HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1933-03-02, Page 8PAGE S NEWS, -I• LASH MAKES ANOTHER SENSATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT,. Here's "Stop Press News" that should interest every Canadian who is interested in ,economy, quality and style in clothes. Tip Top Clothes Now $19.50 And not one bit of quality has. been sacrificed—same high-class Bri- tish Woollens—same expert hand -cut and individual tailoring --,•same. careful workmanship—same insistence, upon the best of tailoring. Fit, finish and satisfaction guaranteed. This is indeed a drastic price change and can only be maintain- ed through a tremendous volume of sales. Weare depending upon you who know Tip Top values to help us maintain this price, Selling margins have been forgotten --profits have been wipe. out. Volume is what we need—volume we must have to justify this drastic price cut. Call in today—examine the new Spring line of Tweeds, Ser- ges, Worsteds, Cheviots and Flannels. You will be delighted with the new patterns and ama•7,ed at the values we are offering at this new price, Plurnsteei ros. lity ie ts DRESSED HOG, by the half, per lb. 6 1-2c SCHNEIDER'S LARD, in bulk, per lb. 10e COLEMAN'S LARD,ein, 1 -lb. prints 9c HEAD 'CHEESE, Home-made, 3 lbs. for 25c ,SMOKED COTTAGE ROLLS, per lb. 12c FRAY BENTOS CORNED BEEF, per lb. 20c HEINTZ CHOICE BEEF (STEAK SAUICE, bottle 26e HOME-MADE SAUSAGE, per lb. 10c SBEST LARGE SMOKED FILLETS OF HADDIE, per lb. 15c CONNELL1 & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 182 Albert Street 00.—o=to.o=o=""^o=o=— p scul. Few Hue likes BEDROOM FURNITURE OF GOOD QUALITY pDresser, Dressing Table, Bed and Chest of Drawers, all finish - 0 ed in Walnut of beautiful design. Mattress of good quality and Way-Sagless Springs. Completely furnish your bedroom at this new low price of $89.00 DROP IN AND SEE THIS WONDERFUL VALUE WATCH OUR WINDOWS I SUffER, Hardware Furniture PERDUE & WEER Funeral Directors Phone 147w Plumbing Electric Wiring Onto 00 p 0 a 11 p SALTED HERRING, 4 lbs. for HERRING, FROZEN, per dozen FILLETS 'OF HADDIE, 2 lbs. for FINNAN HADDIE, 2 lbs. for SALMON SILVER BRIGHT IN PIECE, per lb CHICKEN HADDIE, 2 tins for SALMON, large size tin, 2 for KIPPER SNACKS, per tin SARDINES, 4 tins for 25c 25c 20c 19c 16c 29c 23c 5c 19c 10e 89c 19c 29c COD FISH, per package SHRIMPS, 2 tins for HERRING IN TOMATO SAUCE OYSTERS, per jar LOB .''3 GENERAL STORE HURON LAW ASSOCIATION TEN- PLIMENTARY BANQUET PLIMERTARY BANQUET The Huron County. Law Associa- tion on Monday tendered Justice Kerwin a complimentary banquetat the Hotel Bedford, (Goderich, on the occasion of his first visit to Goderich to preside at the assizes. Upwards of 25 members of the bar, from Exe- ter, W'ingham, Seaforth and Goder- ich, along with Judge Costello, coun- ty judge, Magistrate C, A Reid and court officials sat down. L. E. Dan - bey, clean of Huron County legal profession, was toastmaster. The toast to "The Bench" was pro- pesed by J. G. Stanbury, ,of Exeter; and responded to by Judge Costello, and ex -Sheriff Reynolds spoke brief- ly in reminiscent mood. Justice Kerwin talked on the "Days of the Canada Company," and of the parts of which his native city, Guelph, and Goderich played in the early depel- opment of Western Ontario. Mr. Dancey, in introducing his lordship, expressed the opinion that there were not sufficient high court judges, pointing to the many deaths at a comparatively early age, due, he believed, to overwork. COLBORNE Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Tyndal spent the week -end in Toronto. Mrs. Arthur Spragg. of Detroit visited with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pettman on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wilson sof Flint, Mich., spent the week -end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wilson. Mrs. Ernest Foreman and two chil- dren, George and Donald, have re- turned to Flint after staying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wil- son, the past few months. 