HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1933-07-06, Page 7BURS., JULY 6, 1933
Health, Cooking
Care of Children
Edited By Lebam Halceber Kralc
Ru1inat!alls of Re6etaV
A Column Prepared Especially for Women
But Not Forbidden to Men
when a coolness comes ce. w en
irate 'aseceiation is no longer nee
essary or convenient or advantag,
eons and the two drift apart, confid
ences may be divulged and relations
may become severely strained. The
trouble was not that friendship fail-
ed but in the fact that the feeling
between ,the two was wrongly lab-
"Friendship is to be valued for
- what there is in it, not what can' be
,gotten out of it. When two people
:appreciate each other because each
has found the other convenient 'to
' have around, they are simply ac-
quaintances with a business under
standing. To seek friendship for its
• Utility is as futile as to seek the end
of a rainbow for its bag of gold. A
true friend is always useful in the
highest sense, but we should beware
-of thinking of our friends as broth-
er members of a mutual benefit as,
• sociation with its periodical demands
•and threats of suspension for non-
- payment of dues." --{Anon.
True friendship is perhaps the
• :rarest thing in the world. It is so
•easy to class all our acquaintances
together ' and call •them friends,
when, if we really came to think of
" it at all we should be able to count
our real friends on the fingers of
one hand and then have plenty of
fingers left over, perhaps..
A friend has been defined as a
" "person who knows all our weak-
enesses and loves us -just the same."
;And it is a good delinition. A. true
' friend loves us just for being our-
selves, not for any benefit we can
bestow nor for any advantage gained
by the friendship, but because of
an affinity between us which
causes one soul to cleave to another.'
A lot of disappointment and heart-
' burning have been caused in the
world by what is termed "false
friends," but in reality the trouble
° is the result of putting the mark of
:friendship upon a quality which is
far other than real friendship. Two
• people may have much in common,
they niay find it pleasant and per-
haps advantageous to associate more
•of less intimately and may in the
warmth of feeling for each other,
often confide in each other to a far
greater degree than is wise. Then
Women are, perhaps, more apt to
meet disappointment in this way
than men. They are more apt to be
carried away by sentiment; more
apt to give confidences, as they seem
to want to talk over their own pri-
vate !fairs, love affairs, fam-
ily affairs or financial af-
fairs, more than men do. It is
well to remember •that a true friend
never wants to force your confid-
ence. A true friend will listen while(
you tell your trouble but will dis-
courage undue confidences, as a
true friend can sympathize with you
without prying into your more pri-
vate thought.
As someone very pertinently said
once: "Never give anyone the key
to the back door of your heart or
mind." It is good advice. Even the
truest of friends have some reserves.
A friend to be a comfort and a stay
to you does not need to be a father -
If you hive a friend guard against
anything that would dim that friend-
ship; be true to your friend, give
sympathy, understanding, loyalty.
And, no matter whether it was a
true friendship or a casual acquain-
tanceship, one which only lasted for
a little while, respect whatever con-
fidence has been placed in you. Keep
inviolate any secret confidence given.
Only in this way can you keep your-
self worthy of a real friendship. And
may good fortune bring to you the
boon of a real friend or two, life
holds no richer gift.
It's curve glides steadily from birth I from silver and never scatch it. If CANDIES FOR LONG- HOLIDAY
down to old age, in which frequent the cork is cut to a Point it can be AFTEIMOONS AND EVENINGSi
ly only a few hours of relaxation worked in the crevices which have
become tarnished.
Use a cork alsoAT
for scouring with bath -brick.
One or two pieces of bread placed
in ' pan in which you are frying
meat will prevent grease from
splashing out on the stove.
A lemon heated before squeezing
will give twice the amount of juice:
Burnt marks on pie plates and
dishes will vanish like magic if
treated with cork dipped in wet salt.
