HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1933-07-06, Page 4PAGE
THURS., JULY 6, 1933
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The regular meeting of the Men's
Club last week was addressed by the
' Rev. 3. N. H. Mills, Goderich, who
gave a very instructive and interest-
ing talk on the "Origin, Aims and
Difficulties of the Peace Confer-
•ence," taking each nation by itself.
The address was an outstanding one
in originality and in the vision of
`the speaker. Next Tuesday evening
the speaker will be Mr, W. H. Rob
-easel.' of the Goderich Signal. A
softball game will be played before
the meeting.
An interesting family gathering
was -held at the hone of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Elliott' yesterday, the
occasion being the re -union of the
family of Mrs. Elliott, the children
of the late Mr, and Mrs. Matthew
Johnston of the Bluewater Highway.
.Those present were: Mrs. James
'Duncan of the West; Mrs, R. Moil-
aoy, McKilIbp; MrS. J. B. Graham,
•Goderich, Mrs. T. •.Sowerby, Gode-
• rich township; 3. E. Johnston, To,
• Tonto; James and Thos. M., Huron
road and Charles, who is on. the old
• homestead on the Bluewater High-
way. Dr. and Mrs. Geo, Duncan of
Detroit were also present.. This.
family of the late 83r. and Mrs,
• Johnston is as yet unbroken and the
• members hada very pleasant time as
they met together and renewed the
memories of their childhood and
Mss. Jordan of Morse, Sesk., left
for home yesterdayafter spending d
month visitin relatives here.
Mr. •B'ob. x'pwell, who has been in
'Clinton Hospital, has returned 'tome
The entrance pupils are at their
•exams, this peek. Success to them
Visitors at. J. S. Lockliart's far
• the holiday were: Mr. and Mrs.' L.
Burnside, Bradford; Stan. King,
Markdale; Mrs, W. Corbett and sen,
Jack, Toronto.
Rev. James Gale of "Moncton will
occupy the pulpit of Grace church
an Sunday, July Oth, Mr. Gale is a
son of the pastor of the churcb, Rev.
R, 112. Gale.
The Grace church garden party,
which was postponed some weeks
ago, will be held on July 10th.
Report of S. -S, No, 5, Goderich
(Porter's Hill):
Jr. 4th: Joyce Gardner, 63; Isobel
Woods, 65.
Jr. 3rd: Mary Torrance, 66; June
McDougall 60.
2nd: Madeline Young, Earl Cox,
Nelson Williamson.
1st: Dorothy 'young, Elgin Cox,
Beth Cox, Ivison Torrance, Billie
Harris, Erie Cox, Jean Bell. '
Sr. Pr.: Billie Cox, Billie Burke.
Jr. Pr.: Bobbie Harris, Vera Young
•-Grace K. Evans, teacher.
Mr. James Walker and sister,
Mary, motored to Hamilton and Ni-
agara and visited, relatives over the
week -end. •
The annual Sunday school and eon-
gr•egatio'nal picnic will beheld on
Friday afternoon, July 14th, to Bay-
Mrs. George .McKay and Miss
Margaret McKay of Toronto visited
their sister, Mrs. John Walker, and
other friends in the village this
•Mre. Alex. Mustard returned to
het home in the village this week'
after spending the week with, tier
daughter, Misses Annie and Alice. o£
London; '
Mr. and Mrs. Manson and Donald
of Dundee, , visited at the home of
Mr. and Ml's. C. Haugh -and other
friends recently.
Report of the Bayfield Public
School June. Examinations:
Fifth Class: Geraldine Castle 85;
Fred Sturgeon 68; Keith Geniein-
hardt 67; •Charlie Parker 65; Carson
Johns 60; Emma Sturgeon 56; Doris
Featherston 48. Junior 4th: Kenneth
Sohier, 83; Vera Wild' 73; Kenneth
Castle 73; Mae Murray 68;' Evelyn
Gemeinhard 65; CharlieBrandon64;
Harry Brandon 63, Senior Third:
Mary Moorhouse, 77; Irene Leitch
76; Robert McLeod 70; Kenneth
Brandon 61; Bill Westlake 61; Ford
Johnston 40'; Stuart Sturgeon 37;
Albert Osmond 35. Junior 3r4: June
Brandon, Pauline Maxwell, Clara
Clark, 'Betty Brandon, Lorna West-
lake, John McLeod, Wen. Murray,
Jack Murray, Wal. Osmond. Second
Class: Vera Pease, Elsie Leitch,
Peggy Boyd, Elsie McLeod, James
Dewar•,• Eugene Castle, Doris Os-
mond. First Class: Norman Bran-
don, Malcolm McLeod, George Boyd
Audrey Brandon, Lloyd Westlake,
Helen Sturgeon; First:. Billy ,John-
ston, Dawua Toms, John Pearson.
