HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1933-07-06, Page 1News -Record at 1E78 WITH WHICH IS INCOR•PORAT E1D THE CLINTON NEW O 5330. -55th YEAR ERA The New Era Est. 1.8ate , CLINTON ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1933 to introduce • /me the vitim design in matched holloware and flatware Rose Zowle value 10 'GIV•EN FREE WITH THE PURCHASE OF A 32 -PIECE SET 'SECTIONAL QUALLITY SILVERWARE' IN TARNISH -PROOF CABINET FOR , , , ,. $19.95 - Just received a stock of 'Diamond Rings in latest 'style of set- tings. Moderately Priced. HEADQUARTERS FOR WATCH REPAIRING �. te1Iqar Headquarters for Watch and Jeweler/ Repairs Jeweler and Optometrist Phone 174w and 174j EJuly Sale of Remnants Prints, Voiles; Batistes, Rayons, Curtain Materials, Cottons, To- wellings and many other lines will be found on this table of Remnants, mostly in lengths of 1 to 3 yards and a great number of them marked to clear at P ONE I -I ALF PRICE & UNDER Summer Dress Sale We have still several dozen Sum- mer Dresses on our Racks all at "MARKED DOWN" Prices to Clear, During July VIT I 9 S " CLINTON'S LEADING STYLE SHOPPE " 1933 TAXES COMING IN SATISFACTORILY Council Held ShortSession Monday Night , The town council met on Monday evening, all members present, Mayor Trewartha in the chair. After the minutes of the last regular and a special meeting were read and adopted, the clerk read a communication from the secretary of the Wearwell 'Softball team asking for a rebate of hall rent, or part of it, wbie'h on motion of Councillors Pais- ley and Cook, was filed, Also one from the BeIi Telephone Company asking permission to move a pole eight feet on Albert street, which, on motion of Councillors Paisley and, Reeve Elliott, , was left to Chief 'Stong to look into and see that no incon- venience was caused by .the change. Chairman Cook of the park com- mittee reported the grain cover ern on the newly -sodded park as being cut. He reported that the grass had been washed out a little. He also reported that the grass on the vacant plot facing Mary street would be cut every fortnight by Mr. Fulford, at a cost of $3, to be paid m the autumn. Chairman Livermore of the street committee reported that the work authorized last month had beencom- menced on Rattenbury and Wlilliam. Be said it was going to cost more than was expected but a good job weu1d be done. The work had . been daiayed a bit on account of the pool quality of gravel, but hoped that the quality would improve as they got into the pit. Several of the council- lors expressed themselves as to the desirability of having signed con- tracts with both 'Mr. Elliott in regard to the gravel and the operator of the crusher, and it was decided to ask and the town solicitor to draw cons tracts, the street committee to see that such are signed. • ' should be placed on Rattenbury and William, warning moteriets that they were using the street at their own risk and 'Councillor Inkley called • at- tention to the way motor fenders project over the sidewalk when backed up to the curb, band nights. He thought • this dangerous to pedes- trians. Or 'notion of Reeve Elliott and Councillor Paisley it was decided to purchase a pair of grappling irons, for use in ease of emergency, sante to be in charge of the fire company. On motion of Councillors Paisley and Inkley it was decided to pay the fee to the Western Ontario Firemens' Assn., although the local firemen are not taking part in a tournament this year they wish to keep their connection with the assn. Mr, G. Phelan asked for permit to build a verandah on his :house in Fulton street, which on Motion of Councillor Paisley and Reeve Elliott, was granted. 