Since there are many causes for
insomnia it's cure also calls for the
most diversified formas of treatment,
and frequently it requires the ,great-
est medical skill to find the light
one—the one that would do justice
to the chief principle of all our ac-
tion: Non norcre, "Do not inflict in-
jury!" The doctor continues:
"We all know how much evil has
resulted from the misuse of soporif-
ic aiid anodyne drugs (I name only
morphine, heroine, veronal and par-
aldehyde). -
. The Value of. Healthful Sleep .
Day May Come When Electricity
Will Cure Insomnia, Declares
Those to whom sleep will not come
. of itself must try to coax it.
Herein lies danger, warns a Ger-
• man physician, Dr. G. Zenker, writ-
ing Jen "Artificial Sleep" in the I1-
lustritte Zeitung (Leipzig).
The day may come, he thinks,
When insomnia will be conquered by
-drugless methods—by simple mani-
pulations, 'or electric treatment.
"An old German proverb says:
''One ;tour of sleep is better than a
slice of honey.'
"Of course, healthy sleep is a pre-
"And perhaps it is the task of the
future to conquer insomnia through
simple means, such as hydraitric ap
plications and electricity, or, better
still, through mental treatment (psy-
chic therapy), do that we may free
ourselves from the chemical strait-
jacket. I :have repeatedly had owe:
sion to see how chronic insomnia,
against which all medicine was help-
less, yielded to the large wet pack
and to corresponding forms of bath-
ing. The sleep thus obtained is
usually much more refreshing and
free from unpleasant collateral ef-
"In the future the psychic influ-
ence of suggestion and hypnotism
will probably be valued most high-
ly. However, we must never mis-
take the latter for the mesmeric
treatment, the 'ant;mal magnetism,'
so called after its 'rediscoverer,' the
physician Mesmer.
Por a child to develop sturdily and
to be mentally fit tie make his way
in, life sufficient sleep of the best
quality is essential, says Dr. W.
Arbuthnot Lane, in the London Daily
Mail (Continental edition). To -day,
he asserts, there are far too many
children growing up into men and
women of poor physique and stunted
intelligence simply through lack of
proper sleep.
'Clearly, the responsibility for in-
suring that children get adequate
sleep rests with parents, who should
be fully acquainted with the actual
number of hours required according
to age. Says Dr. Lane:
"Babies, of course, should do little
else than sleep and eat; very young
children up to the age of six, should
have at least fourteen hours of sleep.
Older children, up to the age of
twelve years, should have twelve
hours, and above that age ten hours
each night is sufficient.
The time of going to bed is also
important. Young children should be
in bed by six in the evening, and by
the time the child is eight the hour
for bed should not be later than
eight o'clock. :Subsequently, a quar-
ter of an hour should be allowed for
every successive birthday, do that
by the time the child is fourteen the
time for . bed will be nine -thirty.
Parents should be rigorous in ad-
hering to such a scale, and insist up-
on the proper bedtime.
"Every precaution should be taken
to insure that the children's sleep
Will be sound and restful. Parents
should show consideratidn and en-
deavour to prevent any unnecessary
"The bedroom must never be stuf-
fy, nor the bed so cold that the child
can not relax comfortably. Provid-
ed there are sufficient warm cover-
ings, the wisdows should be open.
Children should never be allowed to
sleep with their heads covered by
bedclothes or with their heads bur-
ied in pillows."
Rid the chimney ,of soot by burn-
ing potato peelings in stove or fur-
nace. This simple method will be
found useful in 'stoves in which soft
coal is burned.
If penfeathers are troublesome
when picking chickens or birds take
a cloth and soft siftings of corn
meal and rub the bird well with this.
The penfeathers will come off easily.
A poultice will keep hot if put on
a piece of waxed paper.
To clean velvet or plushy rub it
briskly with damp salt and then
brush it using a stiff brush.
To remove spots on rugs, rub corn
starch into nap and let remain for a
couple of days. When brushed the
grease or mud spots will disappear.
When peeling fruit or vegetables
put a slit in a small cork and fit it
in to the back of your paring knife.
