HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1933-05-04, Page 8PAGE 8 r,< THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD MADE -TO -MEASURE SUITS AND TOPCOATS For Spring and Summer Every wearer of Tip Top Clothes realizes the wonderful value and Snappy Style of Tip -Top garments and at the new low price of $19.50 they are unequalled in value. Made by the largest one price Made -to -Measure Clothing Menu- facturer in the British Empire the enormous production makes Pas- sible this IoW price. LEAVE YOUR ORDER NOW WHILE THE RANGE IS COMPLETE READY-TO-WEAR 'SUITS AND TOrPC TS, New Styles' Finest Fabrics, AT BARGAIN PRICES. Plu steel f Peso Rib Roast of Beef, lb. 12c Rib Boil of Beef, lb. 8c Flank Boil, trimmed, lb. 9c Beef Hearts, Ib. 10c Brisket Boils, lb. 6c Spring Lamb Stews, lb. 18e Rolled Side Pork, lb. 12s Side Pork, in piece, lb10c Pork Chops, 2 lbs. for 25e SPRING LAMB AND BABY Pickled Pork Hooks, Cooked, lb. 10e Pickled Bacon Rolls, lb. 12c P. M. Back Bacon, lb. 18c Beef Steak Sauce, bottle 20e S. P. Sauce, bottle 15e Mint Sauce, bottle 23c Dry Salt Pork, lb. 12e Head Cheese, 3 lbs. for —25e Sausage, per lb. 100 BEEF FOR WEEK -END C • NNELL & TYN I ALL. " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 182 Albert Street 0 0 fi a 0 0 0 0 0 May 1st F to EE ��n BRANDRAM-HLNDERSON FREE PAINTS TO BE GIVEN AWAY WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF B. & H. PAINTS AND VARNISHESS 1- CAMPAIGN PRODUCTS— Free Paint May Be Given Away With Purchases of — B. -H. "English Paints' =Floor Paints, Porch Paint. B. -H. "Chi-Narnel—,Enamels, Varnishes and Stains. B. -H. Freshconnette—Flat Wall Paint. B.H. Maritime Spear Everlastic Floor and Gold Medal Varnishes, 2, SCALE OF BONUSES— Purchasers of 4 gallons receive 1 Gallon of FREE PAINT Purchasers of 1 gallon receives 1-4 gallon of FREE PAINT Purchasers of 4 qts. receive; 1 qt. of FREE PAINT Purchasers of 1-2 gallon receives 1 Pint FREE PAINT Purchasers of 1 qt, receives 1-2 pint FREE PAINT Purchasers of 1 Pint receives 1-4 Pint of FREE PAINT PROCURE YOUR PAINT HERE NOW AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS OFFER SUTTER PERDUE & 0111111E0 Hardware Funeral Directors Plumbing Furniture Phone 147w Electric Wiring 0 0 p p 0 0 Cash Bargains GROCERY SPECIALS POTATOES, per bag . 50c PEACH JAM, GOLD MEDAL, 40 oz, jar 23c OXYDOLL, large package . . 19e PRINCESS FLAKES, large, 2 for 29e CORN FLAKES, 3 plcgs. for 21c FOR LADIES AND GIRLS LADIES HOSE, per pair 150 CLINTON KNIT HOSE, Black or Tan, per pair 19e CLINTON KNIT ANKLE SOX, per pair 19c FOR MEN MEN'S WORK SOCKS, per pair 15e MEN'S WORK SMOCKS, each 129 MEN'S WORK SHIRTS, 45e MEN'S WORK PANTS, per pair . 115 MEN'S DRESS FELT HATS 149 FOR BOYS GOLF HOSE, per pair .....39e DRESS SKIRTS . 69c COMBINATIONS SWEATERS . '49c 115` LAMB'S GENERAL STORE Now that winter is really slipping, out and Spring has edged in, we fee] more than ever that urge .to freshen up our homes. Window Shades and Wall Paper will do much to transform your rooms, with : not too much expense. Wie judge our as- sortment in, Wall. Paper is varied enough in pattern and color, to give our patrons with decorative imagina- tion an easy freedom, and to furnish a variety .of'•colorful effects in har- mony with the contour 'and spirit of a room. The `:otherwise finest loom will serve and look no better than its Wall Paper makes it. Wall Paper adds elegance to utility and combines the agreeable with the useful. We have a limited assortment at so low a price as 5c per roll. We have Window Shades in Cream or Green, size 3x6 at 65c. They are mounted on a spring roller of second quality. They may do for a time and perhaps never work just right. We judge there is economy in the buying of a better quality in cloth and mounted on a superior roller. In addition to the price you pay for your shades might it not be wise to consider what your shades pay you in value satisfaction and durability. TDB W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Mr. Joe Gandier of The Toronto University 'is home for the long vacation. Mr. H. W. Ambler of Pontiac spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rorke. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hall spent the week -end with'relatives at Cayuga and Tillsonburg, Mr. Joe Yesbec .of Eden, Ont., has been spending the last week with Clinton friends. Mr. Arthur Ketchum of Toronto was the guest on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cowan, Rev. J. R. Thompson of Windsor as- sisted in the service in St. Paul's church on Sunday evening last. Mr. W. H. Mutch of Hamilton spent the week -end with his parents in town, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mutch. Rev. A. A. and Mrs. Holmes, who spent the winter in Toronto, re- turned last week to their home in town. Miss Madeline Hawkins, student at the Anglican Deaconess School, Toronto, is home for the vacation time. Mrs. Leo Reynolds d Detroit has been the guest of Mrs. J. F. Rey- nolds, Albert street, for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. John Watkins attended the funeral of Mr. Wesley Scott of London, an :old friend, on Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Andrews and sons of Searboro were week -end guests at the home .of the former's father, Magistrate S. 3. Andrews. Ifrs George Holland and Miss Viola have returned home after having spent a couple of weeks with re- latives at Lanes, Lucknow and Goderieh, Mrs. Colville and her daughter, who have been visiting the former's aunt, Mrs. J. Cuninghame, return- ed to their respective homes in Michigan State, on Friday last. Mr. Newton Edneston of Port Ar- thur, sheriff of Thunder Bay Dis- trict, and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Brown and Master Murray Brown of Toronto spent Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cowan. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Glasford and son, Donald, of Chatham spent the week -end with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Watkins, who ae- eontpanied them on their return trip to Chatham for a few days' visit. Miss Agnes Combe left for Toronto Yesterday and sails on Friday from Montreal ,on a trip to England and the Continent. Miss Combe is be- ingaccompanied by a friend, Miss Lucy Jackson of Toronto. It is Miss Combe's intention to spend about a month in London, where she will stay at Crosby Hall, Can- adian Women's Club Residence, Chelsea. As Miss 'Combe has a cousin in this part of London, Miss Edith Gray of Winnipeg, who is secretary of the Canadian Women's Club, of which Mrs. How- ard Ferguson.is president,.her stay in old London is sure to be both pleasant and interesting. Later she will 'visit the 'Continent. • elinatranialieranaininannassAeallettarakra THURS., MAY 4, 193 i,1,14:$,ti',frt y1, giin....V4 ePmrem�.+ RED AND WHITE Is Special Biscuits,. for housecleaning, per Ib. Marshmallows 2 lbs for Ginger Snaps, 2 lbs. for White Corn . C. and B. Pork and Beans, 2 for New Cheese, per lb. Macaroni, 2lbs. for Jelly Powder, 6 for Sugar Crisp Corn Flakes ' Falcon Sardines, 2 for Best Rice, 4 for Maple Buds, per lb. Red and White Soup, 2 for Servus Bread, per loaf Clinton Creamery Butter, Lard, per 1b. . Cooked Ham, per lb. . Oranges, 2 dozen for 35e Oranges, 1 dozen for 24c Oranges, . 29c and 39c Carrots, 2 for - 15c Soap Chips, 3 lbs. for 21c 15c 25c, 25e 9c 15c 15e 15c 25c 7c 25c 25c 24c 13c Gc 26c 11c 30c 4210 London. Soap, 5 bars for 25c Gold Medal Flakes 15c Big Five . ,. 5c Rinso, large package, for 23c Gillett's Lye, 2 for 25c. Moody's Lye, 2 for 19c Bon Ami.. 14c TEA AND COFFEE SPECIAL Coffee . 29c Tea, per lb.. 290'and .39c Red and White (puzzle or Plate) 49c Chick Feed, 10 lbs. for 25c Peach Jam.. 29c Chilli Can Corne 20c Crisco, 1 lb. for (Pie Plate Free) 22c Pickled Roll, per lb. 15c Schneider's Sausage, per lb. 15c Lemons, per dozen 19c Grape Fruit, 5 for 27c Butter, Special . 21c Pineapples, each . 25c Kindly Settle Outstanding Accounts as May Ends Our Half Year Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails 9"`' "" CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 PEOPLE 'YOU KNOW Mrs. P. C. Town of Toronto, accom- panied by Miss MacManus of Ham- ilton, visited her mother, Mrs. George Lavis of town this week. Mr. and. Mrs. Harry G. Hayes and children of Detroit are here this week, having come over to attend the funeral of the lady's aunt, the late Miss Richardson. AUBURN Mr. Jas. Carter of Port Elgin is ' visiting his parents here, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Carter. Mr. Henry Sturdy is at present very R1. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Jackson and daughters of Goderich spent Sunday with relatives here. Mrs. A. Reed and daughter of Pet- erboro are the guests of Mrs. W. J. Sheppard. Mr. and Mrs. F. Hibbert of God- erich were visitors here on Sunday last, Y.P.S. anniversary services were held in Knox church on Sunday last, morning and evening services. The pastor, Rev. Dr. 1Vfortimore, was in. charge and at the evening service' Mr. Audry Oldham ef-Sarnia, presi. i dent of the London Conference Y.P.I1 S., gave the address. Mr. W. Fuller of London and Miss Florence Ed- wards of Watford also assisted in the service. A quartette from Kit- chener assisted in the service of song. Miss Bernice Lawson spent the week -end With Seaforth friends, The funeral of Peter Walper which took place Thursday last was largely attended by relatives and friends who paid their last tributes to one who was widely and favorably known in this section. The deceased who was born in Hay Township 73 years ago, moved here when a boy of ten with his parents, the late August Walper and Elizabeth Hoffman, who settled on lot 33, concession, 14, Hui - lett, when this fain was nearly all bush. As a boy Peter attended the old log (school in Auburn until the present school was built one mile east of here. He developed into a won- derful type of physical manhood and delighted in performing feats of prowess and strength. The funeral services were condheted by Rev. O. W. Sherman of the Auburn Baptist church of which the deceased was an adherent. The pallbearers were Wm. John, Thomas and Leonard Luring of McKillop Township. They .are Mrs. Walper's cousins. Besides his widow, who was form- erly Miss Annie Yungblutt, 'and daughter Mr. Walper is survived by three sisters: Catherine, Pincher Creek, Alberta; Mrs. 'George Young- blut, Auburn; Mrs. Charles Luscombe Colorado Springs, Col., and three. brothers, Adam, Pincher Creek; Geol Biggar, Saskatchewan; William Hythe, Alberta. There's something in the adver• tisernents today to interest you. Read tbent. Something Different The A, Y. P. A. of the parish of Bayfield, Varna and Middleton's will present, in the Town Hall, Bayfield ON FRIDAY, MAY 5TH at 8 p.m. a bill of three 1 -act plays "THE DOORBELL' "HER MODEL HUSBAND" "MIX WELL AND STIR" Admission, adults, 25e. Children, 15c Cone and Give These Young People Your Support. 20-2. FLOWERS ON MOTHER'S DAY SUNDAY, MAY 14TH will be the ideal gift Our Telegraph Service will insur flowers , delivered anywhere)) promptly. Caning/1. 1112 ✓ U1'B t "GREENHOUSE PHONE176 ETR•1 FLOWERSHOPPHONE31 Let Us Repair or Put On New Eave Trough for You OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. FIRST CLASS MATERIAS AND WORKMANSHIP Also PLUMBING AND HEATING Is Our Business. GET OUR PRICES PAINTS, VARNISH AND GLASS OF ALL KINDS T. Dawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING rheng 244 r 44 - IFS Er r IT'ST11'vET flIEHTLN Up USE UTILAC, SHERWIN WILLIAMS OR BERRY BROS. PAINTS AND VARNISHES, THE KINDS THAT GIVE ENTIRE SATISFACTION We have a full stock of Floor Waxes, Mops, and Wall Brushes. A large stock of Lawn Mowers, Garden and Lawn Tools. FURNITURE DEPARTMENT We are featuring the Marshall better bedding week. Get a Free Coupon and take a chance to get a $25.00 Marshall mattress. Our stock of Linoleum, Congoleum and Oil Cloth, in rugs and by the yard is new and prices are right. You will find a very complete line of Furniture here and prides are lower than ever. BALL & ZAPFE "Store With the Stock" Phone 195 Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Monun5ent Dealers N. Ball, Phone 110. J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103. J SUPERIOR CHAIN STORES START PROSPERITY BE HAPPY BY SHOPPING AT SUPERIOR CHAIN STORES SPECIALS FOR MAY 4th, 5th and 6th FRY COCOA, 1-2 Ib. ..19c STANDARD PEAS, per tin 8c ROYAL YORK TEA 1-2's 21c, 1's 41c SUPERIOR STORE TEA, l's . 360 PREMIUM TEA, FREE CHINA, l's 450 27e BLUE BOY TEA, l's A Tea For Every Taste. ROYAL YORK COFFEE, 1-2's 23c; 1's 41c BLUE BOY COFFEE, l's ......—...27c -...27c AYLMER PORK AND BEANS, large, 2 for 190 INTERLAKE TOILET TISSUE, 3 rolls 25c SWANSDOWN CAKE MIX 32e LUX FLAKES, small, a for 19e CROSSE and BLACKWELL MARMALADE 38o SCHNEIDER'S BREAKFAST BACON, M. 20c SCHNEIDER'S BREAKFAST BACON, 1-2 lb. pkg. 14c SCHNEIDER'S PEAMEAL ROLL, lb. 15e CREAMERY BUTTER, No. 1 26e BAKING BUTTER, per lb, 19e FRE,RH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. A Large Assortment on Display in Our Window. J.T. McKNIGHT IGHT & SON You can be sure of getting everything fresh here. PHONE 111. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS Do You Know that everybody likes Peanuts, when fresh—We have them roasted at :our own shop. Fresh for Fri. and Sat., lb. only 10e MOST PEOPLE ASK POR FRESH BREAD You can depend on our Bread being baked every few hours, and the qua:tty is the BEST—WENDORF'S. PRIZE JELLY ROLL, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, .. , . , .. .19e DOUGHNUTS ---Compare these with others "Imported'" Friday and ,Saturday, per dozen, 19e After tramping around the Town, stop and enjoy a smooth CHOCOLATE SUNDAE, Friday and Saturday, 10c Wendorf's Bakerg and CUnfeclionergD Makers of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" Bread