HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1933-05-25, Page 5THUR}5., MAY 25, 1933 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Minatf,,MW1177 PAGE 5 OF INTEREST TO YOU AND ME Well, haw did you spend the Twenty-fourth, fishin', golfin', bowl In', gardenia', or just loafin'? e . We are assured from now until the, end of the year of a holiday a, month, while many are observing the half holiday weekly. A lot of weddings have taken place are to take place, soon. Wonder f last year being leap year had any- thing to do with it? r . r "If all offensive arms are abolish - d," . enquires The Mail' and Empire, "what will be the use of defensive, ms?"' , Oh, well, would the Mail and Ent- ' 'e m -tee ban any little private fight the nations might like to, have within hemselves? . >* A pian who works with motors a good deal complains that the car markers sold by the Provincial Gov- ernment are a source of danger to the public, in that they have such sharp edges that in workingaround a car one is apt to get scratched, The Government, the points out, is very particular about sanitary af- fairs and insists upon' safety regula- tions, but that a man might easily get infection from a scratch from the edge of one of these markers which would prove serious. The Government has announced that the 1934 markers will cost them but 8c apiece while this year's ,product cost 10c. His opinion is that they might spend .a little more and turn ut a rolled edge marker, which ouid be safe to handle and work vith. It looks as if there were some good commonsense in the idea. Gar- ge workers have to erawl about un- er cars a goad deal and when intent upon their work cannot always be areful to avoid the sharp edge of a tin marker. The Workmen's Cotn- ensa'tion people should look into his. VARNA Mr. and Mrs. Keith MacLaren nd family of Embro spent Sunday day with Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Reid. We are sorry to 'report Mr. C. Stelek of the village is very poorly at time of writing. Miss Margaret Chuter spent the veek-end with Miss Cook of Goder- ich. BRUCEFIEL1 Rev. W. A. Bremner will conduct anniversary services in the United Church, Centralia, next Sunday. and the Rev. Mr. Robb will occupy his pulpit here. Rev. W. D. and Mrs. MV!:clntosh and family of Enipa spent Sunday -with friends in the village and vi - Mrs. W. Stevens returned home this week after spending two weeks with friends in Woodham, 'Hrs. Jas. McQueen and Mrs. L. Forrest visited at the horns of Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson last week. The first game of the season be- tween Bayfield and Brueefield will be played on the old football field adjoining J. B. Mustard's residence, on, May 30th, at 7 o'clock. The Ro, vers say that if they get lots of 'support they can win the Stephen- son Cup. Your attendance at the games will be appreciated. A practical and worthwhile set of lantern slides, "Live Stock on the Farm," will be shown at the June lst meeting of the Men's Club. All the men of the community are In- vited to be present. AUBURN Rogation Day services were ,cony ducted in St. Marks Anglican church -Sunday morning by Rev. R. Jones of 'Gerrie. The services in Knox Presbyterian -church were in charge of Rev. Ward - law Taylor, D.D., of Goderich, sec- retary of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church. At the meeting of the B. Y. P. V. 