This will save your fingers.
Knitted socks last longer if a silk
or coarse crochet thread is knit with
the yarn in the heel and toe.
A pinch of salt added to straw-
berries when preserving will help to
retain the color.
An apple kept in the cake box will
keep heavier cakes, such as fruit,
spice or nut cakes fresh and soft.
To decorate cakes or fruit salads
quickly take large soft gum drops
and with scissors cut them in thin
slices. The slice will curl up like
leaves and petals. •
To remove ink stains, mix muse
tard to a thick paste and spread it
over the stain. After a few hours
sponge well with cold water.
cious bbon, appreciated best by those
who have lost it.
"Insomnia has over and over again
led to suicide.
"It is equally exhausting, whether
it is founded upon purely physical
causes or those of nervous nature,
or is duo 10 mental suffering.: Hence
it has always been the task of medi-
cal science to meet it with adequate
measures and substitute artificial
sleep for the lacking natural one,
whenever it is impossible to induce
it in the normal way.
"Of course, the necessity for sleep
itself is distinctly dependent upon
the manner of living, the constitu-
tion, and the temperament of the
individual, especially upon his age,
Gro ce
Gartabtttrc ftlairat A ,unritttiott
and Life Insurance Companies in Canada.
Edited by
GRANT FLEMING, M.D., Associate Secretary
Among the in -any anxieties of the
• young mother for the welfare of her
infant, none is more acute than is
' her concern over the intestinal up-
sets of the late summer and early
• autumn. This is as it should be,
for no - disorder of early life is so
tragic as is summer diarrhoea.
The change from the state of
well-being and happiness which
„-•characterises the normal healthy
• child to the condition associated
with summer diarrhoea' is compare-
' lively abrupt and usually well -mark-
ed within forty-eight hours. After
'this 'time, unless proper treatment
is given, the ehild grows progress-
- ively worse and, in many .instances,
• the disease terminates fatally In
all cases, the mother 'should seek
- medical advice at once, in order to
save her baby.
Summer 'diarrhoea is ' responsible
' for one in five of all the deaths
'which occur during the 'first year of
life, and for. .one in . seven of those
occurring during the second year.
" The figures vary in different local-
' ities, and constitute a reliable index
to the effectiveness of public health
-work in each locality. -
Where mills is not pasteurized and
r: water }supplies are inadequateho
safeguarded, there is grave cause
for concern. There is another dan-
der, as far as this disease is con-
cerned, and that is in the contamin-
ation of the c'hild's food, either
through careless handling on the
part of the mother or through lack
of protection against flies.
The majority of eases of summer
diarrhoea occur. during August and
September, the month when flies are
most prevalent. - The house -fly
breeds and lives in filth. There is
no such thing as a clean fly, just as
there is no such thing as a deal
garbage -pile. It is difficult to con-
ceive of a more effective .agent for
the distribution of disease germs
than the ordinary house -fly:
The first line of defence against
these disease carriers is the elimina-
tion of their breeding -places. Clear
streets, clean yards and clean home
surroundings ,are absolutely neces-
sary. Milk and all . food materials
should be protected.
The best way to keep flies out of
the horns in September istto have no
flies in June. -
Questions concerning Health, ad
dressed to the Canadian Medical As.
sociation, 184 College Street, Toron-
to, will be answered personally by
letter. -
sugar, -1.2 squares chocolate, 8 tab-
lespoons butter, 1 teaspoon vanilla,
12 marshmallows.
Cook the sugar, syrup, - chocolate
i '
and milk without stirring, to238
deg. F. or the soft ball stage, add
the butter, and cool without stirring.
One and one-half cups granulated Add the vanilla' and a dash of salt,
and 'beat until creamy, adding the
marshmallows cut in pieces. Pour
into a greasedpan, and when firm,
cut in squares. The amount of
chocolate willdepend upon how
strong the chocolate flavor is liked.
sugar,'1 egg white, 1-4 cup boiling
water, 1-4 cup corn syrup, 1-2 cup of
chopped fruit; 1-4 cup chopped nut
meats; 1 •teaspoon vanilla.
