HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1933-03-09, Page 5':THURS., MARCH 9, 1933 Nammemmamialmow • OF INTEREST TO ` YOU AND ME Industry has been in a bad enough way in the United 'Stater:, as it has r everywhere, but how is it getting 'a-, - long without banking facilities? How can the United States dictate as to the worth of the Canadian dol - `lar? It is able to be up and around all the time, anyway. -It has not had. "to take a_ rest cure. •seg•. • Wonder what the creator of the Bobby Thatcher strip gets for adver- tising prize fighting and what Can- adian newspapers pay for the privi- lege • of advertising prize fighting:, For weeks now that strip, which was supposed to be interesting to chil- • dren and young people, has been -nothing more nor less -than prize.fighi 'propaganda. The new president was inaugurat- '•ed with due ceremonies at Washing- ton on Saturday and not for years has a president taken the oath of of. fice with as many important duties -pressing to be done, as many serious • problems awaiting solution. Many • 'Canadians listened with both •sym- -•pathy and interest to President Roosevelt's inaugural speech and . many good wishes are with hint as he -goes about those duties and endeav- ' ors to solve those problems. S... Peter Verigin, 'who was allowed his freedom at Halifax last week, he promising to leave Canada of his own accord, now declares himself the head of the Doukhobors and will re- .• quest a royal commission to look in- •.tc the whole situation and if his re- quest is refused he and sixteen oth ers will parade in the nude from their western settlements to Winni- peg. Pity they hadn't started dur- ing the last snowstorm. These peo- ple should be given to understand that if they cannot obey the laws of this Dominion they can get out of it :.and the sooner the better. •.f • f Mild winters may be good for a lot of things but one thing they're hard On, that is roads. Alternate freez- ing and thawing and the use of mot- or cars and busses work havoc, on 'clay or even fairly good gravel roads, as the past two winters have proved. Something harder and firmer will have to be used. The new roads built last fall, that on Mary street and on Shipley and Orange seems to be standng up all right so far. If such roads will stand up under such weather as the past winter it would seem to be good business to keep building them on all our streets, ay. en we can only put down a block or two each year. Too moth money bar already been sunk in putting on gray - el and the town council seems to have come to a realization of this. All streets cannot be built up at • once and the- ratepayers should try • and possess their souls in patience while their elected representatives endeavor to carry on this work of road building as fast as theirallow- : ante for such outlay will warrant. Lorne Tyndall, 63; Harold Hackett, 48. Jr. 3rd: Harold WiSe, 76; ''Donna Pickett, 60; "'Verna Hackett, 59; Wil- la Potter, 58, 2nd: Frank Potter, 68, Lulu Tyn- dall, 63. 1st: Glenn Wise, 176. Pr.: Roy Potter; Norma, Pickett, Jackie Tyndall Fred Gibson, Alvin Wise, Jean Hendricks. Largest number of stars for month. of January and J?ebrauiy: Sr. 4th: John Lindsay; Sr. 'Ord: Lorne Tyn- dall; Jr. 3rd: -Willa Potter; 2nd: Frank Patter. Average attendance for February, 18. , —I.' M. THOMSON, Teacher. LONDESBORO The regular meeting of the Wo- man's Institute was held in the Com- munity' Hall, on Thursday, March 2nds with a' good attendance, Mrs. E. Adams, the president, occupied the chair, and meeting was -opened by. singing the opening ode and repeat- ing the Lord's prayer in unison. Dur- ing the business part the arrange- ments were completed for the con- cert and supper to be held on March 17th. After all the business was concluded a paper on "The Life of St. Patrick," written by Mrs. Town- send, was read; a quartette, "My Wild Irish Rose," was sung by Mrs. E. Adams, Mrs. S. Carter, Mrs. G. Moon "and Mrs. M. Manning; read- ings were given by Mrs. R.