The Clinton News Record, 1933-07-13, Page 8',fPAGE S ismaraisseemeassmassaammeaszemataavas arm READ THE LETTER BELOW PROM THE WORLD'S' LARGEST ONE-PIEOE TAILORS—! Dear. Sir: re: FUTURE PRICES OF TIP TOP CLOTHES Several dealers have asked us lately whether the price of TIP TOP clothes was likely to advance at an early date; no doubt the question has been inspired by articles in the Press, regarding .the advancing prices of Wool and other commodities, It isa fad that certain grades of wool have advanced over 50 per cent lately. If this and similar advancescontin- ue, the cost of clothing will necessarily become higher, As you know, Tip Top are operating on the smallest margin of profit in the Industry, and their price will have to take care of higher costs of the materials they buy. Tip Top Tailors would be very reluctant to put their price up in the near future but, if the costs do becomehigh- • er, they will have no other alternative. If you have any friends that you wish to protect, they might like to have this information NOW. —Very sincerely yours, TIP TOP TAILORS, Limited. PRESENT PRICE—SUIT OR OVERCOAT -819.50 Plu °1'1 steel Bros. Brisket Boiling Beef, lb. Rib Boils of Beef, Ib. Beef Shanks, per lb. 5c Home -M. Sausage, 3 lbs. ..25c Boneless Corned Beef, lb.. 12c Pickled Tongues, lb. 13c Cottage Rolls, per ]b. 16c P. M. Cottage Rolls, 5. 14c .6c Roasted Spare Ribs, with ' dressing per lb, 15c 8c Headcheese, 3 lbs. for 25c Jellied Veal, per ib. 20c Corned Beef„ per lb. 20c Roast Pork Roll, lb. 25c Roast Loin or Ham with dressing, per lb. 40c Boiled Ham, per lb. 40c Schneider's or h.-. Lard, 10c Kindly order day before for early morning deliveries when possible. CO N LL1 & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 Albert Street =0=I0==== 0=0020 rr t eather e le a II50 FEET GARDEN -HOSE $4.00II SPRINKLING CANS fr:am 75c to $1.25 pWATER PAILS from 19c to 65e 0 GORGON FLY CATCHERS, 2 for Se LAWN MOWERS . $7.75 CATTLE SPRAY, 1 gallon for $1.60 0 -CEDAR FLY SPRAY, Bulk Quantity; WINDOW SCREENS, all 0 ,, widths; NEW 3 -BURNER, LORAIN STOVE; FI 1'4 0 OCCASIONAL CHAIRS FOR .GIFTS. SIJTTED PERDUE Ill n WALKER il li 11 01 11 ,=10=0===10=0=0 0=0) Hardware Funeral Directors Plumbing Furniture Phone 147w Electric Wiring 1,01•1•••.7.16 samenemmemmosima. Cash Specials �• TWO DINNER SETS on display in our window for this week -end, per set $17.00 It will pay you to buy now, as these are, English Ware and cannot be replaced at this price, owing to the change in .Sterling. CLOVER LEAF CUPS AND SAUCERS, per 1-2 dozen 49c THE HEAVIEST PLAIN WHITE OUTS and !SAUCERS IN TOWN, per 1-2 dozen 35e JELLY GLASSES WTP1 TOTS, each 5c GLASS TUMBLERS, each 5c BOWLS, for . . 10e, 15c, and 20c FANCY CAKE PLATES, each 75e and 850 MILK PITCHERS, each 17c and 23c CROCKS, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 gallons, each, per gallon - 25c 4 -GALLON CROCKERY CHURN $1,99 WATER MELLONNS, each for 49c ICING SUGAR, per ]b. 10e TEA has advanced but we will have on Sale far this week -end Black and Maxed, per 1b. 290 TOASTED CHEESE' THINS, per package 10c SHOE POLISH Black, per tin 10c CANNED PEAS, 2 tins for 25e CANNED CHE•RR1ES, 2 tins for 250 CANNED PINEAPPLE, 2 tins for 25c CANNED BLUE BERRIES, 2 tins for 25c LOBB'S GENERAL STORE THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. We ao'e living through a critical period of history. Events the world over and in our country are follow- ing• each other in succession. Whitt about prohibition—ICandidateo for OUT parliament — Debt Debt reduction Disarmament — Economic relief -- Seer Beer and, wine privileges—the Lon- don Conference. What do wee want? What will we get? The consequen- ces which may eventuate from many possibilities are .of gravity. It is NEWS we are trying to direct your attention to and the place to find the news is in your daily paper. while it is news. May we see you about a subscription to your favorite news - piper. Our Golf Bali at 25e is a favorite Beginners give it a cheer and exper- ienced players think twice about us- ing any ether ball in its price range. Its reasonably tough in action and long in 'play. Cellophane for wrapping and con- sequent protection grows in daily favour, , it is transparent, strong, flexible, grease and vie proof, pure enough to eat, protects exposed foods from dust and contamination, We have it clear or coloured. We are prone to accept the pecul- iar philosophy that present-day busi- ness is all a matter of dollars and -suspense. On July 1st we sent out statement of accounts as is our cus- tom. If we get the dollars ;the ;ac- counts represent the remaining tea-, ture of present-day business will be