HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1933-02-16, Page 8PAGE 8 aminandidamiadeaseadamosimencemanalememeci THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Febrary Stock Taking Sale CLEAN-UP OF THE BALANCE OF WINTER MERCHANDISE AT ACTUAL COST PRICE Every Overcoat on our racks is included in this sacrifice sale. -- New Goods, Latest Styles, to Clear at Cost Price, 3 only jumbo Knit Work Sweaters, a good heavy Work Garment toclear at $1,10 Fancy PIaid Wbol Sweaters.. . , . , , . :.. $1.89, is1.55, $2.69 All -Wool Jumbo Knit Sweaters, plain or fancy, trimmed $2.19 ta,33.49 Men's All -Wool Work Sox to clear 15e to 49c Special Values in Work Sax or' Fine Sox at ' 25e Silk Scarves atCost Prices ' 29e up Winter Underwear, fleece -lined or ribbed wool (including Stan - field's) all at cost price. Lined Kid Gloves to Clear at 98c up Wool Gloves to Clear at 35c and 45e Wool lined leather Work Mitts 290 Bargain Prices on all lines of Footwear, Galoshes, Heavy Rubbers, Work Boots and Pine Shoes of all kinds. • BARGAIN PRICES.STRICTLY CASH Plaits eel Biq.o& lity A�,¢,.',�,� /VCY SAUER KRAUT, per lb. 50 FRESH HORSE RADISH, per bottle 15c SMOKED COTTAGE ROLLS, per lb. 12c DRESSED HOG, by half, per lb. 6*.c FRESH PICNIC HAMS, per lb. 7e HEAD CHEESE, 3 lbs. for 25c FRESH 'SAUSAGE, 3 lbs. for 10e PIGS HEADS, per lb. 4c CHOICE BABY BEEF, BEEF AND LAMB C NNELL & TY DALLI " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 Albert Street 0 p O n HOCKEY AND PLEASURE SKATES AT 1-2 PRICE While They Last—A Limited Number Only—Be sure and take advantage of this—$$1.00 uP. HOCKEY PUCKS AND STICKS AT REDUCED RATES 1 -ONLY SECOND HAND WASHING MACHINE in A-1 Condition to clear at $8.50 TWO SECOND-HAND HEATERS TO BE CLEARED OUT AT VERY LOW PRICES TAKE ADVANTAGE 01' THESE BARGAINS AND SAVE MONEY o SUTTER, PERCUE & VVALKER 11 "'0=CO 0 S08 ." """" 0 OPX10T. e��® Hardware Furniture Funeral D-reetors Plumbing Phone 147w Electric Wiring O p D 11 I O 0 GRANULATED SUGAR, 100 lbs. for $4.69 GRANULATED SUGAR, 10 lbs. for 470 GRANULATED SUGAR, 5 lbs. for 25e CORN SYRUP, 10 lbs. for 55e CORN SYRUP, 5 lbs. for 290 SEEDLESS RAISINS, 2 lbs. for 21e PRUNES, 2 lbs. for 19c COD FISH, per pkg. 10c CREAMERY BUTTER, 2 lbs. for 45e ,BREAD, per loaf de iOUPS, Heavy White, Each 5e JIG SAW PUZZLES, each 10e LOSS'S GENE AL STORE BE CAREFUL TO KEEP IN MIND he. Mare Icdfit. Co ' cell TOWN HALL, CLINTON, Tuesday, February 21st Also, Look Up Something Which Will be Acceptable as an Entrance Fee. Such as: Groceries, Canned Fruit or Vegetables, Produce, New or Used but Wearable, Hoots and Shoes, Clothing for men, women or children. , But if You Have Nothing of the Sart Mentioned Above the Com- mittee WILL NOT REFUSE MONEY. All will be used for the benefit of those in need of a bit of assistance this winter weather. The Home and School Club will distribute above. A. good program is being prepared and a 'pleasant evening is assured all who attend. We doubt that Nero would have fiddled while Rome burned had Jig Saw Puzzles existed in his day and procurable at 15c, 20c and 25e each. Birthdays aro `being celebrated by someone every day' in the year, Showers are frequently being given for the Bride-to-be. Folks go on ;i voyage, there may be a birth 'to an- nounce, sympathy to express or, con- gratulations to send or acknowledge- ment to make. We have suitable cards for occasions, In these days cit predicament it is just as unwise to discard real neces- sities as it is to indulge crazy ex- travagances. Ann Vickers by Sinclair Lewis the author of "Main Street" and "Ar- rowsmith." Prime $2.50, portrays the modern woman, the ;business woman! the social worker, the successful feminist, who achieved success and frustration. Its the first book that Sinclair Lewis has written since he received the Nobel Prize. 