'held in the Baptist church on Sun- -day evening the program was given by the Y. P. S= of Knox United Church. Mr, Amos Andrew has increased the acreage of his orchard by renting William. Corey's for a term 'of years. He has purchased a new power spray- er. Mr. John Moulden has treated hie house with a costing of stucco. Misses and S. Blair have had their residence painted. • DUNGANNON: At the morning service in Dungannon United Churcl- 'Sunday:,;;the Qaurterly Communion was held. The Sacrament of Bap- tism was also observed when five children were presented for baptism. as follows: Lucile Hodges, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Hodges; •Mar- ietta Joan, daughter` of Mr. and Mrs, Lerol Stingel; Mary Isabelle, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Everett' Bimini - ton; Kenneth Wilbur, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Brown; and Jack 'Allan, 'son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Petrie. ST. HELENS Mr, and Mrs. Rby Oringle and Miss Helen and Mr. and Mrs. Kruger and Miss Lois, Detroit, were visitors Saturday 'with their uncle and aunt, Mr, E. J. and Mrs. Thom, •Mr•, and Mrs. Doherty and little daughter, Guelph, visited with M;rs. Doherty's mother, Mrs. R. J. Woods, Sunday evening was Parents' night at the X, P. S. meeting. Earl Durnin read the Scripture lesson and Wil- san Wood the comments, The sub- ject, "The Two Generations" was well taken by Mrs. W. I. Miller and an interesting discussion was led by Mr, McIntyre. Miss Mae Wightman, Whitechurch the convener of Chris- tian Fellowship work in the Presby- tery gave a talk on the work of the society. CONSTANCE , Mr. and Mrs. Adam Nicholson were called to Goderich on Sunday evening, owing to the serious illness of the lady's sister, Mrs. Wm. Me- Arthur. Mr. Ben Riley- is spending a few days at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Jo'hn'Mann of near C'linten, Mr, Adam Galzier returned home to Clinton on Wlednesday of last week after spending a few days with friends here, The W. A. of Constance United church held a successful cooking sale in the store recently vacated by Mrs. Sheffer of Seaforth on Tuesday May 23rd. it 1lfr. Frank Riley wears a broad smile these days, a baby daughter arrived on Friday to brighten their home. Congratulationn. Mr. Leo Stephenson made a busi- ness trip to London. The Constance boys have reorgan- ized a softball team and will play two evenings each week. COLBORNE Miss Norma Coutts of Wingham spent the week -end with Miss Win- nie Marsh. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Tyndall spent the week -end with friends in Toron- to. Mrs. Courtney of Kincardine is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Win. Sallows, Miss Eva Pettman spent the week- end with friends in Toronto. Mr. 'and Mrs. Aldin Alin and two children were visitors in Kincardine on Sunday. Mrs. Ed. Anderson of Dungannon spent a few days with her father, Mr. Thos. Mitchell, Mrs. Howard Baer is visiting friends in Toronto this week. LUCAN WOMAN LEAVES 522,693 ,Under the terms of the Will of the late Charlotte M, Stanley, Lucan, being entered for probate Tuesday, assets of 622,693.42 are distributed to six .nieces, Mrs. Sarah E. Jeffries, Louisville, Ky.; Miss Bertha L, Cooper, Canton, Ont.; Mrs. Marga- ret E. Watson, Cleveland, N.Y,; Miss Edith A. Read, Brockville; Mrs. Gertrude B. Zeigler, Waterloo; and Mrs. Marion -Spicer, Algonquin, Ont. Mrs. Stanley, whose death oeenr- red on May 3rd last, was the widow of Bernard Stanley of Lucan where she had resided until last autumn 1dhen she went to Waterloo, Ontar- io, to spend the winter with her niece Mrs. Gertrnde B. Ziegler. . The estate consists of $70,000 in Huron & Erie debentures, $3,509 in stocks, 54,000 Dominion of Canada bonds, and personal effects, 5184. The Canada Trust Company is named sole executor, and Carling and Morley, Luean, are entering the Will for probate as solicitors for the estate, CARD OP THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Lucy Thompson desire to extend thanks to their neighbors and friends for the sympathy and kindness shown them in their recent bereavement, also for the many kindnesses extended to her during her illness. Cows For Sale Two cows freshened 2 weeks with black calves. Will be sold with or without calves at a reasonable price. Mrs. E. J. Dodd, Princess street. Apply to Clarence