HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1933-05-25, Page 8'"PAGE 8 u"(%),4*. mommir SELLING OUT Our Complete Stock of Floor Coverings CONSISTING OF LINOLBUMS IN 2 YD. AND 4 YD. WIDTHS CONGOLEUM AND OILCLOTHS BY THE YARD CONGOLEUM AND LINOLEUM RUGS ALSO TAPESTRY _AND AXMINSTER MATS in different sizes. ALL GO AT REDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES AS WE ARE CLOSING OUT THIS DEPARTMENT 1 steel Iros. cials Fresh Pork Rolls, lb. , . , 12c Home-made Lard, lb. 116 Coleman's Lard in prints il,e Fresh Pork Hocks, lb. 6c Pickled Pork Hocks, "Ib. 6o Cooked Pickled Pork Hocks 10c H. -made Head Cheese 3 lbs. 25c H. -made Sausages, 'lb. 10e Dry Salt Pork, 2 lbs. for 25e Fresh Tongues, per ib. 14c Beef Hearts, per lb. 100 Hamburg Steak, per lb. 10c P.M. Back Bacon, sliced, lb. 18c Picnic Hams, lb. 12e, 13c Breakfast Bacon, piece, lb, 17c P. M. Cott. Rolls, lb. Smoked Cott. Rolls, lb,. Pickled Bacon Rolls, 1b , 12c Ci}"NNELeid TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 Albert Street .r�=01t:E0 01:20 O1dO 01=10= p 0 0 0 0 n 0 11 p 0 1/ Hardware Funeral Directors Plumbing Furniture Phone 147w Electric Wiring AZ0=0==z0=01===0 01=0... hes Qver O ,ELECTRIC IRONS, Guaranteed One Year , .$L69 O New Line of Paints, interior or Exterior, Large Range of Colors, manufactured by one of the largest companies in Canada, PINT SIZE QUART SIZE 39e 69e SOLID WALNUT END TABLES and PEDESTALS, $1.25 to $3.00 THE FAMOUS KING BUG KILLER, 20 Ib. bags 800 PAINT BRUSHES . 10e, 15c, 25e, 50c WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR FREE PIE PLATE AN)) SALAD DISH SUTTER PEROVE & VIILKER Gash Specials S'MITH'S LAUNDRY SOAP, 8 cakes for . ... ........... . . .. . ..25c OXYDOI y large •r c-•, -. 21c Y: .. CHIPSO, large . 21c LUX, large 21e CASTILE SOAP, 10 bars for 25e LILAC BUDS, TOILET, 3 bars for 100 P•RINC'ESS FLAKES . 15e FLOOR WAX . 21c PRUNES, 2 lbs. for 190 PEACHES, 2 lbs. for 2$c RAISINS, SEll1DLESS, 2 lbs. for ` 23e VALE'NNCIA RAISINS, 2 lbs. for 25c CURRANTS, 2 lbs. for 25c TEA "RISC, package . ' 330 SWANSDOWN, per package 33c 1VIUFFETS, 2 packages for 19c QUICK OATS, Livingston . 23e CORN FLAKES,8'packages for •21c RICE KRISPIES, 2 packages for 21c SALMON, RED, SOCKEYE, 2 tins for 25c FANCY RED C'OHOE, large ' 25c FANCY RED °Gamy Small 15c KIPPER SNACKS 5o MUSHROOMS .25c CLARK'S TO&PATO JUICE, 6 for . 25c - SPECIAL PRICE ON PINEAPPLES FRESH TOMATOES, LETTUCE, ASPARAGUS TIPS, ONIONS. SPECIAL ON MEN'S PANTS, OVERALLS, WORK SHIRTS, FANCY SHIRTS LOBB'S GENERAL STORE THECLINTON NEWS-RECOIW Uilllsual Value in Cup and Saucer The uncommon feature is its qual- ity at the price. It is heavy porce- lain with an attractive and bright decoration. The cup is liberal size and the saucer in befitting propor- tion; suitable for every -day use. The price is 13; two for 25c. Tile W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best T.HURSt,` HAY 25; 1933 RED AND; WHITE A STOCK REDUCING SALE OF RED AND WHITE LINES We are the Sole Agents for Red and White Goods ---do not confuse the quality, these are the very BEST that money can buy ---But we need the. Cash to buy more Red and White Tea, lb. (With Plate) 49e Red and White Coffee (plate), per lb. 45c Red and White Peaches; per tin 190 Red and White Cherries ..., 15c Red and White Matches 25c ' Red and White Salt, 2 pkgs. for 190 Servus Bread, per loaf Gc Servus Butter, per lb. 22c Red and White Icing Sugar, 2 lbs. for 25c Red a,nd White Soups, Vegetables, 2 for 13c Red and White Finnan Haddie, 2 for 25c New Hite Coffee (Cup and Saucer) 49c F. C. Baking Powder (Glassware) 25c Red and White Spaghetti, 2 for 19c Red and White Tomatoes, 2 for 23c Red and White Jelly Powder, 2 for 13c Red and White Borax, 2 for 19c Red and White Catsup, 2 for 28c 5 -String Brooms, each 19e Sunlight Soap, 5 bars for 28c London Soap, 6 bars for 23c Macaroni, 2. lbs. for 15c Corn Flakes, (Sugar Crisp) 7c Breeakast Food, 5 for 25c Large Oxydol 17c argain Prices Big Pineapple Week, For Canning, 2 for 25c FRIGIDIAIRE Fresh Milk and Cream Daily Red and White Gingerale (and bottle) 18e • Fresh Fsh Fridays New Cheese, 2 lbs. for " 25c Bacon, sliced, per lb. 25c Wednesday Sodas, 2 lbs. for Fancy Cookies, 21bs. for Ginger Nuts, 2 lbs. for orning Specials 25c Rolled Oats, 4 lbs. for 15c 25c Breakfast Bacon, piece 19c 25c Peameal Bacon, per lb. 18c