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TUCKERSMITH of some months.
Mrs. C. McCartney and fancily of
The regular monthly meeting of Detroit are holiday visitors with Mr.
the Tuekersmith Ladies' Club was and Mrs. H. McCartney.
held at the home of Mrs. J. E. Ball)
Wednesday afternoon, with a good
attendance. The president, ,Mrs. It.
Fear, presided. The roll call was an-
:swered by "A Scotch Story."
It being Children's Day, they had
'charge of the program. Readings
were given by M. •Oriels, le. Whitmore
Miss .Margaret Crich and Miss Ploy,
once Whitmore favored with a duet.
A photo contest was conducted by
Mrs. F. Fear which was very 'emus-
ing. The remainder of theafternoon
was spent in games which the chil,
dren enjoyed very much. The roil
call for the September meeting is to
be answered by "Helpful hints for
style or beauty."
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stephenson
and family and Mr. A. B. Stephenson
spent Sunday as guests of Mr. and
Mrs. M. Hanley, London Road.
Miss Isabel Forbes has returned to
her home after spending some time
•with her friend, 'Miss Kathigen Bea.
Miss Kathryn Drysdale of Hensel]
is visiting her friend, Miss Helen
Kathleen n Beano entertained
m o tette ed
a number of her girl friends ° to a
party on Wednesday afternoon, a few
'days prior to herr birthday.
Mr. Randall Colo motored to Que.
'bee on Friday last to take a summer
course in French in preparation to
teach in Zurich where he . has ac-
eepted a position for the coming year;
The many friends of Mr. James
'Ferguson are pleased to see him c-
lout again after. his serious illness
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Forbes of
the 18th concession wear a broad
smile . as a wee on has conte to
brighten their home,
Miss Mildred Bezzo of Kitchener
is visiting her cousin, Miss Margar,
et Biggins.
Miss Olive Thompson. is visiting
her brother, John R. Thompson, at
St. Marks Rectory, London,
Misses Betty and Lulu Carson of
London are spending seine holidays
with their cousin, Mary Thompson.
Miss Anna Baugh, M.D., of Bruce,
field, called on old friends of the
18th concession. Miss Haugh was,
a former teacher of S. S. No. 4.
Ml. Fred Savauge of Seaforth
will take the Ebenezer :appointment
on Sunday afternoon at 2.30.
Mr_ and ;Mrs. C. If. Haugh, Bruce -
field, announce the engagement of
their daughter Anna May Haugh, M,
D., to Mr. W. John leleIntosh, MA.,
son of Mrs. McIntosh and the late
Jamesonto o
M I sh, Seaforth, ,the mar-
riage to take place in August.
Record List of Entries for Five
Races -$2,500 in Purses
The next great rasing event of the
season will be the banner race meet
to lie held at Goderien on August 7th,
1933 (civic holiday), with the largest
entry list ofgood horses ever
brought together at • one thee at any
race meet in Canada.
THURS., AUGUST 3, 1933
The Opening of the Londesboro Bridge
Before a large crowd of people aro born that way. •
the Hon. W. H.. Martin, Minister of !Whatever our • creed or 'faith we
Public Works for Ontario .cut the must . respond to the challenge of
ribbonand declared the nese . Lon- 1 the times for the best . is yet • to "be.
desboro Bridge officially open, M.
Jas. Leiper, reeve of Hallett, intro-
duced the Hon. Mr. Martin, Mi•.
•Martin made .a brief speech. at the
opening because he was to be the
guest speaker later len in the 'after-
noon. The grand Callithumpian;
parade passed over the bridge and up
to the village. It was a splendid ' his neighbor.
,parade, headed by the, Blyth eBand Mr. Leiper + introduced Mr. W.
and containing trade and organiza-
tion floats, comic floats and indivi-
duaI entries. It was very impressive
an the whole and speaks well of the
enthusiasm m the community. A of Parliament always wanted to do
list of prizes will be given else-
Atter the judging was over the
crowd moved •over to the band-stantl
to hear the speakers of the after-
noon. The band opened with, "The
Maple Leaf." Mr. Jas. Leiper acted
as chairman and he filled that office
admirably as he made a few brief
remarks and ea/led on The Hon. Mr.