'It was also decided that the fire chief be instructed to collect permit fees from others who had done building improvements. Chairman InkIey of the cemetery committee reported the improvements at cemetery completed 'and said the levelling at the east side of the gate had been well done. He also com•' merited on the well -kept condition of the .cemetery, which he said was look- ing very well, indeed. He suggested that the park• lots in the cemetery should be opened up for sale, His id- ea was that those purchasing lots should have a choice and this could be done by throwing all space avail- able open far sale. Councillor Liver- more agreed, said that the park Lots held, looked untidy and ifall. were A BRILLIANT STUDENT ,Miss IeIei, Patten, a first year student n of the University of Toron- to, and a graduate of .the St. George Continuation school, of which Miss Corti Jervis is principal, and a for- mer pupil of hers, is the . -stew ner of aschol • ars rh' p valued at $125, coming highest tin hi g s University College e in Honour English and history. Be- fore entering University, Miss Pat- ten was the winner of a Brant County Scholarship valued at $1,000, $250 each year for four years. A SUDDEN DEATH Word was received here last Sat- urday of the sudden death which occurred the previous day at his home near Maple Creek, Sask., of Whlliam Cantelon, a native of Godes rich township. William Cantelon was the young- est son of the late Adam •Cantelon, who was a veteran school teacher and lived on the farm now occupied by Mr. Ed. Grigg, 9th •concession oil Goderich township. He was one of a familyf eight. He hadbeen' in the west for aan cod years many y ars and had been farming near Maple Greek. His death was very sudden and unexpect- ed. He is survived by his wife and two sons, Reginald al d W., principal of the Public school, Unity, Sask., and Harold at home. AIso two sisters and three brothers survive: Miss Sarah and H. H. who reside over the river, Arthur of Clinton, D. J.. of Stratford, Mrs. E. Floody, Toronto, and Adam of Piapot, Sask., who was here visiting relatives and left bra mediately on hearing of his broth, er's death to be- present for the fun- eral, which took place at Maple Creeb yesterday. cemetery would have a much better general apeparance. Reeve Elliott thought the throwing w•pen of all the park lots would give the cemetery superintendent too much work all at once, but Councillor Inkley's opinion was that it would be easier to keep in shape if these lots were levelled so that the mower could be run over them. The matter was left, as he' wished the ,councillors to go out and look the situation over. :Chairman Holmes of the property committee bad no report except the recommendation of the purchase of some kindling for the town hall. Clerk Manning, on tite request of the mayor read a statement of the taxes received for the first six months of the year, a total of $18,- 805.76 having been received. There are arrears of something over $3,000, both totals being somewhat below the figures of last year, owing, Clerk Manning explained, to the fact that the rate this year is lower. Mayor Trewartha expressed satisfaction that the taxes had come in so well, 'Chairman Paisley of the finance committee read the following report: Street Account Paysheet , . $332.25 J. Flynn, grate 5.00 T. W. Hawkins, lanterns .. , 2.50 J. B. Mustard, 200 tile 77.00 C. Proctor, work, material4.85 T, Wigginton, Iumber, work1.71 Electric Light Account P. U. Com., st. lighting 160.57 Property Account P. U. Cor., light, town hall,., 6.25 P. U. Copt., water 1.80 P. U. Cern:, two tanks water .50 P.U, Com., 3 mths. rent, rest room . 27.00 P. U. 'Cor., light for rest room . .... ..... , . 1.00 Mrs. Brown, care rest room2.00 D. E. Closet Account A. Fulford, salary for June65.00 Cemetery Account M. Mereven, salary 116,66 Paysheet .. 22.50 3. M. Elliott, gas and oil.... 6.19 Sutter and Perdue, paint , 17.85 Ball and Zapfe, paint ,,,• 14.00 A. Seeley, labor , 13.75 C. Proctor„labor. 2.50 • Salaries Account, R. Manning .. 58.33 L. Stang . , 70.83 E. Grealis . 58.33 Grants Account P. U. Cern., light, X-ray and • water • Park Account Bal] and Zapfe, nails, wire.. Paysheet , 53.01 8.88 5.00 THE HOME PAPE HAVE RE -OPENED INN Mr. and Mrs, C. 13. Epps, who had their inn, Kurw Inn, near Bowman- ville; destroyed by fire last year, have• rebuilt and are maw doing a nice business. A recent issue of the Bownianville Statesman gives a flat- te •in notice t g of a of the re -opening the inn he u w n a number er invited x w e guests of Mr. and Mrs.Epps to tea. Mrs. Epps will be remembered bet- ter as Miss Mary Argent of Clinton, INDUCTED INTO NEW CHARGE Frid'ay's Beacon -Herald had the following• regarding the induction of Rev. D. E. Foster into the pastorate of Parkview church, Stratford, on Thursday evening, The paper