-Shaddick and Mrs. C. Ruddell. The program was much enjoyed and appreciated. A dainty lunch was served by six of the memebrs and social time was spent over the tea cups. , The World's Day of Prayer was observed by the ladies of the W.M.S. in the United Church, with the sis- ter branches, Burns and Constance, meeting' with them and taking part in the program. At the close of the meeting the ladies of the Londesboro branch served refreshments, which no doubt was a help in getting bet- ter acquainted with one another. There were sixty-five present. Mr. and Mrs. John Fingland are leaving this week to visit for sever- al weeks with their son. Rev, Willi Fingland, at Niagara Falls. We are sorry to report the illness of Mrs. Robt. Cockerline, who is quits ill at the home of her son, Wil cock- erline of Blyth. Mr. Charlie Lee is in. the Clinton Hospital, where be has had an op- eration. Mrs. Win. Lyon has had a bad at- tack of the flu and has been confined to bed for some days.. Mr. Wm. Gray, who hes been sick all winter, is not improving• as his many friends would like to see. Mr. Ab. Radford and Manning Bros. have been busy harvesting the ice crop lately, Mr. and Mrs. S. Lyon spent Sun- day at the home 'of Mr. C. Watson. Dr. and Mrs. L. Whitley of Gerrie spent Sunday at the home of the former's aunt, Mrs. D. Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. Westbrook of Gode- rich spent Sunday at the home of Mr. John Nott. Quite a number drove up from here to Goderich on Tuesday to heat the Medd trial, Quite a number attended the cat- tle sale in Clinton on Tuesday. Mrs, Bernard Hall is spending this week with her father in Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston of London spent Sunday with the form- er's mother here. GODERICH TOWNSHIP Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lobb, Mrs. Milton Steeps and Master Gordon spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'Williamson and 'family of Munro., Miss Gladys Steeps of the Bayfield Line spent a few days with her aunt in Hensail, Mr. and Mrs. Won. Pleat and fan-. ily of Clinton have moved out to the farm of Mr. W. H. Lobb, with whom Mr. Fleet has engaged for the season, and are living in the house recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Williamson. Mr, Alvin Battles is on the sick list at present. Porter's Hill Men's Club met on Tuesday evening. A good . crowd was out, the speaker of the evening -being Mr. Ian MacLeod, who spoke on the warble fly pest. His talk was very interesting and after it war • over the members decided to swat the fly and are trying to clean toy Goderich township of the fly. Ev- erybody wishing to gee any of the powder will kindly call Jas. R. Stir- ling as the orders will have to be in by 'Saturday, March 11th. A very cheap rate is being given on it by bulk. Miss Vera Steep of Clinton visited'' with her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. • James Steep, over the week -end. Miss Alice Bonnick is improving nicely and has returned home from -Clinton hospital. • Mrs. 3. McFarlane spent a few days- last week with her daughter: Mrs. K. M. Taylor, Mr. and Nb's. Robert Welsh. Olin- ' ton, called on Sunday to see Mr. Ar- thur Stephenson, who is still in bed.; -Mr. W. I•lohnerr has moved into the house belonging to Mr. Ernest Town- ehend, having hired with the later for' the season. . School report of S. 'S. No. 11, for, the months of. January and February. 'Those marked with an asterisk were absent for one or more tests: Sr. 4th: John. Lindsay, '71; Made-: Bone Tyndall. 62; *Olive Pickett, 47;' "Margaret Farquhar, 41; '*Eddie' 'Beeves. Sr. 3rd: Jeanne Vodden, 73; Pearl "McGee, 65; Cameil Hendrick, 64;1 THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD BIRTHS HARRIS—In Goderich township, on March 4th, to Mr, and Mrs. Bert Harris, a daughter. HULLETT TOWNSH11- Miss Jennie Brown of Stratford visited her mother and sister, Mrs, Robert Brown and Miss Eva Brown, on Sunday.`. Report of S. S. No. 10, for the month of February: Jr 4th: Ruth Vodden, Beth Govier, Pearl Johnston, :Eleanor Sprung, equal; Florence Yrmgblutt, Sr:. 3rd: 'Rhoda Govier, Joe Hen, icing, Eddie Hunting. Sr. 2nd: Anna 'Mae Johnston, John Sprung. `. Jr. 2nd: Peen Yungblutt, Servo Mair. Jr. 1st Elva Gooier. Number on roll, 13; average ,atten- dance, atten-dance, 12.8.