'Mr. Harry Walters Is wearing a big smile these days, a little boy • has come to stay. THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD istemusesesiasanweseneltinummeneivereagetassmescrassa -We doubt that Nero would have fiddled while Rome burned`` had Jig. Saw Puzzles existed in his day and procurable at 15c, 20c and. 25c each. Birthdays are being celebrated by someone every day ' in the year. Showers ,are frequently being given for the Bride-to-be. Folks go -on voyage, there may be a birth to an- nounce, sympathy to express or con- gratulations to send or acknowledge- ment to make. We have 'suitable cards for occasiene. In these days, of .predicament it is just as unwise to discard real neces- sities as it is to indulge crazy .e travaganeed: Ann Vickers by Sinclair Lewis the author of "Main Street" and "Ar- rowsmith." Prime' $2.50, portrays the modern woman, the ;business, woman! the social worker, the successful feminist, who achieved success and frustration. Its the first book that Sinclair Lewis has written since he received the Nobel Prize. 33 Dance Hits for ].933 in the New Feist Folio. It contains such out- standing hits as All American Girl Masquerade, Paradise, Goofus, Mc - Minus You, The Wooden Soldier, Snuggled on your Shoulder. Price 50c. We never know. The turning of the tide in trade may be started by the prosperity now enjoyed by the manufactuoers of picture puzzles. We place in stock a new picture every week, sell it at 25c, it Is much admir- ed and in greater demand than we have been able to supply. Tlio W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best u fE Pa�nllllltllllluouomu'"ii14��Y!LII Illilillu L Mr. F. Fingland was in Toronto las' week -end. Mr. Stewart Scott was in Toronto over last week -end. Mrs. (Dr.) Hearn spent the week- end with Toronto friends. Mr. Edward Rorke of Huron College, London, was home over the week- end. Mr. Fred Lawrence of Hamilton spent the week -end with his moth- er in town. Miss Lily Kennedy of the local tele- phone office spent the week -end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. Stewart of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. T. Hawkins over the week -end. Mrs. M. E. McFadden of .Cookstown is visiting at the home of her mo- ther, Mrs. J. Cornish. Mrs.George Lavis and Miss Fannie Levis spent a few days visiting in Toronto last week. Miss Madeline Hawkins sof Toronto spent the week -end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hawkins. Messrs. Eddie and Frank Dale of London visited with their father, Mr. W. A. Dale, the Huron road, over the week -end. Dr. and Mrs. Lindsay and Mrs. Bal- lantyne of London were in town last week, coming up to attend the funeral of the former's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Curts and gam- ily of Forest spent the week -end with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Brown of town. Mrs. H. B. Chant leaves today for St. Catharines after spending the past month as a guest at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. A..Sutter. Mr. and. Mrs. Frank Swallow of Bow- manville have been here the past week, coming up owing to the