HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1933-04-20, Page 8PAGE g MADE=TO-MEASURE SUITS .AND‘' TOPCOATS For Spring and Summer, Every wearer of Tip Top Clothes realizes the wonderful value and Snappy Style of Tip -Top garments and at the new low price sof $19.50 they are unequalled in value. Made by the largest one price Made• -to-Measure Clothing Manu.. faeturer in the British Empire the enormous production makes pos- sible this kw 'price. LEAVE YOUR. ORDER NOW WHILE THE RANGE IS COMPLETE READY-TO-WEAR SUITS AND TOPCOATS, New Styles, Finest Frbrics, AT BARGAIN PRICES. lumsteel PUS`. Pork Chops, 2 lbs. for ....25c Home -Made Sausage, lb. ..10c .Small Break. Sans., 2 lbs. 25c P. M. Back Bacon, lb. piece 18c Boiled Hans, per lb. 30c Rst. Ham, with dressing lb. 30c Sm. Cottage Rolls, lb. 15c P. M. Cott. Rolls, lb 13c 1 Sm. Picnic Hams, 13e and 14c ° pedals CONNELL eiL " CLINTON'S LEADING Phone 162 O p O 11 BROODER, WATERERS AND FEEDERS,........ 15, 20c and 25c O "ZENO'LEUM" DISINFECTANT LICE KILLER ANTISEPTIC, 50c p "PURO," 'HYDRATED LIME Round Steak, lb. 15c Beef Steak Sauce, bottle 20c Home-made Lard, 2 lbs. 25c Domestic Shortening, 2 lbs. 23c Coleman's Lard, 1 lb. print 12c Fray Bentos, small tins 15c Sauer Kraut, lb. 5c Dry Salt Pork Boneless, Ib. 13c Fresh Pure Horse Radish TYNDALL MEAT MARKET" Albert Street •o=0== =oao�osso �iorso� More specials • 0 a 11 N O IZAL, DISINFECTANT . CHLORIDE OF LIME O 15e p 20c 20c O SLIGHTLY USED KITCHEN HEATER, with Water Front, rey 0 and White, Adjustable to Electric Range. Only $25.00 o SUTTER,PEDDUF 8WALKER 11 HardareFuneral Directors Plumbing Furniture Phone 147w Electric Wiring OLZO1====OL"ZO1===z0=0 11OL=O. O O Rowntrees Cocoa, large tin Lard, 10-1b. tin pail, each 19c Dutch Sets, choice quality, per lb. , $1.19 Swansdown Cake:Flour, pkg. "' ' • 31c Pumpkin, per tin, 2 for 31c Toilet Paper, 8 rolls for Corn Beef, 2 tins for Prunes, 2 lbs. for. Crisco, 1 -lb. tin for 15c 25c 25c 19c ea, Black or Mixed, per lb." " " •22c Coffee, Ground, per lb. 29c White Beans, 4 lbs, for 29c Orange Special, 2 dozen for 25c Garden Seeds in Bulk •er Package Potatoes, good cookers, per 90 lb. sack 50c Good Seed Potatoes for Sale LOBB'S GENERAL STORE Spesial Sale of Ordered Suits WE HAVE PICKED OUT A DOZEN SUSTINGS OUT OF STOCK REGULAR PRICE UP TO $35.00 For $27.50 DURING THE BALANCE OF APRIL. COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH. DAVIS & HERMAN , CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING AGENTS FOR GILLESPIES CLEANERS & DYERS, SEAFORTH Emigration Officer—"Where were you. born?" Emigrant "Ireland!' "I wanted to be near my mother" THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD TgYiTR5';j APRIL'20; 1933'" Ily sllppm lr RED AND WHITE • Now that wintery is rea out 'and 'spring has edgedin, we fee l more than ever that urge to freshen up our homes. Window Shades" and Wall,Paper . will do much to' transform';your rooms, with not too much expense. We jpdge our as- sortmentin Wall "Paper is varied enough . in pattern and color to ;give our patrons with 'decorative imagina- tion.an easy freedom, and to'furnish: a variety of colorful effects in har mony with the contour and spirit of a room. The ;otherwise finest room, will serve and look no 'better than its Wall Paper makes it. Wall Paper adds elegance to utility and combines the agreeable with the useful. We have a limited assortment at so low a price as 5c per roll. We have Window Shades in Cream or Green, size 3x6 at 65e. They are mounted on a spring roller of second quality. They may do for a time and perhaps never work just right. We judge there is economy in the buying •of a better quality in cloth and !