HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1933-03-09, Page 8PAGE 8 NEWS FLASH ,� r rfa Hors r MAKES ANOTHER SENSATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT Here's '"Stop Press News" that should interest every Canadian who is interested in economy, quality and style in clothes. Tip Top Clothes Now $19.50 And not one bit of quality has been sacrificed—same high-class Bri- tish Woollens—same expert hand -cut and individual tailoring—same careful workmanship—wine insistence upon the best of tailoring. Fit, finish and satisfaction guaranteed. This is indeed a drastic price change and can only be maintain- ed through a tremendous volume of sales. We are depending upon. you who know Tip Top values to help us maintain this price. Selling margins have been forgotten—profits have been wiped out. Volume is what we need --volume we must have to justify this drastic price cut. Call in today --examine the new Spring line of Tweeds, Ser- ges, Worsteds, Cheviots and Flannels. You will be delighted with the new patterns and amazed at the values we are offering at this new price. Plumsteel jos. Qu..i1ity Meats DRESSED HOG, by the half, per lb. 61-2c SCHNEIDER'S LARD, in bulk, per lb. 100 COLEMAN'S LARD, in 1 -lb. prints 9c HEAD CHEESE, Home-made, 3 lbs. for 25c SMOKED 'COTTAGE. ROLLS, per lb. 12c FRAY BENTOS CORNED BEEF, per lb. 20c HEINTZ COHOICE BEEF STEAK SAUCE, bottle 25c HOME-MADE SAUSAGE, per lb. 100 sBEST LARGE SMOKED FILLETS OF HADDIE, per lb. 15c CONNELL TYN; ALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 Albert Street O q D '01iII0 0010= ,r'"'"'" Si eel I .: r ire Prices BEDROOM FURNITURE OF GOOD QUALITY Dresser, Dressing Table, Bed and Chest of Drawers, all finish- ed in Walnut of beautiful design, Mattress of good quality and Way-Sagless 'Springs. Completely furnish your bedroom at this new low price of $89.00 DROP IN AND SEE THIS WONDERFUL VALUE WATCH OUR WINDOWS SUTTER, PERUEJE & VALKER Hardware Furniture Funeral Directors Phone 147w Plumbing Electric Wiring 0=0===l0=01===0=0=====0=0 a O p as SUGAR, 10 lbs. Granu ated or Yellow . 46c WALNUTS, Halves 1-2 lb. 17c RAISINS, 2 lbs. for 28c VENUS COUGH SYRUP . 25c MINCE MEAT, per lb. 100 CHIPSO, large ... 16c OXADOL, large . 190 SNOWFLAKE AMMONIA, 4 for 23c CHATEAU CHEESE, 1-2 lb. pkg,, 2 for 25c BRILLO, 2 pkgs. for 23c PEANUTS, fresh, per ib. 9c PEANUTS, Salted, 2 lbs. for . ,. 23c ONIONS, APPLES, CARROTS, PARSNIPS, HEAD AND LEAF LETTUCE, BANANAS. LOBB'S GENERAL STORE THE VOGUE We are now ready to show you our carefully chosen outfits, consisting of HATS, DRESSES AND HOSIERY, all the leading Shades and Coloring. When wearing one of these outfits you will have the appear- ance of the sophisticated, well-dressed person. WE INVITE YOU TO SEE US. THE VOGUE 13-2. McKILLOP TOWNSHIP The funeral ' of the late Gordon Hulley, an esteemed resident of 'Me- Killop, whose death occurred after a protracted illnss took place Thursday afternoon from his late residence. Interment was in the Brussels Ceme- tery. Rev. W. F. Smith, of Coven Church, Winehrop, officiated, rated, and the Winthrop Orange Lodge, ,of which the deceased was a member, took part in the service. 'Mr. Hulley, who Was a Son of the late Aaron Hulley, ryas born 49 years ago in 7felill'op, where he spent all his 'life. In 1912 deceased was married to Miss Tina Ward, of Logan Township, who sur- vives, along with a family of six children. Surviving also are his mother and one sister,' Mrs. Robert Munn, of Kitchener, and six broth- ers, Aaron, of Waldeck, Seek); Har- vey, y, Lorne, Robert and all of McKillop, and •Charles, of Brandon. The pallbearers were three brothers, Harvey, Robert and (Lorne, Mulley; and the three Ward brothers, .Ed- ward, Reginald and Harold, WILL BUY A note sire wi'iWaa' pad and a paclinge of envelopes, geed pr;unlity paper, kid finish, ebtrtktiv0 cover, 70 sheets in pad• and 25 envelopes in package, it is really a 30e value fee 190. WILL BUY A,"Fold-over" size pad and a pac- kage of envelopes, same particularo as the note size. It is a 40c value for 29c. WILL BUY A letter size pad and a package of envelopes, same particulars as the note and fold over pad. It is a 50c value for 39e. TfleW. B. Fair Cc. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best ps lildlIBRairl4, Illsullllllll1s pp n�diI111M.NIlbr "ON NEWS.ItEcORD. "49&A14 K1000 r „ i .. , n . r n a1✓ a C rat �•` er RED, AND WHITE THIJM, MARCH' 9, 1933 SP`"" -CI : gt.LS C j .a. 9-10-1 �. By the Sack, for Cash, and Special Ten Pound Lots See Large 't' ills For Other Speer; . is FOR LENT Smoked Filletts, 2 lbs. Nada ,lll Crab, 1-2s Shrimp, Kipper Snacks, Brunswick Sardines, Tuna Fish, 1-2's Salmon Red, per lb. Fresh Herring, large frozen, lb. FOR LENT 23c Macaroni, lb. 5c 27c Golden Spray Cheese, 2 lbs., 23c 23c Spaghetti, Red and White, 2 tins 19c Sc Red and White Soup, Tomato, Vegetable, 3 for 25c 5c Saner Kraut, 2 tins 21c Pancake Flour and 25c Bottle 15c Vanilla 29c Aunt Jemina Pancake Flour and 8c Maple Syrup, 15c FRIGIDAIRE, FRUITS Smoked Ham, lb. Breakfast Bacon, .2 lbs. Peameal Bacon, piece lb. Cottage Rolls, per lb. AND. VEGETABLES Large Juicy Oranges, doz. New Carrots, 3 for Head Lettuce, 2 for New Cabbage, lb. New Beets, bunch 37c 24c 25c 19c 7c 10c wassat > ONIONS, ate. STRAWBERRIES, GREEN TOMATOES NOW ARRIVING DAILY Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails M :.rex • t, 9 CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 �''c rid P3 `1' Iris 'E': Rev. F. G. and Mrs. Farrill spent Tuesday in .London. Miss Margaret PIumsteel was up from London for the week -end. Mr. Harry Plumsteel of London spent the week -end at his home in town. Miss Linnie Nediger of the Wood- stock Public School staff was home over the week -end. Editor Southcott of the Exeter Times -Advocate was in town Tues- day evening and gave The News - Record a friendly call. Mr. Alvin Leonard ani Mr. Chas. Croft of Elmira spent the week- end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leonard. Mrs. James A. Rogers, Mr. and 'Mrs. Geo. E. Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Edwards of Toronto will be week -end guests with Dr. W. A. and Mrs. Oakes. Mi....George Connelly of Goderich was in town and called at The News - Record office on business yester- day. Mr. Connolly recently re- tired from the presidency of the Goderich Fair Association after long service. He thought he had served long enough as he had beer connected with that fair since he 'was a boy in his teens. BAYFIELD Miss Eva Sturgeon is visiting some relatives at Crediton. Mr. E A, Neelin is spending a few days at the home of Mrs. J. A. McLeod. Miss Lucy Woods is visiting in Toronto. Mrs. Newton -Brady returned on Saturday after spending the week in Hamilton. Mrs. H. A. Stott is visiting in Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Eric 'Y'ork and daughter, Beverley, of Hamilton, were visiting 'Mrs. Baker. IHr. and Mrs. Featherston spent Thursday in London and Mrs. Lar- sen and children returned with them after visiting her sister in London for some time. Mrs. Dalton Smith of West Lorne is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. Koehler of Zurich spent Sunday with her sister. Nina Heard spent a few days in Goderich last week. Mr. Fred Heard underwent an op- eration for appendicitis. A speedy recovery is hoped for. Lenten Service is being held each Tuesday evening in Trinity church during Lent, conducted by the rector, Rev. F. H. 'Paull. The Annual Women's Day . of Prayer (a world wide movement) was observed on Friday afternoon, Mar. 3 in Trinity (Anglican) church. The service was in charge of Mrs. Gairdner. Prayers were made by Mrs. M. Fraser, Mrs. R. M. Gale, Mrs. M. Ferguson ' and Mrs. Wm. Scotehmer. Mrs. K. Moorhouse sang very sweetly "Just For Today.' Mrs. Walter Wallis gave a very interest- ing talk on "Prayer." Miss Gladys Gale presided at the organ. There was a good attendance. A Saint Patrick's tea un. e St. Patrick's Tea and Sale The Annual St. Patrick Afternoon Tea and Sale --of Home Baking and Cand„ auspices of the W.A. of Wesley -Willis Church, in THE COUNCIL CHAMBER on the afternoon of Saturday, March 18th From 3 to 6 o'clock. Do Not Forget the Date. 13-2. Concert and Dance under auspices of Women's Auxiliary B.E.S.L. IN FIREMAN'S HALL Monday, March 13 Program by Local Talent Admission 25e. 12-1. auspices of Trinity Church Guild is to be held