Cook the sugar, syrup and water
until brittle in cold water, or to 248.
deg. F. Remove from the fire and,
as soon as bubbling ceases, pour slow-
ly on the stiffly beaten egg white.
and add the chopped nutmeats and
fruit which may be dates or raisins,
and vanilla, beat till stiff and creamy
and pour into a greased pan and mark
in squares when it begins to harden,
or drop by spoonfuls on greased pans
or on waxed paper to harden.
To prevent the eyes from water-
ing when slicing onions, place a bit
of bread between the teeth. Keep Strang of the Peace River country
are among the speakers at - school.
The boys' camp from July 6 to 16
will be under the direction of Rev. D.
Macinnes, 'of Forest. The girls'
camp will be held from July 25 to 31.
Between these dates the summer
school will be held from July 17 to
24, with Rev. C. H. MacDonald, of
Lucknlow, as director, The dean of
the school will be Mr. MacDonald,
and the registrar,, Rev. John Pollock,
of Whitechurch.
The evenings at the summer school
will be given over tehiefly to lectures.
On Monday, July 17, Rev. Robert
Johnston, D. D., of St. Catharines,
moderator of the synod -of .Hamilton
and London, will be the speaker. On
Tuesday Rev. William Patterson, of
Biuevale, will speak on "Impressions
of the Orient." On Wednesday there
will be an impromptu - program by
the . school. Thursday evening the
speaker will be Rev. J. S. Shortt, D.
D., of Barrie, whose subject will be.
"Our Common Garden Flowers"
Friday will be stunt night.
On Saturday evening, Dr. Mar-
garet Strang,- medical missionary in
the Peace River District, will be the
The worship service on Sunday
Two cups granulated sugar, 1-3
cup honey, 1-3 cup boiling water, 2
egg whites, dash of salt, chopped
fruits, chopped nut meats. -
lttake as the above fudge. For
Christmas, red and green candied
cherries make particularly attractive
candy, though any other fruit, such
as dates andraisins, etc., may be us-
We have no intention of becoming
entangled in the endless controversy
on the proper place for man and wo-
man teacher respectively, but the
gentleman who announced at South-
ampton recently that "it is impose
sible for a man to serve under a
woman and retain his self-respect
and manhood" is really doing the
cause which he espouses the worst
possible disservice. In days when
women are beginning to come to the
front in all sorts of professions and
walks of life talk of this kind of
self-evident nonsense. Do the me-
chanics who work 'on Mrs. Mollison's
airplane "lose their manhood?" Did
the civil servants who worked under
Miss 'Margaret Bondfield at the Mine
istry of Labour suffer in their self-
respect and why? It is rather de-
pressing to find sex prejudice in this
crude and extravagant form still
surviving in the teaching profession
of all others.
—London Newm-Chronicle.
Summer School Will ;Also Be Held
There By Presbyterians
Two camps and- a summer school
will be held at I intail ion Lake Hu-
ron this summer under the auspices
of the London Presbytery . of the
Presbyterian Church in Canada, The
synod moderator and Dr. Margaret
Two cups granulated sugar, 1 tea-
spoon lemon extract, 1-2 cup cold
Water, 1-4teaspoon cream of tartar.
Use a kettle big enough to prevent
the syrup boiling over. Stir until
the mixture begins to boil, then cook
without stirring to the "crack"
stage, 280-300 deg. F. Pour without
beating, after adding the flavoring,
into a greased pan, and when firm,
mark in squares. While cooking,
wash down any sugar crystals which
form on the sides of the saucepan.
One and one-half cups granulated
sugar, 11-2 cups corn syrup, 11-2
cups evaporated milk or cream, 1
teaspoon vanilla.