Primer: Lloyd Pease, Phyllis Lind-
say, Jack Castle, Marilyn Maxwell,
Barry Brandon, Keith Brandon. To
cal enrolment, 55; average atten-
dance 54; Teachers: Isobel Kirk,
Margaret Ferguson.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Ford King and
son, Douglas are spending a vaca-
tion with the former's parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Geo. King.
Miss Laura Parkinson, Detroit is
the guest of her aunt, Miss .Emily
Misses C. and H. Drew who were
visiting at the Rectory with Mr. and
NIrs. F. 11. Paull returned to Lon-
don on Saturday. Mrs. E. Paull
came on Saturday to spend a month
with her son, Rev. F. II. Paull.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Furter and little
Billy, of Huntsville, and Mrs. D.
Prentice of Toronto visited their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stinson.
John Mitchell of London, Mr. and
Mrs. E. A. Saucier and Betty and
Bobby of Kitchener spent the week-
end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F.
A. Edwards.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dyment and
two children spent the week -end at
Mrs. Dyment's parents, Mr. and.
Mrs, J. W. Tippet.
Mr. J. Cameron spent the week-
end with 1115 brother.
Miss Lola Elliott and D. Howeraft
of Detroit wore with the 'fornter's
mother, Mrs. M. Elliott over the
week -end and fourth of July.
Mrs. Bottom anct fancily accom-
panied by Miss Hope Goudie of K1t4
chener are occupying 1'Iiddleton's
Mr. and Mrs. V.
ily of Landon are
Mrs. W. Tanner
occupying Sum -r -In
J. McMillan and
and Mrs. Sprout
occupying two of
Mr, and Mrs, Nelson McConkey of
lVloltreal are in their cottage here,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hamilton, Mrs.
Tanner and daughter, and Mrs.
Grainger and family of London are
in their cottage.
Mrs. R. Last and fancily of St. Cath-
arines are in Cunninghatne's cottage:
Crown Attorney Judd and family
of London are. in Miss R. Kennedy's
Dr. A. Newton -Brady; who recent-
ly underwent a serious operation in
John Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore,
left on Monday for Hamilton, accom-
panied by Mrs. A. Newton -Brady,
after spending a few days at his
hone here. He expects to move his
household effects to Hamilton in a
fortnight. Dr. Newton -Brady has
been in practice here for over ten
years and Bayfield regrets his de-
parture greatly. •
During his stay here he took an
•active interest in public affairs and
was instrumental in starting the
Bayfield Golf. Club, and also . the
Badminton Club.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Kitty and family
of Toronto are in Doig's cottage..
Mr. and Mrs. W. JI. May and
daughter of St. Marys are in their
cottage here.
Misses G. and W. Rankin and
nephew, Jas. "Rankin of Stratford
are at their cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Orr and fain-
tly of Stratford are at their cottage.
Dr. and Mrs. G. Atkinson and two
daughters of Exeter are at their
DreeW'. 3. Tillman and family of
London are • staying in their cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Foley and fam-
ily of London .aro occupying their,
cottage here.
Mr. and' Mrs. F. V. Martin and
tvio daughters of Detroit are at their
cottage, Boulder Lodge.
Knox Presbyterian, Church anni-
versary service will be .held on Sun
Blackie and fam-
in Lawson's Cot -
and family aro
family and Dr.
of Seaforth are
Idr. Burch's cot -
day, July 16th. Rev. '1, C. McCul-
lough, Kincardine will be the special
preacher on this occasion.
Mrs. Shillington and family of
London, Mars. Walden and family Of
London are occupying two of Robt.
Heard's cottages. .
