HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1933-07-06, Page 8PAGE 8 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD ely a i READ TH,E LETTER BELOW FROM THE WORLD'S LARGEST ONE-PIECE TAILORS Dear Sir: re: FUTURE PRICES OF TIP TOP CLOTHES Several dealer have asked us lately whether the„priee of TIB TOP clothes was likely to advance at an early date; no doubt the question has been inspired by articles in the Press, regarding the advancing prices of Wool and other commodities. It is a fact that certain grades of wool have advanced over 50 per cent lately. If this and similar advances contin- ue, the cost of clothing will necessarily become higher. As you know, Tip Top are operating on the smallest margin of profit in. the Industry, and their price will have • to take care of higher costs of the materials they buy. Tip Top Tailors would be very reluctant to put their price up in the near future but, if the costs do become high- er, they will have no other alternative. If you have any friends that you wish to protect, they might like to have this information NOW. , -Very sincerely yours, TIP TOP TAILORS, Limited, PRESENT PRICE -SUIT OR OVERCOAT—$19.50 Plumsteel giros. Meat Pickled Beef, boneless, lb.. 12c Pickled Tongues, lb. 13c Home -M. Sausage, 3 lbs. 25c Hamburg Steak, per lb. 10c Spare Ribs, 3 lbs. for 25e Breakfast Bacon, piece, lb. 18c Breakfast Bacon, sliced 20c Rib Boiling Beef, per lb8c ! peeias Roasted Spare Ribs, with dressing per lb, 15e Headcheese, 3 lbs. for 25c Jellied Veal, per lb. 20c Corned Beef„ per Ib. 20c Roast Pork Roll, lb. 25c Roast Loin or Ham with dressing, per ]b. 40c Boiled Ham, per Ib. 40e Schneider's or h. -m. Lard, 10c Kindly order day before for early morning deliveries when possible. CONNELL. & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 Albert Street O n O .. o=o 0=01� �---to=0====a0=OT- Hot Weather Specials 50 FEET GARDEN HOSE $4.00 SPRINKLING CANS from 75c to $1.25 WATER PAILS from 19c to 65c GORGON FLY CATCHERS, 2 for „ 50 LAWN MOWERS . $7.5 CATTLE SPRAY, 1 gallon for $1,60 MQ O -CEDAR FLY SPRAY, Bulk Quantity; WINDOW SCREENS, all o widths; NEW 3 -BURNER LOR•AIN STOVE; 9 q =o=0 0=0 a=0 OCS0, OCCASIONAL CHAIRS FO'R GIFTS SUTTER PERDUE & \ALKER Hardware Funeral Directors Plumbing Furniture Phone 147w Electric Wiring 0 0 0 0 Cash Specials OXYDOL, large pkg. for 19e AYLMER TOMATO SOUP, 3 for 25c PEP, KELLOGGS . 10c CHICKEN HADDIE . 15e SALMON, large pink, can 15e PREPARED MUSTARD, per bottle 100 COFFEE, freshly ground, per lb. 29c TEA, Black or Mixed, per lb. 29c HAMMERED WHEAT THINSIES, per pkg. 10c CORN STARCH, per pkg. 100 FRESH HONEY THIS WEEK CLOTHES PINS, 5 dozen for 11c TOILET PAPER., 8 rolls for 25e Sc llc 50 LIFE( BTTOY SOAP, 3 for 25c PORK AND BEANS, small, 5 for 25e PEACH JAM, 40 ozs. for 23c APRICOT JAM, 40 ozs. for 29c DATES, 3 lbs. for 210 PICKLES, 91-2 oz. bottle, sweet 100 DUTHIES P. D. SAUCE, 2 .bottles 25c PDM 'rNTOES, per tin 10c OLIVES, ,STUFFED, 61-2 oz. bottle 15e OLIVES, PLAIN, 81-2 ozs. for 15c PEAS, small size tins, 2 for 16c CORN, Large size, 3 tins for 25e PUMPKIN, large tins, each ,.10C' PEANUT BUTTER, 2 lbs. for 33e C. & B. SANDWICH RELISH, 24 oz, jar 26e LONDON SOAP BARS, each . P. & G. SOAP, 3 for FLY COILS, 3 for LOBB'S GENERAL STORE We are living through a critical period of history. Events the world over and in our country are follow- ing each other in succession. What about prohibition -!Candidates for our parliament — Debt reduction — Disarmament — Economic relief — Beer and :wine privileges-1the Lon- don Conference. What do we want? What will we get? The consequen- ces which may eventuate from many possibilities are Of gravity. It is NEWS we are trying to direct your attention to and the place to find the