Miss 'Annie Nediger of Woodstock was honto over the week -end. Miss Booth of Simcoe is the guest ?this week of Mrs. J. Livermore. Miss Grace Coultis of Listowel is visiting her aunt, Mrs, Wm; Shik- . ley. br. Andrew Oak of Toronto is vie- iting his sisters, Mrs. Wm. Hig- gins and Mrs. T. J. McNeil of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Green of Teeswater were with the lady's parents, Mr. and, Mrs. J. Livermore over the 'week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Lashbrook and Miss Rita of Mitchell spent the holiday with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Pickard. Mrs. Mclhvaine of Gelert and her little daughter are visiting with the lady's mother, Mrs. Carrie Jervis, Mary street. • Mr. C. M. Johnston of Essex spent the Twenty-fourth as the guest of his daughter, Mrs. A. McGougan, Rattenbury street. Mr. and Mrs. E. Zinn and family of Lucknow visited the lady's mother, Mrs. Geo. Holland of town, .on Sunday last. Miss Eva Stevenson, who had been been visiting her sister, Mis. John Cuninghame, for the past month, returned to Toronto on Saturday afternoon. Miss Hattie Baker, who had been with Mrs. J. Cuninghame and Miss Florence Cuninghame for several days, returned to her home in Ful- lerton on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Livermore and Master Billy and Miss Pratt of Aylmer were week -end guests with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Manning, and Mr. H. B. Manning were week -end visitors in Toronto, being accom- panied home by Miss Helen Man- ning, who has completed her third University term. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. 'Cuninghame and little Miss Jo Ann and Mr. T. C. Callander of Guelph visited at the former's cottage at Bayfield for a few days at the week -end. Mr. Callender returned to Guelph on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hall motored to Toronto for the week -end and on their return Monday were accom- panied by their daughter, Miss Evelyn, who has completed her course at the Toronto University and will be graduated in a couple of weeks. LONDON ROAD The :Community. Club . held their May meeting at the home of Mrs.' N. W Trewartha, Clinton, on Thursday last, with a good attendance of members. 1l'Irs. Jos. Clegg presid- ed and opened the meeting with the Club Ode and creed. After the cor- respondence and business was attend- ed to plans were made for the an- nual picnic and the social committee was given charge of completing ar- rangements. .Mrs. Lebeau gave a splendid pa- per, "Making the most of our Op- portunities." The paper was thought- fully prepared and very interesting. The Roll Call was responded to with an exchange of slips, bulbs, roots, etc. The exchange was gener- ous and varied. Before closing the meeting some community singing appropriate to the season was in- dulged in and the National Anthem was then sung. Mrs. Geo. Falconer acted as pianist during the after- noon. The rest iof the time was de- voted to cutting garments and sew- ing. The refreshments were then serv- ed by the hostess, assisted by mem- bers of Mrs. Swinbank's group. Dur- ing the tea hour the Misses Wilhel, mina Trewartha and Ellen Charles- worth sang several duets with guitar accompaniment, responding very kindly to encores. The next meet- ing will be held at the home of Mrs. Ed. Welsh, Hullett, when the club will have for their guests the lad- ies of the Stanley Club. Mrs. Lindsay and Mrs. Frank Rathburn, Hensall, spent Thursday at the home of Mrs. Geo. Falconer. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Stephenson, London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Swinbank on Sunday. Also Mrs. L. F. Barnes and Miss Betty, Toronto. Mrs. McMichael is spending a few days with friends in Goderich. •Mrs. Lebeau and family visited Drysdale friends on Sunday. STANLEY Miss Ann Stewart returned on Tuesday morning after a three weeks' visit with friends in Chat- ham, Ridgetown and Windsor. She stopped in Hensall on her way home to sing at a concert given by the choir of the Presbyterian church on Monday night. ,ate Mr. 