Sturdy, Holmes. ville. Notice The annual meeting of the Con- servative Association of Clinton will beheld in the Old Time Dance Hall on Tuesday, May 30th, at 8 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of electing of- ficers for the coming year and to appoint delegates to the South Hu- ron ,Executive. A good attendance ss requested, M, ,Schoenhals, Secre- tary. A Foundation Garment In White Is lovely for the bride's trousseau and a Spirella garment, corset, gir- dle or brassiere -girdle, is the acme of comfort at all tines. Call and see samples of above. Mrs. J. Sileoek Princess street. Phone 286. 24-2. Trucking Every Day Trucking every day, anywhere and everywhere, Call us when in need of succi services. S. R. MacIlfath, Holmesville. Phone 601x34. 24-4. BIRTHS FISHER --At Alexandra , hospital, Goderioh, on May 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fisher, of 'Colborne' township, a son. RILEY-At Constance, on May 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Riley, a daughter. HUNKING--In 'Clinton Public Hos- pital, on lttay nth, to Mr, and Mrs. Bert Bunking- of Hullett town- ship, twin daughters, MARRIAGES ARMSTRONG--PITZSIMONS' >- At St. Paul's Rectory, on May 18th, by the Rev. K. McGann,- Grace Kathryn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Fitzsimons, Clinton, to Wil- liam Renry Armstrong of Goder. ich. EAST--,POCOCK:At the Baptist parsonage, Goderich, on May 20th. by the Rev. W. T. Bunt, Mary Alice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Pocock of Porter's Hill, to Thomas H. East, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry East, Hullett township. DEATHS REID••-wan Stratford General Hospi- tal, on May 22nd, James W. Reid, formerly of Clinton, aged 61 years. IN MEMORIAM POTTER—In loving memory of Fanny L. Jervis, beloved wife of Thos. J. Potter, who passed peace- 'fully away one year ago, May 221 1932. One long year has passed away, Since the Angels came for you. Yet through the mist of this long year, Your face comes smiling through. Each lonely hour that we have spent Is woven through and through With golden threads of memory Dear Mother, just for you! Sadly missed by husband, sons and daughter. Will Observe Holiday The merchants of Clinton, whose names are attached to the agreement below, feel that as the three summer months are very busy months for the farmers, and the merchants have outside work in their own gardens to do, and they have decided to ob- serve Wednesday afternoons as half holidays and close their places of business. But realizing that the fanners are busy during the day time they have decided to keep their places of business open on Thurs- day nights, which are band nights in Clinton, to acconnnodato those who cannot leave their work, during the day. It is believed that this ar- rangement will bo a convenience to all: Sutter and Perdue. W, Ii, Hellyar. Davis and Merman. Pluntsteel Bros. ConneII & Tyndall. Cluff's. S. I1acVey. W. T. O'Neil. J, T. McKnight & Son. J. P. Sheppard & Co. Ball and Zapfe. W. S. R. Holmes. H. Fitzsimons. R. V. Irwin. G. A. McLennan. Glen Cook. The Vogue. A. L. Murch. C. J. Lovett. A. J. Morrish. G. Cooper. S. G. Castle. N. I. Burgess. A, McDonald. W. R. Counter. Clarence A. Bozell. Mr, H. Charlesworth. The following will close on Wed- nesday but will not keep open Thurs- day night: J. E. Hovey. E. C. Munro, J. L. Heard. W. C. Brown. P. A. Axon, H. Fowler. H. A. McIntyre. G. Murdoch. The 'following will not close Wed. nesday. A. W. Groves. T. Hawkins. W. M. Aiken. C. Lobb. nth) Lawnmower Users Lawnmowers ground and levelled by the most modern process, by a machine which grinds to exact fac- tory bevels. All work guaranteed. Corner of King and Mary Street J. C. Proctor Opposite Post Office. 23-tf. For Sale Electric rangette, slightly used, a1 - so violin outfit, three-quarter size. W."0, Tfiompson, Londesbcro, Phone 26r5, Blyth Central. 