Martin to deliver his address.
Mr. Martin spoke first of the op-
ening of the new bridge which was
to mean so much to the community.
He commented on the fact that their
trust have been a good community)
spirit behind the enterprize. Mr.
Martin stated that a friendly fellow/
ship between the members of a com-
munity was tbe means of lifting it
out of the so•,ealled depression. He
turned to the Community Hall and
said that was another instance ` of
their untiring enterprise.
lilt. Martin then began: the long,
round -about way to his subject, but
it is clearly understood what he
meant. He stated that Canada was
taking her place in the world as a
busy, young country, with great re-
sources, industries and means of
transportation. Transportation was
the theme of Mr. Martin's address.
He pointed out the immense mileage
of our great ,railway companies,
stretching 3,000 miles across Can-
ada, tbe Hudson Bay railway, the T.
&N.O. and James Bay railway. The
Waterways development was illus-
trated by the Welland Ship Canal
Which means so much to the inland
ports. All these improvements have
Ied to the industrial development of
Ontario. Mr. Martin went on to the
subject of highways and spoke of
the networks of good paved reads
in Ontario. He estimated thele at
10,000 miles and the improved grav-
el roads at 10,000 miles. He said
that those who wished to take motor
trips n.sed rte longer turn to the
United States,
We •cannot reach this high destiny
unless we are united in the fellow-
ship of the community. Individual,
ism does not help us. We can help
the Almighty' to mend the broken
world if . each person consecrates his
energy to work for the equality ' of
men and is in love and charity with
Golding as the next speaker. Mr.
Golding spokw with enthusiasm for
the successful field days held in
Londesboro. .IIe. said that members,
Mr. Martin said that the opening
of the new bridge meant, opportune
Mies of improving the marketing
conditions, to make better the slogan
-"Trona producer to consumer." As
Ontario improves her highways she
increases the tourist t.--'fic. Mr.
Martin ratted it the fourth best in-
dustry in Canada. It will soon bring
more profits than our pulp iedustryi
The scenery along the highways of
Canada is second to•nono. As always,
Mr. Martin returned to the chief
subject -the opening • of the new
bridge. He said it eves symbolic cf
the spirit of unity.. A. bridge in or-
der to do that does not have to be
huge like the Quebec bridge or the
Peace bridge at Niagara Falls and
Buffalo or the Ambassador bridge
at Windsor -.Detroit. Thea modest
structure of the Londesboro bridge
showed the co-operative enthusiasm.
of the community and therefore will
be a real help to them econcmically
and socially. Such a spirit of unity
and co-operation is very necessary
in tunes of depression because it
brings the people together to serve
their community. The community
would not made advancements if the
people were individualists, every man
for himself. Therefore the people
of Ontario should all be bridge build,
era -•ready to surmount all obgtae-
les and difficulties and each should
work for the good of all.
Mr. Martin said that one compen-
sation in the days of depression is
the spirit of humanitarianism. We
are emerging from a period of tra,
veil with our colours securely nailed
to the mast.
Mr. Martin wished to pay tribute
to the public-spirited 'citizens who
are always behind the enterprises of
the community, Mr. Martin called
such people Canada's privelegeel
class. They have opportunities of
helping those who would otherwise
be unemployed. Mr. Martin felt sure
that the work of the optimistic, nev-
er say die, citizens would be record,
ed in history. They will not be for-
gotten even when the depression hay
faded from memory and better times
have returned. Such work might, be
called a Crusade of National Ser-
vice, a service of helpfulness.
Mr. Martin said there was no
reason to feel despondent over pre,.
sent censornic conditions when we
remember the sterling work of the
pioneers who suffered many hard-
ships and privations. Canada faces
an era of restoration and expansion
such 00 she has neevr known before.