the previous evening carried a very good portrait of Mr. Foster: "A brief but impressive ceremony of induction took place at Park- view -United Church on Thursday night when Rev. Duncan E. Foster, of the Wesiey-Willis United Church, of Clinton, was inducted as the new pastor of Parkview Ohureh to succeed the former pastor, Rev. C. D.G s osen who goes to the Wiesley- Wiillis Church in Clinton. The service was conducted by Rev. E. W, Edwards of Tavistock, recent- ly elected president of ,the Perth Presbytery assisted by Rev. W. D. Bell, of Stratford, who gave the ad- dress of the evening. Mr. Foster officially met the lay members of the Perth Presbytery during the in- duction ceremony and after the ser- vice met the members of Parkview Churc}i congregation at a social hour held in the basement of the church. There was a large attendance at the service." DEATH O7' J. C. STEVENSON Mrs. John Cuninghame received word yesterday morning of the death of her brother, J. Curtis Stev- enson, which occurred at Burling- ame, California, on the previous ev- ening, Mr. Stevenson for the great- er part of his Iong life of over nine- ty-five years was a resident of Clinton, having carried on a furni- ture and undertaking business here for many years, until he sold out to Messrs. Hoover and Ball about twenty-seven years ago and went to California. He was born at Cooks- ville January 27th, 1838, being a son of the late Thomas Stevenson, who brought his young family to Clinton in 1854. He went into business here, cabinet making, and his only son worked with him and succeeded him in business, Mr. Stevenson took an active part in the business, church and fraternal life of Clinton for many years. He was a life long Methodist, being cont meted with Rattenbury and Wes- ley church, a member of the choir, bible class teacher and active in all church organizations as long as he remained 'here and also carried on his activities in California as long as health permitted. He was also very muoh interested in temperance work and was active in having a temperance organization formed hero in the early days. He served on the school board and took a keen ins terest in all 'natters for the upbuiid, ing of the town. He was a member of 1.O,O,F, and retained his member ship in the local lodge throughout his life, About twenty-seven years ago Mr. Stevenson sold his business here and he and his wife, who was formerly Miss Jane Barrie, and their son, Duncan, moved to Almeda, Cal., where Mrs. Stevenson had a. sister Iiving, and where Mr. Stevenson be- came representative for a business firm, which he continued until a com- paratively few years ago. For a time he lived in Oakland and of late years has been at Burlingame. Un- til .his eyesight failed a few years ago the always took The News -Re- cord in order to keep in touch with the old home town. DI 1927 Mr. Stevenson made his st visit to Clinton, making the urney alone and corning around by he Panama canal. He remained couple of months and greatly njoyed meeting old friends and re- ewing old acquaintances. He was en in his ninetieth year but was as traiglit and active as a young man. and but for the handicap of failing yesight was as much alive to ev- erything going forward as a man alf 'his age. He contracted flu a- ut Christmas time and has been in oor health ever since, for same eeks during the winter being so ow that his death was constantly deed. for. la jo th e n th s Insurance Account Chief •Stong's ,band 12.00 e • Incidental Account h Bell Tel. Co., rent, acct. .... 8.97 bo Typewriting . 1.00 Postage . 5.00 w P. U. Cor., 8 mths. rent ^.Hydro and fountains , 622.72 to RECEIPTS L. STONG Hall rent ....... . e 5.00 so 1' McE'WAN-- tw of lots 348.00 01 Work .. 43.50 Care in Perp. . 95.00' 184.50 se Licenses . , ... . , . , ..... 