ill- ness and subsequent death of the lady's brothe,, the late George Phipps. PORTER'S HILL The special service in Grace church on Sunday was well attended and the Rev. R. M. Gale preached an excellent sermon from the text, "The Lamb Stood on Mount Zion," found in Revelation. The men's choir ren- dered special music, which was much appreciated. The offering amounted to $28.00. This was a special offer- ing to me'e't interest due. On Monday evening a social was held under the auspices of the Men's Club and provedto be a great suc- cess. Mr. Fred Bell acted as chair. man, filling the position with great acceptance. The program put' on by the Union Minstrel Band, ,00nsist- ing of Fred Bell, violin; T. Porter, jewsharp; Dave Davidson, A, Porter and Event Mcllwain, mouthorgans; Glen Lockhart, guitar, accompanied by Orvil Powell en the piano, put on several musical selections, songs, re- citations, etc., which were enjoyed. Also Mr. Frank Powell and Mr. H. C Cox each made a short speech; Mr, J. Stirling sang "Why I Wear the Kilt" and recitations were given by Rev. R. M. Gale and Messrs. Lorne Newszossienneecriee u �x u rauGb e" T.HURS., MARCH 2, 1933"` "itIt.. i Rt#".(etiaei ri ll rot"' �.,'�4M `F' ktir. 'io+Veeei e,,unareez.neece. p . RED AND WHITE 1•414.-4iq euesionecencee 7 THE BEST PRICE FOR ALL KINDS OF CANNED FRUIT AND VEGETA sy. 1 n S, :, The Best Season to Buy Them ---'Order Early --These G-1 ods are Fast Sellers - Big Value in Caned Pineapples, 3 for, 25c ti Red and White Tomatoes, 2 for , 23c Red and White No. 5 Peas, 2 for Aylmer Soups, for Pork and Beans, large 2 for Sunlight Soap, 5for or Sunlight Soap, 10 for London Soap, 6 f iCorn Syrup, 2 Ib. Corn Syrup, 5 lbs. 25c 25c 25c 28C 49c 25c 15c 29c McCormick Sodas are on Special' Sale This Week,, per lb. McComick Sodas, small 'pkgs. 2 for Heinz Soup, 3 for Corn, per tin Peas, 3 for Sardines5 for I Chicken laddie, 2 for oiled Oats, 8 lbs. Special Granulated Sugar, 10 lbs. FISH FOR LENT Finnan Haddie, 2 lbs. B. C. Salmon, lb. Fresh Herring, Beautiful "Jumbo" Fish 25c 15c 8c FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Oranges, 2 doz. o Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails ANNUAL INTERDENOMINATIONAL Father and Son Banquet Thursday, March 9 6.30 p.m. Ontario Street Church Tickets, 85e. All Men and Boys 12-1. and Fred Elliott, while Ray Cox con- tributed a mouthorgan selection. A silver collection was taken. A hear- ty vote of thanks was given all who assisted and at the conclusion of the program a very fine lunch was served and the gathering broke up by the singing of Auld Lang Syne and the national anthem. The Men's Club will meet on Tues- day evening, Mar. 7th, when Mr. Ian lifabLeod, Agricultural Riepresenta- tive, Clinton, will give an address on the control, of the warble or heel fly. This is a problem in which all are interested and every farmer in the township who can attend 'should do so. The hall should certainly be filled on this occasion and all men are invited as it is to everybody's interest to get after this pest with a vengence. The following is the report of Porter's Hill, S. S. No. 5, Goderich township, for the months of Jan- uary and February. Those marked with an asterisk have been absent' for examinations: Sr. 4th: Phyllis Elliott, 72,5; Wil- la Pickard, 57; Betty Newton, 52. Sr. Srd—Joyce Gardner, 68; Iso- bel Woods, 66.2. .Sr. 2nd—+Mary Torrance, 55; June McDougall, 52. Jr. 2nd—S1ladeline Young, 58; Earl Cox, 56; Nelson Williamson, 50. 1st class—Dorothy Young, Ivison Torrance, Billie Harris, Elgin Cox, Beth Cox. Sr. Pr.—Jean Bell, Eric Cox. .Tr. Pr.