London, and' Mr. and Mrs. 'C. R. Pepper, Toron- to, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pepper over the week -end. ZURICH: Dr. and. Mrs. Joseph Routledge, Zurich, announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Ida Josephine, to Leonard .Arthur Birk, B.S.A., of Guelph, son of Mr. Adam ink and the late Mrs. Birk, of Dashwood, the marriage to take place early in August. tezratseso EXETER: Because of a thunder- storm which broke over here Sunday night the band concert which -was to have been given in Victoria Park had to be postponed. Thirteen cars brought Bandmaster Huokins and ' his players from Goderich only to be disappointed. When the rain des- cended the people dispersed to near- by shelter. Reeve B. M. Francis thought •of the rink, but it was later learned there were no lights, as after the skating season the lighting sys- tem was turned off. There was a. large crowd assembled and great was the disappointment The band' has over 50 members. TRAVEL BY RAIL LO SUMM R VACATION FARES COMFORT, SAFETY, Low COST You can go farther afield than ever for this year's vacation... taking advantage of new tow fares . Know the glorious ex- 'perience of a holiday in Jasper National Park or realize your dream of a trip to Alaska or the Pacific coast ...Equally attractive fares to vacation regions in On- tario, Quebec and the Maritime Provinces ... 'This is the vaca- tion opportunity of a lifetime. Make the most of it. Pall details from any age,,, of CANADIAN NATION L. 1 t ti I ETt7RN FAttitS fro,,, CLINTON To Jasper $$2.95:., To Vancoever, Victoria. Smite, Portland, $104,70 raa f