24-1. Member of Florist Telegraph Delivery Association Special Sale of ROCK GARDEN PLANTS $1.00 Dozen, Assorted Chas. V. Cooke Phones: 66w and 66j ATTENTION! Entrance and High School Students: EXAM TIME IS COMING— Do you want nice typewritten notes to study from? Maybe you would like to rent a Typewriter— Many other students are doing this. Why not .You? Write at once for 'further par- ticulars. SUCCESS BUSINESS COLLEGE Above Eaton's •Groceteria, STRATFORD, ONT. Wool Wanted at the Blyth Woollen Mills HIGHEST PRICE PAID CASH OR TRADE F. T, BAINTON, Proprietor 23-4. Baking Sale Sale of home baking, candy and afternoon tea in the Sunday school room of Wesley -Willis church on Wednesday afternoon, May 31st, from three to six, under the auspices of the W. M. S, Come. 24-1. BANKRUPT STOCK FOR SALE Tenders will be received by the undersigned Trustee for the purchase of the stock of Dry Goods of E. S. Wieir, of Blyth, at a rate on the dol- lar. Inventory may be inspected at office of J. H. R. Elliott, Blyth, and examination of stock made. Last day tor receipt of tenders June 1st, 1933. Terms, -Cash, Dated at Goderich, May 22nd, 1933. C. G. Middleton by Loftus E. Dancey, His Solicitor, 24-1. BYLAW WHEREAS it is deemed advisable that the location +of the Head Office be changed from -the City of London, Ontario, to the Town of Clinton, On- tario; MOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACT- ED AS A BY-LAW OP S•HERLOCI{- MANNING PIANOS LIMITED AS FOLLOWS: . 1. That the head Office of the Company be and the same is hereby changed from the City of London, Ontario, to the Town of Clinton, On- tario, 2. That this By-law be forthwith submitted to the Shareholders for their consent and confirmation, and after confirmation that the same be filed and published in accordance with alto Ontario Companies Act. PASSED by the Directors this 22nd day of May, A.D. 1033. Manning" President. CERTIFIED a true copy of By-law Passed. by the Directors of Sherlock - Manning Pianos, Limited at Meeting of Directors held on the 22nd day of May, A.D. 1933. "R. G. Ivey", Secretary. 24-2, TENDERS FOR COAL Sealed tenders addressed to the un- dersigned and endorsed "Tenders for Coal," will be received until 10 o'clock noon (daylight saving,) Wed- nesday, June 14, 1933, for the supply of coal for the Dominion Buildings throughout the Province of •Ontario, including the City of Ottawa. Forms of tender with specifica- tions and conditions attached can be obtained from FI. F. Dawson, Acting Chief Purchasing Agent, Dept. of Public Works, Ottawa; and R. Win- ter, Supervising Architect, 37 AdeA laide St., East, Toronto, Ont. Tenders will not be considered un- less made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with departmlental 'specifications and conditions. The right to demand from the suc- cessful tenderer a deposit, not ex- ceeding 10 per ,tent of the amount of the tender, to secure the proper ful- filment of the contract, is reserved. By order, N. DESJARDINS, Secretary, Department of Public Works, ' Ottawa, May 16, 1933. 24-2, THE BEST MARKET FOIL. Poultry, Eggs, Cream ALL TIE, YEAR ROUND FOR CASH AT THE CLINTON POULTRY 'HOUSE N. W. Trewaatha Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w JUNE is the month for Brides We specialize in malting and de- corating Wedding Cakes, Angel Cakes, Maearoons and everything for the Wedding Luncheon, or the bride's reception, BARTLIFF & CRICH Makers of Dainty Maid and Whole Wheat Bread Phone 1, Clinton, THE NEW CARNATION is magnificent. Several of our cus- tomers who bought them last spring have their orders already placed. SALVIA, Well, we can never sup- ply the demand. Banging baskets and boxes refilled. Stewart's Lettuce possess a delic- ious, juicy crispness all their own. STEW:ART BROS. Benmiller Nurseries. Phone Carlow 235, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Re: MYRA ELIZABETH GALUSHA GAIRDNE•R, late of the Village of Bayfield, in the County of Huron, widow, deceased. CREDITORS AND OTHERS hav- ing claims against the .estate of the said deceased are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned Executor of the said es- tate on or before the 6th day of June, 1983, after which date the as- sets of the said estate will be disc tributed, having regard only to the claims of whieh notice has been res ceived. DATED this 17th day of May A.D. 1933. THE CANADA TRUST CO14IPANY Executor, By CARLING & MORLEY its Solicitors, Exeter, Ontario. 