20.00 in 4r. Stevenson is survived by his n, Duncan; at Oakland, Cal., and. wo sisters, Mrs. Cuningharne :of intoe 'and Miss'Eva 'Stevenson of Toronto. Mrs. Stevenson died about ven years ago. He will be buried California, his wife having been id to rest there same years, ago. Councillor Cook thought signs levelled and kept in good shape . the E. Grealis, stock scales 20.30 la THE MARKETS Wheat, 70e. Barley, 40c. Buckwheat, 40c, Oats, 38e. Eggs, 8c to 14c. Butter, 17c to 18e. Liveo. H gs, $5.60. AFTERNOON TDA ` The ladies of St. Paul's Guild gave a lawn tea on the church grounds en Tuesday afternoon, tables being set in front of the vestry on the east side of the church, in the shade of the church and the large trees, and during the afternoon many came in to enjoy a cup of tea and the other dainty things provided. The pro- ceeds were satisfactory to the ladies, A BROTHER DIES Following a lengthy illness, Wil- liam .Gerson passed away at his home, in Kincardine, on Tuesday, June ;27th, 1938. The deceased was in his 77th year. He was born near Lucan, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. s Thos. Carson. For fifty years the deceased lived on the Cerson home from in Greenock township, which bis father purchased. Follow- ing the departure of the family from Lucanf n -seve ort y years ago he mar- ried Ellen Splan of Greenock town- ship, who survives him with two sons Ernest of Brampton and Wilfred of Kincardine township, and two daugh- ters, Mrs. Morniulaus of St. Thomas' and Mrs. Geo. Robertson of Kincar- dine township. Also two sisters, Mrs. Geo, Vanderburgh of Clinton and Mrs. Francis Weston of Goderich township. Fifteen years ago Mr. and Mrs, Ceram moved to Kincardine, where they have since resided. In religion he was an Anglican and an Orange- men as well as being a member of the Masonic Order for forty -ono years. The funeral was conducted under the auspices of the Masonic Lodgefront his f h s late residence on Thursday afternoon, Rev. A. B. Thor utas officiating. Interment was made in Purely's cemetery. Those from a distance who at- tended the funeral were: Mrs. Fran- cis Weston, Mr. Allen Settles, ltf'r. and Mrs. Frank Picot, Miss Clara Harrison, Miss Esther Harrison and Mrs. Ernie Bell, all of Goderich township; Messrs. George and Ar- thur Collins, Port Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Vanderburgh and Mr. Wes•+ ley Vanderburgh of Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burdge, Brimfield; Mrs. Geo. Monk, Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cerson and Mr. Calvin Cer- son, Teeswater, and Mr, Fred Hoch gins and Mr. Oscar Hodgins, Kin - lough. SUDDEN DEATH OF MISS HILL Citizens of Clinton and vicinity were shocked on Saturday morning to learn of the sudden death of Miss Mary J. Hill, Miss Hill had been staying for some months past with Mrs, Jane O'Brien, who is at present on a trip to the west, and spent a part of the time in the house. She was sitting out on the front steps Saturday morning and Mrs. Cree who Iives a- cross the street, noticed her trying to call her end ran over. She had fallen before anyone could reach her, however, and while a doctor was im- mediately called he could do nothing for her and death ensued within a few minutes. She had not been in the best of health but had been go- ing about as usual up to the end. Heart trouble was the immediate cause of death. Miss Hill was born at Whitby in 1863, being a daughter of the late Thomas 'Hill and his wife, Elizabeth McIntyre Hill, who came up to Huron when their family was very small, and• she had spent almost her entire life here. During her younger days she lived on the home farm on the gravel road but for'seevral years she had resided in Clinton, She Rept her' awn home for years but latterly had taken rooms, letting her own house. Miss Hill was a member' of Ontario street United church and was regular in at- tendance when health permitted and was also active in the women's or- ganizations. She :is survived by three sisters: Mrs. John Noble of Hullett• Mrs. Charles Baker of Clinton and Mrs. J. Rath, of St. George. The funeral took place from On- tario street church on Monday after- noon, the Service being held at half past two, Rev. F. G. Ferri)] in ,charge. The pallbearers were: Messrs. Mc- Knight, Leonard, Tiplady, Noble, Cook and Tyndall. Interment in Clinton cemetery. Antiongst those present from out of town for the funeral were: Mrs. James !Rath and Miss Irene and Al- bert Rath, St. George; Miss Edith Rath, Reg. N'., Buffalo; Mrs. James Hill, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hill, Ridgeway; and Mr. and Mrs. J, R. Hill, Jarvis, i REGRET THEIR DEPARTURE The ladies d of theco n g. g r e atron of Wesley -Willis, as