—Beth Arnett, teacher. Demonstration Coming Miss St. Jean will 'be in my shop on theafternoon of TUESDAY, MARCH 21st to demonstrate Singer Sewing Ma- chines and attachments, including the New Singer Craft Guide. A cordial invitation is extended to all ladies of Clinton and vicinity to visit the Singer Shop on this date. A GLEN COOK. 13-2-p. PORTER'S HILL On Friday evening the neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Les. Mc- Millen, to the number of one hun= Bred or thereabouts, gathered at their home to say good-bye to them ere leaving foe their home in Lon- de, Ont., Les. having secured his old position, sailing, The evening was spent very pleasantly at games and dancing. Before lunch Mr. and Mrs. 1VfgMillen and Margaret were called to take their places and Mrs. Ro- bert Rogers read a well -worded ad- dress while Bessie Young, on behalf of those present, presented Margar- et with a signet ring, Mrs. R. Fuller presented Mrs. McMillen with a sil- ver flower basket and Mr. Fuller presented Mr. McMillen with Mason - ie cuff links. Mr. MoMillen, on be- half of himself and his family re- plied in well-chosen words, thanking all for their kindness, not only on this occasion, but at all times since their coming to reside amongst us. The gathering broke up in the wee sma' hours, all wishing the family prosperity and happiness in their new home. We wish to extend a welcome to Mr. and Mrs. John Mcllfillen and little daughter, Mary, who have mov; ed onto the farm recently vacated by Mr. Les, McMillen, On Friday evening, March 10th, at Grace church, Miss Doris et. Harris and Miss Gladys Gale are putting on a recital which we hope to see well attended, as both young ladies are talented . and a splendid program is looked for. Born, to Mr. 'an Mrs. Bert Harris a daughter. Congratulating. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilson of near Hamilton are moving onto the farm with Mrs. Wilson, Sr., 'cn the 6th concession. Mr. Will Wilson, who has resided with his mother, is tak- ing' a position on a boat. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Fred Prest wish to express their sincere appreciation to the Clinton hospital staff and doc- tors, also to friends for their kind- ness and for the flowers that were sent during the illness of Mrs. Prost. For Said 600 Egg Buckeye Incubator, prac- ticaIly new and in perfect running order. Apply to W. G. Pickett. 13-2-p. L.O.B.A. Dance Don't forget the L.O.B.A. dance in the Firemen's Hall, Tomorrow even- ing, Mar. 10th, Admission 25e. 13-1. Meeting of Cheese Factory Officials and Patrons A meeting will be held in the Hol- mesville Cheese Factory on Tuesday, March 14th, at 2 p.m., for the pur- pose of laying out routes and letting the same by auction. Every person interested either in driving or in sending milk please attend. FORCED SALE OF REAL ESTATE IN THE MATTER OF GEORGE PROCTOR IN BANKRUPTCY SEALED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED by the undersigned Trustee in bankruptcy for the pur- chase of the real estate of said bank- rupt known as the west half of lots numbers 26 and 27 in the ninth con- cession •cf the Township of Godorie'o and containing about 80 acres of land. The property will be sold subject to an existing mortgage of $3000.00; possession can be given immediately; and the Trustee is prepared to guar- antee to the pucrhaser a good title. to said lands. Tenders are to be filed with the undersigned on or before the 20th day of March. 1033. Further particulars and inspectioi of the property may be had on ap- plication at the office of the under- signed Trustee. TERMS: Marked cheque 'payable to C. G. Midd'eton for 10 per tent. of the amount of the tender must ac- company the tender; balance to be paid in cash on completion of trans- action. DATED at Goderich this 4th day of March. 1933. C. G. MIDDLETON, Court Hence, Goderich TRUSTEE. 