Cook the sugar and syrup till
transparent, add the cream or evap-
orated mills, and cock slowly, stir-
ring, to 243-245 deg. F., add the van-
illa and pour into a greased pan to
about one inch in depth. When firm
mark in squares.
Three-quarters cup milk, 1 tea-
spoon corn syrup, 2 cups granulated
the mouth open a little and you can
grate or cut onions without the eyes
Potatoes soaked in cold water for
two hours before boiling will be white
when ' cooked. This makes old po-
tatoes quite usable quite late in the
A little lemon juice added to the
water in which rice is boiling will
whiten it wonderfully.
To remove ink stains from linen,
cut a ripe tomato in half and rub
the stain, leave for a few minutes
and then repeat until the stain dis-
Tho ugly ring which gasoline of-
ten loaves when used to clean del-
icate materials, can be avoided by.
adding a little salt when cleaning.
This ring can often be' avoided by
gently rubbing the spot until the
gasoline is quite dry. -
Alum melted in an old iron spoon
over a hot fire forms an excellent
strong cement for mending glass or
china, which when dry can be washed
in hot water.
Soup strained through a cloth
will have all fat removed.
When potatoes are nearly cook-
ed add salt to insure flouriness and
to prevent them from going to morning will be in Ashfield Church
pieces. and in the evening there will be an
A dry cork will remove stains open-air covenanter's conventicle.
tower -
Long after their age is. •still.
Labor and love and virtue—
Tire does not dim their
Though the smart may say, in their
languid way,
"We've ve outgrown all that, you
But is ide, whatever the guise iii
Isa lie as it was of yore,
And a truth that has lasted a million
Is good for 'a million more!
—Ted Olson,
A 'lady passenger on The Ocean
Limited en route from Halifax had
the somewhat mystifying experience
of losing her money from the train
and having it delivered to her on ar-
rival at Truro, mystifying until the
circumstances were explained to hen
She dropped her handkerchief with
her entire sum of money tied up in
it from the car window at Elmsdale
station, about half 'way from Hall.
fax. The news agent notified the
train conductor, who had one of the
trainmen go back at the next stop a
short distance away. The trainman
found the money, turned it in to the
agent, who notified the agent at
Truro, who handed an equivalent
sum over to the passenger.
The advertisements are printed for
your convenience. They inform and
save your time, energy and money.
Here They Will Sing You Their Songs—Sometimes
Gay, Sometimes Sad— But Always Helpful
and Ins pining•
"The wisest men the world e'er knew
Have never dreamed it treason.
To rest a bit—and jest a bit
And balance up their reason;
To laugh a bit—rand chaff a bit
And joke a bit in season."
Forget each kindness that you do
As soon as yor have clone it;
Forget the praise that falls to you
The moment you have won it.
Forget the slander that you hear
Before you can repeat it;
Forget each slight, each spite, each
Wherever you may meet it.
Remember every kindness done
To you, whate'er its measure;
Remember praise by 'others won,
And pass it on with pleasure;
Remember every promise made,
And keep it to the letter;
Remember those who lend you aid,
And be a grateful debtor,
What matters all his love for me?
His eyes are longing for the seal
To know again the pungent brine,
And hear a sullen typhoon whine,
To sight the sighing Java shore,
And stalk the streets of Singapore.
His eyes see jungles in Malay—t
•A limip. phosphorescent bay.
Perhaps a stormy native girl,
A symphony in bronze and pearl.
He looks beyond our cottage wall,
And smiles to veil the incessant call.
While I—I suffer wordlessly
Because he left the sea for me.
- .Oonra Bernhardt.
What treasure would we not have
At the white feet when love had
If beauty that we had adored, -
Were tender to us for an hour!
I pass these burning memories by,
And run to find a child who lay
On rho waren earth made tender by
A love breathed up from the dark
clay. .
How can I win that love again?'
God made a garden to rest His eyes
After the spaces of 'earth and skies;
God made ;a garden to rest His heart,
Where He might walk sometimes
God made a garden because He saw
Life was good by a garden's law;
Flowers for love, and fruitful trees
Soul and body may grow with these.