'W. McEwen was at Port Stan- ley on Saturday last. GODERICH TOWNSHIP The dramatic society of Union Church ,presented its two plays; "Smoldering Fires" and "Neigh- bors" at Taylor's Corners, Friday, evening. The church was filled to capacity. The actors took their parts exceedingly well. In the first play the cast included Mrs. Mary Phillip, Miss Esther Ifcllwain and James Young; in the second the cast consisted of Marion Colwell,Mrs. G. Harwood, Mrs. G. Orr, Nora Sower - by, Mrs. A: Tichborne, Marion Por- ter, Herb. Johnston and Everett Mc- Ilwain. The harmonica band played several selections before the curtain and between the plays. Other num., bers on the program included: Solo, Rev. F. M. Craik; duets, Mrs. G. Orr and James Young, with Mrs. Harwood accompanying. Rev. 3, W. Herbert acted as chairman for the evening. The proceeds will go to buy new hymnaries for the church: After the play refreshments were served by the members of the choir. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Zimn and sons of Lanes, Mrs. Geo.. Holland and daughter, Viola, and Mr. J. Lobb of Clinton spent Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Welsh. Miss Marion Middleton of Kippen spent the week -end at her home on the ninth concession. r r Miss Harriet Taylor is visiting her brother, Mr. K. M. Taylor. Miss Margaret Middleton spent the week -end with friends in Gode- rich. Miss Elizabeth Lindsay visited with Mr. and Mrs, Robert Pearson of the sixteenth on Sunday, and on the Twenty-fourth they had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Walker and Miss Anna Walker and Mr. and Mrs. C. G .Lobb and family. Spring Plants FOR GARDEN WINDOW BOXES AND HANGING BASIKETS .. Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery, To -I mato Plants now ready. A fine assortment of Annuals and Perennials. Keep your Rose Bushes healthy; and clean with "EVERGREEN" It is death on insects FT7 GREENHOUSE PHONE l'16 FLOWERSHOP PHONE31 Let Us Repair or Put On New Eave Trough for You OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. FIRST CLASS MATERIAS AND WORKMANSHIP Also PLUMBING AND HEATING Is Our Business. GET OUR PRICES PAINTS, VARNISH AND GLASS OF ALL KINDS Ts llawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING Thong 244 , Buy w and Save -' oney We have a nice assortment of all kinds of Furniture, and we think it will pay you to buy now as prices are liable to advance. You will find a large stock of FIoor Coverings of all kinds here. We carry all the best lines of bedding, so discard that shaky, old bed, that hard lumpy mattress, and that •old saggy spring, and replace with a New Outfit to enjoy real sleeping comfort. We have a nice assortment of Verandah Furniture. Play safe and store your furs, etc. in a Cedar Chest. You will find a well assorted stock of Furniture of all kinds. Buy here and save Money. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT Be ready for warm weather. Use a Coaloil, Gasoline or Electric Stove for Cooking, Etc. When painting use Sherwin Williams, Berry Bros. and Utilac Paints, the kinds that stand wear, and give you entire satisfaction. Also a large stock of Lawn Mowers, Lawn and Garden Tools, Also Garden Seeds. BALL & ZAPFE "Store With the Stock" Phone 195 Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Monument Dealers N. Ball, Phone 110. J. 3. Zapfe, Phone 103. SUPERIOR CHAIN STORES Grocery Specials THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY THESE ITEMS SURE SAVE YOU MONEY CHIPSO, large package 17e ORANGE MARMALADE, 40 oz. for 24o CORNED BEEF, 2 tins for 25e STANDARD TOMATOES, large, 2 tins for 190 LIBBY'S PORK AND BEANS, 16 oz. tin 50 LILY BRAND CHICKEN HADDIE, 2 tins for 25c PEERLESS FLOUR, per cwt. $2.49 (Compares with Five Roses) CASCADE PINK SALMON, large tin 12c SUPERIOR PALM TOILET SOAP, 8 cakes for INGE'RSOLL MALTED CHEESE, 2 pkgs. for _..250 GOLDEN WAX BEANS, 2 tins for AMERICAN BEAUTY SHRIMP, per tin SCHNEIDER'S BOILED HAM, per Ib. -.........33c FRESH FISH FRIDAY PINEAPPLE SEASON IS RIGHT IN --Best Quality at Lowest Price EVERYTHINIG IN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 10e 23e .21c J.T. McKN IG HT & SON You can be sure of getting everything fresh here: PHONE 111. Try. These. Specials "NEW" DATE LOAF CAKE . 15c "NEW" GOLDEN, CAKE .. 25c FRESH CAMPFIRE MARSHMALLOW'S, per lb. 29c "CANADA DRYrS" BELFAST STXLE GINGERALE "5 Glasses" Large Bottle l5c YOUR FAVORITE BREAD, Always Fresh and the Quality is Best: at 7c a loaf. Wendorf'SBakerg and Confectionery Makers of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" Bread