relieved. ' Tile W. D. Fair Gog Often the Cheapest—Always the Best 11110111 (?!110 II! II!!,ll e Mrs. H. Wiltse has been visiting friends at Dungannon. Miss Freda Wlaliis of Guelph was home over the week -end. Misses Ruth Higgins and Catherine McTaggart are holidaying in Mus- koka. Mr. P. W. Hutchings of Hamilton is the guest of his sister, Mrs. G. E. Hall. Miss Betty Courtioe of Hamilton is visiting her aunt, Miss Harriet Courtice. ' Miss McLaughlin of Toronto has been visiting Mrs. Prank Fingland of town. Miss Margaret Greig of Toronto is spending a few days with her aunt, Miss Daisy Copp in town. Mr. and Mrs. Nay and Miss Marion of Fordwich spent yesterday as the guests of Mrs. W. Jenkins of town. Mrs. T. Higgins and children and Mrs. Allen and children of Toronto are spending the summer at Bay- field. ,!, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. lyfeGaw and Miss Addison of Vancouver, B.C., spent the weekend,wibh Mr, and Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes. Mr. Benson Corless, Bank of Mon- treal, Hamilton, and Master Alvin Corless are spending a fortnight with relatives at Science Hill. Miss Harriet Courtice and her aunt, Mrs. J. Tiplady;''t!returned this week from a motor trip east, visit- ing Peterboro;'Newcastle and other points. Prof. and Mrs. Sikes of Dartmouth 'College are guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Shaw, and their son, Prof. Harry Shaw, who is a mem- ber of the same college staff. Mr. Frank Jenkins, who was holiday- ing here and at Bayfield for a couple of weeks, returned to To- ronto on Sunday. Mrs. Jenkins remained with Mrs. W. Jenkins for the week. Miss Agnes MacKenzie and Miss Platt of Victoria Hospital staff, London, and Miss Anne MacKen- zie and NIr. L. A. Cromwell, also of London, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Cor - 'less on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Janes Scott leave to morrow for Toronto and will spend a few days with Mr. ,Stewart Scott and Miss Jean Scott at a summer cottage at Rosebank east of Toronto, before leaving on a trip to Nova !Scotia and St. Johns, Newfoundland, Mrs.'Sellery and Miss Cowen Holmes Of the staff of Hatfield House, Cobourg, motored up and spent the week -end with the latter's parents, Rev, A. A. and Mrs. Holmes. Miss Holmes accompanied , Mrs. ,Sellery to Toronto on her return Monday but later will spend a holiday here. Miss Eleanor Fisher and Miss Vera Iiuteheon of the Winnipeg Teach- ing staff are visiting during the vacation season at the home of the former's •parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Fisher, Mill Street. Miss Hutcheon and Miss Fisher 'travel- led by car and spent a few days visiting at the World's Fair at. Chicago. . i TI�iURyS., JULY 13, 1933 RED AND WHITE ALWAYS IN THE LEAD F"v r H my MIS ys 1 lad I FRUITS A19iJ VEGETABLES Blue Berries, per lb. Peaches, per dozen Water Melons, each MusD, Melons, each Tomatoes, per lb. New Potatoes, 6 lbs. for Oranges, extra large Lemons, Green Peas, Carrots, Cabbage, Cucumbers Bottled Vinegar , 100 25c 30c 59c 20c 18c 2$c 39c FOR PICNICS Sandwich Spree Cup. Cheese in Relish Pimento and Cream 250 19c 19c FRIGIDAIRE Chocolate Milk . 5c Cooked\ Ham, per ib. 39c Roast Pork, per ib. • 45c Tongue (Jellied) 30c Breakfast Bacon, per lb: piece 19c Peameal Backs 23c Cottage Rolls, per lb. 18c FRESH FISH FRIDAYS Large Water Melons, each 590 Ginger Ale, Red and White, qt. 15c Canada D'ry, per qt. 20c All Orange, (plus bottle) 15c PASTEURIZED MILK, CREAM AND BUTTERMILK DAILY s We are Giving a large number of Tumblers with Gold Band with lb. R.&W. Tea 49c and Coffee. 45c A Cup and Saucers with lb. Coffee 49c. A Shaving Brush with 2 Can of Tobacco 75c WEDNESDAY MORNING SPECIAL ---40 ounce jar Peach Jam at 25c See Our Hand Bills for BIG WEEK -END SPECIALS Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 w Garden Party GRACE CHURCH, POR'TER'S HILL Wednesday, July 19th Supper served from 6 to 8 Softball game between Holmesville and Porter's Hill Teams The Play, "JIMMY, BE CAREFUL" will be presented by the Dramatic Club of Ontario Street church. Admission 35c. • • $RUCEFIELif A quiet wedding was solemnized at the manse, Brucefield, ton Tues- day of last week, when Vera Agnes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Cro- oier, of Walton, became the bride of Janes C. !McIntosh, son of Mrs. Mc- Intosh and the late James McIntosh, Seaforth, Rev. W. A. Bremner of- ficiated. They were unattended. The bride was charming in a dress of white silk organdy and wore a white hat, shoes and gloves to match. Fol- lowing the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. McIntosh left by motor for