a little token of goodwill, presented Mrs. Gandier, prior to her departure from town, with an overnight bag. Owing to the feet that Mrs. Gandier is just recov- ering from an illness, the gift accom- panied d byan explanetory . pwas Y note, 5 sent to Mrs. Gandier. It is a natter of regret that this family is removing front Clinton, for the present at least, as at the begin- ning of the autumn school tern' they intend going to Toronto, the two old- er members of the family, Joe and Harriett, will attend university, the former having finished his first year there, and Bob will attend university school. They will be missed in Glin•1 ton, where all the children have grown: up and where they are popular with their friends. Mrs. Gandier has a host of friends in Clinton and vicin- ity who will miss her greatly but whose good wishes will follow her wherever she goes. LITTLE LOCALS A softball game between Goderich and the Wearwells will be played here this evening, • Traffic Officer Lever of Clintor had a busy b y time over the holiday and week -end owing to motor acci- dents. Prof. A. W. and Mrs. Anderton en- tertained the choir of St, Paul's church yesterday afternoon at their summer home at Kintail, The Entrance Exams. are on this week. Twelve write from the Clinton Public school, fourteen having been recommended on their year's stand- ing. Mrs. J. E. Hovey had the misfor- tune to fall front a step in her own garden the other day and fracture her left arm in two places besides in, juring herself in other ways. The results of midsummer exams, in Clinton and district schools will be found on page six of this issue. Some reports ,which came in later are under township headings, Miss Marion Thompson has accept- ed the principalship of the Granton Continuation and Public school and will commence her new duties at the beginning of the autumn term. The fine showers of rain enjoyed here on Friday and Saturday last were very welcome and saved much vegitation, We need another shower now, as the ground was execedingly dry. AMONG THE CHURCHES St. Paul's Church The regular meeting of the Wo- man's Auxiliary will take the form of a lawn tea, on Tuesday afternoon, July 11th, on the grounds of the Rectory and everyone is invited to come and spend a pleasant after- noon, from three to six. Ontario Street United Church The W. M. S. will meet on Tues- day next on Mrs. B. J. Gibbings' lawn, when it is expected Miss Yayia Ichikawa, a Japanese student at Al- ma College, will give a talk on Japan. Miss Carol Evans will also take part in the program. Mrs. Milton Wiltse and Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes will have charge of the tea hour. Presbyterian 'Church Union services will be continued in this church on Sunday, Rev. Dr. Dougan in charge. His morning ser- mon subject will be: ''Songs in the Night," Evening: "Light at Even- tide." The first of the series of union services of the two United congrega- tions and the Presbyterian congre- gation were held in this church on Sunday, the minister of the church, Rev. Dr, Chas. E. Dougan, preaching an impressive sermon both morning and evening. The church choir had charge of the musical part of the service, Mrs. J. C. Cooper at the organ. An anthem was rendered at each service and Miss Snider contributed a solo at the morning service and the male q r - tette rendered a selection at Chev- ening service. llhh Wesley -Willis United Church The Rev. T. W. Dewitt Cosens was inducted into 'the pastorate of Wes- ley -Willis church on Friday evening last, a fair congregation assemblying to witness the impressive ceremony. The Rev.' W. F. Craik of Goderich presided and inducted the new min- ister; Rev. 111.r. Elliott of Exeter spoke to the people, giving an earn- est address, and Rev. Mr. Herbert of ITclmesville addressed the minister, *inhere of the choir were present and led in the service of song. The new minister dismissed the service with the benediction. ,At the, conclusion, of the service the congregation bad an oppor- tunity of meeting 110. and gas. 'Creels and all repaired to the dining hall, below, where ice cream and cake were served and a soeial hour enjoy r. MOVING TO NEW QUARTERS The Plot soh Hatcherwhich Y, has been located in Oharlesworth's feed: store, and is under the management: of Russell Jervis, has just completed the season's work, and owing to in.