at the home of Mrs. H. R. McKay on Friday, March 17, from 4 to 6 o'clock. Christopher Johnston who was born in Fermanagh Co., Ireland settled in Bayfield in 1829 at the age of 17. A few years later he married Catherine Irwin, also of Fermanagh Co., Ireland and lived on a farm on the Sauble Line, Stanley township, after clearing the land themselves. Eleven chidren were born to them, of whom three are de- ceased. The following children are still residents of Bayfield: Mrs. R. Fields, aged 88; Mr. Robt. Johnston, aged 86; Mrs. W. Atwood, aged 84; Mr. Wm. Johnston, aged 81; Mrs. Chas. Parker, aged 75. There arc also still living Mr. Thos. Johnston of N. Dakota, aged 77; Mrs. Thos. Parker, ,Sask., aged 73; Mr. Welling- ton Johnston, Naeoina, N. Dakota; aged 66. Mrs. Fields, Mrs. Atwood and Mr. Robt. Johnston have been ill for the past two months, but with the ex- ception of Mrs. Atwood they have fully recovered. Up to the present these three have lived together in Bayfield. The total ages of these sons and daughters aro 632 years. 'STANLEY Miss Eleanor Scotehmer of Strat- ford spent the week -end at her home. Mr, William McClinehoy and fam- ily have moved oh to Mr. Aldsworth's farm on the Bronson line, Mr. John Seotelimer has purchas- ed a fine pair of three year old colts, Miss Irene Seetchmur spent the week -end with her parents. Mrs. Thomas Snowden was the hostess at a pleasant surprisit party last Thursday evening for Mrs. liar. old Penhale in honor of her birth. day. Miss Elizabeth Snowdon tools charge of the games end nnisle, On one very rare aeeaslon On en- thusiastic golfer arrived )tomo for din- ner. During this meal his wife said: Wkfi—"William Jr. tells the that he caddied for you all afternoon," Golfer—"Well, do you know, I thou ht seen tlt, ,, JIMMY BE CAREFUL To Be Repeated in the Town Hall on the evening of Tuesday, March 14 Under auspices of Home and School. Club Admission Cash, Clothing or Grocers Proceeds to be used for Relief. 13-1. IS SHE MILES AND MILES AWAY? USE OUR TELEGRAPH SERVICE AND Member of the Florist Telegraph Association. FLOWERS WIRED EVERY- WHERE ming %erjrliehe 310Ttt r<Tp ClREEWtiOUSE PHONE176 FLOWERSHOP PHONE3I Prepare for Spring BUY YOUR Sap Pans and Supplies NOW LEAVE YOUR ORDER AND HAVE THEM READY WHEN YOU WANT THEM. I Have ONE 1900 ELECTRIC WASHER (Second -Hand, but in First Class Shape, for sale cheap.) 'f. Hawkins SUPE IOR C} AII"T ST FRES ry ears EXTRA VALUES THIS WEEK -END AT ALL SUPERIOR STORES KELLOGG'S ALL -BRAN, per pkg. 17c CHATEAU CHEESE, Extra, 1-2 lb. pkg. 10c SURPRISE SOAP, 10 bars for 47e CASTILE SOAP, 3 cakes for 25c ELECTRIC LIGHT BULBS, 30-60, 2 for 29c SUPERIOR BLEND TEA, per lb. .. 39c GRANULATED SUGAR, 10 lbs. for 46c YELLOW SUGAR, 10 lbs. for 450 READY CUT MACARONI 3 lbs. for FILLETTS OF HADNIE, 2 lbs. for 25c SALMON STEAK, per lb. 150 and 18c JAMS, Strawberry and Raspberry, 40 oz. jar 28c BROOMS, 5 string . 25c 1 TIN SAVER KRAUT and 1 LB. WEINERS, 25c PORK AND BEANS, Cross and Blackwell, 3 tins 25c • . .... .... YOU WILL ENJOY SHOPPING HERE J.T. McKN IGHT & SON You can be sure of getting everything fresh here. PHONE 111. ABINNINEVIEHSEILHEMEEMMOSIMP eish WEEK -END CANDY TREAT Neilson's Nuts and Hard Centers A Selected assortment of Almond, Filbert and Brazil Nuts, Cara- mels, Chips and Brittles, covered with Delicious Chocolate 1 and 2 lb. Boxes, or Bulk. Special, per lb. 50c 10 FOR 25c CHOCOLATE 'BARS 10 FOR 25c Raisin and Fruit Loaf, Extra Special for the week -end, 10c JELLY ROLL AND BUTTER TARTS BEST Quality Bread, Delivered Fresh Daily—Try It To -day Wendorf'sConf ons n Makers of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" Bread ellimernevorxeszataxecesa Cornell Made -to -Measure Suits $19.50 to $35.00 See Our Ready -Made Suits WITH TWO PAIR OF TROUSERS' at $14.95 Felt Hats at $1.95 DAVIS & H' AVIAN CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING AGENTS FOR GILLESPIES CLEANERS & DYERS; SEAFORTH POSER 'Noah and all:the rest of, them? Arthur aged 6 (who has been lis- Grandpa (indignantly)—No, cer• - tening with breathless interest to one tainly not! HARDWARE and PLUMBING . of grandpa's Bible stories)—And. were Arthur—Then•, hbw. is -it you were - :.