Mr. D, Churchill's cottage which
is being erected on the harbour hill
is ahnost completed.
Miss Larine Langford of Detroit is
at her cottage•this week,
There was a record attendance at
the *Football Game oh Saturday
night. Over $55 was taken in at the
gate. Bayfield played Brucefield
and won with a score of 1-0.
There was a very large crowd in
Bayfield on July lst, more than there'
has been for years. The bead's
were covered and there was a large
attendance at the pavilion.
Dr. S. M. Burris has purchased the
practise of Dr. Newton -Brady of
which he took full charge on July 1,
Dr. Burris, whose home is in Nova
Scotia, is a graduate ,of the Univers
sity of Alberta, Edmonton. After
spending a year in hospital practise
he did Post Graduate work in the
Montreal General Hospital and the
Toronto Western hospital. He
comes to the village with very high
recommendations and the community
extends to him a welcome.
Mr. E. W. Patchett of the Canadian
Bank of Commerce spent the week-
end at his home in Chesley.
Miss Ferguson and Miss Kirk, the
teachers of the Bayfield Public
school, are spending their holidays at
their respective home in Seaforth
and Glanworth.
M.e. and Mrs. A. Sohier and son
Kenneth spent the week -end at Lis-
Mr., and Mrs. W. F. Buchan and
Ewen of Dunnville spent the week-
end at the 'none of Dr. and Mrs. N.
W. Woods.
.Miss Peggy and Miss Mildred
Dare of Toronto are spending their
vacation at the Albion Hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Robinson of
London are at their cottage hero.
also Mr, and Mrs. • E. Matinees and
son Billy of London and Mrs. E. N.
Hart of London at their cottage.
Mrs. Angus Welsh and daughter
are visiting in the village.
Mrs.. McDonald and Miss Brough
McLean of Sarnia are visiting at
the home of Dr. A. Newton -Brady.
The entrance examinations were
tried at Bayfield on the 3rd, 4th and
5th. There were about 20 pupils
trying from the surrounding country.
Mr. Stonehouse of Goderich presided.
Mrs. W. A. ,Jenkins and family
and. Mrs. A. Maelann and daughter
of London are occupying King's
Bluff cottage.
Mrs. Dalton Smith of West Lorne
is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. W. Higgins.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Metcalf and Miss
M. Thompson of Pittsburg, Pa. are
visiting the former's parents, Dr.
and Mrs. W. P. Metcalf.
Miss Nina Heard left Monday to
take a summer course at the O.A.C.,
Mrs. Neil McGregor and Miss Kate
have gone west to visit friends in
Winnipeg, Moose Jaw and Calgary.
Mrs. Mary E. Ross of Lethbridge
and Mrs. Elizabeth M. Glen of God-
erich visited last weep with their
brother, Mr. Adan Stewart.
Mr. Stewart 'toss and `Mr. Kenneth
Bloomfield of Windsor spent the
week -end at' the home of Mr. and
Mes, Adam Stewart.
Miss Ann •Stewart of Windsor and
Miss Billie Stewart of London spent
the holiday at their home in Stanley.
Miss Norfi, leremlin of •Clinton is
holidaying with Miss Nora Stewart.
Miss Alice Glen is at Bogie Beach
with her cousin, Miss Gail Saunders.
The Welsh, Murphy, Glen, McFar-
lane and' Stewart families had a very
enjoyable picnic at •the river. on Sat-
urday evening, when a pleasant. time
was spent. in ,swimming, games and
music and later in happy chat around
a huge bon -fire.
Mysterious Excursions
An enterprising railway in Eng-
land is going after passenger bus'-
ness from an odd 'angle. It is run-
ning a series of special trains, par-
ticularly for Bikers, to destinations
which remain a mystery to the pas-
sengers -until ,the trains are under
way. All the passengers need is a
little money and a lot of curiosity.
Their itineraries are handed to
them after the trains have started.
On the first trip, during the Easter
week -end, more than 2,000 passen-
gers crowded the two sections of
the special. eraiet.---+Railways Maga•
Mrs. Radford, Mill street, is 'visiting
friends at Londesboro.