33 Dance Hits for 1983 in the New Feist Folio. It contains such out- standing hits as All' American Girl Masquerade, Paradise, Goofus, Mc - Minus You, The Wooden Soldier, Snuggled on your Shoulder. Price 50e We never know. The turning of the tide in trade may be started by the prosperity now enjoyed by the manufactuoers of picture puzzles. We place in stock a new picture every week, sell it at 25c, it Is much admir- ed and in greater demand than we have been able to supply. T1ie W. D. Fair Co a Often the Cheapest—Always the Best RED 'AN la WHITE THUR;S., F01,16'4933" " g orna Handy Ammonia, 2 for runswick Sadines,2 for xydol, small Many Flower Soap, Cori and Peas, each Comfort Soap, 2 bars Another Ten Cent S floc 110c 10c 10c 110c 110c le London Soap, 2 bars. Macaroni, 2 lbs. Peanut Butter, Cream of Honey, 10c 1Oc 10c 1Oc Roan Meal Coolies, floc Frigidaire Fruit ani. Fish Fresh Herring, per lb. 7c Srl,ohed Hams, 12c Breakfast Bacon, 2 lbs. 25c Cottage Rolls, lb. floc Picnic Has, lb. Sal;:1on Snack, lb. Lemons, 6 for Large Oranges, per doz. � Friday Morning, Special 9.30 to 10.30..-- Campbells Tomato Soup, 3 for 25c FREE ---A Crystal Glass Bread and Butter Plate with 1 lb. Coffee Red and White and Red and White Tea 49c - - - Bushel Spy Apples, 75c Saturday Evening Special 8.30 to 9.30 ---Back Bacon, piece lb. 15c Creamery Butter, 2 lbs. for 45c Bread, per loaf Ge and 7c 8c 28c 10c 29c Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 OIN INWI��INIIIIIiLmd Won V f MI ci c? k?1hn Jr , ri,. Mr. James Lobb has been visiting in Galt this week. Mr, Edgar Maguire returned Monday after a visit in Toronto. Mrs. C. A. McDonall of Hensell has been visiting her niece, Miss Zetta Bawden, Mrs. Green of Teeswater has been visiting her parents, Mr. and 14Irs, James Livermore. Miss Jean PIumstecl of the teaching staff of Elora High school was a week -end visitor at her home in town. Miss M. J. Reid, who has been vis- iting Mrs. Ford and Miss Foster, has returned to her home in Bay- field. Mr. Benson Corless of the Bank of Montreal Staff, Hamilton, spent the week -end at the home of his parents in town. Mr. H. Alexander of London was ire town on Monday, coming up to at- tend the funeral of his aunt, Hy Iate Mrs. J. Graham. Rev. C. J. Moorhouse of Brussels, who came down to attend the Pres- bytery on Tuesday, remained over night as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Plumsteel. Miss Lillian Johnston, representing the Upper Canada Tract Society was in town over the week -end and called on business people and other citizens for donations. BRUCEFIELD The Young People's Society met as usual on Monday evening. The meet- ing was under the leadership of the Social Convener, Gordon Elliott. Following the usual devotional per- iod a splendid topic on, 'Is the profit motive in business unchristian?" was given by the leader. After the busi- ness period a Valentine contest war enjoyed by all present. The annual congregational meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 22nd, at 8 o'clock. For some time Mr. Gordon Hower of Clinton has been working early slid late installing a lovely lighting system in the church and basement which is now almost completed. Ev en with those which have been in use for the past two weeks a marked change and improvementhas been etieed. To fittingly dedicate the installing of these electric lights, arrangements have been made to hold a dedication service on Sunday evening, February 19th, at 7 o'clock. Rev. A. Sinclair Of Hensel! will be the special speak- er, and special music will be provided by the choir. Then ion the following Monday evening at 8 o'clock another program of special interest will bd held, this will consist of local and 'outside talent, and all are urged td be present at both these meetings. No admission fee charged. Silver collection. The Education Program which is being broadcast over •C.K.GL. and C,F.C.A. and the Central Canada network each Wednesday afternoon FAMOUS COMEDY PLAY THREE ACTS "Jimmy Be Careful" presented by Young People of On- tario Street Church in the TOWN BALL, CLINTON' Friday, February 24th At 8.15 pan. PLAY CASTE Tillie, the Blake maid, Virginia Rozell Pietro, her admirer ...Hugh Culver Emilie, younger daughter, Myrtle Armstrong Jim Fisher, Verna's Fiance Les. Pearson Ma Blake, Emilie's mother, Mrs. H. C. Lawson Aunt Ellen Means, Ma Blake's sister, Marion Thompson Verna Blake, Ma Blake's spoiled eider daughter,, , Isobel Holmes Willie Blake, Ma's only son, J. Douglas Chris. Means, Aunt Ellen's better half Arthur Groves Herb. Clark, dangline 'on Verna's string, Percy Livermore MUSICAL PROGRAM BEFORE PLAY AND BETWEEN ACTS Tickets, Adults, 25c, Children under 14c years, 15e. All Adult Seats Reserved Plan open at Fair's Store February 17 from 4 to 4.30 under the leadership of the Junior Vocational School, To - smite, is of interest to the people of this locality as one of the Brumfield boys, Mr. Jno. McIntosh is one of the teachers in this institution. GODERICH TOWNSHIP Miss Harriet Taylor of Guelph spent the week -end with her brother, Mr. K. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. James MacFarlane spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Brown Stewart. The Young People of the A.Y.P.A. are busily engaged in working on three plays, which they intend to give in the near future. Mrs. Arthur Welsh is staying in; Clinton with Mr. Alex. Welsh, who ' is conveleseing after a recent illness. Miss 'Betty Cluff is improving af- ter an attack of measles. CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Riley spent Sun- day at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Hoggarth. Mrs. Win. Britton returned 'home on Thursday after a few days spent in Warwick, where she had been cal- led owing to the death of her brother- in-law, Mr. Robert Leach. Word was received by relatives on Sunday, of the death of Mrs. John MilIson of Seaforth. Mrs. MilIson had been ailing for some months, having undergone a serious ope"ation for cancer in Western Hospital, To., tenth. She is survived by her hus- band and several sisters and broth ere. They have many friends here and sincere sympathy is extended to those who are bereaved. Mrs. Robert Grimnidby has been confined to the house with a severe cold for`the past few days. We wish her a speedy recovery. Grand Band Concert BY CLINTON JUNIOR BAND IN TOWN HALL Wednesday, March 1st at 8 p.m. Admission 25c, Children, 15e 10-2. LED DO YOU WANT TOC EER YOUR SICK AND SHUT-IN FRIENDS. a �a from h foe c-- g- st I,rGREENHOUSE PHONE176 ^ee FLOWER 5110P PHONE 31 Prepare for Spring BUY YOUR Sap Pans and Supplies NOW LEAVE YOUR ORDER AND HAVE THEM READY WHEN YOU WANT THEM. I Have ONE 1900 ELECTRIC WASHER ONE IMPERIAL OXFORD RANGE (Beth Second -Hand, but in First Class Shape, for sale cheap,) -- f *�' UN KIRIN HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 SUPE 10'. CHAIN STORES REDUCE YOUR FOOD BUDGET WITH THESE GROCERY SPECIALS THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY EXTRA SPECIAL, MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE, per lb. 38c PORK & BEANS, 16 oz, tin 2 for 9e FRESH READY CUT MACARONI, per lb. 5e PURE LARD, per lb. 9e P. & G. SOAP, 5 bars for 190 ROBINIIOOD RAPID OATS, large 19c CHIPSO, large pkg. for ..... s SNOWFLAKE AMMONIA,4 pkgs. 25c BREAKFAST BACON, pelb. 17e; with rind off, 1.2 lb., 13c FISH SPECIALS FILLETTS OF HADDIE per lb., 15e SALMON TROUT, per lb. 18e CISCOES, per lb. 20e 25c FRESH HERRING, 4 lbs. for 25c SEE OUR HAND BILLS FOR RECIPES AND THE OLD GUIDE COLUMN FOR THE BOYS AND GIRLS SALT HERRING, 3 lbs. for oannialltearn �. McKINIG T & S You can be sure of getting everything fresh here. PHONE 111. N hd BUTTERSCOTCH KISSES, Boomer's Special, per lb. . 20e SEA10A111 KISSES, Homemade, per lb. 29c REANUT KRIS?, Repeat Special, per lb. 19e OUR DELICIOU'S PASTRY SPECIAL-S.-WILL—INCLUDE BUTTER TARTS, CREAM DROPS AND CREAM ROLLS Ask for Wendorf's Wholewheat Bread—There's a difference. "OYSTERS" Northern Selects W e do d's Ba'. kerili and GOHfectionera� Makers of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" Bread 0.0.,e0.A., i. evil. ).Y ,N5 kAV 0.0.4htiati3O.1 a. cr. ii How About That New Suit You Were Thinking About Ordering? FINE CUSTOM TAILORING' $25.00 and up• MADE -TO -MEASURE $22.50 to $45.00 DAVIS ilk HERMAN CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING AGENTS FOR GILLF.SPIES CLEANERS & DYERS, SEAFORTl9 GODERICH: K. B. Hubbard, safes- small and two large bones in his man for the Dominion Road Machin- right wrist, Mi: Hubbard was taken cry, 'was cranking his car on Satur= to. Alexandra Hospital where he was day, when it back fired breaking two 'attended. to. ryl ;V'1, iA;:iP:xryp