Quebec and will return through the States to Niagara Falls and Toronto. The bride's going away dress was blue crepe and she wore a green coat with fawn furs and fawn shoes,' gloves and hat to match. Upon their , return they will reside on the bride -I groom's farm on the 3rd concession of Tuckersmith. Both are well -1 known and popular young people ori the district and a host of friends extend best wishes. Mrs. Anna McDonald of Dundas is the guest of her sister, Mrs. C. Haugh and her brother, Mr. Robt, Allen, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kaiser of De- troit and 1VIrs. Ronald McKenzie of Toledo visited the lady's parents and other friends last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. If. Mustard and family left this week to spend two months in their cottage at Inver Hu- ron. Mr. Robinson of Detroit and Mr. and .Mrs. Leslie of Port Huron and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Elgie and daugh- ter of Toronto visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Berry re- cently. Mrs. Thompson and family of Sar- nia are the guests of the lady's moth- er, Mrs. W. Stevens, this week. W'INGI AM: The ladies of the Wingham.•Lawn Bowling Club, staged a mixed tournament Monday night with an entry of 24 rinks. Outside rinks represented were Listowel, Teeswater, Lucknow, Palmerston and Harrison. Bowling conditions were ideal and the greens in splendid shape. Threeten-end games were played with a possible plus of 24. Winslow's rink of Listowel, captured first with 3 wins plus 19; Chapman of Palmerston, second; 3 wins plus 13; Armistage, of Winghaui, third, with 8 wins plus 10; Harrison of Wingham, fourth, with 2 wins plus 16. A special prize was drawn for, when all rinks were entered. It was won by Burns of Palmerston. Foli lowing the play the ladies of the To- nal club served refreshments. Lawn Social Friday, July 14th at the home ,of Miss Acheson HOLMESVILLE uncles auspces of Y.P.S. and ,S.S. Supper served from 6 to 8 Good program consising of four - act Comedy drama entitled • "A Wild Flower of the Hilis" by the Women's Association of Victoria Street United Church Admission 3Se and 20c. (In the event of bad weather supper and program will be in church shed) 28—June 29—illy. 13. SPECIAL WHILE THEY LAST ASPARAGUS, SPRENGII FERNS 15c EACH In 3" Pots, Ready for Larger Pot Vere florist TJ GREENHOUSE PHONE 176 FLOWER, SHOP PHONE3I Preserving Time is here again See us for a new heavy line of GRATITEWARE Which will help make preserving more pleasant. Those Potatoes need looking after as a result of the hot weather. We can give you a good price on PARIS GREEN and ARSENATE OF LEAD See us for anything you need .in Hardware and Eavetroughing. ; We are always at your service. T. llawiuns HARDWARE and PLUMBING non. 944 �. . • Speciul (tire The manufacturers and wholesale furniture dealers tell us that the price of furniture is going to advance. Now is the time to buy when prices are at rock bottom. We have a nice selection of Verandah Furniture, including, Folding Chairs, Rockers, Verandah Rugs; Card Tables and Ham- mocks. Before buying come in and see what we have. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT A REAL BUY ON ELECTRIC HOT PLATES and RANGETTES COAL OIL STOVES, GASOLINE IRONS, ELECTRIC IRONS, LAWN MOWERS AT REDUCED PRICES. Harvesting tools of all kinds. Garden Cultivators, a good thing for the large garden. TINSMITHING AND -PLUMBING BALL & ZAPFE "Store With the Stock" Phone 195 Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Monument Dealers N. Ball, Phone 110. J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103. SUPERIOR CHAIN STORE'S WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS—JULY 13, 14, 15 POST BRAN PLAICE'S, 2 pkgs. for 19c CLARK'S PORK AND BEANS, large, 2 tins for 21c HIII.LOREST CREAM BISCUITS, 2 lbs. for 25c KRAFT SALAD DRESSING, 12 ozs. for 21c IIDEAL SWEET PICKLES, large jar 29c SURPRISE SOAP, 10 bars for 47c STANDARD TOIVI•ATOE:S, large, per tin . 100 CHIPSO, large pkg. for 19e RED •COS30'E SALMON, small, 15e; large 23c •CERTO, per bottle 29c CORN FLAKES, 3 for 25c 25c BEST QUALITY RUBBER RINGS, 4 pkgs. for LOBSTER, 1-4's, for ...........13c; 1-2's for SHRIMPS, per tin 21c FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES PHONE YOUR ORDER -111 J.T. McKN IC HT & SON You can be sure of getting everything fresh here. PHONE 111. +6411,7.00.0,641.04,19.4 SUMMER SPECIALS LOWNEY'S FRESH CHOCOLATES—Attractive Box Special ONLY 45c CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM NEW LAYER CAKE Wendorf's "`ekerg and Confectionery Makers of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" Bread ra. i