He quoted, the words of a leading
man in his address to the Canadian
club in New York. tte said that we
in Canada Ionic on good times as
natural and bad times as, merely ae
interlude. We can not help it. We
the best ,they
could for
their con tit,
uencies and .community gatherings•
Were. very helpful because ere could
understand the general opinions • of
the people. •
Mr. Golding said • that we were
witnessing a very successful function
and that not all of us would realize
the work which lay behind. Some
one had to conceive of the idea first
and then their were needed able per,
sons who could carry out the plans.
The opening of the new bridge, Mr.
!Golding went on to say, was anoth,
er historical event in this part ort
the province, It is only a little over
a hundred years ago that the Huron
Tract was opened to settlement. 'Me-
thods of travel of that day and to-
day 'are vastly different, The en-
gineers have kept pace with ;the
needs of the people and their work is
to be commended.
Mr. Golding also had warm words
of appreciation for the nature of
the gathering which assembled in
Londesboro. He said that such a
spirit of enthusiasm and co -opera,
tion gives a knock -out blow. to old
man depression. Mr. Golding gave
us many quotations to show that
there have been depressions and de,
pressions in the past and that they
have all been surmounted by the de-
terminant will of the people. There,
fore we should not moan now but
set about to do all we can to bring
better tines.
Mr. George Spotton, 3d. P., for
North Huron spoke briefly and 1mui-
arousty. Seriously, ho thought the'
the bridge on Highway No. 4 would
mean a great deal to the people of
the community and to those of oth-
er districts. .It tends to lead away
from the idea of centralization
which means that outlying districts
are forgotten, merely necessary evils
to the central forces. The Govern,
1110115 has clone very well in building
highways. Of course they begat,
where•traffic was of more conse-
quence and he hoped the future
governments would not weary le
well -doing by the time they were be-
ginning to reach the outlying coon,
tics. Mr, Spotton went en to say that'
had he 'come from Wingbanl instead
of from Toronto he would have
brought with him ti gentleman, Mr,
Musgrove, who remembers walking
across the Maitland there where the
new bridge now stands, when the
means of crossing was a log. After
malting sincere compliments to the
people of the community for thei 1
spirit of friendly co-operation, Mr.
Spotton went on to say that in the
East the people induce an elephant
to walk across a newly constructed
bridge and if all goes well the bridge
is declared open, and Mr. Smitten
our genial member, who is of valley
Iarge proportions, said he had walk-
ed across, and therefore the Lon,
desboro bridge was safe. Mr. Spot -
ton sat down amid merry laughter.
1Vh•. C. A. Robertson, M.P.P. for
North Huron was called upon for a
few remarks.
141r. Robertson spoke briefly on
the advantage ef good roads and
good bridges to the province. Ide
was very happy to be present at such
a happy community gathering " and
felt that they had a better sphit be,
cause they were away from central
forces, places where people thought
about material weatlh.
Mr..David Cantelon of Clinton wee
called upon to add a few words. Mr.
Cantelon told us that he .is the old-
est ex -warden of the county. He
was on the county .council when a
large number of the iron bridges
were constructed. in the oeunty, iron
bridges such as the ono at Landes,
bora had been. Mr. Cantelon, said
that when the bridges were built
they were very praud of then, They
were considered good• enough to last
for ages. The builders of that day
had no inkling of what a few years
would bring in the way of rapid
transport. In the olden days there
were toll -gates on the bridges to
help defray the expenses and to -dal
we have a tax on gasoline to help
improve our highways. •
Mr. W. G. Medd, M.P., for Soutli
Huron, also spoke briefly. He of-
fered hearty congratulations to the
community on' their part of co-op-
eration in the building of the new
bridgee on the highway. iY.Mr. Medd
said sties` the social life of the com-
munity iS very important. The
bridge will bea big asset in further-
ing better communication among the
people. Mr. Medd went on to say
that the economic depression was
the theme of all speeches. Before the
depression the people were more in-
terested :in , material gains' than
they were in the moral and ethical
sides :of their lives. The result was
the fever of speculation and . the
ultimate crash in 1929. - The peoople
of rural ' communities stress the
moral and ethical rather titan the
material sides of life. They stress
those elements which 'make for gooc'
manhood and good 'womanhood. He
closed with ae
f w remarks on his
Pleasure in being present at such a
successful function in .his native
We 'announce the following prize
list. It is in no wise complete, , but
we were unable to get in touch' with
those who had results of sortie of
the sports. "Messrs. Geo. Elliott of
Clinton, J. I3. 15. Elliott` of Blyth and
Mr. Robt. Riddell of Auburh acted
as . judges. Geo, Cowan acted 00
master •of ceremonies: .