news is in your daily paper while it is news. May we see you about a subscription to your favorite news- paper. Our Golf Bali at 25e is a favorite Beginners give it a cheer and expect. ienced (players think twice about us- ing any other ball in its price range, Its reasonably tough in action and long in play. Cellophane .for wrapping and con- sequent protection grows in daily favour, it is •transparent, strong, flexible, grease and vie proof, pure enough to eat, protects exposed foods from dustand contamination. We have it clear or coloured. We, are prone to accept the pecul- iar philosophy that present-day busi- ness is all a matter of dollars and suspense. On July 1st we sent out statement of accounts as is our cus- tom. If we get the dollars the ac-, counts represent the remaining fea• tura of present-day business will be relieved. Tie W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best P,0 ilW lllllllllnipnunnmm 0 I Idilj I IIID Miss Zimila Cornish is visiting re- latives at Cookstown. Miss W. E. Thompson of Toronto is visiting her sisters in town. Miss Lillian Gale of Landon has been visiting with Iiiss Donna Cecil.. rave. Mr. and Mrs, G. E. Hall and Miss Evelyn spent the holiday and week- end with the former's son and his family at Cayuga. Mr. "Bob" Marshall of London was in town last week -end with his -mother, who has returned to town after spending several months in London. Mrs. Frances Wise spent several days during the past week at her home in town, returning to Seaforth with her brother-in-law, Mr. Fell, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliott of Toronto were guests over the week -end and holiday at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gillies and Miss Marion of Kitchener were holiday and week -end visitors with the lady's father and sister, Magistrate S. J. Andrews and Mrs. F. Van- Egmond. Principal G. H. Jefferson took his family and went op to their sum- mer cottage on Lake Huron on Friday and remained over the week -end, but has been presiding at Entrance Exams. at Seaforth this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Andrews and 1VPasters Buddy and Junior and Miss Lily .Coles of Searboro Bluffs spent the weekend with the form- er's father and sister, Magistrate S. J. Andrews and .Mrs. F. VanEg- mond. Master Buddy rdmained for a longer visit. Mr. Kenneth Rorke, who has beer teaching at Silver Centre, arrived home last week -end. He was ac- companied by his brother, Edward, who had been visiting him for a fortnight. The boys brought c' birch bark canoe down with them, strapped on top of their coupe. Mrs. Anderson and Miss Evelyn Mc- Cartney of Detroit motored over for the week -end and remained over until Tuesday, July 4th, Am- erica's national holiday. They vis- ited their aunts, Mrs. G. Manly and Mrs. Nay of town and also broth- ers in Goderich township and. God- erich. Mr. and Mrs: S. Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. A. Groves and children motored to Hesgeler for the holiday, where the Davidson family picnic' was being held. Mrs. Wilfred icolclough. of Goderich township, who was also along, going on to Guelph, where she visited her brother, Mr, E. Groves, • Mrs: A. Sinclair is the guest of her sisters, •Mrs. W. Pickard and Mise Georgina Rumball. Mrs. Sinclair's husband diedseveral weeks ago at Rainy River. He had been on a business trip to the west, being accompanied by Mrs. Sinclair and was taken ill there. They got as far as Rainy River, where rela- tives reside, where he passed a- w&g. , THURS., JULY 6, • 1933 ' RED AND WHITE A ECI L WEEK OF VALUES EELMEMMEEZEIESEEMEEIMEN ciai 1 FOR PICNICS Fancy Assorted Cakes, per lb. 15c Fancy Cakes and Bathing !Caps 25c Tomatoes, Peas and Corn, while they last, 3 for 25c SOAP DEPARTMENT Milk Pail and Surprise Soap, 10 bars for 5 Bars Comfort Soap for 5 Bars London Soap for Sunlight Soap, 5 bars for • Life Buoy Soap, 3 bars for Carbolic Soap, per bar Toilet Soaps (Special) per bar Pearl Napt'ha Soap, 10 bars for Oxydol, 'large FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Oranges, per dozen ' 29c and 39c Bananas, per dozen 29c Grape Fruit, 4 for 25c Tomatoes .. 