� mounted on a superior roller. In 1 addition to the price you pay for your shades might it not be wise to consider what your shades pay you in value satisfaction and durability. Tile W. 11 Fair Co, Often the Cheapest—Always the Beat Miss Alice Sloman of Stratford home for Easter. Mr. Will Argent of St. Cathay came home for the Easter vacat Mr. Wilber Ford was up from L don for Easter Sunday. Miss Jessie O'Neil of London e home for the Easter tide. Mr. Harry Plumsteel of London home for the Easter weekend, Mr. Will Mutch of Hamilton home over the Easter week -en Miss Clete Ford of Alma Collo St. Thomas, is home for the E ter vacation, Mr. Reg. McGoun of London was his home, St. Paul's Rectory, the Eastertide. Miss Esther Trewartha of Toronto spending the Easter vacation her home in town. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Hall and ch dren of Cayuga were week -e guests with relatives in town. Mr. John Hellyar of Peelee Isla was with his parents, Mr. and M W. H. Hellyar, for Eastertide. Miss Mary R. Stewart of Oil Sprin is with her mother, Mrs. J. StewartA for the vacation time. Mr. Walter Jackson of Brantfo spent Good Friday as the guest his brother, Mr. Fred Jackson town. Miss Violet Morrison of MacDonal Hall, Guelph, was home for Baste with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. E W. Morrison. Misses Carol Evans and Isabel Dra per of St. Catharines were wit their respective parents over th holiday period. r. Kenneth Rorke of Silver Centre and Mr. Edward Rorke of Huron College, London, came home for the Easter vacation. r. Duncan Cartwright of Brussels and Miss Ruth Cartwright of To- ronto spent the Easter week -end at their home in town. r. and Mrs. Frank Whitmore and son Harold, of Hamilton visited re- latives in town and vicinity over the Easter week-en.d r. and Mrs. Ralph Hewson and Mr. and Mrs. Nisbitt Cook of Toronto were with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Cook, over Easter. rs. C. McKinnon of Stratford and Miss Kathleen of Napanee were guests of the former lady's moth- er, Mrs. J. Johnston, for Easter. r. Robert Middleton of Port •Credit and Miss Jean Middleton of To- ronto were Easter guests at ,the home of their parents, 'Sheriff C. G. and Mrs. Middleton. ss Margaret Plumsteel of ' the Western University and Miss Jean Plumsteel of Elora were with their agents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Plum - teal, for Easter. . Jack ,Gibbings of St. Catharines as an Easter visitor at the home o£ his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. ibbings. He is in Toronto this week attending the meeting of the .E. A. was i Ines ion. on- ame was was d. ge, as - at for is at il- nd nd I s. gs W. rd of of d r h M M M M M M • Mi p s Mr G O Mrs. (Dr.) Procunier and little Miss Beverley of Essex were guests ov- er 'the Easter week -end with the lady's' -parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. 3. A. ;Ford °, Dr. ;Procunier came up to take his family home. , RAtfl SPRING, HOUSE CLEANING Comfort Soap, 5 for London Soap, 5 for P &;.4G :Soap, 7 for Corn Syrup, 5 lbs. Soap Chips, 4 lbs. Tomatoes, large 3 for Corn 3., for Peas 3`for . 25c 25c 23c 27c 27c 25c 25c 25c FOR HOUSE CLEANING DESSERTS Luncheon Jelly 3 for Jello, Instant 3 for Mc Laren's Jelly 4 for 25c 25c 25c 2 Borden's Milk, 45c Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails FRIGIDAIRE Breakfast Bacon Ib.:' Peameal Bacon lb. Sausage, Sneiders lb.,. Sausag'a Swifts lb Lard 2 lb. for Fluffo 2 Ib. for EXTRA SPECIALS:; Wonderful Soap, 10 for Oranges, Large Juicy Lemons, per doz. Grape Fruit, 5 for Serous Bread, per loaf' VIERESEP ate. .ems 19c 23c 15c' 19c 25c 25c 2;5c. 24c 19c 25c, Free Cook Book Sale ll 269 27, 28 TELL YOUR FRIFNDS ABOUT IT FREE PUZZLE WITH TEA, COFFEE AND VI TONE W. T© EIL CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 %040%~~16146014".."74 gebnIOR~swwwwwitstimamo_ Social Evening at BOY SCOUT PLAY "LIGHTHOUSE NAN" A three -act comedy drama, will be presented by Clinton young people in THE TOWN HALL Thursday, April 27th tit 8.15 Full proceeds, for the benefit of the Boy Scouts. Come and give them your assistance. Admission; Adults, 25c, Children, 15c Plan open at Fair's store, Apr. 22nd, 18-2. LEGION BIG EUCHRE & DANCE in the FIREMAN'S HALL, CLINTON Monday April 24th Cards 8 to 10 p.m. Good Prizes Lunch served by the Ladies Auxiliary DANCING AFTER GOOD MUSIC EVERYBODY WELCOME Tickets 25c. COLBORNE Miss Phyllis Bean is spending the Easter vacation with her grand- parents, .Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Addison of Londesboro. Mrs. Wm. McIlwain spent a few days (fist week with her cousin, Mrs, Jean Kyle of Clinton. The W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs Wm. McIlwain on Thursday af- ternoon. The afternoon was spent in quilting a quilt. Lunch was served by Miss H. Clark and Mrs. Stoll. Miss Dorine Webster is spending the holiday at her home in St. Helens. Mrs, Will Clayton and son, Jack, of Putnam and Miss .Gladys Treble of Toronto spent the week -end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Treble. Miss Doris Hill ,ef Toronto spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hill. Miss Leola Snyder of London spent the week -end with her father, Mr. Levi Snyder. Miss Vesta Tabb of Nile spent the week -end with her friend Miss Amelia McIlwain. Mr. Donald GIenn!e of Toronto spent the week -end at the home of Mr. John Treble. Mrs. R. M. Young and daughter, Isabel, and Miss Phylis Walters of Toronto are spending the week at their home here, Mr. C. A. Robertson and Dorothy have returned home after spending the past two months in Toronto. Mrd. Robert McMillap and son. Donald, of-Goderich are visiting the lady's mother, Mrs; Jas. Feagan, Sr., this week. Miss Christine Robertson of Mc- Donald College, Guelph,, is spending the Easter holidays at her homehere. St. Joseph's A Social evening will be held St. Joseph's Hall, Clinton on FRIDAY, APRIL 21st Commencing at 8 o'clock. MAPLE LEAF ORCHESTRA Admission 25c. 19-1. in Good -Bye to insects on you). Plants if you use EVERGREEN Will also kills Ams or Fleas on dogs. Non -Poisonous. Safe and easy to use. Keeps) your plants healthy, 35c A BOTTLE AT Tito ZSt GREENHOUSE PHONEI16 \, FLOWERSHOP PH0NE3I PAINT YOUR HOME with Martin Senour 100 percent Pure Paint A FULL LINE ALWAYS 'ON HAND T. Hawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING non* 244 ITS TIME TO BRIGHTENUP USE UTILAC, SHERWIN WILLIAMS OR BERRY BROS. PAINTS AND VARNISHES, THE KINDS THAT' GIVE ENTIRE SATISFACTION We have a full stock of Floor Waxes, Mops, and Wall/ Brushes, A large stock of Lawn Mowers, Garden and Lawn Tools; FURNITURE DEPARTMENT We- are featuring the Marshall better bedding week. Get a Free Coupon and take a chance to get a $25.00 Marshall mattress. Our stock of Linoleum, Congoleuni and Oil Cloth, in rugs .and by the yard is new and prices are right. You will find a very complete line of Furniture here and prices are lower than ever; BALL & ZAPPI "Store With the Stock" Phone 195 Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Monunient Dealers N. Ball, Phone 110. T. J. Zapfe, Phone 103. SUPERIOR CHAIN STORES IMPORTANT Read each item carefully, telephone 111 for your Grocery Sup- ply. You can be sure of getting the finest Groceries at 'Lowest Price. SPECIALS FOR APRIL 20- 21 and 22 DRUMMER BRAND FLOUR, 7's , .. 13e 24. lb,...42c CROWN BRAND SYRUP, 2 lbs.. , . ,13c. 5 lbs.....27c HI'LLCREST LARD, 2 lbs. for ,290 ROYAL YORK TEA OR COFFEE, I-2 lb. 23t• l's ° 45c BURFORD PEACHES, squat tins 150 PUMPKIN, large tin, per tin 12c RINSO, small 9c large .. , ........... 23c SWEET PICKLES, family jar ... 29c DERBY LOAF CHEESE, per Ib. 25c MAZOLA OIL per tin ...,.... , . 29c TEA BISC; large pkg. . 33c SCHNEIDER'S CHOICE BACON, per lb. 21c SCHNEIDER'S CHOICE BACON, sliced, rind off; 1-2 lb. 14e DUTCH SETT ONIONS, 2 lbs. for 25c HEINZ TOMATOE SOUP, 3 tins with one free, for 25c The Contest for Free Basket 'of Heinz Products will close Saturday, 22nd. Act quickly and get your guess in. J.T. JVIcKN IC HT & SON You can be sure of getting everything fresh here:. PHONE 111. Allammom No Need to Worry About Your Baking TRY OUR CHEESE TARTS, JELLY ROLLS OR SUNDAE' DROPS YOU CAN DEPEND ON THEM' BEING FRESH WHEN BUYING BREAD, ASK FOR WENDORF'S IT IS OF BEST QUALITY AND ALWAYS"FRESH Wend9 Hnkergl and. orf s Confectionerj' Makers of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" Breast