13-2. atelv,:,..autafffEra, Member of Florist Telegraph Delivery Association Flowers and Plants in Season Chaso ye . Cooke FsL O R' I 'S T• Phones; 6Gw and 66j Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm Stock and Implements, at Lot 19, Con, 16, Goderich township 1 mile west and 3 miles north of Clinton en Friday. March 17th, at 1.30 sharp, consisting of the follow- ing: HORSES: Grey mare, 5 years old weighing 1300 lbs.; black 'mare, 4 yrs. old, weighing 1300 lbs; roan gelding, 11 years old, weighing 1200 lbs. CATTLE; 14 cows, scone milking. and some due to freshen soon. all young Holsteins except one Hereford due to freshen in April; 4 2 -year-old Holstein heifers. just bred; S year- ling heifers, 4 young heifer calves; mire bred Holstein sire, 3 years old TI.esn -attic are all in good condition, PIPS: Brocq sow, 9 pigs ins" weaned; also a number of choice young sows for breeding purposes. FOWL: 4 geese, 2 years o'd. IMPLEMENTS: 51. It, riding plow (New' Premier); M. -H. 2 furrow walking plow; M. -II. mower, 6 ft. cut; M. -H. sniffler and bean harves- ter; M, -H. wagon, good as net Chatham fanning mill and bagger; Burman power clippers; set of Welsh no buckle harness, 2 years old, good as new; set of breeching harness; a few good collars, 120 ft. of hay rope; set of slings; 150 bus. banner sees? mats (choice quality); 175 bus. of. seed barley, six row, choice quality and free from wild oats; S cords -of 14" maple wood. This is a clearing sale as Mr. But- ler has sold his farm. TERMS: CASH. M. J. Butler, Proprietor, Gee. A. El liott, Auctioneer. CAPITAL THEATRE Northern Electric Sound: System Goderich, Phone 47 New Playing: Clara Bow in her latest. and best: "CALL HER SAVAGE" MON., TUES., WED. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in a great tale of adventure, travel and excitement "Mr. Robinson Crnsoe" THURS., FRI., SAT. TALLULAH BANK,HEAD and Gary Cooper . present an exciting romance with some real action Devil and the Deep with Cary Grant and Chas. Laughton Coming: "BACK STREET" Mat.: Wed, and Sat, at 3 p.m. Leavitt's Theatre EXETER Take pleasure in announcing The Orpheous Choir OF LONDON under the direction of CLARENCE E. GILMOUR Wednesday, March. 15 12-2. AUCTION SALE Farm, Farm Stock, Implements and Household Furniture in the Township of Tucker'ssnith Under letters of administration granted to hint by the Surrogate Court of the County of Huron, in connection with the estate of W:iIliam G. Broadfoot, deceased, the under- signed will offer for sale by Public Auction on the premises, being Lot No. 26 in the Third Concession, Hu- ron Road ,Survey, in the Township of Tuckersmith, containing 100 acres more or less, on Tuesday, the 14th day -of March, 1933 at one o'clock p.m., the following valuable property: Chattels: Horses --Black gelding; bay geld- ing. Cattle — Hereford Cow, milking; reel Durham cow, milking; red Dur- ham cow with calf at side; Durham with Hereford calf at side; roan cow, farrow; Hereford cow, supposed to be in calf; white Durham, suppos- ed to be in calf; roan Durham, sup- posed to be in calf, Red Durham hei- fer, in calf; roan Durham heifer; fall calves, 3 Durham, ono Polled Angus. Pigs --Sow, due time of sale; cow with eight pigs, 6 weeks old. Sheep -2 ewes, 1 rant. Fowl -8 Rock hens, rooster; 2 black Minorca hens;. 8 White Leg- horn hens, rooster; 4 turkeys, 2 gob- blers; 4 geese. Quantity of grain and hay. Machinery M. -H. seed drill; Mc- Cormick mower; Clinton fanning mill, half speed cutter; McCormick binder; set of scales; wagon and hay rack; land roller; harrows; gravel box; whiffletrees and neck yoke: ladder, quantity 'of lumber; cream separator; incubator; sap pans and pails; churn. Household Effects—,Cook stove, cupboard. table, chairs, sewing ma- chine; sideboard; dining room table' dining roosit chairs, piano; writing desk; book case, books, walnut table, 6 walnut chairs; walnut couch; wal- nut wardrobe; two spool beds; 4 wooden beds; chest of drawers; 2 bureaus; 4 hanging lamps; bed -cloth- ing and numerous other articles Real Estate Lot number 20, in the third con- cession, H. R. S. in the Township 'of Tuckersmith, containing 100 acres more or less. On the land is a Iarge brick house, two barns, a small bush and neverfailing water supply. Terms of Sale: Chattles,: Cash; Real estate will be subjeot to, a reserve bid and if sold ten percent. 