Best trade or •organization float,
1st, The Women's Institute, "Floc
homeand country.";, c m Y• 2nd, D; Ewan;
agent for the International. Special
decorated float, . 1st, Charles W'ata
son, a 'patriotic float: Best decor/
ated cars, lst, Manning Bros., cart
decorated in white and yellow with.
marguerites for headlights; 2nd, .1,
McCool, very dainty decorations In
pink and white; 3rd, P. Carter, env
decorated in many colours; 4th,
Ralph Jesting, (car driven by Morley
Jordan), decorated in orchid and
white. Best comic group, motor dri-
ven, 1st, Those who. called thernseI,
ves "No. 4 Highway,"; 2nd, William
Wells; 3rd, Gordon Radford. Best
eontic, horse-drawn, lst, Alex. Welsh;
2nd, Harvey Flunking; 3rd, Gipsies
from Sleepy Hallow, Best comic
group on feet, 1st, Miss Mains, Mrs,
Brunsdon'apd Mrs. Manning; 2nd,
The Bears, Misses Lily and Annie
Garrett; 3rd, The Indians, identite.
unknown. The Best Jazz band; 1st,
Rapson Bros.; 2nd, Cap Cook, C.
Brown, Art Groves. Oldest married
couple in the parade,, Mr. and Mrs.
Robt. Ferris of Londesboro, whose
combined ages total to 169 years.
Best Juvenile and fancy dress, under
7 years, 1st, Bride and Groom, Betty.
Brunsilon and Phyllis McCool; 2nd,
Jean Little; 3rd, Joan Tamblyn.
Best Juvenile Corrie under 7, lst,
Jack Tamblyn; 2nd, Helen Groves;
3rd, Donald Flunking. Most recently
married couple in parade, Mr. and
Mrs. Major Yungblutt. Best comic
Couple, lst, Cap. Cook and Mrs. G.
Carter; 2nd, Couple with the baby
carriage; 3rd, The Indians. Best
juvenile comic over 7, lst, one of the
Stewart boys; 2nd, Clifford Sunder-
cock. Best juvenile In fancy dress
dress over 7, lst, Phyllis Manning,
2nd, Eileen Knox. Best couple in
fancy dress, lst, Mr. B. Brunsdon
and Mrs. W. Sloan; 2nd, The Missee
Olive and Mary Moon. Best decor-
ated bicycle, 1st, Phyllis Wood, 2nd,
Edwin Fothergill. Best Clown in
Parade, Gordon Snell. Best lady
Comic in parade, Mrs. Ciolclough.
Best old time outfit, lst, Miss Allle
Allen, 2nd, Mrs, Art. Groves.
There was a water fight between
several who had a grand time lam-
basting one another with great
spouts of water from the Blyth fire -
hose. The water was pumped by an
engine from the river. They fin-
ally had to call a draw.
The soft ball games were rtin off
as follows: Clinton Pros. versus Ban-
don Boys, which ended 30-16 in fav-
our of Clinton, The next game was
between Lonciesboro and Kinburn
ending 5-3 in favour of Kinburn.
The last garne between Kinburn and
Clinton ended 3-0 in favor of CIin-
Many sat down to a very enjoyable
supper in the community hall and en-
joyed the evening program.
Miss I{athleen Logan of Blyth is
spending her holidays at the home
of her sister, Mrs. Leo, Stephenson.
Miss Annie Munn of Blenheim who
had spent a couple of weeks at the•
hone of her brother here returned
home on Thursday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. 3. Riley and son,
Nelson of Tucicersnith spent Sunday
et the home of Mr. and Mrs. frank
eli ul time washeld t the
d ghtf 1 a
home of Mr, astd Mrs. George Wheat-
ley on Friday of lash week when to
trousseau tea was held for their eld,
est daughter, Miss Blanche, whose
marriage takes place at Emmanuel
College, Toronto, on Saturday, Aug-
ust 5th.