God made a garden because He knew`
There must be work for His souls to
Berries to gather keep miscihef out,
And a swinging vine is no place for
All I could give to earth it owns.
What sacrifice must be, what pain,
To be at league with these gray
E., in Montreal Star.
God made a garden just to find
Another way bo be loving, kind;
And the things we see in the gar-
den -row
Are the words He has written to
tell us so.
I went into a stationer's
to buy a jar of ink—,
So casually he wrapped it
no one would ever think
That there lay spell more potent
than any witeh's brew,
Lovely thoughts in fluid form
and words in liquid blue;
The essence of unwritten songs,
of letters yet unpenned,
A potion with the magic power
to link far friend with friend;
And, all unwitting that he sold
such precious wares as these,
The placid parceller remarked,
"That's just a quarter, please;"
—Molly Bevan.
For this is my neighbor: My peace
• with my neighbor,
The clasp of a hand or the warmth
of a smile,
The sweetness of toil as the fruit of
my labor, -
The glad joy of living and work-
ing the while;
The birds and the flowers and the
blue skies above me,
The green of the meadows, the
gold of the grain;
A song in the evening, a dear heart
to love me,
And just enough pleasure to bal-
ance the pain. --W. D. Bagley.
—Katharine Atheston Griner.
We lost an hour in the spring,
Brimful, perhaps, of gay surprise,
A lovely, rounded golden thing
That might have proved us mad
or wise.
An hour that could leave a marl!
As memorable as crowded years,
A laughing hour, or one dark
With intricate design of tears.
We lost an hour . .. luckless two!
To shape to rapture or to pain,
But now we've set the clock anew
And have it safely back again.
What shall we make of it? How
The regained and potential thing?
How guard the bubble of pure gold
That we lost once, in careless
Honor and truth and manhood•
These are the thing's that stand,
Though the sneer and gibe of the
cynic tribe
And loud throughout the land.
The scoffer may lord it an hour on
earth, -•
And a lid may live for day,
But truth and honor and manly
Are things that endure alway.
Courage and toil and'service,
Old yet forever new—.
These are the rock that abides the
shock '
And holds through the storm,
—Faith Baldwin,
Long have I lived and sought to
know the value of things.
To know the gold front the tinsel, to
judge the clowns from the kings:
Love have I known and been glad
of; joys of earth have been mine,
But today do I give my thanks
fora rarer gift and fine.
For the friendship of true women,
Lord,' that hath been since the
world hath breath.
Since a woman stood at a woman's
side to comfort through birth
and death.
Thou hast made us a bond of mirth
and tears, to last forever and
For the friendship of true women,
Lord, take Thou my thanks to.,
Now much have I found to be glad
of, much have I sorrowed for,
But naught is better to hear than
foot of a. friend at the door,
And naught is better to feel than!
touch of a sister hand.
That says, "What are words bee
tween us—I know and may un.
For the friendship of true women,
Lord, that hath lasted since
time began,
That is deeper far and finer far
than the friendship Of man to
For the tie - of a kinship wonder.
fur, that holds us as blood -bonds
For the friendship of true women,
Lord, take Thou my thanks toe
Many the joys I have welcomed;
many the joys that have passed;
But this is the good unfailing and
this is the peace that shall last•,'
:From love that dies and love that
lies and love that must cling and
Bato the erns of our sisters we
turn for our comforting.
For the friendship of true women,
Lord, that hath teen and ever
shall be
Since woman stood at a woman's
side at the cross of Calvary;
For the tears we weep and the
trusts we keep and the selfsame
prayers we pray,
For the friendship of true woment
flint -.true,'. . Lord, take Thou my thanks toe
Fad and folly, thin whims of an hour, , day.
'May bicker and rant and shrill,
But the living granite of truth will Theodosia Garrison;
diertisi g
ave S ch a Story to Tell as