23-3. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Thomas Henry Peacock, Deceased NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate -of Thomas henry Peacock, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Minn,. engineer, deceas- ed, who died on or about the 11th day of April, A.D., 1933, are required to deliver to C. 3. Pennock and Louis F. Peacock, the executors of the said estate, or F. Fingland, Solicitor, on or before the 6th day of June, A. D. 1933, a full statement of their claims together with particulars thereof, and the nature of the secur- ities, if any, held by them all duly verified by affidavit. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the estate -of the said deceased a- mongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to such claims as shall have received due notice and in accordance therewith. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 16th day of May, A.D,, 1983. F. FTNGLAND, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said estate. 28-3. COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH 'Notice is hereby given that a court of revision to hear and determine complaints against the assessment of 1933, will be held in Mulholland's hall, Holmesville on Friday, May 26, at 10 o'clock, a.m. All complaints must be in writing and mailed to the Clerk not later than Wednesday, May 24. All parties having destroyed their dogs must return the tags by May 26 or be eharged in taxes. R. G. Thompson, Clerk. R. R. No, 2, Clinton.. 22:2. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Isabella McLeod, late of the Village of Hay- field, in the County of Huron, Widow deceased, who died on the first day of April, 1938, are required to for- ward their claims duly proven to the undersigned, solicitor for the Executor on or before the Twenty- seventh day of May, 1983. AND NOTICE t IS FURTHER GIVEN that after the said dater the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate, having re- gard only to the claims of which he then shall have notice. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario, this fifth day of May, 1988. JOHN J. j1 UIGGARD, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor fin' the Executor. 22.3. W.'KC GOING. TO AM N WHO ORDERED AHEAD PEACE BE ON FLIM 4 . HE USED HIS HEAIDI HOT DOGGIES k3^ latmeassoronyw The Heat Folies are on their way with a load of sunshine. :. Someone is about to have eas-, ier going keeping fires, from now on. This coal is the warm- est friend to the guardian of the heat. It means fewer trips to the cellar. Fewer ashes to be (put out. Fewer shakes of the raker. Less dust and few- er coal bills." Lot the Heat Folks spread a lot ofsunshine in your cellar. Here's to heat, health and happiness! Call the ustard r ,, PHONE 74 ig.trpauts CLINTON, ONTARIO ..114,4,441,,,I.,0,1 4 .4 a4::. CAPI'T'AL THEATRE REGENT THEATRE Goderch. Phone 47 Seaforth. Now Playing: Double Bill: "The Hateheek !Girl" and "South of the Rio Grande." MON., TUES., WED. Cecil B. De Mille Presents The Sign of the Cross with Fredric March, - Claudette Colbert, Ellisa Landi and Charles Laughton. THURS., FRI., SAT. Stuart Erwin, Susan Fleming and Allison Skipworth, an eccentric bookworm and two secretaries make life interesting for a black- mailer. HE LEARNED ABOUTIWOMEN Coming: "STATE FAIR" Mat.: Wed. and Sat. at 3 pan. Now Playing: "The Sign of the Cross" MON., TUES., WED. Richard Bennett Charles Ruggles, Cary Cooper, George Roft, Char- les Laughton, Wynne Gibson, Al- lison Skipworth and a host of oth- er favorites in "IF I HAD A MILLION" An unusual picture with an unus- ual cast. THURS., FRI., SAT. Zazu Pitts and Slim Summerville It's a real joy special and there's plenty of fun in They Just Had To Get Married Coming: `4He Learned About Wo- • mien." Matinee, Saturday at 3 p.m. SO and 60 15c Watt !! ` �' lbs 7 for $1.00 PRODUCT OF CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC C. H. VENNER Phone Us Wo Deliver Phone 7 CHILDREN Should be Photographed Now! The summer season is just the time to bring thein in. Now while they are growing up, make a pre- cious permanent record. Photographs live forever. THE BURGESS STUDIOS Clinton and Mitchell , Developing and Printing Bring your next roll to us. For Rent Store property in town in ideal lo- cation, Apply to F. Fingland. 07-tf. For Sale or Rent Comfortable house, Albert street, Clinton. Light, water, garage, gar- den. Apply to Albert Morrell, Lon- desboro. 06-tf, House For Sale Or ROM A very desirable residence on Prin- cess street, good garden and fruit trees, eletcric lights and town water. House in good condition. Apply on premises to Miss Akam, or to C. B. Hale, Clinton. 20-2. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Huron County Council will meet in the Council Chamber, at the Court House, Goderich, at two o'clock in the afternoon, Tuesday, June the 66, 1933. All accounts, notices of deputa- tions or applications and other int portant business requiring attention at this meeting of council should be in the hands of the 'Clerk not later than Monday previous to the meet- ing of Council, *Geo. W. Holman, County Clerk. Dated at Goderich this 15th day of May 1938. 23-2. Wood For Sale Quantity of Hard body stove wood, and cord wood. All orders promptly attended to. Victor Falconer, R. R. No. 1, Brimfield. Phone 829-12, Clinton central. 98-tf-d, EGGS EGGS Owing to a special market I have developed in the City, I am prepared to pay a premium over and above market prices for a limited quantity :of clean, fresh eggs delivered to my home in Clinton. Will give you a good grade and will pay cash. Give me a trial. F. W. Andrews Phone 33, Clinton 12-t£. FRESH WHITE EGGS WANTED I will pay yon a premium of 4 cents per dozen far your white eggs delivered to my farm, if you will feed your hens a balanced ration and keep them clean, J. W. VanEgmond Phone 641x13. 16-tf, ZrereMONIZOVOINII Funeral Service Funeral Director and Embalmer Complete Motor Equipment 24 Hour Service SUTTER--PERDUE--WALKER Day or Night Phone 147w WANTED Fresh Eggs and Cream Highest Prices for Strictly Fresh Eggs. Cream shipped regularly. Good Prices Paid, W. E. FINCH Phone 231. For Sale . A quantity of white blossom sweet clover seed for sale. Apply to Ernest Townshend, R. R. No. 3, Phone 606r 23, Clinton central, 214f. House for Sala 8 -room house with modern envoi. iences, AIbert street, Clinton, 8 lots in garden, barn, woodshed, good cel. lar under house. Apply on premises to Hiram Hill. 86-tf, BABY CHICKS Barron Strain White Legherns 6c ea. White Indian Runner Ducklings 12c ea White Indian Runner Hatehige Eggs, 50e a setting. E. L. Mittell Phone 213. Clinton. 11-tf. E. G. HOWES Electrican and Plumber A Full Line of Electric Appliance" also Plumbing Fixtures Wiring, Plumbing and Repairti ' Phone 53w. 13 -ti, COAL, COKE & WOOD; Genuine "Lehigh Valley Anthracite Coal" of all sizes. Alberta Coal Scotch Anthracite, range size Hamilton and American Coke Also . Bituminous Coal Prompt and careful delivery from my sheds on. Queen street. W. 11 McCARTNEY Coal Dealer, Clinton. Queen St. Phone 262 ALL CLEANING AND PRESSING at REDUCED PRICES '1 W. J. JAGO If not open work may be left all, Heard's BarberShop , J