Miss Dorothy Rapsey of Toronto was
the week -end guest of the Misses'
Miss Thomas' of Toronto is the guest
of tile Misses Thompson, Isaac
Mrs. Gandier and family leave today
for their summer home at South-
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Fairfull, of To-
ronto are visiting Clinton friends
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. 3acll:' Bawden and little
son of Hamilton are visiting •Chin-
ton relatives.
Miss Linnie Nediger, who has been
,beaching at Woodstock, is home
for the vacation period.
Miss Eleanor Plumsteel is attending
the Summer School at the Uni-
versity of Western Ontario.
Mr. and Mrs: Frank Jenkins and
family of Toronto are visiting the
former's mother,' Mrs. W. Jenkins
of town.
Mr. Edward J. and Mrs. Jenkins
and Mr. George Jenkins of London
visited over the week -end with re-
latives here.
Prin. E. A. Fines and Miss Brydone
of the Collegiate were presiding.
at Collegiate examinations at Sea -
forth last week.
Rev. F. G. Verrill and family leave
today to spend a couple of weeks
at their sununer cottage at Nor-
manclale, on Lake Erie.
Mrs. Garrett of Blyth is visiting her
mother, Mrs. McCoca., Albert street
while Mr. Garrett is acting as pre-
siding examiner at Seaforth.
Miss Margaret Davies of Chicago
arrived on Saturday to spend a
holiday with her brother and sis-
ters, Mr. G. N. and the Misses
Mrs. Joseph Emmerson of Kincardine
and Mrs. Campbell and her son,
Mr. Bruce Campbell, of Windsor
visited with Mrs. R. J. Cluff en
Miss Mary .McGreggor and Miss Lot.
to McKellar' of Toronto motored
up and spent the holiday and
week -end wtih Mr. and Mrs. Gor-
don Cuninghame.
Miss F. Burke of St. Thomas. Mr. W.
R. Miller, Miss Molly Miller, her.
and Mrs. 0. Firth and Mrs. N. Brown
of Toronto were holiday visitors
with Miss Harriet Courtin of town,
Dr. W. L. Brigham returned last
weer: to his home at Star City,
Sasle., after spending several weeks
here, being called home owing to
the illness and death of his father.
Mr, Duncan Cartwright and his sta-
ters, Misses Ruth and Beth, visite
ed over the holiday and week -end
with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs,
C. H. Epps at Kury Inn, near
Miss L. Brigham and her sister, Mrs.
Adams of Hullett, and Mrs. P. A.
Axon motored to London last week.
end to meet Miss 0. Brigham, who
is hone from Windsor for the va-
cation period.
Me. and 1hrrs. W. Dunseith and chil-
dren of Detroit; and Mrs. R. J.
Dunseith and son and Miss Murray
,of St. Pauls, Ont., were Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Jones,
Rattenbury street.
Mr, Adam Cantelon, who had been
visiting relativee 'here for a few
weeks, was called home to the west
.Saturday by the sudden death of
his brother, William, of Maple
Creek, Sask., which occurred the
previous day.
Mr. W. J. Argent left yesterday on
a motor trip to the Pacific Coast
and will also take in the Fair at
Chicago on the return journey. He In
taking a party with him, a couple of
Londesboro ladies being members
'of the party.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Ambler and
little son of Keego Harbor, Mich.,
were visitors over the week -end at
the home of tine lady's parents,
:Mr. and Mrs. Y.I. E. Rorke. Mrs.
Ambler and babe are remaining
for the •week and Mr. Edward
Rorke accompanied his brother-in-
law hare.
1?r. and Mrs. D. Wright and fam-
ily of Detroit, Miele, motored over
and spent the week -end at the home
of their aunt, Mrs. Thos. Pollard.
Mrs. Brumley and Mr. Will Dale of
Toronto spent- the holiday at the
home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. Dale.
Mr. Jas. Dale, while working with
hay one day last week, unfortunately
met with an accident which will lay
hien up for some weeks. We wish
him a speedy recovery.