Mrs. Ernest Ellwood and two chile
dress of Clinton spent a few clays
last week at the hone bf her sister,
Mrs. Jos. Riley.
GOD:PRICI•I: Janes MacVicar,
venerable citizen of this town, died
Saturday at his home in his 90th
yeaer. Fos eightyefour years he was
a resident of Goderich, actively asso,
Mated with the business and social
life of the town, revered and beloved)
by all for his exemplary life, 'his
honesty and integrity. Few, if any,
the e o unit
NI/CM � ester lcnotvn in h community.
b v
A lated Adam the of so tan Ellen
Grey MeeVicar, he was born at
Chatham, his parents removing to
that city from Edinburgh, Scotland.
While still a boy they came to•Gode,
rich. The deceased and his Eetliep
were for many years engaged in the
rnasom'v trade as contractors and
many of the town's buildings stand
as monument to their. workmanship.,
They were associated in the building)
of the first lighthouse, the 'county
Never frown, my darling, wben the
summer sun is shining,
You /levee got your ;wishes through
,, melancholy pining,
But smile, my dear, and'•sing a song,
rand you'll forget your sorrow.
And think not of the gloomy past,
but of the gay, to -morrow.
Sing a song pf rivulets, flowing down
the 'valley,
I•Iore they sparkle through the field,
now in the shade they dally,
There they sleep in quiet pools, mid
'groves of cedar trees, '
Now they chatter gaily flowering
down to far-off'eeae.
Sing a song of babies, safely' tucked
h3 bed at night,
With their velvet c]reelts, like flower
'petals,, tinted pink and white,
When' Wh rub lipspelted.
y are to
show tenth like little pearls,
And upon their snowy pillow is out-
spread their golden curls.
Sing a 'song of orioles, with orange
and ebon wings,
That lilt a song from the hanging
nest that in the maple swings.
Sing 'a song of baby birds that hide
within the, nest,
And snuggle all the summer clay, be,
neatlt their mother's breast.
Sing a song of marigolds, in the
bosky swale,
Sing of scented violets, o'er purpling
hill and vale;
Sing of tall white lilies, beneati the
• August moon,
Of silver thwarted birds that hide in
. pathy forest gloom.
So sing a song, my darling, to drive
away your sadness,
Sing a song Faf'love and joy, and it
will bring you gladness.
Youth and love and sunshine ever
travelled hand in hand
While grief and melancholy dwell in
a distant land,
-+Violet Fremlin.
Evening has come and peace has fel-
' len with it,
The garden has escaped from day's
trot hold.
The crickets now begin their twilight
'Tis now that garden secrets can be
The tallest plum tree waves its green
head quickly-.
Surely a scandal is afoot some,
The lilaes shake thick foliage very
slowly --
They don't believe that some-
thing's in the air!
The baby cherry trees are tense and
The cedar tree leans close as if to
The cornflowers laugh although
they're blue by nature,
And even larkspur shakes iter
graceful stalk.
A humming bird darts all about tate
The hollyhocks stand dignified and
All the cosmos shake with silent
While sleepy breezes softly slip
e'er all,
The nicotine is pearly white and
Petunias slowly nod their sleepy
A zinnia gazes now at stars that
A white mist steals across the
flower beds.
-Mora Fremlin.
courtyhouse, Maitland River bridge,
the first Grammar School (now the
Collegiate Institute), the Central
School, Acheson block and numerous
residence's in town.
The late Mr. Mac -Vicar was born
the year The Globe was founded. and
that year his father, who was asso,
.elated with Alexander Mackenzie in.
the construction oftha first Welland
Canal, subscribed for it. It has since•
been constantly in his home and he
read it daily until two days before
his death.