'of the purchase ooney'will be required to be paid on the day of sale and the balance with- in thirty days thereafter. Further terms and conditions of the sale will be made known on the day of sale or may be had on application to the undersigned. William H. Middleton, R. R. No, 3, Clintin, Administrator. 63-1. G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. =NM W9116.11186, !Er THE BEST MARKET FOR Poultry, Eggs, Cream ALL TIlE YEAR ROUND FOR CASH AT THE CLINTON POULTRY HOUSE N. W. Trewartha Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w Saturday Special Hot Cross,. Buns TRY SOME—THEY ARE DELICIOUS ALSO VI -TONE CAKE AND LEMON JELLY ROLL Be sure and get your coupons with each 'purchase in our store. BARTLIFF & CRICH Makers of Dainty Maid and Whole Wheat Bread Phone 1, Clinton. EGGS EGGS Owing, to a special market I have developed in the City, I ant prepared to pay a premium over and above market prices for a limited quantit;, rof clean, fresh eggs delivered to uty home in -Clinton. Will give you a good grade and will pay cash. Give me a trial. F.W. Andrews Phone 33, Clinton 12-tf. Notice:DogOwners To owners and harborers of dogs, take notice that the Dog Tax was due March 1st and must be paid forthwith. L. STONG-, Collector. 12-2. THE TRIUMPHANT CHP OF THE ,I1CAT BRIGADE Notice to Milk Producers Tim Holmesville Cheese Co. will commence to manufacture Cheese on Wednesday, March 15 ALSO HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR CREAM For further particulars apply at fac- tory or phone 611r41. Auction Sale Wednesday, March 22nd. Clearing Auction Sale of Farm -Stock, Imple• meets, Grain, Hay and other articles Property of Howard Cox, at Lot 26 and 27, Con. 6, Goderich township. Sale at 1.30 sharp. T. Gundry and Son, Auctioneers« 13-2. For Rent Small cottage, its good condition, convenient to post office. Apply tc F. Fingland. 12-tf. Cows For Sale Durham cow, fresh, and a Durham supposed to freshen this mouth. Also a calf, 9 months old. Apply to Joe Becker, gardener, Clinton. 12-2-p For Sale Renfrew cream separator, self oil- er, smooth running, 500 lb. capacity, used one summer. Guaranteed as good -as new, will sell for half price of new one. Also an Aladdin kero- sene mantel lamp with beautiful shade. Gives strong white light, burns 94 per cent air, 6 per cent oil. Used one season. Cheap. H. H Cantelon. 12-2-p. PAGE 5 There s no need to harbor cold weather inside your house; If the Beat Folks are coming. they'll chase out the chill: They keep the home fires burn- ing and withstand the severest winter surprise attack, They will maks your home the strong -hold of heat. You will never find them running up the ashy white flag. There isn't a traitor in a ton and, when it Domes to heat, they're ores the top in a jiffy. Call the I, f= 'r S PHONE 74 �1l CLINTON, ONTARIO Asa«'u•vaa-gurus1- O','.e.a.':..0 .. 0 30 and 60 Watt PRODUCT OF CANADIAN Phone Us We Deliver 15c 7 for RR.00 GENERAL ELECTRIC V EJNNER,. A MESSAGE TO MOTHER AND FATHER Your children want a new portrait of you--iThose away from home will treasure your photograph because it's the next best thing to having you with them. Plan to have them made now. THE BURGESS STUDIO Clinton and Mitchell Developing and Printing BABY CHICKS Order Canadian Approved Chicks Now From Your Local Hatchery. White Leghorns 10e; Barred and White Rocks 12e; Black Minoreas, 13c Custom Hatching a Specialty. Your option, 2 1-2c per egg or 5e per chick hatched. We set each Wednesday. PLETSCH BRANCH HATCHERY RUSSELL SEMIS, Manager Phone 199. Clinton, Ont. 09-tf. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Farm Stock and Implements The Undersigned will sell by pub- lic auction on Wednesday the 22nd of March A.D.. 1933, commencing at 1 o'clock p.m. the household furni- ture, farm stock and implements be- longing to George Mitchell, late of the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron; at his late resi- dence in the said Township. TERMS: CASH. At the same time and place there will be offered for sale the lands belonging to the said -deceased con• sisting of: (1) Lot 15, .Bayfield Road Conces- sion South.. (2) East Half Lot 13; Bayfield Road Concession South. (3) Lot 19; Concession 8. • (4) Lot 16, Concession 8. All in the said Township of Stanley. All of the said lands will be of- fered subject to reserve bids and -other conditions of sale. For further particulars apply to the undersigned Solicitor. tGEO. H. ELLIOTT, Clinton, Ont. tarts, Auctioneer. F. FINGLAND'- Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrators of the Estate 'of Geo, Mitchell, Deceased. 