Mr. Oliver Anderson is wearing an
extra broad smile this week as his
wife presented him .on Monday morn-
ing . wibh a baby son. Congratula-
Mies Mildred Britton of the Lon-
don, Ontario Hospital nursing staff
spent the week -end at the home of
her parents, ilei. and Mrs. W. Brit-
• She of the pupils of S. S. No. 3,
Hallett, are writing entrance exam-
inations in Seaforth this week and
Miss Hattie. Armstrong is writing
fifth form exams. We wish them all
Miss Ethel Gauley (lour school tea-
Mrs. Blanche Tozer Misses Jean
Grant, Florence Fletcher, Violet
Phillips, of Toronto, and Mrs, J.
Phillips 0f. Clinton were week -end
visitors at the home of Me. Ira Mer-
rill. -
Ide, Norman McDougall called on
his old friends over the, week -end.
Mr: Earland Betties spent the 1st
of July visiting his parents, Mr. and
1,frs. Thos. Battles.
Miss Grace Stirling of Toronto
spent a few days visiting her par-.
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stirling, re-
turning on Monday.
Mrs. Will Jordan and little daugh-
ter of Morse, Sask,, who have been
visiting her parents and other friends
for the past month, left for her
home on Tuesday.
Mrs. John McGuire was in Buffalo
this week attending the funeral of
her niece, who died in the city last
'Mr. Will McGuire is harvesting
his crop of early potatoes and re-
ports a fair crop.
Mr. M. J. Butler had a bee last
week raising his barn and under the
direction of 'Mr. Rilley everything
was put in good shape.
The Trustees of S. S. No. 8 have
re-engaged Miss D:duglas for another
year this being her fourth year,
which speaks well for her.
Miss Dorothy Stirling is home for
the summer vacation.
Haying will be almost finished this
week and it is a fair crop and of ex-
tra good quality.
Anybody who is out of work would
'find plenty to do keeping the crows
and black birds away from the cher-
ries as they are almost cleaning them
Mr. A. McCartney of Clinton and
Mr. Albert Livermore of Toronto
called on Mr. Lawrence Stephenson
one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Livermore of
London, spent .the holiday and week-
end with Ms. and Mrs. Lawrence
Stephenson. On their return they
were accompanied by Mrs. Arthur
Miss Kathleen Dunbar 'of Lambeth
is spending the vaaction time with
her cousin, Miss Helen Welsh.
Mr. and Mrs. Thumas Dunbar and
family of Sarnia and Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Dunbar of Lambeth picniced
in Bayfield on Dominion Day.
Mrs, Guy Hicks of Clinton spent a
few days the last week with her
daughter, Mrs. Oliver R. Welsh.
A very pretty little presentation
took place in S. S. No. 0, when the
pupils presented their teacher, Miss
I, Johnston, who has resigned, with
a bread saw and a beautiful sheaf
of roses and fern. Ruth Harris made
the presentation of the knife and
little June Miller the roses, while
11i'ueie] 'Hiller read tine address. Mist
Johnston was quite taken by sur-
prise but thanked then' in a very ap-
propriate manner. Following is the
address: "Dear Miss Johnston: As
you are about to sever your connec-
tion with us we your pupils, feel that
we could not see you go without in
some tvay sheaving our appreciation
of your many kind and thoughtful
acts toward us while you have been
our teacher. Besides teaching tis our
lessons you have instilled other
things into our lives which we shall
always remember. We ask you to
accept this little gift and bouquet
and as you use it day by day you
will ever be reminded of your Noso-
jn . S. . . --Signed
halfourofin Sthe schoo0l. eMlnial Miller,
Donald Harris,'
Following is the School Report of
S. S. No. 11, Goderich township., re-
sults of Promotion Examinations in
June. The year's work was also
considered. The names are placed in
the classes as at beginning of Aut-
umn term:
Jr. 4th: Honours: Jeanne Vodden,
77; Pearl McGee, 75; Pass: Cannel
Hendrick, 62; Lorne Tyndall, 61.
S. 3rd: Harold Wise, 66.
Jr. 3rd: Willa Potter, 58; Donna.
Pickett, 52. Pass: Frank Potter, 61.
2nd Class: Lula Tyndall, Glenn
1st Class: Freddie Gibson, 96; Ray
Potter, 93,5; Jackie Tyndall, r'64,
Norma Pickett, Jean Hen-
drick, Alvin Wise.
Number on roll, 18; average at-
tendance for Jtme 17.66.
--,I. Mary Thomson, teacher.