-- crease suiness d b is no moving g to the large building on Rattenbury- streethi w epr was formerly used b • y the Jackson •Clothing Ca. This should' be an ideal location for this business;- MacLEOD--,1VANS The marriage was solemnized at: half past eleven on Saturday fore- noon last, at the home of the bride's, parents, of Grace Kathryn, daughter. of Dr. J. S. and Mrs. Evans and Tan• MacLeod, son of Mr, and Mrs. Dune. can 3. MacLeod 'of Dunvegan, the ceremony being conducted by the. Rev. F, G. Farrill in the presence of ' only immediate relatives and a fetor friends. The bride, who was given in mar- riage by her father, wore a lovely • wedding gown of white silk net, ap- pliqued in taffeta and trade over • white taffeta, and carried a shower • bouquet of Ophelia roses and lillies• - of -the -valley. The bridal couple stood before a bank of ferns and' summer flowers in the living room, They were unattended. Miss Caro] Evans, sister of the bride, played the wedding music, rendering a vocal: number just before the ceremony. At the conclusion of the ceremony and when the newly -wedded pair had received the congratulations and good wishes of those present, a buf- fet luncheon was served and Iater Mr. and Mrs. MacI.eoci Left on a motor trip to Eastern Ontario. The. brido donned for the journey a hand- some ensemble of hyacinthe blue crepe, with which she wore a hat and other accessories of white. On• their return they will reside in On- tario street. Out-of-town guests at the wedding. were: Mr, and Mrs. D. J. MacLeod Dunvegan; Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Ev- ans and little sons, Bobby and Y3iily, St. Marys; 1lliss Kathryn A. Evans, Ann. Arbor, Mich.; Mr, Oliver Mac- Rae, Toronto; Mr. G. MacCallum, Leamington and itis. Wm. Helot, Lucknaw. The bridegroom is the agricultural representative in Huron and during his residence in Clinton has made. many friends and is held in the, highest esteem, the bride is a native of the town and a charming girt, with a host of friends, and the young couple bevel the good wishes of all' for a happy future, McKNIGHT--tROBINSON The home of Mr. and Mrs. Win Robinson was the scene of a vet/ pretty wedding at 3 o'clockyester- day afternoon, July 5th, when their younger daughter Mabel Mae, was united in marriage to Mr. John Leon- ard McKnight, son of Mr, and Mrs, J. T. McKnight. To the strains of Lohengrin's wed- - ding march, played by Mrs. C. Cole, the bride's sister, the bride entered the drawing room on the arm of her - father and the ceremony was per- formed by Rev. C. W. D. Cosens, M. A., B.D., amid a bower of flowers,. palms and ferns, while the soft light of many candles lent charm to the delightful scene. • The bride looked beautiful in her _ gown of white silk organdie, having - Puffed frills over the shoulders caught with organdie roses. Tine' waist was fashioned in surplice style' ending in a bow at the back and the skirt was daintily flared. Her long - embroidered veil was arranged im cap effect with a wreath of orange - blossoms. She wore long lace mittens and carried a shower bouquet of' Talisman roses. Her only ornament• was the groom's gift, a platinum - lavalliere. Mrs, (Dr.) Dougan sang a wedding hymn "0 Perfect Love," in good voice. The rooms were tastefully decor- ated with. flowers, The dining room - table was covered with an Italian• cut -work cloth and centred by the. wedding cake while from a white, bell above came streamers of white tulle which were caught at the four - corners of the table by bows of tulle and rose buds. ' An informal buffet luncheon was • served to about forty-five guests on - the spacious lawn. The young coupie Ieft on a anter - trip, the bride wearing a three -piece - light tweed swagger suit with egg- shell blouse and accessories to mateh, Many beautiful gifts were 'received and all friends of the young couple, the bridegroom being a popular young business man of town and the bride also popular in a large circle,• wish them a future of great happl-• ness. PEOPLE YOU KNOW Miss Carol Evans of Englehart is • holidaying at her home in town. Miss Cruikshank of Sarnia is visite. ing Miss Fanny Waldron .of town...