The deceased was president ef the
Goderich Historical .Society and an
authority on the early clays herea-
bouts. He took a prominent 'part in
the affairs of the Octogenatrian Club i
and was a lifelong Presbyterian. I-Iis
wife, the former. Margaret Ruther-
ford, died in 1920. He was of the re-
served, solid type- of Scotsman with
many gentlemanly qualities and very
:fond of ;children, by whoin he was
Surviving are seven children: Mar,
garet, George, Mts. F. R. Redditt
(Nellie), Belle, David, Mary, Janes
and Lillias,of the public school teach,
ing staff, Welland, 'All others reside
in Gocierich. •
The funeral will be held on Tues,
2. ,m, the
from family, •esi-
w h Rev. D. 3, Lane in charge
of the service. Interment will be
made in the family plot in Maitland
,The business man will see much to
broaden his knowledge of his own and
other trade activities of the world'at
the Canadian National Exhibition this
year. New business methods in tune
with the titres will be revealed. '
The U. F. Y. P. 0. organized re.
cently in Southern Huron held a un
ion picnic at Jowett's Grove, Bay-
field on Tuesday. The clubs repre,
seated were • Dashwood, Anti -Cants,
president, Kenneth Wein. Western.
Stanley, resident
to y, p , Miss 'Ann Mc,
Naughton, Stanley Night Hawks,
president, John Hyde, Tuelcersmitei
Aggressives,• president, Wallace
During the afternoon an interesting
program of sports was Tun off, re,
suiting as follows:
Young Women's race, lst, Audrey
Murdoeh, 2nd, Rete, Hayter; Young
men's race, 1st, Eugene Tiernan, 2nd,
ter and Eugene Tiernan; 2nd Audrey
Murdoch and Jas. Soutar; ;Slipper)
race, lst, Gertrude Hoffman; 2nd,
Audrey Murdoch; Boot race, Ist, Her-
eto 1 Hoh-
Res greyer, 2nd, rent' C a e H
ner; Minute race, let, Marguerite Mc-
Kenzie, 2nd, Reta Hayter.
After supper two ball games were
played. In the ,first the Dashwood
Anti -Cants beat the Tuckersenith Ag-
gressives with a score of 7-5' and in
the second game the Stanley Night
Hawks were defeated 15-6 by the
Dashwood Anti-Oants.
Dancing completed a most enjoy,
able picnic day.
Elgin Mer'ner; Pig race, lst, Gertrude
Hoffman and Albert Goetz; 2nd, Retst
Hayter and Eugene Tiernan; Clothes-
pin race, lst, Reta Hayter and Eu-
gene Tiernan; 2nd, Gertrude HoEfmar
and Albert Goetz; Graceful walking
lst, Audrey Murdoch and Clarence
Hohner; 2nd, Beatrice Dayman ante
Harvey Hohner; Necktie race, 1st,
Edith Weber and Elgin Merner; 2nd,
Reta Hayter and Eugene Tiernan;
Men's Peanut race, 1st, Bert Pud-
ner; 2nd, Andrew McKenzie; Wo-
men's Peanut race, 1st, Audrey Mur -
cloth; 2nd, Reta Hayter; Coat race,
lst, Andrey lffurdoch and Howard
Hyde; 2nd, RetaHayter and Eugene
Tiernan; Chum race, 1st, Reta Hay,
PREP°.}Y Pt,Er
Take ad-
vantage of
these low
prices on
genuine Goodyear Tires
with Speedway tread .. .
made with Supertwist
cords and guaranteed.
Colne in and let us put one
or more of these tires on
your rims. Remember: you
not only get the tire, but
you get complete service
with it.
Cole & Robinson
Phone 173 '
Tires, Gas, Oil and Batteries
We can repair any kind of a
roof, Felt, Gravel or Metal Roofs
resurfaced and made like new.
with a 10 year Guarantee.
Heating,Plumbing, Ttnsmr
:Garments Dry Cleaned by our
unusually thorough process return
to you with all their attractive,
smart qualilies revived. d. Consider
no frock or suit old until you have
asked our opinion. Wo may see
its extended service possibilities
through its outward, unattractive
appearance, We can do marvels
with "old things.' Just let us
show you!
EAMES The Cleaner
Phone 194, CLINTON