Boy of Seven severely In-
jured By Mower Knives
A distressing accident occurred on
the farm ' of Clifton Austin, Lake
Shore road, north of Goderich late
Saturday afternoon, when Jack, Mr.
Alnstin's seven-year-old son, receiv-
ed severe injuries when his left leg
came in contact with the knives o1
a mower, The boy was taken to
London in an effort to save the liinb.
The little fellow, it is stated was
last seen by his father picking straw-
berries on the edge . of a hayfield,
which his father was engaged in cut-
ting. The long hay hid him from
view .and the knives all but severed
his leg.
The boy bad apparently strayed,
unknown to anyone, to the hayfield
and his grief stricken father had no,
warning whatsoever, the first intima -
cher) is spending her vacation, at hertion he, received'. being the screams
home in Ripley. iShe is re-engaged of his son when the mower came up-
for=anther term, here. on' him.
Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Peters of Olio
Michigan, returned to their home o
Monday, having spent a few days
visiting their aunt, Mrs. E. Bell, and
other relatives.
Mrs. Bothmie of Winnipeg, who for
the past month has been visiting with
her brother and sister, Mr. George
and- 14Liss S. Barr, left for her home
on Wednesday.
Mr. Alvin Watson of London spent
the week -end with his uncle, Mr. C.
Watson and other friends.
Miss Alberta Snell and Miss Olive
Sprung, nurses -in -training at the
Ontario Hospital, London, are holt-
(laying at their respective homes.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Troope and Mise
Jean Maims of Chicago are spending
a few weeks' holidays with their
mother, Mrs. M.'Mains.
Mrs. R. Townsend and daughter,
Dorothy, left on Wednesday for a
motor trip to .the Sunset Province,
Chicago and other points, which will
take thein several weeks.
.Mr. and Mrs. Wen. T. Brunsdon vise
iced at the home of their son, How,
and of Clinton, on Sunday.
Rev. A. Gardiner and Mrs. Gardi-
ner are leaving for Chicago this
week, where they will spend their
holidays. Mr. C. S. Hawke of Clin-
ton will take the services at the three
appointments of Londesboro charge
next Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. King, Master
Douglas and Miss Martin of Toronto
and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. King of Bay
field were the guests of Mr. George
and Miss S. Barr on Sunday.
Miss Phyllis Manning is spending
part of her holidays with her grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Howatt;
The Workers' Class of Londesboro
United Church entertained two girls
classes and one boys class, ranging
from 12 to 18 years, to a picnic held
in Snell's Grove, the home of Wm.
Snell, on Dominion Day, about sixty
members were present to enjoy races
lunch and softball. The boys and
girls together played softball until
four o'clock when everybody began
to enjoy races, etc., which were as
follows: Spelling match, lst •prize,
a white kid purse, went to Miss N.
Hesk; girls slipper race, Miss M.
Stewart, 1liss E. Webster; bey's bis -
chit race, S. Yungblutt, L. Stewart;
girls throwing softball, Miss R. Lyon
Miss E. Webster; boys and girls
speed race, 12 to 15, Miss A. Carter,
0. Adams; 15 to 18, F. Morrell, E.
Cartwright; 'girls tying boys tie,
Miss A. Carter and le. Morrell, Miss
N. Hesk and S. Yungblutt. Afte'
these contests the four teachers,
Mrs. Townsend, Mrs. Adams, Mrs.
Caldwell and Mrs. Ruddle, served
refreshments after which everybody
!played softball 'till sunset,
M.r and Mrs. Dick Williamson of
Britnnpton visited over the week -end
at the home of the former's cousin,
1'Ir. Henry Adams.
The beet of- tin
we Hiway msg..
The '"tine.. -that wise
men alwayschoose
We're quality tinners-believe
in using the best materials and in
doing a job that will reflect cre-
dit upon us. After we serve you, e
you will know that a tinsmith can
be in love with his job•
Heating, Plumbing, Tiasmithing
Nothing so quickly harms ap-
parel as permitting it to acquire
that "worn" loon:. Nothing pre-
serves the fresh, spit -and -span•
appearance so well as a regular',
trip to the presser! All signs
of untidiness disappear under the;
influence of the presser. Tell us
to cal', today!
EAMES The Leaner
!Phone 194, CLINTON