79c 25c 25c 25c 23c 5c 5c 29c 19c 18c and 23c Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails FANCY DESSERTS. Minute Tapioca, 2 for 22c Rice, 3 lbs. for 23c Corn Flakes, 3 for 25c Pep, Special • 100 Raisins, 2 lbs. for 22c Pork and Beans, 4 for 25c Spaghetti, 2 for 19c Servus Cheese, 2 for, 25c Our Lux Window has secured a Cash Prize See Our Windows for Cash Values. FRIGIDAIRE AND COOKED MEATjS Cooked Ham . 39c Breakfast Bacon, piece, 19e Cottage Rolls, per lb. 18c Peameal Bacon, per lb. 23c Ginger Ale, Canada Dry -Red & White All Orange Ale Cherries Now Comng in Daily. IF WEATHER FAVOURABLE—FRESH FISH FRIDAYS FAREWELL PRESENTATION Bob Gandier was given a farewell party at the home of Mr. A. Seeley, High street, one evening last week and presented by his boy friends with an address and a study lamp, Benson Sutter reading the address and Har- old Seeley making the presentation. Supper was served by Mrs. Seeley and Mrs. Sutter, after which a pro- gram was given and the presentation took place. A PARTING GIFT The L.O.B.A. net on Tuesday ev- ening and after the business of tha lodge was completed had a little soc- ial time, with strawberries and cream and other dainties, in (honor of Mrs, tfeilveen, who is leaving soon for Peterboro. Mrs. Mcllveen was pre- sented with an L.O.B.A. bar pin and a rose bowl, accompanied by an ad- dress, to which she made a suitable reply. Mrs. Mcllveen will be much missed as she has always been a wil- ling worker in the organization. WHOLESOME RECREATION Dominion Day passed off very quietly in Clinton. No program of sports bad been arranged and many citizens left town for other centres where sports were in progress, or to visit friends or to spend the day at the lakeside. It was an ideal sum- mer day, a little shower in the morni ing but serving to lay the dust and make an outing the more pleasant. Family picnics were the order of the day and many were held, both large and small. It is a good way to spend a holiday, 'too. This young country is growing up wholesomely when the chief birthday sport is the holding of a family picnic. VARNA On Monday night, while driving on a Goderioh Township road, one and a quarter miles south of Holmesville, James McLaren, •of Varna, suddenly came upon a 1,200 pound black steer. There was a crash and the animal was so injured as to require destruc- tion. The radiator, head lights and one fender of the car were badly smashed, the driver escaping with a shaking up. Mr. and Mrs. Dan. McNaughton and son were present at the funeral of Mr. C. Stelek. - Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Reid and Mrs. A. McNaughton of London were in the village attending the funeral of Mr. Stelck. Mr. Jas. Webster of Lucknow cal- led on friends in the village and the surrounding vicinity last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ellwood spent Sunday in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Schell of Flint, Mich., spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Austin. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff. Keyes, also Mr. and Mrs. Logan Keyes and daughter are spending the summer months with Miss A. J. Keyes. The Orangemen attended service on Sunday evening at the United thumb, when Rev. E. A. Thou/ter gave a splendid address to the Or - angemen. Quite a large crowd at- tended the service. The W. A. of St. John's church held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Wilmer Reid. The af- ternoon was spent in quilting. A large number of ladies were present. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Butter and friends of Flint, Mich., spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Aus- tin of the village. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd H. Schell and family of Detroit spent the week -end at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Austin, return- ing to the city on Monday morning. SPECIAL WHILE THEY LAST ASPARAGUS, •SPRENGII FERNS 15e EACH In 3" Pots, Ready for Larger Pots ningbalne ---5q° sErist FTV GREENHOUSE PHONE176 k1 FLOWER SHOP PHONE31 Let Us Repair or Put On New Eave Trough for You OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. FIRST CLASS MATERIAS AND WORKMANSHIP "9 e PLUMBING AND HEATING Is Our Business. GET OUR PRICES PAINTS, VARNISH AND GLASS OF ALL KINDS T. Hawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 7 • 41.4•.?..•1 Speci1 N otice The manufacturers and wholesale furniture dealers tell us that the price of furniture is going to advance. Now is the time to buy when prices are at rock bottom. We have a nice selection of Verandah Furniture, including, Folding Chairs, Rockers, Verandah Rugs, Card Tables and Ham- mocks. Before buying come in and see what we have. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT A REAL BUY ON ELECTRIC HOT PLATES and RANGETTES COAL OIL STOVES, GASOLINE IRONS, ELECTRIC IRONS, LAWN MOWERS AT REDUCED PRICES. Harvesting tools of all kinds. Garden Cultivators, a good thing for the large garden. TINSMITHING AND PLUMBING BALL & ZAPFE "Store With the Stock" Phone 195 Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Monument Dealers N. Ball, Phone 110. J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103. SUPERIOR CHAIN STORES "AND I LEARNED ABOUT PICNICS FROM HER"—Superior Sam Mrs. F.—always manages to prepare the most delightful picnic lunches on short notice. Being interested in the subject of 'picnics I asked her for the secret and this was her reply— "By dealing at Superior Stores I save both time and money. When in a hurry I pick up the telephone, place my order and Super- ior Stores' Delivery Service does the rest. What is more, as a regular customer I have learned that Superior Stores carry only the best foods, and the cheerful, friendly service makes shopping there a pleasure." Remember, Superior Stores when you plan your next picnic, it is sure to be a sueeess if you do.—We Sell the Best for Less. SPECIAL THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY OX LAUNDRY SOAP, real special, 10 bars • 24c CARNATION MILK, small, 6 tins for 25c AYLMER CRUSHED PINEAPPLE, squat, 16c, LUX TOILET SOAP, 3 cakes for 21e KETA SALMON, light pink, large tin 9c LILYBRAND CHICKEN HAD'DIE, 2 tins 25c GREEN GIANT PEAS, per tin 1Se OREAMDRY `BUTTER, No. 1, 2 lbs. for 45c SEE OUR HAND BILLS FOR COMPLETE LIST 03" SPECIALS We wish to thank you all for making our 4th Anniversary Sale a real success, it was a pleasure for us to serve you and your continued patronage will be much appreciated. large, 3 tins 24c J, T. McKNIGHT & SON You can be sure of getting everything fresh here. PHONE 111. HOLIDAY SPECIAL FRESH DELICIOUS CHOCOLATES Lowney's "Gold Strip", Neilson's "Home Made". and Assorted Fruits Page & (Shaw "Alice Blue" Chocolates FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS, per lb. 10c "NEW WHITE LAYER CAKE" This is New and Very Special CAMPFIRE MARSHMALLOWIS, SPECIAL, per lb. 29c All Flavors of Ice Cream, Frigid. Ices, Cones, Sandwiches, Etc. Wendor" Bakerg and Confectioneru Makers of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" Bread