—Billie Burke, Billie Cox. -Grace K. Evans, teacher. On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Harry Powell entertained the Y.P.S. of the Union church, also a number of their neighbors, to a very pleasant evening at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Les. McMillan are preparing to leave the farm. We will be sorry to' loose these neigh- bors of our line. Mr. McMillen esc-' pacts to return tq his former oecu, pation. .Spring sure is on the way, Mr. Dave Pocock having, tapped and re- ports a fairly good run sof sap. SHE WAS JUST WONDERING Small girl (entertaining her broth- er's fiancee). bs 'Disaster' your Chris.' tion name or surname? Fiancee: What on earth do you mean? Small girl: Cos I heard daddy telI- ing muinmie that that was what Reg- gie was courting! 35c e 1,4c 25•c 25c 9c 25c 25c 25c 25c 47c Oranges, large size per doz. Head Lettuce, 2 for New Carrots, 2 for New Beets, Onions, No. 1 10 for Le II ons, 6 for Breakfast Bacon, 2 lbs. Peameal Bacon, lb. Back Bacon, piece 29c 19c 15c 10c 19c 11c 25c 18c 25c CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 DANCE! DANCE! A dance will be held in the Fire- men's Hall, Clinton, under the aus- pices of the L.O.B.A., on on the evening of Friday, March 10 Good Music. Dancing from 9 o'clock to ? Admission 25c. 12-1. JUST 3.° Akagi:Ierzr YOUNG MANI WHEN YOU SAY IT WITH FLOWERS SAY IT WITH OURS ,5Loris�' ' GREENHOUSE PHONEI76 FLOWER SHOP PHONE3I Prepare for Spring BUY YOUR Sap Pans and Supplies NOW LEAVE YOUR ORDER AND HAVE THEM READY WHEN YOU WANT THEM. I Have ONE 1900 ELECTRIC WASHER (Second -Hand, but in First Class Shape, for sale cheap.) HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 VIFIRMUMIZILMEIMWW SUPERIOR, CHAIN STORES THIS IS AYLMER WEEK AT SUPERIOR STORES WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS AYLMER WHITE CORN, 2's 90 AYLMER TOMATOES, 21-2's ...10c. 2 for 19c AYLMER PEACHES, squat, 2 tins 29c AYLMER RED RASPBERRIES, squat, 2 tins 29c AYLMER CATSUP, per bottle 12c KELLOGG CORN PLANES, 3 pugs. 25o AYLMER PEAS, No. 4, 2 tins for 23c AYLMER PORK AND BEANS, large 10e; medium .. 5c AYLMER LOMBARD PLUMS, squat 10c SUPERIOR TEA, per lb. - 39c WEINERS, special, per lb. 15c COOKED HAM, Saturday only, sliced, lb. 25c LENT SPECIALS -START TODAY SALMON STEAK, HERRING, AND MANY OTHER LINES Order Your Supplies here. You can be sure of real quality at a real Saving Price. FIVE ROSES FLOUR, per bag 42.50 J.T. McKNIGHT & SON You can be sure of getting everything fresh here. PHONE 111. 4/12s=32:223u WEEK -END CANDY TREAT Neilson's Nuts and Hard Centers A Selected assortment of Almond, Filbert and Brazil Nuts, Cara- mels, Chips and Brittles, covered with Delicious Chocolate 1 and 2 lb. Boxes, or Bulk. Special, per lb. 50c 10 FOR 25c CHOCOLATE BARS 10 FOR 25c Raisin and Fruit Loaf, Extra Special for the week -end, 10c JELLY ROLL AND BUTTER TARTS BEST Quality Bread, Delivered Fresh Daily—Try. It Tb -day Wendorf's akerj ane! C'QDn ctl�onerE, Makers of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" Bread II is 1 C. Still I A PEW CLEARING LINES OF HEAVY RIBBED' WOOL UNDERWEAR AND FLEECE -LINED TO CLEAR AT -COST BOYS' AND MEN'S LEATHER COATS AND WINDBREAKERS AT COST. HEAVY SWEATERS FROM $1.25 TO $4.00: DAVIS HE !!' M 4 N CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING AGENTS FOR GILLESPIES CLEANERS & DYERS, SEAFORTH Strange News From Germany. The government rhave docu- ments oprovethat' the communists were plotting to kill statesmen and kidnap their wives•and.families. Many rumors are afloat and•many arrests have heen'