11-4. Baby Chicks and Custom Hatching Baby Chicks from best bred -to -lay Barred Rocks and White Leghorns. Prices to suit the times. Custom hatching 2 1-2c per egg. Custom hatching done in individual machines, E. J. TREWARTHA Clinton, Phone 611r22 12-tf. NOTICE Having bought the Stock of W. T. Brunsdon, Londesboro, I am prepar- ed to repair all kinds of wagons buggies, agricultural wheels, tongues and any kind of woodwork for same. T. R. WIGGINTON 12-3-p. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of George- Mitchell, .. Deceased NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of George Mitchell, late of the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, yeoman, deceased, who died on or about the 28th day of January A.D., 1033 are required to deliver to F. Fingland, Solicitor, on or. before'the 13th day of March, A. D. 1038, a full statement of their claims together with particulars thereof, and the nature of tho secur- ities, if any, held by them all duly verified by affidavit. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date the Ad- ministrators will proceed to distri- bute the estate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled there- to having regard only to such claims as shall have received due notice and in accrdance therewith. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 22nd day of February, A.D., 1933. F. FINGLAND, 'Clinton, Ontario Solicitor for the said estate. 11-3, For Sale or Rent Brick house, King street, near -the station. Hardwood floors, furnace and bath, also garage. Possession March 1st. Apply to D. Kay, Phone 234 09-tf. For Sale Town property, consisting of up- to-date poultry plant and house. Price reasonable.. Apply F. Fing- land. 07-tf. For Rent Store property in town in ideal lo- cation. Apply to F. Fingland. 07-t£. For Sale Modern six -room house and also business for suitable man, Billiard parlor and tobacco store, furniture repairing and upholstering and an- tique dealer business. Apply to R. Tasker, Clinton. 05-9-p. For Sale or Rent Comfortable house, Albert street, Clinton. Light, water, garage, 'gar- den. Apply tto Albert Morrell, Len- desbpro. 06-tf. Phone 7 Funeral Service Funeral Director and Embalmer Camplete Motor Equipment 24 Hour Service SUTTER--PERDUE-WALKER Day or Night Phone 147w .v NNW WANTED Fresh Eggs and Cream Highest Prices for Strictly Fresh Eggs. - Cream shipped regularly. Good Prices Paid. A. E. FINCH Phone 231. Wood For Sale Quantity of Hard body stove wood, and cord wood. All orders promptly attended to. Victor Falconer, R. R. No. 1, Brucefield. Phone 629-12, Clinton central. 98-tf-d. Elmslea Chick Farm ENGLISH BARRON LEGHORNS CHICKS AND HATCHING EGGS CUSTOM HATCHING Set Every Week E. L. Mittel: Phone 213. Clinton, 11-tf, House for Sale 8 -room house with modern conven. renes, Albert street, Clinton, 8 lots in garden, barn, woodshed, good cel- lar under house. Apply on premises to Hiram Hill. 66-tf, House Foe Sale or Rent Comfortable 8 -ream huuso in Prin- cess street, residence of the late Peter Cantelon. For particulars ap- ply 4o George Cantelon, Rattenbury street, Clinton. Phone 272. 35-tf. E. G. HOWES •Electrican and Plumber A Full Line of Electric Appliances also Plumbing Fixtures Wiring, Plumbing and Repairs Phone 53w. 13-t2, Coal, Coke & Wood Genuine "Lehigh Valley Anthracite Coal" of all sizes. Alberta Coal Scotch Aithracite, range size Hamilton and American Coke Also Bitiminous Coal Prompt and careful delivery from , my sheds on Queen street. A. D. McCartney Coal Dealer, Clinton. Queen St. Phone 250 Nenustesmummeemormeentweetruiltaxxr r All Cleaning and Pressing at Reduced Prices W. 3. JAGO If not open work may be left at Heard's Barber Shop